HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-10-22, Page 6[ raduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music ad Authorized Teacher of the Fletcher i 'ieiiio Method, Symplex and Hinder• ..°>xeten (having etmlied this method with the orileenator, at the Synthetio School, Ne'ty York), Pupila prepared for Conservatory ex. Rlrialtioos, both in Theory and Piano, CLASSES OPEN 401 SEPT. For information regartiii.g tuition, rte., apply at her home, Minnie street. MINOR LOCALS. VICTORY IN RICHT. It is generally onceded that than Laurier Government will be sustained. Conservatives now are producing figures to show that the majority of Sir Wil- frid Laurier will be reduced, and the y take some comfort in this, but the most enthusiastic supporter of the Cry" serve- tive party no longer entetteiaaI he idea that Sir Wilfrid will be defy ,ed. To change the control of affairs at this time, and hand these, over to Foster, Fet7ler, Lefurgey, Il, Inlets, and po8Eibly Roblin wad Bowser, dors not Appeal to the Doe pie. There is no doubt that the pee19.e of Ontario are opposed to any suerchange, and from the ac- counts received from all over the Do- minion, this seems to be the view gen- er&'iy entertained, Sir Wilfrid Laurier has given to the people many reasons why he is entitled to further oenfideuce, and Mr. Bordon has failed to put before the people any sufficient reasons to induce them to act differently. Stateemeuship upon ono side and boendal mongering on the other does not make the ohoice a very difficult one. Canada will prooeed on her pros- perous way assisted by a progressive, u0o-date administration in the inter- ests of all the people, and the verdict on October 26, will be very prtinonnoed upon this point. --Thursday, Ootober 22. --Surelay was the warm at day of the Inc ath. Repeat it:-"Shilch's Cure will e1. - way's cure my coughs and colds. -The Trues gives the news. Ask 7:41t. neighbor to subscribe, --Messrs. Currie and Rtntonl 'shipped ta oar load of horses to Winnipeg on Tuesday. Releat it:-„Shilch's Onri will al- ways cure my coughs and colds " -Entertainment in the opera horse this (Thursday) evening, under auspices 43)2 Citizens' Band. -D E McDonald, of town shipped a CZ. load of cattle from.Teeswater to EVERYTHING GROWS BUT THE DEBT. 'Toronto on Saturday, -Mr. Jas. II. McGco, of the let line (Toronto Star.) of Morris is improving after a Bevel illness with typhoid fever, -Teas may come, and teas may go, lint "SaIeda" goes on -slowly, but surely winning its way into the homes of millions of satisfied users. -Mr. Robt. A Currie has moved into ne.w blacksmith shop on Diagonal street. Mr. Currie now has one of the bet shops in the district and bis num- crone friends will wish him many yeera of prosperity. Ci ESOI.E E ANTISEPTIC TABLETS Asimple and effective remedy for SORE • THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene Reith the soothing properties of slippery elm and fico- oioc. Your druggist or from us, 100 in stamps. 1,eaumo, limas Co,, Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4or The one thing that has remained al- most stationary in Canada during the last twelve years is the public debt. In eighteen years of Conservative ad- ministration the debt rose from $140,- 3132 000 to $258,497 000, en increase of $118,000,000, or six and a half millions a year. In eighteen years of Liberal ad- minietration the debt rose from $258,- 497.000 to $277,961,000, an inorease of $19,463,000, or $1,622 000 a year. More• over, the population has increased muck more rapidly in the feet eleven years, so that the debt is now only forty dollars a head of the population, while in 1890 it was fifty dollars. In 1896 it would have taken the to- tal trade of Canada, and nineteen mil- lions more, to pay off the national debt. In 1908 the trade of Canada would pay the national debt of Canada twice over, and leave nearly ninety-five millions to the good. The idorease in the trade of Canada in the last twelve years has been more than twenty times as great as the increase in the debt of Canada. In the five years between 1900 and 1905 the value of the output of Cana- dian factories was increased by $225,- 000,000, that is to say, the increase in the output of factories in five years was eleven times as great as the in- crease in the national debt in twelve TUE IVil (fl1AM TTh1E$ OO' 6BItt g2, 1908 aurssocuesomiseamosonsatonamossommossammallso R.AIG'S FOR i OUR TRADE Y.AR! rIISS SPARL1NQlWE ANT -D. McGillicuddy, formerly of the Godertch Signal, and now of the Cu1- gary News was on Friday last commit - led fc.. trial Gu a charge of libel ing B. 0. Edward, of the Calgary Eye Opener, but was released on $5,000 -ase. Gen Pnippen, Game Warden, has sold a large number of doer hunters licenses and his supply is about exhaust- ed. Parties who wish licenses will do :,ell to Bee Mr. Phippon early so that °io will know how many `more licenses to procure from Toronto. Repeat it:-"Shiloh's Coro will al- waye cure my oonghe and colds." -Mr. W. J, Sharpin severed his con- nection with the Gorrie Vidette last week and Mr. J. Stanley Lyons, of Montreal, has taken charge.. Friend Sharpin has our best wishes for his fut- ure canoes and we are pleased to wel- come Mr. Lyons to Huron County and 71.7111Bien sTioGoxe en. the Vidette. PERSONAL. Prepare for Cold Weather. Our stock in the many different lines is full to overflowing, and the time is approaching when customers will want their Fall and ,Winter supplies, Read carefully the lines mentioned below: DRESS GOODS.: We show the, largest stook of the beet goods to black and colors, in the most up-to-date weaves, and at popular prices. UNDERWEAR. -MEN -See our extra special line of Fleece at 50o -tbe best on earth. LADIES' - A choice selection, from 25o to $1 25. CHILDREN'S- The beet lines in All -Wool and Union. F1t,J Rs A large selection of the best goods from the most reliable ,_ ____ - manufacturers. Our $10.00 Special Saari is a dandy- --you can't beat it. COON COATS. -The best $50.00 Coon Coat in the trade. Ladies' Fur and Fur -lined Jackets in the beet makes at close prices. STAPLES. --That 25o Wrapperette for 10o is the talk of the omitraoonntry. WAFTED -Ali kindstrade trade Butterr..nEgr 22o. Eggs o gs, Beans, Poultry, Dried Apples, Feathers GOOD GOODS e EKING. CHEAP PRICES vavvvavvavvavvvvvvvvvavvvv **fros••••••••••••••••••••4; vvvvvvvvvvvvavavvvavvvvvvY 1 1 • P ► ► C110. 110 P •► ••C 0.••► + + + + + + + + 4 4 4 + + 4 t 4 + Appointment of Financial Agent. I hereby appoint Dadley Holmes, of the Town of Wingbfeee in the County of Her on, Solicitor, „My Official Agent for me during th : ndieg election for the electoral district of Beat Huron for the House of Commons. Dated this 19th day of October, A. D. 1908. ',+o tvole °-o glad tc have contributions to this column from any of our renders. If yon Lave .-!-iitora or purpose going away yourself, drnp in and tell us, or fiend ns a note to that et ect. T. CHISHOLM. Appointment of Financ aI Agent, I, Archibald Hislop, of the Township of Grey, in the Oe my f Huron, farm- er, in pursuance a etion 237 of the Dominion Eleotio Act, do hereby declare that I have appointed John Leckie, of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Enron. a ratepayer and voter for the electoral district of East Huron, as my Financial Assent. Dated et Brussels this 19th Ootober, A. D. 1908. eARCH. EISLOP, Candidate. years, In the twelve years between 1896 and 1908 the deposits in the chartered and savings banks of Canada rose from $215,529,331 to $650,126,232, an in- crease of $405 000,000, or a little lose than the increase in trade. In 1896 the national debt was thirteen millions more than the deposits. In 1908 the deposits were twice as much as the debt, and ninetyfive millions to spare. In 1896 the bank discounts were $224,507,000, or thirty-six millions less than the national debt In 1908 the bank discounts were $584,732,914, or twice as much as the national debt, and twentyaine millions to spare. Between 1896 and 1907 the net life insurance in force increased from 2327,800,499, to $689,324,506. The in- crease of life insurance in force was eighteen times as great as the increase in the public debt. Generally speaking, the figures show that the debt of the country has re• mained almost, stationary, while the population has largely increased, and its business and earning power have 'been doubled. ale. Eci. Nash has returned home itt woathampton. Mico Ando Elliott, of Mildmay, was -:,ieitiag at h A home in town, for over It'ir. 7. H. Elliott has returned home after spending the peat few months in the West. Dlr. B. A. Cruickshank, returned last teed: from the West, where be spent ,nuntbf. "Sr,). Geo. McTavish, of La Vallee, '.'tie; Oeteele, is visiting with her eetitet:, Mr. W. If. Green. tt 7 . Ales 'P Pees, et iPV.I'n' wren Crp.g Called to Nova Scotia this week to dtteud the funeral Of laic brother, who .'.uena c,,ieidai.. at the old home. is s 0ur .i' SicA? !y rs•-' [xa:',,`.^'..71110.". ' .-„ ""'^Rs'r.'.._- ._. h.laat's too bad I We had no- t. a ''" i vas looking pretty thin aced Nl tp y nnci roucli of late, but naturally eliC1 1102 lief:(; to speak of it. Ey },..r sty, A ,..,- _s . T k,. + r eatt i'r'uy, fiy t.► S lY iii xviit is a regular hair grower, u per - flat hair tones. The; hair stops coming out, grows faster, it eps soft our 1 srLooth.Ayer's Hair Vigor cures sick hair, makes it strong and healthy. The belt kind of a toatimoria1- "nolcl for over sixty M1.1".b73." Jl I'e roarer1,Itoo& ,Aaeo?itlnn. exertAL' SAGSAPAk1 LA. MEM IttC'l'olti.t+ TEACHER WANTED. For Union S. S. No, 7 Wawanosh. Applicati tions and salary exoec to Satre -day, October mance with January, 1 "The 01d Southland Sextette" which appeared in the Presbyterian church, Smithville, recently, gave genuine eatis- faetion to the large audience assembled. The typical Southland melodies were do- lightfully rendered, the humorous side of the program was well received and the soloists gavo evidence of rare in- dividual talent. Particularly in the flub• dued effects, the audience were held spell bound. This cultured company is a credit to the colored race. Rev. F. D. Roxborugh,-In Baptist Church, Wing - ham, on Tuesday evening, October 27th. Turnborry and Bast xis, stating gnalifxca- 0, will be received up 24th. Duties to nom - 09. Anply to JA WinS g stn, P. 0 TEACHER WANTED. Male teacher, second-class professtonal. pre- ferred, for Lower Wingham school. Apnlica- tions, with testimonials, and stating qualifica- tions and Palary expected,, will be received by the undersigned up to Satnrday. Oct. Best. W . S. LINKT,ATER, Secretarc-Treasurer. Wingham P. O. TOWN OF INGHAM Notice is hereby give that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Ontario Voters' List Act, by his Honour th Judge of the County Court of the County o. Huron, at the Town Hall at the Town of • Ingham, ou Tuesday, 27th 1008, at 10 o'clock a. x complaints of erro Voters' List of the for the year 1008. Dated at Wingham 1508. Clerk of day of October CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets First Thursday in each month, at 8 p. in. in hall in Chisholm Block. Candidates for cheap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to see our rates of any member or officers. Ladies accepted at same rate as men. R. Awv1:, T. E. ROBINSON, Leader. Recording Secretary W. J. WYLis, Financial becretary. ., to hear and determine and omissions in the xnicipality of Wingham his 13th day of October The Great Schoo1 CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Our past record and our present grade of work stamps ns as the great praotical training school of Western Ontario. We have three departmenta:- COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHIC. Our graduates are is demand as Business College teaohers as well as office assistants. Individual instruc- tion. Enter now. Large catalogue free. Write for it. ELLIOTT & thiACHLAN PRINCIPALS. + + + + + + 4 4 + .+ + HANNA BROS. Friday Bargain Day "R + 4. + •+ + • H+4. + ' + + +.1+ 4. • ria1.coirp s-* This is our growing time. Thus you find our ever forwardpolicy , still further exemplified this inauguration in the of a weekly festival of bargains. Read our weekly announcement, study it, profit by it, for every department contributes its quota of GREAT BIG BARGAINS for Friday shop- pers. Come early ---others will. 4. 4+ +1+ +1. 4+ 4+ 1- 4+ g. J. B. FERGUSON, +1. unicipality of Wingham. i 4 MARRIED STrAnT-GinhON.-At Bar•niken, Duns, Berwickshire. Scotland, on October 9th, 1008, by the Rev. Peter ',Nilson, M. A., Oreenlaw, James Stuart, C. B., Glasgow, to Tema Agues, daughter of the late Alexander L. Gibson, Goderic'.x, and formerly of tie roxetor. DIETS Br,Acu.--In Windham, on October 16th, John Black, aged 73 years. MITCHELL -IR Turnberrv. on October 18th, Hazel 'ileldred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wnx. Mitchell, aged 10 years, 3 months and 3 days, BAnnot°R,-In West Wnwanoah, on October 17th Catharine Martin, wife of Mr. John Bar- bour 0811070 years, 1 month and 15 days Ktt U IIIKiuhr.5.on October 8th, Catha- rine relict of the late Norman Kerr, aged 78 years. rllath. cDo*-In -Iu Cniro.. , on the th iust , Janet McDonald, aged 0' years and? months. TAvI,cT.--In Culross on Octoner 13th, Ellen Campbell, wife of ear. Arehibald Taylor, aged. ;.8 years, 8 months and 20 days, CAnxl;n0N•-In Cranhrooi:, on October 11th, John Cameron, aged. 03 pears, 1 month and 0 days. FIAiLIDAY--In De`rcit, Mich., on October 15 tlx Arta 7... belove 1 daughter of P,Irs. J. H. Ilal dn,.46 Iiecla avenue, and formerly of Winghaul. TAKE NOTICE. VOLUNTEERS BOUNTY ACT, 1908. WARNING TO P CHASERS. Every assignment of the right of a South African Volunteer e titled to a land grant must be by way of appointment of a substi- tute and must bo in the form provided by the Act. Special attention is called to Sub -section 3 of Section 5 oLthe Volunteer Bounty Act, 1803, which provides that no assignment of the right of a volunteer by the appointment of a sub- stitute ::hall be accepted or recognized by the Department of the Interior which is NOT L•`_XECL'TEd AND DATED AFTER THE DATE OF` THE WARRANT FOR THE LAND GRANT issued by the Minister of Militia and Defence in favor of the 'Volunteer. J W. GBEENWAY, Commissioner 05 Duda, Lands, nOtwa, 28th September. 1008. That J. S, Jerome, Dentist is making beantifnl mete of 1l$tla teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airehainber, All work gouranteed. Office in Chitholtn Block, Wingham. raa.1\13 MueOltalELI. Incensed Aectloneer for the County of Huron It prep Tc_d to comluot li.etflon e lCs of all des eriptiunt, c.peetally farm stock and imple- ments, in any part of the country, on rea+on- i11 be promptly and ciiteifiilly attended to, BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep_ for service on his premises, Lot 18, Con. I, Morris, (Bluevele Road) a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar. Terms -$1, to bo paid at time of service. T. M. iniham, P U. 44++A3++I+3+d+3+4+4.4-+1.4.+f+4+3++Ad++i'++1:+3.4•+A3+ +1+ 4- , $ 1 0 1+ +i• Is a tory good salary for young .1. Berson under 20 to receive, Sov- +1+ eral of our shorthand graduates of last year are now enoying this salary. Pcrhans we can help you to receive this amount. Our now Catalogue explains. Cut Out this card, sign it and send to W. II. Shaw, Central Business College, 'Toronto. Naino Address s FOR ea .. AND .. Coffey They are ware to please. 444+444 ++++ +1+ New Raisins and Currants now in. +>', Fresh Groceries and Veg- etables always on 4 hand, at' ♦ d• PRODUCE WANTED. • Griffin's Old Stand. PHONE 54 + +1+ +++++++++.1.4 444.44-4.4.444.144.4.41 MM 6OLM'8 CSNT_I$YSEM SINGLE FARE FOR HUNTERS. Now in effect to all points in Temagami, points Mattawa to Port Arthur, to Geor- gian Bay and Mackinaw Division; Port Arthur via N. N. Co., and to certain points in Quebec, New Brxmswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, OCT. 22nd TO NOV. 3rd. i Muskoka Lakes, Peuetang, M Lake d land of Bays, Maganetawan River, Lakefield; Madawaska to Depot Harbor, Argyle to r n Coboconk, Lindsay to Halibu to , Sharbot Lake via K. & P. Ry., and points from Severn to North Bay inclusive. Return limit on all tickets Dec. 5th 1008, or until the close of Navigation, if earlier, to points reached by steamers, HUNTERS' SPECIAL. Leaving Toronto 9.00 p.rnOct 29,130, 31 to North Bay, stopping at all., stations. Re- p nt , lor.12,;13 14, anddspNorth cial will leave Callender 0.00 p. m. Nov, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Pullman, baggage and coach accomodation. ommusetwormwomorssansei Single Fare for Dominion EI 'tions. Between all station in Canada. teeing riot. 23 urnirn Oc tober 27th 28. 'H 'or tic24, 25, ROt g kets and further information rail on W. Henry, Depot Agent, or J. D. Xenon - old, D. P. A.. Toronto, Ont. + + 4 • • • • + + 4 + • 4 4 a 4, 1 t 4 f Ladies' Ready -to -Wear. 1 ♦ + 4 + 4 4 • 4 z Ladies' $8 and $10 Coats $4.99 This range consists of 36 light and medium dark colored Mantles in fine tweeds, well trimmed, loose or semi -fitted backs, sell, ing regularly at $8 and $10. Friday. $4.99 Ladies' $10 and $12 Raincoats $6.39 These coats are tailored garments of fine English Cravenette, in light grey, dark grey and fawn, plain and fanny clothe, from 60 to 56•in. long, $10 and $12. Friday 80.39 MILLINERY. Quality, style, exclusiveness are the distinguishing features that make our Millinery Depart- ment such a pronounced success. We solicit your inspection and promise you a pleasant surprise in our moderate prices. UMW Gents' Furnishings. iMen's 20c Black Cashmere Hose 12 The greatest drive ever in Men's fine blaok Cashmere Hose, imported English goods, generous in size, weight and quality. - - Friday 1 1 f Men's $1.00 Fancy Shirts 69c Men's fine soft bosom Shirts, all new sea- son's styles and patterns, Crescent brand that will bold their color, sizes 14X to 18, reg. $1.00. Friday 69c CLOTHING. Men's $8 to $10 Suits $5.49 Men's medium and heavy weight Tweed Snits in splendid variety of cloths and styles, single and double-breasted. This seasone latest and best productions, sizes 35 to 44, reg. $8 to $10. Friday-. ... $5.49 1 1 1 Boys' $5.50 Suits $3.29 25 only boys' Suits, sizes 26 to 32, a warm winter weight, fancy tweeds. Well made garments of high quality, reg. up to $5.50. Friday • $3.29 Men's Raincoats $6.98 Men's fine Cravenette Raincoats in plain and fancy effects, heavily lined, splendid wearers, perfect fitting collar and should- - ers, reg. $10 and $12. Friday `);6.98 1 e Silks, . Dress Goods and Staples. 50c Tamaline Silk 39c 5 pieces only of heavy quality Tamaline Silk, exceptionally pretty shades in cream, mauve, sky, brown andblack,39c reg.,50o quality. Friday p yard 1 $1.00 Black and Navy Serge 69c Fine English Serge, fell 56 in wide and every thread of firm worsted wool, good weight, reg. $1.00 per yd. Friday 69c 64 -in Table Linen 39c 1 piece only fine Bleached Table Linen 64 -in wide, smart,'noat pattern and a popular O0o seller. Friday per yd 390 1212 Towelling 9c 500 yards pure linen bleached. crash Towell- ing, nice even weave, heavy weight, reg. 12%. Friday per yard, .. ..... 1 1- 1 50c to 75c Back Combs 35c A lot of 5 doz. Batik Combs, high or low banks; plain, carved or set with brilliants. reg. 50o and 75o. Friday, +. 35c $1.00 to $1.25 Kid Gloves 89c All sizes in this lot of greys, browns and champagnes, genuine French make in swede and bright kid, reg. $1,00 and $1.25. Friday -.,89e mem FUR DEPARTMENT. We are out after all the fur trade to be done this season, and have gathered together the largest assortment of furs in Huron County. Our absolute guarantee goes with every purchase. On Friday we offer you one dozen only genuine sable scarfs„ of medium size, full fur, trimmed with six tails. Regular $9.00 value for $3.99, GROCERIES. I Tomatoes 9c per can Aylmer and 5 cases only of s, Peacock Brand, Canned Tomatoes, reg. 12i2. Friday. 9e Jello Powder 7c. Jello Powder in all flavors, always sold at 10o, Friday's price per box.. 7c • 1 , i ,z + 4 + 4 Watch our Thursday window display of Friday bargains and 'remember Friday is the one and only day you can profit by these ridiculously low prices, And there will be many other bargains awaiting you Friday. Special Prices are cash only ANNA BROS.,Wii ai Produce as good as cash ; We want it.