HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-10-22, Page 4TUX WitMUM( TIMES, .00TOBER 2?, 2t All flour is made from wheat, But there are different kinds of wheat tncd several ways of milling. Royal Enseboiel Flour is made of the best hard wheat in its finest and purest form. It alw lys produces uniformly light, whc)leuome bread or pastry because its quality never varies. If your grocer does not carry Royal Household Flour, he will get it for you. 0gnlvio Hole Aliils Co., LhrgYtetl, Montreal. 11 KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL 1 Interesting Paragraphs Brom our Exchanges. Many a man's ship doesn't acme in hematite he failed to start It's flannelly the loud talker who is gutting the short end of the argument. A pairs Zreecripfion is printed upon each 25e bnx of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablet. Ask your Dootor or Druggist if the formula ie not complete. Head Patine, womanly pains, Inane anywhere get instant relief from a Piuk Pain Tablet. Walley's drug store. Every time a man gives a 50 oent present h3 expecte a dollar's worth of thanks. The Anglican Churoh in. Canada ob- servoe the 18th inst. as Sunday School Sunday. Whooping Cough Cured, Mee, Henry M Edinonds, Alien Park, Ont.. writes,: "We think a great deal of Dr. chaee's Syrup of Lineeed and Tur- pentine tie a cure for whocping onugh My ohildren were very bad with this annoying disease, Ties rnedioine re- lieved attacks of hard coughing and made a complete cure." This treatment is also of ioettimabie value in oaring croup, bronchitis and severe chest colds A man is always willing to confess faults that he thinks he hasn't. A man hag about as ranch use for his poor relative° as his rich relatives have for him. MOre Than enough is Too Bruch, To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs just enough food to repair the waste and enmity energy and body boat. The habitual consumption of more food than its neo( a my for those purposes to the prime canoe of stomach trcublee, rheumatism and disorders of tato kidnc+,M s. It troubled with iudigete Sion, revise sour diet, let reason and not appetite a cntrel and take a few doses of. Cetintlestlaiu's Stcsnnieli and Livor Tnblete and you will exon be all right Vrefiiri. Per. sale by all druggists. Tho flernitstt Empire tatzi about sour thottenitl elude n year, Frrtaoe about ono thou secd, ct.; /telly 27.0, Most of ahem are foutatt with swoxdi', :-1,itl.It:.YII"nit Yh"•••.Mra,tte C, �'_•sk-.n. fl THE GREATEST BLOOD PURIfI R IN Vera WORLD. . 1. Coed ITote J, 2. Egeees the e functions of the liver. 3, Pretence) is round and quiet sleep, 4, Dirt ,recti the mouth, 5. Neutralizes the aterplus aeids of the ttama€h, 6, Paralyzes hi lrisrrheidal disturbances, 7.Helps. � t, n c re:c } c,f the k ..treys. ra iireessentt c se ulu" G ncrctions. Ceniatee inateseien. 10. A s.te✓ews:ave eatenst diseases of • the threltr, 11. Restores all nervous energy and res vines the natural forces, THE OXYGENATOR CO, 42 Harbert Street Toronto,Ont. SOW) 131t` ALL T XtteCICIIST. South Africa imported Canadian goods worth $1,049,499 for the first eix mouths of the fiscal year, C7 A ri' Ce T E1 . Bears the Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bought Signature sof A young man might have a poor opinion of the girls be is fond of if they were his sisters. To quickly cheok a cold, druggists are diepenstng ever$,where, a clever candy Cold Cure Tablet called Prevention. Prevention are oleo fine for feverish ohildren. Take Preventios at the sneeze stage, to head off all colds. Bcx of 48- 25o, Walley's drug store. People who live in glass houses should have a Dare to keep their thoughts crystalline. If people wore all perfectly candid none of us would be on speaking terms with our next door neighbors. In the Yukon mining region electric linos for conveying power up to a dis- tanoe of 60 miles have been installed, "*nt rp,>, quoted t'P TM BLOOD MADE STROHB Wise+ Gay. Trete." astsnted the Simple Ntag. ''arid meat cf them axe also dead." R cord. Sp1otiterei kaow a Moi of things they �I' redrew ,and Weakness itnw;,tintr they would do if they sere Over. orae. wiveer bat Al a matter of fact they woslcla'I do anything of the kind. Veno 's Kidney Pf11e act en the kid nays, bladder andurinary organs only They onrer bankarthes, weak back, rheum- atisra. diabetes. oongoation, inflamation, gmval, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneysand bladder Prineipal Wyatt of St, George's School, London, discovered on Wednee day that a number of hie pupils had been`eseing oordite taken from cart ridges. One boy ate 00 much of it that be fainted. Tha culprits, *hen .gnes- tioned Mont it. said they had read about the alleged eintrtiterer, Trivet,: Moir, eat• ing the stuff, and were eatnpling it to observe its effects. Baas the / The Kind You Have Always BedgtA f'e of . "Yon cffice-holders," sneered the man who wee vainly trying to be one "don't die very often, do yon?" "No,' replied the man who was one, as he smiled benigngly; "only onoo." Larne !rade Tbie ailment is generally canoed by rheumatism of the musoles of the mat of the back, and is quiokly oured by ap- plying Chamberlain's Liniment two or three times a day and massaging the naris at eaoh application. For sale by all druggists For Chapped skin. Chapped ekin whether on the hands or lace may be cured in dne night by applying Chamberlain's Salve. It is also unequaled for sore nipples, burns and scalds. For sale by all druggists. The average married wcman is well aware of the fact that she earns all the money she gets—and then smile. At present more than 10,000 women are engaged in factories and workshops in London, 8,00 of them in the clothing and allied trades. American-made autcmobiloe are popu- lar in Norway. Thea cLe..t,ett.r of the toads, there, however, make their use eotnewhnt limited. CAST R'I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Nava Always Bought Bears the Signature o The starfish, netted, commits suicide. It dissolves into many pieces, which escape through the moeheo of the net. Then a loud of resurrection takes plane, each piece growing into a perfect star- fish. 80othing and Iloating% As a means of soothing the inflannna- tion and healing the raw sores of eczema and salt rheum it is difficult to imagine anything so wonderfully effective as Dr. Chase's Ointment, Relief from the distreesing itching comma almost immed- iately, the ulcers heal and gradually a new, velvety skin is formed. There is no treatment so effective in oaring ohilbleins, • "Do you sell postage stamps here, young man?" quired the old lady. ma'am„” answered the junior drug clerk. "We just give 'em away, at poet, "—Chicago Daily News. The discussion of observations on rain- fall made first by Sir John Murray and later by Bruckiser and Fritsch° permits an estimation to be made of the mean rainfall on continents, which is found to be about 30 inches a year. A, Joyous Letter. el admit beoause I neglected early treatment Tam entirely to blame for the condition of weaaknese that for nearly two years made my life a real misery," writes Mrs, Hazen, of Besnport. "At fleet I felt sort of flat in the morning end could do no more than pick at my breakfast. Later I remember my Sleep was disturbed, that dreamy, restless eleep, from which yon, finally Awaken• ieeling as of yea cgpld never get up Then I btoame thin, loot my color, got nervone r nd fearfnt about nothing, and kept thinking about mysdif ill the time, and wee irritable, onus and easily made cry, 1bat would have become of Inn it Y had baa taken Ferrozone I can't imagine. Ferrozone put new life into me frcm the start It strengthened my nerves and brought back my color, and in a little while, less than three months, no healthier and brighter woman could be found anywhere. I highly protea Ferrezone and advise sink people to take advantage of, its health conferring pro- perties," Ferroz•rne quickens the powers of both body and mind, simply because it forms iota of blood that's full of life and vital. Sty, Perrczone creates .appetite, gives strength, vim and endnranoe, it's good for eld people, good for everybody that needs better health, Thousands of men, women and ohildren use Ferrozone every day and all say it's the beet nourishing, strengthening tonin made; try Ferrozone yourself, 60o per box or els boxes for $2 60. Sold by all dealers. Go to the blood, if yon are to drive out rheumatism, A Wieoonain pbyeician, Dr. Shoop, does this with his Rheu- matic Remedy—and with seeming, SAO. MS. Rub on'e, says the doctor, never did cure Rheumatism. It ie more than ekin deep -f -it is oonstitnional, al- ways. Because of this principle, Dr, Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy is perhaps the most popular in existence. It goes by word of mouth from one to another, everywhere. Grateful patients gladly spread results. It is an not of humanity, to tell the sick of a way to health. Tell some sick one. Sold at Walley's drug store. Thos. Simpson, a middle aged man, who had been boarding at the Royal Hotel, Brampton, for some days, fell down stairs at an early hour Thursday morning, and broke his nook, dying a few minutes later. The wholesome, harmless green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Remedy lite curative -properties. Tickl- ing or dry bronchial conghe quiokly and safely yield to thin highly effective Cough medicine. Dr. Shoop assures mothers that they can with safety give it to even every young belles. No Opium, no chloroform—absolutely noth• ing harsh or harmful, It oalme the dis tresaing cough, and heals the sensitive membranes. Accept no other. De mend Dr. Shoop's. Sold at Walley' drug store. over $30,000,000 was given bye wo- men to philanthropy in the last year. Experiments aro being made with now machinery on the Chilean nitrate fields which are expected to decrease the cost of production 00 per cent. No matter how itaduli;ont a man may be, his wife eeeries to think it her duty to toll hint cocaeionallq that he doesn't treat her right, 4. SPICING MEDICINE,, As t spring medicine® Eurdock Blood 8ittore has no equal. It tonus up the s stilly and removes all impurities from the blood, and talon away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. J. I. Baily, of Pam Advertiser fame, is again in the toile in Toronto. The nominal charge made against him' is vagrancy, but it is supposed that he raked in considerable money by another fake scheme, and the pollee are trying to inveatigitte his methods, etta a Mrs Russell Sage gave more than any other one person with the single ex- ceetion of John D. Rockfeller. Was Troubled With -t his Back for Over Twenty_ five Years Got IXial Every Kind of iledicine, Est DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS* VINALL3'i CUR.21) fflM Joseph MoFarlane, Amherat Island, has been arrested, for cruelty to animate, he having, it is alleged, out to pieces with an axe a bull, his own ' property. A son having sold the animal, the father became incensed over the matter, aC7 WI' Co rt Z .Ek. Boars the The Kind You Have Always Bought eignataro ,ofTGtG`a(/l% Tbere were 86,912 miles of overhead and cable wires in operation in India in 1907, against 4 555 in 1857. The annual earnings of the cables between India and Europe since 1902-1903 show a surplus each year of from $1,000,000 to $1,260.000. b 1eteti toward, $i00. The readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there le at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to pure be all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's' Catarrh Cure is the only positive . Dura now known to the medical fraternity- Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con- etitntionai, treatment. Hall's Catarrh Ogre is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and muoouasurfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundations of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do- ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in .its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any naso that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: R. J. CHENEY & Co., To- ledo. O. Sold by Druggists. 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. Mrs. XI. A. Pipeer, Pesserton, Ont., writes;—I can certainly recommend ,oar Down's Kidney Pals, ldy husband 'hacl been troubled with his back for over twen- tyfivo years. I got him every kind of but did medicine could tlanlr, of,b the n sa,ino I Inns no good. A friend advised him to get some of l)oan's Kidney Pelle, so he gat two boxes and they mired him completely. He feels like a now mon, no he says, and avill never be without it box of Donnie Kidney Pills in the house. The price of Door's laidney Pills is 50 coati pee box or 3 boxes for 1...nf 5 at all 1. dealers, •ar will be mailed, direct on receipt of price by The Doan Kidney Pill Co,, Toronto, Ont. - . • Beitish India has 86,912 miles of tele- graph and cable wires in operation. Since 1902 03 the annual earnings of the cables between India and Europe show profits of from $1;000,0 to $1,200,000. Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure- will al- ways once my coughs and colds," While uncoupling a oar in the C.P.R. Yards at Hanover, Chas. P. Clarke, con- ductor of a mail train, met a terrible death. While switching the mail train off the main track td make way for the eastbound express he slipped in between the,oars to uncouple them. In some way his foot got caught and the car wheels,passed over him, mangling him in a fearful manner. He leaves a wife, but has no children. His parents live in London. Isis father and brother are also railway men. UNTO Tiig LAST. ,a Bred Austiu.l When autumn leaves Fust from the tree, Anti, of all she ohes'ee, Nobe are lef; see; When the plover haps O'er the tdie plo;w And the woodpecker taps Oo the rotting bough; When the eave•drops freeze, And the rivulets swell, And warm keep the bees In the waxen cell; When the wild geese wheel Round the water's edge, And the wet wind* steal Under seeded sedge; When the starved rook pecks At the tight stacked gram And the tattered nest Fieol.e the leafless lane; When I sit and coat Up the kindly years, And my heart for the past Overflows Kith tears; Then, then will you Iove Me, and stili no less When the grass waves above My dreamlessneea? A young man of Mt Forest was fined a dollar and costa on Tuesday for being drank, As he is under age he was questioned as to where be got the liquor with which he became intoxicated. His explanation was the very improbable one of having bought a bottle 'from a man on the train. Why Colds are Dangerous. Booauee you have contracted ordinary colds and reo•svered from them without treatment of any kind, dd .not for a moment imagine that colds are not dan- gerous. Everyone knows that pneu- monia and chronic catarrh have their origin in a common cold. consumption ie not caused by a cold but the oold pre- pares the system for the reoeption and development of :the germs that would not otherwise have found lodgement, It is the same with all ihfeotions diseas- es. Diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles and whooping cough are much more likely to be contracted when the child has a cold. You will see from this that more real danger lurks in a oold than in any other of the oommon ailments. The easiest and quickest way to pure a cold is to taka Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The many remarkable euros affected by this preparation have made it a staple article of trade over a large -part of the world, For sale by all druggists. James Shambruok, a Stamford town- ship farmhand, who has been missing for some time, was found dead in a field, with a bottle oontaining carbolic acid by hie side. In eleven years 6,000 miles have been dded to the length of Railways in (u - >i,uti3.X ilirtal"y pt tyle da,r1Y spa. TWENTY YEARS AGO. Moults 1Yk'fltltl x�lb "aI"1171Q1" isle:• (From the Ti of Uct, 111,1888 ) Weal, BOWS. Rev, J. Scott, M A., conducted aunt. 'emery services in the Methodist aural). at Ripley lent Sunday, The Wingbataa cl#nroh was filled by Rev, T. J. Snow don, of Ripley. Mr. Wm, Little, of the planing trill, had the point cut off the thumb of his left hand a few days ago. a n- ada and $396,000.00 to the capital' in- vested in same. Tu, five years the num- ber of forme in the three prairie, Prove Woes has been inoreaoed,from 54,625 to 120,439. In five years nearly 130,000 immigrants have been settled on farm's in the West. Skilled farmers brought into the Canadian West from the United States are engaged in the work of mak- ing 5,000,000 acres, formerly fallow, add to the wealth of the Dominion. Stomach troubles would more quiokly disappear if the idea of treating the cause, rather than the effeot, would come into praotice. A tiny, inside, hid- den nerve, says Dr. Shoop, governs and givee strength to the stomach. A branch also goes to the heart, and one to the kidneys. When these "inside nerves" fail, then the organs must fulter. Dr. Shoop's Restorative ill directed speci- fically to these failing nerves, Within 48 hours after starting the Restorative treatment patients say they realize a gain. Sold at Walley's drug store. Mr. M. 3. O'Brien, Transcontinental Railway contractor, has issued a strong denial of Mr. MoGarry's charges of as- sessment for the Liberal campaign funds so far as he is concerned.; Repeat it:—"Shiloh'e Cure will al- ways curepmy coughs and' colds." W. B. Graham, Goderioh, pulled from a Cayuga rod streek apple tree -on hie Colborne farm au apple which weighs 19 ounces and measures 14% inches each way. The entire crop of the tree was of large size, and he would like tolhear of a sample which would beat this. A very pretty, but quiet wedding took place Wedneoday, of last week, at the residence of Mrs. Johnson, Clinton, at 12 o'clock noon, when her neioe, Emma E. 'Rathweil, became the bride of Leonard E. Weir, of }toilet Tp., The ceremony was performed by Rev, 0, N. Hazen, uncle of the groom. Repeat It:—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways care my coughs and colds," Demes Nekton, a young married man living at Proton, Was terribly injured on Wedixeedar. Being in Dundalk, and desirous reaching home,he boarded a O,P,It, freight train coming up the line. This was ;a through freight, however, and passed Proton at the rate of twenty - 'five miles pelt Witt. Neilson, falling to properly estimate the speed, jumped off, falling upon his head, terribly crashing Dr. MoWilliam removed a stone as large at an egg fronnt his skull. itis condition is hopeless. SUFFERED FROM HEART c ls1 ERIE TROUBLES FDR Ea LAST TEN YEARS. • , Mr. Jas, A. Cline has received a fine photograph with the oomglimonts of the Star Hose Reel Co., of Seafortb, of which be was for many. year's chief. Mr, Wm, Bradley has erected a new bakery in reit?: of his premises, Mr. D. Welsh bas pnrcbaeed a lot across the rivet Peva Mr, II, Clarke and la erecting a reeklenea thereon, A 5ucfiower in,Mr, P. Deans' window has a cironmferenoe of 44 tootles, just 14 Undies in diameter, It was raised by Mr. H. Deacon, of con, 10, Eapt Wawa - nosh, If there be nerve derangement of any kind, it is bound to produce all the various phenomena of .heart derange - meat. In • feal1.BUFt;11'3 Mr. Fred; Wright' is completing a neat new resldenoe and workshop on Victoria street, and has almost com- pleted negotiations for two more reeid- enoes on a lot he is about purchasing. Mr. R, MacKenzie is busy in the country with hie hay packer. Some she weeks 'aga'Mr. Thoe. Tiplong left for the old country in ,search of additional horse flesh. On Saturday last. he arrived at ..Wingham having brought with him what are admitted to be two°of the meet promising young animals ever fetobed'into thio looulity. (ill the eve of his dr,parture for To- nal) Or, W. Jr Yining ' wae''tendered a• farewell supper by Maitland Lodge, I 0, 0. 2', oa Monday evening at Mr. 3. blow lfetvte's restaurant rooms. About 85• members were present on the occasion. Mr. Wm, Ilobertson was called to the chair and the uFnai patriotic toasts were proposed. ' Ztt response neat and well timed speeghes were made by Messrs. Morton, barrister, R. Vanstone, bar. rioter, J. A. Olive, Dr. ideldrn,n, E, 0, (Marko, J• McAlpine, A. J. McGregor, F. Gerster and R. Elliott of the TIMES, ELUEVALEr John Johnston has pnrobased Mr. John Gaines' property in the north end - far 8275. llfr, R. McPherson, saddler,basbought. the property known as the Conover• corner, for $600. He will remove his• shop to this stand, wbioh will be mneh' more convenient, R. N. Duff, shipped five oars of lum- ber to Buffalo this ween. About 20 cbeeaea are'atill made daily," The factory runs till the end of Nevem-- ber... MARRIED, Reed—Kneppler, -c1,t Wingb:im, Ono the 17th feet., by Rev.°J. Ii Moorhonse, Mr. Wm. A. Reed to Miss Margaret- Delena Knoppier, METHS. Armour.—Iei'Wingham, on the 15t1n. inet„ the infant child of James Armour,. 'aged 3 days. There 'Is Loney in Farming If you keep posted in, up-to-date methods and read each, week the most complete and corpprehensive MARKET REPORTS which appear in THEWEEKLY SUN+ The Sun is the Farmers' Business Paper. Be sure you subscribe for The Sun to 1st January,: 1910;' in combination' with THE WINCHAM TIMES, ONLY $ I.80 HEART Cul® FeEIRVE a combined treatment that will cure all forms of ' nervous disorders, as well as act upon the head itself. Mrs. Joan Riley,.Douro, Ont., writes: "I have been a great sufferer from heart and nerve troubles for the past ten years. Lite.- trying many remedies, and doctoring for two years 'without the east be,ac,fil, I decided to give Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve Pills a trial. I am thankftil to say that, after using nine boxes -X air entirely cured and would recommend them to all sufferers." Price 50 cents. per box or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on rc"eeipt of price by The .T. Milburn Lo., l.ienited, Toronto, Ont. Chamberlain's Cough .Remedy 1S UNEQUALED POR Coughs, Colds and Croup. A4144040No0..0_*.1•03Evo•o.o0•00, ♦440•.••oo••W•.**•i••_•`.413 •r• ••O •• • • • ••r •••♦ •• ♦ • • • Where mouse traps are not made but Z • —where— • •♦ • s If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon or make a better mouse -trap than his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods, the world will' make a beaten path to his door.—Emerson. Get on the path to the door of the Tiles Printing Office • • 0 ••0 • t Is turned out every day with neat- ` n,ess and despatch; where up-to-date v materials and machinery are used, •. and were mechanics with up-to-date characterizes every piece of work •• and service given every buyer; where t cheap printing is never done, but where good printingis done cheap; I where the kind of printing is done that will lead the "world to Make a • beaten, path to your door; where particulars may be had by following • up the path to the office of THE WINO 1 1 117 %13 1i/L�l.0.• ideas ' are employed; where quality or by calling up 'Phone 4.