HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-10-22, Page 3Y BOYS' SUITS AT THE MAKERS' PRICES Every dollar saved is a dollar made ! You can make some of those dollars by buying your Boys' Clothing now ! ! The lines that we are quoting you prices on are this season's goods and are up - to - date in every particular ! ! ! 12 Boys' Two - Piece Suits, sizes 23 to 30. Regular price $3.50, $2.45 '-for - - - 12 Boys' Two - Piece Suits, sizes 23 to 30. Regular price $4.75, $370 for - - - - 12 Boys' Three - Piece Suits, sizes 27 to 34. Regular price $435 $5.25, for - - McGee & Campbell CLOTHING - MEN'S FURNISHINGS TUN WINGrIiAK TIME, OCTOBER 22 WA CVLRO*Y, There 1r Iniad sway st the heA0 of her brother, Mr, Alex McDonald on Friday !set, Mies Janet McDonald, in her 98rd year. the Old Landdsome ethirt Canada ago and has siuoe resided with her brother in Turnberry and 0alross. Miss. McDonald bad always enjoyed good health, not having been bedfast until the day before her death The funeral took place to Wt gbani cemetery on Sa turday afternoon. cease of nous Explained, Even iu health there is a large aoonm- nlation of matter in she system, which if not destroyed, breaks through the skin in the form of pimples and boils. No remedy so cleansing, so mare to dri4e out boils as Dr. Hamilton's Pills, They brave up the system, rid 11 of humors, restore health, and absolutely prevent swellings, pimples, blotches and boils. Because mild and pertain, anyone oan use Dr. Hamilton's P111. Sold by all dealers. Ezclusi�e p. mStor., senses 7 86 OI vni sexcept be- Shoe WILLIS fore holidays. s. /� evenings b o- Leti Pore holidays. EVENING, • SLIPPERS •••1•••••••••N••••••••••• •••.•.•NNN•,441E..N...•. . • •• •Z •� SZ It • • • •• For ladies and gentlemen. Beautiful new goods for evening wear. The very latest and newest in CUBAN TIES COURT SLIPPERS OXFORDS THEOS Samples in north window. WILLIS O. CO. R. Johnston's old stand, opposite Bank of Commerce. FINE SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. PHONE 129. JAME .TO wN. Mr. J. 3, Straohan le in Toronto re- suming his studies et the University and at Knox College. W. McDonald is assisting in the gen- eral store. The proprietor, Mr. D. McDonald, has been somewhat "under the weather," but we hope he will soon be himself again, Rev, Dr. McLean, of Goderloh, was visiting at Elder John Strachan',. Dr. McLean, although having spent 45 years is the ministry, is still hale and hearty, and is enjoyiog a well earned rest. He ie a brother of Mre. John Straohan. nztr. totAvir. There will be no servioe in Belgrave Methodist church for the next two San - day evenings, Mr, 0, R, Dalley, of Patrotea, visited his niece, Mrs. Rivers, at the parsonage a few days this week. QR'ltx. Conrad Michel, an old and well known resident of the 11311 harvested about 2,000 bushels of eager beets and 'loug yellow mangolds from two acres. John Holderness, who oame to Can- ada last Spring from England, aid who is now employed by 0. Michel, 11th con., on his farm, is so well pleas- ed with she country be fs sending for his brother a youth of 18 years, whose home is in Preston, about 80 mites from Liverpool. Some of the recent or present im- provements on the 12111 bonoession in. elude driving sheds at Geo, Speiraa's and Thos, Looking's and a new pig pen at V. Foerater's. Alex, Perrie is pat- ting a wire fence along the front of his farm. What Daubed "Nervesl" Most people say worry—they are wrong—the cause is in the blood which is thin, and looks nutriment. To cure "Nerves" more blood, einew and flesh are required. You get thee° quickly by taking Ferrozone. No health bringer is more pertain, no nerve strengthener, more potent, no system tonin so well adapted to the wants of the run-down, nervous or sleepless, Let Ferrozone build you up, let it fill you up with vim, energy and Burping vigor. It has done this for thousands. CrtANY.ItOOK. Sunday night, Oot. 11th, there passed, away from the earthly home the spirit of an old and worthy resident in the person of John Cameron. His decease was not unexpected as he had been in failing health for the past two years but had only been confined to bed for about a week. Old age and its oonsegnent wealrnesees was the oanee of death. Mr. Cameron was born in Paisley, Sootland, 83 years ago and oame to Canada with his parents in 1841, the voyage 000upy- iug 9 weeks and &•days. After a sojourn in Quebec they came Westward to Hamilton and in 1846 took up a bush farm in Blandford townenip, Oxford Co., where they lived until 1875 when deceased moved here and bought 150 pores from Daniel Zimmer, where Mr, and Mrs. Cameron have continued to reside. The latter's maiden name was Elizabeth McComb, of Blandford, the matrimonial knot being tied in 1855 Mr. Cameron was a fine type of man. .hood, upright, industrious, kindly, Christian—a man whom the youth of the community would oopy with profit. He was not a seeker after office and his home was his centre. ST. HELENS. The Anniversary services of Bethel. Methodist Church held on Sunday last were very successful. The weather was fine and good crowds were present. The services were hearty and the offer- ings were most liberal. The Rev. M. D. Madden, B. A., of Pine River, de- livered deep and impressive sermons both morning and evening. Rev. T, E. Ford, of Luoknow, Chairman of Wing - ham District. preaohed a very practical and instructive sermon in the afternoon and the Laugeide ohoir rendered choice aeleotione at all the services whioh was was mnoh appreciated by all. BLYTH The polling booths for the Dominion election on the 26111 init. will be at Wm. Campbell's for No. 2 Division and in Industry Hall for No. 1 Division. Mrs. Plaetzer, who recently moved to Clinton from Blyth, has purchased the Sherman property on Orange street, formerl{ known as one 01 Mr. Searle's cottages, and will occupy the same as Boon as vacated. Mr. Wm. Campbell received a tele- gram on Tuesday morning, Oot. 18th, stating that his stater, Mrs. Jas. Arm- strong, of Bayfield, had died that morning at 9 o'clock. Deceased was about 67 years old. Mrs. Jas. Scott, of Morris township, is b daughter of the deceased lady. Many down with Pleurisy. O.....00.••••••••••44•••••••41 O4144.4.trM••.••.,•'•••••••••t COAL COAL COAL. Z We are mole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, + • whioh boa no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Z • Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. Wlstoo of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH (Dreeeod or Dndreaaedl Q Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. Hi'ghoist Price paid for all kinds of Logs. -01 J. , . McLeaflI r 4 ;. R. voidance Phone No. 55. Offioe, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. e N••N••••W.34•N••••••••• ..044•••• 44•1111************* • 1NDISPENSIBLE TO MOTHERS, "I am satisfied- that Baby's Tablets 'are indispensible to mo says Mrs Abraham Boucher. villa Mills, Qae.,,and she ad Doctors say the country is full of it. First domes a ohill, then cold develops— the inflammation grows—you can't draw a long breath—lunge and sides get sore, and pleurisy Bete in. A good home-oure consists in taking twenty drops of Nerviline every four hours. Supplement this by vigorously rubbing the sides and chest with Nerviline, and when warmth and circulation are estab- lished, put a Nerviline Porous Plaster over the aching spot. Nerviline Treat- ment is always successful in colds, neuralgia, and pleurisy, Try it your - melt. The C. P. R. bridge at Miesanbble was tbnrned and traffio on the main line west of North Bay interrupted. Mr. Robert Melvin, a leading citizen of Guelph, took ill on his way home from New York, and died at the Wal- dorf Hotel in Hamilton. The Kingeton L000motive Werke have not closed a contract with the 'Griuud Trunk Pacifies Railway for -twenty-five engines to be delivered .during the coming year. Thomas Kelly &Sc Sons of Winnipeg have been awarded the oontraot for the new oar shops at Winnipeg in oeanto- n4lon with the G. T. P. terminals. How To Gain Flesh y Persons have been known to gain a pound aday by taking an ounce of Scott's Emulsion. It is strange,, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound; it seems to start the digestive machinery going properly, so that the patient is able to digest and absorb his ordinary food which he could not do before, and that is the way the gain is made. 4-11.04 A certain amount of flesh 15 necessary for health; if you. have not got it you can get it, by taking SCOTT'S EMULSION Send this adverttsement, together wtth nuns of paper In which it appears, your address and four cents to cover postage, and we will send you a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World." SCOTT & BOWIE I20WelllmgtonStreetW.. TORONrO.ONT. THE SLANDER CAMPAIGN. ISARD' In the case of the Pacific Scandal' in 1872, Hon. L. S. Huntingdon made his oharges specifically naming the men, the amounts, the oiroumetanoee, and submitted the documentary evi- dence to prove Me chargee. In the Langevin, McGreevy scandals Hon. J. L Tarte in 1891 made specific oliergea that $119,000 had been contributed by one fitm of contractors to the election expenses of Conservative min- isters and their candidates. And their were others equally as specific. The result of these proved seandale 1s well known and need not be recalled. Some of the oame old associates are R. L. Borden's oolleagues now, and no wonder they resent being reminded of those politioiai iniquities now. For the sake of illustration. let ns aeeume an improbable situation. Sup- pose R. L Borden succeeded in his efforts to became Premier, He is not appealing to the country on the good record of himself or his colleagues in the past, or their superior ability ; but on the alleged iniquities and in- oapaoity of the party now in power. Who would contend that it would be any credit to him to win on such a plea? Would it not be much more to his credit if he could prove the good record of the party in the past, substantiate some of his reckless in- sinuations, and show to the country that he was endowed with the funda- mental essentials of a capable states- man? The shameful slanders and vitup- erative abuse that is being daily handed out to the electors against decent, honorable and competent pu b. lit men in this campaign is deserving of the most emphatio condemnation . What a rotten foundation they are laying for political immorality in the future by proclaiming to our young men that there is no honor or integ rity among oar national leaders. The proper, rational and effeotive way to establish a higher standard of public life is to punish the sinaera in a con. stitutional way, if any offences hav e been committed. There is this marked difference be- tween the campaign matter of the Liberal and Conservative oampaigners and newspapers. The Liberals are discharging a public duty in denounc- ing notnal moral indecency and pecu- liarly disreputable doings of individ- uals who have been proven so by their own party, but the Oonservatives are making a grand flourish of general- ities, charging graft. oorrnptiou and incompetency, without naming a ape- cido case, giving person, time, place and charge. They dare not do it be- cause they will fail ignominiously to prove it iu the courts. wn ere," Pierre- a:—"Be- fore using the Tablets ray/ baby was arose, peevish . and not thr ving well; but the Tabletee have' ked a great change and mY little a is well and happy- " This rite the ° °verdict • of all mothers who have used these Tablets. And better still, mothers have the guarantee of a government analyst that Baby's Own Tablets are absolutely safe —that,, they contain not one particle of opiate or poisonous soothing stuff. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 Dents a box from rThe Dr. Wil - lams Medioine Co.; Brookville, Oat. BRUSSELS, A new plank floor has been put on the iron bridge over the Maitland here. The old one had served its day. P. Ament had the oontraot, Wednesday of last week was the 50th wedding anniversary of our townsman, James Sharpe, and the members of the family took advantage of the occasion and presented him with a gold headed ebony walking stick with hie name and the years neatly engraved on the handle. Mrs. Sharpe passed away to her reward a few months ago removing the possi- bility of a celebration of the anniversary but the sone and daughters carried out one of the ideas in the presentation the the cane. An Italian named Arneodo was in- stantly killed at Welland by touching a live wire parrying 12,000 volts. On Monday morning last William Evans of Claremont, a young man of 17, was instantly killed by being kioked over the heart by a horse. At Milton Thomas Crozier was eentenoed to nine years' imprisonment, and his eon to two years, for making and passing counterfeit looney. . Very entitling report; of finds of rich deposits of gold, are arriving from Sturgeon Lake, prospeotors are dropping into the country in pretty large num• Not an experiment—not a temporary berm. Many of the parties art, outfitting relief --but a cure ttthat's guaranteed, for the winter, and will continue their Get "Catarrhozone to -day. 25o. and search during that time. $1,00'sizes, Rod and Gun for November. Fine diversifieii rending is the lead- ing feature of the November number of "Rod and Gun and Motor Sports in Canada," published by W. J. Taylor, at Woodetook, Ont. The delights of camping, canoeing, fishing, hunting and mountaineering °are dwelt upon in stories whioh give the added touches of personal experiences to the pleasant pictures of enjoyment each one presents. Particularly notable are papers on "The Deer of New Brunswick" by that veter- an guide, Adam Moore; "Deer Farming At the regular tweeting of Brussels W. C. T. U. the anneal election of officers took plane with results as fol. lows: President, Mrs. A. McGuire; 1st Vice Pree., Mrs. Randa; 2nd Vioe Pres., Mrs. R. Lertherdale; 3rd Vioe Pres., Mrs. (Rev.) Powell; Cor. -Seo., Mise Josie Buchanan; Reo.-Soo., Mrs. Watson Ainlay; Treasurer, Mrs. Jane Mitchell; Assistant Treem., Aire. A. J. Lowry; Press Supt., Mrs. Buchanan; Looal Supt. of lumbermen'. mission, Mrs. W. Rands; Supt. of Syetematio Giving, Mrs. R. Leatherdale; Evan- gelist Supt., Mrs. R. Dark; Snpt. of Temperance department in the Sunday schools, Mrs. S. Walker; Supt. of flower, fruit and delicacy department, Mrs. Geo. Baeker; Supt. of the Anti- narootio dept., Mrs. John Robb. for Profft," a summary of enquires on this subject made by the United States Government; and "Wild Rio° Growing itl Nova Scotia." Everyone will enjoy reading the Stories, "Run- ning the Rapids with an Amateur" by L. W. Bingey; "Mv Experiences as Bear Hunter" by pr. Henzel; "How I missed a' Moose and Deer and shot a Wolf," by Sack Miner; and the friendly challenge by Mr. J. A. Shade, who be- lieves, when all points are taken into consideration, that he has the finest moose yet taken out of New Brunswick. This summary by no means inoludee the whole of the wide field oovered. Diver• dons being made into many paths each one of wbiob must appeal to many read- ers. With the various departments, the ealth of material included in this num- ber or the magazine is surprising and includes t,ontributiens that meet ap- peal to all lovers of oat door life. For a Bad Cold. Nothing cures so gniokly as the heal- ing pine esmen0ee in Oatarrhozone. It fills the breathing organs with a healing, soothing vapor that relieved irritation at onoe. Ordinary oolde ate cured in ten for tel Catarrh, minutes, Absolutely enre and in throat trouble it Works like a oharm. 0atarrhozone is a permanent ogre for bronohitis and throat trouble. Established 1879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics 17oes it not seem more effective to breathe m a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach? It cures because the ate rendered strongly anti- septic is carried over the diseased surface with evertreat- ment. Itis breath, y`,nvalluableetomothers econstant with small children. Those oE'a consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in- flamed conditions of the throat. Sold by druggists. Send postal for booklet. LvrMINC, Main Co. 'Limited, Agents, Mont- real, Canada. 307 We're aiming straight for mu BUSINESS on Saturday, and along with special offerings in every Department throughout the store,1twe will have a IIIG DAY in Ready -to -Wear Clothing. A MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE Of MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AND OVER• COATS of the BEST MAKES. All new right-np.to.the minute patterns and styles. Every garment marked in plain figures and at a big saving to every customer. Come Saturday morning and get first choice. SATURDAY will be a BIG DAY in the Clothing Department 18 Men's Suits. Choice patterns, medium and dark worsteds and tweeds, well tailored, good trimming9, every suit good enough for best wear. Good value at $12,50. Saturday prices only $9.50 Men's Suits. In good wearing tweeds, dark small patterns, strong linings, well tailored. A Saturday bargain. . , $8.00 Overcoats. Special value in Boys New Winter Overcoats, made of plain and fancy cloth, strong linings, every coat a bargain, prices are $3.7b, $4 00, $5.00 $6,00, $6.50, $8.00 Men's Overcoats. All the New Fall and Winter Overcoats are in, we have a LARGE stock to show yon. See our speeial coat at $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 Men's Pants. 10 dozen Men' Pants to sell at cut prices, new patterns in good strong tweeds and worsteds, prices begin at. $1.00 Men's Underwear. All the best makes are in stock including PENMAN'S, W ATSON's and TIGER BRAND. See our Saturday bargain at 50c and 'Be garment Boys' Underwear. Lots of Boy's Fleece Lined and Ribbed Wool Shirts and 25e Drawers in all sizes. A clearing line at H. E. ISARID & CO. TeW.vwwvvIVVYTIM.vvvI'avrME WITVVV.IFIVIgNYVV'V111/1. r>>f7StlO 4 ►,4 It :. jff 14DS '3�:: ,�► DAYS ONLY A CONTRAST. it ONLY 0 0 3 sr f IGreat Reduction Salei OF Mouse Furnishins1 dA tio (London Advertiser,) When George Enloe Foster misman- aged the finances of Canada, he had to borrow money to pay the ordinary ex- penses of Government, and added the ens of $118,000,000 to the public debt, The present Finanoe Minister has had a sarplun every your ainoo 1897, aggro - gating $113,039,106, or about $9,500,000 A year es compared with an annual de- ficit during the last twelve years of Con. eervative rule of nearly $5,000,000. The Liberal Government's capital ex- penditure, $163,000,000, has been on great pnblio works,_ to the a dual pros. peotive advantage of the country, and that too, without increasing the rate of taxation or materially adding to the public debt. If we exolude the expenditure on the National Transcontinental Railway, whioh the country will own as a public) eueet, the expenditure has been reduoed more than $7,000,000 and even with the increase on account of that great nation- al project, the gross public debt of Can - ads is to -day $10.82 less per capita than it was in 1906. FOR FOURTEEN DAYS ONLY I 4 -d! per Linoleums and OiIcIBths.•j COMMENCING SATURDAY, OCT. 10 ENDING SATURDAY, OCT. 24 JA We will give a 'Carats, 1 o%. We find we are overstocked in these lines and they 4 must be reduced. All the newest designs and patterns. 1 Ends at AA 4 4 highest I straight discount of from cent. off all lines of I0 to 20 You will also find a great many Carpet bargain prices. We Solicit Comparison. E All kinds of Farm Produce wanted, � prices paid. t•T . . ILL Si Wingham, Ont. s,y pith►• AI4LA,i WAius,A1 41X.CiAiNKKILft,113.410WCAUAXIMIII