HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-10-22, Page 2THE WING,HAIL TIMES, OCTOBER 22, 1.1)08 TO ADVERTISERS of .changes insist be lett, at this Office not later than Saturday noon, The copy for changes must be lett net later than Monday evening. Ottentel m to noon Wednesday of erioh week. *STABI.1e1311D 1$ E WINIIMI TIMES. IL 11, SWAMI. Putauss as Atip PRorBEETou Campbell, AttorneyGeneral 'et Min itoba; John Herron, Conservative member from Pincher Creek; Wm. Cowan, and a doaen others of the same polities.' persuasion. These men got their timber berths from a Liberal Government the same May u Mr. Burrows did—by putting in the high- est tenders. A good many lumber• men made fortunes by purchasing fleeter limits in Ontario at the highest figures. Would Mr. Ames have these suo0esatal men also make reteftntlon? Mr. Borden is quoted as saying that $5,000.0000 to $10,000,000 of money have been wasted every year by the Liberal Government. He allows himself a gen- erous margin for errors, but does not produce a single instance to prove his ease. The Conservative literature con- tas a list of overpayments by the Lib- eral Government in twelve years, and it reaches the sum of $95,000. Rather a discrepancy here. It Mr. Borden had any proof he would surely have printed the figures where they would have reached the people. She only logical conclusion is that Mr. Borden is making reckless statements hoping to influence those who may not inquire too closely into the facts. TEUESDAY. OCTOBER 22, 1908. 0•414•••••••••••••••••••••• •• Dominion Llections,1908 1 1 t THE TIMES TICKET : FOR PREMIER : SIR WILFRID LAURIER FOR EAST HURON : ARCH. HISLOP.. Fon WEST HURON : ROBERT HOLMES. FOR SOUTH HURON : M. Y. MoLEAN. FOR SOUTH BRUCE: PETER H. MoKENZIE. • 4 • 1 ••• T • • • • • • • Like Thorns in the Flesh Are the Sharp Twinges and Tor- tures of Rheumatism ---Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a Certain Cure. NOTES AND COMMENTS The twinges and the tortures of rheumatism are not due to cold, damp weather as so many people imagine. Rheumatism comae from poisonous acid in the blood. The pains may be started by oold weather, damp weather or by keen winds. There is only one way to cure rheumatism. It must be treated through the blood. All the liniments and robbing, and so-called electrical treatments in the world will not cure rheumatism. The acid that causes the disease must be driven out of the blood and the blood enriched and purified. It is because Dr. Williams' Pink Pills mate new, red blood that they have cured thousands of oases of rheumatism atter all other treatments had failed As a proof of what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will do even in the mast severe oases of rheumatism, the case of Mr. David Carrel, a well known furniture dealer of Pioton, N. S., may be cited. Mr. Carrel says:—"I have been a most severe sufferer from rheumatism, and in the hope that some other t�from my you of the om Dr. Wil - trouble settled n my sides and It's time for a ohange in East Huron. Make Hislop member for East Huron. Laurier and a Greater Canada. Vote for Hislop next Monday. Get the voters out on Monday and neake•Hielop member for East Huron. A vote for Aroh Hislop will mean a vote for peaoe, progress ahs prosperity. More farmers are needed in the House of Commons. Vote for Hislop next Monday. Vote early for Hislop next Monday and then assist in getting every Liberal to the poll. There should be more farmers in the Home of Commons. Vote for Aroh. Hislop next Monday. Canada wants a progressive govern - The claim that rural mail delivery le being granted to seventeen ridings in Ontario for the purpose of bribing these ridings to support the Government is banked by an argument that is one of the humors of the campaign. Of seventeen ridings interested thirteen are classed as "doubtful," on the prin- oiple probably that every riding be- longs in that olass before election day. Of these alleged "doubtful" ridings how are these for sampler. North York, Liberal majority 494; South Welling- ton, Liberal majority 410; South Ox- ford, Liberal majority 447; North Ox- ford. Liberal majority 338; North Wel- lington, Liberal majority 887. If these are doubtful ridings, where in the name of Bill Nye, and all the other humor. Isis, could the Government find any ridings that aren't. poor sufferer may find reli experience I gladly wri" benefit I have received Hams' -Pink Pills. The in my shoulders and d96 at times I was q Imable to raise my arm. 1 was atte de'd by a doctor, but as I did not ap sr to be getting any better I sent for a so -palled electric belt for whioh I paid $40.00. It did not do me any good and then I tried another remedy, but without any better results. A friend asked me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I got three boxes, by the time I had used them all I found the stiffness and pain less severe, and I got another halt dozen boxes. When I had taken these every symptom of the trouble had disappeared and in the two years that have since passed I have had no return of the trouble. I believe their is no other medicine equal to Dr. Wil- liam& Pink Pills for curing this -most painful trouble, and I have recommend- ed the pills to others who have been benefitted by their use." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills not only cure rheumatism but all other diseases doe to poor watery blood, such as an- aemia, indigestion, nervous disorders, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, paralysis, and the ailments of girlhood and womanhood, with their headeohes, baokaohes, sideaohes and attendent miseries. Only the genuine Pills can do this and you should see that the fall name "Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale People" to on the label around each box. Sold by all medioine dealers or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50 from The Dr. Williams' Mediotne Co., Brookville, Ont. Canada has started in on rural mail delivery. The Conservative politicians have been agitating for it and taunting the Government for not being enter- prising and considering the dweller in rural dlatriots. The Government were steadily, though quietly, investigating the subject. They were preparing schemes and plans and estimates and went, each as we have had for the past, possibilities. Apparently it suited their twelve years. Vote for Hislop. Four years ago a number of electors voted for Dr. Chisholm to give him one term, It is now time for a ohange. Vote for Hislop next Monday. The Government of Sir Wilfrid Laurier has been building for the future. It is a Government with the capacity to see the needs of a great nation, and the courage to meet these needs. And in the carrying out of the far-reaching improvements undertaken it added only Sve'millions to the publio ,' debt in the eleven years ending with 1907, as against sixty-two millions added in the eleven years prior to 1896. A vote for Aroh Hislop will assist in keeping the Laurier Government in power. Reports from East and West Huron would indicate that after the 26th of October these two ridings will be planed in the Liberal column, where they be- long. Both Mr. Holmes in the West and Mr. Hislop in the East are putting up a good fight, and if the Liberale take off their coats and work as they should work for two such able candidates and for their honored leader, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, they will have the satisfaction on election night of seeing their efforts crowned with victory.—Seaforth Ex- positor. ideas to keep the Conservative Opposi- ion agitating an d talking until it would be thoroughly pledged to this extension of public service. Then when the plans were all ready, the Postmaster -General announces that Canada will inaugurate a new system of rural 'mail delivery. The plane are brought down, all perfect- ed. The officials oommenoe to talk, and it is seen that they know all abront the costs and moored of other details. Aad the Postmaster•General gets the credit. —Canadian Cornier. LADIES! iiiou WIsK . To get the newest and best in iw DRESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS OF ALL KINDS pre Dspstm�two i ve attention to rr come Gordon's, Everything new and special anndt closest prices. OUR LADIES' COATS oorreot in style,quality, St and finish, and our prices will please you. 0 Selects d from the best makers in Canada and Europe, are absolutely IN GROCERIES AND CEREALS of all kinds yon will new Silentnd Matcheseverything best quality. Matches—they will please you. Very Soon, Raincoats, Overcoats, Sheetings Blankets, " Shawls, and Wraps of all kinds will be ip demand. You will find them all here, and we promise yon courteous treatment and right prices. Delivery Waggon, Buggy and Cutter for sale, cheap. • ft Highest passe for Batter, Eggs and Dried Apples, it is important to have apples just quartered and perfectly dried. • R the M. aORDON.I • •••••••••••NM•••emesse R••••M•A•MN•••••••••••• vvvvvvvvyvvyV#NVWVWWVW MAAAAMAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAA ILOOK ! LOOK! COMPARISON OF TRADE. Conservative oanipaigners ,have sud- denly developed a, tremendous interest In the progress of trade in Great Bri- tain and the United States, whioh they declare has rivaled that of Canada. As a matter of fact, in neither country has the percentage of increase in trade been nearly as great as in Canada. But the comparison to be made by the electors is not between Canada and the United States, but between Canada under Lib- eral administration and Canada before 1886. The increase in Canada in the last twelve years has been 411 millions, In the previous eighteen years the in- crease was $66,620,000. In twelve years of Liberal administration the increase was six times as great as in eighteen years of Conservative administration. At Confederation the trade of Can. ads was 181 millions. Between 1867 and 1896—thirty years, of whioh twen- ty-five were under Conservative rale— the trade inoreased by 108 millions. In the next twelve years, under Liberal rule the increase was 411 millions, that is ;,to say, in the lost twelve years the inorease was four .times as great as in the previous thirty. This compari- son is more to the point than a com- parison between our trade and that of Great Britain and the United States. 1 "Before yon farming men I want to take up new questions affeoting my own department. When the Conserva- tives left Ottawa they had done nothing for you. In the way of cold storage ships, save for a few rough experiments with an ice system. Australia, New Zealand and the United States were driving Canada ont of the English market be- came they had proper refrigeration. In the years 1876-1886 ander the Tories we exported $22,750,000 in butter; in the decade from 1886 to 1896 it dropped to $8,260,000. In 1897 the Department of Agriculture plaoed the first mechanical cold -storage plant in operation, and in next ten years we shipped $96,500,000 in butter. That was due absolutely to the At Brussels on Monday, Rev. Joseph Elliott spoke of the enormity of the Moncton land deal. The strange part about this deal is—and it shows the general character of the scandal cam- patgn—the land in question was only purchased after a valuation had been placed upon it by Mr. Sumner, and lir. Sumner is the Conservative candidate at this election, oppoeing Mr. Emmerson and Mr. Sumner contends that the valuation of $10,500 he planed upon the land, was a fair and just one. This is a sample of Tory scandal upon whioh the Conservatives seek t0 overthrow Sir Wilfrid Laurier. C cold -storage facilities. There was no change in other oondttione. As a result farm land has inoreaeed in valve, the number of farmers has grown, and now the great proprotlon of our young men and women are staying on the farms. They left them in the old days, and no wonder. But to -day they remain be- oanee oar Government have made the lot of the farmer different."—Hon. Sydney Fisher. LOOK' • We have for sale, CHEAP : CUT NAILS Size 1, 11. 41-, 41, 5, 5/ and 6. Any quantity of any of the • sizes for 1 cents per pound. CEMENT A carload of Hanover Cement jast in at a very low price. above STOVES We are sole agents in town for the celebrated Pandora Range and the Happy Thought. Call in and see our stoves. We sell the kind that will give you good satisfaction. kJ. G. Stewart & Go. t CENTRAL: HARDWARE • WINGHAM vvvVYYVVvVvYWYVVVVWWVW VW KERN & BIRD. The Bargain Store, Wingham, Ont. ;en you get tired paying long prices at other stores come here and buy at Money -Saving Prices No one offers such value as you get at this big store. i The Montreal Witness, which is any- thing but a narrowly partison journal, recalls some events of the Ooneervative regime in Oanada, such as the Langevin- McGreevy episode. the gerrymander of 1882 and the franohise aot of 1885. "Thio pertains to the past," says The Witneaa, "bat patties like individuals oan be largely understood from their past careers, and a party that continues to advocate privilege can never, even it it wished to, escape corruption. That is axiomatic." The Witness continues: "We know that Alexander Mackenzie Bought to give the country honest en- lightened government and that Sir Wilfrid Laurier has eonght to do the same no serious authority attempts to deny. That some of Sir Wilfrid's fol- lowers have made mistakes or worse can undoubtedly be proved, but not the moat rabib Conservative to -day even attempts to show a Liberal oorrnption widespread and in the very warp and woof of Conservative politics such as there was in the 'good old times' so highly landed by Mr. Borden, of Sir John Macdonald, Sir Hooter Langevin, Tnomae McGreevy and other". A good deal in the wsy of politiesl deoenoy has been a000mplished since then, and more, mnoh more mast be aoeompllshed. But the latter is hardly likely to come *boat through the of/ate of enoh roen as Moser". Bennett, Lefnrgey, Foiffer and Foster, or the high protection advocacy of Messrs. Ekes and Ames. Whatever else may be said for or against it, pro- tection has proved itself everywhere Lin inevitable and prolific another of oorrnp- tion." The Opposition's plan of campaign by means of affidavits, fake stories and mirrepreeeatationd of all kinds, whioh developed rapidly last week, will onl- Minato this week in the issuing of more oampaign roorbaohe similar to the Mayes affidavit and the charger in oon- neotion with the National Transcon- tinental Railway. These two were ex- ploded so promptly and effectively that further Opposition "bombshells" are being held back t111 the last moment, in to hope that time will not be given before polling to refute the slanders. information to this effect t has leaked Met of the Tory camp, and some sample roorbaohs intended for exploitation this week were known in advance by the Liberal organisers. Iltr. Ames, with his rased lantern, is rolling for restitution of timber lands in the west, The Winnipeg #Free Press talk him, to Start with (l.n Oatnpbebl, the opponent of Mr. 8urrowe i'n fattphin; Hon. Colin Live Stook 7farkete. Toronto, Oot. 20.—City Cattle Market —Trade to -day was again very slaw, and the market dull. The heavy runs of last week rather overloaded the market, and buyere in most owe have pretty well of stook on for immediate requirements. Prime held about steady at the declines of last Thursday's market, when they went off about 20 cents below the former levels. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 10016 85 Choice Medium Bulls Light Cows Feeders -- best 1000 pounds and up- wards Stockers ohoioe " balls Butchers'— Picked Medium Cows Bulls Hogs— Best Lights.... Sheep— Export ewes Bucks.... Onlls,, Spring Lambs Calves. each $474 05 8 75 8 00 8 40' 4 50 4 26 8 25 8 75 4 50 275 800 150 200 4 40 4 50 885 860 200 2 76 2 50 875 6 15 6 25 5 90 600 860 875 250 275 2 50 8 25 each.. 4 00 4 50 800 600 i WINOSAM! IlimutliT RiEPORTti W'inghexn, Oct. 21th, 1908. Flory per 1001bti .. .... A 65 to 8 25 Fall Wheat ..... 088 to 088 Oats, ............ 0 85 to 0 36 Bexley .................. 0 50 to 0 62 Peas ......... 0 85 to 0 86 Butter dairy ......., .... 0 21 to 0 23 Flutter creamery 0 27 to 0 27 Eggs per dos 0 19to 0 19 Wood per oord .......... • $ 80 to 800 Hay, per ton.. 7 00 to 800 Potatoes, per bushel, 0 85 to 0 85 Lar0 15 to 0 15 We nog", per oiri. 6 10 to 6 10 gig Book Store FALL, PAPERING Oar new stock of Wall Paper is now ready for your inspection. We intend to make this department a leading feature of • our store. Those wishing to beautify their homes cannot fail to find in this stock something to please them. Wall Paper within reach of all. To brighten and cheer the humblest cottage and also suitable for the palaces of the rieb. 'Wall Papers that are exclasive and cannot be purchased in miles hope by square deal ng to merit the patrother store within onage enageof pf all. town. We STANDARD PATTERNS This store has again secured the local agency for the pattern s of the Standard Fashion Co. They are up-to-date in every particular . Give us a call when yon need a pattern of any kind. LIMOGES CHINA We are having , a good run on our exclusive pattern of Limoges China. We have a new stock just to hand. Collectors of this china are invited to call and inspect the stock, ......+.ems■ Oar stock of School Supplies, and blank books of all kinds is now complele and prices are right. SQUARE DEALING IS THE MOTTO OF THIS STORE. Elliott and Walley Gy Block. PROIPRItrIORS o>' NG Boole Srotus. Mbar Bank of Oommeroe. We quote a few prices this week. These are ' our regular prices. Compare with prices you are paying elsewhere. 1 Sweet Biscuits. 15o Unbreakable Combe for 10c 20o Unbreakable Combe for 15 or 50 2 for Splendid Wire Hair Brush for • 250 36o Bead Necklace - - 5c Safety Pine, 2 papers - Big bargains in k CSide omes Combs and Bac Fruit•Bidonite, 3 Ibe - • ° 250 Lemon Square, 8 lbs - - 25c Lemon Crisp, 3 lbs - • 25c 25c Royal Biscuits, 31be . • Automobile Bisouite, 8 lbs • 25c Peoples assorted, 8 lbs - - Tom Thum Mixed, 81bs - 25c Vanilla Bar, 81bs 25c 25c Oatmeal Squares, 81bs Peri Lneta, Lnstered Cotton for white embroidery, 4 for - ' 100 Best Scotch Fingering Yarn, Roasted Rio Coffee, 15o or 8 Ibe biaok, at old price, a skein • 50 for $1.00 Best Canadian Faotory Yarn. All Green Rio Coffee 15o or 8 Ibe pure wool. Guaranteed, a 1b 50c for $1.00 -"' Chase & Sanborn 1 lb. tin Java La las 25o EmbroiderySUolIare - 15e Mocha Coffee, ground for - 25c l - 150 Best Coffee, Chase & Sanborn" 40c 15o Writing Pads, linen paper for 9c Fine quality Envelopes, per pkg. 5c Medium quality Envelopes, 8100 pkge for Cheaper quality Envelopes, 4 100 pkge for Fine DntohFabrio WritingPaper 24 sheets for Fine Datoh Fabric Envelopes - 100 Moose Traps, 2 for - o - 5c Toilet Paper, 5 rolls for - 25c (good quality perforated.) Bee Jelly Powder, 6 pkge for • 25c Oriental Powder, 8 pkge for • 25e • Fall Style Books cheap. 96 page Bargains in all Pare Wool Hosiery Style Book for each • - 5e for men, women and children. POULTRY WANTED. ---Must be fat and dry picked, heads off. DRIED APPLES.—Must be bright color and well dried. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. --In large quantities. Ce z c( % �i '-'c T SvS b.SS'Src s v5'i. vS'�c s ... HURON . Stoves and Ranges We will be pleased to have you call and let us explain the many good points in these Furnaces, Stoves and Manges. It will be to your advantage to know how we can sell such superior goods at the prices quoted below. 1 Art Huron 'Base Burners Square, 15 -in Fire -pot $24.95 With Oven, 15 -in Fire -pot $23,25 Red Hot Huron Furnaces PRICE WITHOUT CASING' WITH CASING No. 438 $25.00 $29 85 No. 442 $30.00 $35.50 No. 446 $33.00 ' $40.60 No. 452 $40.00 $48.76 Oakdale Huron No. 10 No. 12 No. 14 No. 17 $ 9.60 $1000 $12.75 614.50 Royal Huron —• For" Wood No. 9/21, Square $17.25 No. 9/23, Square 19 00 No. 9/25, Square 20 SO No. 921,. with Reservoir $21,00 No. 9128, with Reservoir 23.00 No. 9/25, with Reservoir 26.00 t Fall lino of home manufactured goods in stock, Wood Stoves, Base Burners, Furnaces, Box Stoves, etc., proportionately low, ALEX. YOUNG &. CO.