HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-10-22, Page 1el
TEXWUftuLU7.1141:0, OcToBER 22, IOW
Every Treasurer of Church, Lodge
or Association Funds should at once
open a SAVINOS ACCOUNT for these
,Trust Funds. •
We specially invite this class of
Accounts and pay highest current
' "mu
Sick ittearlache elle valley° al tee tremble:, Ind!
dent -to billow state of ti such ea
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness Distresa after
eating', Pain 11 the SI -le, 4%. Weile veer teest
meek/4,w bieeeeeee eute.e;
Ileadaebe, yet Derterei elttle erd
equally valuable In eonstipation, curiug eielprie
venting thhannoyar:3-coratileli,t. 'a 1.1% theyai40
correct all slia1rdersof Ikea toreach, otirr!l.atethe
liver and regulate the bowels. .Dven tuay041,y
Capital Paid.19, $3,976,000
Hese ve Fund and
Undivided profits $5,297,000
Total Assets, over 48,000,000
'Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe,
allowed on deposits of, $i and upwards,
and added to principal quarterly -end
of March, June, Septeraber end Damen-
ber each year.
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager
R. Vanstone, Solicitor.
and anyone having live stook or other
articles they 'wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in tho Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not get a customer. Wo can't gtarantee
that you. will sell bet:antes yon may ask more
for the article or stook • than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the Tants and try this
plan of disposing of your stook and other
Orders for the insertion of advertisements
such as teachers wanted, business chances,
mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in faot
any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or
other city papers, may be left at the TIMES
ofiloe. This work will receive prompt attention
and will save people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest
rates will be quoted on appimation. Leave
or send;your next work of this kind to the
Liver Complaint.
If your tongue is coated, your eyes yel-
low, your complexion sallow; if you have
sick headaches, variable appetite, poor
circulation, a pain wader the rightsliould.
er, or alternate costiveness and diarrhma,
floating rarebits before the eyes,
Your Liver Is Not In Order -
All the troubles and diseases which come
in the train of a disordered liver, such as
Jaundice, Chronic 'Constipation, Catarrh
of the Stomach, Beartburn, Water Brash,
etc.., may bo quickly and easily cured by
Mr. S. Gingericia, Znrich, Ont, writes: -
1 had suffered for years with liver com-
plaint, and although I tried many medi-
cines I could not get rid of it. Seciug
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills advertised 1
decided to try them, and after using them
four months I was completely cured.
23cents a vial or 5 for $1.00, at all
dealers, of mailed direct on receipt uf
price by Tho T. Miniurn Cu., Ltd.,
Toronto, Ont.
wanted for Wingham and adjoining
country to represent
"Canada's Oldest and Greatest
While business in some lines may be
dell, ferment were never more enoour-
eged as regards fruit growing than at
the present season. High prices for all
°leases of fruit have been obtained the
past season, and there is as a ooasequ.
ence, an increased demand for nur-
sery Stock.
Our stock is complete in every depart-
ment including a .tew.lit of specialtiee
Which we alone handle,
The right man will obtain a permart-
for equation, with• territory reserved
eat him, Pay' we.eisly . Fre sample out.• etc. Write f or partipulars.
V013(1101 Nnreeriee
' (8'50 acres
About Qualifying Yourself for a
Suteessful Career.
To learn the folly of entering Muslims
Melt ',abut a l'hualneas eclucatioximee
read taw Free Ceteloguei
Why desirableto eeoure this !'husinsma caveat
tIon:1 at Forest City Buenos* Callao--
relid Cataingue:
Why the big mercantile houses prat*
P. C.D. C. ireduater-reed CatalCaut.
This FREE BOOR explains 15 detail
our Commercial; Shorthand and Tynewrteng
Courses! Tillie why F.- 4.8. C. method/ger
inetruation . are superlorl Show* talus a/
Business Edatmtorsi AsA
Just send your tam*
and address Catalogue
recall You
-4./7 'a. • • . •14
""44 tetiie eeke
401:04 4
04„. gyuk,„
rzta, Special
11 .7ath
Soot, itad
Tit. Forest City •
Busineta & Shorthand College
Losidatu °Atari%
Ji WI Vtratorreht .11 Westerroit; Jr1 C;Al
Ptinalpail VlatoPEinapall
ecepyright, 1908, by Q i 3areits. These
articles and illustrations must not be re-
. printed without special pern1esien,1
• You rate Plymouth Rocks? Congrat-
ulatioast You may run the .A.merican
flag to the peak of your poultry plant,
for the Rocks have just won the pen-
nant for popularity by having largest
repreaentation at the shows, and ac-
eordingly being awarded the first spe-,
cilli breed Staudard.
Bute:00re. Tids bonton bird is first
and best breed originated by American
tandem and is conceded the best gen;
eral purpose fowl in the world.
The sue never seas on the Plyruceith
Rock, but the Plymouth Itock sets
ermine: a . eared.
Fh • *nese Barred. Buff and
rill- guess what rola-
r',4. brother's brother -in -
AA • :11M) renaenaber that hen
hietua; But in this ease 'we
will take the chair of chickenology for
Moment and trace a poultry pedigree.
The Barred is the original Rock,
omitting the 1620 Rock of our pilgrim
fathersand was first bred by 'Joseph
Spaulding of Putnam, Conn., at the
close of the civil war.
He crossed a Dominique male and n
Black Java female, and the chicks got
their bars from the father and their
single comb, style and size from the,
Fanciers also claim that blood from
the Light Brahma, Black Spanish and
game was miugied.
Be this as it may, the first honor
must be given to Mr. Spaulding, and he
was awarded the credit when the Rock
was admitted to the standard in 1875,
Birds of varied plumage sometimes
throw white chicks. These are called
0. F. Frost of Maine set •Betted Rock
eggs and snow white chicks were
hatehed. They were bred, and thus
the White Rocks. These snow White
Rocks of Mr. Frost were warmly wel-
comed, and an admirer crossed them
with Single Comb Rhode Island Reds
and evolved the Golden Buff Rocks.
The latest are Silver, Black, Blue
and Columbian. Now, if they can jtist
get a real Red Rock and join it with
the White, Blue and Columbian they
'will produce perhaps the best of all -
the Patriotic Plymouth Rock.
But with all the ,scoming .and going
of breeds the grand old Barred Rock
seems to say, "Breeds may come and
breeds may go, but 1 go on forever."
All varieties ef Melt to..be It must
have the chief characteristic -Rock
shape. If eye, beak; comb, 'wattles,
ear lobes, wings, tail, shanks, toes and
barring are up to standard, what are
these if the rather long section shape
is supplanted by block of the Wynn-
dotte. the hump of the Cochin or the
awkward style of the Indian ga,..ee.
With "a slight concave sweep to
tail," the back should . be broad at
shoulders and "rather long." the gold-
en mean lying between the short back
of the Wyandotte and the long one of
the Black Java. The peek of the Rock
and Light Brahrha are nearly identleal•
In heeding for color ram specimens
are at times tbe result of single mat -
hags, yet Rock fanciers generally use
the double reatings-standard Color
male with taeditun dark females for
cockerels and medium light reale and
standard color females for pullets.
Pounds. • • Poonds.
COck91,01en 7.4
COckerel- 8 Pullet
Don't be backward in buying new
Wheat When the Market deelineie
Don't Jet your roosters spend their
time fighting. It's a poor fattening
Don't leaf on the eornet arguing poi-
itles and let yourchickens go all
to stieks.
Don't get the reputation of being a
filibuster. In the national association
nor nee your little hatchet behind the
officers' backs.
Don't get scared at protozoa, mi.
erobea, rictrneteg, ttematedes, newt-
todee, eestodes, ganinae, veziatgloot
end blebegiett and Psilitclunises. )rnock
'eine Out
[0. W, H011inteh]
When Eve had Jed her lord astrity,
A tid Oein had killed his brother,
t The sten, and armors, the poets say,
I_,. A exits() with one another
ITO Wiest the nuns:dog tempter'S Art,
And teach the world it e duty,By, hopping On ittl wieked heert
1.helr eyee ot bells isad beituty.
.0/A million oteepleie lid'' staid they,
'Win be m lease a warning -
The flatters can keep wateh by daYa
The Nieto 14041 wee till mustang,"
O'er hill and prairie, field and lawn,
Their dewy eyes, upturnieg,
The flowers keep watch from rerld'Aing
Till western skies are burning,
Alas! ()soh Maur of daylight tells
A tale ot shame so crushing,
Soule turn as white as sea.bleactlied ehelle
And soave are always blnektieg.
And when the patient stare look down.
Their light on all discovers
The traitor'esinile, the meet:W*4We frown,
Arid lips of lying lovers.
They try to shrit their saddening eyes,
And in the vain endeavor
We see there twinkling in the eldea,
And to they wink forever.
jteh 0 they eatria be alametpraelcosto those who
easter (arc this distrcsarag complaint; but form,.
!lately eleir goodness does n r t tee here,and these
who once tiy them will f.ad those little pills vale.
able in Bo ;sally wt(' th1.4they v At paw, we.
lies to do e 'about them. Set after ail sick head
Is the baA.
ne ef so many lives that here is where
we limo our great boast Our piliaeureit wee°
ottani do not.
Dartereeettle Liver pills are very small and
very easy to tuko. Queer two pillainake a do,,e.
Teyarestritfyvegetableani doinoast g ! pophrge,tutbtleirgnuoactionpegIwmet/eau.
CAA= =WiltOD. raw ram
kall13111, SZall DAL b211
Atits Guild Skysteraveres. •
The while aute, or termites, are
Feat builders. A natimahst .expor-
ing Somaliland came across a cairte
shaped mud and clay hill which they
had constructed which was eighteen
feet In height. while many others
from ten to fifteen feet high.
one compares the size of these
ants with that of men It becomes ap-
parent that these hills are real sky-
scrapers from the termite viewpoint,
if there is any. While the average
man It five and one-half feet high,
the ants are only hai an inch high.
.Thectdore a ten feet* ant hill is 240
times the size of one of its builders.
while att..1.1 a structure as the Eiffel
tower, though rising 984 feet, is only
about I.„79 times the height of the
*a:Ferries. num.
Everyone in Wingharn Has a Right
, to His Own Opinion.
While everyone has a right to his own
opinien, yet it is w tee to al weys consider
what othus thick and pre fit by it
Nothing makes life SU tare rates, or
•interteres s winely with thp usefulness
of the average person, as indigestion,
and it is well for ns to give fair cousid-
eration to whet other.i taiek ab int this
•remarkable afflietion
Walcou McKibben la poSitivf; that in
o• na otnioneh tablets hu nos au ath
solute teazel f ac ladiguSG10(1 and tae many
clisagrerebisymptotne the follow this
disease, snub no distress after eating,
Coats(' /Thiene, bad taste try the'reenth,
dizzieees, fitlI51100 and netvet-wean
they sett ell.o-art with eatiafaction
guaranteed or money back. They 'be-
lieve in it and so may yon.
Got' .What He Wanted.
"Good morning, uncle: How are
you to -day?" •
"Ah, nephew, I am well. How are
"First rate. Guess Mist brought
me here."
"Oh, the old story, I suppose."
"I'11 bet you 5 shillings you can't
"rn take it 1 Yon came here to
borrow some money."
"You've lost! Pay me the 5 shil-
lings!' I only wanted to inquire how
aunt is to -day!"
New Cure For Diphtheria.
Dr. Ernest jentsch of Chicago de.
dares he has found a new and effici-
ent cure for diphtheria in lobelia in-
jected hypodermically. He proved
his faith in the new treatment by
treating his son when he was sick
with diphtheria a year ago. The son
recovered, and since then, he says,
he has cared 150 eases of the disease
with the remedy.
AfriCan Beauty.
An African woman, to be' consider-
ed beautiful, must have small eyes,
thick lips, a large fiat nose and an
intensely black skin.
Twitching of
the Nerves
Samna almost unbearable until
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food
brought about a cure.
Tapping of the fingers, restlessness,
sleeplessness, inability to control the
What a story of exhausted nerves is told
by these symptoms. Nervous prostration
and. paralysis are not far away unlese re-
storative treatment is used.
The writer of this letter was fottunate
enough to learn. about ]Jr. A.. W. Chase's
Nerve Peed and tells his experience fot
the benefit of other sufferers from diseases
of the nerves.
Wm. Branton, Strathroy, Ont.,
writes: -"My nervous system was al' un-
strung. I could not sleep, had no appe-
tite, my digestion was peer and any nerves
tveitched. Twenty-four boxes of Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food completely restored
my health."
Portrait and signature of A. W. Chase,
M.D., the famous Reeeipt Book author, on
every boat. 50 cents at all dealers or Ed-
inanson, Bates & Co., Toronto,
Dr A W Chasg's
NePVC) Food
Mix This Simple, Helpful Recipe. at
Home and Try It; Anyway. •
Get from any prescription Pharmacist
the following:
Fluid Batraot Dandelion, one -halt
08k))8; Campoundgargon, one ounce;
Ciotripound . Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
manes s.
Shake well in it bottle sad, take a
teaspoontal dose after eaoh meal and
at bedtime.
The above itt considered as the, most
certain prescription ever written to
relieve 'Beckache, Kidney Trouble,
Weak Bladder and all forma of Ude-
ary dtffioulties. This • mixture sots
promptly on the eliminative tissues
of the Kidneys, emsbling them to filter
and strein the nrie aoid and other
waste matter trona the blood which
Some persona who ,suer with the
afftiotions anay not • feel. inolieed .to
Owe =nett an/if/demo in this simple
mixture, yes those who have tried it
say the respite ars simply surprising,
the relief being effected without the
igtxtest injuryto the stonne.oh or other
'Mix some and„ give it a, trial. It
certainty oumes highly reoommen led
It is the prescription of an eminent
authority, whose entire .reputation, it
is said, was established by it.
A truggiet here at, home, when
asked; stated that late'could either sup-
ply the, ingredients or, mix the pre-
Scription for our readers, aloe recom-
mends it as harmless..
Meek Deer.
The little deer ,from which the musk
Is obtained ranges in the Himalayas
and Tibetan mountain9,000 feet
above sea level. The male deer yields
the finest and geeatest quantity of
musk, The deer are shy and alert and
einenit of capture 3.
FOR 1907 - 08,
•. -1•,•.,••,
The TIM e.$ will receive subscriptions at the rates belcv,.
for any of the following publications.:
4.* Times and Daily Globe e •e•••• • ...
'Tftn and Daily Mail az Empire . .
I 'Times and ,Daily World •• • • . • • • ..
Times and Toronto Daily • ..
Times and Toronto Daily Star;
4. Times and Daily Advertiser. . .
Times and Toronto Saturday Night
Times and 'Weekly Globe . .
Times and Weekly igen and Empire.
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star-
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and
Times and Weekly Witness .• .. • ...
Times and London Free Press (weekly)... ....
Timeand London Advertiser (weekly) . . . .
Times and Toronto Weekly Sun
Times and World Wide,..,
Times and Northern Messenger.
Times andvve oFpaeroitnaueyrs:
ecAodniymocenadtClour readers to subscribe
to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine.
Times and Farming World
Times and Presbyterian
times and Westminster
Times and Presbyterian and. Westminst
• ,Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) .
Times and Youths' Companion „....
Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly).- .....
Times and Sabbath Reading, New York
Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)...
Times and Michigan Farmer .. ..
Times and Woman's Rome Companion .. . ..
Times and Country Gentleman
Times naBo
aand stonDelineator
School Magazine,
Times and Green's Fruit Grower..., .
Times and Good Housekeeping .....
Times and McCall's Magazine
Times and American Illustrated Magazine,
Times and Atnericau Boy Magazine
Times and What to Eat -
Times and Business Man's Magazine
Times and Cosmopolitan
Times and Ladies' Home Journal
Times and Saturday, Evening Post'
Times and Success .•
Times and Hoard's Dairyman
Times and McClure's MagAzine
Times and Munsey's Magazine
Times and ,Viek's Magazine
Times and Home Herald'
Times and Travel Magazine
Times and Practical Fernier
Times and Home Journal, Toronto................
Times and Designer .
Times and Everybody's
Times and Western Borne Monthly, Winnipeg.,.....
Times and Canadian Pietorial........ ... ... . .
Laxa-Liyer Pills are the ladies' favorite
medioine. They euro Constipation, Sick
fleadaphe, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
Thei-eitiatal• Iting.healing principal of
she pine tree has finally, been successfully
separated and nefined into a perfect
oeugh medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
emarantee of satisfaetion. Price 25
*A Fishmonger.
Mrs. Jones often declared that she
really ealeYed a little chat with their
fish dealer because be was a man of
such original Ideas, but one day, says
London Opinions, she returned from
market somewhat puzzled by his re-
"I said to him, just in the Way of
conversation," deelared Mrs. Jones,
"that I had heard that a man becomes
like that with which he most associ-
"'That's ridiculous, Mrs. 4ones!' he
answered, Tve been a fishmonger all
my life and ean't swim a yard."
• The Skeetere Return.
Night um, and the skeeters come.
Round and round they're winging.
Whewi Where are they coining /roma
Listen to their singing.
"13 -t -z -z -z -z," the skeeters say.
Bite all night and sleep an day.
Never can keep them away-.ets, snloke or kerosene -
Even nip yon through a seteon.
'-Chicago laTeaft
Two Sides.
She -If a man loves his wife as
much as she loves him he win stop
wasting his money on cigars if she
asks hire.
ne-Yea, brit 12 his wife loves him
as much as she ought to /ova a man
who love; her enough to stop it It she
asks hilt she won't ask Wm. -Puck.
Love Is Blind, but Not Dettf.
She srollee-my darnrig emilee mad en
The world is ailed with 31 gbt.
She laughs -.41a aka the bird's syseet
an, it:teatime fair and bright.
Mao weeps -the world it, cold sad veal
Rain cloud shut out the
She tinge -4 softly' treat away
Ana wait till she OM threlteh.
--Beaton Tritnatztpt.
+The above
prices 'Delude postage on American publications to any 4'
3: address in Canada. It the Tines is to be sent to an American address, Add *
• cents for postage, and where American pnblicatione are to be sent to 111
els American addresses a reduction will be roads leprice;
• It
• •
We could extend this list. If the paper or Magazine you want tenet in •
• the list, calf at thie office, or drone card and we will give you prices on the •
• paper yon want, liVe club with all the leading newspapers and nmeaziees. 0
When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers will
e •
• secure such premiums when ordering though as. same as ordering direct 11 :
• from publishers.
• 0
These low rates mean a conviderable caving to subscribers, and are .
• STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, poste
• office or express money order, addressieg -
• IP
• . e
....,4,4.6004.4."...,,„..4........„ .........,0,4,60,004madoes••••••
• • • • •
2 30
'2 30
1 60
1 85
1 85
.. 1 75
2 25
2 25
3 25
2 40
1 .b5 •
1 85
2 25
• . • 2 60
• 2.75
• 2.25
• 1.60
1 75
2 80,
•Guaranteed Cured or No Pay.
If you ever had any contracted or hereditary
blood disease, you are never safe until the virus
or poison has been removed from the system.
You may have had some disease years ago, but
now and then some symptom alarms you. Some
poison still lurks in your system, Can you afford
to runthe risk of more serious symptoms appear-
ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury
or mineral drugs used indiscriminately -they may
ruin the system. Tweety years experience in the
treatmentof these diseases enables us to ptescribe
specific remedies that will positively cure all blood
diseases of the worst ch '
aracter leaving no bad
effect S On the system. Our New Method Treat-
ment will purify and enrich the blood, heal up
all ulcers, Clear the skin, remove bete pains, fallen
out hair will grow iu and swollen glands will re.
turn to a normal :audition, and the patient will
feel and look like a different person. All eases
we accept for treatment are guaranteed a toxn.
plebe cure if instructions are followed.
Reader if in doubt as to yotir condition, you can 'consult us FREE
OP CHARGE. Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation
or relis.bility•Drs. X. & X, have been:stabil-eked over 20 years.
WE CURE Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood and
Secret Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Compleinte. COnsultation Free.
unahlis to call writs for a Question Wet tot Home Treatment,
Cor. Michigan 11 griswold Sts. Detroit, Mich.