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The Wingham Times, 1908-10-15, Page 7
MACE ARCH. HISLOP AT THE HEAD OF THE POLL ON OCTOBER 26th. THS WINGHAM TIMES . VOL XN.XVII.—NO. 1915, WINGRAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1908. J\,Tino1,• THE GREAT TONIC • s Every bottle guaranteed - ' We refund your money if t it fails. • • Walton McKibben THE ®RUCCIST Maodonaid Block, Wingham, 1 a H How Are Your Eyes ? If your eyes trouble you, it will pay you to see us, as we perfect sight with our spectacles. Eyes Tested Free Each fitted with itsiproper leas©, so we have no trouble suiting all people. Call and see us about your oyes, at WALLEY'S DRUG STORE Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. Farm Properties Some exceptional values in farms, If you want one it will pay you to see us. The good old Province of Ont- ario is all right. Town Properties At right prices. We have a number of pieces admirably suited for retired farmers. No . prettier or healthier town in Ontario than Wingham. Property bought bele can al- ways be re sold. RITCHIE & CORERS Griffin•VaustoneBlock, WINGHAM. Phone 123 Just Try �b for all binds of GROCERIES, FRUITS, Etc. 1. Henry Christie PHONE 59. 1 "Th : Old So land Sex ette" Under auspices of t e B. Y. P. U., in BAPTISE OHUI8OH, WINGUi.M, on Tuesday Ev ruing, Oct. 27th ADMISSION 25 , CHILDREN 15e, GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Shoe* and Rubbers Women' The Wingham b Institute will mee, Thursday, Ootobe. jeot for discussion the home." Ladi: vited to attend. Institute. i}oh of the Women's in the 0. Q. F. hall, 29th, at 3 pan, Sub - "Girl's duty in the a are all cordially in- Wingh The Liberals quested to atte. oommlttee roo. Friday evening. portant work i, eleotiou is to b Liberals are ur• present. m Liberals. .f Wingbam are re- d the meetings in the a on Thursday and of this week. Re- connection with the attended to and all :ntly requested to be Drink Ohristie's Teas, Anniversar Anniversary ser with St. Andrew's will be held next M. Glassford, of Guelph, will preach ing. Special colleol at both services an attend, F Services. nes in connection 'resbyteriem Church lnday. Rev. R. J. Dhalmer's Church, morning and even - ions will be taken i all are invited to See the new wall paper at the BIG BOOR STORE. An All Nig Wingham eleotri again being given The new service w week and will be the light users. Th atione at the powe pushed along as rapi a few weeks more s completed. t Service. light users are all night service. nt into effect this eh appreciated by repairs and alter - house are being iy as possible and ould see the work "Dainty Mode" is the name of the beet rubbers for ladies and gents. W. T. Greer. Flute Ba The Wingham I their first annual house on Friday when an exootionl given, among thos being Miss W. Alb Mies Wallace; Mr. Johnston MoOormi� comedian. The m are desirous of fern tainment, and will patronage of the first oonoert. Re Oot. 30th. d Concert, lute Band will hold oncart in the opera evening, Oot. 30th, programme will be who will take part Ohieholm ; Mr, and Smith, comae Binger; k, the famous negro mbers of the baud ailing a good enter- ppreoiate the liberal ittizene in this their nember the date -- Highest price paid for hides and try at T. Fells' bntoher shoo. poul- Wonder ul Value. All Canadians ar . proud of/the won- derful success of The Family Herald and Weekly Sta of Mo treat, Few homes in Canada will l found with- out-. it to -day a ev ry home is the better for reoeivi g itt It is a weekly newspaper, fam ..bgazine and agri. cultural journal, .1 three in one, and eaoh one worth t 1 they ask for the whole oombinatio :. Our readers should all have their loo: paper, but no family oan well afford t be without "The Fam- ily Herald and •'eekiy Star." It is simply marvelous what a vast amount one gets for a dollar a year, "The Family Herald Bed Weekly Star" is looked upon as a clean family paper in every reaped. Huron's H rticultural Exhibit. The attenti • n of fr""nit growers throughout this county is urgently called to the .:sirability of having a large exhibit o fruit grown in this county at the rovincial Horticultural Exhibition whi h opens ,in Toronto on Monday, Nova • ber 9th. Liberal prizes are awarded f the general competi- tion, in which all fruit growers may enter, and a .rant of $25 from the County Oounoi has been added to the Provincial pri :e in the county com- potitione. Con.ty Clerk Lane Is not- ing as eeoretar for the committee who are endeavorir to colieot the oonnty exhibit, and o will be glad to send copies of the rize list and all desired infortea ion t • anyone asking same. All ` • ex re ar gee o a ee tb p Goderioh, g erlh a an d thane() to Ter, oto will be paid, so that exhibitors are at little or no expense. By all means :let anyone having good fruit spooime.b, arrange tee and their to Mr. Lane, o that out oonnty may, as before, lea. in the display, at this splendid exhl.• tion, Exhibits trust be at Godorioh n, later than Not. 2nd. Died 1n Tu The home of Mr Mitchell, of Tnrnberr Sunday het by th daughter, Miss Haze in her 17th year. T in apparently good h day laet when she away on Sunday. will have the sincere friends in their Attila nberry. and Mre. Win. was saddened on death of their �Mildred Mitchell, young lady was alth up till Thunem, took il1 and passed ie berpaved family sympathy of ninny Buy "Dainty Mode" rubbers. They wear longer and cost no more. W. J. GGRnnr, Lakeside Lea: ue Standing Mr. J. D. Miller President of the Lakeside Baseball eague has sent to Mr. T. J. McLean, ,., o manager of the lona] club, the sten • ing of the different teams for the seasfollows:=- Pero: ntage Wow Lost Wingham Godorioh Blyth Kincardine Luoknow 66 64 60 40 81 10 6 9 5 9 6 4 10 6 11 Hosplt At the annual Auxiliary of W pita], the foilowin ed:—Hon. Presid Allen; president, first viae-presiden seoond vice-preei ton; third vioe-p son; oorrespondi Phelan; reoordin Estelle Griffin; O. E. Jenkins. tees—Floral, Mr visiting, Mrs. Mrs, (Dr.) Redm Corny n ; sewing ventory, Miss dent. a Auxiliary, m eting of the Ladles f • gharn General Hos officers were eleot t, Mrs, (Rev.) R, E Mrs. R. Vanatone , Mrs. W. II. Green out, Mrs. Geo. Spot evident, Mrs. J. Wit secretary, Mrs J, 13 secretary, Miaa E, ensurer, Mrs. (Rev.) onveners of commit. C. G. Vanstone; . Ross; membership, nd; 'apply, Mies Elia Mrs. M. Dinsley; ;in. ornyn and the Presi- , • • • • LOST,—In Wingham, gold bracelet, set with email ston s; alued as a gift Finder please leave G. Patterson's jewelry store and be rewarded, Sudden D'ath at Forest. Mr, James We : , father of Mrs. Wm. S. Linklater, of nrnberry, died sud- denly at hie nom in Forest on Tuesoay of last week. H was the oldest native of London Tow • :hip, his parents com- ing to Canada fr • rn the County Antrim, Ireland, in 1819, .nd settling in London Township, Ile as born and Iived in the township fo some years, but went later to the To nehip of Biddnlph, and snbeequontly 1• the Township of War- wick, near A kona. Here he farmed until a few ye: re ago, when he retired, moving to Fo.est to reside. Deceased was n lifelong Liberal and ,an elder in the Presbyterin church. He is sur- vived by a wi• ow and five daughters. Mrs. Linklater attended the funeral of her father At F rest. Cold weathe is on th sway sure. There is no need of hay g cold feet, however. We have col weather foot- wear in big varlet a d we guarantee to oure told feet. ILars & Co , the leading place for rubbers and cold weather footwear. ^�- Insurance • The annual repo ent of insurance total amount of i on Deo. 31, 190 The insurance be in 1907 amounts the disability ben assets in Ontario 0 in the report as liabilities as $636,5 where total $25,205 ties anywhere $1 Ontario membershi The totals of sick give the amount I- 03 $631,747, and t "special relief" a assets under this and the liabilities $ in Ontario. of the superintend - Ontario shows the uranoe "anywhere" , as $1,406,340,043, fits paid in Ontario to $2,473,009, and is $79,779,001. The this date are given 7,443,433, and the 1. The assets any - 10, and the Habib.66,298. The total 's given as 279,755. d funeral benefits in such benefits amount paid for 12,693. The total bis are $2,206,730, ,381. p a a h a 2 Hunters' Via Grand Trun Return tickets at si Nov. 3rd, to points Mattawa to Port A Bay and Mackin Arthur via N. N. points is Quebe Nova Scotia and 22nd to Nov. 3rd Lake of Bays, Penetang, Midi Madawaska to D Oob000nk, Lindsa bot Lake via K. from Severn to Return limit on Deo. 5th, 1908, or tion, if earlier, steamers. Full 1 Grand Trunk tick cursions. Railway System le fare, Oct. 6th t n Temagami, poiht thur. To Georgia ve Division; Por Co., and to oertai New Brunswick ewtoundland. Oot to Muskoka Lakes Magnetawan River nd and Lakefield ot Harbor, Argyle t to Haliburton, Sher P. Ry,, and point orth Bay inclusive all tickets Saturday ntil close of naviga points reached b formation from any t agent, 0 9 n t n 0 d y The old Boothia entertainment at nesday evening. small, owing no weather. Howev well repaid for th tation songs and and awoetnese the d Sexette gave a fine he Y. M. 0, A. Wed. The andienoe watt onbt to the rough r, those present were numbers were plan- edleys, full of melody made the performers favorites from the start. All are excep- tionally' good attic a. In the sold, duet, q u uartuetto and Be and har h mo ny wa Overstreet, set the singing to ` a blower any part of the he Mrs, Talbot, copra round musical vo work 'Was Oepe Times, In Baptia Tnosday evening, ette work, sweetness bion ght out. Mr, o, has a fine 'Mee, and being heard in Mre. Mimeo and o and alto, have full Doe and their duet Ally floe. --Adrian Ohtiroh, Winghatn, 0tober 27th. Celebrated Gold Mr, and M. Thos, Biuevele road, oelebra wedding anniversary o noon end evening of th members of the farm and a happy day wa part1oalers of this hap given in our next issue, e t ; { $1 A. YEAR IN ADVANCE Wedding. enkins, of the d their golden Tuesday after - week. All the were present spent. Farther y event will be Election Re The Liberals of Win arrangements with Mr agent of the 0, P. R. receive the eleotlon r day evening. The re ceived in the einem' Wilson block and all bam and district will rn8e am have made A. Ross, looaI legraph Co., to erns next Mon - urns will be re• ee room in the berate of Wing - made welcome. 0 New felt and cold weathe shoes of all desoriptions. Big ar' y; brawl new goods; best qualit and lowest prices, WIL.I,Is & Ca., t e leading plans for rubbers and cold weather footwear, Men's M The first of a eerie! men, was held in tb Sunday afternoon lai well attended, Rev. a very intereeting and the meeting was a ver Theee meetings will be the winter months and by the different rainiest Date for next meeting the Teems. eting. of meetings for Parish Hall on and was very E. Jeakine gave Iractioal talk and suooesaful one. continued during will be addressed rs of the town. vill be given in Many a woman goeal without rubbers and regrets it arterwarde, We have women's rubbers in all styles -55o, 65o, and 75o a pair. W. J. Gamut. Death of Mrs. arbour. One of the early plc West Wawanosh pays day last, in the per Martin, wife of Mr. her 79th year, Dace Bowmanville for so coming to West Wa for nearly fifty years West Wawanosh and the country when it Barbour was held in large circle of friends relatives will have th community. ear residents of away on Satur- n of Catharine hn Barbour, in ed resided 'near years prior to anoah. She had sen a resident of aw this section of as all busk. Mrs. igh esteem by a and her bereaved sympathy of the In the Autumn general that all our r will be glad to hear t ed to The Dr. Willis Brookville, Ontatio, advantage. Write t henmatiem is so aders so suffering at a letter address - s' Medicine Co., will be to their -day. The Late Mrs. Ar hibaid Taylor. On Thursday, 15th bell, wife of Mr, departed this life, denoe, on the first o Mrs, Taylor had not for the past two came suddenly, as about until a wee The deceased, wh the late Robert C 29th year, and her All age has paused e a large °trole of fri was held in high husband she ]Dave and six years old; h two brothers—Joh Saskatoon, Sask,, W of New Orleans—an Fred Tour of Midlan Belle and Sadie—th arriving from the We funeral. The deceas Mr. J.B. Ferguson, to ham. The funeral to afternoon to the Wing inat., Nellie Camp- Arohibald Taylor, t the family resi- cession of Onlross. been in good health oars, yet the end she was able to be before Aber death. was a daughter of mpbell, was in her eparture at so early noere regret among rade, by whom she teem. Besides her two children four r widowed mother, M. Campbell, of Ilam O. Campbell three staters—Mrs, , Ont., and Misses latter two just tin time for the d was a niece of n olerk of Wing - place on Sunday am cemetery. "The Old Sonthlan-. Singers" sang in our church last even .. g. We were de- lighted with their wo k. In my opinion they excedl the "JO.ilee Singers," and their success le a f. egone contusion. W. H. Edyean, . oBa]n, Mioh.—In Baptist Church, .nghem, Tuesday October 27th. Death ofJ.his Black, There passed awry at his home on John street, on Fri. ry last, Mr, John Black, in kis 73rd y ar. Deceased had boon in failing he th for some time, the cause of death i sing heart failure. Mr. Black was bor, in the county of SIigo, Ireland, and .ame to Canada in the year 1854, He first settled at Tor. onto and later ca. i. to Huron county, settling on the 6t ooneession of East Wawanosh, This liietriot was all woods at that time. Mr. BIaek went through ail the hardship incident to pioneer lifo. Some three ears ago he moved to Wingham, living retired. Be was a member of the 011 roh of England and was a Conserved ve in polities, Some forty years ago h was married to Mary Anderson, who, ith a family of three sons and one d ughter, are left to mourn the loss husband and father. The children are James, of Detroit; Thomas, at home' John, of Rochester, Minh„ and Dire. 3 tin Rogers, of Wing - ham, The Tuner 1 to the Wingham oetnetery MI Tu sday afternoon was largely' attended, Rev. O. E. Jeakine oondncted the ser ices at the house and grave. The me era of the Wingham L. O. L. attende in a body and the Ord ' Dire earyips as shad not odatth e ra a Mr. Blao havdng been a life - tont; member ofo Order, Dr. Ovens. Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat will be at Mollibbon'a drug store, Wednesday, Nov ember 28th. Hours: 2 pen, to 8 p.m. °lasses prapetly fitted. EAST HURON Next Monday is p the duty ot every Li to see that every vo years ago many Lib poked, as it was t110 Dr. Macdonald was nothing should be With every Libera Mouday the Libera plane Aroh. Hislop poll. Get the vote LWERALS Wag defy and it is rat in Beet Huron e is polled. Four rad votes were not ght the election of attain. This time aken for granted. vote polled next s wilt be able to t the head of the t on Monday. OHUROH OTOS. Next Sunday is c in the Metbodiet c mens of the Lord administered at the and evening aervioe speak at 11 a. m. on and its antidote," parable of the bore is new treatment Everybody weleo services. e mmtinion Sunday arch. The Stora - supper will be one of the morning . The pastor will "The serpent's lite As 7 p. m. "The ved father," This f an old subj,,ot. , to these bright DOMINION QMINATIONS. There were few arpriees in nomina- tion day proceed nes throughout the Dominion on Mon, ay. Only two mem. berg were returned to the Commons by aoolatnation—Hou L. P. Brodeur in Renville, Que., an Mr. W. F. Maclean in South York. It was anticipated that Sir Wilfrid Lanriir would not be op- posed in Qaebeo Eat, but a last minnt° oandidate appeared'. n the person of Dr, Filet. The Qaeb • , Conservatives sp. pear to be very batty demoralized, no less than a dozen .. u having withdrawn their nerves fro.. the party's list of oandidatee since ast Thursday, their pupas being taken 'y stopgap candid- ates. There are still three seats in Quebec—Levis, D•ummond and Arth- a0askaville, and ieonenve—fn which no Conservative is mining. In Ontario theris bat one with- drawal, that of Mr. McMullen, who was running as an In pendent Liberal in Prinoe Edward oo ty, This leaves the field to Mr, Aloo n, (Oon) and Dr. Onrrfo (Lib.) and •.ekes certain a very close contest. I. this Province the Liberals have left South Toronto and London to labor o ndidates, and West Toronto to Indepe dents. In all other constituencies the l ght is a party one, with a few third arty oandidatee run. ring for exercise. There are no agclamaticns in either the Maritime Provinces or the West, nor are there a •Se developments that will greatly inte.fere with the predic- tions of the Libe • 1 organizers that the Government wil be sustained by an ample majority. iI .. HIGH SC OOL GAMES. The High Sohoo games were held on Friday last on the school camrns, and, favored by typi,al autumn weather, were a splendid an000ae. The events were all keenly c•ntested, but the beet of good nature prevailed. Quite a number of the 'riends of the school were present anseemed to enjoy the proceedingsimmtnasty. Several of the boys showed go• nine athletic promise. Currie made an excellent showing in the high jurnp, :ping over 5 feet with- out much effort. Mutton won the two. mile walk in gooshape also. The girls' ga„es were particularly intereeting to m: ny of the speotators. The football gam: between two teams of girls was tr:mendously exciting, neither side being able to seine a goal. The captains in his strenuous contest were Miss O. Cr ickshank and Miss L Agnew. The ski 1 with which these young ladies direo ed their cohorts was a revelation, GIRLS' GA1its, Throwing ball, (Sr,), Miss McInnes, . Wells; throwing ball, (Jr.), H. M ore, O. Kerr; throw- ing and catching ball, P. Molnnes, R4, McLean; 100 yar dash, (Sr.), M. Mc- Donald, V. Iaard 100 yard dash, (Jr.), F. Orr, 0 Currie relay rape, H, J ask. son and M. Jewi t, M. McDonald and A. Barger; nail r ce, S. Soott, J. Brook; needle race, A. G ruies, L. Knox; spoon and egg race, . Orr, O. Nicholls; graceful welkin: Miss Duncan, Mies McInnes; ladies r hampionship, Miss P. McInnes, Boys GAMES Half mile (Jr), F. Howson, A. Png. ; standing broad jump, (Sr.), R. Stackh• . se, If. Green; stand- ing broad jump Jr.), F. Howson, S. Orr; three legge• rape, Andrew Wallace and George 51 ffatt; rimming broad jump (Sr ), R 2 aokhonse, P McEwen; running broad j • mp (Jr.), F, Howson, S. Orr; venni 'g hop, sap and jump (Sr.) R. Stack .use, T. E. Robinson; rnnning hop, st p and jump (Jr.), F. Gillespie, S. Or •; 100 yard dash (Sr.), W. MoLean, E Currie; 100 yatd dash (Jr.). F. Howe°. N. Geddes; sank rape, M. White, E,1/- 1; one mile run (Sr ), W. McLean, H, : atton; boot race, G. Gannet, A. K eohtsl; running high jump (Sr.), E. ! Currie, W. 'ktoLean; running high j • nap (Jr ), S. Orr, F'. Gillespie; hnrdlo ace (Sr ), W. McLean, E. Churls; hnrdlo race (Jr ), F, Hoaveon, F. Gillespie; f. Igoe rape, Mackersie and Elliott; tw'• mile walk (Sr.), H. Mutton, R. Stasi house; one mile walk Jr. F. Gillett es e F o ( . J hnaon• acs io , n t ar t,l , ' m athbn . W, ,Loan, P, iu[oLwen, H. Metton • . „ letnior arathan, A. Pugh, H. Oontts; inter.,•diate marathon, P. Pugh, E. Wigh man. The junior a mpionship was carried oft by Frank ;Towson, who made an exceedingly or itablo record, winning 5 firsts. The s lot ohampionehip went to R. Staokhou a with 20 points. NOMINATION AT BR US$ The nOtnlnatio Huron was held day lest. ;the w brought together oeawds of people in of this kind 1. r Eest Huron. B rester Morton, of t nomiaationa and oloeing the noatin Aroh. Hislop, ot nominated by the L Onishoim, of Win sarvatives. Mr. Jo sets was named as Mr, Rielop and Bar Wingham for D announcing the net Returning Oflioers Polling sub-divibio Officer's part of tb were brought to a of renal publics meeting The candidates agr speaking as follow Aroh, Hislop, Rev. Dr. P. Maodonaid, quarters of an hour to have 15 minutes Leckie was agreed 0 and he very ably fi giving the very best all parties. Oar eotamne are too crowded this week to give a aynop-is of the speeches, Dr. Chisholm gave a ery good address, giving the usual arg,,.,outs of the Con- servatives. Rev. Joseph Elliott, who spoke on behalf of r. Chisholm, gave an address, which f om start to finish was along the gene.al scandal talk of the Conservatives', b inging in the well- known dredge ite..s. Aroh. Hislop, the Liberal oandidat: made an excellent speeoh, the Liberals present being very highly pleased wit' their oandidate. He eireotually ane ' ered the general charges being used 1 the campaign and praised the good w rk of the Laurier Government. He also pointed out that he had been de irons of arranging a series of joint •.eetings with, Dr. Chisholm, bat had b:en unable to do so. Dr. P, Maodonald, who spoke on be- half of Mr. Hielo•, was in splendid form, and made ono of the best speeches ever heard in Bid reels. With great force and in a man er that will not soon be forgotten, he ve y fully answered all the charges of seen al pat forth by Mr • Elliott. The dooto had ell of tits old time vim and his ad t rens did the Liberal cause a great deal° o good. The Liber. ale present were ' :ry mnoh pleased with the meeting a• • went home fully satisfied that the L''eral speakers had the better of the erg , ment. The meeting closed with the sin t ing of the National Anthem. meeting for East t Bruin s on Mon. ether teen perfect Otte of the largest ver Been at a meet. is town reoelved the afore the hoer for tions arrived, Mr, rey Towosnip was berets and Dr. Taus, haul by the sun n Leckie, ot Bras - financial agent for inter D. Holmes, of Chisholm. Atter ea of the D..puty for the diifrreet s, the Returniteg day'e prooeeeirgs se, after which the was 118181, ed on the order or :—Dr, Ohisholm, oseph Elliott and ch to have three - and Dr. Ohitholm to reply. Reeve as the Chairman led the position, of satisfaction to POLITICAL C•MPAIGN NOTES. Speaking at Hal fax, Hon. Mr. Field- ing said he expect d seven Provinces out of nine to go Libe 1. Sir Wilfrid La rier was given the greatest welcome ever accorded any statesman in Mont eal. When a man a peals to you. on re. ligions prejudices to vote against or for the Laurier Government tell him you haven't any—that you are for men who are working for the advancement of the country irrespsotive of their religions beliefs. An increase of $141,000,000 in the value of cur export trade in twelve years, as compared with an inorease of 360,500,000 in, twenty-eight years, has not come by hanoe. It is not all the result of o editions the world over. It is very largely due to the inauguration of period of peace and the vigorous oar ying out of a wisely conceived policy f constructive states- manship. Do yo desire a continuance of the work so web begun? —Toronto Star? The political iatory of Canada for the last forty yea s ie pnnotuated with disgraooful sound Is that were only too real, as hit e been absolutely proved before c mpetent tribunals, for whith the Oon ervative party was absolutely reapons ble, and so were they responsible 1 r the periods of lewdness stagnatio and hard timee between 1878 and 1806, till a better era dawned oil Oinada and the elect- ors placed a of s of men at the head of affairs o Boon showed this country and thi Empire that they had a higher aooneeption ot true statesmanship, On Monday 1 t, four boys of Mon- treal, all of the udder fifteen years Of bre, were ar !pied before Ddagis• trate Bazin, a to on Otis e # oftheft. four lads amongs them had stolen $220, and had pnreh ed clothes, revolvers, rifles, and other supplies of is Western trip. When ea tired they were all ready to leave for the West. Fine Tailoring is what you invariably get when y o u leave your order for clothing at this store. Clothes bought here are guaranteed to ht well, look well and wear well —and they do. Men's Furnishings of all kinds Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Underwear, etc. The very newest of new goods are here. Come in and have a look. Robt1 axwell MERCHANT TAILOR AND MEN'S FURNISHER ,wgisozz=lanstmesizezzgaraczaw SJTUATI�N&5, with leading business houses await our graduates. LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER and all modern office methods which ensure rapid advance- ment. GREGG SHORTHAND taught by the only teacher in Ontario who attended the Author's School. TREE COURSES. — Stenography. Commercial, Telegraphy. Enter mayday. Write for particulars. FALL TER.15I 11t0II SEPT. 1st Wingham Business College 0120, SPOT't ON, PRINCIPAL. •CanarineatZTaliattiCErai=2CIMPTIVINIn. I Let 'em Kick I School Children always do more or lase kickioit-. principally more. Let 'em Irick. It won't hurt their Shoes any if They conte from here, Our School Shoes aro made to stand the hard Waage we expect School Children to give them We Guarantee Our School Shoes We sell 00 trash. It's the beet or none here. A eiza and a width for every Boy ar Gir;'s foot. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $175 No prices lower then mire, when the Shoes are as good. Rubbers! Rubbers! We have them ---.beat queli!y, lowest price. J. Greer THE SHOE MAN.