HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-10-15, Page 68 HISS SPARLING lduate of Toronto Conservatory Of masse ,lend Authorized Teaoher of the Fletcher Iliad° Method, Symplex and Kinder- nurten (having studied this method with 'the originator, at the Synthetic School, sew York). Pupils prepared for Conservatory ex- imInaations, both in Theory and Piano. CLASSES OPEN dth ;SEPT. )?or information regarding tuition,. alts„ amply at her home, Minnie street. MINOFt LOCALS. Next pili+!?n holiday is Thanksgiving' ,say—Monday, November 9th. —P. H. WalIey, the druggist, has a mew advt. in this issue. Read it. Repeat it:--"Shiloh's Cure will an sv ys cure my coughs and colds." —Liberal political meeting in the opera house next Wednesday evening. Regular meeting of Oamp °ale• stoma, Sons of Sootland will be held meet Monday evening. —Parties who intend going deer Taunting this season can secure their licensee from Mr. Geo. A Phippen. Tun W1.5101IA,14 TIMMS, OCTOBER 15, 1008 Registration. of Clydesdales, e The season when oonsiderable trading will be done in breeding Clydesdales is pow owning closer to hand. There are saltily Uwe cud young stallions in the country whioh are eligible for registra- tion in the Clydesdale Stud Book, and whoa) owners have still neglected to record thein. This is a dietinot disad- vantage, as very often the neglect to do eo spoils the sale of the filly. Boyers will always try to got them at a mach lower price, and, in many oases the sale is lost through lack of time to get the papers. ern buyer, shippers ato the in a west cap e at only avail themselves of the law rates and trine service of the asaooiati + car when the Canadian Registratio, oertifioate ie ents oan be freight rates if Then, too, the buyers are so mach ing up the stud books —'he dates for the series of political l.,e.nia,gs in the interests of Arch Hislop orau be found in another column of this i,98ue. —Mrs. Matheson, who underwent an exceedingly dangerous oper. •ion at the hospital this week is doing s well as oan be expected. —The more you kn, about tea, the Tilor3 you will ap late the delicate fragrance and • eiioioas flavor of "'Salads" Tea. —Mr. John Ritchie, of Toronto, and 2oreaerly of Brussels, has purchased Mr. 0. Rintoul's barbering business in town ,And took possession this week. .—D. B. Anderson, of the Bluevale Toad won 33 prizes at the Luoknow fall fair and James Henderson won over 50 prizes at the Teeswater fall fair. Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Onre will al - Teem oure my coughs and colds," —A new time table went into effect on the G T. R. last week. The only ohmage affecting Wingham is that the night train from Palmerston and To- ronto arrives some eight minutes later. —Political matter has been having aura place iu the TIMES for the past few weeks. The battle will soon be over and we will be down to paying par- ticular attention to the general news of the district. —Mise Maggie Fi-her was able to be 'moved from the hospital to her home on ' a:a:.lay r..ac° Mie G 0. Hanna i8 now nicely on the mend. The many friends' of these two ladies will be pleased to to bar that they are recovering. C SOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS ,They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the Rothia;; properties of slippery elm and lico- iae, 'your druggist or from us, lee in stamps. Jaterato, Maas Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4or —Tho Western Foundry Co. is so ruched with orders that the workmen are now l.ntttrg in extra hours. The "Heron" Stoves, ranges and furnaces ure giving taxa' satisfaction and a ready 'market is soon found for the different lilies of goods. —At Teeswater fall fair on Wednes day of last week 0. A. Rintonl won firnt with hie, roadetar team and Alex Carson, seecnd. J E Swarts won first on carriage team. At Lucknow fair, Wm. Maxvrell won second with his oar::ag te.un. —Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henderson, of the iueva.e ;fled, celebrated the tenth anniversary C their marriage on Mon- day last, when a number of relatives and intimate friends were invited for dinner and a few pleasant hours spent tegother. The numerous friends of Mr, and Mrs. Henderson will wish them aeae y more years of happy wedded life. produced. Looal ehtp made at haif the regal the aminal is r:cord fact that prosp;+tiv en the habit of for trace of ani els whioh they may be able to purchase, is a great advantage to the owner who has recorded his young animals. There are many reasons why this should be attended to early. For blank forme, etc., write to Accountant, National Live Stook Records, Ottawa, Owners of Clydesdales eligible for regis- tration will please note the advertise- ment which appears elsewhere in this issue, making the announcement that the secretary of the Clydesdale Horse Association of Canada will be at the Queen's hotel on Wednesday the 21st, in order to give assistance to those desirous of registering their animals and who have as yet failed to do so. • .t RING'S FOR1 , BARGAINS ! WE WANT YOUR TRADE SEASONABLE ..... . .. .... GOODS. Our stock of goods for the Fall and Winter trade le now complete, and we have the best gocds in our many different lines that money can bay, at the meet reasonable prioes. DRESS GOODS. -5 pieces Suitings. Min. wide, in navy, brown, red, green and black, regular $1 25, for 74-0, Our range et Dress Goods, Silks, Trimmings, eta , is the largest we have ever shown, and from the mauy lines can suit the most oritioal buyer, LADIES' JACKETS.—In this line we have a fine selection, from the cheaper grades to the best, 1 i+'tl ,S,--'4Ye have the largest range, beat qualities, newest styles and all- round good goody that we have ever shown, comprising Ladies' Fur and Fur -lined Coats, Neck Furs, Muffs, Gents' Fur Coats, eto. Oar Underwear, Ready.to•Wear Clothing and Raincoats in both Ladies and Gents, pre worthy of your closest inspection. - EXTltti SPECIAL 50 pieces of Wrapperette, 36 -in. wide, all good colors and patterns, regular 25o, for per yard • - - - 10c Another shipment (and the last) of THAT TABLE LINEN, reg. 50o per yard, for - - - - - 25e .o— W P NTED.—AU kinds trade, Butter, Eggs, Beans, Dried Apples, eto. TUB BUTTER 220 - EGOS 20e 1 i GOOD GOODS G. E. KING. C HEAP PRICES September Crop Report. The September crop report issued by the Dominion Department of Agrioul tare estimates the wheat orop of the Dominion at nearly 125,000,000 bushels, the oat crop at 270.000,000, and that of barley at 50,000,000. On the basis of prices likely to rule for the grains nam- ed these three principal crops, if all sold, ought to realize $230,000,000, But all will not be sold. Enough will have to to be retained for the farmer's own bread and next year's seeding. On the other hand, the bulk of and the barley oat crop will give a larger return to the producer by being transformed into meats and dairy products than they would if sold as grain at prioes now ruling. The same is true of the mixed grains, whioh are estimated to yield nearly 20,000,000 bushels, as well as of the ether coarse grains, corn, hay and roots. It is fairly well within the mark to say that the field props of Canada, which this year will be marketed either in the raw or the more finished form, will realize not less than $350,000,000. —Toronto Star. PERSONAL. Mrg. Jas. !'�TcKie is visiting friends in Tara. Cir. Ten H. Mitchell has returned home frim T,rz onto. Mr. Huth Mark, M. P. P., of }linear. dine we.s in ie, n thio week. Rola. ",?':fl. Rola. NTascaeil `sailed for a few days With frleads in Stratford, !','�`;. R Kt: `:•3 was visiting' for over ;althea y wine relatives at Ingersoll, 'rairomuth, of Toronto was vioi!inle •ter 2.•`v days with old friends in Wi t zhain. ales John holron, who )pent some tit'1e. '`:' the West vieiting with her nephew, retneeed home last week. held (Comet In the Tate.; mall, vii„a1,bFm, for the revision of tin lf:r3 •>e.trre' lists on Tuesday Or 'r aa.nm<ericieg at 10 e'ulcok a. tea- H rust 2Jkcors "SIG yota ore sneering from 'virsure blood, thin blood, de- ,hilhy, nervousness, to 'hens- > ' don, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sursnpariila, the Srrenperilla you have known ' i .;18 your life. Your doctor l;ttows it, too. Ask him about it. .BORN. CAW-MT—In Wingham, on October 10th, to Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Calvert; a son. WIIpSTER: In Kinloss, on October 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Webster, a son. W ILLIAMSON.—In Wingham, on October 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Williamson; a son. MARRIED MCLEAN—ErDER —At Blyth, on Oct. 7th, by Rev Dr. McLean, of Goderich, assisted by Rev. J. L..Small, B. A , Blyth, Amy 0. Elder, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Elder, to Rev. W. 1. McLean, M. A., of Brigden, formerly of Blyth. OuBnrs—GARRICic.—In Winnipeg, on Wed- nesday, Sept 30th, by Rev. Dr. Gordon, Mr. Robert B. Currie. of Edmonton, Alta., to Miss Jessie M. Garrick, of Wingham. Ont. DIED HAMILTON.—In Wingham, on October 8th, Isabella Hamilton, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamilton, age 27 years and 10 months. VANsTor a.—In Wingham, on the 13th inst., Marion Louise,infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Pannone, aged 1 year and 3 months. MILNE.—In Wingham, on October 6th, Mary Gaynor, wife of Mr. Alex. K. Milne, of Kinloss, aged 61 years. IRVING—In Bluevale, on Cctober 14th. Hazel Irving, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Irving, aged 3 months and 21 days. WHITE.—In Howick. on October 3rd, John White, aged 44 years. Fran:IL—In Sinless, on October•6th, Harold Fisher, aged 13 years and 10 mouths. FRASER: In Blyth, on Oct. 7th. Elizabeth Fraser, relict of the late Hugh Fraser, aged 09 years and 6 months. U. til, -.1 ttiPro la daily actin - of the bevels, ..�ihy - ., 01,:; et2 eau,6ntlleead- r l° oM r, n ucrl, dual els n rind tl.ui i �. �, ,M' a 1%.0 areriilea pilfroml 'A gently-, 51 re�e,alOs, b74. AittO 2.0,0 11, arena. at.180 ms,rnfa,etarera OS 0 11MR MOO, AGUE cIJRRE. MO P9NCl'0I 1„ TEACHER WANTED. TAKE NOTICE. That J. S, Jerome, Dentist is making beautiful seta of teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airohamber, All work guaranteed. Office in Chisholm Blook, Wingham. 'l4tl1111‘' I; a* For Union S. S. No. 7, Turnberry and Fast Wawanosh. Applications, stating qualifica- tions and salary expected, will be received up to Saturday, October '4th. Duties to com- mence with January, 1902. Apply to JAMES GODKIN, Wingham, P. O. TEACHER WARTED. DOMINION ELEC Male teacher, second-class professtonal, pre- ferred, for Lower Wingham school. Applica- tions, with testimonials, and stating qualifica- tions and salary expected, will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday. Oct. alst. R . S. LINKLATER. Secretary -Treasurer. Wingham P. O. IONS, - 1908 Pablio meetings i ARCH. FRANK McCONNELL, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of iinrou Is prt pored to conduet auction pales of all deg criptioa,s, cspzclaliv farm stock and imple- ments, in any reset of the country, oa reason- able terms. Orders left at the Tours office will be promptly and cheerfully attended to. TOWN OF WING AM!: Notice is hereby given that a Burt will be heti, pursuant to The Ontario Voter:i List Act, by l i s Honour the Judge' of the County Court of the County of Hunan, at the Town Hall at the Town of Wingh in, an Tuesday, 21th y of October, Leos, ato'clock a. in., to hear and determine i complai ts of errors and cmb.sions in the Voters' List t of the Municipality of Wingham for the year MR Dated at Wingham this lath day of October 1Wi. Clerk of :MunicipalityLof•Win O am. , 1' .• .x. • d• • • • • • syr i'.a t••Y'•i '•' TI:e FirsI • o2len means so =eh, It has .�j. meant '.0 . Sae Cfi9 to t1laltsa udi3 of t young p people e t Iso wrote for sur Catalogue as the List step to• .1. ward a good salaried position. + Telco the stop to -day. :Address '' Central Business College, 13i Yung() Street, Toronto. 44 W. 0. b1111.1,V, + .President. •k • LIBERAL CA East will be held BLTTH - BLUEVALE GORRIE - ETHEL • Mo Tue We the interest of ISLOP DIDATE IN tiros' s follows : + ay, October 12 ay, October 13 esday, Oot. 14 sday, Oot. 15 y, October 16 day, Oot. 17 •lay, October 19 day, Ootober 20 nesday, Cot. 21 rsday, Oat. 22 ay, October 23 urday, Oot. 24 „ Thu FORDwIOH - Frid JAMESTOWN - Sat BRUSSELS • MO (Nomin BELGRAVE • Tu: WINGHAM - We LAKELET - - Th WROXETER - Fr' 0RANBROOK - Sa All meetings wil commence at 7 30 o'clock p. m., ex pt at 'Wingham, whioh will be at 8 o' look p. m. Addresses will be iven by Mr, Hislop and other prominen Liberals. The Opposition oa didate or his repre- sentative will be gi en an opportunity to speak. Ladies cordially invited and seats reserved for them. GOD SAV THE KING, AUCTI Farm Stock, nitu S. Half Lot FRIDAY at 1 o'clo Horse 12 yea drive,; mare 9 y supposed to b Hope; mare 5 tall, supposed t Hope; 2 spri Hope. 4 cow steer 2 years of 2 steers 1 year 2 spring calves, shire sow with in pig, import() to be in pig, 3 y ed sow 5 moot a number of wagon, pair cutter nearly n er, Noxon mo rake nearly ne vator nearly ne nearly new, se plow, kangaroo pniper, fanning lbs. stook rack an stones, wheelba rank, pig rack, spring seat, a nn of double harness, set of chain barn sets of whiflletrees jack, a number of gels, Val acres of t if not sold befor wood cook stove table, Loader char pans, a number of crowbar and apo model grass Seed forks acid shovels a numerous to menti Everything in fir without reserve ai sold his farm, TERMS. --All enrr Dash; over that credit will be give] proved joint notes. cash on credit amot to be cash, P. S. SCOTT, , Auctioneer. N SALE mplements, Fur - etc. AT 5, Con. 4, Morris ON CTOBER 16th k, the following s old good to work or ars old sired by Testall, in foal to Scotland's ears old sired by Tes- be in foal to Scotland's fillies by Scotland's enpposed to be in calf, , 3 heifers 2 years old, ld, 2 heifers 1 year old, summer calves. York- edigree supposed to bo Yorkshire sow supposed ung sows from iraport- s old. 50 barred rocks, brown leghorns. Truck ob-sleigha, top baggy, w, Massey -Harris bind - r, Massey -Harris steel , Massey Harris oniti- Noxon steel seed drill Iron harrows, walkiug plow, scorner, root ill, set of scales 2000 all complete, 2 grind - ow, 'steamboat, hay g crate, gravel box, er 01 cow chains, set et of single harness, ss, 45 cedar posts, 2 2 neck yokes, wagon cgs, ?z acre of mart - snips, 20 tons of hay sale, parlor stove, cupboard, kitchen , a number of milk reamery Dans, steel n, pruning knife, ver, a number of d other articles too n. t•class shape. Sale the i roprieior has of $5 and under, mount 12 months on furnishing ap- 4 per cent. off for its. Hay and roots 1 S. SHUR1 IE, Pro rietoir. p BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service) on his premises. Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris, (Bluevale Road) a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar. Tetras -41, to be paid at tint) Of cervica, T. M. 1#11'2t'DLr1t801,t, wirgham, P. C3, * ,. CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets First Thursday in each month, at 8 p m. In hall in Chisholm Bloat. Candidates for cheap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to see our rates of any member or officers. Ladies accepted at same rate as men. REV. T. S. BoxLE, T. E. ROrNsoN, Leader. Recording Secretary W. J. WYLEs, Financial beoretary. The Great School J CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Our past record and our present grade of work stamps us as the great practical training school of Western Ontario. We have three departments:— COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHIC. Our graduates are in demand as Business College teaohers as well as office assistants Individual instruc- tion. Enter now. Large catalogue free. Write for it. ELLI,OTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. • • • • • • • H • • • • H • • 4. • •1. • • 4.+ • • • • • • 4.+ • • di• TRY flat Col ill's FOR ea .. AND.. Coffee • • • •4.• • • • • • + + • + • • • They are sure to please. • New Raisins and Currants now in. • Fresh Groceries and Veg- ' etables always on hand, at MALGOLM'S + • • • • PRODUOE WANTED. moi. Griffin's Old Stand. PRONE 64..1. 4.4.4.•4.3••F••i••2••t•••'£•3••l••F+3••i••i••8•t••i•3••i• `rfr,VYrtr x ryyrytrrrrrrr •••••r•r•.•r• + rr•••••••• r nyvvvvvvvvvyryrvywrrrrrr. ► W k your confidence, We merit it. °° D TRUNK RAI"vAY SYSTEM HUNTERS EXCURSIONS Return Tickets at Single Fare OCTOBER 6th TO NOV. 3rd To points in Tomagami, pointe Mattawa to Port Arthur. To Geor- gian Bay and Maokinaw Division, Port Arthur via N. N. Co., and to certain noints in Quebec, New Bruns- wink, Nova Scotia and Neevfound• land. OCT, 22nd TO NOV- 3rd Muskoka Lakes, Penetan Lake of a a, Bays. Midland, Maganetawan River, L kefle1d adawabk to Depot Har- bor, Argyle to Ooboconk, Lindsay to Halliburton, Sherbet Lake via S. and P. Ry., and pointe from Severn to North Bay inclusive, Return limit on all tickets, Satur- day, Deo. 501. 1908., or until close of Navigation, if earlier, to pointe reached by steamer°. Fail informa- tion from W. Henry, town agent, or J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto, Ont, ► i ► i`► 0. ► • • • • i • + • • • • • • + • • • • •+ •• •♦ • • 4. ♦ •+ •4.♦ • • • ♦ { + • • • • • ♦ • + •+ ♦ ♦ HA�T�TA All goods sold on approbation. - BROS. AUTUMN STORE NEWS FUR DEPARTMENT. Having had, as has been the custom in this big department, every fur thoroughly examined by an expert furrier before being placed in stock, we are again in a position to ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE every fur we sell. And having scoured the markets of East and West for the newest styles, you will buy knowing you are buying right. LADIES' FUR -LINED COAT. A special leader is our heavy black beaver shell,lined with finest rat, genuine sable collar, we sell and guarantee to you at $60.00 NO. 1 ISABELLA SABLE SET The new Empire Muff, and 72 inch. full -fur Stole of heavy soft Isabella • Sable, rich deep color. One of our plums at $20:00 Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Department. Again we surpass ourselves in the immensity of our range of ready-to- wear Coats, Mantles, and Skirts, the superb styles, the unsurpassed workmanship, the perfect fit, give a tone to our garments which makes selling easy. SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. SILKS. Our Silk Department has many money saving values, but above all we call your attention to our guaranteed Blacks. CHIFFON TAFFETA AT 75c.. + A splendid weight .Black Chiffon Taffeta with a guarantee on every yard, and a winner, at 75c ♦ • • • • ►' P ►c ► C C ► 0* DRESS GOODS All that is newest you can rely on finding in our up-to-date dress goods department. Keeping right in touch with dame fashion and her demands, our styles are al- ways correct. Imported French Broadcloths. Imported French Chiffon Broadcloths in swagger plaids, and plain colors. 46 -in wide an excep- tional value at per yd $'1.00 NOM Men's and Boys' Clothing. BOYS' SUITS. -1n our Boys' Clothing department you will find new goods arriving—the best yet ha style and values. MEN'S SUITS.—The immense stock we always carry in men's tailor-made clothing gives you a selection beyond comparison, and our prices save you dollars. OVERCOATS.—For then and boys that have the style, fit and finish of the ► best tailor-made garments, and halt the price. 0. HANNA BROS Wingham; Ont. 1 1 44 4 4 4 3 4, i' 'TAAA A 'A S A AIVA”M#"A iA ,Ti fftto.., 1 t 1 s, ili.L /WAAAAliWAl ;1t ' se♦ • • 4. Z t +; +, 4. 4- • • • • • ♦, i kt i 1 41 :t 4 :: rl