HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-10-08, Page 7ELECTORS OF EAST HURON, VOTE FOR ARCH. HISLOP ON . OCTOBER 26 THE WINGHAM VOL XXXYIL--NO. 1.914. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1908, "`Vintl" THE GREAT TONIC i Every bottle guaranteed We refund your money if 4 it fails. • j Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST Maodonald Blook, Wingham, } Mkt How TAre' Your Eyes ? If your eyes trouble you, it will pay you to see us, as we perfect sight with our spectacles. Eyes Tested Free ! Each eye is examined separately and fitted with its proper Tense, so . we have no trouble suiting all people. Call and see us about your eyes, at 1 WALLEY'S DRUG STORE ValdrellAMMOIN Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. Farm Properties Some exceptional values in farms. If you want one it will pay you to see us. The good old Province of Ont- ario is all right. Town Properties At right prices. We have a number of places admirably suited for retired farmers. No .prettier or healthier town in Ontario than Wingham. Property bought here can al- ways be re -sold. RITCHIE & COSENS Griffin-Vanstone Biocic, WINGRAM. Phone 123 Unexcelled Arid as far above the ordinary kind In Quality an it is possible to have them, It's the pick of everything we have, and a few orders will convince you that good groceries coat no more in the long run than the poor hind. Teas and Coffees a Speelalty. L Henry Christie Thane 50, Bringalangyotr produce. 111111111.1111111111101111.1111111111101101.1111111111.11110111 GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers The "Tim The Tames is "Laurier and mens" to all sub Our readers will given in the arti and the Laurier anpported. " Supplement. his week enclosing urger Canada Kipple- ribers in this distrlet.. ind many good reasons les why Arob. Hislop government should be See the new wall BOOB STORE paper at the BIG An n tverso The anniversar tion with St, A church will be h 26th. Rev. R. Guelph, will pre ing. Special taken. y Services. servioee in oonnec- Idrew's Presbyterian d on Sunday. October M. Glassford, of h morning and even- utribations will be BoY WANTED,—To learn photo- graphy. Apply to M. E. Zui tioG, Bridge Completed. The new brid at the north end of Josephine street has been completed, the work of p ting on the conorote floor having ben finished a sew days ago. The oont not for filling the ap- proaches to the ridge bas been awarded to Mollinnon roe. This work will be oompleted in out three weeks and then the bride will be op ed for traffic. Scenes in a Union pot, at Opera Blouse on Thursday ening, October 22nd, under auspices Citizens' Band. Political Meeting. A political meati g• in the interests of Arch. Hislop, the iberal candidate in East Huron will held in the opera - house, Wingham, n Wednesday even- ing, Oot. 21st, Mr Hislop and other pro- minent speakers ill be present to ad- dress the electors. Dr. Onieholm or his representative wi be given an opportun- ity to speak. T s meeting should be largely attende by the electors of Wingham and di riot. .j "Dainty Mode" is the name of the and gents, W. J. Greer. best rubbers for ladi Gun C • Match. Several member of the Wingbam Gun Club went o • er to Whiteohnroh on Friday last an had a matoh with the Gun Club of hat village and lost by two points, th soore being 36 to 34. The individual so re was not given to us for publioatiobut• we understand the pigeons were 1 ard to break and the scores by the di erent members were not what they sh nld have been. he return match will come off in Wee gham on Friday. The party who off the counter day afternoon they are known will save any tro took th pocket book n I ar. s store, Satur- n • :ace return it as doing so at once ble. Died at The home of M ter, was on Tn death of a bright Louise, at the months. 'Up to child had bee health, but fro illness the case the skill of the p The funeral, w nature took plao to the Wingham Tender Age. . R. Vanstone, barris- day saddened by the little daughter, Marion tender age of fifteen bout a month ago, the in apparently good the first approach of eems to have baffled ysioians in attendance. oh was of a private yesterday : ternwort, emetery. WANTED.—Girl foe general house- work. Apply to .' r:. J. WALTON MO- $n3BON, Centres r:.t, Grossly Exag Regarding the i1 prevalent to Wing weeks, reports s abroad which the Mate. While the an unusual anion typhoid fever, at 1 were contracted gather. At prase of the oases are It is regretted t leading reports eb enoe, and we me are nothing like represented to be rated Reports. ass which has been, am for the past few m to have gone oto do not snbatan• e has probably' been t of sickness from net three of the owe taide the town alto - t the patients itt most rogreesing favorably. at suoh grossly ads- nld have gained ored- state that conditions what they have been We have nothing ol Every pair new, clean the factory this season. chances of getting from us, WILLIS Victoria shoes for shoes for men, /in rubbers, d fresh from Yon take small poor pair if you buy 76 sole agents for ladies and Albert Called to Rev. It. Edgar past year and a half the Wingham Bapt calved a nnanimbi pastor of the Vietc at Hamilton, and h Mr, Allen will of Wingham on the During Mr. Allen's ham the ohttroh ha members of the o numerous friends town will be sorry Wingham, Mr. here the Very be circle of friends an cdntfnited suooeM 1 iltofi. amilton. lien, who for the has been pastor of t Church, has re- s call to become la Avenue Church accepted the pall. se his pastorate in let of December. residence In Wing. prospered and the ngregation and the t6 has made in the o hear of his leaving id Mks. Alien will wishes of it large all will wish them the work at Ham- Wingham The Liberal coni Wilson block will be between now and Liberals are refines rooms every night an of the campaign. work to be done a Wingham should p the wheel and assts Huron. iberals. ttee rooms In the pen every evening isogon day. All d to be at the aselet in the Work here is important d the Liberate of their shoulder to in redeeming East Drink Christie's Teas. Puritan octad. A Puritan social, der the auspices of the Young Peep] ' Society of 'St. Andrew's Preabyteria Church, Wing - ham, will be held in t e leotnre room of the ohnrnh on Mon ay evening. Oct. 1911a, pommenoing at ight o'clock. A good programme will be given and re- freshments will be a rued. Admission fee ten and fifteen oe ts. All are cordi- ally invited to be pre ent. WANTED—Good seat girl. Apply to MRs. W. J. Mune, aple street. Nomination at Brussels. Next Monday, 19 of October, will be nomination day, w ioh will be held at Brussels. J. A. M rton, the returning ofiieer, will reoeiv nominations from 12 o'olook until 2 o'o oak p, m. There is no doubt but Ar h. Hislop and Dr. Chisholm will b the candidates. A public meeting wi be held at the close of the nominatio and addresses will be delivered by the oandidajea and others. This distr of will likely be well represented at the seting. WANTED—A good Apply to Mas, A. street. neral servant. SMITS, John Auctio Sale. Mrs. M. E. Heat • (formerly Mre. W. Copeland) lot 15, o n. 2, Culross, is re- tiring from the farand will dispose of all her farm stook and implements on Thursday, Oot, 2.. This will be an unusually Iarge as e a d6erything is in good shape, ea` s'p horses and colts there is a lar �e mber of Polled Angus, Durham a. • grade cattle, hogs, sheep, eto. Ther will also be offered about 500 bush. of. oats, a cream separator, Iarge on ting box, eto. Many a woman goes wit out rubbers and regrets it after ••ar.:, We have women's rubbers in :1 styles -55o, 65o, and 76o a pair. W. 3, Gamut. Sale of Pur Mr, David Clow, 13, East Wawano reserved auction Shorthorn stook 20th. Tne stook cows and heifers 4 heifer calves ewes and 8 ra stook. Oatalogn application to el P.O. Mr. Joh auctioneer. -Bred Stock. f lot 30, ooncessfoii h, will hold an un- sale of pure-bred n Tuesday, October includes 5 belle; 10 3 two-year heifers; nd 3 pare Leioeater lambs, all pure-bred can be enured on . Clow, Whiteoha oh Purvis will bthe Don't fail to see the Se:. es in a Union Depot at opera hon Thursday even- ing, Ootober 22nd. Flute Band Concert. The Wingham FI their first anneal c house on Friday when an excellent given, among those, being Miss W. Alba Miss Wallace; Mr. Johnston MoOorm comedian. The etre desirous of fu tainment, and wil patronage of the first concert. R Oot. 301h, to Band will hold noert in the opera vetting, Oot. 30th, rogramme will be hg will take part Ohisholm, Mr. and mith, comic singer; k, the famone negro embers of the band nishing a good enter - appreciate the liberal itizens In this their ember the date— Buy "Dainty Mode" rubbers, They o more. W. J. GREER, wear longer and cos In a Uni Don't fail to ee they come in on th Depot, Thursday e Wingham Opera you will she Uncle wife Nancy, ••ho friends in the o , peck, Mrs. S.: d their nnmerou- bo Buttinsky, the o01 elbping :maple, an that you oan name an Opera Co., ren gram for a Woma gram is worth yo Mise Drake will soriptive songs. n Depot, e our fri ds when o train a he Union v:nin et. 22nd, in h• us:. If you come • .iah Potter and his have been visitin' Mr. and Mrs, Hon- e and Miranda with s and bundles. Mrs. ed aristocracy, the almost every type There will else he ering a benefit gro- in need. This pro - r price of admission. ive readings and de - High Sch The annnal fi with the Winghe held on Friday of this year will grounds, oomme °entinning until t been rot Off, T oOrdially invite th and friends of t The preliminary Tuesday evening, senior, intermediat thou tacos, the being five miles a miles, The folio ners:--Senior—W. Ewen, H. Mutton Intermediate --•I', S. Elliott, Time 1 A. Pugh, int. Oottt aiiinutos, ol Field Day. d day in oonnectien High Sobool will be his week. The sports held on the school ing at 0 a, m., and o various events have e staff and students oitizene of the town e wheel to attend, vents name off on and consisted of Biel junior mara- atance in the that d the others two ing are the win - McLean, P. Mao. Time 30 mintitee. ugh, E. Wightman, minnteb. Junior ;- H, Day, • Time 14 Teachers Re- ngaged. The regular meetin • of the Public School Board was h Id on Tuesday evening, when the ns • al routine busi. Hees was transaoted, : nd the present staff of teachers re -:.gaged for next year. Minor repairs re ordered to be done at the eghool hon e and ooal order- ed for the winter. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fella' bntoher shop. Delinquent Sub ribers, That means yon—if you have not paid for your paper 1 r this year or for past years. The ,• ear has well advanced, and in this s: :tion the people have been a great de 1 more fortun- ate than in many 01 er dietriots, in fact we believe they s + . nld fel thank- fut. Now, as regards ar bome paper, it has been furnishin: yon the news for three quarters of • e year, and we feel it is time you he .ed ns out. Re- member it is only a dollar or two to you, but you are c y one of a :at many, Be yore yon see the Co"' try Bridal Party who figure inrF ''Scenes in a Union Depot" at Win' m opera house, Thureday evening, Ootober 22nd, Board of Health Meeting. The Board of Ilea tb met in the Clerk's offioe, Tneeday :vening last. It was deoided to send mplee of water from different wells u the town to Toronto for analysis :•d report. The Health Inspector we instructed to examine baok premise= and outhouses and to lay information .:fore the Police Magistrate in every •.se where hie orders were not prompt y attended to. Dr, J. R. Macdonald, the Medical Health Officer, would advise every family in the town to boil all their drinking water, as rhe o ly sure means of immunity under pre::nt conditions, Thompson Murder Mystery. The mystery in come ion with the death of Fanny Gilmer: Thompson, the former Wingbam you, g Iady, who was found murdered in a house on Michigan avenue in Ohio go last July, seems to be nearing a solo •ion. Lumen C. Mann, eon of a weal by resident of Oak Park, has been po: tively identi- fied as tee purchaser of t rope which bound Mrs. Thompao in her death struggles, and is untie . a $26,000 bond to appear in court oil Oot. 19, The police say Mann has been identified by one of the tenants of ..e home in which the murder took plao: as the companion of the victim. Wh:n he was arrested a watch said to bel ng to the murdered woman and a key to the door of the death chamber we e found in Mann's possession, District Meetin: and Convention. The Fall Distri Wingham Diatriot Church was held Met. The Sunday was also held on and evening, when subjects were given for more effective ing Rev. Dr. Donge an illustrated leotur Its Temples." On sentatives of the Ep when a number o and addresses wer departments of tb day evening an went was held in t ing are the ale organization for President, W. T. vioe-president, J. second vine-presi Wingbam; third Sadie Logan, Riple dent, Miss Jessie F vine -president, Mi Gerrie; secretary - W. Rivera, Belgra Conference Exeeu McTavish, Gerrie. Meeting of the of the Methodist re on Wednesday School convention dnesday afternoon papers on various nd plans discussed ork. In the even- , of Goderioh, gave on "Jerusalem and hursday the repre- orth Leagues met, interesting papers given on various work. On Thnre- njoyabie entertain. e church. Follow- ra of the district e ensuing year:— all, Wingham; first . Hunter, Brussels; ent, John Kerr, ice -president, Mies ; fourth vice-presi- rd, Lnoknow; fifth a Evelyn Evans. easurer, Rev. G. e; representative to ive, Rev. H. W. To Have Welt Mayor Holmes p in the town hall which had been c best means of IM sanitary condition question of the ad ting a by-law to pr sewer on Josep Irwin was called u plans of the snbmi and sewer by-laws The present conn plan to advance, called to get an e from the ratepayers to be done. Conno in favor of the instal waterworks and se was also Barrister stated that this won sooner or later, and ter; it was not a10u tax rate, but of the the town and its Spotton ;fated that mittee of the Oen coed with the inet closets throughout course of the diem advanced that th eendition could be were more pardon' disposal of refute a A number of the rat opinions as to the supply, and it was Council send a nnm welts in different p Toronto for anal done, and the repo meeting will probe ater Examined. elided at a meeting Monday evening, led to consider the roving the general f the town, and the inability of intimate vide for putting in a ins street. Reeve n and outlined the Pion of waterworks in 1902 and 1904, it had no definite ut had the meeting ression of opinion s to what was best ilor Nicholson was ;tion of a domeetio erase eyetem, as D. Holmes, who d have to be done the sooner the bet- a question of the general v'elfare of tizens. Oonnoillor the Property Com. it intended to pro- lation of dry Garth the town. In the Woo the idea was general sanitary proved if oitizene ✓ in regard to the tit their premisee. payers voiced their state of the water eddied tahave the er of samples frcim its of the town to is. When this is t reoeived, another ly be called: repeat it:—"Shiloh' " Cure will al. ways Ouse any oougb, nd ooldL" CHURCH NOTES. Rev, W. G. Ho diet ohnrnh will services in the Hol Sunday, Rev, Tbomae may be expecte Methodist church aervioos. Hie ev on the subject of " All welcome. There will be a only, next Sun Parish Hall, at bright aervioe, understood that address these address for Hex he given by Re Pant's Church. invited. Captains A have been in o of the Salvat past, have fine left this week Oounoile of th furlough for a er station, T very enooesaf gratetul to t they reoeived sou, of the Metho- ondnot anniversary eaville church next Snowdon, Ph. B , to preach in the ext Sunday at both ing address will be abbath Observance," ass meeting for men y afternoon, in the 4 ,o'olook, A short, ith an address. It is the local clergy are to eetinga in turn, The Sunday afternoon will . 0. E Jeakius, of St. All men are cordially rows and Pease, who arge of the local corps on Army for some time hed their labors here and or Toronto to attend the Army. They will go on ime before taking anoth it efforts here have been 1, and they feel deeply e citizens, from whom noh kindness and help. Nothing is so detrimental to 1.: '• ear of rubbers as old age. Our r • , berg are are all new, and we have n' old ones to palm off on you. y for the next pair yon want. '' Is & Co., sole agents for Victoria shoes for ladies and Albert shoes for men. Particularly Sorrow in large brought to the ho Hugh 'Hamilton, o the death of their bells Hamilton, w Thursday last. Th been le the best of h and a few weeas age tever. At first it w constitution might ages of the diseas arose and the pati until the end came. a young lady of a poeseseedmany n endeared her Ge al and acquaintances. of the Presbyterian ive worker among t congregation, Her ther tinged with s that she was short' in matrimony to neighborhood. and family, ae wet. and friends, the a' terrific force. We both Mr. and Mrs. eon, David, are i present, but it is ho be restored to their funeral of the late place on Satnrda• Wingham oemeter house and grave Rev. D. Perrie. T have unbounded bereavement. ad Death. measure has been m. of Mr. and Mrs, Y Victoria street, in tighter, Mies Iea- iob matured on o deceased had not alth for some time, contracted typhoid s thought that. her ithetand the ray- , but complications ut gradually sank Mies Hamilton was able character and ble qualities which rge cirole of friends She was a member church and an hot - young people of the arty demise is fur- dnese from the foot to have been united young man of the the aged parents ae to other relatives lesion has come with regret to state that amilton, and their delicate health at ed they may soon onted vigor. The iss Hamilton took afternoon to the ;, services at the .eing conducted by e sorrowing relatives sympathy in their IN Dr. Nelson Tait, of 498 $iSadina ave., Toronto, will be at the aeon's Hotel, Wingham, all day nrsday, October 22nd, for consult on in diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose dud Throat. Glasses fitted. A SCATHI REBUKE. The Montreal St for the Ooneervati tions of 1900 and Ur. Hugh Graham and upper circle Borden's last cam ly financed the par district. In this o an unsparing ori both parties. It h votive politioians tions in the west insurance inquiry, Boren to "remov fere from the firin Toronto News an which also pillor his misdoings wer has not maintain the eleotion. No been said than Borden's defence Here it Or "Mr. Borden, i feeling last night which he rushed t absent lieutenant. of the foot that th sion had ignomini the name of 'R L land deale.' This tioally than any cord do, what Mr, of men whom this cion did succeed in transaction. The neot Foster with '1 have been a diegra to have been mire deals whioh the se mission revealed, Mr, Foster, who most gigantic of t money of his tr kande? What fur other members of ago, who initiated special inside Int railway magnates oonetantly solicit legislation. a fought vigorously Dr. Ovens, °outlet, London, Surge:en Eye, Ear, Nome and Throat will be at MoKibbon's drug store,Wedneedey, Oct - Wane. properly fitted. Si A YEAR IN ADVANCE Under the above eading the Toronto World, (Conservati et on April 5112 last "Public rights w re defeated on Fri- dav in the private bills oommettee by Liberals and the oa st aggreseive lobby ever seen in Que 'e Perk. Absentee members of the oo mittee also contri- buted to Toronto'a =illation. When- ever Toronto is co earned, the frieuds of public) rights are eat. All praise to Ar hie Rieke) of East Huron, who withe ood the :therms of the lobbyist and s e party trickster. How large he to s above °elder, Janaleson and Len x, who kilt behind Hem J. Foy, b who, with ove accord, voted to put e attorney -gener- al's opinion to shame And, compared with the ragged re ant of fictitious Liberals who knife pulse() rights, iu his right mind. Bat what of the rat bers of the com- mittee who fought • .d ran away and those who ran away I afore they taught? R. R. Gamey did ot vote; he was oalled out before voti g time. Some of Mr. Gamey's friend are teeny he did not stay to vote righ . Joseph Downey of Guelph, where blio rights have some sway, was pres nt, but he did not vote. Mr. Smellie s id he didn't under. nand the question a.. his vote was not recorded. Hon. W. J. Hanna was out of town, the public) rights were being massacred. Maj. H ndrie was at au. other committee, or Ise, peradventure, public rights would aye found a cham- pion. .And Hon. Nelson Monteith, 'where was he? W. H. Hoyle of North Ontario was repre ented by a void. Excuse may be ottnd for Premier Whitney, but wer he the true friend of publes rights To nto has been led to believe he is, n other engageraent would have kept him from beating Calder, Jamieson a d Lennox into con- sistent shape, An there were others a bsent, who shou have been in the forefront of the handful of publin FARMERS' IN RESTS WELL LOOKE AFTER. One has only to returns to be con Canada's chief in has prospered under In the firat place in the Hon. Sydne of Agriculture, a eleven years he ha of the deptatment self a most progr and has devoted standing ability to interests of agrio Some of the Canada by Hon. have had much about present s are the removal between this con States; the ena Jose Seale not f Canadian orchar insidious pest; the distribution formation to the merit of a pra manage the till the Central Ex er to deal with of live stook pr ment in Canada experts to give in of she farmer's w ment of a chain the transportatto producte of the d the market of Gre tarn to the trade need how greatly iberal rule. the country has Fisher, Minister practical and ed - ho during the been at the head has proven him- ssive administrator is energies and out - the promotion of the services rendered Mr. Fisher, which o do with bringing of the quarantine try and the 'United tment of the San ✓ the protection of against a most e inauguration of of agricultural in - armors; the appoint - teal agriculturist to e and live stook at erimental Farm; the ive stock oommission- the various interests traction ia all phases rk, and the establish - of cold storage for of the perishable iry and the dairy to DUTY OF LIBERALS. The Liberals of ast Huron will do well to act on the edvice given by the Toronto Globe as fol owe :—Daring the remaining' days of t oontest, Liberals in every oonstitueno would do well to be alert nud aggres ive meettng the campaign of secret a mem whioh their opponents have alr ady begun. The scandal -talk end shinders whioh have done duty on t ..: platform and in the Prete: of the Cons native party have spent their force. T eir attacks oh the Government'e reool have been in vain. hotted. Tne curve of publie opinion es now rIanning etro Or in favor of the The one danger t ly In Ontario, is fr in the lodge -room, m • the secret tneeting nd the seoret cahvass In the shops and oncessions. Ltisprov- ed allegations are ere repeated, broken. doyen argttmetts re used, and falee In snob. a case no an's tecord is erste, no man's me is reepected, no Menet religion/I couvitt us are held petered. Slanders of the g eseet kind are being detail of truth, d some some Omni. entions electors m y be :Indeed. It is • Fine Tailoring is what you invariably get order for clothing at this Clothes bought here are guaranteed to fit well, look well and wear well —and they do, Men's Furnishings of all kinds Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Underwear, etc. The very newest of new goods are here. Come in and have a look. Roll Maxwell MERCHANT TAILOR AND MEN'S FURNISHER earesonsimpsemel SITUATIONS i I with leading business houses await our graduates. LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER and all modern office methods which ensure rapid advance- GREGG SHORTHAND taught by the only teacher in Ontario who a tt end ed the Author's School. TRREE COURSES. — Stenography, Commercial, Telegraphy. IEnter any day. Write for particulars. FALL TERril ER031 SEPT. Lit Wingham Business College 1 We Sell I Good Robbers WI. ftt a lot of weather we'll have riget along now. Everybody will have nee for Rubbers nearly every day. It's a wise thing to protect the feet at this seanon oe the year. Look Well to YOur Rubbers AD kinds are here, Storm Rubbers, Low ant Ithh- bars, Sandals, Footholds, Toe Rubbers, Self Acting Rubber% arimimimosimerammalmaIsimiletieueums Wo Have a GOod Pair Of Woman or Child in Toven No poor Itribbere. Peer Rubbers are eheftp and worthlitem at the emote time. Rubbere from 33e tO $1.00. Fit esny shaped shoe. W. J. Greer VIE SHOE MAN