HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1905-11-16, Page 5• , • • • • • LAKE DIA' BTOOK :FARM. The prop`rietore of the ' Lakeside Stook Farm .are at present offering for sale tGe following bighclass'Short Brr. •..rnttle::and Leicester'. sheep. 13n11. iiom ,nine to' eighteon mO!lth8.' OM. Also some r�hoice females. Sheep''. of both sex, for.sale,' at all time • We, invite' inspection, visitors always mpd'e' welcome.• .;Prices; reasonable. . For further particn1 rs. apply, to,; PURYES $ROS P• • •Lucknow P, 0;. • We have just received two special lines in. Ladies: Skirts. • One of fine ue netis n. cloth'in"naw. designs: and in the following colors;: -'-Brown,, . Navy, Green, Cardinal and black.' .* The .other is a mixed tweed in natty -colors.: . . . We; aro showing a nice variety_o f Ladies Underskirts: ` One of *the 'latest arrivals i4 made of a black` silk material known as Spun Gloss :that.,is' said to ,wear- better thorn •sateen, "It has two pleated frills at the bottom and dined,: with' red flannellette, a comfortable and seasonable garment for .tlie modest sum of $1.00 'each •• ••• •s• ••....a..eaiar.isisoseeesepos aa• ieea ...s.a.a.a•..a .ia.', Forevenirweal, made of fine Iceland 'wool, 24- yards long. and 1 ''yard wide, body of scarf cream with border ofcolored enemille dots ;Price' $1.50. 009,00, 0.0.00660;0:0:0061,:K.00.646 • • • • : •• •• • • • • • • • • • • Children s Bre r ie' Belts 4:1-l1 ilia rage, we have -thein in pat- cl't' leather '_ Coleus red:Tlbrown, black and white rrie 25:, cents:,• al710oatS -. For ladies a special in good quality cravenette. ' • In twb shades ,:; of fawn, with new style sleeve and belt.. Fu:ll .range of sizes. Golf Waists r ' ;-Gerypopulai--a° tar» ralIao cat at: est styes just to h ,Ild. ,'See• .t'3l11 ,1 in l iur sit w wil„cl.-)w, this week. prices fcwiin $:T.50: to $250. These garments: •are • not only'.f:.shionable ,but' .comfort 'Alp and durable., STRAY' SEIFER Came to the; premises of Ceaer` Per- due,: Luckno.wt on or about ,the 12t11 of October,., a small yearling• 'heifer.,: Owner can'have ✓dime by proving pro perty, paying expenses And removing.' a ' ; Ceuear, Perdue, .7.01011110W. :FARM ,FOR SALE. • • ORRTO RENT:. • ,Bainq Lot '20, in,the lot Concession; of the Township • dfKinloss, contain .•. ing 100'acriis, ninety seven a;res clear- ed, balance in slash. There' is a, good brick house and large 'frame barn. Five mi!e' from Lucknow. For further particulars, apply to J. '1'. Holmes Whitechurch; Ont. - A. FARM I'OR,aALE;,.� „. The' undersigned has:for sale 100acres of~ -first ''class land „situated in the Township of Ashfield, bon. 12, 1'Jsst half of Lot : 4: This property is' in a. grand' condition far.. cultivation be ing for some time chiefly. 'under 'grits?:, 20 notes of good bardwcod bush; good. barn: and'stabling, oornfortable', frame house. 'A new windmill has just been ,erected ' Any party desiring to •pur chase a farm of this description can buy well wor.;h the money. D. R. McIntosh, :Lucknow. We have just put in stock. fi shipment's: of the famous Dain= Mode - and ant r 3rac' rub- er. 1 SELL: FIR LIFE, ACCIDENT . and., SICK. NESS POLICIES lcean, Lake, .Rail and Accident Insw once Tickets, . I buy 'anis sell Endownment Policies Item Lstate,andbusiness•.stocks • -- •• Accounts-audited;and cell -voted, •N' MURCHISON,'Lucknow Rainy weather brings plenty, of mud. and mud causes wet feet;.,. w€t•feet..re. sol tin colds and, colds cause-- but ri; use to go further keep your feet .14 wearing good rubbers mann factored by 'The: 'Merchants ''Rubber CO. We have a ' full range of these excellent rubber,' in' •stock for :men, .svronieri: and chil i1•en, , SOOT NWIHD 1 IIISURANCE' AND' .MARINE. QUE ..0-1 en's U1' Are you fat'? Have you a' Ch.fhcult :in • getting clothes to fit ; ou? ; Let us .see 'what 'wie can. do. . We have just passed into__,.:stock a : special line of the suits. They ran in sizes up to 48 and the value 'is extra at $10,00. • • Av= PATTEZt Every lady doing her own sewing should have one of our Handy Catalogues r o f' Standard Patterns which. she' may have free for the asking any time she'visits ,..Y 'this store. 04.+4+14-44-44++++++++++++41-414-4-41-4444-44441.4•„4+4+ '' Stores Clc se at 6 . ' m. Excepting :30,turd.ay Evening ,LE. GAL' Men and women's Dainty _..ode rubbers .are the best f t ters and wearers made . 'in' Can- ada •.• ada and only cost the same as other -makes wn, .. ,.. .. - Kant rul ' r ck lumbermen an �e �� • �� bers are the most�. :�d durable . _,., l �.aib e r l made • , our s 'loc Calltanexa nd satisty yourself. ` Y MATH E REPA,INC::NEA'TLYAND,.PROMPTLY DO IIEr% DR.` A.1,\ M. .SPLI.NCE,* • F.T 11S:C:,,=k1.C.. and S.O. Office and residence net door. to Siddal's' Bank .> IOgrhai?x $ GARa0W BARRIsTSa8,SOLIOI- tors, etc., Goderich Ont. E. L. Dickinson, . Chas, Darrow, L. L.B.. „A.' 11�ALOODISO:>•, BA'RRISTER,SOLI0IT0R, • Conveyancer, etc., (late of Cameron Bolt d: Cameron,'Goderich ), Office upstairs in Alija Block, Lucknow IIMORRIS0N, BARRISTER, SoLIOITOB. a Commissioner Notary, Etc., Money to loan., ' Office over Watson's.. Barber Shop, MEDICAL McD. GORDON M D, C M, F T M 8,'1 M"0 P SG., Physician Surgeon and Accoucher.' Upstairs in,Allin.!Block, Red-, deuce Ross street, behind J. Cr.: Murdoch & SOCIETIES;..' `AL bLH d T LODGE A F. I V A.'M.,G R C , meets: every. Thursday night on er. befdre the tull moon, in the Masonic Hall, Havelock - 'Street Lnckuow. t 1 the . r hasls,e3 -,:�enaett the painter • . and. most up-to-date :colors' for .hoes &intim. of :all ]rinds.. Special attention paid. to PAPER a-1lo►NGI V AND _ DEOORATI IT WILL PAY YOU TO CET. BENNETT TO °DO;: YOUR WORK''' • T H: EPAINTER & PAPER -ANC ER • • • •• •• • • • : • • •0'000 . ..... • • : • • • • • • . ,411k:h •• • • • • • •• •• t ; The. Ltickno r Sentinel. at d'' • a ,.'SPECIAL OFFER. the follovsin - papers will be; • ;; Pp sent until Januar, , l st ' I907,•,at• •s 'a, s ecial inducement p c trent the •fo1'lowfng rates: SVoei'clY (lobe 'anti Sentinel ,f. ;$.I,r( C ti'rtol• • Mail ilz )Cmpiie � SJ ci i%T.o trerl Family Herold. •iL ;Weekly Star and Sentinel $1.75'' 1‘1.ontreat herald & Sentinel $1.15 Montreal SVitness,$t S itbiel - $1.50 Loodon Ad'vcrtigeil & Sentinel : 9.!0 :London. Z±r'co Press' Sentinel $1 7t F!iainer's Sun & :Sentinel17 Ot1•04>00; , • • • • • • : • • • • to our readers Wo are offering:.. for.'the'year 100'0 the Sentinel and the •COSIV1OPOLIT•A$ (regular price $2,50) ono of the finest illustrated monthly,: magazines printed in"America; for the exceedingly low paice of ,$115. y • • • • • •• • • • : • : • •• •: •• 0• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GG4 * t?O40-ocap'io•0t • D. Lawrence, W.M. A,B. Mor;eod,Se UOBNOW LODGE ZTo, 112, mete every Friday even ing at •,'8 o'clock; iii their W.,''''''.itiii:) hall'.: Campbell street. Alt brethren cordially nvited. . _ . , Wm. Johnstone;-' ..S. Reid, • • Noble Grand. Reetiorder .TucsxoW Cour- oil, Canadian Order of . Chosen Friends, mead first and third Tuesday :ey eningW •"bt' sac month, in the Odd= fellow's •liall,Camp ; bgil street. Luck. now.. • Visitors are •• cordially invited; And there'is pleasure in,,having a.. thing. Well done'. AO ' before .'yon &ave .ya f painting''ffid",decoratin"g' donee it will payyou to, call: on . COIIET blERWOOD g0 • • Lucknow, meebd every nrati Monday, of every mouth in the Orange Hall:, Visiting brethron•are cordially invited, • JAS" ,S.,ITAMILTOg, •i; ,Et. GRAHAM) Chief Ranger, • Rec-Sed. VOKNOW LODOI IN-' TJ' dependefit Order of Foresters truants in' the Oddfellow•'s gall., on the eedend'ancl fourth Tues- 'day of, each meYnth, 'as NO o'cloolc.' Visiting :brethren en 'are :Cordially d >I'Y invited. V, E. McDonald, 7.' Ei Lawvrence, Chief : Ran gory' • • Rec. iiQIiNOiV LotaaE., IAI`, Of fhr Ancloiit . order ot. United , \� ti ((j.,' y� workmen me'ets"'fii 11, the Oddfelllows'holl - �' iV4, on • the Second aha,..._ erc 5 nv' lent Mendes' • oVeir= , ings of eao,li month at ofialit o'cloult. '' ,'- b0 t�yvi gui rethhren ./ 2,.. 9r-\\\.` `�� TonuANI'rff tbiC. VtArita ' .... _ '�Asiory ..Reitt. • . , .. he ' 'est u •-to�date�, ai.n � . � te'r and:. acerates • arid. has the latesttools with.:which to` work a•�e� L.vroaK ova lL TEED hi :rank` nce. t.S,Odo You cair•see'him at s � . , ors. aitsto the 'Sen;tuiel, ofice • • . PAIN•TER:.& QECbRA•TOR•