HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1905-11-16, Page 14 • AA` voi LUCNQ ,L• �`'lrli•i:s 1i.friu��idG:ytii�i. r; CapLta1,I3aid. 35,00 0,0.0, '4e4.e00 Punk 2,235,00040'.. Total Asoeti ,$26,553,84e:01 r BoAa' :OF' DIRECTORS .11-q3;Wsi. ('• BSON. President. ; A ..BIRQE,; 3. PROOTOR, . . J. $..33,11119:041E4 G. RuTIniuwoRDI 'Chas. C. Dalton, Toronto: itr. RNBULL Vice.Pres;, and Gen: • Malinger. 'Mix., WATSON, Asst. Gen=Man N ' A (i foNERA•L" BAN1 INt1 BUSINESS TRaNSAOTmD.. .� a��na•r's �Toteo disoo�ated ;Naafi actv inoee made tofarmora to• feed Stock. . RAttzc NoT3 S bought and collected. All:rates moderate.' hearts issued pavable at all the principal pointe' in Canada and the 'United States-.. • . Savings Department• • ; . Depnsits of $t.00 and upwards, received e.a+i interest allowed at current .rates .from gat., of deposit to date of withdrawal. T hs, depositor ie not subject to any delay • • vHNteverin the withdrawal of the whole or ,goy portion of the deposit:, interest compounded May 31st and Nov. 3f.th ru each•year. ' R. IL.'-MAoLEOD, AoIn T;; • -'L'U:CKNOW.. r. 5 GtE :0410 'We :have a full • line of flour and .feed on .hand. ' Liverpool'ssalit . for •but ter in:sacks..; Our 28c tea is t winnet; In black or green a We.have Ott Ft uF,:packed. a lot of. veru .nice : china and' are. selling thein very Tlry'some of oils cheese .we 'have five liiierent. kinds. LUCK:NOW, aring or Thirty Days (INCORPORATED 1855) Paid Up Capital3,OODr000' Reserve=I'und ' $3,000,000:. Asset X30,000,000 Everything "at a bargain ,.in GENERAL MANAGER JAS EI.LIOT. PRL:SIDANT WM. MOLSON MCPIIERSON' VICI!-Puhszurx'i . - S.112 !rWIN4 SuI'T. OF BRANCHES A. D. DURNFORp INSPECTOR, - W. H. DRAPER. This old and favorably known; B nk' hiving purchasedthe : Ban!r property of Geo. A.. Siddall, are ready tgitrar s act :a general Banking business:.• Savings Deposits "Solicited Ilighest rates of 'interest allowed en on deposits and 'added to principal twice a.year, Money can .be ,with- drawn or. added to without notice or delay.. Deposits U r interest • from 'date, of deposit to • of •withdrawal *-jEWELERY AND; STATIONERY 0,i)0. watches fOr $14,00 all the good makes. tit GIN. 1I,A IMO N All at itiolig5 . J. MITCHELL Farmers' • Business- Solieited- '` Farmers'' notes -.discounted. • Sale notes supplied free oi application and and collected. without charge.,, • Ad vanes made to farmers' for their. re-' quirements. • We offer you absolute' security and' cortcous:-treatment and will be pleased to'place-the facilities -of an up-to-date, Bank at.. your. dish esal: T. S. Ri1D, Accountant . GEO• if. SMIXH, Manager:: a ,LOCAL, ITEMS g . ON A RSO, T1113RsDAY. • NOVEMBER; ;16th, '1905 Mr. john AleXender left on Wed.,For Warden nesday forParrs. France,• where .pe The. names $o far most prominently �.:�• a '6kIVIrfrill•.:4 '?„7.73e7.w n.,;� .um �1s,i7,0 C.c,<'-i'��..ti 41741.d ;te9, for oQer`'$earing.''Company ---7—'7-7 , the o ro f'" ar ''el'i Of C up' y' Mr A. V Murdoch `spent Sunday' rn town •A few yearling cattle' for sale,'at°. Fair View 'Dairy A meetrnof the printers and pub-, fishers O. Bruce and Grey ` was held at Owen Sound; on Friday, Nv..lOth,. bo organize an Associatiop Our .7 ' bas of- soap, for 95c are going;like.hoteakes and why, Should nt. ib when:it h ',as, good best.. Givelea trial6and. be convinced. s W. J. Earls. The Official Board of the Ashfield Circuit. of ,bhe Methodist Church extended a .unanimous • invitation .to.: the Rev.' W. Smith t.j rtimain • their pastor for the fourth year. Rev. A. E. Jones of • Belgrave will preach at Blake's, Huclrett's and Zion. 'appeinWien ta`on.Ashfield Circuit -the•' I.Oth inst, taking up missionary ' semi 'ver'sasy'w:ork at Zion in:the evening.' Prince, Charles of!lDenmarkhas been elected Kine of Norway.' The elect ion of a,kinf m is soething of a ntivt•lty. V� t every king in thee, days, must 1...)1n his place bythe: will o( the, People. Mr. °'George' A. Siddall, Who -this, week week sold his bank•, burldin to the Molsons Bank, has been ' in- businese here for .twenty three lear3, . during which' time be ;has . •conducted ;.one of the:most successful private banking' houses intim P,ovince, and his many patrons of the hank • will be sorry ' to 'bee hire retire froth business. Mr D. C. 'MeMerrare is pre ie: to grve:lessonson the banjo,.' nii'blrnae,_ i;•ui' ar, aid - violin. at his residence. qui Havelock street. Pupils _wishing` 'to.'. take lessons on anyof the above nem.' ed instruments will' be 'supplied instruments free ° of charge; during tuition.',Hours forlessons', fixed to suit pupils. • struCting the Seeketarylreasorer to they were the sole .nwhersef, all stoCk any•payment Of prizes he Made. , A.• great , many farmers ere COni- 'sure': one toe in, Dr. Hess -Youltry Far sale ealY at the Star Grodery, : .0110 of 'the 'Worst 'r.cages.,,of . asthma nOW,-"'`Wht. lie' believe is- the oldest ;Walkerton ' and HIlkei: Of day ,nigbt four yOung.meebrOke lute 'the 'Chinese Laundry here throng'''. a large pane of glass'in the front 'door:' They assaulted the eween jirn :Lee and robbed the till' of some,- twe or hope the village. constahlo' will haVe hem l!i•e,ug,ht to ittstLca at' once. , can Extended , At unitcd congregkt Or al Inept ingl at Calvin Church; gt, 'Helens, and the congrega,tiort, of Nast Ashlield; TueSday evening, October 31st, •a very , Craw, late of Verneri, C ; where. he had three, Years Of succOssful pas.: tinate. ,Mr. Crew is' a man of Very fine parts. He is.agraduate of Knox -40 ever' knewn Was- Mr: Sim,,of teaming., top. • I -le suffered frem asthma. arid bronchitis for 2S yesrs. but „has been .eompletely cured by e nevi . treatment and will amid partieular'S: upd recipe ..to everyone troubled with asthma or .broochitis. Write •.E., Sin-, Box 144; Leamington, Ontario': Oirbilit; will' be held on Sitadayi the Chairman of,, Wingharn District . will !Rev. :Millyard, of 1.,iteknow Preach in afternoon at ,2.30,, On. Saunders, choice recitations 'and 'songs bY local favorites Mr. John joynt; to concert. Children 15, Adults' 25c. pone chit or ,Businessi- 'As'T have staid out my, blacksmith this epporthnit7 of thanking thepuh- lic'for their liberal patronage to , Alf patties owing'aecounts are', asked to settle the same, before' the let :day ,Deceinber. 'Wm. Rivera. „ First Question , ManY. a..nierchant Who lies awake at night ,devising plena `foil the Most :advantageous use of ad-ertising Space. The first, question, ought 'not :to be how to handle the crowds wheu they bo. those' Oh.° are most anxious tp keep Mr, Ono% McKenzie, tattrier'. J)ear Sitt.4,,-,viettsc except my thanks rtOintnition. Day „.Municipal nOrnination day this year prchides. that when the, fast-N1004y, Friday, but tl.!ction day • Ne, wish to *.ctintradiet the ?tate- meat published:hi on.r last issue. re.. Had', an Operation Mrs. Patterson wife of Mr Alei 137'01; Iturfill.• while 'Visiting—friends-, Oration. W6 are:pleased to say she is recovering and out of danger. The interests leagued to advocate high tariff takation oa • the Canadian pcople are not to have things alitheir .ovin way before, the' Tariff o in mission At Toronto, the:very Mecca:of the re,. ,atriati011 system, the farmers, fjelegates their vinws and deelaring that , high tariff proteetio.a injUriously affects Canada's most imports et •liidus try and the one ell which the prosperity of all the rest latgely 'depends; " 'The following Li taken. fram the Teeswater. News Of last' :Week'. "A at noon yesterday et the. home ot . Mr. •§L, •when :their geeend daughter, _Miss be4inle •the wife Oft Mr,: ',lathes', •Gallioher Mana;#er the *Sovereign elated and the cereitiony Was the,presence of Merabers,Of the 'family. only.: 'The , happy; *Mph) iniao "medititely ''.1a6 for Winghairi :where fvfolsoiii! ;Bank We are pleased' to' nett). 'the: otrang and,' pregressive institution,. The MolsOns., Bank ", have. purchased the banking business 9f Mr:George.',Siddell.' We. Must congratulate the • business :community `on .havipg,in ,th3ir midst one of the' Oldelt :banks in Canada; • they this year, having, ,pasSecl • their iemi-centennial.- ;Attention must be called ,to their„ rest account, being °00, and to their assets:of over '30,;. boo,000., it Nvill.to gratifying. to the public*, to learn, that" Mr:' T. S..'" Reid has 1,3een appointed acct.) ntant and the managership: given tO 'an : Old 'Lucknow. bey; kr. George Smith, ' . Good Sheep Harvoy'a,Sale of- OxfOr4 Devlin Sono,' say they were. ;surprised te • see' oPinion Was exPressed.,by. lifer: - of Kinlcingh '10. The higlit„. Price' methodist ciniren The, anniversary • services of. the -Lucknow Metbodist Church;. will be held on SUnday,"'December 3rd; 'When sermens 7111.)30 preached be`th Morn- ing and evenipg by the Rev. Dr. -lowing Monday eiening teaineeting . will be held in the basement of the delivered by the ReV.. Pr. Gundy, . of Winghata, and. Rev. Dr. bougaii-. • 6" 44 Meafort•linOti Thorold„on Tuesday nierning,'. When Bank, led to" the altar Miss :Rena. ,Theressa AlicOulloeh, 'Bache, old., danghter of A,,, MeCtIlloat; 'nave a riper; the rector; ';condttct-, ed the cerenionye T.fir, bride wai Un- siatiliatlib.ceat" with .Chinchilla wedding ig'reg,•arded as A ": very knOwireuti. dopreeidied for her genial. Alio luta shOWn lit,*the art Mid study .0t 'diesie. The „Mirror pleated, Congratulations to' Slr,' and grs; Smith, on an event' whieli has: entivined two Ryes id 40 liddcret,4edpdthyi.,tiffeef..., ion and lovel‘reaforel MirtOr4", coming id , Lockup!! fermerly Of ,thehardwarelini,,of Sills Murdie; and foi the paat two years: bac* keeper' intim Bell Engine WorkS, 'Lneknow arid removes to' that. town' aboet the middle of this month,. We are sorry, 'to lege Mr. Mint°, froin ,Seaforth, but our leis , be, Luck. now'S gain as we Can recommend him to the goad. people of that .town and: vicinity as an eXcellent citizen, and'an enterprising: and .thortingbly reliable And Square business man.,,, • • WHOLENO. 1653 • This is a cut of one of the new lines of Ladies Tweed Skirts w!iich we are selling We have a' nice range of 'Tkveed Skirts at this price. Also some special values in grey and black skirts at 2.50 3.40 -and COO; 10,0 We are clearing a'nice line .; _Of ladies flannelette wrappers. Also all of .o.ur regular $1.25, Phut wiaPpers for $1.00.. In Ladies Golf Jackets the neweit styles, in red,blue and' Mr...JAS. Gallagher, has ',iesigned tie position as -manager of the' hr.aneh of the Sovereign Bank here and hie. nc- the Stark Telephone, 'Light, ileat,and PoWer CO., of Toronto: *r.' Gallagh- er had en excellent position here epd faction, bet ,we,Understand' the decidedlY better and after giving :the matter due consideratien. he decided and vicinity 'who have. 'Made his ae, SoCial way will feel e; •.distinet 'sense of loss in bia,departine, for he ;is' a cap- able busin esS mart, "a geritienian arid his new duties oti•the in'th inst.. • Hie position in the bank here', id -already taken by ' Andrew Porteri of or standing timber . of ...any kind ', for, boric) cirrY on the furnittire 'business 'now or. at my saw mill at Dunganneu. and more. partioularly for 4good 'sett get particulars ,befor "gutting and !len- standing' timber' at to , stO't mill , At bridge. Plank, and building - purpoies • CAMERON Big clocks, little cliieks,—eight day clocks, one day, CLOCKS that will strike eVery few min- utes, clocks that never strike. CLOCKS that it takes a big shelf to iy in your pocket. „ CLooks at a dollar and' clocks at quite All good to, keep time. t us show 'them to Repairing ,promptly,and sat. isfactorily done HMSTROlie EDIC • largo stook.of the folloWing: • liertlinief Oil tieti •