HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-10-08, Page 3T> W,INGUA
TIMF.9, OGTOBEE 8 4908
One of our GorreGt Styles
for Fall and Winter
Tailored with a degree of
excellence unknown except
to the most conscientious
and high-grade custom
Style absolutely smarter
than any custom made gar-
ment. Fit guaranteed, and
wearing qualities all that
you could possibly wish.
a ers CO.
Store closes 7
p. m., except
Saturdays and
evenings b e -
fore holidays.
1 Important Announcement
Regarding ROBBERS
No old stock
Every pair
and fresh
in Rubbers than anything else we know
Hence our reason for being EXCEEDINGLY
ra¢mxcaiaa as to the Rubbers we boy.
in than anything else we know of.
PARTICULAR the Rubbers we buy,
We have picked out the choicest of
You take VERY SMALL OSANOES of get-
ting a poor pair if you. BUT voun, RUBBERS
FROM US, because we keep THE BEST ONLY,
R. Johnston's old stand, opposite Bank of Commerce.
4.06.0N.444440 .4 *.t0404000i
+ We carry
fall stook of
We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON CdA*.,
which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Vannel and
Domestic) Coal, and Wood of all kinds. always on hand.
Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.
go- Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs.
. MoLeanal
Residence Phone No. 56. Office, No. 64. Mi1I, No. 44,
♦ * *!, , . r
if*a*0*l�• ♦ I80 » . >0�1�0•*00000 O AMb Osi+N400*0*N00'0.0+14+
Hunters' Excursions.
Via Grand Trunk Railivay Syetetn.
Return tickets at single fare, Oat. 6th to
tov. 8rd, to pointe in Temagatni, pointe
,Matta'wa to Port Arthur. To Georgian
f3ay and Mackinaw Division, port
Arthur Via N. N. Oo,, and to certain
hotnte in Quebec, New Brunewiok,
Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Oct.
02nd to NoV. 8rd, to Muskoka tidos,
Lake of Bare, Magneta'ovan River,
,Midland and Lakefieid
Madawaska to Depot Harbor, Argyle to
Oob000nk, Lindsay to Halibutton, Shat -
bot Lake via Ii .Les P. Ey., and points
-from Severn to North Bay inolueive.
Return limit on kali tickets Saturday,
Deo. 6th, 1968, or until close of naViga-
tion, if earlier, 10 pointer reeohed by
btearners. •rail information from any
grand Trunk R
k ticket agent,
Trines and Weekly Globe *0 new sub,
sunhats to January let, 1909, for 85
Whooping Cough, C,
Cough, Grip,
up, Bronchitis
ma, Diphtheria
boon to Asthmatics
Does it not a m more effective ebbreathe in
remedy to cure diseaseof the breathi
a organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach,
Wet because the Air n ! strongly It cur b e t b re der d sir n anti-
septic is carried over the diseased surface with
every bteath, giving prolonged and constant treat.
went. It is invaluable to mothers with small
Thbtt of a Consumptive
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in.
gamed conditions oft e
$aid by druggifts.
Send postal for booklet.
LksMit(C, xftt.rss * O.,
timited, Agents, Mont-
real, Canada. goy
Monate.Mr, and Mrs. S D. MoEwbu and
olhiidren of the let line, visited lhtst
week with atm M4Rwen'e parents M
Monorieff and attended the Atwood
Albert Orooke, 4th Iiue, bite two stalks
Of anniiowere in his garden upon which
were cora ed x24 uowera. Hui poultry
should not euifer next Winter,
Robert Nichol, 6th line, was at At -
Wood, last week where he judged the
root and vegetable exhibit aura, aleo
awarded prizes in the Swine department,
. on Wedneeday of last week
Robert Orma. ig, 5th Hue, road Mies Ada
May, daughter of Frank MoOutohenn.
604 line, were united in the holy estate
of metr1mony, at the home of the bride,
by Rev, H. M. Lang -Ford. They com-
mence married lite with the best wiehee
of a large circle of friends. Mr. and
Mee. Oraig will make their home on the
groom's) farm h thie township..
Don't Negtoee Your Dough.
',ought! are beat oared withourinmedicine—butm dicine.
zone"miteisn'tr a drrugt. it's„Catarrho-
6, heeling
vapor, full of pine essences and healing
baleams. It spreads over the surfaoog
that are weak and sore from goughing.
Every spot that's congested is healed,
irritation is soothed away, phlegm, and
aeoretion are cleaned out, and all symp.
toms of oold and catarrh are oared.
Nothing so sura, so pleasant as Catarrh-
ozone. In 25o. and $1.00 sizes at alt
EAK ' WAW.*t v $I*.
Following is the report for S. S. No.
9, East Wawanosh, for September: --
V. R. Deacon.
Sen. IV. V. Taylor, G. Currie, M.
Elliott, P. Deacon.
III. H. Walker, H. Carrie, C. Taylor,
E Shelll.
II, A. Currie, F. Deacon and H.
Deacon equal, W. Taylor, M. Rantoul.
Pt. II. H. Reid, G. Pocock. P. SheiiI,
T. Kerr.
Sr. I. H. Pocock, C. Carrie, A. Leav-
Jr. I. J. Perdue, J, Taylor, K. Kerr.
Average atttendance, 24.
A. L. LAWRENCE, Teacher.
Do you feel used up?
You're disoouraged and played out—
scarcely enough energy to think, and
less to work on. The reason? You are
run down, blood is thin, nerves are like
Indian rubber, not like steel as they
ought to be. Use Ferrozone and that
tired feeling will go—it can't stay be.
cause rich nutritious blood and the bod-
ily vigor Ferrozone makes, crowds out
weakness of every kind. Use Ferrozone
and you'll feel like a fighting king—fun
of energy—filled up with ambition—ever
ready to work, No strengthening tonic
so potent, Neglect not a day longer.
A11 dealers sell Ferrozone in 60 ot. boxes.
About 2.30 o'clock Friday afternoon,
Sept. 26th, James, son of James Mo0al-
lnm,of the MoKiliop boundary, East of
Walton, while engaged in assisting in
the threshing of clover at his brother
William's farm, by some means slipped
while on the machine and got his right
leg into the oylinder. In an instant the
belt flew off and the concave broke but
not before very serious damage was
done. The unfortunate ponrig man was
released and dootora sent for post haste.
They were soon on the spot when it was
decided that amputation of the crushed
leg was the only course, and this was
done. The terrible shock was too great
for the patient however and he died at
10 p. m. Deoeated was in his 28th year
and was an industrious well behaved
young man whose nnlooked for demise
is very sincerely regretted by the com-
The ladies of the Methodist church
choir, Brussels, adopted the modern
method of many choirs by the removal
of their hats during the services.
Melville ahuroh ohoir has been re-
organized with Miss Kate McKinlay as
leader. Miss Jessie McLauchlan non•
tinues as organist. Mies McKinlay is a
fine soloist with a wide experienoe.
Dominion nomination in Teem Hall,
Brussels, Monday, Oot. 19th. Barrister
Morton, of Wingham, is the Returning
John Cober, carriage maker. Brussels,
has been used to machinery almost his
whole life, so it is not to be wondered at
that he should not rest satisfied unless
he hears the hum, A 5 horse power up-
right gasoline engine, maaufaotnred by
the Gilson Co., of Guelph, has been
placed in his oarriage shop and will
supply the motive power for a band saw,
pony planer, shaper, buzz planer, lattie
and emery wheel. J, d. Gilpin, of town,
made the sale. Mr. Oober will now be
able to torn out his work much more
quickly and with greater ease.
Invented Safe ache Ours.
Away with headaohes, be done with
dizziness, bad stomach and biliousness,
A care has been found—nee Dr. Remit -
ton's Pills and enjoy the health they ria
surely bring. Nothing but purely wire -
titbit) extraoke in Dr. Hamilton's Palle.
They cleanse and purity the whole syn.
tem. ant as a perfect tonin. Safe for
children, girls, women and men, Sold
in 280. boxes by all dealers.
The digging of the Clark drain was
awarded to Messrs. ICirkton , Con-
nolly, by Grey Council, their tender
being $648.61 They are to have it
finished on or before Minuet 1909. They
ore Old hands at the businees.
Mrs. 'WM. Armstrong, lith cora , who
ham a great record at a butter maker,
snored 96U„ points at Toronto Exhib.
'Mon o
o n a package
20 -pot
lug the Silver Medal for the same. Whitt
is ii 1niall honot ono(
when the competition
is taken into ts000nnt and professional
judges snore in a very precise and
sorutinining manner.
At the Grey domicil meeting Thee.
Al000k, 'of the 14th con. was awarded
1 -the contract ant
Of the
$8,694. Ii Commences in Grey and goes
into Morrie, MoNillop and Mullett town-
ships. Work has to be oomploted by
Deoember 1909. The Sob 16 a big One
bnt Mr. Alooalc will res it through all
Vert- ,I;o111TROa,
The leiniversary eervicee at Tiffin's
appotottnent held in this Motha,liat
church were well attended Rev. Mr
Rtvere,13 A., 1),D , of Beigrax �, peer; •}r
ed tnorologend everting and ilrAy tat P
Duncan of Whiteoburnh oopdnoted the
afternoon eervioo. The eelectioos from
f the choir were extraordlparly well rem.,
anniversary eerjioes of White-
eburoh Presbyterian church, will be he'd
on Sunday, Oat. lith Services he d
morning Rad evening end conducted by
Rev. Mr• An6ireon of Goderioh,
Rally Day serviette in oonneotiou with
Briok f)huroh Epworth League orifi
be held on Sunday and Monday next,
Oot. lith and 120t. Rev. A. E Jones.
of Auburn, will preach ort Sunday at
10 $0 a. w and 7 p, m The Westfield
choir will Inveigh apeoiai mesio for the
conation. On Monday evening, is liter-
ary entertainment wilt be given, ad-
dresses by Rev, d. W. Andrews o
Binevale and the pastor, mesio by Prof.
°line's quartette, of Wiagham; read
ince by !!lies 3ohnson, of 1%lyth and
Miss Harrison of Belgreve. Liberal
offerings are asked for in oouneotion
with alt of there services. home and
bring your friends.
Rev. G. W, Rivers preaehsd anniver-
sary sermons at Villas on Sunday last
and Rev-. W. A. Plenty. of Whiteohnrob
preeohed very aooeptably at Brick
Obnroh and Sunshine.
The ReIgrave Methodist Chorale
whioh is under repair at present will be
re -opened with 'medal Aervioee on Sun-
day, CO. 1Sth. Rev. Hector W, Mo-
Tavish, of Gordo, will conduct the
servioes at 11 a m. and 7 p. m., and
special mesio will be furnished by the
choir, On Monday evening, Oot. 19th,
at 8 o'clock, a high olase oonoert will be
given by Miss Ida M. Cole, of Ethel,
graduate in elocution of Alma Oollpge,
St. Thomas, and Mies Polly McKesson$,
of Owen Sound, gold medalist in vocal
music, of the tame College. Short ad-
dresses will be given by Revs, Hartley,
of Blyth, and MaTavitb, of Gorrie. For
farther particulars see posters.
The Mail proceeds to put forward the
fallaoy, that the Laurier Government
has not given the land to the settlers,
but to the speculator.
The Conservative Gevernmeat set
apart no Less than 66,000.000 acres for
railway bonuses, every acre of whi'h
the settler would have been bound to
buy bank from the speculator. The
Liberal Government recently snnceeded
in obtaining restoration of 30,000 000
acres of land from the area set apart
for railway bonuses. This land was at
once opened up for homesteading and
thousands of acres were gladly taken by
the settler, of which he had been de-
prived these many years,
In eighteen years over 80 000,000 of
acres passed absolutely into the pos•
session of corporations, given by a Oon.
servative Government without .a dollar
going into the treasury, and the settler
will have to pay the epeoulator his own
prides for every one of these acres.
In eighteen years the Oonsorvative
Government gave in homesteads and
pre•emptions less than 10,000,000 ores.
In 1896, last year of Conservative rule,
there were fewer homesteads taken up
than was the case any year sinoe 1879
There were only 62.119 in the whole
eighteen years. While the Liberal
Government in the past twelve years
have placed 221,860 homesteaders on
the land.
How can the Mail maintain its
charge that this Government has given
the )and to the speculator?
How can the Conservatives with any
reason whatever, challenge 0Omparison
between the record of their Government
at to land, and the record of the Liberal
Speaking in Halton county last week,
Hon. Sidney Fisher, Dominion Minister
of Agriculture, spoke in part as fol-
lows : —
"Before you farming men I want to
take up questions now. affecting my
own department. When the Censer -
waives left Ottawa they had date
nothing for you in the way of aced -
storage ships, save for a few rough ex -
1 Andra-
New ente with
Zealand ice
andtathe United
States were driving Canada out of the
English markets beoeuso they had
proper refrigeration. In the years
1876.1886 Hader tbo Tories we exported
$22,750.000 in batter; in the decade
from 1886 to 1896 it dropped to $8,250,-
000. In 1897 the Department of Ag-
rioniture planed the first meohanioal
cold storage plant in operation, and
in the next ten years we shipped $46,-
500,000 in butter. That was due ab-
solutely to the oold-storage facilities.
There was no ohange in other 'condi-
tions. As a result farm land has in-
creased in Value, the number of farm-
ers has grown, and now the great
proportion of otr young men and wo-
men are staying on the farms. They
left t them
In the old days, and no
wonder, Bat to -day they remain be-
cause our Government has made the
lot of our farmer different.
"Let me point out to you the aon-
dition of the St. Lawrence navigation
in 1896, Large vessels (Mold not
come in at all, or had to wait for high
tide, They could not sail at night
because the channels were not lighted.
Consequently ocean freight and insur-
ance charges on the St. Lawrence
route were high. New York, Boston
and Philadelphia droW away our ship-
ping trade. Look at to»day's condi-
tions, There are ne deists for tide or
channel lighting at night. Expenses
and Insurance rates Were Towered,
with the result that to -dap New fork,
Hoskin and Philadelphia Ore clamor -
log to their rederal Government and
to their State Governments for pro-
tection 'egainet the St. Lawrenoe route.
Not only is it carrying Canadian et -
netts, bat a portion of the exports of
the Amerioan Union itself, All 'be -
tense e we ha a in
v adAh
ter) r
ly navigable, and 10 enabled te iV-
lag Of dheap rater. Let me tell you
that every tent taken off your trans-
portation aoets inaket a cent more
that the foreign buyer can pay you for
)rteir produot.
Does the
If not, sarnetfiing must be
wrong with its food. If the
mother's milk doesn't nourish
it, she needs Scott's.imi1siiore.
It supplies the elements of fat
required for the baby. If baby
is not nourished by its artificial
food, then it requires
Half a teaspoonful three or
four times a day in its bottle
will have the desired effect. It
seems to have a magical effect
upon babies and children. A
fifty -cent bottle will prove the
troth of our statements.
Send thla advertisement, together with name
of paper In which it appears, your address and
four cents to cover postage, and we will send
wale "Complete Bandy Atlas atilt World.”
126 Wellington StreetW.. TORONTO, ONt,
A mathematical demonstration of
Canada's development eau be very ef-
fectively presented in a few figures
snowing the volume of exports of sta-
ple produots during the twelve years of
Conservative Administration under the
much lauded National folios', compared
with the twelve years since the Liberal
tariff came into operation and a new
industrial era was inaugurated.
Oon Role Lib. Rule
1885 to 1896 1897 to 1908
Balm and Ham$18,327 928 $145,156,311
Butter 10 618 348 67 680 096
Cheese 127 011.428 247.790,882
Wheat 45,388,791 212,677,659
Tnis result is tarzely dee to the
stability of Inc tariff, revised for
revenue purposes only; the encourage-
ment and atsistanoe afforded to far•
niers and dairymen in inoreat,ed cold
storage and transportation facilities;
persistent and efficient measures to im-
prove the quality of aurionitural pro.
ducts; better arrangements tor trade
between Canada and the Empire; and'.
a restcratlon of public confidence in the
sound, prudent and economical but not
parsimonious fiscal policy of the Lour.
ler Administration, Now, Mr. Elector,
you who have not decided how you will
vote: --Which p•aliey is the moat worthy
of support and encouragement by an
progressive and patriotic Canadians?
The Sufferer Feels That Unless Re-
lief Comes Insanity Will Follow.
Thtra is no tot ture more intolerable
than nervousness. A nervous person
is 10 a state of oonetant irritation by
day and sleeplessness by night. The
sufferer starts at every noise, is shaky
and depressed. Often althongh in a
completely exhausted state is unable
to sit or iia still. For trouble of this
kind absolutely the beet thing in the
world is Dr. Williams' Piok Ptils. The
nerves are jaded and jangled because
they are being starved by poor watery
blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make
new rich blood which feede and soothes
the irritated nerves. There is abaa-
lutely no doubt about this; thousands
can testify of the blood -making, nerve -
restoring qualities of these Pills, among'
them is Mrs. Thos. Harpell, W ace
Bridge, N. S., who says:_ -"So a years
ago I took sick and the . ' otor pro•
nonnoed the trouble nervo.: prostration,
To describe the torture: of it is impos'
Bible. God and mysel .nly knew what
I endured- . e do. or gave me medi
Dine but it • d • • seem to help me.
Then he orde :. • e away for a ohange,
but I was a raid to go, as I always
seemed to fear some impending oaia-
mtty, and was afraid to spend the night
alone, as I used to think eaoh night that
I would die before morning. I tried
different kinds of medioines but with
no better results, and finally decided
I would go to my parents to see if the
change would benefit me. I went to
their doctor but with no better results.
My mother urged me to try Dr. WU-
Iiams' Pink Pills and got me a box, of
course I did not expeot a box would help
ere, but I continued taking them and itt
about a month began to feel better.
Prom, that on there was an improve-
ment in my condition every day, and in
the °curse Of about three months I was
again enjoying the great blessing of
perfect health. I gained about twenty
ponndt in weight and my friends could
hardly believe I was the same person.
I believe I would have been in my grave
long ago if it had not been for Dr. 'Wil-
liams' Pink Pills."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pili+ are good for
any disease due to bad blood or weak
nerves. That is why they cure soh
troubles as anaemia, indigestion,
rheumatism, nenraigia, St. Vitus dance;
paralysis and the ailments of girlhood
and womanhood. Sold by medicine
dealers at 60 Dent+ a box or six boxes
for $2.50 or may be had by mall from
The Dr. Williams' Medioine do., Brook-
ViIle, Ont,
Hon. Nelson Monteith has resigned
hie position as Minister of Agriculture
In the Whitney Government and dames
S. Duff, M. P. P. for West Sluice() hat
been appointed as hit euooessor.
A deputation of Presbyterians and
Ang1ioans waited on Sir Wilfrid Laurier
at() O t
taws to- ask ,
for a more strict en
foroenient of the last against viae and.
Immorality in the Yukon. The Prem.
ler showed the delegation that he had
'already sent iaetruotione to the Oommis•
Wetter to enforce the law with the tit -
most vigor,
New Ides
Largest Stock
Lowest Prices
If it's anything in DRESS GOODS, SILTS or VELVETS you are
needing. for Pall and Winter wear be sure you see our large
range of Dress Materials in English, Freneh and
German Manufacture, You can save
dollars buying at this store.
Two eases Ladies' Misses' and Children's Underwear just
opened ap, all sizes from the 80141104 to the largest.
Prises easy, See our special line at ..... ..... ..... 25c
Tile stack for fall is now in, and the bait tna.lret of easlzinare
and wool are here for your inspection,
NEW FALL SU/TS, OvE1CoArs, Fun COATS, artment on nREd EEFERS, Pis ANT , eitt taccl it
anything for Men and Boys' wear.
Men's Gray'Cratenette Coats, well lined, a very
serviceable coat, our eut prise , .. , 87.00
Colne in and see thein, we never had sit 'h a nice range of
patterns and PRICES are snaPRiailr•GLY LOW. You will
wonder how they can be sold for the money. We bay
them right and can self thein at a saving to every
customer. See our special mutt — a nice small pattern
in fine cloth, usually sold fur $12,0.1, one close cut
price, only $10.00
In plain and fancy cloth, all NEW SPYLES, sizes from the
smallest boys' to the Iargest man's coat. Every cast
to be sold at a bargain. See our men's Overcoat at.... $7.00
,.•� '� 1VZ= rs,�;,.v�'4iGKIJ,'siE','t';1DA5 Ya.
Vririii' ' viirirefk7V€ VVWvv5i'vvV4T'irSta tinelerrealtnleateretraterVUSeelFeemew
w• fir• � �[
s DAYS 1
'461rfi thr4n
wise Ft.irfflshi
et. esvarysmdtalzern.
EWe will give a straight discount of from
cent. off all lines of
10 to 20per4
:Carpets, .Lioolau s and Oilcloths]
We find we are overstocked in these lines and they 1
:must be reduced. All the newest designs and patterns. 3
You wilt also find a great many Carpet Ends at 4.
bargain prices.
We Solicit Comparison.
t. All kinds of Farm: Produce wanted,"
sll� hest
prices paid.
Winghani, Ont.