HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1905-04-27, Page 1u LV.0 K VOL •. ONVI ;RSDAY,.; •:. ;1905.. 905 1629.:' . HE.AU OFFICE, HAMILTHN'Q t&LZ�„ r1 7 , -$21235 ' a $ .err- y •, ... r.' ) ,k j } 4.2 Total; ;Assets : 820,55$ 840..5; sup Irl Q Np OF EOTOR8: F,'' • Hort; Wie •Ginsori, President.• 0, A. Shiga, J. PnooTou,, J. 8,: Ha gni un. G. $UTUEIiFORD. Chas.. C. -Dalton, Toronto.-'' n. , ....eau lin.%-iTxa,. >�res,, -:end. �Maaa 'er. A est Gen -Man s:N' 8 `iii11 . $111101V ii r A gasses'...BA SING BUsINas TRANBAOTIeD. • : ' •. Farmers' ltotos f isoountod s d. advanceso to femora to feed ,took.. , ;,gALu-:.No.s_bau ht anct oolleetecl Al ates od rate. m e e 'FBTABf,I3HEti 1.888. tom"^ • I do, a`generalbanklig'business:loaue draftif throughout (3ansd and the •'TJnited state-.' n i oludi Make oollecti6ne on.' all - points • including • Western. States, •Manitoba: and the' North• 'west Territories and; all oolleetloni whether a ' rem t t iv e t4u• s.. �r e ant will n¢ r _ � s..,�.. _,.•.rib___ -...I,' . on.. ,, iSale. ota. discount ed and,.farmera.. ._ .. a.otes osshedr loan to farmers:pn.doubie' or tingle notes at front_ one to twelve months' time; and:' especlally to farmers desiring to• feed cattle over winter and•grass them during. summer, et low' rates: . • I loan small pry largeamounts on second mortga8e. bn "Arnie or other .• real estate seonrity, and .on. first chattel: 'mortgagee/ on, live stook: implements and crops. I hive a large amount :of hinds to advanca on first, mortgages at lowest rates., feet -insurance l c re resent the leading �, nglieh gad C,aua- g , •_dig- :.Tire aatiranoee=•-mCoaniee,--a eau- ' ! eon all olaeeee..of: ro sire' �stctaiq ?r wl}tual r�onzyy�tcnle tie i 1 OP IM 9' TM np <x, n . qF the. ada:`a halt' �• r'Inc`i� al pointe'��4"fan , !I P p united, States Savings 'Department, . . 1)iioosite of st.00 and, iipwardi„received' . and 'interest allowed at.' current. :rates from, ate of depositto date, of withdrawal. ` •'Lhi eepasitIr Isnot subject:to,any. delay. .Whatever in the withdrawal of. the. whole or • 'any portion of the. deposit. • ' • 'Interest compounded Ma y .1st 'andNov. ` wiCth-an-each-year. w R R MeoLEOD ' LUCKNOW.. Cl OFFICE µHQUY `id :yn to”' A8. REID ; THOMAS , Jun, • MANAGt•ZR. , Miss son Th is the guest of Miss LOCAL ITEMS om . • Miss iiitzgeraldr. gf St. ,)larva is Oie, gilest'•of Mies', ,Annie d`oynt. • Miss Steith of Kincardine is ;visit ing friends: in the 'village. , The -latest. styles in millinery` at •w •�«-;4u.dr. .�k.::.;.. ,.x�„c,r. , •.-,4- 'J ,Y Mrs,' Henderson, of Tilsonburg; was `seat af. ;her father .'J.' the g •� Rev T.. Sb , it , In 4. ' i• ib ' tr 0 ' ,rsn Ile. Miss Bertha Patty... R . of spent. the . Easter ;holidays with her, • _22'111r.;:',;.-14.004,_Marshall.:. f•. �-Blyt b, spent heEaateboli sys=wth-fria de._ in' Sinless. ma it �o►ili: ay^ you totch' ... : Mood4aa pi.. ori r pale 4Oaoh viols. Mrs. Biokle and, Miss Caswell, of Toronto, were the: guests: of ' Mr. 'and, Mrs. Anderson over.Eastei•.• Wire. 'Frank Johnston and Helen, veited:friends in Lucknowand Dan- were r tide ' ga_,' _gig . �-, .,.�.. ,. ._._ . • ""o "Bitrfotd e ::: QiC4lSl F . .. w re .the guests of` Rev: e R T. Smith during'th'e Eastertide. Miss Maggie Pickering,. of Para- mount Ilea returned. home after epend- in her Easter holidays' with 'friends Brantford, D on • for et the contest, ab Zion o . K . e12th'. concession, : A84 - Apt. Appointment, P . in Mu` ren da-' e • M Ed La a4e spent Easter: In d' Y $ Apt 7 'heli you do -not --deal a omen;.. Law , Trout': fishing season opens 'next Monday. • Special bargains : in Ris•. Smith's. finery: at,: • • Admission :10c Mrs. ;John '''Hawkshaw,; of 'Exeter ,and•`Mise Vera Ra.wkshaw, gt►nnon spent Easter the guests of Mr:, and 'M rs. Jas. • Bryan. eft on sur 1O -cent, , Dr. 'Murray has. been nominated as` • fe argaiux-i table at. Mood y'Moderator of the:, Genial Assembly ' forget to see ;Moody{s y re by the Preebytery of Bruce and;., the Don t window •• S t .cl t Presbytery. of Oakland, on aur ay net London Conference of. Mr D. Thompson, oE'Oodericn waThe s • aorival � • - ip'townou Easter. , the, .Methodist church will coven What are .Heriderlion k ,Matheson ,Listowel Ibis .year, cornooencing on Grocer 'r a pound of 28e tea. Its a winner just CROC LucKNow. aVi OW seen the last Thursday and.will visit famed a in at his borne ip Paisley: 3/fr.. John clerk vitiited his parents in Orangeville this 'week,' Miss -Annie.Joyrit left en .Tuesday for Alma Colleet; Pb. Thomas. , Milyttid, anti DeLeinme spent dine, spent Easter se `his,: holite . Mr. HOhnes;and daughtere of the Sno are visitinefriende in the- village. Dandelion, .in the . wayside grass; a -springing, gold to give to all whO Mr.. :Tames ‘gindlater, spen Easter: ' holidays... with` ;friends in Mrs. Tennant and: diughter, Aggie, 1)1'w Million :watches had 'to' be made' befOre Science ,,and Art presented us with the perfe ed: product An. tbe - There. are' no ,Movements :equal to the Omega,' in mater - 'Are 'the best watch Made in the World, price ler titled to the. thanks Of the .peoPle °of, The Sone' Of. Scotland at Atwood' ,rin an excersion to, Owen.' Senna cursion will tele' 'in.' . the stations from .Kincardine to IPiihnersten.., The are Separate. "Sehocils einineet grant... There are 10 "Separ,-. reteiVe an aggregate. gOVeranient grant 'HoW cap you know hew new yoor Educational .Apemena', °The. Rev,} Joseph • Oliver',. of Listowel. will 'preach. on Sunday . Next in the: Luohnow. Methodist Churcb,, on 'be- 'I eJ(,,of,the •educstional funds.' Of -;the f . Appolntsd Engineer • r At a special meeting of the village v ning last ueada , e e _ �ouncil'on T _ . .,y : g. Robe rt ">'L�otglaBaPpont. ed meer ftila waterworks plant, a Peat.. Oen nt •, leng and' ably : filled.` b ' :his 'n.o t. o Y . father thelate Thomaa Douglas, He, �� • is a 'tb roughly reliable,.,young man and we are confideat..will wake an ex- cellent-roan/or x-cellent-noun,for tk'e position furniture 'will look' before you 'have 'used SherivintrWilliteres 'furniture' pelieh.‘_Comeito us .and We will ahoW, hat others have done with it of London aro iieiting friend§ in the , eVeeing. On the 2nd. Concession' of A.sh6.61d. A good 'Program *ill be preseeted. :Chair taken proreptly , The Whitechttech Creamery Cern,. panyintend, beginning OperatiOna ,en Wednesday,. May The interior You will ;make no Mistake if : you buy' a ;Bissell Oarpet sweeper. When Yrin,want to seve/yeurself, the Carpet; 'and 'other ' furniture from dnst, , and ihe.piiee of., it in brooms 'alone:. 11 a. Taylor', has a large variety end will be glad t,6 ithOw. them to mail, .. Hudeon and Mrs }Ind - eon, et 'formates who were the netts of 'are.. Helen the-pkeb Week; left. op .Wednetiday. for Toronto, where they spend a„ feW leaving' for Winnipeg on 'May where they intend residing' in, future: The Sentinel entende•iti hearty con., • Now Assasarnent Aot The municipal assessments: now. be.. ing made under the actpassed as the fast session ,,of the Legislature ' 1 differ 'very considerably from the old the d ' o.._, assessments,-1rn_.a dit'�bnt bsment.r.-o f- a es -made -:in the -rare._ _..._. �y- plof the-forniertax un^ personalty, ace and its, akplioation for the first time will be watched' with interest.'• - b1d; and .as •a remetibrance, of the occasion when they.Ineb to, say ggod bye to you and to your esteemed wife FURNISHIN S and family, at, your own commodious and comfortable house. : That you and •y;. r esteem, and confidetiCe'of:those whose privilege it rnity beto make your ac•' .' -quaintance • .111 . a new • home,. ie the earnest ear ; d it , of your. .friends nrageYo Maul ... and:: neighbors; and muy:. G}od' grant that Ills, .i3is'• b.,_ lessing,:may adcomp any'you whereV°may_cast_yourlolk .. --Friand $ s-and-nei g hbor .Dear Friends and Neighbors, ,. It is at'suoh a time as this :. that; words fail to express the feelings of -the heart, but..nerer perhaps . has :.our worthiness been made more' beautiful by the bestowal of kindness, upon us.. It is . true that we have, mingled - in your society fo: many long oddteliowe-: service -,- The-membr f. uckno.t .Loag e theIndependent Order el, Oddfello w_o ef y Celebrated the anniverear� of .the ce order in America, by; attending .;the, Presbyterian Church`. in :a body' On Sunday? morning last, when a very able. and eppropi .ate sermon ' ' was preached ter them by:;the pastor, Rev.. Mcger-roll.', Besides 'the mem- years, Hub,- while--In-our- humble ,:.- _ r' aa.e.• co 'xo y:, mve --_e4y h_ . _.. ; .utx!tk�ttte.. it ever: been 'the reci �ients of continued P enjoyinenb' alts 'your` hands, and' it , is w,e .who are under obligat'ion to you. We accept these gifts,. therefore . with • a' sense ` of: deep Obligation ation to 'those, obl.- . re -Were - -kind=�friende-by-i�rhom-they p , . eented'andwe:ab,all use and cherish., them in all the ".years Ito- come,, with the earnest hope that, like festival gatherings,* may have eLuent'-op pdrtunities: to repay, the kindness which you` .rave ' bestow.ed, trusting;. thet'eaoh and all of you:will'call upon us in oar present :domicile, where you - rf fl. _�" ;gest. raid Cse"W`ffe uiY�oll lith turn • •to ., new, carpets :curs tains etc. . 1 y C ARPET r ` :sol"..car _ . �Otiir union an ` �W T: et • � .trd �a t71091'1b0.. der, �. _.. •, , µ6-5-c nts rs eats e i ns - d , ry ..,. a __.. ... � . a g,.. :good .colorings: .: Fancy: tapea- try at 50c and special Value • in reversible t '2 . in. apestry 7 wide at 25e. --A- Very • rett and curable ' carpet at• the price.. JAPAN MATTING bers of the Society: there was, `a , large•r wi e a he°rtily weicoMediand treat° d congregation present. to' the beat of everythine• at our posal. We are yours, , John Beat,on and Family.. The bowling green promises ,to be a :popular resort during the coming sum- mer. The beautiful lawn; came through the winter in splendid-, con- dition -and is-now-in-excellent--sbape._ -side -of- -jawn7-has7 alae:7-lieenthor-, Jouglify leveled and seeded down, and before the sumnier is ;over they ex: -Odareitows At . Bonze ; There wee a large and. appreciative. -andience-in the Town Hill; on Wed- nesday eVening. limit to ,enjoy the 'the .0ddfelloive lodge, :The hall Wee leautifidly deCorated With flags; bunt- - nig, mirrors, .etc. ,for the ace:Often,. Mid - the progOin pkeeented.•wai; One of the -heat given in the .vinige ,for many yearti,, including solos by Mrs.' G, Mr.. Araby Scott and kr. ,Joenpll stinger, and, duets by the Misses Carrie and Dean Geddes and ,!-Mitis. ()cilia Johnston and Miss, Bells. Beh ertson, all of which/were , ranch ap- preciated and heartily. encored. 'Tony Vita's famous 'Italian OreheStra. of. ;London;' tendered. several herntitill .etfleetions during the, evening",, which called forth lieertY applanse. Alias D: Lees Mrs Watt' Murdoch. and and the chair was, ocetipied bk.: Mr: .iaines Bryan. On completion Of the 'Prbgrain lunch owes served,' and it co'llock the Yonrig people took' Posses-. ion, cf the door and enjoyed the merey Allen MeltinnOn .has purchas, Miss Ruby Scott, of ..*,,uut Forest apent'Eastee'Sruiday at his !Ionia ; in Miss Ail/hi Geddes, of flamilton spending the holidais with her parents. Mite V: Walters and 'tWo' little ' The Othega itself has been . its own best advertcser, 4.. As we are the sole agents of these perfect time •kvaisurS'. old horde here.; ' If tor any retie's:in yon cannot Inky:ea flower garden thie Year,, plan et , least throab,ePecialist, will •be at: the ;Cain Our ice creimi pitrlors; tire new ripen and- fruits ativeys on hend at 1Vleody's. Smithexpeote po .8611. off her Cell and see 'the Intrgeins 'she ie offer; lit.'6ven•,'YOUdan, sergeon eye,. ea ,tn. to 2,301 wifi be the dain • • hese rnattings-.pi eve ex ;1 li -�fl" r� _.._ eo-�8ri-ri 6 t �� F {i Ci'(�tYlrt�...,.ey �� ror=_,•'b�t�'�•i3:1 • nice range of patterns at 1:5,- 17; :5,17, 20, 25c.- -- N `•L LEUM I Q S .. clothe:yd,..1 . yd, Floor "oilcloths s 1 an 1 a, q - yd , Hen.o„ 'linoleum2wide'yd a : -45e-Per sqYd-Stair-oilcloths Addis's/in and PRenantatican DEAR Irt .Year friends and neighbors .hav- ing: learned, that you . are abeiii to leave,the rieigborhood in which Yon have resided fertile:past" fortY Years opportunity,' at this festive beaSen, • to .held by those with whoie. you bait been- aSsediated since' the primitive pioneer .days, and hOw ninch,thei will misa you, your wife and family front with, theni'. the' hardships, pr" ivatione, inconveniences, anxieties and tbil, in- eiclent io pioneering daytq. so they feel that . they Would be ;Anise in their; preciation of the frienclihip Which.was• thditi,, end they, hope that you'. 'will accept the'ueeothpanying (pita ita • T4e.....9,0inni,./Suninier:',School under OdistChurch 'will be held in. day,Tr.Atignit '. The program, icom- erten; Kerr; ,Brintiels, and j. BeatOn,:,'Clititeii;,beld'a meeting.. in; the purposebt:arratiging an 'interest-,. at 15e, neat designe and pret,7 ' LACE, CURTAINS year -our' range of lice, . -curtains larger 'an& 7'values better than in previous, years:. We especially empathize 3 ,ex- tra value lines rt 75, 1.50,1,nd Sadao'', Death. The sudden death .of Thonies. Dangler:4, engineer .of the waterwerks Plaet; On Friday morning last, *as terrible ;shock to the *hole .c.timmiini- ty,' and a.tieveretrial to hie family and, feeling well had been attending to ,his usual duties ep till helf past five .en denly seized a seiere pain in the boWels and stomach.: , Medical aid wae 'at. once sewed aed everything .pessible to he avail, and at sht, O'eloeit On Fri., :Perferatien.Tof-the bowels.' Deceased •who was in his 56th year was an told. end ,highly reveeted.' citizen of '; this' sad.gleom 'over the .whole Seeiion!, and in their great. sorrow' his widow 'and three. children), twO 'inns and' on'e , orta wide circle Of 'friends. „The tuner' - oral on Monday to, Green Hill :.aemo- tery'was largely ,,ittended, the 'Fire Member for many yeere, marehing in bodyi. together with the :Reeve and Couneillors and village, officieli. The floral tributes tient by Lie Fire Coin- pany and other friends the bereaved , family ware beautiful. The services at Ora house end graiie were, eonduct- Methodist Chnreh:. Tato property close° to „,the. railway 7,1; acree of lend with a geed brick June., Apply fOktetnis to, THERE IS THAT its days otusefizlneSs.-in.a* be Bring it to us, anywaY and let have' a look at it. Repairing promptly and 'sato :.411,PASTRON:c.i • 741CTIY-7—..`CATTIYE PIP 'INSECT POW,b.E13,S in:pails Dna 25c 'an 50c pack. • Cajpt.tfae, and)