HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1905-03-30, Page 8•
•" $.cls. FOP
:. -Mr. d, Aotarvhi,+On .ha+e eepera►l houses.
• : e for 'immediate eale a0 prices`444, to t wi4l.
,4;p: Pi1'' •ail inveetmerlt •Od epecially'at=
• - • tractive to thou**Wog to secure
003 our Will per, ,et dein, raw
telt seleelted .stock toeho sig •from, and
Flees ore ,:r ghlk 'A, *. °SpePee. `x
llh'bite : N0U .
panes indehtod to the under
tatted, . are , requested ' to`$ettle their
^.acceitnte 'on , ur''' ;before; •the 25tl} • of''.
herrtbst date they will be:
Ii1it in pother • hands•;for "collection
enter Here, Blgcker lth. .
>tifwinerv- op niwr ..
;Mies $aerie, • who has just opened'
oat:aflieWinillinei`9 ahop;in Lnoknow,
intends to have -her millinery openings
tot %gay and Saturday of this week,:
Mies' MoOaq, her leading milliner rise
htt4'eeven'years a penance in the beat
,,bity'trade,: and will be pleased to re-
g• etvefvemielt rn,tbe ladle>of :Jack
now antl'violnity., ,
r'wria'' For ,wale
I.have the Wm Speen; 200 acres in•
the 'l lth Concession oi Ashfield Town-
ebiplor sele.This property must be
disposed of within' the' next, ten days'
m4441111130 a' bargainfor-somebody at
the price. aeketl,,,, Will he sold "either'
in separate hundred' acres or • tiro 'whole
two ,htt'ndred agree if desired ' ' If• you
want a good farm call and see
;" tteo, ,As Siddgll, Locknote:
4xwA:9nW �, •_::
+ I 1 T 1 `_• n' 4. T+ti. ;'I .444,414410.44444+1+++.444,1411+,
,DEL1010y ;
•r+4 '+ t��+4 ******4. kti4 + 1.47/ *+ + 44rk r 4+a�.1 +++ate+++41+fti ++++
Cur' Spring Openings takes Olaee on r day. Marcl01=t_ and' Saturday,
.,a. F s 9r.¢ It r �fr .'rx h,J., ! � +'•"^' - a „F
t 3.r ryry G Y.
6 •.. A i � 0. 1" � �Tl
•..� � �4' A + p"' r,4,Y.•�k..'d� '4,r f E a v..b3 7F d �a ' '� �.-� � 1 '��� i f 6
#drys display of. etif'e newest styles in trimmed milhnery hnnnets, in slik and.'Mu
for children; •.Also childretis Mats colors.
'RESf•#'° PAS -i
Give ns a call before
purchasing your e,onf`ee
tionery, '
Largest and.• best as
,sortment to 'choose from.
New' figs ' dates,- .nuts'
raisins, oranges, ete: •
Alen some°good styles in ladies rt�ici CO t0
iHs lil �. ales 'real
ado --skirts:•
Ladies ready_made`print wrappers at 1 25 each.. These are well.made'' and
good quality of, cloth.: • ;Special lines'of .wash goods for. shirt waist suits't 14c and,;
22e per ,
4'+++ +*++++++ 14+44+4++++'i'd•+444• 4;44444+44+ #4, 4+1+0++++ +44 4. 144444 -1.4 44444 kir k4
-44.4-H000it*+'-4 :$4+++MSM+4WIM-t+M4i r11.4.1°.k 11.+44+ 4.i, 4dr34;d44$»3++ dr*qtr*+++ x4434
•.wtti�..r. • -',•\ ..
At ' the :; residence of the bride's
pare et"; int*: Concession of •1�Linlays, on,
the' 22nd ion by the 'Rev F A. Mac-
Lennan, Mr. W. A. Pierce, of Reston,
Mt., tMargaret • Jane. 'second
daughter of Mr. `Neil Beaton of Rm=.
•Ta' dem
Tondere.artll be►reoei'ved hr. 'the un-
• dersigned:upto.ptill8th For two
teams of lit ssee; well equipped and
driver to Work oti „theread grader for
-• the : Township of . West Wae anosh.-
For farther pai,tioulara:;apply to any
• 011ie Council Board
?� • , . W S McCreitie, G�lertt,
C11 1:
the dwelling , .house : now now
r '
by'Mr "Ale:. Rose, on Victoria St
`Thio is a'fne dwelling house and 'lido
'ail the latest improvements, contesting
of good stable; con shed;' lawn,' hard
• . and 'oft water: etc 'Tor - particulars
apply//to Mr. •Aleat i Rees` "Luoknow,
Ontario. • •
IT D•i
p� QQom�•
CL' •
• ( Y
▪ ••at.►i••i•••eia•a;•r•aasii
4$ ass, s e ".0
We are now ,„showing
one of _the largest , and
best assorted . stocks
pier' shown In town:
••Bal a
renew and strictly
up t. date. ' . The .colors
are of' e. best, arid;. we :
:have no oubt: btit that
we can snit y u.
Call and ge one ;o
our san'ple'boo1
S grand.time at the, box
At about .30 ..:m.'tbe 'larfi . sahook
house-• began• to fill rapidly andat,
about 8.30' it was_ literally, packed • to
its.'utmbsb• capacity, :' when:.'the able
:chairman Mr. • W. W.." Masa, 'started;
'the i.program ,, The: seleotione that
were ° given were well rendered and
were well received.. The echool obit,
dren #lid admirably well. '' Mr. R. Ma
,Char]eeis anted as'*auctioneer and Posed of all the, boxes at a• good price.'
The'receipts • apmpnted to •$30. after:
paying all 'expellees:
1Vlir. ;Neil McInnis who . has been
*hinter; his sister Mrs .Bain Mo(ui•re'
for* the': past year, left for his;home in
British :Columbia on Tuesday' March
1et.-- We Will miss Neil, but not so'
much as•some of the young ladies as'
Neil Was 'quite 'a favorite amongst
then. ' Never mind girls he may come
The party who tools arwhip that.did
not 'belong•to there Mhil'e ab.• the box :.
social had better' return it at once and
save tiotibte, esthey were seen taking'
Mtrt John lartinr.,_of Paratiiount,
visited at . the. Valley' 'post office en
Saturday evening.•
Mri. John ,AAndreir{r:'who• was/ visit
ing' her parents 'Mr,. ;and ,Mrs. John
,Martin,,.of: Paramount 'for 'the •past
few weeks, •left for Strathcona,''Albert
tat 1 Virt,« T oi# Mttrcl► 25611, inett
We wish iter it pleasant and safe ,jour-
Dour-ne : home, . .
?d Pritchard has sold bis fine
b• igAt a• 0ood price. '�
The hanst is a'Jbw snaking s>`<house
to benne "trait drawing big pack on a
big an deioigli port is be:a v+lseoh
barred►. •
11te1' C 47etNitt•t. r, Gt> tnt$2114
license listrict of South Bruce
To Tavern Keepers, 'SADA 11‘1)
ers and all :others interested',"
i?11?1Ei _i lih:Piii+:ti:++:>lii
TOT ICE : a'.E' hereb 'given :that
for License kir 'the Bale of.
Liquor: n the ' License District. of,. South
Bruce. for the year •1904.5, commehcing on the:'
•.first day,of MaOnext, will be }deceived by the
• undersigned upto th& • "'+ ,
First' .da of .A ril ; :1905.
Applieantr wiltrequire tbfurnirlt the :nt mes'
cf'two geod•and• Sufficient auretieli,•when:Mar,
'inR snob application Any appgilication-from- !:
*,.party net 'now.aelrceneeeun&r the Act.: or
:for premisdECriOt now•lioenaed,jniuet be,accow-
:panied'h.a:eertificat a geed U9 a„ majors.4tr
of electorrs. entitIett'to vote-r~r an 'eleotiun'of:
the Legislative Assembly., in t t oiling- dub_
division in wih ich thepreiniaee for which a
•>license ie sought are situated and'said major,
itymuat include one third of the electors who"
are et /time of •:makin ,aprilication resident
witn Paid polling: aub vision.
Lioknow, Ont.
Ddarch; 12th..; 1903: '
For '6a1a• or To Rent
• A large frame. residence, : corner: of;
Glo ugh' and nelhi streets. The house
19 .in.:good repair.' Bard and . soft:
water. r ' There is also 'a good 'stable.:
Everything will be sold • complete' at
a reasonable price; or "rented ted by the
year .L: For particulars ap'1yto
Ml's: W. Ii. Johnsetsa '.... -
Tenders willbe reelved' up till"Sat-
urdaY,:March 18th, for' new •school
house at Kano
1 u h' The
lowest ,or
any. tender not necessarily accepted.:
H. Graham', Kinlough P: 0.
100 acre farm, for sale, ` being, the
east half, lot.20, : concession. 1.2, Wa
wanosb; about 10 acres cleared, • good
1•anri; the, •'rest in bush contain
and basswood. •
igg beech; hemlock,
This ,is,an eaceptiotitlly, , good' grass
farm and is well watered. ' This farm'
is situated "54miles from '`Lucltnow
Possession given immediately or to
suit p rchaier'
John R.tMoPherson,
;St Helena, Ont:
a+':1,it FT.t :��:��ii�i7d11:1 rnaFara Fi+•:f lit FT_i•f
T ere are great•u Yltiries 'anad. various ualiti.'s of boiled spring
wire on tlia. market. ' It is difficult to find .a snore • annoying and,
wast'ful i vesttx etit.:than' buying Poor Wire. It is Bauer too soft, •
't,. . :gids D s
or to:hard. , When tu•the 'feaace•if: soft i looses'ts ri lilt . na •
downloo9e1y, is not not capable of bearing : a weight of snow' ''.or =°
standing' heavy; resistance from animals rt nniag•a fainst it. ' If too'.
hard ,it .breaks and animals become entangled and injured, when It ,'
:isno.to g r aisiOla to endure the,griev,i. tce oE: the poor fence ou'•
sonde ? .. .+.:. , p �. Y..
• want for et:rid.of.it, and unless yon have an old{.well or i s ne.w
one to put i.t. in, it will be :a nuisance on tir-ililace7fOiclearstciscome,.
R'heu :bu- lug• apt for the •Cleveland Wire, it is the best.:
D. Taylor has ;a large 9uaotity ,of it,aim Barb'Wir
e,S ooch, Wire, Woavl
Wire and Wird Fence::•
F_ii•+13F3EiF3F:i0 • • 11
_il3l=11-F• :1F• FiFiF• EiF1F1F+1:iFT1,T}I:1F*BOEDElt:1 _
. BROWN. •
1' , London; 'England.
'GFFaduate of London.,New .ew York and
Diseases'' of the Eye, Ear, Nose and
• ,Throat.
News ' Agenojr'
Now isthe,tiree to leave your or"
der or 'renew. your • subscription, for a
daily or ` weedy newspaper: • I -lorry
ys agent': for all daily, Or. weoldy
newspapers, periodicals} fas7 o,ioATcs
` .�.. NOW..,:
TitiAD Wednesday' of each `month.
'Hours 9 a: m. •to 9 17,' m..'
G,' A.', NEWTOt1;,.
xibnor: graduate in dentistry,.:TTor�onto
Dental College and 'Doctor; of'Letital,`i3ur•
gery, Toronto University.. All modern. plan
of operation and oarefulneseIf workmanship
Office in Aliin'a block, upstairs;
P,S.-will visite' Ripley every Thursday
afternoon* '
• Tl�l�
Vocal and' ' ` .lnstrulsa.enta
114iusic: and Harmony
` 'are'taughli ': 6y
n, l�trkkltkKklsts:KKkltkkttKkk�t!R Kkr kstkkkeEKl: titttiSrtKkkkRkstststKkK at
r n f the' 1
T errei'ved e o ear largest an • ' t: •
US f d best a.s �d
�`rein h: ,.
' stocks of boo d s oea. ever show �'1 •
niif..0 '
men and w ,.__.
a atfiena: It4s the newest thin, in.' stioeflom : '..
Among .the ':me ny lines which • we- •hfi.v.e pm chased' ' s
for the Sp'riiig trs.de. is tt a Worth Cushion SOl'H shoe •f,0t' ,
Need's•no• •breaking,in-•Keeps. the feet" cool ill' slimmer:
and warm: in winter:
.tetteststkkKkstKe etM,,t+totkkkkkitstkklt er
•RCetdenaee FqP . ale '
nidi tted has hand four rfli'
The uad a • . ; ; ,
1rameresidences and a iarge'brick
store building in the• Village of. Luc1#., 'fr
now. The • properties are all well
�locri:ctd acid v¢ilLkto'sp)d-ata barg41;11.,nR
etc You cannot do, better than give I well• ;to, call at once.. Qat,. A.. Siddall
him`a calf.
Arty pereotit "wishing u, buy -wi•
.•.'�^v.�n.'nv.`.,.'r•^. o. • ... . • Vie...
Coiled' Spring Wire Fence
with targe,'Stift stay wires; j kes a'perfeet feriew
• Not one pound. of •soft wire enters iiito file constructlan el
TIIR FROM': • the uprights .e�re,intntovably 1ock?d to the e
rennin'S•rrlsJa witly't' tit I R0ST WEDGE. LOC1C,'making Pt.
absolutely Stock piooi Pence. ' The I,ockabind without kinking .
er ,pniaiping tither thea r lei Wires, Will not alta, attd, Ott ei�y
new tmetihoe .ae ecnanielkingxin , g:p�at,+�'r' ktgi yam, '
• toltt1e":a' ,b�i'ttikere a' s r , . 14 "
P� •
ttlaitherti.aptestitn ttfegre .• ' - ;•
t Sweep.* St4,44,441 ♦!'!!' ee . • 411
» RERAIRING done in an up-to-date manner.:'
stA3tS�5i°.i k�iie7A5i11iei1tltiikilitSfiSiiAoStie4:*:41ull' .
ted:. Ofttett .Herald