HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-10-01, Page 7Dominion Elections October 26th. - Vote for Arch. ifislap for East Huro TH illsGH•AM TIMES. VOL X%%VII.-N0. 1913. IIVINGHAM; ONTARIO, THURSDAY, °OCTOBER 8, 19U$. .-....,.- "Vinot99 THE GREAT TONIC Every bottle guaranteed We refund your money if it fails. LWlton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST Manald Block, Wingham, Fuss SPARLINU Graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music And Authorized Teaoher of the Fletcher Music Method, Symplex and Kinder- garten (having studied tide method with' the originator, at the Synthetic Sohoot, New York). Papila prepared for Conservatory ex- aminatione, both in Theory and Piano. CLASSES OPEN 4t1i, SEPT, For information regarding tuition, eta., apply at her home, Minnie street. Ritchie 86 Com. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. Farm Properties Some exceptional values in farms. If you want one it will pay you to see us, The good old Province of Ont- ario i$ all right. Town Properties At right prices. We have a number of places admirably suited for retired farmers, No prettier or healthier town in Ontario than Wingham. Property bought here can al- ways be resold, RITCHIE & COSENS Grifen•Vanstone Block, WINDHAM. Phone 128 The Milverton postoflice was robbe d of $220 in stamps and cash, and th e four safe-oraokers stole a carriage an d team to drive to Stratford. Unexcelled ioarsiommemosorwm incl a far above o tjie ordinary kind to Quality , es it ie possible to have thorn, It's the ick o pf evorgthin g We have, and a folk? good wit oonviuee motthat the long run�thanttlis poor kind. Teas and Coffees a Specialty, 1. Nervy Christie Phone 50, Bring along your prod neo, GENERA, LOCAL NEWS, Wear Greer's Shoes add Rubbers The Poll The polling pia the election on Oo follows:—Ward ahQP; Ward 2, Ward 3, vacant Ward 4, at Paris �ng Places, es in Wingham for (ober 26th, will be as , Jas. Haugh's shoe gym, Gannett's office; tore in Wilson blook; hall, o - Drink C1lriatie'e Teas. The Brus The Brussels fall and Friday last wa there was a good e menta, The Wing furnished the musi ald and his two da and Verna, assist and evening prow els Fair. fair on Thursday well attended and hibit in all depart - am Citizens' Band and Piper McDon- ghters, MIsseS Mabel d in the afternoon Boer WANTED, --To ]earn photo- graphy, Apply to M. E. ZrRBRIOG. Thieving There were ca G. T. R, station 1 ive R. Day was investigating and of some of the bo of loitering aro property, The are in the habit station will do w the authorities ar stop to all mis perty. at G. T. R. of thieving at the week, and Detect - here for a few days ill make an example 's who are in the habit nd the Grand Trunk ys of the town who loitering around the 11 to take warning as determined to put a onduot on their pro - Linoleum at lowest prices at the BIG BOOK STORE. Sate of Purse -Bred Stock. Mr. David Clow, of lot 30, concession 13, East Wawanosh, will hold an un- reserved auction sale of pure-bred Shorthorn stook on Tuesday, October' 20th. The stook inoludes 5 bulls; 10 cows and heifers; 3 two-year heifers; 4 heifer naives and 3 pure Leicester ewes and 3 ram lambs, all pure-bred stook. +Catalogue can be secured on applioation to Mr. Olow, Whtteohuroh P. 0. Mr. John Purvis will be the auctioneer. WANTED.—A g washing. Apply to the Rectory, Wing, net: servant; no „ s. 0.E. JE,ai1INS, m. New Princi A special meet SOIIool Board was ing Iast when a Ier cations for the pos the school were non Stalker, Principal School, was engage good teacher and h ful in the different taught. We can continued success We are pleased Mrs. Stalker and d Mr. Stalker will t in January. al Engaged. g of the Public d on Friday even- s number of appll- tion of Prinolpal of idered. Mr. Joseph f the Blyth Public . Mr. Stalker is a a been very suocess- oheels in which he heartily wish him n his new position. o welcome Mr, and tighter to Wingham. e up his word here "Scenes in a Union Depot," at Opera House on Thursda . ot. 22nd, under auspices of the OW ens' Band, Why Not The O. P.A. ron was destroyed by f it will be neoessar� rebuild. Would i1 to make a move house built in �G would be as oonve as Teeawater and the company may Wingham. If thi termintil point it new residents for amount of money morohante, This Connell or Board Eider without delai Wingham. d house at Teeswater e a few days ago and for the company to not be a good idea to have the round dnigham. This town ent a terminal point f an effort wore made be induced to come to town were made the would mean several his town and a large to be spent with our a matter the Town ff Trade should ton - NEW RunlirRs.—Every Pair bright, Olean and fresh. Read our ad. on page 5t WILLIE & Co,, soltefigente in Wing• ham for Victoria • 'es for ladies and Albert Shoes for •. en. C. P, R, The big/ 0, P. been agitating lel two monthe, is at Saturday night, a Work under eon they strnok two terms of the settl to a000 t the fi p e ndi the Arbitration What they refne The 0. P. R,, o agree to take back room for then/ on b0 agree that there inatioit against the trike Settled. . strike, whioh has r circles for the past n end, It was settled d the men return to (isions against which mouths ago. By the menu the men agree of the ma'orit g 1 of } y ommittee, Thio in to accept before, their part, simply he then as they find air stain, They al - shall be no diseritn. men Wlnti Went Out, Liberal stings. . The Liberal contra ttee •room in the Wilson block is op , every evening teed all Liberals and friends of Arai, Hisiep are invited to he meetings. A very su000satul org: •izetion meeting was held Inst Thursda evening. With nutted work by the L bests the riding Of East Huron can b redeemed on the 26th of Ooteber. Bring along your oboes. We do re- pairing and do it right. W. J. GREER. Ontario Horticuk'ral Exhibition. Owing to the eh Thanksgiving Day t opening of the abov route will'take plao; November 9th, E take notice that planed by this boar be open for exhib' noon and all of M ge in the date of November 9th, the Exhibition at To. at 7 p. m. Monday, Miters will please 1 exhibite mast be The building will ore Saturday after - day. ,. Be sure yon 's.o the o ntry bridal Party who figure int • 'Scenes in a Union Depot." At era Hemet, Oot, 22nd, under auspices Citizens' Baud. Public Mr. Arch Hlslo ate in East Bur series of public parts of the riding be found in anothe didate and other pr address these me speaker will be h meeting and his na ed in our next issue eetings. the Liberal candid - has arranged for a eetings in different dates for which will column. The can- minent Liberals will Ings. An outside e for the "gingham e will be announc- Magazinee and newepapere at the BIG BOOB STORE. FOR SALE OR eight -roomed house Edward streets, ENT.—Solid brick corner Patrlok and ply to Miss BaII. Auction S Mr. T. E. W auction sale of o Friday, October, 2 o'olook, The nine head of on heifers and steer heifers are due to and will make goo menthe credit, eer. e of Cattle. Iker will hold an ttle at Belmore, on th, commencing at ook -includes sixty - and two year old A number of the 1ve in a short time winter cows, Eight hn Purvis, auction - Hagar and Invlotus Shoes for ladies and gents. Compare these with any other make. We won't ask yon to buy —the shoes will do that. W. J. GREER, sole agent. ' Pink Ro in Apples. The Departme t of Agriculture is issuing a warnin to apple shippers that pink rot appear to be very prevalent this year, and enoe the shipping of apples not perfe+tly free from soab, and showing any ;signs of pink rot, is particularly ha ardons. Many carloads of fruit were : xamined at the dock in Montreal by i. a Dominion fruit in- spectors and ' ere found praotioally worthless as a result of the pest. The shippers will lo heavily on this week's shipments. We keep no damaged or ob a lines in rubbers; every pair n clean and fresh. Read ad. 'n p g 5. WILLIE & Co., sole agents in' : gham for Victoria Shoes for ladies a • +' Albert Shoes for men. CHURCH OTES. There will be a sp in St. Paul's Chnro, ing. Preacher: th Subject: "Strengt. in a sound body." ly young men, w', Seats free. Bright ing. Dial sermon to men next Sutlday even, Rev. 0. E. Jeakins. " or "a sound mind 11 men, partioular- be made welcome. ervioe; hearty Sing - "Lessons from t life and death of the late Col. Robert Ingersoll, the in- fidel lecturer," w i l be the subject of Rev. W. G. How We address in the Methodist church eat Sunday night. Freethinkers mad: welcome. Rev. Heater McTavish, . Gorrie, Will preach at the morning aero ce. The annual meet Missionary Sooiety dian 'Methodist Oh week, The main made as follows: to China, $14,670 Montreal, est J , in British OOlnmb, work, $15,963; Gal These with florae m brought the total to ng of the Women's board of the Cana. rah was held last ppropriations were Po Japan, $27,878; In view of the hart amount of serious elc precedented numb deaths during the pal E. E. Alleni wll morning next on ti Mystery of Sorrow Not only the bereftt but any who have be problem of pain and didily invited to be ing topib Will be, "A' ive." Everybody W free. French work in panese and Chinese a, $8,118; Indian leian work, $5,000. nor appropriations, 97,817.60. times, theunuAue,I nese, and the nn - r of unexpected t feet' weeks, Rev. reaoh bh b nan S day e subject of "The and Suffering." d and sorrowful, n staggered by the snftering are nor. event. The even. unfailing Doteot• elooine, All Meaty 1 TOWN sou The Qotober meeting. Council was held op Mayor Holmes in the oh Irwin, and Oounoillore e sots and Spotton present. ,Minutes of previone react and approved. Mr, W. J. Boyce pre anted a state- ment of water Donne, Viotoria street. A petition was presen an electric light be Diagonal Road opposite On motion of Connie Nicholson, this was r Electric Light Oomnaitte The p'inanoe Committ ed the payment of the counts, and on motion O and Conn. Nicholson, t adopted, and the aocoun paid: -- W. J. Boyce, waterwor W. .J. Boyce, repairs to f R. Rankin, salary E. Lewis, salary ...... . ........ W. Guest, salary ....... ......... J. A. McLean, coal A. Sanderson, street w tering... A. Sanderson, teaming H. Saint, teaming. D. 0. MODonaid, wor J. Lediet, work „E ...... , .. A, Bell, work. .. ,...,.. D. 0. MoDoneld. work . J. B. Ferguson, salary Geo: Alien, salary. Mrs. Bloomfield, wort at hall., , Insurance Fire Hall W. G. Gray, freight and teaming E. Moore, meals to trump Elea. light accounts, Mr. A. E. Smit Canadian Bank o viewed the Oonno securing a share of On motion of the .Nicholson, the mat the Finance Com next meeting. Moved by Conus, Spotton and Gre• gory, that the Pro. arty Committee be instructed to meta a system of dry earth olosets.--Oarr ed. On motion of Ree e Irwin and Comae, Nicholson, the Ma or Was authorized to call a public meting for Monday, Oot. 12th to discuss he question of a main sewer and the enoral question of a sewerage system fo the town, On motion of Reev: Irwin and Conn. Nicholson, the paym:nt of the balance of this year's Ievy •o the High and Public School Board: was authorized, On motion on C.nne, Spotton and Gregory, the Mayor and Reeve were authorized to forwa.d a resolution of sympathy to the G. miiy of the late Councillor Hanna, Council adjourne ui CIL. Si A YEAR IN ADVANCE of the Town. nday evening, ir, and Reeve regory, Niobol. meeting were ions made on ed asking that laced on the Shuler street. Spotton and ferred to the recommend - following ao- Reeve Irwin o report was ordered to be $ 55.82 mace2.40 7.00 20.00 10.00 22.05 43.05 9.80 50 9.27 .52 1 75 26.95 55 50 45.00 2 00 7.50, 3.60 .75 510.67 , manager of the Commerce, inter - 1 with a view to he town's business. Reeve and Conn. er was referred to ittee to report at DR. CHISHOL THE CHOICE. The TISeas Iast • eek overlooked re- porting the Cons votive Convention held at Brussels .n Monday of last week. There was .. good attendance in spite of the very ..favorable weather. The election of on cier8 resulted as fol- lows: President, Dudley Holmes, Wiugliam; first Ice -president, John Wilford, Blyth; s:.ond vine -president, Robert Musgrove, !tInevaie; third vine - president, M. H. M •ore, Brussels; treas. urer, William Smit ,, Walton; secretary, Theo. Hall, Wingh: m. After the eieoti.n of chairmen for the polling sub -di • ikons, the nomina• tion of a candidatfor the Dominion Hoose was taken .:p. Only one name was mentioned, that of Dr. Chisholm. His nomination war hearty and unani- mous, and a stan3ing vote of every delegate enhanced the enthusiasm. - Addresses were then delivered by Dr. Chisholm, who gave a review of the work of the term; Jamen Bowman, Geo. Spotton, Dudley Holmes, 13. Gerry, J. Wilford and others.1 WHO MT VOTE. Anyone who had al vote at the Pro. vinolal election in Ju resident of the riding at the coming Detain� fact that a man may one part of a riding 0, and is still a will have a vote on elention. The lave moved from to another dome not effect his vote, expept that he must vote in the polling sub-divieion in which his Heine is on the 11s. If a roan has move from the riding, he has no vote, even'though his name is still on the list in the riding he moved from. ' Men who may h be been temporet- fly ebeent from a ri 'ng are entitled to vote to long as th r e , actual place of reeidenoo has not be 'Il changed, The term "Oontin out+ residonoo" in i the oath spmetimes administered, does net mon nettled Hiving residence but means that alman been out of the xi business or otherts ly" `resided them home. ,jhough he may have ing for a time on no, has "centime:me. . It has been bib DEATH'S CtOt NGS. Wingham Homes addened by the Visitations of the Silent Messe ger, Not in many ye s have we been called upon to report he passing to the great unknown wort of so many citi- zens of Wingham w thin snob: a short spine of time. Dor ug the past week four homes have en plunged into grief over the depart re of members of the family. The age have been taken, and the young also; and again is the community reminded of the uucertainty of life. To the bereaved families the TIMES extends its mQaeure of sympathy in their bitter affliction. ANNIE LETITIA. MAID SMALL. Deepest sympathq will be ieit for Mrs. Robert Small, 'n the death of lux little daughter, whi h occurred yester. day (Wednesday) oriune, at the family residence on cost street. The little one was never vefry strong and of late had been rapidly d'eolining. JAMES RIOHARI RANKIN. Pertioularly sad is the home of Mr. George Rankin, wheal five -months -old son, Jamea Riohard, was called away on Friday last. The Ittle fellow had been in delicate health for some time. Mrs. Rankin has been n ill health for some weeks, but we learn that she is now convalesoing, and 't is hoped will soon regain her usual h alto. The loss of the tender little life i keenly felt by the parents. The funeral took plane on Sunday morning, to theingham ceme- tory, services being coed oted by Rev. 0. E. Jenkins rector of St, Paul's church. FRED. H. How`IION. Deepest gloom overshadowed the household of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howson, when on Saturday morning their eldest son, Fred. I#., whose con- dition had within the past ° week beoome so critical that hopes of bis ultimate recovery were despaired bf, passed over to the Great Beyond.; Fred. was brought home a little over two weeks ago 1 rom Gorrie, and habeen suffering from hemorrhage of th lungs, which had become so violent pat despite the efforts of medical skill land the • most kindly oare and attentidn, it could not be checked, The subject of this notioe had been a resident oil Wingham for some years, Doming there with his parents. He was regarded as an ex- emplary young man, i and had been making eatisfactory p ogress toward a promising and suooes ful career, For some time he was emp dyed in a general store here, but later voided to take up the banking business and entered the employ of the Gorr a branoh of the Bank of Hamilton, whioh position he held until his death./ Some time ago he connected himself with the Methodist Church, and faithfully endeavored to live np to its teachings. The 1aueral took flute from the family residence, John street, on Monday afternoon, service being conduoced by Rev. W. G. Howson, assisted by Rev. Mr, Mc- Tavish of Gorri°, Many beautiful floral tributes ador ed the casket, The pall -bearers were essrs. J. E. McGuire, H, V. Holmes, . Cruickshank, W. Ansley, R. Ornioks ank, of Rensall, and John Earngey, of Gorrie. GEORGE 0ANiYBELL HANNA. Suddenly indeed came the call to George O. Hanna to lay aside the aotivities of this info. Only a little more than two we s ago in the enjoy- ment of apparent a1th, with prospects of many years bef re him, his removal under mach peoulia ]y sad oiroumstances has beclouded the omen of the family and relatives with : sorrow, and cast a shadow of gloom oer the community. A couple of weeks ago Mr. Hanna ton- traoted typhoid, and although every possible effort was made to check the ravages of the disease, he passed away on Friday afternoon last. The circum- stances are fnrthoi• saddened by the illness of his yonng, wife, who a short time ago was taken i11 and is at present at the home of her father, Mr. Peter Fisher, The late Mr. Hanna was born in East Wawanosh and removed to town, With hit parents In 1880. Ile was for yenta employed in et ore, and a few years ago weet!lnt° business On his own aeoount, late} taking bis brother John into partnetehip with hint. He was conneoted with the Wingham Fire Oompany, B bonipauy of the 83rd Regiment, the M sonlo, L 0. O. F„ O. O. P., n d , S. 0. S. Orange Aooietiea, and wen a member of the Town Conn - oil, He leaves et wife and one child to mourn his early itemise. The funeral took place from ;the residence of his mother, Edward ; Otreet, on Monday afternoon, to the {Wingham cemetery. Rev, H. E. Allen, Pastor of the 13apti:.t ohuroh, Which deceased attended, con• ducted the 'burial services, Meal members ot° the ?aAonio order, with $I$ WILFRI Premier of United an Under whose Admini has made unprece LAURIER. Progressive Canada. tration the Dominion nted advancement. visitors from net hboring lodges, at- tended in a body nd performed their ritual service ove• the grave of their deceased brother. The iocal Company of Volunteers, nner oommand of Col. Young, of Goderi.h, accompanied the remains of their c•mrado to the ceme- tery. Members of•t' a Town Commit also attended. A beau ful array of flowers adorned the casket, among the being from the volunteers, 2 remen, merchants, commercial trave]le and relatives and friends of the famil •', The pall -bearers were Messrs. D. T. s epburn, H. E. W. Tamlye, Geo. Carr, 'Dr. J. P. Kennedy, V. VanNorman and n, Dinsley. JonN ANNA. OU Monday mor. -ng the spirit of John Hanna took ' s Sight, and thus were the family do •bly efim.ioted. The late Mr. Hanna h:, been in delicate health for the pat few years, and 1 utterly had failed very rapidly. De- ceased was a natty of County Down, Ireland, having fi t looked out upon the world in 1835 There he received his early ednoatio , and at the age of sixteen came to /Canada, settling iu Huron county. a was a piasterer by trade, and follow d that occupation for some years. In 1 72 he and his brother, the Iate Oampb 11 Hanna, purchased 400 aures of Ied near Marnoch, where they lived for abo t four years. Iu 1876 they disposed of his property and Mr. Hanna started a neral store near the present site of Oa vin Church, in East W awanosh, In th spring of 1880 the family Dame to Wi gham and engaged in the general store menus, whish was successfully eondue ed until about two years ago. Mr. II one took an active interest in ednoatienal and municipal affairs, having first been elected to the School Board, then to the Town Conn - oil, serving a year us Reeve, and was Mayor of Wingliam in 1894. He was a Conservative in poli'tioa, and was con- nected with the Pgesbyterian Obnroh. In his earlier years; the subject of this sketoh was possessed of a strong, vigor- ous oonetitntion, and ably endured the hardships whioh we're inseparably con- nected with pioneer life in this section. At the age of twenty-five he married Miss Mary Young, d tighter of the late George Young, of olborne township, who has proven a alnable helpmeet. I The family o0nsiste of three daughters and two sons: ---M e. Robert Allen, Priscilla and Maud; George (deceased), and John. The fn rat took place on Tuesday afternoon, the remains being laid to rest in the amity plot in the Wingham cemetery Rev. D. Petrie conducted the service at the house and grave. The pall -bei ers were Messrs. Geo McKenzie, D. Robertson, Robt. +Currie, P. S. Linkla er, Peter McLaren and H. Kerr GOOD L1SE AL (RECORD The National T Way. Peace and Prosp Great r T Gt The as North Labour Helped a Postal rates redo Preference to the immigration like Agrioulture aide Transportation eb Tarifa' adjusted a Large Burping sae Harvest administr ansoontinenal Rail- ity. ost developed. eveloped, d Enoonreged, ed. other County. flood tide. apened. redUOtd. sear. tion. Yon can buy Standard patterns at the Bat BOOK STORE. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try et T. Fells' butcher shoo, Dr, Ovens. Oculist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Moliibbon's drag ttore,Wedneeday, Oct- ober 21st, hunts: 2 p,m, to 8 p,m. /.basses properly mod. Fine Tailoring is what you invariably get when you leave your order for clothing at this Store. Clothes bought here are guaranteed to fit well, look well and wear well —andthey do, Men's Furnishings of all kinds Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Underwear, etc. The very newest of new goods are here. Come in and have a look. Robt1 Maxwell MERCHANT TAILOR AND MEN'S FURNISHER SITUATIONSIU with leading business houses await our graduates. LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER and all modern otdoe methods which ensure rapid advance- ment. GREGG SHORTHAND taught by the only teacher in Ontario who attended the Author's School, TERZ:E COURSES. -- Stenography, Commercial, Telegraphy. Enter any day. Write for particulars. FALL TERM FROIA SEPT. let Wingham Business College GEO. SPOTTON, Pieir`olr.u., 1 We Sell Geod Ruhliers What slot of weather we'll have rig'it along now. Everybody will have use for Rubbers nearly every day. It's a wise thing to protect the feet tit this season of the year. Look Well to Your Rubbers All kinds are here. Storni Rubber++, Low Cat Rab. hers, Sandals, Footholds, 'Toe Rubbete, b rs, Self Aotiog Rubbers, eta., eto. We have a Good Pair of Rubbers for Every Alan, Woman Or Child in Town No poor Rubbers, Poor t I abhors aroh. C ha tt r p ni wcrthleat at the tamp time. Rubbers from etee to $1.00. Fit any shaped elite. W. J J. Greer TEE St/OE MAN