Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-03-16, Page 7W det A 7 A 77, P. 4 % Win, 7 F 131othesdai wilio, ha oq, P10 9 w4s� UQT �-51 Wo. B C6 Alit AlIq VrQM,, n, ro Ti that 4 a.. dO W, d pons", bole,., no,, Ong, t_ 9, Cheat. 4� AT one, 'into ftt oft. to, N4rc# :X o q ii Ce The Wi 1k, as, CO, ,aid wiLlk, �bc, a di ;kP, ATION IUPE96 I A I�auil fy� 00.01 x9ilgo otrPetl" W QUeerl ............ . .... 44.117WOOT40 19,9011 x T, ptq: 0,tii "JI human, aTra '' ed k4­ttie.­R.,,q 11ce ign, V fZ g qalilee. Toronto FA�]T;ere t �$20 ll�, theft. 94 ayLw C eaT) o Pic, iples,, went JaW, 98 Thp rce harles 0 e 441la 444 Rig" #JP( Q,� fol. iliviii saviour pe ert place to, bp".jilonp; great V?hg,# ..C., stppq;Lr pripoilgro.and -u 1W eiefom are, pilirpiy 'Bari 411- tb�y 44 wrl lowe tilill'o; Jpsus ta, py C ed pop guilty.;, o oil bealgil, their sick, In the at terp At .62 a. Jolla w 7 Doprrr vrqduc, tili ha ger, qX UP quc life! and e. lecid Aoderate s qd ;to 10d"thein thbre, .11% "Ir 01g�YL9pl T "�j3laj6ky �M a 'in, r Laundry, no nqcO, i's d to.John, or :ter firni, sell- Oo vrlpga of bill be best dairy oe Ing r at 1 26' to g8o per, lb., mPIoyea,7,pn the fitipulatioq i t; ffve� b. UPS Ie&4; picli Ii mg. GTOM gr 27 d provi, pay'4 f , tfia "ou" thb ioi� Tobi 0 - 1 04 0, 99, ; -dftoin houband :meni to,976. per 'd t,79 bU w4e, Sept -firm, v. ent, haAS' t HiSr �qWet an& Ito sales lot ba women:And children. R 09511 Prove$ ighest oward, is, 100AS and 6Y, and k fm 19 eiss of that Ii bw pcqtv,;d.: the h -�at, $9 It . , . . .11 . I ., ''I M iL X.' Topic, 11 PS, for znIxed witlioaft, too Joethe t rue Ig, Svraw Is nomidal� at PI4qe;,:Jerusa1 6 unchanged, Nvit tn orked, for et er Dressed,, bogs or h 11.0 . t is pour "WIT .,9 _e, _ds�y- o , . 7 when, U T ic �Th & beligVer?s,'t i attitude I tbe"laot f thei:1qAst �Qf sellitlig at,$7.60, and heavy at $7.25.' months, is. 'Lord� place t vay Ili Q7 'wen tijere. F44 a- gii "Cere �06. Ion, ot,into. 03- or-, fr, �no,�tl Fcomleqtlori,�jvith bringlg t 0 -Whe�at, A16V, bushel' Ili 0,71,111 ill tl '�jtatlon rom. Joru. Do.,, sprlllg,_� busher, -.02 ARF te hi Pont, sk ft Llose'of the 92 Dadidn. - buah&�� - Tn he,,jiIay od gamot.trieR, upon a �7 Ryd. budhel y _tr 7J sjeoua.� eli n ri t Clato, busbel Ch nonQ.M to least v�others," Paid be �.wa sea, N 1 Bucli bushe to -the prophet ali who Mo. . "had Heaii of. 06,gift, Oil w.n6ly 1404C, -0 lost 2*0* 1114fley, bushel .... .. .. .. 0 o; ne 0diTy. Alfiong t1i W. qnl� but 'he waS morely %��Volce cry- XL'Tpic:' ChrisVe teaching i4p®eting, Peas,.. bliihel . .... .. .... Q 00 toL.. 0 '-Q, Vaii ke Jesus, .,delivered, 16 00. to 1.10 ace: Jerp liny", tim 9 00 in the, wilderness, -'WLA -straight' sin. Pi hn ton, a, � A�ge. Qt Meldirtim., $55; Mis of the Lord'��Johz baptized tay in'Jern- Do- mlyed, ton N.. 00 ursc 00 1 'Dr, 'Frawley, $5 Straw, per text Way, lour (11 a during EW.s. o, 9 00 Ruclx,� $20Q,' wate salom. t the time 'of-' nMefit �slialr for ;t �s. .111 qUibuilt, 'o. J.' bushel Chr would 1i �be feaPt of thi) .? Holy spirit; J6 4 tos lin FISO -11APS:�L YOU diipour§e was tof call make; out case stifAed�.eoncern- iiver Sc ) to 5 - 25 and may, -T inilt bf God;, and,called him the L ibf th6 *oinen­ Do:, No. 2. bushel, '011 to 4 )0 che -time :ed in,'tho'coar Chris gL -No. 3_ 1 bijabel ... .... 1 0 4 00 'against her 0 4 ;.Onymon' amid bo -divided into two Pa 7 il, not know'.- cbristin'til the AS 1. -6-50 It.- E-nded' it Thi's MoOnlng W. KA ed' clover oct to 7;' ba t + ism,'when the H�ly the Son- of God.., 9., He as supreme a a L ove,4came a forin. of d upbLit him., and �'alii Abraham'. Dressed bogs thority. ever a . aid. 'This* is: Iny belovoptl ill L kilow.'the Eggs, ..n.ew. laid, dozen,- 0 W to - Y$f to or sas ChriWw 0..2.5 to 0 28 who a�mept.; e, Butter,' dai ATA , r Ek, HELP MY, BA�A creamery .... .. .. hi too'- them frdb, on, am, we e trutlij Will ma -e- 0 28 toL hom. I leased.??. trath, and tb �0 OPUS WIUSL Dur, spring III 'T Jopic', Cb1hke first 0 1$; 3LAPIV. 2 'to Her briatL th"ight of 0 1 , -A Beta�ed- Girl's Pathtic.Appeal Bepabaroi., J hn 'jointed men. Plitee: Jerusalom.. Josue saw Duekq;- Pei lb. 0 11 per t 0 is disciples yFho. f6lioN .1b,, o w ved. 'blind man,' the tlijiscipliOP' -asked Chrlist TurkeVi 0 r Nes%st Vut' iry" Cali pbr ozen 6 . 'to Potntnes, per ba who had sili this mag. or his parelitIl; 00 - to 0 Je. a turned and Afa�.eh 13.—A ieman oe� C -111' --The? Lasked-Cfirist.'-where-h a, A 40 f -as an oh7e& on the. 4tyc—o -Jesui,said,' "Come aid qee"p� Art f .. ..... . 1, .., . dw 1�; big parents Iliad Siri makes clay 0 '44 tq. 0.14 `t.,Jos�ph rectory last. ni gh und his broti Simon and ae 'Onlort-i bp.r ijae: steps of tile's. tOL go.J6 .11 ini tit 'to Jesus;� it OfIL P M 6viderjc6 And Irew Tlo,; 1Qreatiorterq .. , f 1i spittle;, anoints tile, blind YOP41 -b ,ho arrived on a. train is suppose t bli d comm4nds t14 mv the pool of 7 25 Pt took � hack' to tile rec� .ght b. carciw &III L that John found his broth back 0 r Jaifies, Siloalui-and obeys; co OR A '15 tor. d tile 'inf 4ut's clot I hig. It tn y. Pinne Jesus found Philip; , li found Na Seeing'; his.neighbors : are stirred; he t mutton. her w,0' dis.lettot'. per., tn. rn, haniel that gi ..... .. .. little tlianiel; when. Philip,told'Nat il4 -his beali.ni; 46 1 W L . . . -in ves an account I m found- the Aicssiah, Nathanle ce Jesus 4CCUec& of 6T ask, you'," father2-to. take ihey� bad: ken to-tho Pharise h ni; ad raised. an . Tkotl�j` hauiel''was'soo t sick, and 061den'Text. 'o'But ther e *ritlberit Olt to' 0. rn� to .10 . dbjecti6n,' Nat 6tin9:tbe`$a1i h ish. dittli nd give shelter. Its udlut lol is voilivinced thit - Jb�us , was the Messla e ai oiiuL404; at I an enemy . Dear father, put -,first'miracle9. Plgdp* eve that Jesus i's :the 1/4c per. io:,; refrigerator beef, 8,o 8 jV, ToPie- C,bristfs, at, at ye Might belt M in. a Abis city, or boird.Lhi.m -of Gafil tit 'that home in ca t id'- ajad.' be- lb.; sliep-T), T2. to per Ili,' A old Chrle , :the. Son".r of.. Gc but oh for ' God' rough Ili's LeaAing �cat �)M adin . ; , head Ii'vi L fiwherd, to' 314P might, haVe" life ill w �:Chrigt's dont lose track of bi!. Ji mother. name)) The' void "be-' h� 'discip es,;lyere Jy-ist and his (John, C6 He ha& Neil- York . . ........ . for him a feW mont s. -vited, and,'Clu m in. they ij�cded,,wine -;i[.t the-fcasi�;' tbe ill k-ey6ote�for-­the­ 1i 97 him lose h-9 Iiis, -!ait�ntion , to tber and *-'ill father, Stri. at ade '93 - eted their iervaots, 0, Lesson I.L Believe that -Jesus -38 e, A TO Cbfist'4- mother drew St., I..6il' faiti; 1: give him unto, vou, 6ta with Wa er,' iAlle'y Were, thel 'carrii 1Vor4- WqM -lip said' MO t tniditio di -11* out. . nd . Lettil ito'the , gov- flesh and dwelt' dmonow- us*' '(John. tile good' v �Duluth 6se. little ones . ..... iveth one' of it will of, - ill(. divin�. ecalhe human, n6vornor 'praisedi He b Minhedpolis, 10 receiveth. 31. d rejected,,'. feast; ille, 0-hrist was- ornor S Nly'namAe, Tb6 Son. of'God too 're our 'Whole. natur�,'; -in in'tlicle,ohrist� L, 9 .. . , lror6nO Vve tocig.,' ihern�' T*cteth e bless y6li an drUelie ROL th. hiis;.glory; tle:dl, f i d.Abrou f, an un- . Receipts o Oe'l,z, at ill T d" y, the,, prayers 0 forij, believ6d body - and ioul h. - , Ciii. -di.; 4), put to deatilL f. live st t ma' r-. 'ward, an ..in,%- this e was the for- you -iii - 11 _MoLt that �dd.jn car ha.ppy" ber'li heard '-Ixopie. 6e -kingolbill. in' fh� 'flesh" (L Pet. o -by, illyidirling C. P, of '5 cattle, rid and ih6-neft "Good lem. '�Xicbdcmus the ljk�p6g of sinfill dosh 3) loads, R'. i. I I , may - tit- iqcp . of Heaven 'an ie sit ept:,of to by ill made Sin f6rus (II.-Cor_v;, 21).,, But'be .12 bogs,,4 sl an& �G hoises-"­l se'd; * m9othe Jesus ��,witteh over:.and­prdtmV��': w6re unchanged . im.'a-11 � c asse.�� W�S bles Bus Sal knew� n6 e I%rml ess, Oh,,: fa holli my baby. 6,,wai ntroduced 'ill the- � exception Of "bogs. which,, -%�,ero you.. 20- demus. fal e n6ef ield. (Iffeb. VIIq, eagain" Ni e that, JOSUS S. unde all it it .. .. I the. 1anib Of 10d Per' cwt. higher. to rstafid; christ brijught 11: Believe. f ONE41i OFWARSH]i -Pri vindl; -al ilit 141 ferfed -to the God, ` 1'Behold-Ahe Lamb, of' dod, . w le kip6rteii ces, ranged r6in .$4.50 tratiell. of ,the 'to se* -MoseS made I tbb wilderuc*s - :th :awa'V the"sili. of -the ii6rid", (John. bulk: going at $4.60� -$4.m to $00,: thp. -1 'FiZhters Are Pere. n take .]Ao# d at $�.o to $S.75 Wkiii n ent. ..per\ cAv I t)iat" the -:Soft, Of_ IVIail ust - be, i.,' 29).., hall .,.suffered �,!'witbout .the. 75 11 sot ssJ per 13).,04tsi ei ein, lifteil. that whogo.�,ic veth: jl� camp" (Heb.-xiii of . -,tGod?,'s -eat- h L ave . eternal on tile cro�ig 'under, the 1'firq lots -of choice Lofidon; 13.-�The. Expres Pli Ild NTarel(. & equi 141jea ilic following- The startlin a him ii t an we 'may lit. t b'si exiort6n', ws, �of apir�itual d away sin; , d' eto i0e,n- h6 pu n_,_ f VI.19 T a head and lie sold 'at. $4.25. covery .1i bulk-heitili some )tir il d 'ion his )iol'v .11.00 IT of in Salli. t le e i ia,; steps- Will7t7rt kP -p ta tm Aiips are iia Jesus croeg thl-Dugh. Stiniai our* ,mr�y-kn-owLALb.qt,-it-liaf;'pa�§sed into' 5,to �$3.75- coriinion-ni -was, �an&­Wp e I im-6 e econie Oil IJ_ �!du SeS surprise-, jest and that' his Aif aiidL steers, a �.$0 lld&, ring A recent' $2. 69; Cli�tnnel,flqet. thL6�'gift 6f 714; boncef6rtli 5.; 'i 'Gotif—'Jiving Watel. B . eli6vi t -e 'iteel. a desires it; Jeetji,asks her t6-callolier a that' Jo.sus. wants YOU. 0' ne 11 By Order "Of thd Admiral,,: ill b w is. on -known as e v Stckers—Short .,keep -rooms were s or - 0 w d, uprig a, alit bui -"She say� she''Iths: none; 114% liti.1 wIn souls. Audi JOSFPH KENNEM a Wang �f dil, he, spirit ij_.UO five; calls' J�sug! it qPrpIiei;. asks -ahoilit Simon. feeders., 110, to' 12bo sold at $4.� with:ba�tiens. n hi' record of a 'orreat Andrew didj f le 000 tq L place intlit,4 ge us's Qoililersa- Wte nit. �n d ,, in trut I., be: shares iW. r6wird 6f the JhOtii P tibn bei r, n coh itle 1,6.7m, co' trial ith $4-30'per. ew lbs., n, pum(peUin,' be' In M-jD- I I but' f ' d mpliin ilia reraV��tT� - , - , , r c punishment ah. -atdr4iht'.doois w6r to, retote 0 at 3.25 'e -a ip�e were full e ho'brought 6 -Christ. 13.. Simo, OIL, litermifted to avert nor, ato . ek �l 5 ' 00 to VIL Tepid:' Chris�t's po -ale- aU OL uck e whs c �er-, W &0 naii�Q'71iy �,JOP�Plf f 6tiffidont q% ild y $3 t mve. and b h the. m to' the house OL)Aah .-Y .0 ana. beg Yeidri 'but ,, I I.;. . . was, ��arjt� to sei� of had 1filch" COW came Toeceh�dd ghtdlY.' ihall ilier, *h I,; d gu t ii twtiming t a not -�v3lnt tit s . nnidy ce 0 e f6un It t' in f �-ri t a s—The quailiay sevenil hic-lies; JesA's li�d: I shall -also a - at ildd, the oolg. ibe�n,'filled.wltfi -.witer; il m: characteiized-him*-.ever &ood getier11V iid., price IL " �j . of q0 id .�carnal knowledge little fate ng.� - ginee lie , ii�o appearpi, nipAsominefit and -g&.'oi thurdef: Put' $3'0Ao­$40 W in "the 'Couil 45 ;��dh the bulk seTKi "1311. to bleasc f , t j25:t6 $ come kto.Gal-ilee and I hastqns to A, brought be event c We Gospel -Oiitreat Him to Zolile,and he�l 'his soli;� to, inect Morris Ind ienteneed to life, 1 eae tbeje been tio horbs, MO: f �l $�.5� etlirn !and that in Chilik, but blessed A 'suic'id Pi- "ol ' Uably s— rices Tang( 'modest� teaclior wh6 9pent three sui -five stripes, coininittc tile 'allch6j i I lea off theirpiard; and,lidn� Vc�j Calve' Asn. old. its,, of 'seventy f.th i `Op�,6'r- t, $6 p I. mai clothes. Oil tile little -stfe . et arnb':beforo �'J-n" hioi-61-1,at the jai I'shortly before�'S himelf 6 6 fist. iD t oo� $Z 'to $10. thb';-atlier -bulkheads "-one in turrii son heated; the% 'a;jiistl %joi'4;�t(j.sonbefitait to rec6vez morning. place lit the.,�Ip di4a'Aious, a .400 broug got Rbbert to'-stiy in hbrelass." A,� glini the 2 callyis-out; Qf houl" that. eatlS lie po' 461 contiftfiffa-, far ,li Kpli 'was r Whitt C ill an icy, y Sol Y" in it., In a e priso Ightj:by the use an actl'al burst �but at. t oa�.v.dry night, and to.h* notner report, says: h at 'Jes ere. no� IV Believe., ill som ft live over ill ner, afel'od it 15 ij�'oealled enouoh �o cit glor. - Ool he, trial.. He 6- movement of the Walls, )Vas. occur-., �of 011ie, Ke: Sho 5 home, the, beginning 1 -6 t f orth 8, 'clock Ails Sh,�p at,,! s Lordship of Jesils S" 44 T the nn'edy' talked free y 4, morruni, between i Lambs— V It h ie to 'ixed 16ts of, hat I een e vroug 1 ne...Keiineidy.' procured, a sheet' iNrist." Pladet ......... ..... t' t it hiv, 'Th mide ofiee, -and from 1 e .,Jesus wen 1 Q j6rug, Is. i urge&-; aV $4 lrt.; bui lo� . e: -protested .56, to $5.112 12 er L t1i e I It .to Attend the 'f Mat 0 tPSOV r; e-fijet, thought in. gro or' i�W 'of Clirisi-is' tit �tcrly tbat.!'he bad not had.-iL fair:.triaL $.t.25,' per civ in leasti ol''Ot, IS" cell aw !nflrm'rnaW% bin)sclt ticks, -fa Owes aiia It -of. common qualityi M.- tile- inind: of. God..- Tho* J)ri0o, or church at,. w -h Aii�h of tlic otn� but'a Plot' $4 c,%Vt. Gr&iri��icd 'ewe -all RE: WRECKED BY WHALE o5en, beol-6 tile, founil rt - time. Was'. g r k0nab Y` t $7. 0e vt swith nitir- When h�' rein ned a life T, CN :Mik4D�yle. -i��,hci d to r eli his mot er,ar arny ma AGE w A for half n dt. $55.50: to 'Pei. Fish eii een-Mile' .8ydra it) 9 b e� brid, I I a hour Ill, anti a 1 .1 0 �i 'ye must: b6 Urn h u's 5qv t Pei a d qbi $4 Ao EALT HY. i be' Tit treal thi le Be Ili ed. cwt.;:,spring Iambs so :at bo' was. Ifi .,alone by it jail, . -L .b of,�( I I ote he cannot Ft( ff., DrontO,":Qfit-., March' 9.-LA't o icia a., -his plans .1 *ell Ti -Department L and, in the The: Daily', OFTENUEBESTFARTOFLIFE suranat". be Aare] Hogs­�Selects, $ 0 Till London and We 61l�;thel-6.WaO 9! laT9P,,4111111� po 11' followit Keri had kg. Two fisher altV. '14 be ifillheditely 'weiit to. Office of, Dr-. Bruc� lrep�cior,of -lights, of whi b eXp"tte as Ug- Help� r4br,.VVomten..FaoISfnff' Throuth for jy per tFr"Of and - Thori), tual lv Seven , een. v�fn to itill4it tile a field, that 111 $5.25' eVA;% eNvilna� 0 oilu. ere f: a style. �nlllcs. onear* Fremant of in f if Mid 'b!o' Vorn hblank6t'inAW6 and, malJ Prison& thig, morningiN sibcBrant- t e splitial enjoyment Of: 119iven' �nd hin f6r(I jail'urould be tile. otii A spir f amd. a nooge, IfPtened the Sheet to an the ui@de�;f Jos.' Ken et Provide�zi has" Us each tron the'cell door, ged d' alit,*.�nascr,lytrig &P eop an 1n17estIg'iVfion.* Th -4 Titlf natri, bith'' is tb ti dil �by regulatio ro!Ao Montreal repor a o ra a r West Aust, f y _hinisetf. : The body, Was ISC6 dLe le 't sevent 'yeas: in Which pri9iifier&-oehtPrc6dL to lif rison- Wholesale tie heNi continues. to ilie boat.undor full Sal, n life, A Ii -v .1ith..' Jbyle,',y6o gdve:'thi alarm.. wil, but t e pri f quietn�j ' that Js more -aft came into collision is. gOlierall pf 6 ematu. e, y� 'do h a- ment muPt our oWn r 'r Y Wita Cut be . closely' wate ill -tl;e 1,,t the air o UddenlY the ci 14.0 The bod w be r'4 it,thilk''tinii of.,,the ye�rj Ivit'li a' what anjl� t ko inlihn"take. I I man.' Deathi jailg, of ever eloo they are,detaind, I Old s, beyand the. ai& of' or le, v ife, f I sinking. 'it, of 'tile wat�r o-eely". (Rev. wa!a," twaoused .'by Strangulation. At the Until such. time "its 6, Teceipt � is obtained C611eeji6na 'and . rentitances. -have' uf7' ing enragW' turned nd made a. vici not die lally for the' lie pqnxten iary. Orders f4r sliring upon e vent ift -implie's soinkthinggiv morri meal, Kenne4y,vould ir, deliyary, at t e AL'frc red -somewhat. - So I pars, vief': and tile and. leavirg.;the men with� hed vera ell vithout gKiTi dit, entreaty. Uli liver.y. Ili lirep. nl�c' to,'11 '116a a. atound f1kern, -floating ot tin object,of desire le World. �13 icrii bright. vY -maStB'and bar 11 was OUtIOOK 'd intsw-r �d luird-0a i - for, Iii God 'so, lov', )d's and leads: aiid-Pa No 'man as �c parti etive, and from [tale i that be gaY.6 his VI surance: partio'n, ily rl a - * ; �- e� i li very o,cti;V�6 deni'ari r s�r, unlike.-hiS POTO (John'iii- 16) ripa t 1 Lh m. - e Bel A V*11.:.,.Bellev�'t�ijitt-.Ies�aI Word has tile, nimed-i'ate sitipment. There .kilgilst coll ted.,the for goods for i 6f4 a C ittlicted 'a, raft same P( -the bluil s)WeT Ili 59, 53).t A. htalk' Idnr gtrctdh 'br )Nv that it had n n eait,h (301,11 il inCompany trouble in ding trades, butnoth- us r AVII 8 0 'i� Ud fo r, ing. defififte is ) knoW lkloft(ly ee it e,.s e f 0014 et n; tit It 0 it, tblegram. announcing, istei received illness -of d. belov I ed son, �d ,tlic L ur *dangCT6US IiIentifill alid the,banks annoinico �hpy keeordi to til, ample, funtfs for buiU 0 wat k Irlig r VENTY-FIROT EMELINT ling Territory., ANNUALL STAT -TE Ope ofrecovpIry gone. ta k i il. all h C v�hilc'tlid'sti L,brok at Botil 'is United In tirnest AVer— 1.90 InTge'dill I paren 4. ouilt, te Gypsy,, Discharge Y. sped �along. Others joined them J AvV .a triw& bere� is f, y 9060. lie 6e rgiiia. thildott ffo 0 Almost, iMAtlb_ nXI S 8 :shipments of d by judge Moigalil;, LIABILITIE 16 the the, Waitilig patient' "began .0 lffl�, -of spriTig go ASgETS,, Stock. Sub. The con I! of fmen c1tsL. .5 Governn�6t Agliobd of the IS VaVIIjg Considerable (;On6ral 'Se�ssjons kegterday,. d 00000 soil Capoionnin literally. repb 7.308 00 hecobitry' t4 bonde of the iWAVEng 642034 t2 eSS CallS.Jin'Cotirge 6n,sibnle Of 4 r4i 066 -Of GO' es Iseasek r ea iliq 'Alit Munlci�al Bonds ef'of ps eA, 6arged v�ith unde taking, t6a rdo-h 6ai are quie ivith the. exception 111b,ox Wheii everything bee 'of �jiy' t-'.; 'tid kswith- i�gth� tilessing. "An Loan and Sovings Coinpany men ot walk a1e (if 9 'it ."light sort ra'ion of the �ofld,"' A�I& Ju go -Stocks 201036 163,�IF)95 13, tli .1 � ati indild, activity, and ci'n �'Thc pt 0= b ak Bond under' h(Jus tn' a a and e on'. (lers' are dolUjilig.% 'Ill. 'We k ves. ften people - wan y fittl eo.a, you re ill,liletli.., nftwiy� Boods, i' and d' �Ilt biviAend N�-- 122,'paS;abI Vut ex 98'2:560 00 Losses is, composed nialtify of' itit iind took lip hi ou t Ily, and -your q� bed ,i*lk to, E16trk� Light� 00 miw­ an&�ou, .. 20,644 20,. go and.,mostlY Obis- livin4 a firm, tbride a 0,;ro n f� 1. . 1. 909 '00 J od ney cegir. ,w x6ted and. IX, pi til fit sToro'll 'anhary Sth Too � in this -nianwif it I '( J' V and paiji6 nrid `,oifs itre to] got rid of eir, least' provocotion,, hud - I "I thq living biread, Nirlileg pany?s. Bonds dhaliy At the brea am other St6ckd 'and. 116nds 60"904 W 1,024,1042 Ob active aemAlld aftfitit L to oil I annot -bear t6 -be crossed'In any. vei� prevent them, it �the [y. � is 0ontimied no-- 1% 'N Dd to. prevent telling for- -C wit fioln moving Idgi )rs intend, slat leapa the did,theY -short, drai- 4 life 1 140,000'00: imid, u e6lit Itio 6 Ing " . 'i, . i h, 'by taking aw' 11 it, ari Ir nerves, , Or 'every 111''Of omp thing, you are Ii & Ito kstate-L-C, any0s build tivity. ginong,'the inapufAtt not Past it' g, d ill iveiii oil at '06, life is -f t de� Ili kiVeli t6L th 0 have 6V 1 ' , I ,, 27,514 23'. . � J L ­ I general tdlleeL, . at on ild Ofceprosped a,. fortune P Mot-yj bri& it. ht'd done stem and.. during the period of V eielf', Alolll(ott A e is -be -stopped, it could 0 C N .. .. I. 6 to TOW Ader tbe eloiko of religion on `deR sit 10A eii;ible g ..... . .... 140C 6on ,e treceive the tcres,.� lie 4ild kdetlid hoe jobbdrs iiave� yo tfian Lydian' i VIMdiim"SVV9it1 sr 4 Compiciiihili Wire 16 an' flltW-� Too Vil. 59 Dali 0 150 hellov6a, flo (Acts, city -Mrs. Mary 3 f 101 been in to iltiring 411a, Pa -S 4.21043,6 Roba,,Nvritea. ate, 'said to, fiaie it ki�mv hat it,!s a0d obine' '90, prCRY tide is fair1V �Ctive, Po yo have ill, ir, Ia 6, t 850 0004.00' been Otte tsiTe1111'firough t del tillOd VN' t 6 oeled I blis been 6 ble0shik to CA!pital'. AL Og4SOL42.95 itd, we ch6ekd. the, de. athet! period known as th ebin&of life'. ';Vor in 101injr '�r Rb I a IN n�d r qoIliq lilleg, of gbb(ls, A.ery ilan 'to had h6tilushbA, WM 6' nervous be., sin is tlh, fj� 149049-08 tioTts 'Orb, still sit, yearP it'disturbe IV to Poli holderg in .10 OChwo Palo and debilitiL I Ire �8?116 Illkog. 6116i' f. 6ilt; who Iq b6glit" Oroaf Jium. -thei,monthl , floW, and d a seemed I -Ing I'A6 tile I hdil f dtitpilpitAd6ft j)i�efom of li tile es the of iIlln1igri4,11tqr A1.6. �ot I tiiyriad, tit, LOSS tbe in " .1g), CO (A 1:116htiait;- im, my viloto pay of 110111le date country, and '1 7 of' sin', 6#- lh& Motkility. to n jilt., hve shoWn iv, deelift-, to -bb fit, di. sin; ok Lydia och i� ofid d6og Victoria and aftbr tho I n6 keliof opi'dont to' t1lig Period Until (it p not, bhtj d&t6 A en iflollgi the dout'hits, la,& it �fjo frat bot- Of AlI A1110 Rulif G 0. Tit C livening '19 11 bltebt6f. f Tom, tile Unto it ilpoft'� trade gofl6itl. "to6k lie tit. 11h, 'adually 41 TO" ait tid hi 1 00 .eojIt.Ao pAdnIe,,;§IYJ' M A0611i MYERS. 116% Ing''aild itithi., tile o4ftilhig ug IEli of tile A gl f tile' am, the THOS', L0111Q, 41esale, bu8ift004 1briMi reb, he .0 _,L� to ­KtOt SoOft P. of �grootled in 1* 0 t 00 A 'h 'a' lHeJOIL the 6rn Ntbe i F, fioildir, g6rvied ife lio,6444, Toronto oot' ea to Put h h1e 7 1P ....... ..... , IL,