HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1905-03-16, Page 5• t. 4,r • • Mixed tweeds and :smal cks all light colnrs for separate skirts and suite last opened up this week. ' Prices. 75c, 1.00 and 1.25 per yard. ". o.aaeaaoaauaaaanaiaaaaioaneaaowoaaaa••a•tra•nyae!e••a.apli•eeeiaeanaeoaaoo!. _ f� r J i J 1 ,, Everybodyseems to h ' have caught the Lustre `Shirt Waist fever. We predic--- ' ted' that this would be the case and bought a large qun:ntity'' of.them.; ..A` few more new lines have just arrived, in greens, browns; and blue fancies, . to sell •at 50c per. �d These goods will,be.hard to get a little later on so we would ad- vise you to make your selections early Dainty trimmings and buttons to match. L7GFi1 N<E1WIT , f42ERIAL. A good •variety. of Crepe-de-chene,' voils nd eolines ' in : champagne,, Re sada, •pale' bite, `days- brown; navy and : black ,for :''dainty summer and; t —evening dresses: �' We � also have $ e hv right shades of linings to match: 'MISSES SKIRTS SKI RTS gust opened a this week a few natty—skirts-'--`for4-girls- and misses.:'. Light and dark colored tweeds, also nav Prices 2.00,' ''2.50'' 8.00 : and:::.. 4.00 each u y111111M11ii :HOUSE .1 URJVI'SHIJVGS Union carpet's at 40 to 60c 'a yd. All wools at •75c, 86e and 1.00. Ta= P estry car •-ets._at'-*35e,' 50c and:85c. P Brusselsand velvets at 1.00 and 1:25.'. Special values in new lace : curtains: at,60c, 75c, 1.00, 150 and 2.00 a pair. New -art mushns, art Sateens, white', curtain' lnuslinsior :cushiong` coveritys g ►nd-draperies. N LEUMS "Dainty'new'patterns, good'coloring, qualities, , 2 yds 'wide at 55c per yd, 4 yd wide at 50c and, 650 a eq .yd: ' a1V111 AAAA evilo wVN1Vito fa r r.i rJ 4\ 4 \. 1.4, /;.r\ Novelty hats for young men in Knock about, Flat -iron and Triangle ` shapes Blacks and new browns. Also the new spring caps in a great manywvarieties. Standard • patterns awl designers for April. No patterns 'higer, than 15c. Ezoo ting:2aturdl . venings Mores Close at .110 5 *:spo1't Form', IV Sr -.H. MacMillan, . A. limbi•, •:,Worm, IV jr-:J $ou`ton}..¢,' :Ones. • Fords 111 er—E. White, A. Rove,, H. Sutherland (absent): E Butherland' R:Walker, • 7 Fond III'jr-.-tat Houston, ' B`orm II i3r--R'. ' 311,04$ MO, -H. Nine. Form I>< jr-4. ' Part.II-r(I. MoMillvn. , '. •ap ns1d, Teacher. G.b4Dp •T - stlisiM•i ,uttook Sarin ter,..' Presentoffering five choice bull' calves sired by the grand show 4011,' Jubilee Olaf a • son of ; win=' mond ..Tubilee, iwported isms ' ouch' familie".' its English Lady, '• Fashion.. Beauties •Laviniss,. Emma• -ands Queen of -the A1days.--.-. For pedigrees -and -other= information • apply ' to . Pavia. .Bref,! r Lncknow,. Ont. WANTED I �' A manan to`�represen1 ANDA' 'c C ani►TnsT NuneniUns : in the town o ...' ', •.iGKNOW surrounding 'country, and ak • -orders for OUR ..HARDY, SPECIALTIES In Fruit 'Tr'ees, small Fruits, Ornamentals,,Shrubs, `Roses,, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c,. x Stock ru 'to name and-fnee from -Sin ,]'sine Scale. A permanent' position for, the right :n n: an, -either, salary'. or: : h oomtn:sdlon. • &.'Wellington, Stone FONTHILL iV UB FRIES R.s0Q'4ORES. : oronto, Ont. -Marriage Licetiee.� • W. Coiltirr,, 'issuer of iliarriade ' Licensee: "Agent for Altai Line and Dominion Lines, • otStebm,hipe Li'f4; and Acoident;Aiettranoer (ials{+beli et, Lttekliow. LADIES READT'B VV`ee Bend one pair of e=cellent`lat'e Curtains. 2g yards long, 2' feet cinches wide;' for, scour ng only two subecriptione for MoOALL'e "g&r AZINII at 50 orate each., Thio is a mat remarkable ,offer; but ie only oiled 375 cif ersg it our'Pro'nium Cetalogue,,N, that we Bend Free on Request Curtains (11 styles) Rugs, Silverware ,and Tablewareof every descrip- tion,'Jewetery (Solid Silver Watches, Rings, Braceletd, Guard Chains), Aioame, Furniture Buren Scarf,, Centerpieces, Linen' Napkins, lyrist BggsevpiEjth�ip: ou n_eed.. Do_ of lay' this paper aside without- writing for .a copy of:MOOA;,I:.'.tt Mextatixs-and' Oat1tlo,gue of Premiums N. • NO 'charge for either; We wait you to see our beautiful, `Magazine -the very Home'iind paeblon ilk/saint—And 'to know about our premiums. • will you tint kindly write Its at once t A coital Card will da. • THR 'MCCALL COMPAtr'lt,,, .[13.115.11'' West 31st stilet,. New York Day, teal' n amd;tnaks the•celebrated Meo Patterns,, -10 osi itgat, for,'Jbn I''2't `f 1Y i AVE$TER81 'ONTARIO., LARGEST ANO ' BEST CENTRAL, STRATFORD, R TFORD ON T. HOUSE TO RENT. To reit o good' cottage: on ; Gough Street, Luoknow, containing 6 roome.. pantry,: clothes closet and wood ,shed. The• house is "in good condition will be rented cheap • Good stable and ben house, also good email and large. fruit. • Three-quarters of an, sore of land Apply to , Wilson Eagleson,,. Luoknow. 1 SELL I'IR', L1FE, "AOCIDLNT and SICK. NESS POLIGILti ; 'heat. Lake, Rall and Accident Insuranoi Tickets. _ :: It 'bad and seri Endowoment Polioses, Rent Estate and business stocks. A000unt•s'audited' and collected., •J. MURCHIS JN--Luok-now:= BEAT .:CUNNINCN R� 4At INSURANCE -FIRE--AND - MARINE= GUELPH LEGAL • •'".!',. .+e a -..,v nrr•n `•�'V 'WNa Aw;.r t 'wetr:yr 4 A . w,..o,,. .._ fire, are .Sole Ack Rubouts; for the They are unsurpassed for, - wear where•ie; • ronghtu age,,: _ We. alsohandle the Berlin make of duck proof' ,rub hers which aell at 1,75, 2.00, 2.15, 2.50, 245 and 8.00. We have a special duck : proof rubber with ' . good felt, soz:`whicIi Bell at 3.65 for the combination, , Ask to .fee them We have a heavy stock of mens womene.and boys.' overshoes at the' very, lowest prices,' ry u. now for.: the ole agents in Lucknow .r: • . d.. PeeIleggin: ceTehate �Ic[Itte0ll GABBOwBABB28TIlB/,8OLIOI• Dn toetc„ Godericb Ont.'• R. L. Dickinson, ; ' Chas. Garrett. L. G.B pA. }Lu.00xeox, BABBISTkS, SOLICIToa. • Conveyancer,etc:, (late' of. Cameron Holt & Osmeron tioderioh.) ',Office upstairs in AlIinBlock,uoknow.- Q Moratsos; - 28aI IST B, SOrdonTon. t 1:o Gommiyeloner, Nota�y.�Eto.'�•.Money to loan. Office over *atson s • Barber; Shup,'' MEDICAL DMoD. oenoox. M D, C M.'P T M. 8' 'i, M C„P S O. Phyiioien . Sturgeon anil A000uolier. Upstalrstn•Allin block. Re.!- deneeRoss street, behind -J. (i.' Murdoch "A AM. SPENCE, M.D.; 0.111:''ti stdence • -Rouse of , late, Dr Tennant and. office over 11110 a Grocery. Main f#treat, *OOIETIEB j1La.LiamT Loney, A.1�'. :' UVJ A. M.,G.R.0 , meets every. Thursday night on or • before the tull moon, in the Masonic Hall, ' Havelock: otreet Luokaow. • H. G. ABIIBTaoso, W. K. • •S. D.ve. Seo. • Jur llNocIN,OW.112.' I:OmeetsDOl • - •'/ ;every Friday evening at:8 o'clock' in .their :hall. Campbell street. All: brethren• cordially in, tad; Wm. Johnstone • ' .5. Reid, Noble -Grand. . Recorder.. odiiow ' Thie soiiuol enjoy" the reptttation of doing the best work in ,business ell- voation,in the: Dominion. :The large Schools in Canada and'this ' United `States'•emiiloy our graduates as teaoh- ere: We;give the' same lineitnetien, to -411 and,that-;the-beew r time. e e at • ''�tiidentts may enter tt<T Write for free catalogtu= • AN L1aiOTT M}LA :b' •HG ;Prtlaeipntsi • Contr- ail,. Canadian • Order : of Chosen Friends, meets Srst and' third' Tuesday weninge-.ot. eao month, in the Odd- fellow'r RaU,Oiimp- bell. street. LuCTlrr now. a Visltoi ars' cordially "lilted.,':: . ...QLand foie' Salah R:u�� �n� � Fop nil4 in the Vllfr►ge of tLuckiiitw, a good. frame house Widen, acre of gronnd:ettaehed containing, all kind. of fruit with barn and *table, drive houss..aud wood 'shad Beth hard and soft:Stator. I Also four acre on' Bob street. The property will be sold together.' For Particulate apply to the owasr, MES,' THOS liUItNSI, WiltotiOt y flfrret or to MR, FETXR001014GAlfi Lhokaow.... • , ATHIE et IEPAINC NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. C t F CoinSnei:wooD No. X60 • • • Lucknow meets) every 8..t Monday of every month in the Orange Hall:' Visiting brethren are cordially invited. '• Jae; S. HaMILTo$. R. GBASA>t, Chief Ranger. ''Rec•Sec, • votllow ' Lenox axI - r, :Ord Or of e L dap ndent Foresters meete in the Oddfeilow'e Hall on the second and fourth TUN' o ss m nth da .of each 1:30 o'clock: Visiting brethren are cordially: invited. •• V.12 '12wirrenCe, Reo flea. y.. Bi' Mcbonald Chief' I'tanger. Lvoctlow Lona* .of, the. Ancient -Order,-=gaited Workntea, meets, in the Odrtfellowe' hall On the second and• lasge t of Mond each •ay •mevenonth- sa at eight o'clock. Visitin brethren 'cordially Witted • P. Tante ell. • Master... • Giao. korriut,' • •. Reelfoot. 11,�. �No. 428' Arima ITS int. • W • a monthly , meetings las ;the Orange HA11,.Csmpbell street, Lncknow, on. the second Tuoeday evening of each end 'every Month. Degree night on s, second Tuesday venlig following. Al.. • ting brethren ur lath; ' oWrdtM a, . n, Coo:, iv ntlitttti Wolfs . l deo vane a the' lateen : e riett.7-thio, idii1 r h s P ' d: mo t'u to dato 00 or of all ksnda ;, Special attention : aid ito PAPER HANGIN DECORATING. N IT • �WILL' PAY•� YOU . TO `CET BE N ET� T TO D YOUR ;WORK. THE PAI TER & PAPER -HANG N"O QCT_ e During the . months of March and April our entire stock of Millinery ,laces, fancy goods' etc;, must be sold. P-TO=D.A.Z 1 ' WEILLI:N T?+'4 In order to keen our {s�tock well .assorted and. p • illine � Openings'g' in Toronto date,we :have' visited the loll recently'and,will give-,you,all the latest styles. e S'EC;t-4:L I 11' , mbroideries : Laces and: Muslin will: be os ffered e, s eclat riGe:I,'COOLS and. secure some bargains,It will PP be in your .interests to 'call., •. .Q T._' C All accounts must be paid before April tart 1905. SMI 94,9 • 1