HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1905-03-16, Page 4• GA: Autiur 104. OOP* 11*Obi PRESBYTERY' OP MAITi4.$11 The Presbyteiy'of ?t it1sfld; `Windhami on Marco 7th:with ?ltev. J;: .Hattie, Modoretor' it the .•oh*it'. The attendance we, large, eery` min fe'er_in the i'0.1?gtrry; t one, being;;, 'IIrtieWw. "1i�6v. `►.Y''`��kk tit ia�q"'y ^:iw...i *x pbiuted Convener oftbo Prepbytery'.es. • Home Mie rots Committee, :ancj Rov, D Perrin Convener of the Augmen `tali*n CUmmlttee: .Begiaing,with the yeas 1ffit'communioa" rolls tare to,be' presented•ta Probytery the °or .tri; speotion *Ong with SessionRetorde it the regular meeting, in 11lay. The Rev. W. 0Hannn, B.,:A., of Mount Forest was nomipated for .the ohair"of New 'Teetaarent, Literature and Ex- egeeia in 'Koo7[; College: .Reportb , on Sabbath Sohoole, pliuvoh life and work and Young. People's Societies, were' read by Revs. C. M. Rutherford, '07 M. Dunnand,J,J,'Haatie,".respective. Jr. , The leant encouraging of, theAo' wee that: On Babbith,.Sohoule. The Haat enoouragiog "was perhaps that on Young People's Sooipties.. One, grati fying.feature /in this reportis 'the 'in 'dicatioe of considerable improvement ler,* .contributions" of ;the Young People" f or Minions. The:, following ministers were°appointed •commission- era to"tie" 'General "Assembly, which. -ineets in-11:ingeton-in-•June, namely:' L. Perrin,, Wroxeter; • R McLeod ;Ripley;W. J:'Wed, "Einevale'and . D. T. 1.. MoKerroil, Luoknow;.Mr. Peter Elder, St.:Helen's •was.'aho°sp.. Pointed. The eeasione,. ofn South gin 'late,. Wingbam'and: Ashfield .haach ve e ,the right to nominate one of their number' As coanmrasioner .to the A.esem- bly Rev R. MaLeod. and • Mr Peter Clark were appointed: Members of" the: lAeseinbly'e Oomimittee on bills and overtnree • Rey. D. Perste . and Mr. A. C.. Stewart.;, were ap, ointed,' mem- bers 'of„. theSya 'osl a + Committee ou :bilis-And ovettures; and , ripe"Rev. Jno,. Ross wannominated uas.-Moderator. Synod. .;The'clerk reported ,that the committee appointed :for the.: •purpose`: had• prepared the following resolution of sympathy, which. he had duly *mut •witted 'to the "widow of the late. Prin cipal Csven. • "We, the -Presbytery' of Maitland. heard' recently with 'pro- friend' porrow of the: death ` of • your late husband, :` the Rev. Principal Oaven, endwe. hereby; tender to and the ;members of your .family, • our sincere sympathy in 'the* bereavement that Ood, in • the fulfillineab of his wise and -iauorutable ., purposes, , bas ' been st te.send you. We thank God 'ler the life that he ..was .enabled = to live, a life full of gentleness, untiring devotion, courage and • work, ' a life spent from, its early . , dawn till the ehadowe of . night closed .up►n, ib, in. ',unwearying efforb for the "betterment 'Of Man, and: for the giory of Glod. •Biu world touched the, lives of men profoundly, .nnd tri' :those ' whoM . ho' infiueoeed 'he still livie, and hie work still goes on. . We cherish his Memory as that'of .saintly. man, ' whose' 'life' •adorned:the doctrine• of Glod :hie Sav* mutts „ We p`ray-tbat, the'God of all `consolation and grace,may auetain you •one and all, and .that a' beam'. of the . light' that eurrounde.the throne, 'may acetic* the gloom that, ,inevitably ac- 'companies the departure of tho=e be loved froiri',the Mi"dst.•'of those who love", • It 'wee 'agreed ;that the next regular'. 'meet iog'of the•'Freabytery take ,'place iii Belgrave on Tuesday,: May 16th at 10's. m. A.' MacNab, ".Walton. ELS' ;cenrial bottle. to OUSE AND OFFIC FURNITURE . our wants can be supplied best by us. Our. prices .. bring us: ; the trade.. ou have our personal supervision and satisfaction guaranteed, We have always . oh hand a .large assortment the latest styles - in furniture, etc. NEW SNOP NE.W 'GOODS,, LO��1P,;PRIOES AND PRO T ":ATTENTION: . "VMS oW THE LNADII G UND1CitTAIIEl AND FiMB LMEli.' ALMATYtItD$8l.TO EOM' on DAT,, Your ret son. tells :you it right, Don't let your buying be got‘ rned by price•.alone. Reasonwill..telLy_ou_good: quality is cheaper than low apices.; This is especially true 'of For'that reason we urge you to inspect our display. We, want' • you dote the quality which prevails throughout this'stOre That and our moderate sprofit system should appeal to your reason very foroi bly. The friends of :the late E. F;, Clarke M P., axe mining to. collect , 1)25,000 'tor bit wife and family,•• who` are lett`in anythin,i but effluene .'circothstanoee,, The fund air'eatly em' unta : to over 161.2 goo: .1t real. Mr. Clara'a midur' tune Zo spend ail hje puWurli e1iii p position bbut.;there ate many examples' ci Caneultan, public .men• 'whoa bays epcnt.mu b of their* time in andofiloe. left it poorer than When 'they entered'. Their' families Should','rant. duffer for this untolgdh�.Servieo.. Cuatern Weaving Oustoin weaving. of all "kindadono at 'Lees Ai ,Douglas' Woolton Mille, Lttok. bop .. ;Carpets and rugs a • speolality, ,Bit and mles• rage, colored warp 20e. ayard,'.striped ;'rags .extra; rtes. • u • moinmememik 100460.0.0000.0.0.0. For each 25c purchase you have a chance of winning , a Prize+N . See our window and come in and we Will explain it to you. IIIC E3 EST . PRICES ; :::3P0p. 11141Litli, Pao t -CE. EVERYTRZNG FRESH ;AND QP -TO DATE. C'�IAJ IT'.&Lt7ES IN : °exsz.A.9 'TI NTI COODS. DELIVERED. A • onderful Discovery ; B R f R OWI S' OELEBRATICD, T. IAIR CROWEI lihyeicians, Scientists; Etc, Lave givens their,; unqualified tests' to the .only known 'Amodio which will absolutely de -what is claimed for 'them, and at the; lame time•may be relied' upon to absolutely :harmless and 'effective We do not, claim•.to grow hair on shining bald head where the; roots ':.of Abe Bair, are dead or destroyed and: no fine hair left, but If there Is any fine hair loft We can make it ' grow, ' we havd grown•hair on' heads that bave'` been bald for years ; and year's and • there is nota ;mee'to be ;found where, ayoung man or woman who is losing their hair and -becoming; bald where our celebrated hair growing ' remedies w I1 fail.to produce a good' healthy head of hair,. if' need according to' the directions. • DhIe s to ..certify that' I hays used'' orown'e Celebrated BairGlrower, and it bah grown. for Me *good/ lull bead. Tf hair: ' I was, quite bard before 1 used it and now I am permanently tired of . baldneee, falling hair end dandruff. , J. R. Johnson ' Glnelpl. i St d this 38tGdav o . ecem 190 POR aALB 'BY4$. • WATSON, BARBER UJCONOW, Oto J. E. B ,OWN & OO.; Guelph fi a Odra by tar '• • Taiwher of Pis o, OvOli Pocil. pr,psrid tae1lai es.. t4 to h'la la Oair lnr Por $, ' LAVd REN . Ct : •J01#HSTO�t E ZEEP 14airrilites tokaalgoiss 'u ni ore Oearlera and Underttisea'• a'