HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1905-02-16, Page 5rq. 11: riOtbp.- le materials fol....,S',ring.'. ' Buy Not any too early. to buy•your step P h. • m now 'and make them: up .during your leisure tme, Wel have them • opened 'u • aincluding the new lot:.of the' new. goods. this. week Prints, Ducks and Drills. SA EES- PINISI3 ED p.A,L TE A.:S This.-_, aterial is a last black and an excellent wearing material for:, ssearboya-Ulonsesoneg' and womens 'wearing. dresses. -PA -Co per. yard :15c.; • ]ACS . i �suitin ..,s' in• lain Champagne, . Butchers: Blue ---�- Tai. boys and ladies �plain ..• white and brown with polka, dot, 27 niches wide, price 20c. fot---a now floor blas Woo; the Our 71, and the wain Tuemtittell. 1414r Pe 0 ,up'to-dote seats, the. old ;onef:' having beeb p' in ,the basement Welt will 49w servo for a , leeture )room:, ,A•n eutcouragIng. eatur4 of the financial report ,is.„ -the way, is which.. *embers live :paid, up -'the, ,amounts promised; ' Only three awns:, are found_ in 'the arrears column, • and' these. are for aman,:amiounts—$i, 1 and $1; °: • Pomo*, Waiving Oustona, Weaving of alI kinds done at Lees &,Douglas' 'WooIlcu`Mills; ,Luck - now Carpets and juga a speciality TIT „owl 4wtl� GBt� 4 tySl� ti p crrxl jEyi �if`w 3, a yard, striped.,ragn extra. • • William.( . r Lees • '.• Extra, vatues'in white cottons• at 10, °Cambrics...at .5c::aud.. Oc per yd. $=4 Plain bleached sheeting speciall:at. '25c --4 will ditto at .. 33c,and 35c. '9 4 Unbleached twill dittofat 25;c, • .. , •.4�•-and 44 inch, clrcularpillowcAttons at.20c per yd. d.': 2' Pieces gloss towlin 271`riiclies wide, special value at . 2'1=2c Eatra values in{ crash Atow_lin_gs 'at 40c per yd. Extra heavy `and soft ticking, in, narrow stripes ,of red' and white For hair orµfeathers ektra good', value;at25c. • r• CORSETS •'have`been cutting the : prices of.tape girdles . The manufacturers et the»ere `lately. • We: h'av3 also'do-rl the--sam��e ..thin•g. ; Yat &n- , �: 3 C r. at 5 week this . . - - -o •erred -up --ands ' ou_v illi be: surprised at news r1n ,lines aro p p Y e .P. it e h :this `e r 'Short;"iied'ium`"and''long lengths;in" 'h a 'floc val>ie�.,M y, � �.. ..or draft_ � new popular lines at 100 per We are •alsfi showmg�all the ethe'Phonac.. This. is.., an excellent ' corset with pair. ' Ask to $.. •e . • • • uspeniders attached at 1.00 per pair Lif;ht coloredaweeds for suits:and Separate' skirts 54 Niches wide';. cry. dainty efiects roti L0.0 .per .yard • ,'and 12ic per yd French • • • • kt • e,tiuohnOW Marmots, •.,, T:he . of l0 w n 3;Is,th e market ke t picas or ;rain• on Thursday morning ", . 00' to 1 00, Peas,'.: .,,:'� "• .62 bg 65 30 to '42 Barley... ..10'to. 41 Eggs, per doz., 19 to: 20 Butter.;' fresh, per lb.• 16to:, Pork,,:;per'1001bs ..a;.' 460 to' 460. Pork per cwt dresied. , 6 50 •.6 50 Potatoes, per -bushel 36 to: 40 APples -Per-ba�.-.�....,:.25 to �0.�: PR 1, SELL LIFE, ACCIDENT and S1CK-' NESS POLICIEb ., • loean, Lake, Rail and Aci ,dent. Insurance 'Ticicets I buy. and' sell, Endownment, Policies, ,Renl Estate and business stocks, Accounts audited an& collected. MU'RGHI SON,; Lupknow: f .•• Sat 11, i' : iw raking a big demand for Lustres'this year,: for waists FaShl,)11�•_ making �,• and the shirt waist suits. We havea good variety of these goods in blacks, 'creams, browns, cardinal, green, _navy, , black and white,`" small,checks, • striped and polka' dot, from 40c to..1.00. Very special a values c,trOc;? Latestin 'buttons for'ti'lmminga. ': �• : VO=ZS oPOP S�RTSS.ES' Sari '`ed voila. in .lilac&` at50c;.0 ;ape 1:25 per ;yard Colored P 1.0 wails•at 50.and 75c per yarrd .{• ��NN'vON�N�NNNN�N�NHN�' A • t..• • ..• , . sat••. Ezoepti�sg. tu. , • • vetngs • ERT -GUN': N t:HAlf INSURANCE "FIRE. AND. • RINSE: ELPH Y , We, are Sole ,Agents for Kant -Kra ,hey are: unsirrpaeuiui. rongb;uisage', Wa„also l ai dIe the' Berlin ma•ke of duck :proof'.ria�.b.. On which sell at"1,7,5, 2,00, 2.15,.2.50, 2;65 and 3,00 rubber': with. good 'od ve a s acial�duek'proof �e'ha xb p It sox which sell at 3.65for the combination.' Ask to. ,.see em We have ' a heavy stock of mens overshoes at the very lowest prices. • wor•ens, and' boys ole agents in Lucknow for t -celebrated Peel leggings. ATHESO REPA; .INC .NEATLY AFID PROMPTLY DONE. ' - EGAL DI EmfONtcGARROW BARRISTERs,SOLIOI= tors etc., Gode*ich ant E 'L. Dic�kineon,"' Chap, • Garro*, PA. MALOOMSoNZ •BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR,. •'Conveyancer, etc.;: (late of .Cameron: jL Holt it Cameron; (xoderich.) Office upstair 1n.Allin Block, Lucknow. iitoRRISox • B.uiRISPER, SoLIOITOR, 1.1,• Commissioner Notary, Ere Money to loan.-:Office_over Watson'e.,Barber Shop. MEDICAL McD Goiinow, M p, Cif, F T 112: S; D• - M C P,S 0, Physician, Surgeon and Aocouch'er. Upstairs in Alibi Block, Resi4 deuce, Ross street, behind .J G. Murdoch & lb's store A M SPENCE, M D' 0.M: Residence •' =Mouse of late, Dr Tennant, and office over Elliott's Grocery, Main Street, Lucknow. SOCIETIES, LD.LIGHT ,Loran, A.P. OLD A. M.,G.R.C., meets every : Thursday night on or before the hill moon,, in the .., Masonic . Hall, Havelock, street Luckabwc .' H. G. ' A•ILMSTRQNO, W., M. 11. DAYS, Seo. LUCHROW; LODGE,,, N6 112, .meets; everyS o clock in their Friday evening: (C�/ .w ,®rt ; ._ `•e'h yZ«e'UL'le9s• at• iYie•�sitiisiYi,•1i�isVe half, Campbell street, Allbre hren cordially ."P Zirimett-the-Paistor-has--ther-1a 1 o ta. a t o. 0 1 �0+ 1 kv1d� .c 0 1 or s for ..t i edial attention r' pai IT WILL PAY YOU 1 0RATI., TO. GET BENNETT: ,TO D nR W0 • P�►1NTR PAPER -HANGER HE �% Johnstone, T A. Reid',: -NobleGrand, Recorder. "( QOBNOw Cotu- cil, • Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, tneete,first. and: third Tuesday. evening! of .each' month; in the-Odd- fellow's hoOddfellow's Hall,Camp bell ,street,Lucie- now. Visitors are cordially invited. • - • [J,• L ink bxi:Ri meets er 5Q: �>) ,Lucltnety meets e� exy�tst. Monday of every month fn the Orange' Hall, Visiting brethren are cordially nutted. : McKEIfzIE, it. 'GR Att e5i, Chief Ranger. Rec•Sec'.• • • >idlirtOw.LODGE IN deperydeOrder of Forestere meets in the Oddfellow's:Ball, on the eecond,and fourth. Tues- day'.of• each month,' as 7.30 o'clock, Visiting brethren are cordially invited, ' F. E, >Vic1)onald, T. E.: Lawrence, Chief Ranger l- cc S. •UCKNOW 1.006E �~r j of the Ancient `� Order of United`. ��- Workmen, meets” in, the ws'vhalt • on ''thOddfeIloe, second arul L j last Monday Sven- Jogs, of each month r at.eigh�t o cl1X . Visiting brethren • a ordially,inviled P., Tostiosns. Master. . • are'.still offering int cust,our'large,and well„assorted stock 'of Dress Goods,,X'ancy` Goods, Ere Call ;and secure some: of aur bargains, The 'fallowing'are a few .of our prices; E_ RLIl\T (Woo S 5`Cents sii'oun e:. ' I ZBROLDERY SIL Ce'nts c`L sk, :gZDERYS, •SILI(S,LA.C� 010. POTTER, • Recorder, L..L X0* 428 i10LDa ITs `REGULAR • • • montiilly' meetings in the Orange Sall, Campbell streetAtucknow, on the second Tuesday e'rening of each and,eyr�ry month._ Degree night on \ e second Tuesday yehina• following. At thug ;brethren •,ordially ,twit • o W;11.000Ny iv ld MILLER+ Witty Seo • •