HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1905-02-09, Page 4pride ?n. the folio yuig _lienee mens 'BubSeAsi Felt' Boot .and 'Shoes!, e44ings, Overgaters,'Overshoes, c ardigans, ,Gloves orad ;Mitts. 90 aJinn' ofboo1 rand shoes. will. be. `sold, at 'bargaii paces., ;r. whim #tutint, 'ebsuaa 7 8th, 1905;; PR,FSENTATION TO 1-1,V;..• ':ANGUS MAQBAY: Oa Wednesaay evening Bev, Ax � ttut. Mackay,. who, has, hem:acting, ` ,as aef;istent to..the Bev, Kurdo M'u4•ken.":' recipient Qf •bandsoroe ; preeentationq•• on-the•occasion of b;s return to Cana- da. Air ..r okay recently resignOtl. hrs'elaarge i.n Canada anki came' on a visit to' this country. Rev, *Oda Maclfencie, 'the • pastor of the -Free, North. congregation, was '•lx d aside by `rnclispo ition; , and •Mr.'Ma`ckay was;. °persuad to assist'liim in his services. Mr.'Mackay, who is an able pr•eacher., ,made himself a general favorite,'kmong the congregation, who felt' that they Could not aIIow him q go away with- • ry- outtowing ho* highly he was : OP, precieted;, Rev Murdo Mackenzie ' presided over the"gathering in the hal;; over ersmYfi-1 tttg-- lresm.t,- He said, that ;they would :have, far: greater pleamre that night, in : reard' n the presentations if._theirnffect4wats- to induce their friend:to stay longer. (Applause):, Mr. Mackay has beeii with; them .for half; .ayeer,'.with-'the. exception of one week $$. would not flatter Mr:;: llackay • in ;°his* iresence; - r•7f1•r l o.:i.ni f ,1iu3•r_Irj,T! ,:1.1"114 i 4r, s; without doubt the greatest preparation known for; cleaning' all ;kinds of • MAN'1 • a 1.Q cent'trial bottle' • N� US A 1 OFFICE F' U NIT LIRE. our wants can -be supplied- best by, ' us. Our prices '. bring ,us the trade', u have'' our 'Personal ' supervision and• satisfaction guaranteed,• We have always on hand a, . large. assortment , of .. the latest -styles°'in fnnuture, 'etc.• NEW ,: SHOP, . NE GV GOODS; LOW PRICES y ' 9]1H1 PR(1 U1` T ATTEN 1011/41' Tat LEADING#', trilDtl TAk I ti•ANI) • Ebif'ALMEit li ;mitt n, 116 14l61#T Ott bAVe '1 hey would^;?ea4•e'.;that until he was t. , -y--`littleof •"'I k when he Nras in Mr..Mckay's church its. -Can-id-a-.1-14t, 'there would' : be such Pleasant relations • between •them as had'eubsisted during the last •tweatyy, five' we's.: Mr.: Mackay:had come. among tFt'etcem as the. minister• of another church --tete Canadian .'church -and ',they were sending him back as a mini - 46W. Of inister`of the'`Free Church. (Applause) He Was not indebted tn"any church or "any human being„ but: to -God for hav- ing:;sen't Mr. Mackay amongst diem'. He ;found:' Mr. Mackav :an agreeable and leasing Man..: (Applause.) , ` •He , "found him•' willing' to• rl'o ,`anything 'he askecLhitn .to dc, ,Itd•.t .. tek w ie. waspleasedtthey were,'eending Mr. Mackey back to his wife ..and ;family looking , better than when he came.' His: wife would' hardly know her boy when he .arrived. ;'(Laughter)' They,.: would think,' looking..at him, that he yet had plenty of time..to get married/ His hair was as black as :a erow,`but• he "was the father of seten.: of a family. (Laughter.) He Was glad 6'80:- that he was not: the, only one who. apprecii ated Mr: Mackay's kindness" I,t was Most encouraging, to him, to see that the congregation were pleased ,with the"manner. in which Mr;•Mackay,had:. laboured• ' among .them. '(Applause.,); ' Mr.,D. Maclean, elder,' in behalf. .of the.Bible.Class,•referred•-to the; -able manlier in 'which , `Mr Mackay con-'. ducteli the study, of the Bible • during the three months she had 'charge of the' class.' Mr. Mackay, he said, was able and' conscietious in :his teaching, ;• and all'of'them' received benefit. , rom his. instruction."' (Applause)'f-,They hoped Mr. Mackay would, be blessed . mole andr;morey wherever he was eogagfd. They were 8orr"y.he was''going away, ,and, sent him away with :;God's bless .ing, and raying -•-:'`Will yo. noT;cori1e back again "1" Ii"e asked 'Miss, Mac. doneld to present Mr. Meekay With a •purse of •soverigns. Miss 'Macdonald gracefully► per•-' fornied'tile art . of ,presentational amid' great :applause., `Mr, J. ' Gordon, ` also spoke•of the interest vi•nced by Mr; Mackay in tate Bih ass. Mr.•Rim. • Fraser, grocer, sa • he Was , deputed • by the committee in charge 'to make a presentation' to Mr. Mackay on behalf' of tirc congregation. .1,Vhe'n it became 'known. that. Er. 1liackay was to take his" departure;"it was, strengly .felt`; in the' congres;ii,tign that 'Some'tiiing,. 'tan- gible should be given' to ;him to show the high esteem 111 Wt,icli:.ho" was held. ,(Applause;) tJoliectors Were appoint- ed 'and' they found°,tile coikcting a ..peas-ui.iinstead-oLawtasks..u{.A•ppleutc)- Everybody ,subacrlbsd liberally and ho,hed pleasure in asking Mr. Mac hay 'to aecepta pure containing thirty- threo -'soveri igns--°and•,°°bathe,.,sil tit (Appl'ausc.) They wished Mr . Mac-' kay a safe ,journey across •the rets and Fondly. hoped to see- h:ro. back again, (Ltpplausc) 1\141Y:Stdtirtti:4 and: .Mr. Tilnerae, intim; eelloctore' apolto of their'cotdial rc.eptiirtl with regard.• to thees t timoni '1 to ]tilt, a Mac ' ka Rev, Mr Mackay, .who was receiv- ed with app1iviiio, Enid' to ''did net • 'vn .I Y-" • TISF.CIO. TTENTT! Great, Steck; 'raking Sale- of ' Groceries,', Crockery,Glassware: Confectionery, Etc , . Etc , commencing on and-lasting-arrl-il' . Tt7I D.A;Y C711 4T,12, e•start taking,stock.in March and we want: to; make a big red act ion -i tr al1- h es. OVCX' wall lines, but Tobaccos, Sugar Flour and Peed . Come'lnand see us, you are not compelled to buy.:' Get our'. Discounts, it will pay you ; . se-diScottnts-apply only to'cash • $4,t4,-++4 .:. E:V`E1YTHING' FRESH . AND/ SUP TO -D ATE• sfit' =:•Q.Ji IT.L.LU'ES Miss Dorothy . Zoos Teacher of print), Organ aab Theory' Pupils prepared for Conservatory ] aniin. Atione, Canning Street. A Wc,ndefnl' Discovery :CELEBRATED C • R. . Physicians, Scientists, Etc, have given' thein ,ungaalified tests tothe only knownremedys:•which will absolutely do what"is claimed for :them, .and, at the same`'time may be relied upon as absolutely harmless andeffective. We do not'claiin to grow hair on a shining bald beed•whore the' roots 'of' the;hair-are-dead-or-destroyed and no fine hair left, but if there 'is any Lino hair left we can make' it grow, ..we have grown hair' on heads that have been bald ,for' years and years and' there IS not f case to,be found where a'young man nir woman' who is losing„ their hair and becoming bald where our celebrated hair growing roinedies. will fail to produce,; a good healthy head of hair,' • if used according to the directs.. Bhisisiionnto. ,certify -that' I hays used !a } orown's Celebrated. Bair (Trower, and: it 'hal grownfor'mn`a,-goodd.full heart+' Tf: hair, I. Was quite bald before•I -used it~'and -nowt I nut"Verrnan nt1y`'' urea of "rbaidness, falling hair and ,dandruff., J. A. Johnson, .Guelph, bate'd this 18th day of Decenmor'1908 . •• pOR : sAL4 D1f t� TA' . y • BARBER LUCKNO'W► — OIT E• 'B tUW. ` d O.Guelph �.r LAWRENOE & • JOHNSTO H.. 9 ICIND • .K. 1, +a�kY�.4 NwM1N,� ,ranee Asians t Furniture•" :Dealerit a.n Undertat N. « 'W'4O'I INW"IIMAliiied94!VV!' ■y'