Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-02-02, Page 5• '!o•.i'.aaid A, .04 ..We have received another, lot of the fatnou„ Dolge Welt fine shoes for men. They are , made of fine, ualit . dongola with a heAvy pliable sole. 1.'ancaelt insoles which makes themsoft and comfortable. No ea lag In o do. :.They fit:• when ou put them Price per air 4 . , Y Price pa R This is':ong of the spring'lines that -'came in .early, -;Latest- last'. and Goodyear welt. •A, very dainty shoe and a good wpaHrer: We guarantee it; equal to any $3.50 shoe. Price per -pair` $3. 2: Pieces black serge 50 inches wide, 1: suitable for ladies and chlldr.ens dresses - Regular Regular price75cfor 5O per yard 12 Yards bark frieze. 54 , -inches wide regular price $1.00 for '`. 75G d._•' a • ; 20 Yards heavY grey frieze 55 inches 'wid1e ular price. 74:. for 50c Men and wornens heauy fleeced, lined • night, gowns, regregular price $1 2; for 1.0 , Q .****oe.. " .4•440ON• , 4:•1ull'rang*e. of:Ai '0-1:U1124. 'famous underwear just receive St0 .e5.C1®so at m.: depting.• Batnrday Eve .ix People's :Cluild ,expended e45.76,, forty' dolleri :of this being* coatribution to tli ,oburch building fano; tha S bbsth ,.School raised and expended' 034.64 and 'the W,1r,M.S $39.12. The •oom, !portion roll, alter. several .removal..' !,arid deaths, remains At. •125; the rite,, of baptism was administered' to 16. infante and one 0410, The Board. of Managetneab °conuste .00hn b4illee�. pie, ohsirtnan, R, W� Simpson, J,ohq Conn, F . "4007. t t. 111Harting Olow'- • ifitl. ., 71?ilVfi. a.'u.!r5.9Y i. -F T• w..` -,u ro y x non; •clerk, D..Kennedy, Win.,,.Martie, John Eglestone. ui11pVen el Offer , WOre'pleaned as ,be able'• $o .'sa- nonaee .titian, by • special • arrangameat` with p iblishera, we.•ars enabled new thii yssr'onr spigot .offer'of the - great , D�ontred;il • ::Weekly Herald and'the' Luoknow Sentinel for, 41.15 per•year to.pnbscribers.Who' pity thelr subscriptions : in. advance. Many of oge•tireiiders..tiook ;advantage .of. this, offer last:.7: • err end we ..,, hate* heard nothing but words: of praise, and .satin faction from' them. .Within' the 'piut- year the Hereld• bar heon, improved- ,.and #nelndel within its twenty font page features, of: interest. and .instruct ion for every . ihember . of, the. family.'. I'te magazine; features 'and. splendid snorter, woman's.,: page farm' department, •'sandey ,features; illustratione•:and. markets, •et,;:,• com- bined with' the 'Lucknow Sentinel, -the ':best Jogai. newspaper' in this • .district, , makes.oure-the.-greatest $1s -1 -5 -value- ever offered by` any newspaper: Sub. gcriber8' who- gob -the -Weekly M&n'; treat; Herald thiOugb, .us last year May. . • get i6 ab the same rate''.again' thio win- ter newing their ' subsori tions . pro . •�:If .. P Yen '6re:'uob. now ett= :9 y,. K ing th eekly f eralcl see that .your',; enbecrip 'ons" is.promptly paid in , ad. voice:this year and : sot it.: ' To new enbsoribers we.offer.the Weekly Mon-_ troatgerald and the. Lucknow Senti- nel from now until January let, 1906`. for '$1.16,• LADIESliEAD 1111 We send one,paip of ezceilent late:ourta'ine, '2 j'.yards'lang,-2 feet 5 inches wide,: for aecur- ;ng only ;two`•subscriptione for• MCOALL's. , f4IneAzini 44.'50 cent's ear*. !This it a most. . reaiarlwble'offer,.but is "only oneof375 offers, !emir. Premium catalogue„ N; that we' wend Frei on iteguest: J Onrtiinii (11etyles) Bugs,•. 'Silverware and Tableware: ti eiery dncrip tion, Jewelery•(aolid Silver Watoheii Bfngi, Braceietr, Guard. dhaine), Albums, Furaituri r Bares Scarff, Centerpieme, Linen'Napkins, Welt Bag., evoraWnr ;yonneed.:, got•: lay thiipaeper aside wtthontwaiting for M' oopy of MoOi►tL'e .MAatizmi=and Oatalogiia' of Premiums N •••No ohti ae for either. We want you to see ons beautiful Nassau.=rite very best'Home. and. Fashion iitageilieind • to know: about our'prdeninms, Ntll�roa:not kindly write ucat one. l ..A; •eoefil card wlll'.do. `'TSE McOALL COMPAirY • •: • 113.1111-117 West 31.1 street.., _„,',.:New 'York aitj, .M design wind mike Ohl `celebrated MoCal'' Patterns,. - ::-TUaohee of pietas•iigaa sad Thsor y Papire prepared for .OoniirvaMry Bzaadi• atlous„ • Camas Strisi 4 .0$dorM';DiucOvory ►RQW.N* CEI‘EBRATED CROWEI • r, r"o • 1 P'hysioians, Solentista, Etc, Lave giv en :their unqualified testa "to • the only known'ren i,edys which will absolutely, do what is claimed for' them, and , at. the seine time may be'rell,ed,A17)on as ,absolutely harmlesa and' efteet,ve:. •We do not claim to..grow hair oe shining bald head where r:e•.' oo•s ;of the hair are dead or deet ooed'aidi no. fine hair left, but' if there is Any!: fi.io "hair left -we can Tmake 'havogrown•:hair on. neuT' that ba.¢e been baidilor years and years and there iy not a.case to be f'odii+d where a young»man or woman who is losing their hair and becoming bald whe:o celebrated 6' hair owmg. in reed; es prod . . will fail `to uce. a good healthy head_of,:.hair, if' ueed,:Accordin ,t _ , eY d'irectione. . a • • •Bhisis to certify. that I hayo used; orown'e' Celebrated' Hair Grows«, and' has grOWit for me.a good full head` hair, I: s ' rte bald' 'before 1': use • it an d>(' now I ,am permanently ur of baldness, falling hair and dand u , 3. 'R. Johnson, Giuelpb'. Dated.th : 18th..day of.December 1905, SA FOR SS',. DY'' • B' BER LUOKNOIhh .x .. _ 01111 r'.BROWN & 0., bolph A., e'are. .$ole en#e for. tl y They are unaurpassed for: wear where ie any rough uslage.:' We als'` iandle the •Beriit3 make of duck: proof rub' bers which sell at.1,75, 2.00, 2.15 2.50, 2.65 and 3.00. We have a special duck proof rubber with good felt sox which sell at 3 65 for the .combination.. _Ask to. nthe, .in We have she heavy stocit. of mens women and'. boy overehoee' at she: very ' owest prises,. oleo agents in Ltiicknow for _the celebrated, Pel les - ►TH ES REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONS. ,. sv4.--Ar BennettPainter�has� the lay t�'�1 ' a0 oatcolors Enos p �: f &intim of all -kinds. eoial attention, pa PAP NG ILL' PAY . YOU TO CET ;. BENNETT TO, Your: r. TINTER:+ & PAPER HANGER LITOICNTOW_ WPagisiWW ... . . Are olarge Qadvertisers` alt the world. over. . Vat neatly and; promp, executed. •a Si