Lucknow Sentinel, 1905-02-02, Page 4the folio' . Ing•ll 4' i ►l s, Overgaters, Overtilioes, Qardigano Worm .and `Kitts. lf. •oII' Ln0`..o1 to ,and shoos° -will. ?4. sola at bar galla•' -pric KI out doubt the greatest preparation. nown for cleaning all kinds of cent- rial bottler �iwiil�:I�ifLiMfoirr�i■iiiww .. 111 , acv Z;cicaow, ;'ebria y tilt 18Q5 Ex President Steyu, .of ths, Orange Inver Colony, has capituliaea at, list . , ) and will return toles farm near Bloem foatetni reconciled to bis, lot. • It wi 1 be; romeaibered'that"he; pined. forces with Krueger, in opposing the 'British', and fled whenthe fortunes 'of. War tic Ya'iouuy 'and irre3encileble • to i mind and: epiri . But- time works; Manders and •he'%. has °' now %r"eturned, :hoine satisfied to'live under the 'Brit - bit iiag,ind help, tq' build up Sou+l Africa ;` RNITU our wants eau be supplied best by Us.' Our piices 13ring us the ou ha e our personal superviso n so satisfaction guaranteed. We have .always on hand a large aliortineht 'Of the latest' stiles in fnrniture, i ROE NEW GOODS, LOW PRICES AtID—PROM' ,ATTENTION::, gar CIALYIArriktosin TO, slant on »At; 4 The . i-ffaloComreraial'says; 4+These, is something° grand in .the way in which Sogtchmen,'the ,world oVei,' fere the piemory and pay , tribute, to' the worth of their famous poets Eobt.: Burne. Wherever there are Sootch-• men- enough •to mairg-a_presentable ^meeting,, 'there they assemble- on the night of:the 25th of January and. thank God.,that'they are Scotchwen or have• old Scotia'sblood running in. their veins'"., It mayhe added that there are few`poota worth the honor. • a n�fi. v"fit. N ;4;u a n'•ttatti291; tt i.... , , The folloWina 6uraa taken' from 'the Postwaster-General's, report for the year., :ending June. 30th4 1904, show ,the revenge' received from the sale of . stamp postal .,notes,' .moneyorders and. ntl other sources,; . at the T;; post offices mentioned; Che.ley, • `292,88, (7argill, $639:88;-• Hanover; $3,33912;' Kincardine,:" "$3;546 98• Liope Head, $505.93; r noknow, $2, •. • • • y; a modern rnethusle e. dont.. hal) tll.",e 4` We carry;' the kind that tion to,serving the best •• take pinch effort tu. sell • 'when. yowl :call.. • own by our way of selling H4+♦1. Greet rigs that You may be iuducedto buy sellthernse'lves. We devote all Our atter, at, the 1ow.st possible • prices,4. It' does nt tintler-tho4L.conditions.., . fon 'll'say.' so. .too •Y • n •a•••••no•,•••:••••••.••••. ••••••••4i••ae*•••••••ia••o•••t•ie••••'eei1o••e•••o••••i•• tt tin tind 'MeanLake; Rail and; Accident • Insurance 415:92; tiildmity,' $1,051.06; 'Owen both Of West Wawitinishi. have heozt aPix4t9d i996999 9f. 016-:i,e40, '.81114!' have heen duly quali9ed; both ',residents or • Pungannen,, 'Were' United in the bOnda, Of. matri.' Airs. 4argaret Thompson, formerY kottOgehnon; now 'of Erttase0,,,;, is On a, visit I° friendi in this Vicinity. and The-Minuitt Meeting.. of 'the , Wit ,.climpany' was ,held the' Agricuittir=; 'were present. The see-treasurer'S end ed." retiring.directOrs,'-F. 'Ander-. WM. Mole, onr Popular .:barber. 4,NEr. Moved imhis nevi' Shep recently Par,. phased from Duncan MeDiinakt • gr. Raley on his missionary tour.' of Oa Priday ,even1ng,. Whitechurch 'court of, Canadian 'Foreaters 'had. an. which was -Very reach enjoYed. .Qttite', a riumhir of the, resident, ;Of oysters, had:heart disposed of, AFidt0i8',: Oa :were delivered by Eev's. E.aine and a!'ple.'si OK Progroni. We understand ••• Ur: -,k1fttitei4 aged .7s; an ava to highly ea.teerned., resident of this Vicinity,. passed. a,way on, '''the Decoaied was one of the ,Ifnr: the paSt ,few, years he "had beSa trthetion,.and indicatet ;that .under. there has .per progres.4 ,,There Was' raked' daring, 1904, foie:till ficturp64.- .$ 00 80; ',My, nlyntxth' ociffithe4 there �tl tt titliiiitiCH FIRE ANN. ELPH E: L. Dickinson Chia Garrow L Holt dt Cameron, Goderich.) . • Office upstairs Cominissioner,'N'etitry, Etc. Money! to bian Office over Watson's Barber Shop mgDICAL MoD. doimon, MD: COIL TM S, • MOPS 0...Physician; Surgeon and dence R• ossetreet; behind J. G.: Murdoch A M. SPENCE;ti.D., C.M. Residence *office over 'Elliott's Grocery, Main Street, SOCIETIES every'lhured y nig on or before the tull moon, in the Masonic Halt,' Havelock Lmoneeatus every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in' their hall, Campbell street.,•All brethren cerdiall invited . Nellie Grand. ' .• Recorder. Order 'of': Chosen Friends, meets first and third ,Tuesday evenings, of. each Cordially invited. • iiMenday (if &Very month ia the, Orange Halt Vi ;Ding brethren are:c'ordially invited. ' N. rt. macEitittz; i:4BATIAM; Foresters meets in the Oddfellow's Hall, on the second atid fonrth :1111160-• day Of each niontil, brethren are cordially Chief Ranger. , Rec ILLINER RTC MM ,• ; • . • . .• ,.• . • ...... .QcOT: *11 :nokkotv Lonna Order <it the Oddfellows' hall the .stoiond cordially invited . Master. GPO. POTTEit, • JILiel.....r.i.:44, monthly tiittetIngs ,In the Orange Hallo Campbell street, titeknewo on mouth. Degree tight et the tteztnd Tuesday' 416 W HENCE OHNST ON E ZEEP KIND • ri;r4itu*.