HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1905-01-12, Page 714„4
rt d
• INTEHigikTiONAI,15 LE��0N NO Iv.
• '0Al!!;1411et 224 *RIM
'reside over the banquet.'is-clarke. They,
are, it...sot:kepi faith Wearletilt „,_lged's .T0
ut.'WetPritt the I'arf0 requirett OROWORACI'.
nt to draw that waterput andlsees
!IC ef gtteet •ae wine made s etropse
and on •faith."' 'holeillied. fArlAgt
ce of the ruler of. the 44_010 last*:
)10 oleati/ arid 41rinheis_elhre OCY.. were
Plaeed •11994 tbe tobjeo."' ' • .
•'EueW not the. .luirst.e4^
lets origin of the Vine. Servants ,......
.kneti-1:10i. independent witness to the
:tWQ-Pitrta. of the. miracle entabliohem #8.
46443r., The ruler ..ot the fug, declare!
What :the element je, the tberyent• knew
What. its was. -'-'..'-Westcott. 10.. Every
mans;;Tbla hi the commonOustom emu.%
'men( ilrinliP••••,-"Men who 'ho'41to had
enough are. Ind] fterene as to the Oat,:
of the 'wine @et before him." ',The ruler
of the feitia, is but alluding to the dors'
rug ots:sip" And issuQ.VT
,Lore bi. eyerk, for such .the Lord wOu14
.have a )ittle sanctioned by his .ptOs‘enoo
as be would have heilled-it, forward
'.4Sht best -its pleasures and
honors -first; •serrowe•
poverty, diem& and rni4,-follow. First
'harlote ' and riotous living; then Swine.'
,Christ givee.first-theretastri the -races the
battle; then the crown, rest acid glorYi,'
IL • Manifested forth his' ,giory•-r. A
prophet would manifelit the glory: of
God; be he his own glory, for he Waif
God. The ;Oracles and •wondere of Jesus'
. were all.:signe- (1) of Cluist'e. divine na-
ture, (2) of mission as ,from •Ociii,
(3) of his good will termini. men, (4) of
'the truths that he taught, (5) of the
Retttr.e.,--end -Character of Ontl.=•-•Polotibet;
DlscipleS belioVed on him--'rheir faith
was now -confirmed. They: were now sure
they had found the Messiah. It was four
hundred' years .since the Jews had Seen a
.prophetwho could perfornv miracles.
'Aisciplealutitssemething fur c better 7.-sto
'increase of faith. Others siniply ate and
drank. • These • Men saw OW. in Christ
manifesting his'
. Blebbs-My Wife gives-imrse, -birthday
present • every • year. ' • Deign% „yours?
Slobbss4o; I can't 'afford it. •
' No, 'Mande,.dear; we shouldn't refer
fto i3,-maa as a:regtiliii-• fiiWiter :j.itst be,
Ouse lte:•patronizes :a light-lunch:cafe,
. 'Thorhnit Miracle In tlimik4Ohn S: / ll,„,.
, ..CO*Aeiithicy,.-t1,, , The, marriage- 41,
Cana (vi. 4 ,g):, • . 4. . Os :04.4 .dny-,i
. . , . • .
,Prom the- calling of rglip and Nathan'
., siel,,,,or six daysfrit*, the tinte.,jebtfthe
"Baptist ' had answered the ,..authorities
, -./rOill, JertnaleM e 'It nentenlated that.
ANIednefidaY Waff the day; ,it .beiog, the.
nivel dayfor weddings for JeWrsirbettid:'
..ene, . Widows r were'married on :Thurs.
"*.TH'htfoot st .sgs nil sss' -.'A..Slittsaires'
v000004..40.. .several dayers•Ctiok..`.
Tb9lafillitivite the Bret 41,vtee irtetit ii..
tion among men, and is the basis ortill
04tg.. '. : ‘0.110*051,'... 7 ' - , • .-.: •
2,, etine;;Wassvalledssluifted,„ ' .., ...Vats
Wait. ' turaVespecialif if bis, motbeeniss
, a ',relative, •'s 'It was _according -:03:..aus,
.tein, that. a Strange' iTeWhihirebbisvieits
ring- thert441$14'. be .in:triteth.:'Pjaelfqes
The ..diticipiep ...Ito*, those:. 'already 1.4,ew
: tionso..-A4t.d.rewiSinion,. John, Zrb11111,.
' '',Nathanacl, and probable James, "Afitis
,iiilectifil trite earthly ).oy,,,'' .We need;
not wen et to find the Lord ' of life at
" that feetivali;fer.lie•;ealtle to sanctify all'
lif.e-ssits times of joy 04 its times of
,sorrolv.;,, alkali it experience toile US
',...1.: :that it ia/Stites. of gladness which .eopef.',"
444•147-:..i.W4..70.40*.f 07004,714 ON.Y-11*-1,-
'' Trench.. %led Want* is to b3 ' happy.
He hasgivenIv hundred Joys .. to -'every
7.1,OrreW and tut* ei,en sorrow into joy.
at laSt."4-Robertson.. To the. Marriage,
• ..-.,We give 4 short tieticriptiOn,.• of the
.....hetro hat -Wits"-arranged4y-theliarentsi.
and ti
-bride and -groom seldoni met ens
tit the , .. Triage •ceremony. • The .bride
''.-...'. iiiight ' ' very •young, for girle. /Meanie
-7,-,--WiVeir kr.-:thegnst-wheit7-tWelvo- or four
' ,•• 'teen Years, sometimpa 'even younger.. �n
the day, . of the wedding the bridegroom,
.. ...adorned. and anointed. Went•to; the house
...'„' 'front head to foot; alike from Eastern
• . '.. ideas.. Of •:propriety, and in .....a. 'synihol .cf
. her_intbiection as ' aiWife. .:"A • pee:Ober.
• girdlewas • illweik part of her drese, and....
Virenth*-OrWrtIe .leaves, ''eitheilleit •
...s.-Oeisit,gOld, ,..or....gildtd...work,„ was always,
. 'worn. :. Her 'hair,71U-tihe had: not , been
Mitrried:' before; was left flowing; . her
whole. dress Was perfumed, A ,feasit,...*Its
held for thefriends of the, family,, *hick.
often lasted •it • week. .; The -bride did not
1 ' :sit at this feast, .boiiever-; but '•ferifaitied,
.•nagOliioritet vitt. ,9.f women,bo.O.t hshroudedius -eciiii:
. ' ..''..' l' apartthei
as Yet, -Oen! by .her. husband. it It 'Was-
s‘'.. When : husband and -wife -Were- alone, that
, the veil, Wasi..for,the.firet •tiine remov;24..".
_IL. Tlie4ether of Jesus (vs. • 3-5).. 3:
1,..7... When thc.. wine failed • (R.; V.).-...To-Ents-.•
ern.!hoepitalitys such it mishap. WOUld, be
• „very inottfying and wtitild.,imeni.: aleteet,
.. 'disgraceful. The" family no lebulit was
, --poor,' extra :ludas: had '•etinie,:. and the
supply. was limited, There bas .. been..
• Mueltdiscussion as to whether',...Jestia,
made. :Wine •'„that•:'‘voilld' intOxiente. .:Dr.
'. Whedon says: .., "We see no 'reason lor, .
• ',,supposing; that .the Wino ", of the Present '
'... .OcessiOil Was of that kind .upon 4 which•'
. kleriptUre piecesits strongest ;interdieti•..,
.-.7(Protssicx,s-I-Sssiticiiiis..-, 31;---.1ses-xxits---713)-',:
No \one••can ,..prove that it; 'contained •in-..
; texiesiting•'ipialities,- and ..tlicire • are • many ,
and strung teaeons. for telieviegthat it .
nes is ' pure ,and.: harmless as the:gilled'
r of the grape fresh .frona the :vines. 'Witi.e.i.:'
libbers ',need, not xpedertal,te ti '.frill beek•
•• on ' thisniiinele: :is an .ekeuse• .icir • the.
gratification of their petVerted'' appetit ea.
'If '.Jeauti were' in -Airierica-;;,:todaY' we
. know ,VerY IVO! \Oat hist attitude *Mild '
• be :towards' the ..aecurscif..saloOn and les'-
. Wards •sviiie at,banquetS.• ,and in fact 'to:.•
*arils the IiiiiiquetS'as they..are now ear,'
'tied OM : • NVe May :.be ;Sere 'thaete never
.. enOseiraged• anYthieg. Which. ,tinfild , lead,
as our :iktoxieeting,liOnorS .dtr,"•:te diegra-: •
dation:tied .riiin. ''Miither • ",.. ": .4 -.: • ,saith,'
' etc.Slie:ssproisahly.l....'sneke . to., him•, pri...).
,:.•etetielys,.,..' AlthOught.. Christ • :had: as '... sset
'performed, , Mr •Mirapte, '. yet bis mol ,
feelsore: that -be is .able to hen •thern
,,, in .the .present. .emergency. , • ,.• :.: • • .
.• • ' 4.".,Wonlan-.,-.Thla'as .first sOunda: harsh
our .0.is,„•but it isue. opiiitileiit,. to .
.our ;.saY2i4g-,I.Adyi!!' ttedo.'wost•ta .1iiglily.
respectful , and . af feetionitte ;Mode Of ;un-:
'cliess:°' ''. lie does .!.1.101; eall.*iier. "Mother,"
because it was necess:ary.now, ' at %Once
.alid' forever,' to how her that , lie .witti.
not .Jeous the. Soil. "Of Itittri;. but . the
Christ, the Son of•.Thid; that.ita regarded'
his great :WOrkand noseion,. hiseternal
being,, :the' significence of the beautiful
relatioirishit ,had:paseekaiesty,...„,,ltlemiis
ave in 'ti ..irettnier7iitere-
decisive;•,yet More entirely. tender,--Fais
..rar; : *Mat have I to de . With
,'!Whitt: 15 there •in 'conatiOn betWeeri. us?
Ea;h' s his present ;. life.'" • '..
' t longer•work in her way. • She
does t ' 'Understand the influences .di
:The. hour :for '..tlie" manifee,Mine ilefir-
tatiOn..of his
'eery, .......legiik *eject* the. Werldly...ailibiL
. ' .1On• In Merles reqUest.,. "She desiresa
brilliant, iiiiritae, as a :p,uhlie sign. ef . his
.eioilaing,„ Jeslia:peinetrates this ambitions'
, :thought, " and. traces :' a • boundary , for
..14failes desires, • *hie!' -she' should ' no
InOre attempt 'ter:err:AS. , Siif"this' does
net,;prevent his..linderatatiding that along
.With OW '- there lit • :lc:11100in g• to te. done
in view ' of !the present diffietilty."-L-00-
.dct: , Aft '14(ion as ' all fle814 ele:hu. to
held, otintrot over, in .gain ' einoltinent by:
his ,Mdesiiinie' por,Wer Was'. reidettidas.
.0o0n •n.S.' his' 4n-other:retired ii.e her in'oper.
Poeitioass-theri .weetbe. Itiat ohstecre re:..
!eared: hie ,tiren..' Of ,action • immediately:
opened,: .and the hontr. to Manifest' Nth
MS 'glory: bV iiiirecle had artiveti;s-Wbe.;
don,' .5, . Whatseeeeti.• * * " . - do' its-
•Ptinetualty • Observe lila •erders :.Withent
,itelcitig.sniestione, . iler- faith in hire ha,1.
nOt.„ eekened, The: answer 'AlroWs• what
e'8 7
•slie ' .,!eineeting, hint tO,,difi ' Lit ilk
tak• ' t• answer. es, 'the Motto ..of , eifr
Riot.• *.' s.. • ' • . ' . •• ' • ' - • ' . 'L 7
• ,slIT,'The ' 'miracle '*retiglit , (Va. aril I,'
, . .•
„.e. Si*: Waterpets--A 'huge .efetetity sif
water; Win 'needed. at st Jewishbane vet
lebairee of ' "the intinifeK of the:plitifis
Of, the:000as tenet: be.teitehed,' Mid "the.
Washing • elf .eting ' ani' ifigif -and • hottles.
went''''on the .whale ileYs ... TWO in three
firkin-;:A.Lfiritin,'„Witk.'„nbilnit • 'nine' gilt
))tatts; therefore -these. water:iiiiIrke1d.-5017*
, tWen one hundred and eight. •andsOtt,
saa,assea isea • efetssawo aalloin, : , . • •
7. To the brines -We do not know that '
. . ..
. •,,',..,etttitely.nitity, but whatever
' l' "^-,Vit,•:out, Was reida'eed. S.,
'Ts 8filitit: 'may ,lie.used.•
'11/.1. 0 thkger..-
I ,„,,. • 1, : not. He
bi...7.?.1. *' . lens asVitt
"'''..06 4' '‘: ' , 0 41214-,
10,1;:trPlilid f one
la% ittMliAttLyi :Of
.V :Lek
potfr. rite *nailed 1:lyno • Vim; before`
fr1end5 have had reeently, they ,.intend
to carry pistols sithen on t night nits
4tteTh4t4idea,11442. ,4ft.rtg4 ,eincON,:np,;';04.
0C11410.4ntsrfartidtglyr ihgehui oi•v• eilse rti,gegoitiogfok4znie:
Mae e; WO:a
fr a ", h r'' h ilowe
d her With
Sinee„ then several instances. have pc-
eurred, and ,the girls of Joplin have de-
termined that it must situp.:
t' The club is eompoeed, of girls enipleYs
ed insetores, husinesa. and telephone or-
. liOes .and others who are forced to be
"t, out late at night. • ' ....
seyIen, to6: 111ze;,,411.41Quirns4 .nritatilopee.: SIM ;017: 14 va,a/c4,1e34."vael..*.n,_
Bleck Mixed or Natural 'GREEN' . BY all; grocers '4. • • . •
*ROMP TIIE. HIGHEST, ANsmito. AND ci4g I.(40,4 • AT ST. LOUIS.
Has Become.
COAV,e • -
Poultry rasing with :a Chatham
'Incubator is a- wry' profitable • and.
easily managed occultation. Unless
you,want to gointo it 'eictensively it "
need take but very little 'of your Pine.: •
Oovernnient• reports Show that the
demand ft* chickens in, Canada is
greatly in esoeis f• the supply • and
• Great Britain is always clamoring
.for, more. -.That means a steady
• market and god prices for chickens.
You cannot 'raise chickens' SfictesS-
With a setting hen: , She is Mast-, „
Ing time setting when she should be
laying. While she is hatching and
broodiriga•few chickens she could be
laying five or Six dozen eggs., The
percentage bf'chickens she hatches is '
• much lesS,than that produced by the
Chatham Incubator. , • . • ,
.• It will pay you to 'own ,a. Olathe*
:Incubator.' • • • • ' .1
Chaplain- In,culintors contain eery
improvement: Of importance
iri Incu-
bator that tas been pro-
duced. They are made of thoroughly ,
seasoned 'wood, With two walls, case
within case. Between these. malls
Imineral wool is ',packed Tormieg, the
very beStinsulatit Each' piece Of,
'the case is mortis and grooved and
screwed, making the Whale as solid
as, a rock. • Chatham. InCubatorsare
equipped__ with • aSientiOehliA perfect
regulators' -in ;tiff-We:7
means of relenting the temperature.
NO cash to pay until
,October. : 1905
' We will stare yeit'.-raising poultry
for -ploAt• With '.4'..Cliathain,Inetihator.
Without ,one 'centof inaney.,from, you
ono next, Fall. 7., That Means, that you •
can 'take. Off ',Seven or...eight hatches
and make eetisidetabie. niohey Out of•
the, tic tibatoe before the first payment
' becotnee . • ' • •
'We couldn't Make this offer f we
Were not certain that if you accept it
,ou will get coMplete satisfaction, if '
we were not positive that the Chatham.
incubator will pay you:a..handsente
..yearly ine.orite.. • • .. • . 7 •
:rhis,-4a a straightfoeitard 'offer. We
-make it to Show..oui• Seprerne tong-
dence inthe Chatham Incubator, :We,
'.'.-0.Vant• you fti'acCept thiS, inter as, Woo
'tireetire of the satisfaCtion.otir Mau,
..bater will gitre.„ Everybinathine • we,
- have put' out so':far 'has:made •other
sales in thc same neighborhood. '
..Dur .ciffer* hi:to:tend .you a Chatham
Ineubater at once; freight prepaid : by,
113 without one Cent °foetal; from pa;
You ntalie your flrat ' payment In
9ettibei,;1906, The balatioo tebeepald.,
In .000ber, 1908; Orli' a Cash guyeel
'yOu got' it 'Cheaper. 060Id . any offer
• RAIO'll'FALTA ONT., Notethier 141'0200,
• The inenbitiot MX1 trooiter that I tioitaht /NM teht
-isOnt, oh time. I wig' no* to7puy tho wha' ainouitS
thin WI,' tryMi Wye mo a iiiiXhiutit.1.1 nm toy
iriMeh'filesind. with Ix'th Inuuhatoi and ihrolxihr,..itnd
. vibuId not he without -them. becahle eleared tkl.'
mote-tluitt thezineilbstor Mut-Bro.:Act-coat MeV`
•Yours m11001,107, ,
Write,,ns to -day fee‘etilt.iiirtichlars
ot.,00r otter and .nientioe this paper.
• Pon,t •ptit it aside fOranothee tiMe as
, this special peoposition May be with-
drawn at any time:, • • • -
lila MANSON dAMPSEILL CO., I:Belted:
'betitt,a1Chstfisiti, Ont, . •
• Ati tt Actv•ms ,_.
aqd chstesat
• inentimensa,WAilbitaifiSS at .
Tision41, est.. Braili1011 ialga0,1ses,, •
- ITew 11sistatlanten, !Wa&x, N. '
• ' tAittelititli AT
Oaths's: Ont.waid beithit;ifing 12:
v I
.• • 4-4,,
s' • - oirsr44444.,4•4-4•-•-.4 47444.45c.:4.4441,
' / .•
• ..,'Sionv. .City, la.' -daril"'B.--;"Iliatt ;the
Dowager Eitipiesi of China . has:
• c011erted. to:Christianity and Christian
Scienec 'through the, influeribe ,Of Minis-
ter E: li.:COnger aond his Wife. Who have)
been abliost eight years' at Pekin; the
1, • . • •
claim made by relatiVessbf the minieter-'
Wil0; recently have. reeeived letters- from
, ,
.him direct from Pekin. 1
It is ;..iso declared% that. the Emprees
has" giyeri. .substantial . Proinises that
her •*einifereiOn 'shall lie announced in
the most. public Way before Minister
Conger 'leaves Pekin,
This public- announcement, -Which , is
k k
fa be. Made Soon,. is to be 'followed by
steps by the Empress .thatwilTinaugiir-
ate a. great era; ofreform thrOughout.
•the• Chinese ',empire. • • •
The Christian , Science' friends of the
.dongers in Iowa' claim it all as !
great victory fpr „pluistnn, Scieace,
It will be recalled that When the ' for-
ing the Boxer Uprising four , years: agd
that'. Christian • Scientists' all Oyer the
. •
world organised:la 'conspiracy• of prayer
or the colon3:,; the Congers .ticieg ardent
the legatio' ners at last .were
rescued' the Oahe 'sirah bold ' advanced
that was in answer to., the prayers
of the Scientists, ,Or rather 'the . result
of ai ,oVerpciveeririg . ruSh • of thought.
waves in thele, :direction;' '.:Which. • :had
pushed oft the •unthinking.. barbarians:.
Since, then the 'Congers- have' ?become
friendly with the Dowager, Mrs Mr*, •C'on;
ger • Often IfaVirig..-Wit • given private
,audiences ' with the old woman. AS 'a
result.' it is ettid, the Dowager Empress
has, been •converted to •Christianity arid
slio has proniiiied great thin
Minietertcoritger believes I that as the
result , -of -hei`cestinghee power and abil-
ity into t,he. scale on the , Side of pro-
gressiveness. China will open its gates
to western people. ideas and institutions
and the •empite.Will•rapidly. be Christian-
ized: . ".
Tn short, there is jtist dawning the
day of the rehabilitation of the empire,'
Whielt, will conipare Only tith the regen-
orations. of44.pii, 711--NO,lielV7tIra701:01ent
.pire was It airsforinsd into' a thOrchigaly
incident *power. .
.Militery, 'Attache With the Japanese;
Victoria. •••13. C., jail. 0,4...,capt.... It c.•
Thacker,, who 'Alma Canadian militery at-.
. I
' &elm With Oku's arniyend wit neesed
the -actions ' at Allah:en; Llipoyang . find '
Shalio,.;arrived by the Entpress of japan
.tlite rivet -Mpg. Cant Thacker Was in-
valided 'after the battle ef•Slishoi..)Villen
he leittlie two armies, •eaeh: being!,:rein, i
i. ,•fareed" ' ethailily;.;" Were --enteritia, ' and
• 44tengthening , their posit hips •pieparilig
for battle; which the lapaneic proposed
to give -when:the Port Arbh4 army was
released. '" '., '': ; • • ' :
. Disciissing the battle . 0 . Liadyaire„,
Capt. 'Thacker 'said,,the Iltissian position,
*Molt . he investigated 'after the battler
was invist•ettong,'having a•-eirele of etc,
• vett redoubtS, extending all around fri:on
the Taitielw River on one, side to itlia
jiver . on the other side, .nrid with ' well-
• incislei trenehes•interiening,., Had Now's,
,patItin not -been *inisinfornied as to -the
gtrength of ' the Japanese lie doubts' if '
the retirement Would hate taken place ,
without' itii even greater struggle than
that whiek occurred. .. After the. battle.
Ktittropatkin realized, that the jay:Mese,
,veer*.tirnat's7ff---Stroirr -as- he beii iii -
formed, by his intelligence Officer.% and;
after the ' fortes . recovered . and ? . led
•.breught; im arinniraition to reptske the
• .enorinciva.anieuntH,expendeds1;ligs -tisnunied-
• the offensive, with the reaul that;',Iiis
farces were ;thrown beek;' With, heavy
lois, 'after 4 ,great battle ' lestifig ten.
days, which ended without i eitherside;
having gable& any ground. • , • '
Oatit's Thacker 'says the Ituesien 'field
guri'ss etiperior to that Of the Japanese;
tholigli'llie litek Of ebitinion Sheila handl-
Ceps .its service. The JaparieSe gun is
better fierved. The thittiose explosive ,i'S
Very: effeetive, i but, not, inOte so that
lyildite. The cavalry erns Jia @ been not-
ioabitetit in all engagements,
.. h, Thacker is now en route 66 dt,
• . . , 77°
tame. He was:decorated by •the 'Mikado
- before leaviniswith .itlie order.; of the
Sacred ,Treasure. • • • "
-I cl-rat-hor. bo dead-. than:, suffer again
tba tortures of Iasi:mune- pairiltatlan and
inertaini -*itching, Of my manacled iniinied by
simple, neglect of a lILtIn indigestion," .These
are tbe .forcerid and Warning woreis.of a lady
who proelanis that her .enre Iiy South
cnn Nervihe when 'eVerythlag els. had filled
was a • Modern :miracle, ..k.aw. •dgseri giro re=
• '4 •
"Mashers" at ;Joplin! }lave to be
VerysCireninapect. •
MQ.; jan.. proirii-
nent.yeeing. wonietiof dente are forming.
thennitiVee into n dub, to 'protect theni'-'
aelies froth ."mashers," With which the
.tOWn, oierruk: „The club will lieVe no
Mime,. and he the Inetoberg,hre prep:triers
:to Violate a city Ordittanc'e.they 'are try -
big to •keeii the' affelr. a secret. . PrOfit-
ing • by, - the experiences they ...Or -their
. - • .
PitelPhiirh-..Miepte•OrT Vicheitie, 'referee&
Teatskes, (10. Millea south ot
4.141,r00.erS)* from, itiosik. • • -.
X.eliderte"Teile Cole. the, AiRe'lloall singer •
(whOefi. litne,ew Wee rePerte4 yesterday), diett
this morldng at half-paet t
• Pekin.-E.,H. Conaer, the Aniericaosznirtis-'-'•
ter, left Pekin to -day for the PiallippM'es..
Secretary ',Manage assumed' Charge of the le-
gation. • •
NeW Yeric,-.+When, court. oziyened to.
ars., Artistica oreelibaums.apeotipeed tat
decielon: an, the ,aPPlieetiton, fOr the Tele•Slt qt.'•
• buln,Rette-rmemems•Wwirenitl.%be,,1610ihel(Liitii•'.,
..71.1.1atev 10y
Toronto Farmers' Market.
• .
grain- recelgt• were • small to -day, end
pricenominal in most -cases.. The 01113" of-
Jerings emulated of a, load-af barky, ,which
' sold 'at ,48c; •• •
'Dairy produce 'quiet, and 'prices generally
• unchanged. -Choice dairy tub" .butter, 20e.
to 22c. • New laid eggs, 35 to 40a per damn,
and troth, ,.26 to 30c. Poultry a • trifle
firmer. , .• ,
Hay -Dull and, steady, with , sales of . 10
loads- of timothy, at .00 to 11 e ton. straw
is nominal. • . • .• .
bressecl boil's' are -unchanged-- at, $6.50
.so•ten, ustatt.,,• Jae,/st.-s-Ifeery •17.1 'iroorp *
liaultditeeir-Lritir,n`"iandll-afti"einaeprt.7'"ifilara fieenaliCia.111 ra1:11111114.."..
is dead at lin home in Brookline. Mr. Poor roll
aongoethano 41eethaensdbcher441Seo anvka.ortyk2l4mutbsoliveenystomeikaii.
affeoted lib heart, , • -.1 •
Bettie Creille, /Mich. -The hoe/ Of Well 13.
Pheips, 01 this ,eitY, who Zu70-
teriously id' a eared a number or'weeks
and who., later. supposed' to have, been
located in British Columbia, was round, ter- ,
dan badly deco/RP:sea. In_ the river -
w.hopt, new. bushel .,$ et to ;.?, moWittelet3nehlioaEn.---1;67thheeAteirgllpafoe) sr saillreoowcf iestelh einsZitObinceini: ete,n0tOzigri:
Do„ red, bushel . 01 to 1 ss decision has yet been•arrived at., It is prob-•
Do., spring, bushel ..........0 95 • +to • 1 00 able that the hitereational Zionist Coultrefie
Do., goose, bushel ....▪ ......0 88 to 0 8J to be beid later in the year win decide, the -
pats, bushel37 to o settlement question • after the coinmjttoe 01.
Rye, bushel .., .. 75" to Ai 00 , frivestigatioti ROW In 'Uga.lida..TOPO*4 °a• w•wi,
Barley. 'bushl. e • .. 0 45 to 0 40 sublect.„ • •
p ,
uckwheat, bushe'l 0 57 to
57,4 4,4 *
Peas,' bushel . 0 70 to 0 0u
10 • 9 0000 to
:10 00 o 0FAMISHED, Timely apeof t-BbelITReSdAre,REoc.k Light
Do, mixed, per tStraw,per ton an .. .. 7 00 to 8 00 , •
Alsike, No „1. ,bushel 0. .. 6.25 107 Hlepsr, „
- P94•
113 1101 to 11 0050 5,0Tujihdo 8eglellighthouse oftogheeesot:rr, ofthehadhe beenr r
Ti tb . ▪ :* • 1 00 to • 1 30 .•
me;bound since December 15, is told in s
a graphic way by The North Star of -
Parry Sound:
*—"Mr, Adam Brown, the lighthouse. -
keeper „of Red Rock, his at last man-
aged to reach:his 'borne in ParrySoniad,
• Dressed hogs .... .. ..-„-.. 6 50 - to 7 25
Apples, per bbl. ' .-... .'.:••. . 1 25 to 2 bil•
Eggs; per *dozen .. .. ..,.. 0 25 ' to 0 40.
Butter, • dairy .. .: ..' ., ... 0 20* to 0 2z
f Do.,..creamery ..-. ,... .. ..', 2 23 to 0 2o.
Chickens, spring ,... .,,,, ... '10 10 to 0,12
Moe s, 'per , lb, -.............0 11, to , 0 Li
•Ir ._11.0r...11,. • ..0 l• -to lb after
palotbabtiogeest ppeerr bdaogzei,,,;:.,'.. ....,....: 008025 •ttoo 1 to 0040, amiEhae'dvecrin .,h, ardshir TIM, .‘ '''.1 a
beat , launched to. reach "the, party. To
d. igrtiont,
'onions., per lag -.... ., ., ... i Ofi 0 *- I 35
Cauliflower, per -dozen.... .. O. 75 • to 1'00
CBeeleetr.ni, Ipnelgudaortgeerns ..... ..: . :: .. : 70, 0030 to , 11 ,‘,...,0040 .4ehesiatuniaboatatneditiltt,s stab,erseabeekno• rit4i4oem*,_frtons'• .
' „-.. ,, party.• , . ,_ ... ,
"A'reseue had made two unsuc- :
the time "'-
,o., he
--northeast, of the - light and at
,•Do„ choice, parcaeb .,, .. ., 6 75. td , , 7 00 , ., _ .
De„ medium-, carcase,,.. .. 5-50- to; - 6 oil bisof-escape-were-still tocated in • that-.
neirarbee‘ ibeis,eignnie being seen
veal, per cwt.. '.; .... • ...,. .6 00 'to • 8 b0 by,feji•ini4he mern'in, g,.. of
the 23rd. hir, 1 9
Lamb, per e,wt. .. ...;,,. .... , QS.. ,
'Liverpool. 'Apple Ma' iket. ' .
• • .. • • - Brown, ;who was at that. tune redUeed
to one scant .Meal per day;, endeavored, '
after ,considerable rouble, in . getting. his
do so he htuPto row throng -hand ,arOnnd '
piled:ice-for-a-distance of five lidless tse
find ,that it was•imposeible to retteh,!..the '• .
shore, �r . within a mile of .it. Ile en-,
Leaden.. Jan. ',„;.....-Iii; e are', iiaaia-ci hisd!irtrOod,ctb-aPPrise the rescue. party of
1.' 10 ,oc 12plier,rc' trr shlbe;eptn
r 'ler;eart ',( 'eOlfdlt1011;7 and to 'let -them- ,knour -• -
. where, he was., • . ".) '
pouid., , .. . . • - "Finally' to do, ho be made for another •
i Leading Wheet. Markets. ,
( .. ss
, shore ort,/,'Sandy Island;' another row of ,•.
,,7york ...:, „ ..":.• ,., .,:,.s.illatt4$ ;0.3 w
T.: Je1i.". twariitY,‘,0emenlile4, , in•ahichn utterly
Newo4usir.',..1,4; ,
condition. At this point he thdught 'lbws. k
Minneapolis, :,.. .. ..: ....: .... .1,167A- 1.141i,i could reach .solid see by means nt Iarg-
••,•;; •;•; . • . .''.,'. 5,..,* boat
'astizoend t'eakehenie,hr ilu,,,itiftietearitl!ifaourlinghieaeoui)ie..s.
*... . • BrOdstreetli on Trade. ,
Woodall & Co., of, Liveivooi, Cabled Eben
James to -hay: Seventeen thousand fivehun-
dred bbis. lelling. Market ;active; .priccs
fuily steady .;13aldwins, 15s' to 16s 9d; Green -
lugs, lis to 135; seconds, 4s ;less.
M. Isaacs and Son, Limited; of London,
mand: and prospects., .
British Cattle Markets:
AdViesir .10--d.-Itia*tilet-i front Melitreal
Say Whaleiale ',trade' here' Continue@
quiet, and. Many . of :ithe 'dealers, are still
busy • stoeksteking,... and :reports of .the
resultstill speak. satisfaetOrily, of the
.past •.•year's business,altliongh in. many
eases! tlik:Volinue of , tradewas not .,so
nit -ace's. Ara Of a Year age. the retail-
ers are well thionot •with ' the :iiishing
trade of .thp pa..t , few :weeks.. City col
lections• have .iroproved,' ..,d"oubt • as. a
' Of ...:•miles until... he ...Struck ,' the !!..,„ Sneer
his, strength Was gone,. to go' farther WaS•
.,impesSible; arid thinking there might; ;be!, '
a iodsaibility Of fishermen, being on Pals'
ostiiielilitirdabout one mid a.haii,nrilee. •
„aWass.t.he helloed` anci.•*aa. fortunate„ens..
, .,$)!,-sitt-traet the . attentions ..of the .
lonefieliernian'Svlio,lived there, and who '
'citine'Out arid assist6d-'him• to 'Ilia. 'shanty.,
. „ .
Mr. Brown .reinamed therefor. the night,,
no resuit..,0f: the .,iarge trade
46no .1.ilid:ori,.t,he,....nekt trierning, the fisherman
eash ' " ' him s,tvith his dog team by way of :
..etninectien With the ,aiolidays,.. ••' • .Parr.Y. 7814Pd. Indian Reserve to Berry'
'-..sToronto ad vices t say:: There, is,as yet" .:Sound.": • . • ;
'little 'acti‘ity:in :.the :wholesale trade :at :
.this eentre.• -The °title*: for., the:conting .RheiTriatiatti-111711.„04,,t.licy.Coui,e7.
seasts-n's,trade, however, is Of .the.brigh, t.- the e?. asters's, iris- • .
est...description: The eoutitry.'sto.ree, • '-'•°°•'' • .
howeveri; in 7 Moat'binoi are fairly well tating cause 01 thls most palnfulof diseases . ..
cleared of ,goOda.: Colleetioin lately have .Is it)•• oisosaaas,urlc acld In tie:, -0.1004:1 :§coutb:
been rather ..slower.. Alt .imprOvement, is
WheleSale, Circles over.. that of the pre- • •
• eeding,Week:7sTraveller)s are taking -the •
road agaiiis.and buSiiieselit general will,
.Soeit,iseeurne itornial eonditione.• •
';'.87yintipeg adViees to. Bradstrcet'S,eay:
The. .retaii-boltday) trade here 'this 'sea -
Son has, beeit'ote, Volunip •nnpreceilented
'in. this part` of ' 'Canada, and sirnilar
ports come ,froin siearsbyCentres. ,',Parr.
•therwest tlie roads:Were. liot in, Very',
--gp-Vd-shaye, -a. circumstance lynch hail a
anietiug .effect Uplift the 'trade, and Upole
. . .
.the mum of • collections. ' In wholesele
circles trade is 'Mill inclined; to be ,dull.'
At Victoria and .Vancouver •trade gen7
• erally is 'quiet, elthoneh ;there- Ime • been
*nee iMprovement itissthe demand for
.hardware. There is anoreactivity.. Obi
in the inning', indiestry. 't•fl.rea.t.' efforts
'hre being made -,to enirthe troribleiri the
lurnber trade,: , Other inilintriCa are fitiv
•activ,e, and. colleetions' are alicitit•-as
• inederately Slow as tisey were a vreek
Bradstreet,'s advices .froni .Lericlon 'say
the' vektine • of hcliclaV trade, there:has'
'11ee11'.11iirly 'heavy, ,there•la,'nOW tittle
doing wholesale 'Circles; ...Travellers
will. be. Starting out: °in, it day or two,
and :there tvill be .
the Colleatipin are
* • ' • • . • .
Wholesale trade at pfarnilten: is ciniet
aa 4$•.110.a.1 at this time,,,of .tlie Year, The
:retailers have , passed through- a fairly
kood terteetn, and the,kattlebk for 'trade
is brigh Wholesalers saY t.lic past
yettee..besioesit: has. been •satisittetory.
.Ottatvo; advidee to Bradatreet°0,iT say
the 'prospect lor the trade of the boning.
season is ,goircl. The volun4 of holiday
trade here was good, ,
.1110It 0 .kcitt.
Headquarters Will SoMe !DAY be Located'
' .-'-'2--.H. ir Missouri.
El Paso, ..Jan. 0. -..The headquarters
of the Marmon Church will SOM.() 'day be
-:•-locatedsin-Independencei-lild;"--eild don
Henry Smith; one of the twelve apostles
of the Mormon Church. "Jas. Duffin, a
bishop Of 'Wit thititeliS: has bought several
thousand' acres of land near Independ-
ence* for the use of Mormon coloniste.
This will be our vanguard,Latid 111 the
course of time We will erect there a
magnificent 'city; which will be known
as Zion, and in Which there Will be „It
MorniOn temple far ore' extensive and
beenbuilt,bohniulti:ciii,40 ' ,tBar lorsaetsitohoopussoili
more magnify, .•••1/4', r, ' n Unit In Salt
Lake: Wheti `14 . and temple have
Libelre.' ,4t,e , . ,..131uittlfts,
d the . . Por
• iny ad, '
'A cese. of Hydrophobia at Viet° a,' •
' B. C..7‘9;
Vancouver, B. C,; Jan '.9.-ssI1ydr. hos.
bia,`, caused by 'bites ,of a Wolf at ite.
Morse three -menthe agp; earried off :se
pioneer, Mr. janies B,, .yeeterday..,
Dr:, Ernest...Hall says this Is the first •••
case knownin either Briti@li. Columbia, '
Washington or Oregon: Mr. Colvin'S
last houis were the more pitiable bar,
cause heeoinpreliendedsclearly. the cer-
tainty of .his awful 'lath. Colvin got his
death wounds in attenipting-ta'save his
wife's deg' from wolves. • '
One of the animals, fastened his fangs ,
into his .right hand., The man's cries •
brought Mrs. Colvitto the reeeue... She
amok d if ' 'weed
a C le wt. a piece o •
, ,
and drove it off, but it returnedto the'.
eneotinter, A Northwest, Mounted Po -
Homan joined Mrs. 'Colvin in drivingoff
the • brute' but not -until Colvin's ,
other ILiul 1 Ttacl. also been badly nian-
,Mr. Colvin wai persist ently• tor-
tured- by tlie 'fear that hydrophobia
;voila restilt. Ile was brought south..
On Thursday last symptoms of tetui. -
hydrephelria presented, themselves, and '
the patient ,was immediately . placed in
the JubileeHospital, Vietmia, where he
euffered intense agony until deathmer-
• ,
eifully released him. •
Vision of , a 'United %Empire Rehire
' •Selborne; • •
s; leech*, „ Jan, .0LOrd 'Selborne had
vefy, finked' reception at Wolverhantit-
ton ,whtn Ise 'Into %Jon kis audience •
the necessity of Mr. Chanibertaifire‘ndv
airce,•to think imperially..At. tmea the
disorder ahriotit • Stepped thei ", 'iitoetitig., •
Leta Selborne Said the, peopbo of Great,
11ribtlinili011idtlift-Ilitir 'eyes'
from er
'United Kingdom •-to the United Ettipire,....„...
Mr..0hantherlain's advice Was not for
but for 00.004a, Australia,,,Soutik
,Africa and enewhere in Our dominions. ,
The dream ofa united empire Was the
....greatistAreiniseVer...litit...before the else -
tore Of .Groat • .,There WAS mo
reason :svhy etniiie Should not •Itir
sel •utained. ht,,the iteit'nlpetion ther
el • •ra *01114 have It, great respOrtidhlis; • .
ity thee** On ,tlitiM$ for every vote out
*odd', havean effect. taryends 'dile ,
cottittiV itie name of Mr Ohanaber1ain
wae iittelitit With mingled, &Ott) 410,,