HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1905-01-12, Page 4• ;cow, '$1,412&*7._ R .. . SBaY — [o' WiTh iehitPre,obyTteeryro'f aita.n .�et iff, with the 4PY. yep:ha2'b Dec. tis ehair *¢. Peti.*•e, "T ;l. orator.: 'tv,+ppofnt ,, .44,-, J, J Sastre,;, Skiing: Cat ceocliY.1."' • atio.4d„• "nr yoir, i 7fngf �?fiiiStso' 4ct4;opQferarh�„ok,dtr,r, •irthk9» arses«-- ----•°iagbl :'treat:.aitv6d ;,,Ment sh au{q& be;; , mnae_j arpose, ado. that • .; that rata l tlim3,ffoc'iho ens, np •:,year b e;Landa ef' the, , Pima ice C The Treasarer'cireport show a 7 soli atantial-bslauue;ill rho credi of the Presby tery attd, Synod funds. An ad..' dttignal sum of $25 was vote .to the clerk,for, extra's irvices reed d dnr ing the year; 1904. The It John. cDougall. M. .A.,.:of'-Sp. • di • • FO� course 'vellii1g be Genn, butm4h or this aase is:- left ip ru itte.e. 04 • our wants, can be supplied ',best by us. Our Prides bring' ' .us the trade. ou have our ersonal supervison ant� ' sitisfa . atlsfa • ion ',guaranteed, ' e 're always" on, hand a large assortment > of 'the ' latest styles' in arnitni-.e, etc. NEW SHOp> •NEPv' GOOS ---tovrmildros, • rvilte,= was,naminated for .the chair '°'Apolo= getice and Church .History.,+. , Rev. 'Donald 1licli,enzie,:for • the ch of Old •Testaeut Litoratuie "aua gesis ;, au& the Rer 'Dr riot. Jon' n fox the Chair 'of 'Practical'. Theot in the ',Montreal .College. '11Lr:' erforcl. at lira own 'request 7 -was. melte tom° j� • tha cQ nerahi, of Sabbat. chool,: . and'the'Rear-D, T, L. bice . 1 was' appoinetd in; hi$ stead Me , Ross und=1 aasTab' were--apporn s..co mittee to' prepare•• a resoiuti Xpress- live•oi'tli4i•Presbyter'y's spm y with the'. late 'Principal Qaven in; •great loss,' they have suffered in moval 'by thea handof,death. Its decid 'ed that'seslions he''instruc to re- vise their Communion Roll own .to to-the-31stlaecember-eiic ar and that annually submit CO:ce ed copy Of the name"; to ,the Presby ` at its • :March meeting ' ;'Dr J. of Kincardine was 3 omina s erator of the" General Ass. The neat regular „meeting• of ` resny- tery Rill take place in W aw, on Tuesday the 7th March,, a a • in. , The gacaitates within thes hat e 'a11'been-filled; Dio1esworth' th i •.s raPlitt 11.11111. • w, • • • • • i .. 44. .11 x ry 4. Frohn the ,public on Seco ntiul 0. o But -we sell -them at'a�(izi',e which is +a it'•;rn the. ~ reach oi-all ," Nat -lies -°;k • its cause Ihe=uality.is'�t good, as but I,dcsruse we• are satisfied_;wrtir quick' sale •Y d, '."a't 'rz.>4i=4,it ;-4-•= ,,! ...'=,.l :rP 3 $r,!': Fev`emi' giverov.„4ar ,I! t r,e 'Pi ••t- rw la �lsclres, rThafw is the. wuay,,w.ith some,„:;,;_ • g G $giter 'Genie in it' 1 .166k over • 1 best money can buy;,. • 0 our TARE DE214C,t1,QIES •Thity'r'o the .Butter and:aOgs•wanted, • • •••et•••••...eo. , .,a•iasen•••••I*•o oaasse•eas aeieeai••••••••aaeaeaaYewo- . - Goods •t 'elii;eied 'At anytime Enp { ;:"�1Stl-�a '16L'#l�SIImtlsdliametxoen �itEneg x SELL i. ' -'L uuu SICK- 1\'EsS - PPLIuISs .. leean, Lake, ltai .' and Accident lnsaraiige I bay. and , Sell . Eadownzuent Policies; Beni Estate and husinese stocks. Aocounts'suarttd z d ollzcted; , , • J' mu–nOuISO\, Luei.now: i tit : OUttilin a, 11,1SURMICE .• F!RE AND MARIUE. GUELPH `array; LEGAL Iclanvsoi:&GennowI MSRisTEas,Sor.ICi-` tors etc:, Goderich Ont'.' • E L, Dickinson, ' Chas...Garror¢,L;T=.B`, •A'TtLcnarsO.r,,BatnisrrR,Soriorron, • Copveyaneer, etc.,'. (late` of Cameron Bolt & Cameron, GGoderich) ;; bfhoe upstairs in:Allin Block; Luclmow. duetionrof•'Rev John Bus• B A.' ' Mosiitisov Banaisrss, SoLiarrou.''• i ■ . 'Commissioner,/Notary, Etc Mena.. 1:lth`of'Octobor; Lucknow• he in- to, loan.' Offieo over". Watson's: Baiter Shop._ 'duction of the Rev. D.T.' clier- roll, B.•A.," on the .l h bctober;' ' B'elmoreand Mbintosh, b•y indue- tion' of the:'Re.v, John Radon the. 14th Dec, ;°•A..MacNsb, ' Clerk. Walton', Ontario. ••• •. After consulting • with. bet. 'of � lustituto speakers as well al, offi- ,cess in different parts of't ovinc'e,, the superintendent has del' not to -hold any. institute Jan. 31st. It Was the ,unaniiopinion —orboth delegate and`'. of (and= :a treat many Were: consult that:,' a political'' campaign Rout very , much with ' the. at and the snccoss of institu' Na apsnonncements of m "been made for Jannary;;'" lists `had' been about ca 're-arrangement:of. the' 1is made,' and the same•!snlin: Secretaries ,of the 'variaus. revised`. dates will 'be-' a plenty of .time to allow lb ties to : do the nece;sar3 before the date of the ' fi teffere' nee at. satin ;s ;s had igh all ed: A s Leen LANES, 'Alton, acoompaihy' his da' igbter 14Liss 7lrabel,; uXmas 'with•friends in Stanley. Ernest Sherwood hattnenced his •duttie's as teacher 'inBelfest public school `,Mr. and 'MissleloiiC`niross visited friends here, latel MZrt J. W Bbweringlildr'en, of Relo.irna B. C., are'..n4 the winter ..with Mr and; \V. 13 Reedx , ' 'R, Lane, of;Parmounioding a, fern days,.hare. ' :°• 21,plteasr'n vent=tookatrde AVIEDICAL �M'OD GoaDoi,MD;C?M,itTWS, • M b P S 0, Physician', Surgeon and Acconcher. Upstairs in Alliniock,.; Regi denceltossstreet,'behind J. G. Murdoch, & CO'S.'store. . i AA M. SPENCE, MI): Cat, Residence j 1• .4 -House of late Dr,' Tennant,* mad ' office over Ellintts Grocery Mam Street, • ULDLIGHT LODGE, A. 'M.,G.R.C.,' meets, every Thursday night. on or before the till moon, in the i11 '- 'aeonic Hall, Havelock street Liicknow , AEar9T7iO G, 4V.M. H. Daas. Sec. Lvcsiow . LODGE. No •2T2i--)1117---111., every Friiray evenin, meetg / ..11j0) at 8 o'clock n their ball.. Campbell street. +x.11 brethren cordially invited Wm. Johnstone, T H. Reid; Noble Grand. Recorder' to the • r•asrow'Cers; 's. The �(.cil, Canadian, ee • . Order #f ' Chasm' Fi•ends, meets first cretary :and third Tpesday evenings' of ,•each, rtising . month, in. the'.OA1d- fello0 s Ha1i,Camp- titin s. 1,e11`str'eet,: Lucky now. • Visitors are cordially irrited, 40, 'S LP.A:`DxL'Jtonit, ' U I `A o i EtipAt ZE11., ` cities atTititnEn` Tb mo'H&.'tl?t `i ia.vr 'Lesi,d(s.L1-0e of tr..3ametett 5za -Monday'enii7, ee `ben -Ali dautghteryy Miss Jennie`' 41. ••; Taut nof,„,.thls p.lftcd Were 'u nit arriage b',Ret' A. Sroxtu.. • The yoalia ,people intend ;tin onr aidst.and'we, wish'tlyeotfe•' and hhppiness,' Mies.' "V iota 'Ecker' ttittled' rota a•visi :tie, lLlyt<•Lucky noW,,friendo. •' •,.\ . , rr, BYlrl 'its M A1eman are spending the +inter W' daunt. b1; MCsk 0131'11)130111•20 • .. • IIS; DINER ' A' m .2�: E' PRIG MENCING ON'.SATURDAY ;A.i1L ,.GOODS 'AT CO►;T 1EC LAWRENCE II N.STO . C COVET SItEBwOoD iso. 80., • •' E. Lncknovd, meets every drat Monday of every month in the Grange Hall;, Vi3itifi; bretiiren'ate cordially .invited, . N; D itfoRE zrr ''• • 'R. GBAHeoi,• ' • Chief hanger; Rec-Sec. oct*oW;Lon4'.. dependent Order.of • Foresters nieetil In the! y Addfello'ar'G; Ballo on the F • second at fonrth'Tnee dry.of each month, as•' }_ 7 '3o•rr'clacic. Visiting' brethren are. cordially, invited ` - Y, E. MrDri aid, !...T. E. Lawterice, C}iie 1 aziget. "rtibit sea, 1 J'Cs;:c cow Lo ros y r�.«ay „Li of the Ancjent • �''.t,�4; 1j.r �(i of 't iiit 'Workmen, -meets An ;4 Fthe Oddfellows'7ia11• .. .� , 111st 'Monday • even• rase of each. ninth ' .l a: 'eigh't o cock. isitii g 1'Iret i7F,ti boreially inv-itr'd' R rr "s 4.04 (t)b* 11,14"4(egl/F'Tviti341747041ftlirklit5 toning' - t nstano