HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-09-24, Page 7r' IAF THE WINGHAM Tt NI/INGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1908.' VOL XXXVII.--NO. 1912. JUST ARRIVED aimairiamesa "THE MERRY WIDOW" THE SWEETEST EVER The "Merry Widow" Perfume just arrived. Sweet and lasting. Come in and sample it. KODAKS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. Walton McKibben THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingham. 171SS SPARL1NG Graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Musie And Authorized Teacher of the Fletober Kinder- gartenMusic (having stuod, dieied this methlex and d with the originator, at the Synthetic School, New York). Pupils prepared for Conservatory ex- aminations, both in Theory and Piano. CLASSES OPEN 4th SEPT. For information regarding tuition, eto., apply at her home, Minnie street. SUATIQNSi with leading business houses await our graduates. LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER and all modern office methods which ensure rapid advance- ment. GREGG SHORTHAND taught by the only teaoher in Ontario attended theAuhoshoo THREE COURSES. — Stenography, Commercial, Telegraphy. Enter any day. Write for particulars. FALL TERM FROM SEPT, 1st Wingham Business College GEO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Liberal Com Ittee Room*, The Liberals havopened committee rooms in the vaoan store in the Wileon block and the roo •• : will be open every evening until the , ose of the campaign. The first meet . g will be held this (Thnreday) even •g. Aroh Hislop, the oandidate, will , : present and will be pleased to meet • many of the friends of the party as pose bis. All Liberals and friends of Mr. Hi lop will be made wel- come at all the m etings. Richie & Cosens REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. Farm Properties Some exceptional values in farms. If you want one it will pay you to see us. The good old Province of Ont- ario is all right. Town Properties Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers New Teleph A new long (lista has lately been co Telephone Com Wingham and found to be a great district. n Cine. e telephone line leted by the Bell y of Oeuade. between alkerton. This is onvenienoe in this Bor WANTED.—To learn photo- graphy. Apply to M. E. ZURBRIGG. Drink Christie's Teas Special In response to t a prinoit al for Wi to 1111 the vacancy nation of Mr. A. B about fifteen ap received at the be A speoial meeting will be held on Fr week, to consider t At right . prices. We have a number of places admirably suited for retired farmers. No . prettier or healthier town in Ontario than Wingham. Property bought he1e can al- ways be resold. 1 RITCHIE- & COSENS Griffin-VanetoneBlocll, WINGHAM. Phone 123 PHONE 59. The Wingha The Wingham ized at a meeting b week. Offioers w lows : —President, Vioe•President, A. Tress, 0, G. V starts off with a g weekly practice wil at the fair grounds. Meeting. o advertisements for gham public sohool, caused by the reeig- Musgrove, M. P. P., lioations had been inning of the week, f the School Board ay evening. of this e applioations. WHY NOT Have the best to eat. OUR MOTTO Is quality and everything is selected wi, h the greatest care. THEY'RE RIGHT The quality and price of groceries are TRY US Witty your next order and DON'T FORGET To order some of our favorite teas. REGULAR SHIPMENTS Peaches, Unions, Ba- nanas, BIG REDUCTIONS in Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Tea Sets, eto. Gun Club. n Club was organ - id one evening last re eleoted as fol - D. T.' Hepburn; M. Crawford; Seo- nStone. The club od membership and be held on the flats I A. YEAR IN ADVANCE Division Cou His Honor, Judge Court in Wingham o when the following Cu Federal Life Co. vs for $58 25. Judgment A. Paterson vs Wm. to recover $10.25. Jud tiff for $10. and defend of hone next yeas. Wingham fleapits' anshee against Hooper - plaintiff. Dr. Kennedy vs W against Hooper—To Judgment for plaintiff Greer ve Ireland, g Western Foundry Co.— Settled before day of co Pearen vs Weather against Corporation o recover $40 for gr until next court. Algie vs Dineley—A $17 88 for repairs mad journed until next Dour Johnston vs J. W. recover $16.25 for w was tried by jury a awarded $6.50. t Cases. Boit held Division Thursday laat, s were heard:— potton—Action served. Nright—Action ment for plain - int to have use New stook of t Wall Paper at the The newest in purses and hand bags at the BIG Boos STORE. our Death of CI On Thursday last Webb, son of Mr. Webb, passed away, 7 days. The young. for only a few days, t being paralysis. The will have the sympatl ber of friends. The on Saturday afte-neo cemetery. e latest patterns in ig Book Store. Wedlock's A quiet weddin the home of Mr. Josephine street, of this week, wh ter, Miss Olive bonds of wedloo The nuptial kno W. G. Howson, a few relatives and groom. unattended, th played by Mies the ceremony company enjo Mr. and Mrs. noon train for York and ot their return t on•Minnie stt many friends and prosperon arses Webb. Charles Thompson anti Mrs. Riohard ged 17 years) and Dan bad been ill e cause of death bereaved parents y of a large num- uneral took plane to the Wingham Hagar and Inviotus Shoes for Iadies and gents. Compare these with any uy —the shoes es wike. ll do tte hat. aw you RRoEER,, sole agent. r Wingham Y A business meetin wan held in the roo block. Thursday ev ber of young men enthusiasm and i those present wa encouraging to th Mr. A. Cullene Fleming of Clint of Bible study w months, and defi and intellectual men of Wingha a000mplishing this winter. Henry Christie To LET.—On Victoria street, mer kitchen, eel Apply on premie a. in price on linoleum he BIG Boole STORE. buy now. This line t again be placed in M. C. A. of the Y. M. C. A. a in the Maodonald ning, a good num- being present. The erest manifested by most pleasing and visiting Seoretaries, f London, and L. C. n. A definite course laid out for the fall ite work along social nes also. The young have highest hopes of ome splendid things lite, r Excellent fine shoes for la fes at $2.00 and $2.50 per pair: Read dv. on page 5. WILLIS & Co.1 ear a agents for Viotoria shoes for iladies and Albert shoes for men. ife Contract. was solemnized at d Mrs. Geo. Mason, t noon on Wednesday n their eldest dough- ., was united in the to Mr. Robert Beattie. was tied by the . Rev. n the presence of only nd friends of the bride e young couple were wedding march being B. H. Reynolds. After and congratulations the yed a dainty luncheon. 3eattie left on the after- s wedding tour to New ter eastern pointe. On ey will take up residence et. The TIDIES joins with wishing them a happy voyage over the sea of Wood, gnat - Judgment for od, garnishee eoover $10.50. r $10. nishee against o recover $2.50. rt. oon, garnishee Wingham—To el. Adjourned THE WINGHA FAIR OF 1908. One ot the Most 5 Ye Exhibits lvlore Nome Class—Large Gate Attr tion to recover at hotel. Ad- one—Action to ges. This ease d plaintiff was cessful for Many rs. The Windham Fal passed into history, written down as on useful the Society years, Ideal weather pre tendanoe was very oeipte being in adva years ago—$402. The exhibits in al those of sheep an numerous and of have been seen he Espeoially was this t classes of horses. The inside exbibi mach better advent and the improvemen a step in the right display of ladies' wo produce, eto., has not many a year. The special e, Bring along your a Dee. We do re- pairing and do it right. W. J. GREEN. Red Book, Blue Bok, Everybody's, Strand and other lead' • g magazines are on sale at the BIG Bo • s STORE. Annual C The eleventh an the Epworth Le Sohoois of the the Wingham dist Wingham on We day, Oot. 7 and 8 triot meeting will noon of the 7th, Business, ander chairman, Rev. J. Dieonesion of the of the District, building; and in o'clock, the Sun the convention will be given du Rev. Dr. Donga Mr. Madden, B. Rev. T. E Saw district. In the Dougall will del rnsalem and he with lime, light morning, the E Convention wor work, League an address by "The3 Literary will i occupy ;;th ternoon, there addresses given Rev. G. W. Ri Edna Onyler, R J. Pattison an• Dieollee1011 and tent parts of the The Lat Sarah Jane Hil William Dixon, home of her e Loyd, on Satur year. Mrs. Dixo' some months, bt about until a few having just recent a two weeks visit of death waa he Mrs, Dixon was father being a na Forty-five years in Hamilton to he passed away in five years after b lived in London; 1ithen twenty-one years in Niagara ?alit!, coming to Wingham fifteen years ago Mrs. Dixon was be - Mrs. Dixon. on, relict of the late passed away at the n -in-law, Mr. A. E. ay last, in her 77th had been ailing for t had been able to be lays before her death, y returned home after n Toronto. The cameo rt failure. The late Morn in Dundee, her five of London, Eng. go she was married ✓ late husband, (who February, 1899). For er marriage deceased eopold street, corner ree rooms with sum - r, hard and soft water. Big reduction and oil cloth at It will pay you t of goods will n stock. Quiet H At one o'oloo marriage of A Mr. William J. to Donald Osbo of "The Ca Toronto, was the sudden a bride's brother ceremony, wh the Methodist quietly at 1h parents, with present. Rev The bride w duchess satin laoe and tall blossoms and of eaters. S Olive Coope prineess dress over taffeta this town, princess gow ported by Owing tc the MoKinnon for some tint loved by all w for years been a church and alw est in ohuroh aI She commenced in the Sunday of age and oon as her health greatly mieee ing resided past two year of Dauphin, Mrs. A. E. The bereaved of a large cirol al took plane o Wingham came me Wedding. on Saturday last the a Irene, daughter of Howson, of this town, n MoKiunon, publisher adian Manufacturer," oolemnized. Owing to severe illness of the Mr, Fred Howson, the oh was to have been in haroh, took plane very home of the bride's my immediate relatives W. G. Howson officiated. re an empire gown of with garnitures of Irish veil naught with orange arried a shower bouquet was attended by Mies Clinton, who wore a of pink silk marquidette d Miss Mabel Roes, of o wore a white silk . The groom was sup. D. 13. Gillies, Toronto, llnees of her brother Mrs. remain with her parents o knew her. She had nember of the Baptist ye took an active inter - d Sunday school work. teaching an infant class ohool when 15 years of finned as a teacher as long permitted. She will be in the family oirole, hay- th her daughter for the One son, W. H. Dixon, an., and one daughter, Loyd, of town, survive. sill have the sympathy of friends. The 1uner- e Monday afternoon 10 ery. vention. al Convention of nee and Sunday thodist ohuroh of int will be held in nesday and Thum The Finanoial die - held in the fore - t 9 a. m. General he direction of the Ford; at 11 a. m. ; Spiritual Condition th plans for its up- the .afternoon at 2 y Sohoei session of ill begin. Addressee ing the afternoon by 1 of Goderioh, Rev. ,, Dr. Newton, and dr, Seoretary of the evening Rev. Dr. ver his leoture, "Je- temples," illnetrated iews. On Thursday orth League part of will begin. Routine oll Call, reports and iss M. L. Brook, on 'ork •of The League" forenoon. In the 0 - ill be a number of or papers read, by re, B. A., B. D., Miss v. E. G. Powell, Mrs. Miss Thurso Gerry. nein l �onventilon wokmpor- ous, and of a Better eceipts—SPlondid Moos. Fair of 1908 has nd may safely be of the most ono - as had for many ailed, and the at - large, the gate re- te of these of two classes, excepting pigs, were more better olase than for many years. ne of the different NOTES AND OMMENTS Hurrah tor Hislop. Help to make it A for East Huron. East Huron can do in representation. Hislop on October 261. It did not take the to show that I're• making false etateme The Laurier Gov another term and eh sentative from Eas Arch Steep. Aroh Hielop, t oandidate has a him.: See that ev polled on October o were shown to ge than formerly, to the building is reotioa. A better flue arts, fruit, been seen here for oh. Hislop, M. P. ell with a change Vote for Aroh, attr afternoon provided and the different ev erable interest. In race, the judges ver a gentleman eeoort ladies in case an aeoi The Lnoknow Pip ham Citizen's Baud music during the a highly appreciated. The concert in th patronized and t otions on Friday good programme, to created consid- o ladies' hitohing properly allowed o accompany the ent might 000nr. Baud and Wing• urnished splendid ernoon, and were e entertaining one, and included High- land dancing by the prize winners of the afternoon and the members of the d; Mr. J, H. Gamer - was in his usual good Bain, dramatic vocal- • nist, and Mies Mend 11 -known clever violin - ably presided at the of the sooiety putting ntertainment is a good be continued. list of the prize -winners tractions :— NOING.—Sailor's Horn - Martin, Ripley ; A. .w; Mies Ina Riddell, d Dance.—Miss Amy n; Mies Mabel MoDon- Miss Ina Riddell, Lon - .—Miss Amy McLeod, abel McDonald, Wing- iddell, London. High - se Amy MoLeod, Lon - Riddell, London; Miss , Wing'am. Piping.— Wingham; D. Towers, dressed Highlanders.— and W. H. Young, Aroh. Hislop is t for East Huron. that every vote is )polled on October 20th and he will be ele'oted. The Laurier Gpvernment will be re- turned to power. i East Huron should be represented by a enpporten: of the Government. Vete for Aroh Hislop.' Globe very long ler Roblin was s. rnment deserves nld have a repre- Huron. Vote for popular Liberal nited party behind ry Liberal vote is th. e popular oandidate Liberals should see evening was well program was an Lucknow pipe ba on, humorist, wh form; Mrs, 'Cent let and eloonti Bnsohlen, the w int. Mise Griffi piano. The ide on an evening One, and it will Following is in the special a HIGHLAND pipe.—Donald Fatzill, Lnokn Lohdon. Swo McLeod, Loud• ald, Wingbam; don. Irish Ji • London; Mies ham; Miss Ina land Fling.—M don; Miss Ina Mabel McDonal D. E. McDonald Lnoknow. Bee A. McPherson Lncknow. SPECIAL ATT' race.—David S Heffron, Blyth; ham. Farmer; Stroud, Lucien Morrie. Lady 1 Miss Thompson, hitching race.— Potato race.—J' derson. A complete 1 prizes will be fo FOR SALE OR RE Solid brink eight -roomed house, rr e Patrick land l E dward streets. A y theFunished house to let for winter months. Apply at TIMES office. Christian En The Maitland Endeavor Union convention at B September 1511a. sessions were hes dad. The folio If you want a copy of the Christmas Globe, leave your order early at the Big Book Store. Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Snrgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at MoKibbon's drug store,Wednesday, Oct - Glasses properly fitted. Hunters' Excursions. Via Grand Trunk Rsilway System. Return tioketa at single fare, Oot. 6111 to Nov. 3rd, to points in Ternagami, points Mattawa to Port Arthur, To Georgian Bay and ildisokine,w Division ; Port Arthur via N. N, Co., and to certain points in Quebec. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Oet. 22nd to Nov. 3rd, to Alnakoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Magnetawan River, Penetang, Midland and Lakefield, Madawaska to Depot Harbor, Argyle to from Severn to North Bay inolusive. Return limit on all tickets Saturday, Deo. 5111, 1908, or until close of naviga- tion, if earlier, to pointe reached by steamers. Full information from any Grand Trunk ticket agent. eavor Convention. esbyterial Christian eld a very successful nevale, on Tuesday, fternoon and evening and were well teami- ng contributed the r on "The duty of the a Agnes Aitken, Bel - e on "The Yoke of . P. Darman, White - Y. P. Societies and lex. D. Grant, Brus- "Keeping the Fire per on "Young Men Mr. R.S. MoBurney, papers and addresses nd were given °lee - they could not but e who heard them. sion Rev. Thos. H. gave a very instruo- ddress on "Two big ing the Canadian t in their solution." g with home and he Binevale Peen- ed in the program. ere elected as fol. Rec. Seo'ye Miss r, Ripley ; Treas. m; Miss Alien Olive Scott, Blue - ill continue to be —4250 for Home Oolumbia and 4250 e preachers in the "Oh, yes," have spent mon but we had it three years of Foster had a de spend $80,000,000 000,000. Up to la $127,000,000, and $5,000,000 of that. at Milton, on Mond East Huron surely turn to Tory rule. armlet in the good Government. H. B. Ames, who talk in Wingham o ing toured throng Medioine Hat he di about his most fig Robbins irrigation oironmetanoes are,; Medicine Hat for d After Mr. Ames' Trade and the Ci resolutions approvi are the sort of sea be exploited far awe Electors of East H read the facts in th . Fisher smiled, "we y, quite a bit of it, o spend. In the last onservative rule Mr. oit of $6,000,000. To e had to borrow $62,- t year we had spent ad borrowed only —Hon. Mr. Fisher, . The electors of o not want to re- te for Hislop and ork of the Laurier ,:. " AOTIONS.—Green horse rend, Luoknow; Jas. E. B. Jenkins, Wing - horse raee.—David river.—Mise Copeland, Miss Mulvey. Lady's iss Currie, Miss Scott. t of the winners of ad on pages 2 and 3. What a lot of in an election o heard that a Oonser statement that on the Americans put Canadian market to the factories here down and thus w out of employm twaddle, and Lib - away by stories. Any per matter knows tha Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butcher short. A Good The concert giv on Wednesday Quartette, of Lo best ever given the different m There was not a but when the co ham they will be house. ave his illustrated Wednesday even - the West. At not say anything rant scandal—the lease. The whole o well known in eption to succeed. isit the Board of y Council passed the lease. These dale which have to from their locale. ron will do well to case. Fine Tailorin y talk is set going olden. We have ative has made the (mount of the Gov. re duty on furniture n furniture on the noh an extent that ere foroed to close kmen were thrown t. This is silly rale should not be ny suede campaign on posted on this there is 35 per cent duty on furnitur , corning into Oanada and that the Government is not respon- sible for the dullness in the furniture We are he Iring and will hear a ng the oampaign about following extract from ielding's speeches will ght on the queetion:— rge of graft had been e in Parliament, the or making such charges. ever be and never has hen some membere of Parliaraent w 11 not twist statistics to e had been paid for a than it would have cost hoe. Mr. Fielding sind and who was under n the past been a Con - Fielding mentioned riend, and his friend t it served him right, turned them all out. ever, did not believe To the victor belongs a result of recent ber of the old officials Conservative regime d, and not a moment great deal dur "graft." The one of Mr. throw some I "Not one oh publicly ma proper place There will been a time n in the opera House ening by the Hewer don was one of the ere. The singing by bers was high class. ery large attendance, piny returns to Wing- reeted by a crowded Fine dongola shoes for lent quality and perfeot fi and 42.50. Read a Welons & Coq sole shoes for ladies and Albert shoes for men. la es, excel - an page 5. ante for Victoria Successf The Harvest Tha connection with held on Sunday 1 iul and were la church was beaut fruit, grain, flo courses of the Jaakins, were app as were also tbe the choir. The ment on Monday et well attended affair. is what you invariably get when you leav e your order for clothing this store. Clothes bought here are guaranteed to fit well, look well and wear well —and they do. Men's Furnishings of all kinds show that m barrel of flour at some other that every o suspicion had this fact to a had retorted th he should have Mr. Fielding, h in the doctrine, revelations a nu held over from th have been dismis too soon. I Services. 1. Parini Church, t were very sucoess- ely attended. The fully decorated with era, eto. The die. opriate to the meson pper and entertain - ening was as usual, d highly successful are now on Sale When the peg Free Press, of a fair trial of the development export trade in had reached a and foreign pr $6,000 000 more, the Dominion last these fig doubled; the $203,000,000 al the twelve year have shown increase in ex Canada over t 413,000,000 in increase $140, the Liberal the aggragate been 4917,000, exports of for $83,000,000—a 000,000 in the of Canada ein ment took offio at the Bin Boost ST E. TIMES and Weekly Globe to new sub- scribers to January lst, 1909, for 35 Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Underwear, etc. The very newest of new goods are here. Come in and have a look. Robt Maxwell MERCHANT TAILOR AND MEN'S FURNISHER onservative Govern - 1896, says tne Winni- after eighteen years its ability to forward the Dominion, the enada's own products (nue of $106,000,000 note exported made In the fiscal year of ich closed March 31st ✓ a were more than xporte amounted to told. Every year of since 1890 the exports increase. The least orta of the nroducts of e record for 1806 was 807; and thn greateet 0,000 in 1908 Since argument took °filo, noreeise over 1805 has 00 for exports of home and the increate ign produce has been te.I increase of $1,000, lue of tha export trade e the Liberal Govern. The Leading Shoe Store THE BEST spo WE SELL The Empress Shoe does not require any breaking in. You can wear it all day, shop in it, work in it, and your feet will not be tired. Women who wear the Em pr e s s 'are our best advertisers. Rubbers Rubh3rs Buy the best! For I.a•.i41 and Gents, the DAINTY MODE is the best Made. in great variety, W J. Greer