Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-12-29, Page 6;W74 7.7, 40 771. 411'1 77, JAL 7777�-- 7- 7 V7 i1i I A I WON z -7 # Alp 6 soothing "wort, i y IOT 10101114 L . , , : , : , n, =,.Coma t fr 4 �06 WAIM tow r� or, ul.spoAtIPP 11"NOU I' AT me 94. care'" ro* L�� j. 1--x k4o" VAO."04 ps 9% '"R 491AI V11 MAP 7911W*i W, 'lo ur ap"WW 0* W, e ve dy W W I .,There Acth, g Ihg, op I&A t.40 In 04 tO VIS ity PRIM pq, "a;lI�l W11K 44, 4�3 Oct.,." 1)11�, V4 alr- ciat uIr . . . . . . 43Y t Ut t b ,tlik - Atot All' pursuing, A Jilin trate& �"CircUlZrOf Wr" herd txj and eii, . ..... GO.;" TOI y4t�: t It our Years. g, he'.,Uot 11ub. pf�;� Stern OCRs '0 to mile long, 04 016 io ELTAOtils PA, )0* 044 W 0 us To t I), �ofwak, w eI OrAO, _iod DAY*. nO for: the, nu oar drO OPULAIL_' C our there each; ere' seen 4k its VU* r 0011, hl" oft kor oar 1 CA be nothing. -In the coast, no *1111 --but nVI "a- Sur L Ira' AVi1KA!,k& 14 i %J1A Inv writal u Steep -ancim ac, .6ig r ade cthere. wOmIPIA '"likk qias, 0 t _hV, -and -the enfe hbig an Oat 'q nmesh Qn16% -Fas on in opus, study�, summer,,!; WO, rota. tomwolip lull, 14' ad;' OV reaclita the op, 1041 iti a good. Bound for MoSt last i'V9 the ppk. 0I �d to 'yeatibu; ttOM the a "MONrit o R 0V clifillfiges,aud, crazes. a4d in Ltilicilisf rk4ard arti-"i4te . testing dMIX VIK By r reads'- Aw At a dIP", %';BY 99r, mg, - 0 trave er, qvel but to my f �d r I fell sd, b inscrlpitioi� it oft- and, helplessly ]tkave�­recemi been Igm .Pit Ole On" np'u it.. wda.:killed, r nca'of tht Iles, he On B� Va% at 4PT 'lioe, had fife,and breat to and beggh ap, Ti u b u la wd quite. correct, de sosition. 'The, -from-a, at �t. �,.pcjr �ri But alling 90plia high nit f, 011"U" .1 31ki wrepke, is Ora ugh aeatN u9n, 9 1[�, 0. IcTrUt, I swiftly passed thrg 1�9 pej 1note p 0 avnple�bypy fate1­,­­­i f-, Take -you, exi moo 0., .Nothing..'Of dorso could . allga, Itter plant� wit OVw rgor , a loviat and; W unay i 3au- re 'buildin 'i th'Re 'nt'li4foria, wks3uq, aik., ivag 1 11 - part uncap. Snap.. 1392 where- -it is �-ftm ollod :down. It-itkl'4 And, ­bb by� Move It.- jki� -3go-r -In �R gooct order_ 43 0�, y etso, lu help.: it, up the drift 143 tzle. to, some f his ocintem-� suddenly 1,i1V 0 a' me lia he out. ICU IULL Wh E 40AW511 41 remialned. ad, to of the'yAdmb Colin an 0"Vietfi, but 6theN Ob t wo#y �on SAL - � I - I I I At -Pwry.. James. unter, ta, A a On—, and olleAt MORT' ruitter; loll MIXON of:, old COw-might .10 0 F r ntrtyou' 64 ork"Ategunt" his'' moher. 4� -Alba haft ed -I-' scales repair - jl�t th 1-mightrisk A battI6, ian of 28ji wri ht Vy -Utz UgV2 Toronto Qsn&ds-' tt foughout',. rp6iiter,.. a. yPu wheft. eye V on zone illllileg, DUTt, 4n&1o, day! iV5 ir lith,'1863, NO- PBED-GICIST-MI woro, e to 01 neartNapaute; water Po i6b al _wa�s TexapdX a, Wo at Opts on.,a. Je gy�� I 1 0' cres; dwelling 0' �vqr_er -40RAlidught ot,mar�� n- �AIOX4 tire fairly popoul stqaa as 401116m's run. 41 stone, A cl await'L-thd.,tur wa placed, A on, feed' PTOMISOW-tven 'hi, d rest in % d PogtoI passu g JuU last'the mother.-,h0ard�#e;,Cxiea'Of the' rOya4st, w _f 16. S ce ,a -pr1i She:. *eptL to iL Oberon Beg 01 n" one, M, 'apd..wrang hem ..q(�Dorbthfae, Andulaliia,'wige 04- maii witnin 011 runs; �,e outbuildings; An lan reAo g. ci� the with; dally -Iroln�,Fraw u,,Safi4rAh station G_ tic bopular.as the, trenkli moment anqu the -Duke of' Or" e,,, ve S, �courae, otlne& fter'thiii marriage,of. 4_- VVIIA tible?" ,.- 'He's' t gOIn 'Srou- Id -rea-, 6ne-,*6i an re. *0 Baia 'to tho IM T song.3niq, -fashion. dicl-not IRA 'long. AS the iperpll. W4.9 PHe scew-'two*AftOleP% h t, are is only )?ARZ3,T0,R.ZXT. Iley. t -to'- words toiler 'theAwo' t re Oqt V40 -'f d 'and see said norke�' The A911 !, LOT 4P AS TO r- 14 -f egot er.,,capssc ':nd� *heb Hunter- :4C Y h the, 041f vouick,; a&,& r, is grip and JeJIL SA en I RF yea release S c concep.slon %"4W.Ak BOYS', I 1�epqter., it over! Old i"M t 'tb TOrOX49, t f9olish, c1!#SbIg 0 pqrhap§,,the 46 114 ---------- ------ to, See, if, it -Waa,. still who e, a NKas ia jac, connected, with -Suits anVili bf-,�,n the. fl.le'drift but-, the, A D $12" also Sairte, OWN L dal . 'and Willost. universa N"" 50'1 'or ,Airkt, and I , � 9 itl aa had LAU E 0�j ollowirig; the 2h SA0j-S Vial h JOB IBOVKU'uv JL wad,cl ting th d'of Lay-. v gies and clot SaMT, IT Co., bept. H,, 011 -on, the,. noigh. T, eiiing b%,l ad lor. adhe Hawtgiialit� are gi ! ' - �'- TO. �T ------ t#e. cii amt1i;s -of dctQpkL' e riurin round Li* the �tiyaliey, C. B." ir der., These- irds ;aeasuro toss, 'or kind of pqr4qrm, in s, gents wanted.- lqrw,, yundel. Hirberii it C. liglitilly, tbi lb ..'as cup the SRI air it,,"rAke- ble 'canvass Sig A OTALT-T-epo TOVO4to. oak abattossio proath L 'tt' I& 6ffier,, ag,'.� �ptofoufldI tbtivis,'cross''their biM,. cl",,s r ,EDO" grommg\s6unds 011 heir 00i H. ASI COIi wl �uff:',out that Iiinally 1(kit: 77 King a up Want. Iwany w..cut tafitk� TORONTO.. wing, only urne TV ,Ikrr ol pus in6th um� ep&t t.e per- MANUFAC tbey.'�Ygabbe, j�-Jpddced to talk. ------ ree, iengage: at. in Furs'aVlowt He r( 'DAUR, ItaLw for, -ILLUATR �TEV. CATAL, yorjo my A-CutiouP CuSt90 her:, ge te Nyay �up. until cre barber,wa fill- h TUBERS IV _URS' So they,,, weniI on all T Prices. * Senit! w sight haVe noticed, onei�'Vbeufiarity st, Ne ay �hga justV fit slid, that I couW'never, quite A, curious prices -Skunk, U00ni 79I cus o.merb, tv, _�usuuzu anlias the more, av kim, near Mc E d for pricellati IM rinclo!kk Rhouplatis, w m lln6d', M will f Oulkin"CO S Other plaiii.4 The glrls�.Iri Cut their 0 it goew man, attention American cu beeline he pays"to lit. ts, ooked Rh natle also- bavIn& wi m tne, t" h6 comes, stock Og liped., noudohold, 4nilversollareVitich i re Jjagiect�d 'O�Vortunities� right -t moves y Itd form -for a, hair cut, _S, the every wdel� - part or thelt", ry., The 4oun the cafte...,11any.so'-da,111 h us Ims a ares but 464doki n f it! shwied him -clean'trom. the,back� contemplating matrlAr.yXne;I_,w;Lm 'to, iaa reTurn,001n, ol to nearly th6 serried -ranks m. bOatity" Smart Set-WhY; IV -tile3r, --one aocIllial-fo-,lita,forellead. y5 and abibeted- th'07 girls an RVV, In -1 .�baq .-�Deel SS t�v WA if them doubled vfoienci�., iS646Vt toward, thw chur�h n- ticen Low �hat I'd,touehed hftn.%t'.I w of',their -choice. 1 the - 8��tdku the. 103 got,' the %Vr­ Tfiluilayn�'Ar. er� S, 0"set, I''don't tAluk aT IS Ve omen s e newspapers '-A fringe.1hat plays 0utsJO,'akrauge,'detaIls was'thed.m4delfin a -'Second Mrs. t Of. 0' n&lts 1al)lied tO., relieve me of'4� ishott'Lffight colore each ease �'RZI41'& ate., 11med, f9 last vestige, of h illseag ind'leap, year, Q -what to -buy- and,�wh&6 -his:hat;Jike'the r the core oltl'01�7�1 a 1 1, , - ., .., . '1 0. aroun Ln4 rim of --74, L ': � . . " soft, fluffy,, fringe �,- 'you - see, -bify 6� , or the gtIdtle Nere tOf to kkan�,,W_JA9, make those 0 RD' $.0 wear over",their'shoul-. U rd I litablia f6r'a ChriStmaS:0ftr',ShuWI, the wonch' ODE ji� [E'O'- 6 .1 iin; hatRIDER ir RD*R. down�. eatted "-and WJ1W,`1aI 8 lo,, a ver, t.9 hear,lil .;'' ., .. II ­ .11 d Use, iti.l, thepaby, derb-,but ou'd thinko maders ijjIj.paper�wIII be pleaded k, The . east one ureade4 -dla- hiduced'111t: Ly. t.4 V i d?b the Heels of a Wilin6ri iefiin that at -: I been 11DIO", to ­cure in Before I Mgt sea g ease -that" swonce has ),ff': from 'patticipAI Sell 'j he,,,�oould,fbraidit and'do, it'up.in Coils. Kept at bit - �7 it, 'a I� F sb; ajj its stagqs,;,,ad that is Catarrh;, WgIktWi;�h16:; to �be'.pdrticilar',and. trim it il"M Buk Wap �4!e Bev relt'Daijhe m -dook'oUlkis am licok 'and. arbun.d. the, ears� a bure its, the o so to A t -to' t6: hand catarrh T, d al I Catarrj nedlICRI'-ftatefulky" o poAr' I t, — - , requires Wee ,cuitonierd, A, prominent racing ino 6114 the toildyTin thiimcir him, f se. 9, known LX01 the I COIL dy else!s bA1r',,a­nd.'spn'n1de of bna coujiii,jionai. disease, Ow wh soix; mebo' His; jockoyteir-411, n6tttutt( fult of � so rejlunout.�� Hall's untarrii. ijure W* on the �616t' ar. rider ater or t a e4ent. III four of, the, dis, Us L surraces ,.OL: the 8Yfitem- lij put.'ori, hini'and. then 1 ily, . acting directly 11POR the 3661"Cures DIF, h gently for en, it race and.lelt%Im.!w DIGOU, 11". or ifteii horse, INhich. he had' to in; ----- - 6 t at IV jhO koUndat -aqog; So W he dec thc;sbyAOs1;FOY.l1. Iery ease, nc Illar 'd 'mAke'' a givat 'a hen:looking minutes an tho; pac us fill fissittma" ko's building -up w tori '00Z 1 . . I t.. i, s, proprietors "And I wlibn I -hair an rein doing er loV, ','NoW, You must -be. eful"'. he warned .11 __ gims , i , oncMundred.Donars tot aax­­ gais:ike mitn't1e, TI ags it �aita in - its 'CurRuvc it grdw so1d gr' i poen'lie, is 0, won- 2at t )n� to him ","to use Arizona as j2ey,-o va­ send, -or: list of )India rdcbiglineg� .1 say, it waW pretty �; Icing, l I hope -',the, ado that It U'r der and Vi4d'Ah rack.; fall ive me. ', A -6HH,,;py & co Toledo.'O. opein Wine out of 'evldry vlosely 'UntAl jkkat� Out . he j Lord *111 forg t ften�of thd bald hends'Are pass him under, Y CIr 19ances, K4;fd -by an, liruggistsi lbe. kin long ot: the line 'bt 'lefity of.,h ton. get wtu Rzk,,,pt PtiIa 1902,7 lot spitfire. out, all 're ir __!Or: do;kstlp�t men,who!xe C p iri will' kbep, I Rairs CO_ Dithre out, �h :p6rtea,-but, I$1 s0i I I I Y ftonChet -until they 7,000,000, the Usof in his tingeraj- It fashioned: rJayloft-11 Out turned his Of r Medi 0 est the balva, ton act tokiditi, stock It! alL �ifrti t -the Same -in t 'eI a macn.sind bowel trounj of Jh I es, OWell. 'did W 0130Y Our, "I'a almost all, of the nilian could to I& h its a I 0 so. far been of no to"" cuts down Ayin'Russ r Fr6vid fhrmersgukdstockiueu� of hi's once Jokk a,. e teed bilW "Used. MUW'one r a* rn. he letter�, aev 'Were aimued otric I this contlacut; t t xoVer LS Wtiii, inis ItuaAdoth tiel �ptirt- Sian th6*,,' e4r Jf6pupy 0Qi%P­dIRI rOngy brj*inj -tonjr,V�tatice Ao it Dance, t -the Oenejr�i 15 to reclikire, Ofortlanitelv, iluctidus, 'hgAinS in g e, to low olossing the. tur UWU a by the m as , , 11 1 � .1 1 .1 , .... I I v ic otession b2bgs'th ma U myeft noyAL s0i6fi; co;, of .. .... e 0 vhat li 6 manner adeguard &gains in&ectio think nothing A; VALLO, br�s ee at t f J!, hffix ijisonk& ")?eople I'd" W�st 'drive,: of-Abirt �or, iditt milese a I: day, Orel gVpR WAS, A, said, J,'W.� L16wellyn;'of Sehitle Wash� LD ANIMAL. -SULPHU -7 ew.-Yol:W or N Id lr�ilg Ahec i p ur is one of the nicst- Offlcnol"5 2 a c r e Sit txy R north 0f Of till, domesti 6 11 -'shefap -inch; of� about �wai "borit '6 L oy-eiglIt pi, es All that es for diplithrh. -used toI drivethv,to, the, in 0 le,cur rial­b�eii- silo Simp Seattle, and Wd ALL— . 111 11:11 lion 4LI.ig�fl(jlLii".6f_'i;Afll$hUr��iLtia,iL quill; 'city for mail "and oth6k'thijugs. We b 11 I, ave been a an ere' h Oil Wlieiade aftid-', A� b f, r.from,'Tirpat d "sodi S hirty, miles nONI 4catAV 20 lyears.'. during afid'*ith thes, iiii 'Said;one ieelebftted�o thought nothing 6fArivihg t �uiiite giiiho 9 patient without tbr a dauce,! enjoying oursolvew until 0 qu�,eured every �Vcliick-'in. *he mornirig,-E al. lab6irldusly'co ted i 60A. ifid than driv' 4., 6nful'bf Milt ing home. again and, we did di oy Sacred an&pro� insi -M. Ag6w'a Cater ons to :Sheepi ma wiineg ass as people do nowad'ya d histoij ifilikutes, after Using iAd*der 1, OUR Ined �w to�,,be, 96, tire falls writers, condu that (the fiboet finit6ad of, 4' -dai c 12'o'clock a "th simost., It no on, -re yi,� tiurb tVhta they :1, Ohose animals a e i, dia- hoine-4 - all(' . never vk, 'b Kippom' . the aul not y, aa gain hUtan6e In a back. 11 . , , I ­ .1 1 , .; hiitori at t ey hea�Ung,wwith wia6r�, We 0 aftlph�t wtis I, Ik6inem))er One,expope,ce ag" PO4, Oi Tgurta-tut oj je, night' to� p, absticA'Tilb.6 erature as' a' -different tory1i ri the time of Abel Water bonji a Sni' e p ift 't 6 Vay. 1 had full of alluaiL t "Biblicallits 'of% dd 'the ffi)&4 hich Wdistork �,,Chf and nk -eu 9, 7' mi es: V7 to thp, elevation abve; the sea 6ording 1 he way whenj, ha&'an, ac� In London; water bolls prii 4itiftrd or man jp; wip Gilt ,ev&y, gdid about halk� etteilly' at 212; do- E grges Fahrenheit, ;.,Geru1any,._.aU o0ions Ball He A balem rom�OQP. 4cirmed-thia,chief �pog X ew, Lrr 'cidept and my'ri$.. blokb down. After d 3.tbjfi Crap -was, rather Y's I d,Alk 'neighbbrsi The 1and 211% 'Acgree; - in Abe city! or, ish ipeo Wiiihfixid ' Machi I a plant in a. 19 over' -an hour L'mAnrgcd tO -degrees, ana in the Himalayas, at va-1 _P 0,,: an ne? VOU 61.1rched about With all hie I'S" oils, lof'-wair and t, tribute of yas'al -a'good tion of s at b v the ev of, 'if you tid -it ciilCi Yd% V;O11Id ring go searched around for, Many day&' tillir -Out fitt it Apso hat it.woulil stand .2 '000 fe -a 0 0 1 ol the seaj I BPI It 18 the RCMe'Qf lie took' h Is labillto 60me,orash afto. hasty 3'9� Journey my. trip,-` atL 180 degrees. Thood d Sh kiylcv of lkiottbiwas� erfection-you sit,when, IiAltig it -no imer.orices eCaused 1, is �ecomm ieslimed, YL irigg, I rgely ocillsis d � of she friends. ;b the,,Varyink pressute of the, b8ph that 1; f ibh the tjr#6 I -reached, the ball. the, V these p Into,- ejai - extriai6 AL: 4bov(! '�'YtBy In London tandling of the. clotbes fiiF&gM* Atld, ound a- farra" tbat'he Id Vs., T weight! -of' It a air has to Pe overcome. a Copp ,mas c ookilectild-the Wck of danc' -wig over., but 1 to.*' 111� -surp ma an r�ir&red% unt.6 kites does b ght wflock of,hebd dpeciall6t t 1p'�d d thousatid an . t4iaie On, Mexico, 100 feet above the, sea,., there ts� ki .-ot srae an DO to, . V in his,"N's TQ , coqt4 -only skso,- fund a' Young "d L d' our oal' We be, jl*�4YS aIIS, 7,000 li- u ed thousand, farda er can, rocure them. .,Her esc&Ubad beconfe, In e booklet bir a it- teet.,ie§s. of atmosphere to -be, feslated With, prabtl4d a an n send............... P Ro .11, jr . up, 0AMg Oto 6 SAgling, hia bldw the the fr ps a, h2 er his grows, 'SUIP11111t? roat, 'Soref gone ing.takes place '13ut' sturdy 8*13KI ne always ono OWSWELL MFG I C I I V consequChtly'. less beat is required a 0. Sk quill into,the th Oant�?cdr, its She Said an , liad a, lower tem 61d sfter 4iad'abirtink to. al honio With tincitti- be*t vf.as� ver -Midianite obtai�c toot e, pal.$, fid; P16i hUUIJ Inn on I,' f da*ligbt*in hopes A*d one a hime, And thus h uedus ''it , Kinard' Li 6t. Clirts Cold�,. die.' ss- thifi'675; -eu RI)Q,l b6fore jidney ma o 0 w Mined g Iadp 4: nd: thus tit come. a ng - n4 the Christian-eth, ould ooi�ld , etL C 4'' W ' t�ath. V uro a. Me home; 't_particular Tap In, 'hen f iedchcc1 ke4. r.. 1 8 in /.;(Atlanta Coubtl ution.) pam, oWif P., lod' ftfthoiigh lolig, if ter� to :Covsi tM an. 0 ticitno, JoOkL bef'in t Ita y� wqgo�d'd them fr, '00T A161rds , F, al 010 S d' drove so "miles unk ark 34y, buggy an, ucotton :ehougik. country Vlanting'ofi, -Texas Plains. , ` , , fiL co;n enough. to food ild, and ddles enough jt6mb *gS foitficlod tl ia er ision titkatb xiow on mile, by, Tres %V�V, - to ae ic in d e;ceu olc'�giItd bait I a W, C Defivet-Uoilgoad -Sen na., K064 the until doi lid A good; 1AAn l Jok Vallio, Raor.66, a Country;' 'Not the g or tdebd Is plucking it -from theild V V Its. effort ta tornote, thoN gTOWtif of .,forost, L n ft'pot Wholl wasbfil9t6w 00 Raw Tho p etivd, bene- hndotleA '96 that and itA C ins, rospe Ab -Goo gpdki' the '-d d a, culm. and all Winter 'and fence pos0i and 'it N,� fs, i, - Florida, fits are goveral, 'The tre0qVill EE t, $Yrl a a nene ca -we, 4-�f qi�4�6 sistwo kavark 0.. ISTOC Ina JoWer ths: forniii, eir c iIatUro'bf lides.,Atlafttid Coast L of th erft_4 ;va5r*. it' . .. d. of f0pi m t the Crops 0 wood '�eoiboard,Alk` Mae, win proino e. a more even -distribiffion-bf rafno hot Vinds, find proteo from such Wdj�e Pjant6d tat Ir flurttat ter tur ;C4, 5,000 trees the., 11earl., tAJR_G !Sti7 bcs;� "A g" -Wis. 60*6k of,tilis iful )itd, stock lhldfftf 6 fi or it jzil� a4d Ott In r. 0 varl I _r LEWIS, ThO b6ndfits are Is it boatill Inted lal* ONT.. Inkil. Roll A, i ftugs th ou aua 'ai 0 "0 OF at for three -yofted p4lt,bd bdo bear .'ko�t ahiniala'ircl afraid Of' fire and r r PAMMENI: �planted seven -To-DAT9,V r th, k deti'llig OP t to few"e po�ta 'froin''geod flags rERINARY Jig ne we W14. To others fivrftkeetv�s wife du froiii jjL 111ti4t Vh'in ;, that. durhig thI4 time, he has got -that willofivii anyjame� OkStOok,121412 I hybars ag oIYfr06o T. ftst4.or otifica )20r� idjoeo his fences in re0air Mail II)JA ObAdli* fascin6tiot, about a flamet An(I childriju u f f le Ion t post Not th, torciat -tilij �.aiI4 iday."h'ad,tinA.w&tbb,followlng lot- Where aid Tar 0 lid ovovy moh asAr, this tree plautip- a C. p nil. How many bead'61 dva 0- uluxe, liet, h6quian tj d'by tho'beat, h6fte in a. burning pmctic�i Would rtj�qujj. lit, it bonofloial f6vOlutlOn in th-6 jn6fia . 4 tL Ti0 ST XO D Wt R do, I Ir e e a I n g,. %nd. tate� of 6too t6sto 'But i4t, they, tire ft. flip; I a co _k �0 stable gods �6.A tool nas at �Iiy t ".in 'Crops � h1ac ifidqF 0 er Irl at b Ift agricultural p09fbhim?.A,-Gaiv6ton Xdw, sdo.NVXI tcy''tho tttntIon� are live topics'l r6luttrS for t, C1, d: elf ftIfft. alrmen n the 44, o, dotIty6iit fjo$f 0 tryL ttklg%$. (Pottlana' Oregon.) hib, way 41t oatq I'll tlr6g Rej�iable �zdar�l hei y0thfIll III' k'111.4 I y as woll ao I 3pl'it, by t, from h6r �Piiblislitd �tibtog et reports.. Ith fier"d thb, 11ttld �40 i4nary t i les an ode '41 he inelf in r r To! givc� g, - FYI re,lgiou� hot, 10 o6 Y 0 u lg, I,! C1 .4, t, honriponio, 11 a Mle, wit An. uly ad-flakoh K�bi)ut­;ID YNIT'S OTIR d''oind �146 6.166t 11M 06iii,th6y ar,e, age and onet vor ngL U s'to, b t djj Jfco�,V, ft"aVittliful, 606W,a, foot information qI st niinlc.� Pir(18, seein, to be. of 6- w4hian. of - 0. Ilor j fafo L qii if 6 d oripartakor, �06 taf '49, y0o'' ohtlo.,it, I C, f ot the o o Aaoon tradt I)Jtng ok� Aetat6jjjngI; MU6 'ad qllf -111 tall hod g Sbud. $tA, Oita riacti*d thd In -All your PI&W* 1061t, of 'bid ago, took It faittenit a a "I'Vi 51, , *L L 11 ftotjk�d I)YL fire-. And JCV.cp, perfectly, v�jth jy d'unij)y, ohavelfps figilV6, 11Z 41hild, y9urs truly, pnpor for t*d,.y'6q66f ui or you tan Odin 11 and Cad. in.11; fire To lift band - . SO ntibr'n'atiowd $tabk Fob 40optil 01 WAAW9 atathl�a to bft��. COWS,- like AdgOOMP TI0';'AT,.8T0CJC 1, to 7t bt roats rol# YOUr *on(, b4r -�16od, IS t6d 41iiantit ot In addition, to the regular 'sin t 012) 0 t 6Iw It arfn� T I" irre easy to lo4d L, 0011, 9 6 0 cl MO 111)4�1' dorWfiWill Ur M 1#6rkilig. tot VO 66 waril br',462 tliai pelO� (Of jhtjw61# by Jar 1HE 00*1040 -tht, I il lb Is Ino ko "A aild, often find iray out tfift* Wa tliht eff�rdfit 111al*6 think: they; ate doing you tho phrpo of Alding4fteitiol ej d, Ed ifillatlon, The cott J; innot fit r -Y Way Of f0wing C