HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-12-15, Page 3M J- -0 7-1 W- 7': —7 q % 7 7 got U10:1 imr­ tbo rpom Ape V� to ..... .. r0eing -VISIt0i 4* ihoyweie, +++—+++4 ++++ + 44- t++ + ipg. hm bAt t + wk ic=,'� add, w piti4n. beat 41 Y. lllp­l�,4,4 4 e JL -.F A X be 11�4 j'I � -t Pa�]I to r141 �NA ;Or 00M A 1AT'ge 1014040 in Jiv.XA mn.,, M- I T I g, 4.11 -b 011 vilitz +V lien, . 0, � it e and tj,, Ir -Ij led h e. .?A* florpn Colo .;I e "we outstrietchled hwia, pa f, 4,(411; U Pan obange and got in W jt4. them ;4 POIji -at *be. -Grgt stopping place. 41-020, X-33ir m4dhip,"', Ile dx- OF-WIC'', :+ 1q; AP41404, tpol;hlp, own $41336: bae-4 jaddiiiq4,ping 4, Lrand. �d . . . . .. + + I # # T7-11`77"'llillr I - I I -I 9.x He, made - her. an pi + V, cb4te In .4 en-ldly way 0,11, rs re QT jlj� I'Veell't Illk 1,044 'M 1491 help, CP,0�veJII ante 01 JI All iveeds are L YII IIII. tit nq� to. awid,.a c of- their seeds,, tybil' I e a Cousia erable. lillit'k. Tbero,.are 41anv" PlOre p-,101i'li"to, qollld�i. Opipe, -fqr a" W11 'Re ro"Ov if- tile buirldle and -4er aljo. MuliI '.,tilrough :t], 14PQD ivalioun, to IQ Fs, :6u: Elope t yasj4 i .0p xIiPdXuI)x, Jiltild soe, Of die"'I Are� -rifle jloll,� �- PilI igpt AIA 4 - I Ing it t.l, her QfAi Indergrojind I-Vot, s,�eljo. Among Tile JI t4ano thpg(i -I'll t for! ttie fillst time: hJI 1.,44 W latter �ve h4ye irea, la are It( I$, mmQ1I lqng��',, alfter a, p., the flize. - p insta.fee, tlle,�e Is Ille bdvilil�; 1,�; 777777 canadgil, r, h t leQ, )ter .coWfli grass, Ilk bettsit,'Or -orarige Or Walerriijilgitilroil-­ A ollopliI Inin' pet gIr;d gio land I , .. t'lLilpil - ' ' 1 0 r 'or leep "IF an §Qmp, Others. AV1101. fill wan t te, lthe JI Plan .tQ, baVe� yo!j� leas, V rej a T,.>r'je �,qiui OOd plaLn. :t6�1111SIlips of all. Vfrt el in t %v469lI dlic0ered, it,is a4i t :A-� 0 'iA vizh 4' sm V; inil lon, A'k,noNrjqJI of these. 14 more, worth. fk)rt,'. elpiatizig it WII A, gr�e4t 7 bit nialfiI ago'-�ajidljo d 11,11.S. the (tli`p b,le �eg lame. of.tf, -be ter* e, lad xua '03 IftieasuI 1, -�bkve Our 4rj:- I, it arid that y important to farmer.thaid th;e"Inerf. i, ajQi Could ot, be, Sold qor� fo II loviely,"' I ih�inliiJ i07 �,veryj. b e: O'llars, 1p -&it; ivou "A " * Fe YOU PVdliled, all apro to-. qy.­�. Ing tbe,tr Z aroL We6ds'4h4t'dPjexVI for r fat tll C�'J C ugtion. t , , ­ ; TI '96.1d " , , OR 09".t y )Ojlj� t�JIQJII y" iat. prld jjg� t r, of' Nirep s itbat 'rj�lendff,..'fo pep ;pi4ilsp. �xa4f, A r- 'land- wifli tll,6 or, parliairlis- belurx I A sib�lel' 9e -d -A �Iy, j AcjklI Ap ull ni e -e -I r 1plan; �­r ".%Coed jljgl�"., d-� n -C PQjJj,. ire �-i6 b(IL"o 'JI aud-Alt In Iti, , jQSit Of tj_JQ�n j. Pet 0 a lIg ­i0fb J)' Al" A face �lr vii, 0.1" W , , , --, - - . II --ffiad0­ jler -un Clomf6tt"­ IiII 4blq- -lto­,`cdx-ny, :Out� ix�--Jofjg.� [II j,6 tw 1, bin sjlayb lillt' is an Ideal'. a ;q orlo6k regairde q. 4soilI ubt, lhe� Inukarlir'4114. f we t -,iided "6f Coin, o' V in 'a e tkl 1 ai,�-beii;411 fill f"Vaca-n-t--'letUr0, - tv�tb -iouth, JI he layeL no misgiIv- retch 111 '0' 111trYl :in' al'i, Otber di "Your name -i 'to. the vitality -of these, 'v of'. baCh of these liave beon' lii�e need ^I WT&Ily jenit'rit. an' will(I (lit Y -As, recXLIons. r 'a, to Jwc - i*d to. Ill, tile,. h. I e fei,exll pal�-ts of Qntario`.dj.,rijj,, not- go ng iarv, ou R 1 re The 'SeLed -Lot iVkq -.that 4, Olexuaijin the oaSt you-- I?, izi spji@�pt I o It, It Qive vb xl�-I 'tur6 Our gi.. season ai�d Alie'. CaSt Il. groom L Itli did.'4 U, not V ds ;hall -p to judge mer- Sir., "'. u0n, crQps,,.eNen though AQULt t1lenj 1, ell' at If", L it Shells out I clear -�-1 , I - I, -And thii.t 6 i i'te DO You remember 4. geptlerran on the, field,'is �Vith dit- II ju -.-that tlf� IlI posts, are Im "You" were per . tat fie dueed.jo�g6rhrina,te.at a tim n ly, L very, for, WlIP! ca -010 to� see You tt,Aere. laist fall'.""' L" eL 'b jvjjC " * n ln*. b "book 11 Can zaj Ing e4dWa ftiuch 'd tupat� to faII:helr,,t6 Oo-hand9ome wjomtl�n ell lead doUbt- e destro�,ed. Sprind'of', it "k do -9 , - rate, than they�� d1d twelltv-ftv Ld to gr6v by stirring -the ear a proper4�,,, 6 t�. , t1th'ihg -'abodt ful):Y, Y , k' there WnJ4 a lcok- on hei caxl-6 I;er'stj4d foo I as suddenly title I" t' "'S l a: an t6.',teil him 1.0 her.1-i'llat r a s -he had - come, 'and lie 'fair girt M4rked,� rb - etly after'llarve ITO" at�Ouxxt- for -t liW.L.(6o Od.� suifl�e- s0ii d! Parlplt: LeIgb*ton FlOr6nee, I 'nloqt*: 6fL., *a, -ItOartlly, glad to. al!e li.A(1,4L vaguo rolkienibi. 11� Alil' -0 -'the: ar for' the s4kiI JI sollintlil U ance�of his �Ivii no gerininate imfil 4ts I � q-. be Of IIIII pi6eeniIe:` 1 1, 7 gets jea -red Iteree' for­a-no`t.,h-ie rL d t siOn ave,sboifq that-th-e-Sfili&a. ereo, Ileglixi It pjjhGq 'don 'It ftv'o theek), now 'JI iSioi-i tile. pbriletuhti6n, tII'e 'to blam' �t ' - I - -- ­ ­ - T , a ru ed, Tlius )',1 19 t�plell are� Y� &fter his rIval.; ."bat, jdst AIR soon ry ent e pl-ovii es. ox- �Ve e o a. icon.9iderilblie extent but n val frlend,� until yes Ivan— In the sJI laboratory at Ottliwa, one 'her e there ana maxi b- which.' Idly r-em`ark4d,, whijo. la.otor;i I will follow. and rapidly to our four t'�iiliat`iq. true. -.s4i'd her cbmpan- Y 'O� .111,41 1! them West 'tho' felloW., I never "four k Toni gr , avel t dered jl�jtlj, al wee. 9 slipped wistful' look io Jti6LO�­ li� Ili, when t ey-, 'bu niw Vacal WalSont T1.0 f n r;oj III- Tt's' R�e,- Pl'or 10, j -y" hI 1I fills: Jim An willI III P1 are, Into friend.. rth old Consi era shabby trl&k,,`I� g 0, 0 "Wile my wife?" under'tlIe.mo.5t.favorabl(j conditions pill 6.1ths laIld t enLeC, . .1. . . ' 6 ' , . er w )Qd- ha'i n ende'dL )Tj-jAPftqR, XXI i . i . " no was n filayil Pl4im. re In L . licit so overeomj$ by. the In- Vhe r,.. how ow ifil tj O.V"$L tit 0 CaXrol, InquilIk6d. ed -b of L leave. tolviewi hiow6vor. - als to. Iii-ty,five of flielia'Leopla be induceict. to hn gro-W land free We�d k4erfere to he leaBt, *jtII his,. carnival, t AfL5l I Kink had � lect And ullI C .0111' 1 '. t bu on inued r Is Ahead a, inam Ole proceede ly to many plan -tio Nuinek4A 4N, atter tile Pic otly" kept' iTo bie' .4ox 1%,0 then Placed "in Ilid i; ected. aftill Trii Orta 11 eonl an U ent she (lid 'notL e ten, of. g t I bft.11 In le. jhe r ilWa . ompawei, ia muqh to ill a a, call uppon -iii6Z king, W,Ith Ad. d lb.next lifting A, loeik rave surprlse to' S Ow zcrio.. When agaillI " It) do 1vith the hit d t, 0 ACHING JODN gcriiiin-ttor,,sevonteen'iii6i-e of-tlie seeds, . npN�L, jj,e6ds. A97 lie ispbliI The a -�Jxiivl to 1mr,0,LlsiblN'to, tmr- him.6elf away; 1101I compan.ion,s, f rQ Ile ion o IIIII to. t L 4Qe, she qiiieily! j:idm e Most, of nor 112 while, too? In` tie- - of ilia Th 96il-wa-44hen-a­i xl­011s�Llvoe S-aTe-intror iolvea'" to econie'thoroughly :and -Their' ee(*. e`l:CA1jjpJWIla. And .-i- -all ed, from 'heb "61111111'011.ly �bet­o­n­37 0 D I n cl the , , 4iiy , are of "I .,thouglit - thjit, matt6r bad it �jjjaj jo forencell L 'gax h6tr&�s', a II)OIapailion"L be C, ilriI bi U Wrieb I the '19ain;.p 6cize, aft6rt-jvIIjejI ten, brought able aft -r NO 1 1. ilt Out, to,.,ir are. Walter." Ali �agp. t,j.r merpe. -Worrill; on tlie.con; rary,-,dild ""DO not nixy­'tbat, Xfor-6ifeel" the Blood Y ��Ilile Use iof'D,�. *flu&nXl*" L' twelve, ifigre.,.of tlie hundred keds, gerii- A t own. heArt�,�fo.r settled 11"ed., for pac Jlte�r- dartc-,,­;a-na. 10 'n th _OUgfiiY, j k ­ lit Liz, pills.. a ion- was. -repeaaed, its pac ing. ate a 'te pd about . 1 1. Ilted,.'- -This jilper' t',", TI in dy d :pj6aded, ea-Ilineritly. "I rial i4 ge. IIIV "In dead .�earneliit,'.l as Il the.L several. times; tifitil. finalli tbe`ttaiound aild, -see ejL,L -veu 'aped 911' stribilight 3L �6, his 'La'"nJit -I,VfN Ir Vevz1van, ":,.Thp, kidiiI filt eVery. drop 6f, y pp% -, -­�,� , .%�. ­,, ': �0,1104 "IllinlMU wh I be was',not ger hote p2n. awj-upon the xjeys�an e riot lii,ed"ifi' vain. ack' ell - UP the ba L, ai "Ivin-hin I blood. The"puill It be.4bund on' a 1 kn U,,6 L . L . *ILD)u h fl,:lt- obl n;bd, to 111 R; you, 0 it I I, Ardii;k.'and tookAbe next- be bat1ble motIlI pla, t hn, a r fouI e L,. e nevr Y' tha7- prepenl�e. Off -.t6JI oar & , , \ m1hati& " lin thr*e,i e r th dalonstrated ed lis cj8L for 1�arl kid yeed,!, ma3 expr en ro khOlv !You -S(,emed inellned. t64 dr ]IIIII circumspliI6fiy. ok: t iebe- It of the of. I e ay st, Of 0 if you e noxious ur ow from the. se Wee e too r n soffi, el, Over my, darl, blood is I%teak�- tile. weedg thait gr re- 0i arrlveid,�� at 0 , last-'sum-niq YPIL ki n6 's 6d.alone ']laid -ell greatlyL upw ds 'come to: us n6­traVbIed,.,njgh1: .6nW'day An ' --' "' "' f L � I �dek,dfid rlvgre�, 11;ia. step. wb. �6 kidne"y's'depends updif h AS. a., rtkl� � ibeds 'of Ahe -nio' 'aymq. That j�-th !i7 I: . es I'n a:t I o fail -141-0 h�r­,pl.ot. to capffire log, aq:ivqll hriee dayAl­ piI U t eVjou&. to tile fiaj.0, 1-1­jI­. I..'' . .... .. q not the idin-their vitality�fbr several - n ehlith '' * - arriva Lei! e` iJight of:. tbt.-dayl' lls j ; . I iiii.'' � wor a . n , I' years wh,6h, .---The wind'ahti.-animals:.-cf + Cave the a r the. 18�qpvvjik,� and-bai,6 no eal..- to III ed- in th, -6-11--bal iI LL jiloo'd 'unfilutel'i-b-41-eall' m'tichAo. 4piqad, I Cd ­s bdj�, in IL d. bo dn th pap rae- wLas id embedd t is' bighly, na. 0 Vuu. will -'so"Ine Ady 'bCL 'will r blood 011 then, t' r y W h(NI"'-prid4.,�'that 'the: tw.o is'bad -the, kidneys eAt the.formtI ocal�-way.' Se( '110.kept.,a ish t Ing �tb' C- t-'clo qd. with.pilax- Of s0d. �ds.' of. linan, eedS, at&, evidont that many, llroyided Witli 'Sp or t Ilem, kn'thO guisO of P'R.ge�;'had 6deavior- U I. poisonous impurities. TIlI is what: field ,edia raci ies,, sola hilp, lbokout,lf tie'. flitit tmiI 'Us.", t is I s- L us :o. 'each 'other., 'q anada have -now' a i:e'Lomall in, theL' however, I , I �`No tie Nli,'Ad II-ro e Ill:Ixelm 4until 09fte. Altor;!' 1,16relice doldly-rei ofiddid'. Stb of Q bilut t;ould get no trace or., ed. to lkldlia M, I kibia *as. W caiasesyourheallach IvithAo'dii-ilpt'Lla-S.' PaAwKtiies',as, dd � Y4' 'had beed'l,n ,thei. 'In. a.-­qate, or continual f6ai- ­:t11at­ -p,bt q dIi to.produce lilx.:, ion 4nd Caha r shdi abs of pi�k' Irri h "I kn Oa 'jL th� Wd. of, Andki V Ssifille there doe8 nor ;.�,.Jonn f 1 * clt�r, qiilveral days, .-And t 0hC`-MIW4t`aljY,,I F'p-tug' arrt pro k 0 hen )id lo�t uFOn L ler. ;.for .�erei ars- sieedi n� � the:'-mo9t--�dea;dLy,­ '-but- udulKing a suifaibf-e- r6tat 6�1 it is by 'the 'wind..'Nature' tlia;t- - C i po� d yoti. tit an- -lxtt*k� e plantii weedi Ilor6noe WN3 not. very �welfy InVi,' from - hier';;,- for; -rhe reAkdilI -bie-doior lbavind, 'thai o' i;, �siblb' fo. Pravent most. of 'th other ob Tfte'on ope is to strilLd seeds X.6l]r� faitt, t these4eilias� conlibg to.m�L.Writy. 'tie means of Cline: X out d6lay at: Alfe' root. of the troubi-e'in r 6 �Oue-to the I Pink ne S �Ive o btlief Inimals in 49 11 Rome jimt ai that Iro 1p eajqL rancel., or lie E lav' EhD ediftil -have no, other I attez, ha ly h I Na by 'his I jillp6a"' "' 4� f the" 0itildaii0n, plighted it bould libit forget tj�elr-jast of. ; Am, I "iviii -agk(!e that, jabA'dist t It. W `surely yqlt� cad fia:rdly . the bldod ''wi -and dreaded' a L- rofieIval' iiI altai, Dr. williaigg t1leir -full, share. 6f Iveeds.�Vk� the 'p er to 611 'Vi a, niii I 'iMp or n4itie i th�.. sta�y: thaI I* new" blobd'.� ey',a .6or, 'insure theirAisfribiAipm itl ny� "'t att6Pt1QII9l S Minn 'who ]lad acted as L!'Plon 'You."; .They hctuilly: Mak'e- w Jrllo'vtr wil T III the kfdneys'ciea�, re with its'. How ',do' we, *It' is - the ��,Jid that'. 6ome - fii secretly - U1511186d fo r t W I;a )Pe�aili .10' a, :YOU" S,a.y, is L'Ue.. y. tit lit ges at' till- b!jIl al -stijliet itea pq, .-claiii, 1�24` t' get t1lein? - AfiLby­ farmers'Lean doubfkAs iIursei JOHOWS. thrL Florence or_ at' had',4hade, i�o`ptn,�.­ljje Dr�ml-,,,�4 riI Ac LJI %vith laidfildti-on' d' re-- _th_f remember --w en tho,-Can�o:d-a­, �Thistle­*a§ t4leY rc 19 1-; ."1 -their Nvork.� C.-ommon"I 'd h burs,lvery: truly b ­ I 4Atcd ikh At had 0. a-- -n-ew' weed. per6lithil, y- to ;coerce - ter con s6 ct to 111�' Cd�413,� xxiiipself, to :YOU proi� bCf&II6Ijj` theju� Just ey a t " ch the�py,,,Ilptonjs I ne y 'pil.IS4 ')Illy W. * A;1,'CI6m6ns t -as -'tfi: Irere -.1 cb-liscIII &0 �014xldestine mar- .011 pink 'Oki , title PoYn at. 'since t1le 'e JI :Pills Cure the Cause. That is wh" glI Tagweell, , I w and telt that t: V 'It 'I' IIAV bind �CodL 'Itid ls, to; Ill s� a lady, tilctlbg.� y. they. pin vICtim ame time 1 ..She mast"11er'00urte6us _him and0ed '146w beea:so, cure'fb 9oCA.-'JInd�at-'th6. gIVC: no%de"oriptf.6, unjVll8e_:_8O we. now, ;Plloy coil d 'pxI the, health' in -every. j�ay. structure of- T�il�Ep',HONES 'IN - �flE, 'FbR* ver, ,owing to', bolive, t lit n of .1 lick(ess-.1-:-have, some - him hoir stra- giely -0,i y. EST, ilmd ir�A� Mr., George er Js - so:, coiiipl 7- 4 oduted hllx4 too Mobfca - telllxig� tji�,l aqsaila tll� - tr I 417 .. . . . . * � lohnson, of t3 V tj E'elally 'alway e -in Strorig� Of Of ioliI 3 Oil their w from, Rome, dn,%1 by, 'd . inesilleriz ejll�,o f"-Oliio' -N', 8 IV dal'kneas -and thD 'oaddeifill :of villagg the brganie hiatt 0 Camille Mitmillarl'I 11. er'o. A111ga- Stat iLn the -Dense -TIM er- eep�llogsl; J c, n t i t y 6 f to that. NN-j"Ong and 'foof- Ahe jutIl 'of -the 'above :statbul"11I He � I,. .,j ititsisting tup6 r presenr,`e V4 S�, the I, H 010 -nit -tack. and 'tIju It K' -a -lie Chia: , I , on - 77. gers ii MP z.m.aixxi- ish act -Pelid- grea,0j",",iti, kid he:,dens� tffiibe� 'the' ed t'11,4tt iii'Y' de when. he , ciAllid Were. ii\tlose'Touch, boirled. to dig bays cen Years' With'ilome." L Ili, '. I :, a.� id .,.tUY-',tETy, groatly 'to, the: poarl: 1'�Xfty_ bell Y Sulij 1jVlV Wnet pourage a reneival' 6f ]its- A ev �q iupo) lley trou- ih. q eon r U u e, It lI IT JI l'il Would co:iiie'- "t d there xx StAR&I 97, o- �Vas foot," onlliI I�L I . N .;� 6bubl6d N6th 6:1- A dr 11 �jre the loge, are. 0 Va.'s -ill ligh him'. that. I. fo �ji- , e I.. i'llaking a lid 0.. 01 paiis, Ta U , IV e W( ql: the [3, li&tl. Iqfj Piep4ii�edt. id, one, aifternoon V6 . 0.�L � !, , L., -, Bes1d0,-.V.hd 'Best of, 1� 'c' uld,hotl,b� 21blig owled in, thliv, -mq,v; 141.4 1 1 t that JCeen the' bin ilit i,�Oxlfi 1,7 . al UP0 Willin-111I IT li� gravG1`4.jlIJJmeII.,s w ell: 5.vPre�pa,ins in tlip'baek, a ell h6r, hit, t It ed sleelliless-lifiAts.," Hi§`a�pefife R Are"thd,,L er tit ver fa ta d. Well* They mJI the.'trdve qr`--is� 'Ofte s . risid'; iWe'rEII out the T� issue n 'lie gfd\v weak-;ailid, c6uld,':fiardly 4" a the -lot of. ys ath�bukhj e logging dis u lfll.*tb��Id�a thaz L inlislt cdrryl Builders.: t ' , ;'i * ­ ­� ;"*� , ' * " L' Usual `ii�b III that' fa'lls -t a L' a q woinej Y marry- in 6 talif Ot I IL, L t g a 'Son AN6'6i d 'boy N may well play. an part in fi: 'lend." rip., at kidfie�.me-' Managed -to' �61 a, 1*1r fi�a I - 1 b uts P 3 0 �zee i I pa, 14 8fr NV nk fatheill ' ' r. h 'jil on lt� to Vior %r (Jif. ]I is� I small te�ephozie. �sfaii6ns 'A IlieGUILiar".1 they did nn. "JI the' in nu, As they Ited frolif iques; but help fl, e diatire, ook in- -,�Orir j�. )Iii -'T ILL, fiI ,-n'd IV, a a Ook . si'm0pt' over., IS r di p may.''durbi. 'th prc� era of "the: pat Apejat�da :-hiterva, s in the forest"' fiValt-r's f-ba,ae that last ,dbser- Then, a fl. .1, .� I ; , 1, , j. C)m L�j by, jjr.-2* Qe'avc!r iciId ifecomiliI 11 -,qol�, weathe.r,� They 'm . "' . I, . I ust. b� 'baiefulfi:- her vex e t i,,it All lid iI I-ag "the first Pa. a ions, and -th red' howQVer;, thoU94, at 1' OrOneL was 'hot zl�vxkt ivh,Pn,.,1` medicitiI that r enough' (,�hicili few are) ey. is I --w , ills Dr i)eop'��`, eVL ai .;t 't' r Pin k. f d6lin ta 0 ..Of h pp6,rt dt�y-'; a.r.�ill­,hi s. wifel yatio. rj to grtad 't Cul u Still, -presen 1or Ire, feared she -might: a,Coupje ellraills and;' ttlaII 'S.A'jV� 'ybIj ".ISL 1111, but, _A - o-i(a J�a _tie hp�jllxt I. -. t- ­. - ­ - _ . _ . i.e'dare no cited, the f!Amuse their teeth be goo,d 6 f� preffis, her' i� In In pro-, riveAs refirse t6- becoinfe IvIxen ti d t, . used. tb fo�. :,7 th I e afLe :she Ahs, and, -I "am �C' i"s ible foilm... e lmbndsAlmonds� i ley c iase, sili;Trpred,'t In 0 a 't ��OriteiPL io" 'And th say is AllI in llli�- firs Css'. IvAll 'the rix;Orraen aii 'ti, -e b6�gfixx, .'iisliot turn �L3 tip 'gest of: mot t ia.1-Jul to' ed, t MO n IC, bid t, - g�Wp .7, d t1ra �,once dho A the-' 6i tb, th6,/,rboln -fondlyi' believe' t now 4s strong and 'fiealtl'Y- As loviiii tile stream, a" nariI MiJaAed- PLa for h a III b.6y 'S il'e-'Ini the' Gar0en 'Waltt�r k -0 ,It is feet ;of it oil or tisiale-bui lof-�Jj6 Tjj`,116'r� I la�'beatftlfal home and.'readii0d tile of his Ae4e'-' iii brogeaVushe jiling floods. 'I'll e would -occu] '�Iiqre: IS in in ers, t ly, whicb:,are no . w� are o t a a rt ed I bse iiber' tL tC, ; aS ills, blood 0 6xclaiiI due'to'bad uplibit'rzid, -an an 'PD -sit ail r6tiie;- faint gr 'eat to, Xame*, boiling. Rp ["sea" but not'liilal 0 est-ie"il ce': in the.,c6iidtli it Mel 11 grown in par Own. Counj moing tha 1 .7 ' e ing-of-the at,y'ou 'there a-­to-IIZM-6h t' 6 i'm Wife,"'thEF tem,�afion �hait:� Drl.'%.1VjIiam91- Pilik.' ry,L are a* Will "Jess, , T 1, t lig Kc -q., king' from III In. III 61dd'gt'�-aud�-teit,+kri'o%vn.'. . They "a e. deW f'tI e countri,' `theytziI 'a' PC 16, C!Ire; simp y, be 0 tit of tim �A. eXino A redtly to,.,Var I I. u,. e',gazi.�d, 4i �i.'xlty, 0412--:6h6 could 'res! I Cau�e, new elous, -,snIfed' though' 'the, housewife thqtlI yas a)1i e,' dildi'lln, case' of it' JAM* be bbpp:� or N=;,a't:, the, Other. AValtdr. bore fihiiaelf;very! rich "'blobd lirat .. Sir durini-tho r'emaindJI tile 'JO'utn6y, every tjtI body!- 0.1'liq 'tbd 'fat and dbfents their dt'g;estive ti 9'- the ripm1atinder­ of:. ddvan'oedr_,­-*j�tj diseas 'from, W, Aui�ln :red that, exp0i; a e r tiny othe'r i�6uble, ihey are hII ie jr. I remem6er- "Jaot­.� to place, buttet oDr'oil in, fit wrlefeli. - the.,paq­with._L'th*qm, ds hLqat,,L!' dlecompnisess f FM,1 0 and lie *p4sr pierhapld d1ittle mlore" -'g' tjj ey:L Cilret, the * Wofs t- is, Why ng fe'ladb­ e rave e V ear er was In(iges ionL, niepralgia;'rheurnat. cases o :anaer p one, Ines Illy. 111`6. Fl6renc� ditirlixf1k. !.-j.Aov eit-cild'ell hin-d to gi� et, than 'uJI it L' There?s oil enotigh In them natu'rii'lly, to. hold tIilp jor' tj rp� ��-Cars, giieli - tel Ou 11 t Iree And uti'd the liki th .-all -iniv oil! Linjil.and 't IIZAli la It" but* his "indn ism fiedd' IravI, loo'ne, hito 'use ilinb I . iaf,&iI . � 'I . -1 1 jo--Ita-3.-J'ast - -j --,f,1---1- e. 0going r gio4s S, �1`, -610 are pqzzled f"fi -lie aeliej �rfd 'litick wa e, 'is Le Ch6stiluts 21(Indoubtedly the. bhestnlIt -nulI the daY.1 K e Oculec my, camps If it ILIA F"t d Pon, thair! arriyd in -I;on- :$h �Uld siee' th' C full, na I Ili L e, much '6u��pr� I�uzi:Tber, bell e measure, s, 6ftentillp! A's 'evet "nut only tile �on�ine pill�- c gestible;, sinde It'contains ad� st6�oh-' John to Viine wh unn orencej-'ali'd i0h,'women, Suffer.— The�,chbstput must be' cooked to e T1 roiiW�l() ". tl1b -forestg; � fiom th &I;gu1qe& Listonishment, §c Illifill.' I -Merrill" sfte..�be wit an do this 'it w iih man y, as !a *turlwy still It stands fir t ii, on lie Ra onging' t e %anie, Ili 6resi s are, -con- L L" I L gliton" '61� at thL S 111in'lle. iiihkil �Yoia tic, diltly , illoca V 6as- "Dr., Williajx�§, Pink Pills-­f6e, pile' pt?o- The English trainiii:=Many'Iliziefer the Mig-' neLfte'j, b jel a� Walter d V the '-part I Ohilling: idigitit tat a;gsure, ep IOILJJO� tile '111] r.94 . not'bing. to 11 . otic -for, :,!i . aollfe-`31- t quainted 'IVItIr od, in their: ion, 'ai is' print :th6xI��JL the iiiiapp'er' �kljl §J' L or - wood' pu p > revoir, on 11 h walnut kbove all dessert w4ts, Though mj.",8, ti d d i n g , 4 D� b lit I am affiazed "I t hat yol�,,, ' h OUI�JL. r'JI Mcl a irouna yen tasty, *they are among t e most t �e "deai36' little ra it )10 fl -on Aer towns from: .:in . -*Iew',of .tb6iri U,d . ea�lli: box. 'd bi��L ali-hielitici W. -A if%lidds to their di9e41I Wo I, ��q t., th,Iii;t�eubijb,d& after My* ailtitia 3loullig', exprp-:�szd L lixs VISI prea.�;ittri�.� Ill niI lirlie, Of IvOoks liltcr,116 I'llt u hb hazel nut, ti 0, or NVitilidnIS, . 11be F ilbert-The 'filbert and I, e4rillihiiii at)' lia& e to 1I*p.,y6uilg .0 L�MA to JN[,6I .. . "C' , L :00,rd 4ou-,-ur, I laino ritbg, thii Miglidi filbeR, or:Cofi fut"'inetro,poll -are tavini on. " pre�,Ioii mid: 6,14.:�, L acit-tia.ifit4nere, 4 Iiroqk�ille ont &CcallI Ibil t let In 4 S fL.Y now Wt tlI klinx)el: - hi (,,-x- I Tow,.Ar.ii -,J, it. 7� V. at 50 the Most dellefous.-i a I or beirlig jar a I'm Cents Ox tm�%bqxos fo' Is I' 'T -Bta7 N1 'tIl(iL Custo'lli 'Of. ea�hl� er IIII ,�j, it-111'eh in 611 js. the 01:1' oriller e. ano is go'likely to be spoiled.by the-tifti,, lkilijbiII il orce,� . o YOlI - . , .1 n. As"b'dw time t 7 It. in a for' fill," illat�, I #hali ney Gv I n qUirr. lla t,11-6St 0! hinta" ry hat we ,Were Will not. L ecomO I. 4et It that 'son -e wil'I' ve none. $itavjor, bV qin(,dL that ''1:1 HE TLA�Fft' M�RS. III in a c'olu plade I I t P r. Carr, ., 1� , � '-1 , 11 uness of '.',man 'Widuri'lig tills-fo.,g )ntorval. .0h, 3aV, 'h The �,oung` man flughed hotly',`40- -i LatiI n,ld.,' ardy men ta;n it all' in�all 21' LOW ii�c julAiI LIFE ON T Coudel;9ii, 11, . the efix's of' tfili'llud-' illeath. her ley cah ra, JC'. NvJ?jIld, ti _q I _t t r 'tier. llVjLtjj.* "t.jjb" 'tit' j�'�. j)S,.io 11,441, dv At offor of thd ealluts-P6anuts, though:unden!ab`jy',bmur­. Nvi net- 'fia th Inflel."iJbIll'tj of*� her Lb"",n . .� I .-I .VreG,ZraplHejI. Map. of: Our C . eleitial are. trerbeiidously importinit, The ye ' weLn a ClOv�! d' IN -y, by a id n .' t I i a. L 'i h had Lohdo,a ril- 11, geolsle. J."rovious y oply', hi tl -ougi the wilder 5, t (!o starc-h,t. ond. attdill Ile Xe��bo;r -V.eiy -Accura e. full fold', Ovorlt.0­ to re' p canno lie 't k 11 ir all a 64 rclatiI Ile iort 3.11 lmid',t vi ilue-.-wheii Cooked. qf lialt t take tl�,-at at 'a lkl�l III Ii tj�, L""', ­'. I t We Can qjI -C a. I II -aiv a Ik7,giI e ill n f I vrho: IuAC dic<1 01i W4 t I a C&I I it -Cal. �Gn. Pln� NIAS amp, �n. lirn p V:JI 'L d [ 1�i .1luts. t)aIntabIe,,'Wh eSo 9. 3(l (I d�> -t(4,0-r(l 't1illifthl; forLiI i "' figurat, .. , and, Cb6ap are­uzed to great' advant e In .?qjL j' " * , L ' ' d 111,11. '10118, scasj -Coasts, islands jlexiiii- -d6oIr , . ., .; , rieportiL and to` 'win I:. I � - , , - " �:I. - - , . af lititod lipii Jr. Ira np le ol to El 01JI 8, n'0110's 0 rlVetsii� or, ttan&IS' 'of T lie V li;tac h lb -For: flay6rl n g and gar hlh.&, gire� . S tr&HO'll"s '.t' f 'the' Ijj'stn0hIo­filjt.06CuPie in' wAo di� ell* onAhe '44 uts IsPot loces _TMIlAl, "St"e I let 1; a.", �Iv.jj OTI P il t.f.liad lib,011ttifrot; dis, daring, Al'ar `S, i , 'lt mil�"lt in but; IiCbdll)P� '�.j i.1 had I I ng pnosporc( 11 -a h a 7 t 'I ),f n aintaining Sue a ')to 1010%� 411G fa; L o. %vItq i l"'o-In'. f"dilt '011. her, Iv%a-V homel ..blit wag�lrlgfy unit xv!,.oIl h6 8 J%V Uppear West di,,h.-' t lI -d-qiiixrt(-rs ana' -.1vitil Ilia] .11tt"'P01I 1�iligav,'filc azid wo '.as �tbey 'do to :a malle qlaedly* that e Initirov6 'tit R6 I na-ly ili� y - c%� Opp c d :'n ledL St in 'e Vloplisel�!)s Aw laJr.e. t an I I bCst R8 fdoq. w inn, ground laibolS. rotid, to"kt,op" lkil6lved in be;fo, t.,fiffy bject Upj,)h ''I it I Of Flol -Ing Ithe, lsll _D! -C Plo iidoll his Tirld* II Thi 'Axid" If - 4,ou iters, `6411 ate wliht At tilet, - I add tb it �hlnd'drdh Ij (iX1HTk8(i( in 06 leiis of ille.!tii nifti are -at their L �R tur,16id, C�,i lilabope, for the. etters dre : ar.1d,.coolctill, i I -flliii, -6tattioli iif, the,-Plaliet, IS Though -linVilig'the #vilud 14,111("Ai th; 0gliall fe,01 O'bligod. t6i ie(III V'du 1* livii'lli Nv;t�� I, Tit. lell-th, of .1 ey' ariq res it �kiI th.'patt 'of."Il See- fren ftnni, dlsbaoo germs, as. th6y, iii. a of ye.�O- or oli6,Lhu idl-o(l 4111 (,$-xiI y. and - angweis. discPhtinub, Yovil ji Nl',&.-4 j!ot that :1,Ndre',xic -1-16 iijig lit -till "Ire, _11jen , to 'Ond. J�S thll Div r Vmaj4 1061glitl; �itll'd - rtibu4t I on its 'axis VV'I �1� N410 rrill,ll- 'ha.( Aarich, -n s I table li� VVOIIII(i iyou an I 9 - t! "r, W io traji�, ribbs s' nbl.� "hiore 'I thdI1,0111-9, tlle* oal4lillii Of stohogfn� 10 1 tliem" III ivo 3"'Caiis :Of' 61 W, of, alld t1leh'illAl them to ;their Ile er ��y ME �;fi b 0 f - ), Ob.ol-V14, nn I 11"ftid f:'jjCjj 0 days -411d. 1,9 . Ut lio"I and full b' S& BOW& d,il-f"ti P/ unil.ponolled., t,, '.t 16L jje sh, d ed keal dipta od: bi, 'tfio I.j ;ei tl,y i 4,�U,t till A6 lia(I. gro It , ­ " ", agaiin "' - '. llll(� , X H .3, fA, �.ji tilt 1 0 wtiI almost' it itly IIIII jt� is: not jxxa�y Ly .11 t ant' n , the OaP -in if C.J.r�'Sj� I Coli fell llig,pyos, Were 1.4glot And 0�1,klillgl .11iiI 'it Was! UJI "Yft,, J10 lileptlbss l6ar ,v r obsei,i�atloh.' a d, Ivaiiie I lvlllcl�ls 6siablf-Tiol: lien not t wlith lboyjj§k, j�jscjIj6l,. and 'Ills dialight - "lleei) soundly to, L, I waS .1 41k�tvrl inediksci over t hli in I A , , It baboes are- fe� eoniimiyiic�ltlon,T.i hi� rePlYl .3. h U t' by wou'll'-dba"I(I 141 havitig, lit And one can, a lit S, 10 f it is -Alle '911rest, jy� t It tael to 749 , appy ill,' a,il Si"it of, iijiiI all 'probability due Ae tho jiiilttiI 0))Vi,ilvliI II but, lk;i U. sixiI ll'titrj)(r df tile. i4ilabit isibib th(011Orkill," fof6e, -.11 1 0 JI lin 0�ulloi;d, , a , 1, '' 9 Vlotld- W ip f lost T.;,e� ispient, hav& obserI to ,.'+h, t a- fine illd I SfeeI)1z,SS--- rn h ,..to 'I ; J;m,'.tivhen, Ile -had :"II C. II!,,q all .11ne-410. r - a it 0 . Ill ) I , I - 1A t 16 Ljjili� as bbl%ged fts ae 'ailg, h lid of tlips'o th&'Illost Px- S�Ille oi tile 9to IV &4hj'aj)a,L ' I inach and' fill tile aj,'jonijiL Q: �Tvlil, 0ICt�tjjijJ",V tj hill,. t 16 11111 11 "18 or' -it; ItIld it QW T11"V 'll"10 111) 4".1.0 '111 ej�:'CIII`JI t6 'go- 1111011 1�11 o t IlI rlp. I it 'director bm%iek, it is� -n . I Q pi oper reme y. OI� j to I Uzi T1.11,I tn�I 11 IS %'ub fou Tablets aro'th 0 o ww it jill I Ila "thirt 'jilst ag lilt) r "Of tile A." ri'litoill tit Milan d' Th, .4 in this -way. T id Collinloll m6il"b"Is 11 Ahal mob :I�(IbatoAlbr 014-ftl% "nilAW-0, 161' irlirch Fl 6' .101ig abdiI Ill: I tl( lan'et.: They i(lbiov'i, the IrduI -Ili lift Illiq jul, Ij fe �'o I Ralia4 trle(l'to A­,'It1.l,-4tR,,, U -A1 .11r,' 8cavo 000 ffi L' and n ",I tie" flittld", ore "Clit-5,tillill L11:19�fdvor whe "t bubn mode,wi:th ilifill hill(" 'is fiv every rJI CC ilil lilr 1)foatlli c tbV66� 40"lins .0 ag� CA -6 rtly iI �Il,6 Ve And �'tj`u III ilp 11�-Iltlj�r ,Ill 1,14h Ille. (Ingrgiiiii, 110 at lit jvi(jire.� jfl(li- llnol� aild ('011�1(teir to eonthhi , (qLi 01, 1011; �sj� h pre -o hrii I i;', i'listii Idloz li�, �.I&,A lvjfg, all c1pal C40'.4 froill, �ollin�llbi U'le. ih 6 - lezvft A.0111 to wh ath ­ I ' 'raoid Al I's Uri, Utirrill"o sit r grt 1 11 koreOvelt. bilt d tIy't,­ivI)1A .14 j I i ol 0011i1q, a, It RoRlJo no t., n"llb 9 a S litiol o 'o i - Ill It(i llldol� to I -t b AVII ul-6, t1l'u-01011.1 tO:WITf0I; 110 sons, haligriltily, d 1111Y., IV 1, lit ite, ei-o'm' 0 11 tu r L4 r. lie -a as- ivy j1dI 9' "110 All bilpaTA7 I c o 1 it.' r -till q -wa, H Ill 0, t W.)tA ixr�l, �VI�OI 11.0 iip CC 11 -ion -in A At rov �­ " 1�, - : lit fi.,Ilt'll s SO t tile I will malce you r u a tiF -da MIS, ou 1, lot a Ij,jw )CC it" ftelfilat ('1111JAII - ItOu "" qI t ell gdri 011-11 �Twni� witli 111 11 1 L%V8 L1,0136L's, fol" It Cmoes (IPn, 1100, It Is Voll!"V �0 'you x I "1' 1) �V�alt. Ii , I , ':Iljlefq� .1 th to li�):3, of tile R"'Cis, I)JAill&.1110, Ili tui� I lIt4. 11711 it h -ih`­fj?j4IAhJ,riT,rit drug Ctislao "Yoll ot I, t 11 Jj,. t�, ­Aymb 1111170 �,v U a onelt-41ar ng�-tjjl�* l't, ti i ­j ou(.": istlsjioi�t ii�. dr, li,4"mill ti tj I llodip, 11 'elLI t Illo'llgr I e gol I'Ju t, o )rmain- 'I)C A Ilia, Tile boggro"! v:ittrol U , lie Walk �VkIjk tilelix, friond Aff(lottoilatoly Ical 11 . Ions, Itre N1110, beillo.", -Ilia I Call 0_ .1 I Ali a 1. 1 Oil laug . -11i*i�'U;71 1111011' ' e Uat -a V ienCl �y(')Iir'.. "kIt'lI by t ve ti�o; ijoLQj OX t-) 1'6 forip, In or iall .00,; lislial, life, eofulifloll,5, elill ba, meta F t �o'lllI laJit I rp, oil OlI fj Il indly 'fra,11IC hoillip, 1'16" tool, JI A0 I It )Out, Ilit WIWI Its 0,04elleev ( . 1� I'I'l L '66114111 gr.- tlta,t 'jfO'aL I 9 11� Will Voll v yotti, 110 H,), 0noV for- )"onr of 'j'�;,,' I �I�110 tic-& 4a ��lj In 11'. at tj of, iI i't illo �L, -1, 1, ­­At',P-r-o,-­ o , �10 Molt! 1I dok, IIII0. tob1c thel 'pas t)'VPr t1lo, t,\�.ib, a *1611� 14.4 zili& dip Alid t)obb11i,j Nall, aild: 0PAM fnfoi6 f1laii title Con (I �1111 ie� Atilt. fil 1,0 tnA. (Ill, 1),116ity mm.'18,PMatii ft­L� a fli.A m�ell full" jj'()jgljIt "lllit) I 11(jr, 'bilatin'll, I" ('o, .4. A S�Vffirfilr"oll III gdo"t 141)(1, isliail. qStx�a$,� Into, I o"I t 11.3*1 WI,101 Illol"N' to fil, ll�,g Ill.i(ji rffld to its, Alloll, .4 (Iy(I ljf,4 :IL;��(`Vfllv'� PITI , . ­ I " , I - 'A W r far3 :li'i �Wftrtj` 111om Kit t alal ifitbree t,, -qr� A. kltili.�r 1, f"t 0 4� tile tit bit Itll gfil r1d, 8111 ly , groat. illouth of L!0 -rzAtntiinT coil lit 1. Ali ev tT,;, tool,� PHIL, miII . iltfid'A lif4il, i, ilN, ha I� milollIA, oilly Ivoitol AtId' y 0,4' I�slllll �flny 01 y g ti, bfi-L' F�bill �Kthljlpnse 'un, (Alt, 11, In 1( 1" Inti'l, V , lolI 15 It' IV,, 0 m, As [6o'laved 'pall 'Pow Alvc t\h�j , vonilllid I to air 1111(t I%,;! dbsdlafely awn Adlou I,(,� J'o�v jj�'ft44(IiI 00, boilt alid it o' 'wofftuld ihliI tlr�. 1"ItIl jim,ty, 4'a, 11111:116fl, jt� tool, by;%,t0hjfh, lit, I'll fs orialtion it a kill, lais, And, iils�l 611rils�� filotll t1lo bill,6111g. 11641 1146, 01-016 hAlldenild bilseltelln fat fillt�e 'Dut; of' idv 'poilli'lil'I it.l 6y I, li,100111a, t hill Loppolitti, VIJ4 mi )�ul tint 0 �'jn, oh.. �illI lit* '411 mfttloli6a 101"'V .'re ufu k Olt t', I" i6 ­ . , I A, y 0.� i t2. 7 11, :0. q Oil aill d "ALA lit j: t , 4 J 1, � 1� -1 �4 'L , I & L