HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-12-01, Page 41144:noiv, • • li.. in '3leer. Eo'g$sh lcip uc*vr ,a . 4'40 &oleo ,Caneidian�. "`$lutolier d st 009 • {winter wear � or fid1;4n(and are 3u8t' l4 stole �� �ti# the kW IH Any. . foie ex to veilucs..' s''• otiose it give re. c riag!� Aft iue'of rubber good"e:uow neatly and promptly done. • hiave,'the following '. wood cook stoves .which'. 'o have --decided tooffer.a greatly reduced pricesw 'Disko room for,other toc 1 ,.,,�;. ,,.�• An evidence of the .diesabi faction felt *regard'. to, .the Aricaltur l and;, Arte Act, wbieb affect! ell 'the gruta:ul- turas •.cud horticultural societies risk '.Ontsrio,. was •fi rniihed haat week at filo l;Iortionitu rel , Guo; ilk !re; unto: pooietiea war diwu8aed'. and q, com Mit, tee sppoiuted to; Wait •on the Mona 3.. Deyden;: Minister of 'Agricultural to re0ee4 that, the",act bei revised . 'It aA pointed cub that),` ipso'. 'chanties. in a>Provinoe ispve-tso horticultural aooietiei. Were' hortioulturat. socia tiee to. be established, its grant would )lava to; be taken 001411 part; given.'to'' the agricultural aooiety.. The object-. ion on, the part:of the.agrioulturat, so- cieties.* twiny o-cieties,inmany counties, --has been ficiently strong to prevent the -forms,- tion of"`hortiedter:4 societies `:To: other counties, where tlleiro'aro a nein bec'bf" agrieu1turat sooiotier,': the grants - to .tho. horticultural .sociotietaleso ,smalt that they are, enabled .to, ado effective work. Thedeputation asked 'the Minister of Agriculture to • 'take- steps. takesteps. to place bortioultural' societies on a footing of.'tbeir own. ` The, 'Min- %star of Agrionitere:agree with 'the hlaime• rad s aifreciel committee repre senting, the horticultural aocieties will meet'to'suggeab ohs ogee: that -loaf be made: in - the -act '. It is 'probable a Provincial;: Hortiaultpral, Association .will be formed. 777 . Reduced to. { 23 Backs. Honor Bright- 25.00 ; 19.50• �3 Mc0lavy's Famous Model : 30.00. 25T Mcryboro 23.00, 19.50 0. Brandon 119.00 14.50 o. 9-22 " Model with resary° r 30.00 25.50 These stoves'are acknowledged to ba the'best wood cook stoves on the market' today.: and : the •price we ,'have ' reduced. thetu.to is below- regular wholesale prices, Wo ave also a few second hand heating: and cook swlves for wood `atpr ces. ranging from $2 up, XVIBENI ST EL>mLENS -,--Mr.-'-Thos.Woada of -Wheatley -ii renewing -old acquaintances around `. beret : Mr. Jas. Joynt had: 'his leg badly; broken laet week by, `being, kicked by a hone while''; drawing wood.' Mise Maggie Crawford,:;of Toronto and `Mrs. A Oordon attended : the. f nneral of 'the late. Mies E. Murray. Ahouee; belonging to li r. ::T.- was, burned last Mond ,y, ;.about, "six' o'clock: . flow the ,':fire ui 'sinatedia a: .mystery ae there:las no ono living in it at the time Ot, od • . QuKrarts, :T?at.s�:Peel: Just:wha; you wet fQi'..y r . .cake , and baking. . Call •andn. see. theand i yt prices. •• • r• mas . ; , . ' p4 , c>inly: Y P.. �l;�te 4nported. ted tor eat p Tx a;5c aclag�l'of T,lUlt;+g;,5w1ss11YIill{ i;.lr�t�,� Mods_-dellvei'ed at any t-itne; u t.k u,:otttu IGi tw s74„oowoii ks ..gkO at011i tl ;:tgO lent '3f: a u r1s iS.K x� n ut?fat s st, rL ,: L FIRE, L1F.E, ACC11)EN'1' oma site NESS' POLICIES • ,'lcean. Lake, Rail and Ac4ideuC Ineut»ace Tickets. I buy and wit aril Endon ant • 1'oitciea,. `Real Estate and.husiness:.stocka :Accounts audited 'ai d Collected, 'J MURCHISON Luckuow EST' 'CONN! Noim _..INSURANCE FIRE; AND :MARINE'- CUELPN'. ' LEGA �initheQN & GA�BQW, BpU81eTEaa.SOLIOI- tore etc., Goderich Ont.t Chas. Carrow. �. r,.B . • L. Dickinson, . A; MALcomsos, n.s. emeTEB,S.»oraciTOB. y • Cronveyanoeri etc., (late of (lissaron, d l it d Cameron, Goderich.) Office upstairs fn Allin Block. Lucknow. MORRISON ' BARRISTER, SOLIOITOB.'; Commissioner Notary, Etc. Money, n Office over Watson's . Barber Shop. to loan,• .aNc sxnls MEDICAL', is and Mrs .Dann Croweton, of'Ore- gon ace visiting,. in this vicinity::• ra. Donald '• McKenzie is' ,pres• °ent very, low with, dropsy and asthma r.' Eagleson, :.of ; Wbiteohnrch is eng gad' as. teacher in No.. 9 for:.1905: Mr. John Murray baa treated; the` for parb.of his store to e•freeh ;'coat of • . ' he congregation atTifyin's church, w re Pleased 'to have their pastor Rev. d C.';.Kailier after, his vacation. are pleased to note: that. the' in- fa'tion of Mrand,' Mrs V. J. Sootb, is r covering; from' an attack of inflam ` of tbo lungs. • A pleasant' evening wasspent' at the. h me of` Mrs., Casein. recently. A 'SH LOW' ,° fD PRO AT . N e wish to callilatte i. and• 'varied stock of PICTI�RE. FRAMES EASELS) TABIEf RO�OgIN G HLT ,. -AcH,� IRON BEDS •a .>�+. OLD BOOM SUITS; `'PARLOR SUITS, ,o COUCH. •ETV. '60-• j , NG tTNDERTARER\ ANb".EMBALM)$ TIM L'EADI , • r►aeiunfl e�rrnt »>+il; io to till tAt, MoD.;GonnON, MD, C M, F T y C P S O. Physician, .Surpteon and '. Aoconchor. Upstairs in :A11in-Blocic. Reel- depce Rocs street, behind .J G. ', Murdoch . Co'a. store. , • A• M. SPENdE, M.D.; C.11S.` Residence rtie."_House.of late Dr. Tenuant, add.,., office over Elliott's Grocery. Dain Street,. SOCIETIES LD"L�IG� T LODGE, A F U • A. M ,G R C . meets. every Thursday night on or'• � 4 before the'tuli moon. in the: r Masonic Hall, Havelock'. street' Luckuow:, /,r, H, (l, asusi�EONG, Rr M H. DAYS.. Sec. LODGE JJ No. 112, meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in their hall, Campbell street All brethren cordially Wilted . m • i al bop, games. rand (other amuEe- Wm.Jehnatone is made the' seen short. d my luncheon was served at twelve. o' ock. LANES e were ;:treated ;'to ,quite a'` Snow stgr i on ,Saturday' and' Sunday, and r, 'the sleigh, belle are ringing • merri 4f . aklwin hes gone, on .> VCSN.OW COuv oil, Canadian Order' of , Choeen Friends; meetta Bret and third' Tuesdayy evenings 'of each month, in the O'dd fellow's Hali,Camp, bell street, Luck- , • Vieltore are cordially invited. •' ;.Reid', ' Recorder. COURT SH zBW(SOD No, 50. t6 goer Mrs. Lidetone of • . V A U.,'LuelcnoW:. Oleetkevery first Monday of `every month in the. Orange Hall, " • . .Visitingbrethren are cordially invited * 9r+atry /wsr. ilia: Mr. Mo.' N. D.'McKENzfE, R.•GRA A ,Sec; 'Ci tti44: v140 $ i, • all for ` fu me` Chief Ranat+r... ttu to 444' 1116vl.rro'ir ; , lxta.f40,4144; •ly nrt>l "arMieH TpelmeW LODGE IN` .y,f68 dependent Order of P; e4 e.- f a£Tr-es L,►r .Ira meetw in the rlweX. n,:1.#reak}a 'wudfifredlllaad'nfflenbhtlriteha 1''�' - ttitlhy;;;Pr rAcXAoath. 1rrlfOla .Visit" .y.trAtec ' Ur 34so t *% f P' •Wit off' .4•1 !(14.4191,„ YAP; ti; ' ata Y ,i'l1 &tr.: ik°foit.% tnMhi ,: are cindlal y, fi.vlra° i,� (;trf,sf Banger: 1#ec S$3 F Ir Nfel: i nald, ; T. E Lake/tenet, a 401 fisc Workrn m ww,atri' in thaThi faller ie halt . tit4101a ry 04/14400' iretheld iri' on t'Aii. ea,�.rrnit .aridIfse.hot.: load %fkrnday e+rrn• - °1 hr,,, i4 Char* r *Sister 1 ,t :ate rra nth r4a1.r b..�Ji%Y. 'M iy" at fight'ri 0444 r V1e na' t ret let atrrdlelly invited:' ll4r« r. ratip,:•l Kira,mrr i ne 'pteschiog uu'irni ated,aye ung., The rewartnd gantteviwo g/It6 two able diacoa and alioflelitfered �hv pops`ie ler'leet f*: on, 4°�ik'n ;'in'in 1'&gh atinrs on tb,e Monday a *ring f flowing; which wwata much al precisted by. the presents. Miss Peart%, rf Lacknow sing two besotif tl solos . Mr. and Mtrt. D. Agnow, Of Pira- l ibttilt viiiled friend's here hitt weeir ....: • .•.SII' .� .. • •. kO:fta*::Pt6FeCe8:131;6;e:S*8.:(49:e 1 .•.:.:.' ••:e'. ■ • ,'A10r. •r . ad 420 NO Lon Aro,eri ural. • l • J..4 tdr t'ithiy Ineetinga in tad Orarlge.3fril1 t arephell` itrec"t. V itbknow, on the second 'meads, avenin . of each and every' 'month, 'Dear** fight ori t�e s edowd Teeedat' arenln falivrlbg;; All. , i rethreit ihtdiw•lavited to the neetlntnt, ' .WrM 4 Ile kouii" say SILKS We have in stock a large assort. IlaCln for fancy work from 20c up. e have just received a large as- , sortment of thegatest designs in Xmas handkerchiefs. Call and ,see them. elit7 prices. AWRENC ALSO .A GOOD STOCK, OF INTPE Calls attended day or night awr ar °Ansi Re hi Furtriture Dealers