HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-11-24, Page 1A , „, • ic.:XXI-4' 96 loAp!opplod, tiAmiLTOMMIIT. 1.;Int43,;o44,, 12420.9e000. Q,42;7.4). • . 004 4.800" 024;713,610:407‘ ' • BOARD OF DIRECTORS . Wil...G43S914. President. , Biodri, Pi0ou'riti•ii. v. • Manager, • - ' K. M. WATSON, Asst eren-Mair itclutow Orano. GIINERAL. BANKING BUttINE5S ,TBANtIACTisp.. diisobintod..*,atcl Want:105-.22AM to fat‘W3;s to food cIss ratooki 'Rank iq-'6 .143 e: *ariff..cOileottd... MI rates moderate.- ' Da4rrs issued payable at all the Aria ipat pints In., Canada' and the nitod States. • Sa gs D,Qpartm.' ant: tieocalti. of 81,00 and upwards, re‘eived id interest .allowed at current" rates from ,te of klenosit to date of vvithdrawal.' The d'sposit")r is not subject •,to any delay te'vi er n thew withdrawal of, the whole.:or -p9rtion:of•the 'deposit. • „ , terest coMpounded. May 31st and Nov. (Ili in each year. ' R. R. MaoLBOD. Actium ' • • LUCKNOW., ..gril:141BLIsECEP 1,888, • .mra, j.o.h.ristOnt of Two liorbors Web 'sou. On -d, Mos ,RheA', Ale,t'anderi; of 'TfoociPP:, were the• :Kupotp Of Nis!' Alekoncle'r,,!,.' I. - • !'' ANTLOD.-- 'generat, il?g, • thfi happy., ocCasion; seine- with 'Pone, Others with instrumental :Inuldel and Alt with bright and.,Inerry conver.. / • „ , " 1 : • . • I .1 L., StraittPri. Real/fn.. •fJ•40..,?. #.1/I Ito 41*.",117,t; • • Apfc0.0;',fer.,Patticulars,:.0.,pply Mot.• , • ' • , 1 do a general, 'banking, htreiness; issue Oahe. throughout Canadaand. the:, United' :States. bliiloa,Colleetifiiis on ell*pOints, including Western ,States,. Manitoba,. and. the . North- west :-Territerteiliirtnill.'colleutiOnavwhether: notes or accounts . Will iecaiYa -igampt .ritten- tion, . •'.Notes discounted and farmers' sale no. tag ,cashetlr. . : , . loan to farmers on double or Single :notes, , at U'OM one to twelve .montbs'• thne;""arid espeeiallyto farmers desiring to feed cattle, over winter aupt grasa' thorn during ' BuliMer, at IOW:11108. ' ‘. I loam entail.. or large amounts on second. mortgags on tarme.,or other, real. eatate, security. and on first•:Chattel mortgages..on stock„,implementik_and Crepe'. have a large antount ot funds to advance oufirst ortgages ntloWest rates... ; — N -BAGS or'' BARRELS • • :11 nee waggons.' will load. your ALL GOODS DFLIV „.. frepreSent the leading English and 'Cana- dian Fire riasurariee Companies, and can effect insurance on all'elasses of 'property in. stock or Mutual eompanies'as desired: QFFI0A-HOURS-10 a.m. to 4 p.m, ° : THOMAS 3. REID, Jun. • zitt.NAGE11. IM11111=14 1 I LOCAL ITEMS -1 lr John Ilildred was in Toronto lasb week. 'Miss May Dayison has returned '.frOm 'lleronto, , t.• LIJOKINIO • • i • ad s wee. lorilO. W. J. $hiblext.IC E. •'kheicui and 0: J., Reilly, in ,:cennect- .i°11 Witit:t110: The hotel . ' Whiteohurch. bits, Changed hinds; Mr. John McDonald has clispOsed of -the property to Mr. a..farener of Ashfield. Moody' s Bee Hive 'Grocery is frill . , of new fresh goods tbe best that can be holiglA anirkni!are elring them cheap., Give xis a call. . There wilrtb. an anctihn Bale"' of Etb'ele, will bo behl oxi 1OL 19 -,:con.. 12, West Wawaneeh, at 1 o'cleck, J. Purvis, Auctioneer:* John Millar, Proprietor. 7 . •. -Messrs': P. • 6, Anderson; J. G. Murdooll; It. • D. Canier j_d_e_Dpnald at - .tended the Reform Convention , ,Tor(,nto this. week, . , , . Mrs. (Rev.) McKerrpl, is, .visiting. friends' in Toronte. .Mr. Harry Armithge, spent Thanks; giving in the Village. • .. • • • New canned '.goOds,new raisins; :new.eurrants. li.O.W.POO)S; newfigsiew dates. Jut • What you tequirettor ..Cbristinas baking pt. the Bee Hive . . ,Grocery; Centre • Bruce., At the :Referria Convention in uiainie on Friday:, last, ,Air„A. Mal cola), of Kincardine, • was nOrnintite.d Gderieh •,c.cniteet ._Centre13,rnee .againet was in town nn•Sattp•day. ' Hugh Clark, for the Oatarie L:Logisia- , • T4e•OcicIfelloWit Lodge.. deriated ' to the band -fund last week. Mrs.:.G H Dou das and .children are visiting friends in Aslifield. • ' Mis.a.Mitee'rif Kincardine. Was rho S', the Christinas, season \• ; Putinto AtOC,Ii..subh goods 00 both, old .,and: young May require,. ,such asq., guast :ef :Miss Birdie M'cliitosh last week.. :Mrs: iicW:hinneY of Londo,riis the guest of her "cousin, Whit- ' See 1Vtoody's oviindOws. there is soflU3- thing go�d in t.hein andjut wbst jitni IIiis Susie Treleaven' spent•Thanki- eiviiig With her brother.Rev. Welter , • Treleaven. • •M re. Watt. MiirdoCh and Children Perit ;Thanksgiving :With 'friends in Granton. . • :Don'i forget:to leave your Order. With FlarrS,.11aiti for the Christinari Globe.: • •TheMisses. McCiitinnon of Ripley, were the;gtiestslof ..giSS, jean., Lawson Ilia week.: •:. • .MiSs .Anna 'jnynt,. of Al Mk College,: St. 'Thomas, spent :ThanirsgiVing• With her parents: .•• A:: C.: LOcliead, Of St. _:ThOtriae spent Teat week' the guest of MrsH. Moi‘risOri. MisaMadden,.'ef ...London, . was thO guest of her cousin Mrs.: W. 0. Tre- 'leaven last,week, Mr._Saco Murchison, of Paltiersten, spent 'thanksgiving with 'friends in Paranionnt 4nici Lticknovi. :•Mrs. dee. ,Langley, og,, :Fancy, Stat' nery for wedding a .birtlid presents, " „SO:vet:plate w re and Jewolery ',Watches, 0 ldelts;:ll•ill gt,ti. • Pd • 4ingh• CiCailk,. Nominated Mr.Hugh Clark was _nominated trY the COnservatiVeS of Centre Bruce at .Pinkerton. on Friday. • Net other name was brought heft,/ e, the convention, And the•nominatien Was `made -'unani- ous ton from the Ontario Cabinet has been definitely announced in a ktter, tO Hon., Xi. Roaa. under date of Oct; 12., eanntsr hiall.onei..." • • One ot the, nato6a *Olt • PrinulePt-'' 13' mentioned as 'Corijaty Ooertall Oonn. miseiener in Division No 7 -on, the Huron side is Mr. Wm. M. McQuillan the popular Reeve, of West Wawa nosh:, • , . South Bruce. _ , At 0, large and enthusiastic on- veution the Liberals of SOuth.BruCe et-FOrniesa, on Monday - last, Mr:. R. i. Trnsx-i M. T4c chosen es their Candidate .in the . ap- proaching ..general elections to the. Ontario Legislature. • • , , By -Law Squashed . The county by-law Under which the farm lairds were detached frank the . village of Sonthariipton and added to .Saugeen township has been squashed. on appeal.. It does .setra :as if thi8. case might be amicably . 'settled.by aribitration Mutually agreed' upon. • spent, Thanksgiving' with. hr parerita. and.Mrs• las. Stringer:. : „ Miss Maggie Murray, of Paramount returned borne after spending Thanks:. giving:with .friends in Brantford.. • . Mrs. George BurgeSS. and,children, of.TOronto,' are the glieitS of her „parents Mr:. and Mtlf.' A.. T.. Davison. , Reeve 'Frank' :11 miry, garrison; and A. Beaton,: of Kinloss • Attended the Reform Convention in,TOrmitntin Wednesday. DA. SPOnn arid Mr. T. P, • . Oaln;•-of thie'Village;:70rdrittending-the, Conservative Convention in., Toronto on Thtirsdav. . •' Aillhose holding ci'upons or duo bille,:wilitpleasO`preSent.them for,. pap.. Miss Marie' Patterson', • of Kincar- dine • and, Miss. :Sean Vint, of „St, Thomas, spent a. .63* days visiting • their friend: Miss Edna Taylor Iast can be foilnd in my store at 'the Most reasonable prices.' All goods guaranteed. WatCh.rottiring a .specialty; NO* :IS YOUR O1AINC11,,,,, W.JMITCHELL. JEWELER & OP riciAN' • Will Take a Vote . , vote of the ratepayers of Bruce County, Will bo held. the 'first MicillaY' Of January, 1906, to deeide ivhetlier. the 'present, county couneil, system Shall :be nisi n tarried ' or revert • to the sys tem • of 'having the -county .;,-councils composed of the reeves of the- Various' municipalities. • Church of England Uev• ,Thomas, ': rector,' will preach the nnniversary • sermons :at Christ'S Church, .: St Helens,,, on , Sunday the 27th of„NoVember.. at 11 o'clock in in:the morning:Jul:A* 7, :O'clock in ; the evening. Mr.:: Thbm,ai alsp, occupy the pulpit ;Of: St. Peter's Ohurch,,LuCknew'ap ,three o'Clo* in the afternoon of same Sunday. ' ,vveek, • , Xrna..s": 'Globe promises to be the beet OVer peethieed. and we :parraPhiet; , at natty Days. Drug ,Store antl.1160'tho enit4. $:6* is tho, ttme th lcavS yottis ordots'.. . . v Practical Appreciation Last Week the President • of the • Conservative Convention A Meeting of the Conservatives for a-oandidateto contest South Bruce for the Ontario' Le,gislature, will beheld in :-Forniesa, en'.1111onday;-NoveMber-28-Clr. M be'''." the' ing,ve :Nomber 25A, when the. sub: jegt•'`RestllYed that CaUada. would be. better ' tO '6 *chide " the Jap o end ainete Will he disOttesed; A Red Letter . - ucknowt a • Thursday last, Tharilnigiiing Day, was nred letter day for Oddfellowa in this part of the Province.. It'srao the annual meeting of 'the Bervie District,. and lodge: of itistruotion, and wes at- tended ..by over 200 delegates. from BerVie; Kincardine, Tivertnn, ;Under. wood, RLpley, Glamis and LiicknoW., Tbo,LucknoW brethern dideVerything, in their ,power tosrnake_the, meeting. e success, and all. who ',attended the 'gathering,. pronounced it: the finest. thing of theiindnier held in., West!: int Contari,----- , ; Themembers • of LiiPknow Lodge, headed by our anlenclid• brit* band,. marehedliiiViiiidy. to the. ettition• . , • • welcome the visiting brethern And on. • the arriYalof the train from the north Lo,_procession,was formed, under -Marr shall Past Grand ..A.• Wm and marched' .thretighLthe4Orincipal• streets of • the vilioge..There were many. pr*nittent: Oddfellows present, including Deputy Grand Master ..Bro. .Blnwett of 'Listoiiel. Shortly after the Lodge had been palled to, order, n :Very pleas-, ing event took place, When Past Grand Bryan, on ,belialf .of, the DiaL• tact Lodge, presented LDeputy Dis- trict Grand, Master :Bro. 'McPherson Of , Tiverton, beautiful .gold jewel to be Worn by him. during shirr term of office,/ After' the- usual milt; hie business was diaposed, of, five enn- didatei were initiated into and passed through the three degrees of the rays - Aerie; and.eeerets of the order.- ,The initatery ceremony was perfotened by the tuCknow Degree Tenni, the 'first degree was •confirtned by the Ripley Team; the the Second by the tlnderwood. brethern and the third degree was .giVen by. the Kincardine Lodgo. Thi work in ,each and every. degree Anis • . . beautifully done, and palled forth 'a great deal Of praise:frornall present, The .meeting.,.,conipleted its labors &bent Mid -night, when the :brethern repaired, to the McGarry House, where a, splendid liangnet •awaited Wpm., The visiting brethern :front the' north left for borne by special train at two o'clock a. nr., all thoroughly satisfied -42thab itvas by far thebest meetug ever held in the district; orator for the oCcasiOn., L. H. Mc: , Namara, Secretary. ' ..Married In Kincardine, at the residence of Mrs. MacKenzie, thebride'S mother on the 16th inst., by the Rev. F. A. „ MaCLennan; 'of zgluloss. ' brother-in- law of the bride, assisted by the Rot Dr. Murray, / , Ferguson Esq., Barrister, of Saskatoon to Mary Louise, seventh daughter of the late Donald MaeKenzie, of Kincardine. Lm,- • Terri A eir Qt meetiug iieved.4F, — )."1 14enttV - "that :t o* • •':onar:4enti' szehii.- ie.' t nos, 'ITtt.,(7*•4171'14,4,11.4:171.14' 08,1•4 , ' te ueugh to, n'inser he far iAl:.. t'k,*.t.'4 ° gether,„ and :all , kiiiii ,tliestotee' ' Ige nye,f3tOcic et, ...,ros,..., Otittie:'. ha f rred• ro p "Wiag...t04haaaelt?--ti • tntintry, and:the., :e,in.1eadl'rfii'ni: 4117:lP;itr will . «Wag b:dIS tcl port:of e;Ieed :.:0,as3•44,,,: : ' - dot slight Ceeis‘ ' MpSHS. W. J. Allinaral J. llendet%'. son, of Lucknow, and Richard Finlay,.. and Lou Gaynor, orkiiiloas, returned from a snceessfurdear shooting trip in the Parry Sound Districts On Friday night., They each Succeeding in gett- ik; two deerileur bucks andfour:does. They report. having • a pleasant and :the eight deer they got were the finesttaken out of ,the section averag- ing 184 pounds. •... ' • MetiiOalet: AnnivAPialsy • The anniversary services , Abe .Lucknew Methodist Church; will 'be held on Sunday' , Dec. 4th, when sped. ial-Sermona-Will...ber•preache4t4.-11-4‘r. the Pastor, and 7 p: in.. by the Presby- terian Chnrah.' On Monday .„evening an old..time tea -meeting will be, held in the basement] of the 'church to which all are cordially invited. A•••• good musical program has beep pro- vided and addressee are expectedirom Lock:now. .• Orange . Loge,' expressing their appreciation Of., the services .of Our bands,at •their derrionStAtion on the .12th:of july, last,: and enclosing $66:00 6.4 their . contribution- to the band, ftindS. . This, was ,mare' thain the Share they had agreed, to pa* and looks asif they:meant what the and , . • . , that their coniplimentary. 'eetnarite about Our band andthejtiveniles were_ no empty formality,: Our tatisical ,seciety. desire to express thanks to '„all.„ • concorited. • ' -rat toiinagin . • , , . An auspicious event took plac�- on- tho evening Ortii7671.74 • 1. given, , when Miss Christina 4 MC., Kenzie was tinited'.in wedlock to "Mr.. Matheson, joiner and:fattnewrecently, froni.tb•o North west:•• Frorn-tN large' numbers Tireddot it would: soeni that- althost, the entire neighborhood a:raditts of Settle Our miles iWnS in- vited diNSt(41 as others train Luoltnow • Aretne..froin Ripley, The kontwnS Secttrelykatiteried by tne ;Bev., ,Ms., Miller, after whih the eompany.' Sat down in relays to a stiniptitoue repast. • Avvepyotto sostalo delight in oelowat! • the Revs. S. M. .WhaleY,, B. A, St. Helens; F. A. McLennan, W. Smith • , and Mr. Mclierrol. Tea served from , • 6 to 8. p, m. • - • . • . 4090% ItlitItOtretitOMIVIRIUM PAK You NeettalSiiiv Suit , . r large stock of,;:lteady-to wear 'at P9Pulai,Prlaaa; stiottownstorispt00*At:: 11 You Need an Overcoat' We can 'fitiou:arretir stoek is large and well assorted. ' rastlitatattrAttatttnitliOtttItttltittltnattt If You Need a Fur Coat '.scre *hat we aring before P! chasing, . 5p 000n, 041.f • "Dog shin coats es. Well as Furained:, , . ItWtOtiti.90990P1.00,9******1. If You need Cloth or Fur caps _ we, can styles, . • •statotstststkiti‘sisixottlitttom*Kttsts., . . HOlsrrOod tateiary. society •• „ , • On the,Evening of.,Noirenaber llth the HOlyrooct, Literary. Society Met, and :held their 'firit debate, and also re -organized for the • coming year.'. The following ...officers,: were elected, Hen ,Pres -:-.P, H. 1VIe.Konzin; Pres. - Jas. A -.1‘1,1Doriald ; Vice-pree-L7:D. Statters; D. McKenzie ; Alert, •Sed;t3tiee M. 'McKenzie ; -Pre, gramme. Cow. -Messrs. E. A.clthrt,` A. IgeIntOsh,W. ,Strath and :,1Viisses E. .Ackorb, M. McKenzie and N. gained., Thedebate was then Called, . and:. the •subject,-....',/tesolved that the city, 'boy is greener in tlietountryi: thenithe country boy is in the' city," WAS diei7: tigSecli. Owing' to the absence of seine `tho OPPOi,011.1.-1..0101Pg.tbo .94001. "Pt the iitlirnittiyir, the. sides :Were up- , while J. ,,Mpt - Aid, Strath and E. •Aokert Upheld New Marriage License The Provincial Secretary, has issued a circular letter to all the issuers of • , inarriage licenses within the rrovince. I • • ,see: °tit .Standftrd Unsbrinkable. !Also Wool...Fleece and ..Peziman'a Natua1 Wool • . • Nt•!tite.s01.OtitItitilMititiotntittttRIOTAlt ' If. YOu..Need -informing them that 'the lite:vies issd by them are only for .use ‘in case of marriages solemnized 'Wishin the Province., Nesetriinur. issued containing a clause that...the licenses can bellied -only within the Province, and an endorsement to the s'ame effect, thenegitt,ire Consequently the die Criesiltil,was not us,livoly to 'formerly, and the jury dccided in fa4,Or of the negative. A short programme of in- strumental by -15, Cox, ,solo by A. Meltity,•'sod.resiWioes by*iss11. $tratli and J. Mei/mild Wai then 81A"oll. Tho nekt'• meeting of ',the „society Will be held On • Filday • .oven. ' The 'Roils Cabinet . ' •Premiert Ross has announced the ie-OrganizAion of his ..cabinet, and the new ministers Were on Tuesday ,after. , noon sworn in by Lieut -Gov. Clark et the Government House; .' Hen. j. R. Stratton and Hon. A. Davis go aut.,, •.' ' : *. 1 " • / flog; X., M. Gibsen, resig ns the. At- torney -Generalship, but remains in the, cabinet Without pprttolio..• • .,., , • Hon, R' HarSotirt'remai aMinister, of ..Education.. .. ' /' 1•• . Hon. F. R. Latchford, Commission- er of Public Werke, becomes Attar= ney-General..:-...---....0_ .__ , . _...,„.. • , „,,..._ 4 Shirts Overalls Panto Gloves ' Mitts. Collars, Tieo, Mufflers ,Etc. You will fiud-vvhat you want in our • . stock at prices even less' than what yon might expect to pay. statalttitalttsttlkttStitttbtlittftatlitststStkIt Look Up'your 'needs'and-come to. Us and we , will endeavor to fit You out in the Cloth- /• 7 eeseeileeeeseee The new ininisters with their offices arefr-L / .11toii. W. A. Charlton, Conimisoion ettrif Pti1,31in Works.': • , • •-• „" Hon:.Geo, P. ,Grabitra, Provincial Secretary. I • • ' - Hon; A. 61-; Maltby, commissioner of Crown lauds, I F.E. A. Evanttirel, without portfolio:- • ' • • the now ruinistore „rano(); their duties at once; their respeetiv offices in the Parlianient Banding having been turned over to, thorn onlroes$1sy. • ER ' I' %it-iliCXil' aacilagil-91.abaslerlie4rto*°;: :- -4-4.711: •Vit::wirl ' i u P . 1 allogse g in The ye t eft..A. .• --;et trlrouthg°liugfe4:411:4of rir- abyrintlatiff.1 'zees imported: A tee,-.; _ >it' tinio4innting •,X,L .11i d 1eft-'Qff-'at'-stnno--die7o Thi ii0tse• rrode waa 5.ipilfina in and onto It intelligent. She IS, t4i-kil-ftill,u tha dr' own lano. I;titu.0 road we were untO - Obqed • 'eery trot.' beaine' • ited,luityheldicha ibe way Tor/1 was. 4. ;ill by the 4w: jog 'ill obstinate; I thought ,ly tired, and dis ,e begante.drat, that r Often walk, Innting,ipad,A • • TO to Reabe blo v. this Mare 13'4 (Then I'disinbUn long , oy my, rerriot in that 0,1111q fe1iC • 4a1Ve. rove the ti4e lan ,s '..:;,fi'll'to;foe:•wiIV.134.1:017t,:i::'c'0:,:•13:14, 1,0.,.ea's_yterbl,;,1:61f1,.i4t 'i-al?m, ei.7ren travel, in ',/ts:tAr - t,wero .goiag4dr. .4. it haf.1 Pitat,k,,, -......;citrtio:a.e.'i..Tfit.otdt...40:ii - ariety Of IniietiOlt,),.;•- ..•, ittp,ai.htl..e.:. •ii7fw' uatuldte11:7 t and of, being * .'-piihtful.' Ther44.0 ' ...if 'properly. .trea ... '.' fact .7that the pro' .ie 4. almost. as , net ' itt:ilit6O.,s3:et-ia4.4,1clin.ilsZaiei tb'e''bo, :iii.ing...., The • only,,,,et , first, its narat secorid;. tlie,,.kele ,erriployeis•naye.t .hine,, ancl:.not to*.. • i oaks . everywhere. - . ..uniple,,the "liiiSh ha t......_......,r,..anirna.1._.....0iiring 1,1:74e Isnriodtsviecace4c.aalliit notto 161-1 irbt5t, duck' 0,1F. ,,, under water.' it,.....,waa- ' they were bringin ive:eda which were ' '',.iegilcilit' q'eilitatlinee: e7,:vt-ethi .'..liiirSea,' m.lrtilbelle41s1iegsSI.".*6b,elit ranks . h . 'in -ft'i'itesavinta.t1 atic hnt,•: - 'if/ .remair,„, ...; •• '"'-....1 taz .rost, erophaiik.-...;.*Tr . ae . ineinoryi , Bur 1., ,di ,• .. 7 , • , . tmory pWith. • reasbning ', ting ' theFraoli writer, • eld that : '"if horses were .. id 'and write they would... .pinpetitive exaniniation, . ; s.e'toliue,i,r, , That equine ii ..:: :aces , aut. incidents is : ,. )1•C .XrecigO . than ' tha.t of 'enislirObable froin. theiri"'. ' fig.'. • . The , feitta , *Lich " ',Widish in ' 'return . for . gsr bee» Properly ,initesti. 'e neat' ,them jump gatel,:. .'ckwardi wnlk Up planks,•: .... 011 regularlyat certain ' rinct, 'where, CAS dainty: ,t-.--TheiHreguent mider, ' 'bjects of polo :and of 770 Au' tlie, gone is kriewur 1:"., ' i. INI:•.eitallill'ii.14,.11atttn'adr.sti(Jnbese ,r •„• ..s.aidingltim in the 'ehalse,..- ...ett•le, ,dragging 'trucks On '. ';:ation. tipping *With over -viiig-tiiiiber. -Thil"'iiitelli---;:... limber -Movers” horses in . .• rolling•ehain, •s,Itiiting•logi , -. loin on .tb 'the ,%ctartberi -...ttal..4 that of the „elephant , ).1'-1 .,.z q of their' Work ,is .., \x, le nut olieilfeliZer-Bilt-it, • , ; :0 Iva "li , tli6m: at, *Orli ' ilAtier rindstAtaud-alt; .7•:' We pride ourselves on our „ring display. , We 'show thew confidently, °knowing • that they will please You The regulation wedding rings.. ts._sizes and Inices. Also every cal. ceivable combination of stone e in engagement rings • ,eeeeeeeeeeeeeee•e!•••••••• Minister Repairing promptly and sato isfactorily done, ARMSTRONG & MILDRED. 3RWEILERS & OPTICIANS. E IC ,;;the'rhitSloosSiow,im?.: • ',••,•:'-7; . , ter Mate mut transgript.,). • ,botii tueu 1;04,4' Chilli § WiStuth tItiO j'ast 4 b , . • 40.• 'tliere's. int .iv!,te. ter At!ht4 t:tota het'. .now ibe. won r: •.. : • 0.