HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-11-10, Page 84, V TI VIM "15 Nil 11 1 - - - - - - - - - - - AM 10-00 .10 The. 46 41 'prOiAlope X Oar 9AL, gc.ceo�.Jii MI r- .4'� hop y o0h.q. w _,.the ei , xmined A g' "Do a w -Pq lo 11 n silkyj Noy '141t o po W &tk kill io� i6 �J'j ".NOV, 0, W117R Pig 0. tbo 41409 yotioiw '00, r - I i 0, ws.t stock of ttrs* q, �Oy 11 ho, v ry 47, MOM, vin4r, of, 19,04,5 wi IT60. Noy .0" Okio (I for Moo,00 and, To vlil- eta; OV q Cl lk*Vmto in the'spoli T.� 9 4A I. ? r ei. 4 will; LhOlosl q inertia Xo� rip. if in �bi%ne To W. 0 .,k , � �,� Y, t. I ), li;�M, W. 0 3Qj tompergqrq will be" Friday, V, _25( In lo4tes, t64t t f u.r tuff, i ba an, I m, Autkqp.,'jr,0, 9 1, ol, Xi --av will.,bo. an 0, t 82 8L.to, ,rop.0 "cell the- ditie Men q� fqi, 7� Bab VRs,j lot" 3', .0' R h a t 9' rill *�ur $ d V J� 0447;�Aad- Y on no,. ear y� Ilk t ratofa,4904 4�Tovj: Mi We want od I he 'o nee 4 WO uvo, al. �60 V r_94h Y ot 0,1 S t 004 m lie b vo )4�. OX your ony AA( rosa. umday Nov� - t . . erge kir. A. liwin lot- 60 sotoh I biet ine Kin our' Or fqrgeb� to leave is 0 for, ille-I.Chr, tM4W . ' ', Q 19 ' .1 , 4, 9 price a A 0 �q I -D 7]. 00 r Re�wqu or b Globe day L� 24 4: ]?! L Xop . 0 NejI'r 0- aul adl T' �qt 14 Lt, . , , , , , , , ?0, L ' ;*. 4 i will find the Irat, I vyl� 81 19upp 1 \V ,q4, ',.�Qwiig to i I health IIst:.stpes; to 1,24 Xenzlo'his. di' o ed" o his'etdo me qU%ntjtTL. of W601 rbIls': Tuoiday"Oot. 25t4,,, C6nnelf,- -1 o71 low t 26ib. Wlod�eadayi Oct. tter, ing e a For '.aabb 3RO u jiaq,.�� Brandon -lot 5'Con.. 3 Morris 7 n iool� 0 0. �7 .6,azd lot' $0 o6n. 8 e 'h go aittleson. 0 nook, to4ear" call +* . . . . . . . . . b' y6 and, see, the, -new+ st. eqy% + Wetftiesday,.2�ov. t9t;4. 44 ..... lease Geq. Mjacolni ot 16 eon 'for, at 1 D50d phoes. re. rods 'i 1, be 'd D leld on _e At o .0 th OV aylia Ito, I ayi Pu o n F04nA UeSd,y, .,06iiibeir %ve.a iplee r4 __:iDii: T ge. t.0, d�.; b 0 -b �ia, gu,o no Wer FUME wner can, b allinj at 4*, the seht;ne 0' 10 14. "llie budersigned f4r. sale a; rl t to k 'ran, aPsIr 'or T Oomei in a Ce For urther par i-aulara..4,p- 6b Qljoeg: t lie at t Li ttlq1j 9 f b '1616006 6 �ply to Mr j a 0 s. ns U1, a 6tore. L .0 'to ange exag c t b b _on e, meut,6f Ahetirm of h 113g:- UUUF% d" A d 4o-presenvA, 8, apes, 'OIL ut , . L ­ vtore V f d X4tiqle jA,*rebY'gjYen TU.jj'R '00 Wheld rausnt to the WW0 0 WOOD ATM ii, b PR aI H nor the Judgi of tho' lbunty' the�CodnbYOE'Bruc6. at ilie Town in, Ift . Village of Lueknow iti�t or, wea A somew at soriouj kl* 'th be Cuudt�r " 1 h' t :", theL bei tIje'ZVCtk dilly of Novem b 4-Cailet lover as eon re of 14ince b ort) Eleal hl�,' from ih_th� for , e 001 No e er! 10060 b ra "I a' V incla, card, ni3onj to hear and deterniine, theaevera cuti, -a. of errata and I the Voterg' -An o.,popu ar. avur.So F�o To*d h" istot the Mi- ifiiciiialit� 'df'.'the Village--ilf" All*pArs lrid'h —budr uckuo* for 1904' 'thite 20 coisgs 0., Iome, t ort -time 'th6, pub i6r.$C hi: h it -his' eei 0 pe. e()lcurt.4 are requi. q I'd e aiie man$ - ..d attiothd at, l b A MAL(,'l!TubU1N- Lidio �b V A . t.he. m�;rlcet 1C of Luc It has iiade Gl� S, t remem. I or we e - . R Tho, A x _jWn-jYoU`.�:0 eve ..he !�'Lth vltti.�,b rt,,19 �! beii bigtt r rO4qceJ,j anO vve 9,44 21_�th day'et Xk a I M, e, a be su e a §tamps,' -Sf6 te An the itarry, p4ys Drug, e ve y r .9 range. manif YOU th;;-' be t Ci6,g6C Y SUp.p1 . I , �' . I 'I . - A g y or er Am t§A AAA we eSt ttote has'Lld d US, do; �our­b w, 6-0 3' TE X'DJBRs 'iddiessod. to the' nn�.'; S in nd& for' er:our, motto. b M anoal f EALM oeudoiieid. "Te West §11 1 PcPep approse . W1 �U� 0 f cle,aign6d, and -be ha Arf n *ivqd Athip H Wedneaday, XPV-­ .rec Mt. tGatitleit iha6, removed. 0 he f a. 'd ee iolusiyely, f6r thov6iiatruetion Y St�ies, Ba�'Wh a ember 2; IM i it T LOR: �_N Ow 6 to ',the Vinci' i re . a an roa Alp row; . h t Stokoo Bay;. of: J�Iuov� bi who 0 ' W d ako;utqn,:Bruoe oautY;OntiHo,acc?r M zen.. be -seen at. Muq trig to a P au'and ag�pificatjon to 6he, office of H. A. Uiayt Esql;,,, ngineer in tialim 1AN Bi thelip.6f harbour lworka; Clizitirio, Confedbra� d1ding, Toronta on applicti,tion to 7' goo young ew ,I an ram the . Postmeierof'Stokei,11ay.' Oftt-', L AR E .1 NIT ED A'fow f 't&'j)i0aVpmenI; of R blic Work%:Ottswa.� In $5 to 'd.' t Tenderawi not be,odnsi4;�d�uuloaw. tn� 6, When ti want' at!' tbitig �j� ranging! r C it :ge. Y�Q.ur PIP ekad., form signed., with� the Ift 'At mile t greer, gill do Fat iti iacepted.ch6quiA 6ni -A chartered bank, .:�ACK-ehzie the /jtionouribl.6' the east of in jlJ6 folio ag line's -'call actualsigna nresdf tq4deire'rq-L Lucknow oyabilci'to the order, of , ister.of Public Work6; fw t*61 ve nudred. W dohars ($1,21 90mpany eae the ContrAot e w 'he'che(j.ue Will ANTED, )0,00)j',miit Ac ,teido ited We 3ar I be forfei ok nig decline, or fall -to, n 0 -to: 0- �'en o out p�wZ Ogil'all a r ends ork contracted f( W, 'mpl�e the J1, bq, t wf to aid, ply,to cept Depattm6nt,'does. -not - in The bi d re urn 1, of jalon-acooptance of tender; tin 'erwe collars V06 ., c d d ar I Sjoady 0 cordN oo Met er.. oWeat'of", Any, to t.j f3 g oves" - -bu d to g6oq By'lal Art, kb1tas tock iogs. NOW -a stokes FRED—GE umb ULO Sao@* Do S 6dv-,made. 0 6 06 OI 0 ib pattment 9 filublic Works, aWspapers pants, nig Otto nae . rt in 9:: t is. a' ht rob men p am amblo'�, We Without auth9rity fromthe, Depar. d. a�e aI num- 0 be paid, f6r it. n �Vl Thd und 1 s op(l riV ng �m LtAGE 00-UNCIL: L 9 re r s ear Dg her, o oeguls ' r meeting of Council was. hold .0c N jL and r I b1b, terms'. 9 at ningo _.OY- ThIe ree. ve. ter arficolarg' al' 4 , . I I :. L WANT 'A. full lineL 0, wee esen't. air OS BR no A :kep m6mbeie, pr' h For i f t, :, b meed . n . g rea I Pu A on an, 3finut .. I i;', , I ., A man, o re -pre en r, ;6s of,las -'CANAD, W. wn:o je.ei2o t the. out door woriceill., The ro are, t 0 W.�� roug wor W a t U 'btte-whidh arc They re ng.'. accoun. 9 ith h"�viy i�dbs a( - _.. , '. , , 'L ' ; Tff'Iind, W 140d. Thb W 6A m an'gh maAe t6 kj.L Were- read ill MqrrLsonr ag U and. 'h 'k I o.. No I e, Ime ��buv L OK14 �tjimps under brt4ge, 7�q.-, NoiL,me shoes 'Your ubaMption, .1or a der or kc 4n, a buri.onnaing country, - an t M�KENZIE made. �afid,,�at, be depiond6d upon jo�- �tk6`tfioir ..i,, Y -BURNISH -,Work wit ptit 'W' ekl�: �p�v8paoer�, 'Itarry 'orddrb. Tor 'b' Donald, 'a divs w6rk on. ArMil hos.; Douglas; ayj_or.1,jwee, NT u rba U bay' is' 4g t�fo,rtl dhil 1 , : g 9ityin(v 0 PECIALT $36.46; P. A 'aloomson, quatt er sal- OUR ruitsip. newspapers,.PeriOdiCMI81, b6oks F sty .&C $28; Vaiter Stuarli­& 8 all catinot'do 'Vet etc t4r tbs., give obs, Roses; �jit6ntals, Sb� .0. -es Seed e Alotean, work on a Ntatoeg; light, $ept,\'ind Oatober , Iii e in a, C : Court, V11 It li-free fr ML $I &3b- caosairo 0 Sioek Y tbo'.Luiarket� prl'dag porman I en osition:16r $66.75,1 Sohn LittIdiLdu w, - 4touIid, Oslo 8qaleli A, P ho, Towtshio of Nvest� Nvawaiiiiab. ..MP The ollow I . J, L jo% ,naother as there J. q no ot or shoe v, the'r - o , ;qot e isdo r, ' . h - pe is her� Y `ht - 5alft ig, t a,that'a 'hich 83-l' SOhn ur* On oti,jriiii -oil ThUrs AY, orhiW. ni 'on i ry, or Ontario oteiis List. p 43M 'c" 0 ort P4 t 03 t of the, co'itnt 0: Zf.' 'Our, cultural utigannon, .2 fIqlafob-er 19 -ft- at, t o por b6nd :$M, one 7 � r I the,Jitdge of t4i COUAY bar 90 1, 'a nadultAe. Js. bl d tt Wei lid 2 w lie PONT Ta bear in(I G th-r 0 to 3 t the NItillidi Alit' T 4 V of the� 4 IT Votrg mat Townabit of WeBi, N1V'atv9nusW'f 'd d if) coutib, or e ectric ig 9 ua, 0. is$* 4 to 0 91mce,of �Bai& Mdoun , or ere , paid, F Oil 0.4; All to ild court are rb, ­boirowinK f '�gb �be At P.�r of, li.te�j' bootal' *'-hY.jtW guillorfiing the ggs# per ort -i ..i pekoriC av ng tlAifles 'for a I \V1 end'at the a ti. MO And' PlIC er-wi 4 to, 1.5 quired to Att .Butter, r S" hic k 'of W M; om the an Of, up to, p6tiki per 100 fb� ct,Athl,1VG ut�ent okpeneos� ------------- 314miltou to P m reid[L a 0. e new R h, I bit-io , . I , , 1. . 'A 8 d-' 'r 'Olt, SA tolophone jj� waterworks jrWOMM n AprIQ "Md,to � lnita�ltid and 1. Be nz, lot M on 11,10 Alth bf the, AP �Otreb 9 110, hO00 04 60tps old it A - t1w alanco, in jdi6a khot a. tole hone b6l litit in t Gal'o,' - . 0qiJgfi a d'Pelbi 'T 41 ne� a is, it, :good reop", Ar rf tath 4' d, to t Ve Atle fie dn -bir n 5 goo 16, he GtiiA nhuirst 8an oIThoro is 'a 6 *ait d'rooWd to lka dfivt"L Abod and atraw Abel 0 &fi4 W iitore buildi'ligAid V1111%ge vorythU14 wi�lt b6 toted by tvrd W�l d Ilh ' ' " , e. ns. no 1 .7 'o, ptupo! lei by aT1 tho 6' L E Oil e 11 be d- fiy. porgons %vib 111K. 0- tit d d goo