HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-11-10, Page 4• tutintit ,11410.1.* ?its i R:w'Mi 7:14'91t10: Man's'reARb4 'kip Plusher' -at $3.00 14,4 ti! English, kip Blaaher at .024i0 '41;41040.F at, $2,09'' 'Mena • n -11 'relines are the kind 'forfallsand'winter wear and ; are just ti boys'`•shoes 'we, are ogering`Aeome•'extaa values ; ill' lines' orubber .gQodli now in stock -: pairing non ly :t►nd,,promptly dun- 471 Fri Ziolic4#0 Tovenitc 1,Otb2. '7.0 ;Reparte; received, from the ;?,ep»rt u►Trade acid tpp meroe, up ;no deetent ,of39th; show`s, rgrge fnQr a n: tha jinni oer of licensed: grain e]eva,tora throughout the We There are now $3' tlevator$ mid warehouse ;with a total•capacity Of .10t196.000: bushels oP;� grain; as- against the , 682 . elevuta's .and warebousee holding 30,,3§,94,4 40 bu. ahels in •eiister ce s 'year ago. 'The C. P, it.: hes increased• the millibar. ef' cis tlevatore in the WoS.t by 141 and:. �t CdYb4Vt'`i�laGa�lQT1�3rLk"irl �D�S�"d tiao're than 4,t had"in ueer3 l o previous year,.. ,!?f3 1.4E3 Eit 1Et,itri4„t 411A ,:.i ,f„i1FJlif `.:The British -French. arbitration. treaty chat set a goodexamp1o, It wPs: extpnded; to Italy, which hue mutt, the same' sort of treaty• with both. Great. Britain and F,range, and:.only _a, little, while -ago; a'tr;eaty-was, concluded' be. tween' Germany and Great Britain Much to the same effect. Steps are now being taken to .conclude such, treaties between T- United-'' States --and: Great Britain and between'1rsnc3 and pited States_, and ' such • treaties 'are expected to -come-into sheat abort ly afterthe presidental elections: The. ia1hatiVi34rlx*=ssc irarrg= '.'tlrese.r-treeties was -taken -by' &ing—Edwar-d, and bas won for him the •new :title "The Royal. Peacervaker." it Him mud�i� , rrQC��'xa,�— at 00044 ermanent Trade versus orr haire the. 'following wood cook stoves which we lave decided to offer at greatly reduced—prices to make, room for other stock. Reg. Frice o. 9- 3 ucrs }Dior Bright 26.09 9-23 hicOlary's Fathom Model 30.00 o. 9-22 sryboro 23.00 9- odd' with reservoir' 3o.00 ese stoves.arebacknowledged to be the best wooer -cock stoves on the market today and the price we have reduced to is below regular wholesale prices e vo also a few second, hand heating and cook yes tor wood at prices rangi'ng from $2 up. LLI G a. oor` article eat ti lig pr c. > seems .. ood:. •,4,punadMerchandise e ,cnalnonu oa,t � bfer opmrod>{hu..cc' �e al o • tti tr...v o`.Y s4,lnu„yut..4,.t1l. .1at, ai..n abnormal profit, 'ro2 fitJ ,lat fooled cost aary.li� r`'i1l!ii,.11✓r,0p.+@'r:i Fh,e..1Lao�4! �,t0 4b bu4,swinheesAGwaie.en�ays oeus o,aurde• :• • h u.F 1.4 cE iii s; rtlf ectionery, and canned ,goods is t re best t bat, can '.be bought, ;lid .we ask you, k,a pcall and. et !}ur prices and °•examine ou r. "John: Murray,' the veteran' Canadian detectivp4has just published•a book giv- ing bis life •experience''a a detective. *(1:i* chapter is devoted to • the Ben well murder; how be succeeded in 107 eating the :murderer, Iiirchall, His book iia reCord of facts,.. but will be.. found more interesting than any of the trashy; detective yarns to by found' is theaiook. stories or is yellow Amer: novels - , Mr, =Murray. , :regards, crime as a disease. It ishereditary, just as•connumption is hereditary. 1-t may skip a generatiett or even two or three• generations t it is an •,ad herent,, inherited, w•ea kne ;On.:e dis- honest,,.alwaye dishonest., What is the. general rule.. I believe in it'absolute- ly. Reformation is the .exception . I. believe, in circumatant'ial evidence : I bavelfeund'it: surer than; dress► evi- dence in many cases..: There are these. who Say that'circumstances may com- bine in a false conclusion. This'is.far: leas, apt to occur than •the falsityof direct evidence . given bye a witeesa .who. lies point blank. KN UC:KNO r it ' i3ert?s c C r:ltC81?i11XYlitf I U�littd�;:i uc'it g otitil,nr',#'. ii 3$-s r...liistip;I M 1 'Wean. Lake, 'Rail and Meictent Tneuranbe I bay aid len Endownzugat "Policies, • Accounts audited and collected, . • �BItU CUNNIMCNA ...,INSURANCE • FRE 'AMD.' MARINE CUELPN . 'LEGAL.,. tcsit,sorr & Gaiitiow Bealoargas,Sounl- -tors, ete., Gaderi ChsOn Gsrton. L. r • E, Dickinson • A )Gu.cnusoa BARRISTER., SOLICITOR. • Conveyancer; etc.; (late of (ismeran Holt; d Cameron, Godench ) Office ' upstairs in Allis Block, t.ucknow • biosaiEO.t A$ABsisrEB, SoticroB, • • 'Commieeioner, 'rotary, Etc. Money..: to loan. Office over Watson's Barber': Shop. MEDICAL} Goinon. M D; C 34, F T S, C, P5 O. Physician, Surgeon and Aaconctier: ' Upstairs in Algin Block.' Bei,- dence use street,_beb�nd J. G. Murdoch & , --41ouse of late Dr. Tennant and offica -over Elliott's Grocery: Main Street, Apple packirs and threshers are' busy in the vicinity. - The infant child .of anti Alia. Xi. Anderson was laid to `:'resb in, St. e wish to announce, that we haye inoved to our new store ,on Campbell' 'Street, where we Will be pleased to Meet our customers and friends whO will Ow find us, better .prepa!red -to display the molt up-ta-daie goods. eyrish to call ,attention to our large and varied stock of PICTURE, FRAMES' EASELS,. TABLES ROCItiNG CHAIRS ARM CHAIRS, , IRON BEDS ,4C RED, ROOM ST./ITS, ARLOR SUITS, OttEs. Erre .0- Wrix.: Webb 'his returned 'home' The...members of tbe Band inet. on: SitardaY, October 24th; 'at 'thokbense of Todd; sr. 7iVe-tieder- ii,eiszod. of the youngest•mirnber, t74g00:60.1.7. AttO which 411 7. iTjt! 1'0 Ufteiliirf 444141;‘. .M.4tate,h,44 4044044 :41;A•C' 4:64' .SS.,” .f,44; y4,4":144,11,7 ' 6444 644 f4f404. twat 4 IE A COLLARS .Ladies' large ;collars in :'Battenbiirg and fancy braids are still -very popular My stock is now replete with :some -, very:, pretty designs,: which .1 am,...sell.; lag • ;at very •reasouuble::prices See them and be convinced'. ' C ASHIVIEI HOSE Special attention is ' Called to, my <4 stock of -ca Ji mere aria heavy woollen hose -which -4 am se11ing---at: cost.' as I' mean to clear that department out this fallDJn't miss this opportunity.. We are' very busy in our millinery, • ds parttherit, .lint will have time _to suittyou .in, one 'of our styli,. S3 p ;.• ��;.: of _headgear,,, No trouble to slluw.:'u,ci street Lnekwer„ 11:0. A4igsfro4G,w•M+ 'at a (Mock ia thew hilt; Csauptall iiastet, .. All brethren cordialli rfpfiAt roti weesymwoweedyMnoweyedweetworea LAWRENCE kieN.jsk.11.7.4, 3ciloktire,4•Mitiftst every Ant 144444., 41 every; mouth:Jo the. Orange Ilan:, oviatess..raeate '41a the 6)4/4; 1/fetting et • 11 • Lines z rinse flee SO:. the rteesou'il ii' ieeetol (Aunt it4 of each: Ailit 0.100-?, • Bitten Ito° Dealers, and Undertakers. •