HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-11-03, Page 7• 48 „ is r .:18yards'only , black boucle Fine:qualityheavy, : ` Pla><u fr,<e�es, .1 �ht , o... t , . y ti with self stripe: 54 iliches heavy weight in mid -grey' cloth; 54' inches wide. a; . in navy or black, at 75c.: dark grey. and black at leudid, material: to wear 75c and 1.90.' :. and very war m. Regulars 1.90 to clear at 79c.. 2 Pieces 'all wool grey flannel 28 inches--wide..-Fin quality xeguTar,.. _ price 30c. for. 25c. '-,'-2- ?pedes- iiitart'-flarruelgown or -grey :Maple -lea grand, r'r gnlar..price 35e for 30c. • .• ./ • Special jack4 at 16, 6 0 C'hi1drerts-Ruby W c ts, Ladies, jackets of :good qua �__ �4 J`t'Made t,underwaist for el ill .. .,, .. :. This >is. a neat, . ity. trieze in - black • or grey, lined ' good re.n;Made .of white canton nanneh and • neatly stitched. .A 'splendid jadket at throughout, with quality sateen, extra, well stayed, . cannot ,;,stretch ,`or. et out of sha • e; It .is :the onl • satis. factory wash waist made. All sizes.:: 40c. 6.50.. .. . New .13el ts.: A. new:lot• of the latest belts just, opened up The range includes: large sizes„in mostly all lines, cizes_24-34 in:. ITS AT. 10 This•` storemales' a s ecialty.� of $10 suits.. A.`new one just arrived '`this w ek:” that discounts them'al•1 ,It is a grey striped worsted, ';made .ia:.'correct :' style. h tos Well lined through��ut..and g ., od fitting, - It is sure to�: pleads you. if you wish bo well dressed:.. Wedeed not dwell on the good qualities Of; this :Nova .Scotia.pure wool un• -- shrinkable underwear, as -it is well known to most of our custoiieres- All we wish to says is that;ydu can get any size' in them ' at this store, J1!enz's ]'alt': Boots None better awl many not so good as the .lines of nor %a. heavy laced boots . we are showing -for -fall wear' at 1.50,: 2:06, and 250 in split, plain: grain. auk kip ht/11VV111/1rs Stores Close `at . 6 O'clock Sharp Ezcopti g Saaturaayy Evenin s.. : eavy Tweed trousers ;. Mens heavy factory tweed trousers., for w eint wear. ..ear. Made for warmth .., and wear , All sizes at 1.5.0 and 2.50. Moet of the, tirlatwil are ..taklog :ad:' vantage of, the One, Weather,by raising 411eir metro. ' ,, `, 5'V.. stirs• m.' Beid,'and Rod .:.toss attytided the T,Ncie Tom's, Cabin p;<ay ie Bucknew.' . - • rigs Mary 1 teson, whk: apent';tIv summer rwit`t Mrd_: " Wraith, returgea' toiler boccie, 1llr,:the>t o !i lex ,Ifi. os is .recovering- fro .. . gc,i.�ulrtt<a, recti}r.ed• k -X, faliing.. . gangsvtly's.rtc etlme.e i 177 Messrs Win E,osti And . ,4:1010 ::41,10:-. ..ray' are% putting a , cement !NA I. under the l'itter's ,eters and houst?.: 'A large na,mbex.0E' tilde°'PKosby. er Ian tong vegatiou of • roangside : atteed 'ect the Whitechurch. .Presbyterian rami rorsa• .p. .._ , W.14;1 atruut ui 'radii.l,ati• ,ulr,-„v4h. My. J'ae , crowsbon, the butcher, .met” and *P1111.4 ug the .businewt fors the year, . :Mrs; W .J.• "cott 'rMs'ster Hairve�' anti Mrs. 'Angus, McKenzie. are spool; ins ,a `couple' of .weeks viaitinb tri . ],e1, grave;: -Blyth, Westfield' and other . , • points. A. Wonderful Discovery BROWN'S CELEtR ATEI . z TTCRO • Physicians; Scientists, Etc,, have given .their., unqualified': tests tp the , only, known-remedys which ill absolutely 4P -what. isclaimed for them, 'and at. the same tine may be. relied. Upon' as absolutely harmless--e;ntl effective. We do `not:claim: to grow : hair• 'on a shining bald head where the roots of the;hair are dead or destr"oyedjand ,no;. :fine hair,left,, but.if there, is; any. ;fine. hair 'left .we: dad %-ni lke'-it`"'gr',ow," We. have grown hair on 'heads 'that have been bald;'for years ",and years and here --is' not a;: case.;to be_found • •wh_ere-. a, young; nian dr womanwhois losing„ their hair,,and' becomin0 bald • where Qui:celebrated, hair .'growing remedies will fail to :produce a `good.. healthy head' of. hair;: if used according to the. directions., Bhie.is , to certify, `that • I , haye used o rown's. Celebrated Hair Grower., ;and" _it.ha :grown forme 'a good' full head Tf hair I. was quite bald before I used Ait and' now I.'am . permanently" ureal . of-' baldneed; .falling hair and' dandruff J.R. Johnson, Guelph. Dated. this 1.8th dav'of Decemher:'1903 F,OR' SALE ''BY t T's:o.N. ARB ER LUCKNOW' - • ONT. 3 E BROWN & CO, Guelph • • D TTl1:1 :• Ao or • �a (!(�°•• • �ae�� ����a�s�•,• • • o • is •••^ o P a ,. 0 • • • +i$+f++ ._.. 1 Just .,opened out- three ;Special lines ilr men's- Women'•s and boys; shoes as' follows.. .30 pair men l's d:ong • .1)41. -•with heavy ,soles re ul r X6.2 25 forder pair::. - 30 pair of women's, clong 1o4,1 patent tip, heavy sole ou will say it is good•value at $1.50, .a pair. .a pa:lr bp. 5 ;<iZlg;�l� li�cfia�'� strap very good -value at $1.75 per pair. dole . Agents. s 'la I�u;cl�no� �':� toy. �, �r C libbers;erg ., all and and, examine our goods fore.' buying elsewhere.: 1i setdiscocunt_o for casho ►T,H ES REPAI6 ING NEATLY•AND PROMPTLY DONE.. iic3.6.ciffilt:east.,..of...,.the.'''.,P.,..o..".t...:'..,..‘.:: ti } • • ▪ .THE PAINTER ' &._,' PAPER -HANGER Mar LADIES . REA THIS We genii cue pair of acellent late curtains •2,} yards tang, 2 fest 5 inches witle,' for secur- ins only two suli'scriptfc u for ix`oCdri'a enanztNa -at 50, 6ents eac L This ;is a most 'remarkable offer, but is ' only otteof 3/5..offers to our Premium catalogue, N, that' w•ery send • .1+'ree.oa ltegrtost Curtains (11 styles)' Ruga,. Silvgrwaire and,Trablewara of overt', ,'descrip- tion, Jewelery' (`olid Silver. 'Watches,' Ringo, firaceietap'Gluard Chains),:Aioams, F urniture 13ulrea. Scarfs, Centerpieces, I ineri Napkin's; '.wrist Bage, everythiYrp you need.. Do .bt la.y,this paper :abide without wilting for .a. Copy of :McdAa.L's M'Aa'AzItg. And'Catalogue ;:of Premiums 1 „, 'No charge for•either, we w t you to•see our, beautiful Magazine-�tbe y beat H'erile and l'ashion Ma a,zino an'd` r ow about otit premiums;. , , , ,wi1i.:irou norkindly, wr ***tie et once 2 A A octal card will`rlo: • 1134115'417' \Vest•31ststreet,• v "a Nt * orkCity; 'M deeign'amd snake the celeb,atecl'. tcCal ratterge. v, Salo , 10, lir fit e o tel": 1 the Aril !age of ritielip.e,W �ar1Y1: 'O Salo, Being east• half of lot'S in the 14 6onoe'esion of the Township of Ashfield, containing 100, acres. , Thefarm is situated five' miles `from. Ripley -and,' six Mile* from. -L tolinorr '.-Ii`-or--. further .particulars, apply to ' • A: McDIAItMiD hucknew 1!', O., or to ALEX ;,ROSS, Lucknow. • For Sale or to Rent. On .;lfavelock 'Sb, in 'Lnelrnow:.rho larg frame residence opposite the ,station, *go* Stable, Will rent • all or parts R: ,A1OOREr' hucktirfw. ~ :0` Ai NEWTON, Honor gridnate in dentistry,. • Toronto• Dental -College, -and 'Doctor -tis Dental Sur: gory, Toronto University; All nibderri plan of operation and carefulnoHs in workmanship Office in AIlinie block, upstairs f11 visit Ripley every.Thnrsday afternoon. arm -for Sale - Being lot17, on 'the Sth concession Of the luirlwood bosh, bee ch Arid nut*. There is I'm* btu% with'stono inundation 54 x 35 ft,' Also driving shed And straw shed, It hi 'well school. Poi further particulars' apply to, . st,,TrOims, Ont, wag Agent fel' Treea silt' ornamental shrubsi tiy Agent fer Allan tine 'and Dominion tines • 1 AUCHT are taught ,!3y The mnelersigned loop fot serried 11.t 4131.16;16'.,1,titian 86,11;:itt,li;fe$,;i16.1tav:iittiotialooti:issait!i7hip14iio,rt. Sennett the painter has the lates� most �.. 'l1. t0 L�at�9. � l : _., p •:::.:. co ors fora: Thous alntin. of 'all: k nes, Special attention paid to PER HANGII1 ORATI IT iYILL, PAY YOU TO CET BENNETT TO timmomins 91, dur September sale is.now in' full blast We are offerin(r*erreat bargains in all hues of crockery and ehma- ware, Gall and secure' some real snaps while our stock ,iS'-coMplete; -Below We-quote'you dom.e of the snaps.*: Dinner sets at' 1.5,per cent discOutit. ...White Agit. geld cupg od, Saucers regular price 1:00 Plain white cups and saucers, regular 90c for '7 .Water sets regular price'I.5 to 1..35; nOw 90c bowls 0 pF cent discount. Berry-Aets..p0 and 25 per cent discount. • it iefeT ho fgro le ranks ' :061h?tigeteu jo. ffe si nni vfsinthi 3:46:1 iti ithd Ilea, re rna. ,rnIsge. . , , . ''t:i)t:311)otteiNliar:alititai;licloehliff'1. _ootti::r_i t.,,l_letoirri.: . investi- , , t ,:,11.1:LttotrPt6kr,,iitssg.4511tellma‘);siditt:nboerebegoier3:3:' : —:xtrir-L4'74e‘tiv:61111:1a7lkl.turt:L:Ll' ' s','7.-.. 4,4