HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-11-03, Page 6gf "T - ,alsuc i *701:4'40t Otd : 190d I' ;$104'4,V1'014411' kaj Blecber 44 :$3•, .Men's Eogli kt kip „Bluolier at -,nQ, Men'sCa aadil B3lpohei at $;1,QQ, . nd . '.0yu, ;rw*...�Y� ,, r+ami.—• ' " -a d catro :x,'io '' #ease::lrirlrl :f r- 4fl4firl.. inter -.wear -and ,are Inboys'noel r4'e sue ogering someext values;: All lines of rubber_ goods now, in..tocic;. ' r 4 repairing' neatly- pnd promptly done. • • esti .44 b w .14 ,�r !H,r_1} 3t +r_ttifk3t it t�:it313t_4ati13 Pl. LifIlio+t�+C� 5 , 'YARi`r-Klys.'.' I The iar'u prev'ati4 1fl GR'eat 73ri- t&ui tliyt: 114,1egt;ve+,sky in a panic Crrwi m oii, Jus q'wn.:torpedo 1)0418, '.arid r h 6st.iieg vt tve14, ttekt that p ol,abl>. t•irr. w:is suni€' und; rtti ' s; ci4nii4Xt-;d, Til•• datura od. 'b0akti', may h,' gut out of thH way befpt,e the inquiry, TtM Tin4' :p agys, iritaiu'si warlike prep414t1o1.3, '.0ou1C1 #0.Mtic abated•til.l'the Ruesia> '; i�JIL 1.7 11d1t,. '' 1l ) 1.4ytu a*�H . Tajo fished, t •' Tho E(;assians;adniit a loss at S4akhe of 800 officers''and •45;1000 Men < killed, 'woundedand'Weill*, k ° The third • general'attack. on. Port ,Arthur began on Got.. 24th 'Rud con tinues.. Oo'the '6th''the only smoke; less'powder.; i agazine in Port., Arthur was set -on fire:: There is. little news of fighting, in the north, although the 'arniies are close together, • j E, have. the follawing wood'; • cook' stoves which' We have: decided to offer at :greatly:, reduced prices • to ''make room for otieer :stock. • eg-Price uck's once: Bright ` 26.00 `o. 9-23' B c ' la s_Famous.Model .:3;0`.00. : aa'. 2:3..00•' '0..9•W • 2 M9.ryboro • •Via-":: _. __� > `; . , .'.. T Brandin : 19.00. o. 922 : Model'with• re0.eivoir '3x•00: r. Reda ceda•o 25.50 19.50 1.50 25,50 .,. cook . best wood acknnwleaed 'to be tlre•� Thege shoves, are ,: g doveson the market today and: the price we have'. redubed Thein. to is belowqebelowwholesale rices regular prices o " and cook • . . atui `a e Shan � have se a 'few second � We ha , , es for wood -at prices ranging from $2 up. IS. UIWR€hC :KNOW -.,. The fruit growers of the Province,, -accord•iingTd s tate +int7to• be pub- lished.in thepNovam&er issue of ' the gortictf1tuttit are muchi'sleased•;at'the action of the :railway ,00mmiesion. in appointing a;. special' . committee,' chiding the President of the Ontario pruit Grower'' . Association to visit e Wish to anii.oivace' that 'We 'have. moved to Our 1:1e* store on`.Cainpbell • Street, 'where we'. wi . 1' e plea ed tot meet our custv'1h:er8s and , frie.ds Who will now'lind us ryetter' prepared to dip1ay the mot up=tn-dale goods. •',et 1• 4, IA' 1 y,. W_ SHOP; NEW G0O1 S ;' L10W 10,E8 AND , PRO IPT _ ATTEN TION: . 4'� .0.,t. 'GVe wish tit' Y attention toonr. large. and varied stock o PtQTUEE FRAM S EASELS, TALLER' ROCKING (kllAIIt , ARK CHAIRS, Ir1ON)3EDi .>►>; y nL a .D it001 -S'UITS ry , PARLQR SUITS, ' COUCHES,' : ETV: Illlllluillllll�t xoceries manelat Trade ,versus A Tempora ry Ptof V. co>artice at a, big; pra6s,seems good, business when'. Yon.a. •,,,.., . .t.� lo eil ;l l' 1i� t" l�.9:��e Sfl1i_ 4ii ,i si 111, rti � �&1 tl x Q�. M'� C that foold cult mer doesn't retuin, wht'r i.t ei5-4.-the:`Tl,�r pure inerchandise caliuot,bo.; produecrl• to x;;,11 a ;;1,i:iy olio an abtiorinal' profit; aatt UIx;1.1,F.f'rlh.R; ulu et;tion'ery, and canne1`goods >? s the'. est (bat cat be bought we. -ask your •tai: call anti. .-: zret 4. i r • prices and .He i itaine oun 5 ,st#• ek.. .(i points • in. the United States_osee what measures. have been adopted, by therailroads aneffiiiii.. growers across the 'border ' for the transportation. of f+rrtit.._ spealal.ef ort will- ,be, -made - by this committee' to see if. a 'car .cap be. found that will•be suitable for; the tr'at.spertation 'ot fruit during •the fruit season' and that the railway com- panies will .be able • to use 'at other seasons for otihess. purposes The short season:for Shipping fruit, has been the chief obstacle in the past to. the sup plying- of properly fitted care 'for the trade, �! Guz,x.Zaji fltE t i fr :lie o ?'1i3:tiirs l 1 $..L ' 1'il'E; AC;CfPEN?'-'•rm`d^-31-(1If- • NESS gNOLICI.E$ -76iLike, Bali and : 4L•cident Inauuuice I-buy..-and--ae11-Radow surest, ' Yt�Lraaa,_ ltenl Eetateand business etocke. A prominent fruit' groveor in the. Niagara. district,. Mr.,` Robert Thoinp- soli, of'St: Catherinee, who l,aas just; re' turned,. from : a trips thro u: h the'tr'.uit' section of 'British , Oaitiinbter. resor,'ts that thpugh.. fruit growers and fruit growing is ''a 'nevi industry through British Columbia,and'the; British umbia growers can teach their Ontario 'lion etitors man Y, valuab)e>lesson.s P pecially in the packing of : apples :1In: this connections the . fruit division' of the I, ominion.departaienti; of agrieul- tuie purposes •snaking a speoial :ex- hibituat tbe'November •Fruit, Flower - and Honey'Show'in' Toronto, Of,' the various -varieties :of British`.-: Columbia: fruit packed by, the growera themselves Similarly the other ,provinces of Novia: Scotia: and.Quebec v Ili berepsesented: The matter is one 'of importance:, to Ontario :fruit 'growers as..they ;'are. meeting with keen competition in; the ''western markets' from Br4tish 1 °oluaa- bia''and in• the markets of : Great' Bri- tain from the Nova Scotia ;fruit. • LAURIER, Accounts audited and collected, • _4 IUi QitIISON,..LU* n0Wr 6 T CUNP LNC INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE': . GUELPH y. DIOKINSON ARROW' BAURIBTERB,SOLIOI tors, etc., God. ericb Ont: R. L. Dickinson, Chas.Garrow,`L I..B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,, • A.;MALacixsov, BAR , P• Conveyancer; etc,; (late of , (i meron. Holt & Cameron,'Goderioli.) `; Office up.yairs" in Aliin Block, ;Litcllnow: , 1 MORRISON BARR $'•rER, Soi wrrOE. e • 'Commissioner, Notary, Eto:''Money to .loan, :.Office over Watson's limber' Shop. 'MEDICAL, MoD, GoBDON M.D 'C 11; F T 1VI,S;.. • • •M>C.P S 0, Physician Surgeon and. ..:Accortcher;; 'Unstoirs in Allin.131 c, k; Resi hence Ross streets, behind J. G. Murdoch ' Co's. •store.,• AM..SPENCE, M D:. C M. /Residence' • -House of ,late Dr. Tennant, and. office ver.'Elliott'e Grocery Main' Street;' Lucknow. e.:• SOC.IETIES. ' • I;n LIORT LonGE, A.F. A. M,;G R..C., meets every Thursday night en or ,• before the tull moon, in the Masonic Hall, Havelock ' street Luckuowi H. G.ARMSTRONG, W.M.I ," 4 •r. li. DAYS Sec.1_ • [;"ncllNow Lonon JJ No. 112, .meets • every Friday .evenin at '8 o'clock In their` hall, C4mpbe1l street All bethren cordally. invited Wm Johnstone, 'r $ Reid, Noble Grand. ~: Recorder.` reltecamexszy ADZES- COLLARS Ladies large • Cellars. in. Battenburg and fancy '.braids art still.wer popular YP P Aly stock is.: now •; replete.;, with "Some very pretty- designs,•:wlricb I. am sell: Aug at very •reasons bio : prices.. See thein and be convinced 03:K.execipxv CASH ER . HOSE Special attention' is called ; to my -Stock of cashmere :antl-heavy...woollen host+ w'h'en I am selling at „cast I mead to clear.. that'. department .bout. thre Don't' f1t11';: miss thisPP Yo ortunit. WeA a ver .bus in'Onr.inll '' ..� Y Y.., , d`p artinent, hut will "hlivr' .aim �'• tr. , i? ,six rt ou--n- .`, l y , 1 erre•-of-oul.� s1;y11..,. hexad a fir. , No,trouble to:`show n; •... �. (roods. 906G6C6C8 •Mr: aiiii,:Airs Hill„ of:. Clhicagi •, are the.,Suests of Mrs 'McLeod; Hemlock City:' M:r. 'Jack 111cteap, Phil:' M . Mullin; of Ldckdow' spent Sunday, in 'this neighborhood, Mr. Grtcnt, Boyd and Jack , McCros tie, of the todr rich Collegiate. spent, Sunday. at.J)or1al&Boyd 'e, ;4ir %1urthy, and •' Murdoch• l 91� �r nr u; ;r,t''tif� islny tI j guest ,of• Mr.:l'rr,ud;rin%,,,f ?vitw,tb 1:e4.d, • !ttc,Lcan`,'and 11etta errorr'�,l,x�ts'Jir,w, weee•theguest �,i X41:rr A • r t,Tiiau tb1;i.. .week, rte, tAiti �•'. THE �EA1MNq-' VNDEIt,'pkEEIt AI�FB Emfm1+,11'1Eiv. �,-�"tJ111Ii1,ll !T'1'HNl)]$1) ,'1'A' Ytfgllm' 'Ol 11AY: ' r 1:. w iwwuw hMMiwww�4 • gest r,f•: t-�i yr rel •trig dtt,/;ire •r,:kvir l,,,rn l'i'nt V1rr W rat rr r,iH:i:ti/J friends Tri 1,04k. now, .Last weeks n , ' lrliri :lobo (;r.{,wsy ri is .s'i ititry '1,fra frii;,ridrs'itt (lia.tliarr,. r;, i • 1liies llait.lra'J,iifin of tkft .1lo vii4it.- Gil%c ndrl lire�tcrf t; wcr vt itirig .1.t en be n'I t11,r,'e,' Mrs le;th Jaid pp. •with bitiaapoi ti in h9rs, i.eK. (),. J'` re;ce4,e•1. aetvereJ kitew 1 1 I' last' k l�l•i�a. Tritri cleric: rti'J`rr�s atriK'Vit uciti ow COU:r- sil, Canadian Order of `. Chosen Friends, meets first and third ,Tuesday eienings; of .tach month, inthe Odd - fellow's Hafl,Cam bell street, Luo, now. ' Visitors are cordially invitgd: ' • • d :. ti ,wrel.Ww eiv ieklegWeiS.'ixWeV• A 'RENC JOHNSTON COURT SuERwvooD _ .•Oxo• Lucknow.meets ,.every firstMonday,, of ,every nionth in the bran'ge fEng brethren are cordially invited • N; D. MCKaNz1a. • f1 .a.RAHnr, Chief Rangel; Itce•See: T dhrceow I;onart XN p4 _4 d,pendiuit Order of Pori: terve' meets in tho Od.dfello*rhi Hall, on.t4 secorid'and foil rth'Tf&M- day of ea+sh mr'V r:th, '7,306'4141:k. Vkiting b,etieren *re 's�rr%ilally fr,Yltkd, f3 Y; I4'sllhnsl4 . '', 7; 1,aw,ent tr, (Ink,'ft�►rr�e r,, • gee 8 i �t r x#1,W J✓i'r lit . d.; .4 ny,.tb AruiKirt, ()'diet • ',i I" hit*, 'Wuikrr.eo tn+rr,t0r tit tlua.rr,4Jffkll,,wix' if rlri •tYi.' w. ':',n,f Arof 1.4t 1ilnt?1ay ar+tt, Xt1=kwC1i l�ur�«tlr • ,1ybtinti.,,,r +/I.I'.fpY t,r,4t�r!rt r,,dlllyJnvt+, 1 P.;'1rjiiurArW - • 141tNr � Pfrti s, ' rtetri fists errs we=c L'0.4il ill r,r,h 41N i+Mdrir,4rf it.�rrreiutk,ly. Rrr,ar:(+,frrµN'irr itis` 1 y, . n, I.,,,i,.„,„„,‘,,,i, {��:arr-tcint wtruktftip'l av; r,W ed friewiss in La'r 1d:,lara we4k.. f:br az:<sr,rr,i'I',rxd;�v r;vrr,ft, Y,fr. :Trandev,+ry r„ (,rtth I)'rp.:1 1,t r,n U,e pkr�+rrld'i'+tri.d*V. lr; ,Icahn, .Mures:. has rrryarly o -m evenlyf,1 „viing,. Ail vlwfbfr:w 1,i`nGirno, •� rxr'11'u!'frrv teal co' Ole Itoi.t,itotet, ihlc�b�e?z�Jthe i�zl� h floe.; 1 wrtitlars_:hi)l try r' r'W;41. (e,�ii .� ti', ts, ri1'ii i sir, it brilelr : 'W,4 , ,`�, ,. _,• fl:rrr:itlr. IP itt *I? In`'1,.11znes.• ALSOACOOOSTO`CK0 OUR '(iND`IE:TAKIN;jSG Can att6nded day or ni el[G ail e to g stone 'SI' Purnitlire' 'Dealers and Undertakers, di 011 •