HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-11-03, Page 2r kK 4 777 Rf TIF—MV7 77 V., 1 4-4-01 4 It, Y, 40 -Th� M _qo4poso, now.. -�pwpqrbie a 'we AVPTA0$ 119ATo �,wjll b PQ q, Are Rtid an a at Al) 5.0h _11 41 oil too at, .4p, Apy' persons wilkila tq, -buy wit), do w 411: �0400- U W WeI 0 Lot. 26 Dol., W,- .. .. ... ... WAW oosh..1904 4 F44 Huttpn� Lot 9 cogi M"Mr-P dIQe r o The Need, :n04p..of.tho. 4 o a pith, Us M ard, Lesslln,4 �jo �l 9: A P ps IM M Wswan94. 'Alu 'dio 'Tth� havI6- - rst, $4 t 4#tigh.t�er'og t*,, ad, ss t3 u s-th �e o 9� ty y, P't gea41f,Halend hithis. colmuni yi, o '8- t b., 0, S .00ober .2lFjt,. §oixie, tw, o' qekp I A. Irwia, lot 601. sout line. iiiiii f: _46us as.9 'result 4 so* Th . uriday"Ot Trr 11 V �- � , , , . . . . q .0- v SY, at L di ur:r'uff iii S §J� 130 Aso and h�41 'co f 01�y-.rq p 4 the r,es th ei 401 'D Ke6fI d- h tb o00Ujifo: %ve. a, A 'shortly" �.afte fi e !P h mar elo Tuoiday Oat.. 215ib,.t 1,3r W '64 wan; e scQIX anQL e w Ibiore. thin �tbe A eh �'go -it n r III Fir, T pa . � �,*iots;", venedan ipirit tookto fli ht bItQ a 1adop 14 5 C�i�7 (iii4p �Thu y. at rid 0 choose from 4 - ose the We q' -is right promising, . 0. 1 ot 30 'bon., 8' k g into. womaI 17_�Qnoc )asoii4ble prices. kros)x 4upg girl juqt buddlip r Oth.; - \F M3., 3D hood,, being yet'-uboer 18: years age.7. we -41wa S. s x WL1l'fift4 ibe latest sty es to 4ke 0 lie W! Q60.."Valcolm lot 16 qon" I'! K* ir,. a millernd, -family 'have In svp L� . , , ­ I u d' 0 a rpry lo�s Thursday Nqv., t�, heartfelt sym " th pit., y -&nii Cmlw6ll, Weatford- fro 0stricli acquaintances in N 14. o OTHINO theii h ii rvi au"Otioneer. -John ru whio aiigmeniqd bytho fact, tuat t they 'caonot, u*der O�se, pq9tiliar ryins. P. 'T ices -e a d fa in rcumb I ci ave—, e W06 L unite so U Out S an son And y�' G9Qr M in s ramefi!i y b6rs'of ibirl fainily not being, A01e'L to lie (1, Y_&o --V-" t res -but 0 -ar yo ED TENDERS addressed to -the �un t M $0 shoal,d: plea e '28 kt fur 49vel Omeiis, 'dersivied - mud, �endori ed 'Tender for _y_ rstane al M;—Mei- -T a' Qn Intg COD$ k ved A ftia office,until Wedesd&I Nov- r xecei t ember 2,1904, ir tooklace from tclusivel�; for thI6 of a warf, and road A roach _Bay. at Stakes to, Gre I iLAke Hurou,'Bruce idditty, Ontario'. acebide. on AT PF .,We I ' 'a ic wer all �aV ih db e nice range es e y tug to plan and specification to: be aeon at erd. gs i .. .... noer­ n, W und6e_ whose haley, n, Y_ QP,,COa Rev. barbour woII Cup ME tharjo 6f , federa­ -Building, ToTobto, on,Wpplloutlou tc� astion Life oid# froth ew. 't Ile '-W -the L44 )f A Teii� Ill no be tousideud unless 'made no, ters wi oebus, having ma C the' form suppliedi and igned with �the liesbyidrao actual Ognaturei become',fi;. meinber,� me -a chart eq;".ou ared, batiki of the: i ofteuderOc 801ritua g4i the P6�tmaiotor ot StokeI oind ar 'Pe 441-cotne to ted ch ble to the order 01 �t,16. Honourable t a hid t e received bter,�,,pf Public Wbrjcs,:f or twet've h d d 115.PAS 0 e dollard ($1,200.90) raiist acco mpAny 6aoh- .Ssor men .6 in large. q; t hith id it'. tender. The Cheque lirill be forfoite �if the W a so t hard' party tendering &cliue',the contr&I 6r fail to -His, truth a ill,be t iid In ' ' ;, ' I k ate'. tarjOUS e the wurk contracted f4, and w .apS 0 1 the proMi g' adly spo OW returned In caaQ �f non-adeeptance 6flouder, sa tor 'MI ht to :The. Dep&rtiuentAoes'n6t:biu o .10� Wi th owcen, 9- -.0100 U bh iii -3 love and fa d FRED, GE 1, NAB i%'W*lrh Tibee—in't6y o leitpe IOU dwell4i Y ever op ni 0 kl sbiio I Aixtae:thee from'fear ot t 'pq�iilur D Public WoTks., s I 0 o, qu C,4y Ottawa, otober 18,, 1 04. A�; !A Newspapers inserting Iverti8einent As the HoTne. ,,For, thy dear: oneli g without authority from th"Department,..wi 7qI 7 'i6 has- b66n bh6 gh6jt tiln -blessing still ot be paid for �k. e on. Guard6g,, k6e0iog, mar e i k jes,remeMD8r,, We 9, . I i for o. He is, with thee; TI t yq 'a, naxne... P'l , &Se. kiVQ Les ing, 'ANT An4 lo�iugto, t�'� end: W call When. 0., Brig lite I icrhtetiih�, iorrow ning Joy Sul h' h tanips,'Jt :your want to get, r A man to' rdI r,.' I � I . . .., jL N, �toiidq yet, move to -morrow; ma AI 19 "fiufactuted d URSERMS"In thsitdwn o 'the- rest" ,range In '�svtqun L6?d nd b e# to, K g d a y He Is 1''thee:—yev, Q, LUG d f r ever: fin P ase YOU 1%nd "d in, All lind'i. Vntry t4k ra or Now, and throug U OUR HjkRDY SPECIrALLTIES '0 r 9 , '0 berpr'oUr. thotto 0 Remem og , h :L C b let, with eeo ':WLt TAYL It ","Then h ver dw eI ' 0 ui *-Ve'S4 6x t r a n T119 wi 'h aiidOhi ­1�'Fruft Tkees;sinall' Ffufts, Okn fit', IS ame a. firubs RoSes; S 'A-: ew gooi young ewes an r.Am ..... ... L d, , I d VI oteenielps For S4;0 hesj Soed otatbis &Ic# to%nam nd. kree� fr r om Smi S ock tMe A 7 7 s, prics: ringing ftoni, $5 toL $8.:r , t. . " . . I - LA faimb ' e a IS I rm" pent positi6n tor, early A'': r . 10=6 Ali get,your. p'ick.'-- b, A. Jose,. a& e W&P Any you he.^right umn on 6ither salgr'y. or IW -,of Otepi t Wfi in: the following, lines ca, on c n 08 8to Ing 0 C e" er� I M J jamh At' TONTELIL -NURSERIES .7 JC 0 r �06 ;&CR]E hats" for Xeo we The iddrdigne 0, r of . ,n sheiflGg TO on'6 bei ure, bied. f�io&3ter, rvy Pear AAndy m1afti 9 remona le jai ti o' oves,: For.furthe'r Plars ap�ly' for Oe LUOKNOW Lu know ings No. 16 Ashfield. �iDuties­torC6MMjeD:&e Ve 're GW13r Agency 0 once ii b ober Ird,,,1964'. Apply at ral s, indr j.. your .�or enc I t, ro 6s and 'N osInK mo als b eave qualfAcations exper"' A sal�a.ryy. der or renew,your subscription; �kr Ek len e an riv YL Ile MI M -i' 0 b�.ff y e it' 6 �I �.Cr tAQAU� A—SM ! GE S S -11arry we 'daily' or'. 78PI F" 0 s7 got'aIIdaily or weelcl f 'alld. �4 or. -again th'�,*IeI wa;s favor- new6pipersi pedo ic fa�hloti boo �s OUSe nd YOU'aal, f shift6l And. West: give ' ". - ' ' ` ­ I- ! I k-. e A A ful inO 0 ag0q d For the V!Ha� 0,40f LUCkup' airheld-, as' notia in him MP an onlp' acre of P,,rourid,ittached� wvx�s kept 0 W, atne ho�ise d of lituit*with barn and Bohavy, shoes, fo r wor er. stabe. drive h, arg hird and soft Nvatcr'r - Also f6Uk more -on. Bob Fit ;XIAIV60fiyans W,i th" e re ae, Dt br,� attendfi'g a k" tngantiati,,and'the people took� ouge -and wood shed h he -out. d60" oug --wor -iffe ipa e to, t are market prF�fi I I. . ,, . I � 'a eed oeg w i6�h, n f4uh 'the owner,., t umbers friom� these and, iig,-is the ?6r paiti. Ve RNS Wil td, Th,. rie w ' e e! 4, or 16 '!6ursdaY -in: r e n r �6n o ning ."Mc NZ118L �oxtr d .,a w ma e an ca few some one: I R .1 1 . . . . . u Wearei throu g �gli -,io�gh' WorR wifthout s JII n of Ovng t o*, in nicipilities.. PgTr N. - .P THOS. DU or to ver,4 thousa#4 Wheat; I I , i W , (IF. NTP PV NISH Ri 0 19 8 tbai 'in bu 5: to', t69,' re e s ij t tho,de. 9it wa 'h 97. i tWindoor d6partmeut.. cry," a a is n -30 -to, M. Oats Ba Of the outdoor' exhibit ihe'hoise Show R JJS 'ut t e sO Ire e Iq �0 :PU 40 to. 41 - .y RAJI the . old., wits 0 -goo ei a �ep, E��S; per �d, 2. Ins'iiian& Company., 0 iceedingly. th 0 to.1 C U �the rid 'Impiria, Silerwate 0 ranNeA or 'at ( f h wiere'the -attrittidns A 1,,b h 0'691 in �utier,'tieA'� l'b 14 to 16 o;-AII Good gha ,A '6�tforllFui roe anIiornai` oent�mlahtubs� I the VoterI k" Township 6f the th , e diAwi ' ii� III& ' ta oj pe� j00 `t' bg".,. 15�'to 6, 1.6 iVcri tbAt R�corUt� Will. use,no otlid.t. 27 or 64t y Notice Iis Ikere 'y ;,r, 6 day �V,jl'14, gr�rtgkg6s. etc,,. 11 1 re is no other The A ub de' s`rDq§dA.' . at n r Potatoesj,pe,� buandli and &omiAly eteouted, J�e`hald, tT6I,ontari6'-VbteV9 NOR wear 6� W611 and in aAa.) t, sizU. is S®,60"i'p, pursuant .the Aret, �by jili.1116not th(, -tall, at, t -01110 T pples, pet. bag; 2 -hb Agil r �ys a ice, prokialn. d the 6f Colirt of the 0601ity'O Hilton or, e or h6ar 27th -da T ear L..-- 51 and'6Ii r, gramap ones rend �er,1004' Pit it p d Complaints of erl omiagiong. In - M, a S: TAE T ---without L; It. P.§ L-ondouj.. gogland. Moters L (if, the I Muhicipali NOW Town's p o Th& buts tour� , . -iw d t art age �ud at tlie,omid tinid aI e-ju g;pg' 'York. a _RtAal(L. Vdi f"i6r o P in match 'I, �Q,Lajj W Al C16, Agent fo: s6 aid 13 a 14' i' of .'steabislilpFf. I Oct i2X II ye, r 0 ta, AM tha draw,,,' -which wa, kio just In n -no t re 3�., was Ilk no with'stond MWH OUSE -LUC KNOWK� 11. jil V40 ��8th dOnc ou.oftho, h �A' fd'#. Ina dtj thoUg a 1, The thutider: atid I fightning�,o ih� surd the als' n c 6 ft r dn daday- of oa, as sch d l) oubI b oken Solte barlwoml sat w good 7 frpAie deg 0 a, m"to d Kpl'i Ig t Mel �qulMnhjg Qpejj fjjImIs with stbrio� 9 0, 118, of' the L�il: a We Also driviog obod, Iti nthoprdep-o the ay. at thad, P,4 the,'. ,,way t 0, hyrtwd*allo'andvAq dieLsk fi,c, as. a'A to 6 4 Teimper-6110e woo it f t" I-Ailej fMiii JI 'Mid Coll" hig,do* 1?or WiP Ij ITTLE -tin a* on- Und f6t ie 0. 61 ntbitik o th toll ig. 6 AID Wit V Jai 6 'jj�rb bw Ii a thb� villqd of IttrAnAe to 11 4 plan of dawpaigb, ry e d