HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-09-17, Page 68 MINOR LOCALS. --Thursday, Sept. 17th. --Winghain fall, fair on Thnrsday sued Friday of next week. —Plan of hall for Wingham fall fair eoaooezt is now open at McKibben's tag stare. —Leave your entries early for Wing - !ham fall fair with the Seoretary at the TOMS oflioe. .•--Wingham Citizens' Band will fur• ash the musical program at Brussels Sall fair on October 2nd. --Hear Mrs. Coutta•Bain in "Caller Berlin" in Wingham opera house on Friday evening, Sept. 25th. — Tell your neighbors of the low rate at whicla we are offering the TIMES for fuse balance of the year -25 cents. —Mrs, Jno. Bugg bas moved her 31onsehold furniture to Durham, where Mrs. and Miss Bugg will reside in lettere. —Beechnuts and butternuts are a gl entifnl crop thin year, but it doesn't meoessarily follow that the Doming win- ter will be a long and severe ane. —Alexander S. Campbell, for many years a resident of Luoknow, passed away on Thnrsday evening of last week, after a short illness, in his 46th year. —Young men, you are invited to the Y. M. 0. A. meeting in the rooms in the Macdonald block this (Thursday) evening. There will be a good pro- . —Alex, Young & Co. have taken the xngenoy for the non stoves, ranges !a$d furnaces. Read advt. in anther column for special prices o• these goodB. —" Salada" Tea reined s in favor year after year with :+ormously in- creasing sales. aim.lbecause it is always true to its high standard of quality. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Barber, of Pilot Mound, Man , are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs- Charles Barber, Leopold street. Mr, and Mrs Rob+, Maxwell, of the Bluevale road, accompanied by their daughter. Mrs, Hugh Rose, of Clinton, leave this week on a visit with relatives and friends in Chicago, BORN. Gruxoxs. Tn Wingham, on September 10th, the wife of the late A. E. eimmons; a daughter. MARRIED BALL—DALLAS.—At the home of the bride's father, on September 15th, by Rev. D. Perris, Mr. John Ball, late of Wingham, to Miss Jean Dallas, daughter of Mr. C. Dallas, of Wing - ham. WETHERREAD—Took.—At the Manse, Wing - ham, on Sent ember 0th, by Rev. D Perrie, Mr. Louis G. Wetherhead to IItiss Charlotte Took, both of East Wewanosh. CUNNINGHAM—MANNING.—At the residence of the bride's mother. Morris, on Sept, 0th, by Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford, Mr. Herbert Cunning- ham, of Palmerston, to Miss Susie E„ daughter of Mrs. John Manning. DIEL) EtNcsToN.—At Los Angeles, Cal., on Aug. yard,Clbev r, son Wash , formerly of BrArthur ussels, aged of ill - 28 years. WILBEE. In Stratford, on Sept. 0th, John Wilber, formerly of Brussels, in his 50th year. SCOTT —In W ingham, on September 10th, Mary J. Holden, relict of the late W. W. Scott, of East Wawanosh, in her both year. CAarnBELL.—In Luoknow, on September 8th, Alexander S. Campbell, aged 45 years and 11 months. MALLoIYGU,—In Dungannon, on September 5th, William Mallough, aged 58 years and 6 months. CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wiugha>in Cirele, No. 434 Meets first Thnrsday in each month, at 8 p. in. in hall in Chisholm Block. Candidates tar cheap, reliable insurance solicited. .Ask to see our rates of any member or officers. Ladies accepted at same rate as men. REV. T. S. BOYLE, —Regular meeting of Camp Cale. Ionia, Sons of Scotland will be held next Monday evening. Every member is requested to be present as important business will be transacted. —Mr. W. J. Sharpin has sold the Gorrie Vidette to Mr. W. S. Lyons, late of the Montreal Witness office. Mr. Sharpin has made the Vidette a ,good paper and we wish his successor prosperity on the Vedette. —Your absent relatives or friends would appreciate the weekly visit of the 'T tarps to their home. You can have it 'ent to any address in Canada for the balance of the year for 25 cents; or to the United States for 45 cents. -The new firm of J. G. Stewart & Co. are now in possession of the Central hardware store and are ready for busi- ness. They will carry a full line of up- to-date hardware, stoves and ranges. Read their new advt. in another column of this issue. —Mr. Frank McConnell, of Wing - ham announces in our advertising columns that he is prepared to conduct ;auction sales in Huron County for any parties wishing hie services. Mr. Mc- 0onnell has had an experience of many years, and will no doubt be able to give bis patrons the best of satisfaction. Arrangements for sales can be made at ithie Trims office. PERSONAL. T. B. ROBINSON, Leader. Recording Secretary TILE W1NatIABI TIMET, SutPTEbIBER 17, 19U8. W. J. WYLES, Financial Secrets FRANK McCONNELL, Licensed Auetlonee for the County of Et rou Is prepared to conduet • tion sales of all des- criptions, especially f in stock and imple- ments, in any part of the country, on reason- able terms. Orders left at the TIMES office will be promptly and cheerfully attended to. Miss Agnew was visiting in Clinton And Londesboro last week, Miss Taylor, of London, was visiting for a few days with Mrs. J. J. Elliott, Mies B. Cnnnningham is spending two weeks at her parental home in Orillia, Mies Jessie McLaren is visiting with her sister, Mrs. D. Stewart at Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. James Moorehead, of Teistowel, visited friends in town last week. Miss Emma Oakwood, of Bozeman, Mont., is visiting with Mrs. A. J. Mahone. Miss P. Agnew, of Evanston, Ill., is visiting with relatives and friends in Wingham. Mr. Robt. Hastings, of Cobalt, is ► spending a few days with his family in Turnberry. Mrs. ,T. Hamlin, of London, was 'visiting for a few days with her father, Mr. C Dallas. FARM FOR S 160 acres, lot 8, con. 1 i, T. 'nship of Howick. On the premises are a re - stone house with kitchen and woodshed 1 nk barn 30x34 with straw shed 38x50 stab ng under the whole, a never failing spring, about 20 acres of hard- wood bush, balance cleared and in good state of cultivation, free from noxious weeds, con- venient to school and church. Get terms and particulars on the premises, or address W. W. LOWISH, Gorrie P. O. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale his 100 -acro farm, being lot 2, con. 5, Turnberry. Tho farm is 23, miles from Wroxeter, and 7 from Wing - ham, and is a first-class one and is in good con- dition. The buildings are of the very best, Get terms and particulars on the premises, or address JOHN MoTAVISH. Wroxeter, P. O. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that my wife having left my bed and board without cause, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her after this date, without a written order from me. Dated this 25th day of August. 1908. PETER TERRIFF, FARM FOR SALE. RING'S FOR BARGAINS 1 WE WANT YOUR TRADE New Fall Goods MOM As the time is now approaching when you will be making your Fall purchases, it will pay you to come to this store to do your buying. We have the newest and best goods that money can buy, and OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. DRESS GOODS— Venetians, Broadcloths, Worsteds, Serges, Panamer, eto., in all the leading shades. MA►NI LES — We have them from the cheap ones to the best. STAPLES – These goods are BOUGHT RIGHT, hence we can afford to sell them right. Our stock of Ready-made Clothing, Underwear, Hosiery and lines essential for the Fall trade is complete. all TIM BUTTER 22c. EGGS 20c. GOOD GOODS G. Ea KING. C HEAP PRICES TAKE NOTICE. That J. S, Jerome, Dentist ie making beautiful sets of �aaaa�' teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airchamber. All work guaranteed. Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham, Consisting of 200 acres, Lots 23, 21, and 25, on the 10th Concession and Lot 24 on the Oth Concession of Culross, 4 miles north- west of Teeswater. About 150 acres cleared and the balance in bush and pasture land. This farm is in a high state of cultivation; well fenced, and has extra good. baildinos, Large bank barn 00x100, cement floors, stab- ling for 00 head of cattle and 15 horses: pig and sheep pens, hen house, driving and implement sheds : ice house. The house is 3 storeys and is in first-class shape; large rooms: cellar in three apartments: house heated by furnace. 1 arge orchard. The Teeswater river rune through this farm. This would make one of the best dairy farms in the country, and for grain, hay, root and corn raising cannot be beaten. Tho above will be sold on easy terms, and 'possession arranged to suit purchaser. Any person requiring a first-class farm will find it to their advantage to all and see this. For further particulars apply to the owner 5,11 farm, or address all communications to Tees - water P. O., when any other information re- garding above v, ill be given. H. STUCK Y, OWNER, Teeswater P. O. Mrs. J. J. Westgate, of Montreal, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) C. E. Jenkins, Mrra. D. T. Hepburn, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Conithart, is visiting with relatives in London. Mu. T. G. Tipling, of Balcarres, Man„ was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Tipling, Leopold street, Mr. Adair Maguire, of Morris, left on Tuesday morning for Edmenton, Alber- ta where ho intends to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tipling, of Tor. onto, aro tho gaeste of their cousin, Mr Amos Tipling, Leopold street, Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Sproat, of North Dakota, aro visiting with tab former's sister, Mrs. Jas. Anderson, Shuter street. Mr. herb. Etgg has taken a position with the G. T. R. in the plumbing de• liartnient and his headritiartere will be �t Lottflon. ]11;rai. 0. A. Oarrothert arid Miss Mated V anals'ine have returned to Loudon, after visiting their parents, the RlaetAle Road.. Fall Millinery 1908 Miss Boyd announces her Fall Mil iti- ery Opening for ea" ATTEND THE BEST ! ! CENTRAL STRATFORD., ONT. is recognized as the LARGEST, BEST and MOST SUCCESSFUL practical training school in Western Ontario. Three departments:— COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHIC Our graduates secure gond positions and forge to the front. Write for our free catalogue; yon will find it inter- esting. You may enter at any time. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. TUESDAY EPT `22ND, when there will a 'on display at her salesrooms all latest and most fashionable designs in headgear, trim- mings, etc., for the coming Fall and Winter wear. The Ladies of Wingham and vicinity are cordially invited to call and inspect the varied and up•to-date assortment to be found here. Mies Shier is in charge this season, and has returned from the city openings with 9 full knowledge of what is in vogue for the coming season. EARLY ORDERS ---We are now in a position to €x outO an orders promptly and satisfactorily. Thanking ray runny patrons tot their generous patronage in the past, and soliciting a continuance of your esteemed favors, Miss Boyd. Sir LSU Hon. G. GLA Wed. ilfrid IliR Graham NI) 1 AT TON ept1 23 The Premier and morning train fro informal receptio station. The pro delegates and ban at 1 30 for the Par commence at 2 0' party will arrive on London, and an will be held at the ssion, composed of s, will leave station , where speaking will ock sharp. SPECIAL TRAIN li'rom Listowel ford and Goderic demonstration is Detwiled progr GOD SA F. R. HODGuNs, Secretary AT SINGLE FARE is Wingham), Strat- Returning after the ver. later. E THE RING. 1)R. J. W. Sitew, Chairman. +++++++++++++,+.++++++++++++ 4. Going At Cost + + + + 4. + A beautiful display of ++1- Dinner and Tea Sets I Toilet Sets and td 4. Fancy China going at cost while they last. ,p We must make room for the'; '+1' Xmas goods. We also handle the best 4. 4. Teas and Coffee in the market. Fresh grocer. ,+1, les always on hand, .l'i rl'd'+d"g'i.3,:f.r,.,;..; it +÷÷ Highest prices for produce .t flal col m's+ 4. + PHONE 51, + + The First Step 1, often means so much. It has +1' meant success to thousands of ,1 young people who wrote for our 4' Catalogue as the first step to- ward a good salaried position. M Take the step to -day. Address + Central Business College, 305 Yunge Street, Toronto. W. H. SHAW, .1. President, + + ++++4.44+++++44.14441.4.4.4•* CANADIAN PAC:IF-IC LOWESTtho RATES NORTH-WEST by any route, are those on C. P R. Homeeeekers' Exoursione, which are now run via new Muskoka line. Hours saved on old schedule. G0 -day return tickets to all North-West points, at rates ranging from Winnipeg return, $32.00 Edmonton return, $42.50 LEAVING DATES; July 7, 21. Aug. 4, 18. Sept. 1, 15, 29 Comfortable berths in tourist sleeping cars at small extra cost. Apply early for accommodation. A TRIP TO MUSKOKA To Parry Sound or to any of the delightful Georg,an Bay resorts is most comfortably and quickly made by taking the O,P.R. Fast trains over new direct line—service, time and equipment without equal. For any information see Agent or write C. B. Foster•, Dis. Pass. Agent, Toronto. WV VVYTIMINIFYYT rirrnrirrfrr Wfr► WESTERN EXCURSIONS SEPT. 17, 18, 19 Return fares from Wingham DYTI1OIT :F0.60 8'7.40 57.30 'i933 CLF,VELAAAD via Buffalo -8.55 CLEVELAND) via Detroit Lc 9.10 CHICAGO .312.40 SAGINAW BAY CITY GRAND RAPIDS St. PAIL AND 3IINNEAPOLIS 828.40 $3190 all rail route via lake route Final return limit Oct. 3, 1908 Unequalled Train Service For Tickets and full information see J. H. Beemer, Agent, Wingham. iyyiyVliiloiyYiiiiiiYVVTI iiiiiiiiiiiiii + • + + • • + + + P' + 4 + P + 4 410111110111, 411i1111�1�'i!�N�t1i11/1111 vvy,,TyvvvvvvyryyrvvvvvyYV' 4 4, 4 4 The Little EatoiI OPPROISEn GINGER TALKS Nip -Up, Fall is Coming And we are ready with the very newest productions which money can buy. We invite you to call and inspect our goods and values before purchasing. Each department is full of new suiting effects ready to be gazed upon, when you will be convinced that "The Little Eaton" is not behind but to the front, as the larger city stores. LADIES + New goods just to hand. Dress Goods in many new effects, all the newest ocloths and colors. + + + + 4. 4 + dWe are headquarters for all Ladies' Ready -to -Wear. Just think where The Little Eaton is, before buying. + 4.a Nen's C •• '' This Department is growing daily. Over $6,000.00 worth of the choicest garments in style and pattern to show you now. Get wise, Boys; we are here with + the goods. + + + • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + �?AI AND TR ' .I11 '$YS1LW/'M,%1Y Western Fair London $2.25 from Wingham, good go- ing Sept. 12, 13, 14, 16, and 18th, Special excursion rate $1.75, good going Sept. 15th and 17tb. Return limit on all tickets Sept. 21st. Special train will leave Wingham 6.30 a. m. going and returning leave London 10.50 p. m,, Sept. I5th, loth and 17th. Low Rate Western Excursions Going Sept 17, 18 and 19, from Winghani. Port Huron Detroit • Chicago Bay City - Grand Rapids Saginaw • • Minneapolis • St. Paul • - Cleveland via Buffalo and C. & 13. Steamer Cleveland via Detroit and D. & 0, Steamers • $8.35 Return limit Monday, Oct, 8th, 1908. W. Henry, Depot Agent, or J. D, McDonald, D.P,A., Toronto, Ont. • $4.10 5.65 i$$11.50 $6.50 $8.35 $(3.40 $28.40 $28.40 $8.15 0 Mantles and Jackets 4 + Q ► ► ► e Furs Men's and Ladies' of all kinds arriving daily. Come early and get the choice. Millinery This Department has made a good showing last season, under the able super- vision of Miss Little, and she has just returned from the openings with her complete stock which is the largest ever shown in this town. We ask you to inspect our show rooms before making up your mind. Ladies, we welcome you and your friends. All departments are being well replenished with New Fall Goods. Don't forget we appreciate the smallest purchase. • TRADE OF ALL RINDS WANTED AT ALL TIMES. FARMERS, TO THE FRONT ! IIANA BIOS. NGHAM. 4 4 4 4 .4 4 4, 4• sdi 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 ♦ 41 +, • a ♦ • • • ♦ ♦. O • • • • • • ♦. • • • ♦, +, ♦ • ♦; • •♦ ♦ • ♦; • • ♦, • ♦, • .+ , + 1 4f L � mo#104..****tittfitt.01 'fit, ..... ,