HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-10-13, Page 4A 00 44. Blucher ',31,en'e Eu lith kip Blaoher 4' S2,OO McR's' i sa04w Blaober: c, lama ,la $ " r tho mains lma� f ell•; �rirrd �t' wry: 01: sur: i c h bores*** five artkogeriog, some extra values r A1rl4r1ee�u,trPbtk gooei sow 1an:eto�lc.'', Repairing : neatly . and promptly done L__d/ 'is .1,, Fiiti • ". •• Sonie'lh4iroaoa t l►i�', heat the whole neI bbst hood by seadinr90`per, rest. of the heat up the > chimney; , Wbat Pitt want is s' Pu nacs thatwill heat your whole houses and send 'only` the; smoke. up. 'the chimney.' And this is, just what' the, ,Sunshine Furnace does. It has moo• radiating' surface than any ,other :Furnace • made,', !i! the heat i forced through the hot•ai�it' rind till ties d g . .� !' "pipes—not' into the .smoke; pipe 'and Up the.; • Thu most, economicile the greatest beat prat.; dllicer thecleanest andsimplestheateron:the market: Soldby X11 enterprisingdealers.W•aiteobooik l- • ni400*. hglOttstk, rv, Lni ow. Ootabe 3th At• the L ucknovl - The following is a •list of the • prizes, aw ed in the indoor; department of the ckknow Fall Fair on. Tuedayr, 'DAIRY.. Sp'cial cosl'ction butter ;J' •Lyon';( peter Watson. Tub butt-r,•_.uot le+i..,,th.an •'2o ibi -., ,..W:atson, :►1ri1 .1: 1 '.. U R•ll tabl butter : J LYu o, I U• n- gram, P.Wyi sun • Crockof butter, hot. lrse th+a,` 2r pounds—P. ' ate.m.J� Lyons. Uaaalted butte; 4 pounds or over -, P 'Watson, Jus 1404 ,J Alton. 2 loaves howemade ;bread'' -4o :A.. McDonald, P.., mommau, .: ; : " 2 loaves baker's brezd--T Reid, •:A . e1Ken a _...•,--,- Jar of honey not ,lees' than.'3',11:a- McDonald, A'Swith. : Haney comb in frame—A Smith,M: McDonald. • •''. -- •Ofie-gtof-r,iple-ey sup,,J--Altuti A.- �Altoo. . ---?Maplo-Sugaras- Altoo Collection•c f. baking; con,iating. of white bread,. sponse Cake. jelly:,retie, 'bona, oat cats : two.' pies' and plate of tart shells; ;bakers barred P .McMil- lan, 1? Watson;• -;Jae Lyons OR AIN. 2 bur' fall' wheat; white=Q Taylor,' ' F Mepai,mid:,', ''° '•2 bus• wheat any, kind-CTsylor. 2 bna•oate,• white long -7M Hunter,, J MoDairmid, Wm Speen,' ' "• 2 bug oats white short -T Moore„ J Houton, J •McDairinid 2. buss ltd—a- MoDoirmid R :E Lane. ch Sans, 'Ju Alton.. ' *but 6 row barley -P,'. W atson, i T Moore. • 1. bus timothy .. -.7 Al( o 4, J Ate Pisr- 'nlid;t. E-L-taigirSons. ` 1 bag dour= -hoe . Reid 1 .bagoat mealyA Smith;: T -Reid. 1'peck flax: seed It E Lane:'& Sons • ,a eSi re cof. ' r! 1,1 ' e, wish to announce. that ° wl a have moved to our new store on Campbell Street, where we will be pleased to meet our customers and fr eridewho will now find me better prepared to. display the most up-to-date, ' goods. NEW SHOP; ' NEW G00DS, LOW PRICES, AND, :PROMPT '.A.TTENTION.:' e wish to' call attention to bur. large and' varied stock of - PICTURE, FRAMES E`•"BLS,, TABLES ROCKING CHAIRS ARM CkAItS, '. ;fie ONAIEDIS RED ROOM ,SUITS, PARLOR SUITS," COTTCHES, ETC.. ; Alton ' • 1 peck garden beans . T Moore, Jas Rosa s 1 peck white beai►e--T !hoose ' 't-3•Largest,and beat` arranged Collection of corn. and grasses in straw, 'named— John. MCDairinid. r =.. 'ROOTS• 'AND VEGETABLES. •' "4 varieties potates,:1 peck each—J. A McDonald,:.P.Watson, , ` - Halt bushel red potatoe in ,box '' or baehet,. named—J ' A • McDonald, J McDairniid. ` ' • Half bushel whits potatoes in •box or: basket, • nemed --J A McDonald ` ' 3 M%Dairmid. :' . Lai -goat potato -=J, A McDonald.. 6 min old, wortzel,—Qhs Taylor. M 6' marigolds, any variety -4 Alton, C`Taylor. 6 ,turnipsweds --W ,D Bradley', P r• w..r . Torrance. 6' ;turnip any other variety J'Mo Dairinid;;'EJarvis.; ' '6 •field carrots A Alton, J A• Mc- D'onald. . : -6 garden oarrota. P, H 21IoHenzle, J Adams. 2 table squish • Mics Rutson. Bent 6 Outer boot.—C Taylor, R • E Lane di Sone. . Colleaton of , garden vegetables-- Mies Rntson. 6 parsnips --Edwin Jarvi. - 12'.tomatoos T Read, R E, Lane d; • Sone. 12 onions ---T. Reid, Alex Smith., .1,quart top onions--': ,li :MoKen. zie, Jaffe ;Ros«. • ' ; 2 heads" of cribbage, early=' -J• Adams, Con .Gaynor. ` Meade cabbage, late T Moors., • 2 heads tatinitower--T Moore. 2 pampinke—R° R Lane di Sena,) J Adams . ,. - larges aq"eshea A':A1ton,_.. Alton. ., I' , •i 2• watermelons --Thomas Moore:• • 2 ..citrons -=J Alton, A A`Uou. 4 bnncheq celery ---Alex $mith• Red peppers ---IT Reid. 2 table squash-jMus Rutron, Oetst 6 sugar beets•,✓•-flhar Taylor, E Line Ji writ. en vogo 'bl'~ dolloctiori ,oE. gard eg to es--- Ruteoii. Colleetitn at field 'dots 3' Af each-- R F Lane fit Sone. , .:,,:f1-•!:,•:1"•••'••••#' ampuoutninimitustmeminium w_ a ...T:. .E are in neecl.of•that neceeeity,7talle l CAST .need of GROCItES,". FCU are at all' times. Yalu : . hiPsfa .. • .. • Ti 0M eriarti.xcofi i eni S; i txmftileWnIbrIMi1M1 . .• 1 SELL FIRE. LIFE. •ACCIDENT cud. S1CS=, NESE .P014Cle:a ).rein. Laker Rail, and Acrid. fit Inugranca 'Ciekets. T: buy ' and Ea iloviiitient Polices,: Rent Estate arid busi ria. etc eke Acoonsts audited mud collected,•.' J M IJ I CU ISON, Luoknow,:. Best, INSURANCE, • ' FIRE AND MARINE GUELPH CUNNIhasit LEGAL E�..LIcDlaoeot a GeasOwB1 u aIsTlas,SOLOI? tore, _'etc., Goderlcb Unt "Chis•;(arrow, I..f.8 ,'MR minuses; Beni e'en; t3otIcITOS. Conveyancer etc4 (late of . dameron Holt d.•Camyyran Goderich) ; • Ofce',npstsire • in Alibi' Block' Lnoknow. TH s LEADING'; UNDERTAKER AND EMtfALtti QAtrtel ATTl11414D To N G R OR blot. , • MoRg eoN ' Bianisree, '•$0LIQIToa,' a ',Commissioner, Notary, Etc. .Money to roan.. O>lioe over Watson's Barber Shop. •-. MEDICAL �MCD G}osDo>< MDQCM FTM`Q • MOPS O. Physician, Burgeon i u on an Accoueher.: Upstairs in Alibi' Block; Reeii' deuce Mora street, behind J. G. Murdoch -dc Co's. atom AM'SP'ENCEM D ,C.M 'Re.idence': , ; • —Hone of late Dr.. Tennent and office over Elliott's 'Grocery. Main, Street,> `Lucknow.: _.• *O IETIE8 LD-LIORT Lonai; A.F. -A.1JA. M..G,R.C.. meets • every Thuradaynight on or before the hill moon, in the .Maaonio Hall, • Havelock- 'y sweet Luokuow'. H. 0. AIMBTsono,•W 11 H. Dau. Bao. :: •vc[Now` • Lenox' No; 112, meet'; every. Friday `avenins at .8 o'clock in thea •hall, Campbell street. All brethren; cordially invited Woo Johnstone,., T' .8, Reid, - Noble Grand. 'Recorder.• My 'sWck of. Fall Millinery' is now complete.' L ` have just receivel' a large.assortment of READY-TO-WEAR HATS' from New . !pork, Detroit, London and Toronto. M : tock 'of American_ou`tin' g'hats are a special reatlsre. have. also: a 'full line. of: the newest 1 =fumes, Ospreys, Pompons, Tlackels.' which are exceptional values.: 4 VOKNOW Coax' cil, Canadian, Order of , Chosen Friends,' meets first and third . Tuesday, evenings of 'eacrih' month, in the Odd-. ' fellow's Haall,Campp bell street. Luck,. now. 'Visitors are cordially iavlted.., • WICODEt Sliaaw00D No 50. aj2rr Lucknow. meets every first' Monday. of every month in the ' Orange Hall. Visitingbrethren are cordially invited. ` N. D. McKenzie. R. GnLuAu, , Chief -Ranger, TUecrlleu; �.• .y. ncemow Longs DN 14 dependent Order of Foresters meets in the Oddfellow'r Hall. oaithe second and fourth Tiles - day. of each •month, sr 7.30 o'clock. Visiting 'brethren.' are .cordially, indited,, ; McDonald • T. E. Lawrence, . Ohief•IEingsr. Rea Sea. Lvostraw'.Lonas: of •the Ancient Order - of United Workmen mete in the Oddfeilowa''hall •thoterecond:*iid: list Monday, oven -;r rugs of., aeon taogtb at>eight o'clock. 'Wang brethrsit , cordially invited -• P.;Tostakce. • • Master. <iso. roTTeg, Recorder• ,. NO; 428, BOLDS Ire niraritse 1 : La ....a is monthly meetings in the.' Orange UR I. Campbell sheet', Lucknow, oar I theaecond Tuesday evening of 'Mich end -every. ' Month, D'e ree night on the second TuesdiV,l;�. evening •following.. Ail visiting brethren cordially, invited t01110 IOU ge. W. Tr. 00.014 'i • Ire' lath, ear r �• 6 ea • REN CE HNSYO sight :'roes ALSO A.�.G00D '.,STOCK . OF Iz� 'OUR UNDERtAKIING IS UP TO DATE Cafe aftende a or 'night. tettal Zawrzi *ea fo ststolio‘ Funitnte Dealers ani `undertaker e: 4N++♦ UVNow r; �ghtititi