HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-10-13, Page 11 o- OKN+ TAEIO . TDU SDiAY; OCTOBER- I3tJr 19 HAD OFF> et.7 ItitMILTO.N, OMT:. .. 00p0.1.4P40,.. Vp,$2,2,29.e$0 00„ -4: to.7. a 'a a�, 2,000,000.00` a t N u �3afi;w'nna • 700ARD OF, DIRECTORS Wit. GiBsoth President... C. A. Bluets,. J. Potion • . • J. 'S. ititnnain....131 B,irrHn,ItYOAD.. B L e -Pres. au . Gen.: N UL �, l,•Ttrfi , *Ettinger .�_ - -en.Mau Asia,-cl• itzititow Ge usRAn. B'AN$ING BuSINIDsfi,.' •i TaANSAOTED. nzie ..� an Farmers Notes disoq •. gdQaaoea baa stook. u ht and collected. qAL• �'. NOTI9d' bQ g o ai'od+ata.- the-, DRAFTis asuecl parable at ,,alt e and: the renci al points; in Canada a _ p .P .• United. States.. • IT Put up your flags on Moody Mrs:Spence is: visiting friend, in IiiI yel. ^ rhe.';»nngr nt o i ttal .liaove„ wii:l, ,,herr held, on $ridiy. The.eoot crop ie coprwanding the, attention of the'ftirmers;. • �.: ;. 'neer fir: "Ieona;rd Bland is the.G'o ... y ,_ °n" � h: too ,. • to a Cand date i4rt .... X -Mies Jean-- thee ) Detroit-ie-th guest of f her aunb Mrs. , S. McLaren. Mr. Peter ..Corrigan • spent a few days this week with friends in Tavis- �4 The Bank of Hamilton intends, to enlarge its head offices in Hamilton. next) spring. ne bongos offered' at bargain ' • Several etTND*Y SCHOOL 'CONVENTION The 24th, annual co nvention, of 'the *Meld • circuit: Sabbath Schools was heldin 131akes',..Chureh, Wednesday:, Sept. 28th, good; roads, `fine weather catthusiaetiedie ice •made the; ' gaLa�iiC11�3 6iY 4.43ba'xT(11 "'.V.1 �.'n.�". TA.?u ' . ' of: view. ...The papers present' d show: 'ed thoughtful' reparationend; were as. thorou• hly discussed -0A' time ,permit,, • - are -:offering a Ann i . nn ' the. ,newest and; latest siylos,, in plait : jnd.fan cy' goods;;' _'At our ; popnl>l.T' he mor lir .'7,7! w nd :-, � . .• ., AT .. ed in . d.,::' urin t . . ai �• .. rCef� ° f .50C� ' "'`T,.5C .1.011 a . o. attest, elite cal. natherin ever., witness., e .D g .. 1f1. . a . t; m se to be the r p .:.. b b , t _ dxscMr• .. .. , , a rs avers read and . � � :. I tl �w'O r'-(1re$8 .. � fcknow.on.Mutre....•... 1.25,Ou�'lifi � 7G1lace xn she ;"i?ina e � amu�P... . Y . , .... � ... astern .Ontario .will take.p b ; . e-� u ec duo e s 7th.: Sir Wilfrid. La,urter, Premier of`,t a Dorntmon ; •�?�`. P: l td, xartx griods 5atrsf�,C ciry a -s . ._ day orad Oct William a "Possibilities of the S S. teacher in • . f Cust s''' Hon. Dr; McDonald, $onorable Wxlltaan Pattersr�n, Mxnister•o ;_ ,..pan , of ; candidate the school,,," He, showed that in order ' be House, of Comrrions ; 'l�obex t • IJolmes?. ,Lateral s . • . ' Ex S esker t - x . . Psuccess of 5: S. work the for West Huron; P: II; McKenzie, Liberal. candidate:for South Bruec,. and . to mak? a, � u ce will •addressthe'-electors , teacher should hove the,entire confid;- Cam bell Liberal candidate. for North Br c ,, . must. o H P . o ' h once of the. class. The: teacher. ' 1 Agricultural Hall at, 80 o cl�oc.k in the 1 of Huron and 73�uce in 't le ., arge• , ;. • _ evidence a real love toward the child aft. •• The teacher is God's 'opP- ry fished a failure h exxxoon..:: • ' ,. eat extent. be" .. 4iid ► ' will bo done to or his work will .to a gr. _. x: ..lie. hall• is bernn , comfortably seated..nnd everyt x � Prices. ..:for immediagte, sale• $300 an up; pr ingbanx and IGincardin be run from � .: GF.,W Bertrand here eon Mr. ,A, special train at single fare �v Wing him an vide. ample,. accomodation for aft. who desire to hear the 1istinau o P • and quality.. Rxti'a ,s,Wea no :8 yep the a for 11.86. Ox In Fancy : Wool ' Goods 'for Waists our range: islar� a and large than ever; before.. 20. patterns to. choose ,from. at, 50:' cts: Finer ` ality ' goods at- - q 60. and 7o cis; orGunttyorkmaq for moulding uy en .under' -w the aharactexs of the Wra erettes Thls >ts .the. , , PP his' charge. 4111"' S'. S..`Sherwood• in-. •season for, wrdpperettes. " "We . t• '' ossibii -•troduced--the.sister��ajec '}]s�!e"t}�15-`s�'"�0'il'lC�l-�t�t= ' • . J. . Murchison. ; premier an' a e co eagues- is i11. n a er e , inoardxne can return trtN®`t'egrilar train-te-the-north: �--• erry ! returned from Port returningto Win hams meetntg while the visitors from. Ripley 'George. Y Arthur keel,`week`,..' ` ' ne b s eclat train an • . • _.. � • , ' : : •. • - villa Savin s: nO , artment , �hePremier will arrive in tile, _ „ y. P readied . • The Rev and Mri: Uliger• of Lis • e, d dly ll .be drive e re ,wur - 0 a i xn L me f .A o P tr �eu.raxte i .. G. ts. of Dr.-findllshortl laefore e meeting opens.. d d calved l t • owed se current rates: from, tOweEmera. tha_gp@e__ d-1* :had �, and interest -all w brass >� s will. >,e d and Luckno b d -p=resent: deposit t d t of withdrawal. AMS on Tuesday B th the Win ham • date of apo, o . a e' •., pence, o t,. The y1d oeitori lilt subject to;•anv .delay • p • Mts, 'N'aomi Moody, who has been stover m the withdrawal of the whole or :Kto • nds rein r •led ., her here, � ._. stung he friends d d M 31 t and Nov ortion'of the deposit. E yi Interest oompoun a ay e • - ° .. this LL :: week. ..:_ her home in -assn th B.. R. MAeL• EOD; AGS Mr• 'and •Mrs: John Irwin: returned L'17CSNOW. ,spending .a. week ''visitin' home after ape g , g 'We' will load your Hub Gtocery Clinton snd Goderich.' friends in C Dr.' Elliott was knocked down and injured, by •a;boy riding a bicycle' on the sidewalk, oneiniht this week., ,' g Amoan those called to she',bar last' . g , Friday at Osgoode 33'all• waszW. Stuart L%ne son. of County Clerk, Wm. Lane,. , rich.:' . God ➢. of Goderich. Palace' Lau adry of now will be fittedup`for, business in a' couple of weeks Spindler & Marshall proprietors We-regretto learn-that'',Mr., Thos. r, $1:76: ,Cors fore n' ties of the ,teacher outside the, school." r ,ar, 1ivc and 121c. He's . , . . , to .t1S . ..,; tated that the outside influence ' slue or_ .__wadies •-lead :Made.. Skirts , of -the ach�t--�¢as°o�-'gaceayex �, ood•t an his influence within. ;He lain •. and _trimmed. , Latest must .in the first:' lace set. an . example. ' s .les: and neat fitting prices , h P �.. s Y g, P living • "ininelf interest.' himself' ., . of good, living h , 2.50 to .6:50.1 :,• , Windo ' Coming to';a' Luoknovir Beautiful. • _ ,_ c ,;r. . d= : •, • Dr.' Butler, .:e..e, ear, . ,;nose and Dir.: 'X` Dia . an i • _- . va=s.:, ..._. _ �: _-... , .. .. A ueen,s.: ve. . throat specialist, .3.70 , eine'late lass: window' is oLe' of the: breast Of St: Andrew' s p g_ . London,",3rd do , fiaestin le viilage: giving•his'lei9iture • Church. Glasses supplied. At Cain's arlor a' beautiful'appearande Itis Hotel, Lucknow; Friday October 21st. P .. . . a show window„ fit for• the best city in; •the Province Air. Neil McKenzie Got Three Yeats, nae also: greatly., improved the north Joseph.Twamley, who 'was tried be- side of''the .:street with his up-to-date' zfore JudgeDoyle,.at Godericb, • for a display of gents furnishings, etc. • number. pf. horse thefts Committed. be- hemmorage of the storiiaohenTnieday Uight; but is improving: • tween, Wingham. and Windsor, . and Political Meetings who deserted from` Wolseley B'arraeks,' Mr.'Robert Hoboes the Liberal can was;' sentenced to:. three ;years -;in the d date iii West Huron will address' the , Kingston Penitentiary... It has' been. electors a.t Grant's/school house, Ash- - found that Twamley once seived flalf %lid Of N'overeber. The nominations will take place in Dungannon on Chutel$ Opening :The -new Methodist-Chnrch.at Holy, '.i- ff,",kiegs °E.R.4467, following Sabbath. : ',The gathering as of, F cel,z1: Moss. 3:.° 'PnrviP.! anctioneer; , und the auspices ef the W.C.T.I.L, - • . , . . ..-1'. -.9. a cOnstituted ilia class. ' ib is imposs-: W.„MoDougall: left on' Saturday. -for was. 'neb a , large ' audience present., c,799,ing a ..grriu....ecteeert . ' • St.' Lenia'where: their will ariend n feW The eheir.was'occtipied bY kr., R. . b. 14. tufi Hniireed. ',,!,eWil,' '2'841. :Whell 'a dile with.Mi..AteDougall.at :the fair.. and able .addresiee by 'Metiers, Philp, •, There will. be an' . auction :sale ' Of ..eied given hefore the leetnre, in Whian ' feint steck and Inpleinente at lot 4,. ., the Missed B.' RObertami 'G., JOhnstnn, he 'Teesivater,Methedist choir will be copeeseicin 1 Huron,. on October 20th, Dora Lees, front:08661'1k Bertha Trce, T'. -fare-af-his-pupils and • • Ladies':' underskirts -s ecia in ever ' ossible; way directahe child-1� , • � � t 75c na life into• proper channels, free,discuss values• In black saatee i' followed . d the P resentation of the . and 95c.' on: subjects. Much regret was expresaed " r in n� Ladies Underwear i u that Mr. D. Agnew who was to have n. •wool' at 2.5e 35e, 50cr'': : « �' of ,ton and . , ►,,, .: taken the subject Some methdde.. 1 75c amd,1:00 lesson preparation" .:was absent ` on Ta lor re f _ e r 3 as :cunt; of illness: ••J.. J, y , � .:.Ladles Hosstry Se On sided : at ilia _.:morning session. , The big. specials at ,25c, 35e and: n ne'sh- bOc in'' wool and;fi iKc . Ga afternoon session, was 'presided over' by Mr Wm. Treleaven.in the absence of Mr: D. Agnew, After the usiial • de: 'votional.'exereises^Mr,: J. Andrew took Up the topic :"""Best methods ' at bible' methecl in this a. in everything. A good 'teethed be maintained should' The Huron nniform. promotion' ex- admit of variation and be in 'accord • ancPien Sale. 01_, fari,z.is StOck LA. • The. Rev. Mr,: , Oliver,: of Lietowel, of ,i.iooiwdine; And, ab 3 p.n), introdneecl. his' suhject 25,vCon,,,.4,:•reot:,Wawrnesle Monday o-.1-elivered an excellent lecture. in :the i class"' b taken the leision for 'the McCharles :Auctioneer. .that will seat 5 Perseas, Covered' top, capacity,'nearly new; i pig hide side . in PelitiCal..effairs. In Carlada the isstio will -be settled on Note 3rd,"'and the Preeidental fight the -United States. will :end en Nov: 8th AnetilOn sale of farm stock. and int: plements et 7tot 21, eon. '13. West Vii'avvinosh Wednesday Ocit. 26th, at . The induction 'Services of the 'Rev. now Presbyterian Church' inkee place ROCra, - LUCI(P;01V. Buys a 25 year:ladies, gold This offer isgood cluriUgJuly. liAlOttS ,400'.Ording to the prophecy; pf the. , The anniliorsarY'serticei ,of. Calvin f04.1.0, hetctivinter.iwupuu us; .411e,c,F. I Cherch . St. Helena will be. held- on 'est and: Streane SaYs:•-;-"It ''Sunday; Oetobei 23rd; when iertiond duClas rend other foWthaie pin feathers he preaclied,ati 11. a:. m. and II)! fall or Winter.' , If they bee() clown 'on ,ef, dlencoe. On , ,Monday, eVening Winter. 'Sportsinen. say docks already' 'held in the,. basement ':'ef 'the churclef,,: shot this,- ' year .have..been found 'to be when he delivered..., by. withOut.pin feathers' but. have a, fall, Reva.'t Mesita,' jamei . ,1 son; A:, 001 a thiek brown down ee .their breaitS,'' Hence %hard winter is pre- the wealth of preparing diSplayed, the ingenuityof :the qnestioning, compels. of the teacher.. • Be ib .'enOugh to aay that the lemon wad 4 mem. ,4oct an' inspiration tO. everyone, interesteain bible deed work. Five m inuie speeehes Taylor, Jos. Haekett Sheet:: ult4nt and G; 130.Chanate The' first Speaker : regretted the decline. ef Yerse memorization in' the Siindey the second spoke, 'on the value of utiliz- oar opportunitiee; the third on the 'velne of conventions the fourth 'on the possibilities for good,, ex evil of the shOrti,‘‘five trilitute” speeches we Make every day'. The last speaker'leniPlio,,' sized the cluty of our taking, with Us • G. 'M. Mien, Whitechurch, ,D. M. seine, pr14,etical idea „which'.could he. Woven inte tile working syStem 'of Our. ',largely' attended' and tdok the form -of' Taylor afid W. .A. Smith, the W pre' the Range.' , addrCssos.. . During the Course!, of .,the Meeting.. , number of ypung people At the .Luelrnow Fall 'Fairin•the Made stentl,fcr Christ. , .The deflect- cenipetitions for the ,ilome' Penni-US'. 1.711ire:6-"seieteine-IPIQuilted'•te Meisrs Clare. Bros., Co.. Of PreSton and, .Chinge ;County Connell Bystem' •ehariging the cothposition Of the county Council, ad . provided: hy the 'Coterie . Statutes of 1904. - If a majority of The Lucknew.. Et'raporator will re- the voters 'desire the chenge," the Music by the Winghain, Presbytorian. Church chmr. Supper frem 5'4°,8 p., ''Arlinkision ,,15 Ana 25 cents: taken' -at,' -0$0, ..,,factiorr .aa t.ve,--are.-i-rilingee.alA'the-elaY.0"f-14)".-7-*1 entries was..not- numerees eWing ; Faym' Or tOwn P'roPerties' beQgh up With .sinali •irnit4, ilia. 'Med iay the Statute thevote .will • 'h h t 'ed'in Which the 'exhibiL 4ila or '%ekchtinged., Has • tor 'salt). enlY aPPIes large nn,ons4 • kit', Fealng• not ,be, taken utitil anutit'S', 0°6, tOrS. Were recpiired .to Make the fifty seVertd g(!od also town 'and. CARE ?, OF YOUR .WATOH Ha;,e ib looked over once in a whilo and with.a-little attention 'there ill -1113 reason in .the worla why ,it should ever be anything but a, good. reliable We give special attention, to our repair department). We turi: out both satisfactorlY and pomply. ARmarno. NG ' JEWELLERS 4it OPTICIANS. ph EDICA he the NOW IS YOTTR OHA J. MITCHELL. the eichibitorai Alio. jai. Aline ,of - tornado, neCidelit: `,0,' oft gCarantcO Fawn Far full term of two , Ye r 9 ft: „ Goad brick house, Never j'attuarv.. raunicipav creek, watei ,cirrint into house 'which have Ailed the;necesse ol and stable§ byl meanS of Water 'ram, tion with the countt clerk. are the Welt *"fenPecl. S'r earns at cedar and town of • Wingliam, the vil ages of orchard; 7 Acres of fall w eat sowea, 31 'octet seeded down. and forty Seres Cif fait pidwed./ Situated, shoot 3' mites ,AiieltillotY; ‘Irshdree, • Grey Aildield. 'farther' nnetimilais apply tO4,"Geee' MUnicipaiitieri out Of tiventy.4 in 'the this one before hitying eienwhere, Fin fie and Went; home delighted:with the The,dotaters,are equally, Well giVee SS the Ranges are selling as last Os they aro 'able to see thenil nte The large steak which Mi. XaylOr hact liafi in ,to rover the s4asons tra,de :fast disappearing ,and he id pressing the company for Inote: Ranges. to keip Obits, Took returned Itiet week Itoin :Menitoba with ,the,botry of his brother John„ The funeral:took: pled° on Fri, UPPLIES "OF ALL angtisi AND — STATION mice 14