HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-10-06, Page 67, 7 7- ",
7 7.
7 17 WF. 7,;
10 W33,11.0111150 An 4
tjlai" 4tt
-might �O-'—LQU404- D.,wily j31qek §y1totpi, auVRetu to- 60d�hfiig� 71 rl
as RI)y 1,01 e
be Iftwo''Tor
soothe tile chow
Normal Trofft
C1 at obt�
�Qlla and Is the_
POT ,EztraorP_m1rY - I � .
In s. ON
athl-, lclms. 01.
ad, co
ommeaped 9 ; 6, fOCY MORIN or
iz _J'ALN, FA OE
ue k
jaus Qka-
x, pi When W FoRake Joseph
T#11(r � 4 BpIlipi �9 .A . ji I
Abu al Teports for� the
Mit Tr
on, the Canal.' Julie :ptii, silow'.uo
or onge, furill!
iqp to,-, few, eqFpq-_ H.11104a 0' ith lie, frou
dief1p I t �is earnings. but Aot P Th `_Pire
g ;t AL 4 Viary
Livestc pettp�, afoi pre. vluak6� bt,
ik offiqlalik'" insist tuit vr. fire
fall i Hillsdale,
be made in -stock- will, be gat40elt.);I'Vy� b0ght,lbor, Wuglb§ss� durl 0 ow Puttablo -to
"t p 'aW
k6k #X orloporietpr,'IrOtIM
of tpo. W Y�aril to likh SunlIght itt're, ptbok,, A i� ay; term
'-Aext fe oper4figns irL
yakiliI - _ , 11, 1 1. 1 1 1. � -,a�k.,srg, .
Elie bit, money. I ig I lf, Sold right
�01p'AOTIce to ThoGeo IT1110 busln4i; purchaser.
§oap�'�can�ot advant� made�
T �quently,' w
�iqedei4.oj'mmIO`9. 1�nlen MI* and ter. ldge,.
1. �
F11040ju WWr dqq,o trenchment,'oA iAj1W*Y0 co)a� It rfi ed, th
ting k I q .. . . SALE ACRAIR Av
land bulldlug§;
and gar
Qi#.., �Eept., 26. %�.orU pit the Panaina, i(Jamil, bJP8 end ot-the-dLY1004 FOR sli;V`0
PUPor. e
Mlandi,9ne of',the,'316t.arld. While Abe nest' of i#tendents'ber&� He replied.: ;Und d" in Vrepailla, :Par
,,You must go 'back 041Y. ylsi�4, iOr �po, of 14
ey gLA� the UIq&,,iP
e4rilesto th pride'qif iA
r#,veli�i�: ---on I ringq,'thI6y�qr
th 0; lire 7the Out. milkop. q
'lisloij, diamored tot 106t-
to'LJUM b cOrta1U:,0I04I6#, t
Co t Opt canals. At thatAlme TMV.
rtau IM, SO*
poing"Out with'a'Pta only, 4hima S� At can. �jtaild 1ENe
ii'Ad k!ppp 9 ter,'�protectlo4 y dred acres, each;,
I' tt I .. in st 'imp�q aye,
. . � i 14 workipgi. levee to, k S ake, dt A119 Replea tii Iiiiinie CHOx9p I tot
_e -
X par a V
-Indi6i,- Africa and tlie, Philip
c'1ergy.,'pr_Shqe4,_.b6ut-. It -from-tIjbir poulOWS. h t cabnda� Tor.,cl
Z. f M4 seqiiii:n - for. bra omen, op bun
Q 4�0 miq, tl� L - to four 4aloguet
beg Ir Ae MOA -pops an
with leasure;
The WI rii 4
v Tr�q idney MyTqw�Jlqqry �0 y,,. -041M
Ifft g�,
1, " r� �!s, apo� lity.0 WIL, turp And, f
"Another,, cause for, re. T.eaq -the
t�� rl, allizuent" Is
-wl � , . i L . �,'�ver the, illi 00 0 LEARN ti
to , 1; , for,iiad
healt vvol it "1, 1. ince, the,desiialm Slit, T
r, It dn ANTED -1d,
g, .9r A
cola," sin�; i4 14vo th d �oja2"L' -with With, tra i t weeks avorago
V191f _-,CM we,
JUdpeip Ans, !aP1d:"6itQ481OII of th6L block system. 'With
intrep, tl
the main. line compolbtely,�equlpoped,, er closely in
fdrta y propottio r Ian .,.Oe,�
Utely, CIA 5 Nt locks any , road 'bit Qf 0 d. vI -itill,anyj whilo.'1110412m
or. aom� as a.par uro . pean, R yroe�_riogA are. . ead b Crews, L for t4edaul;Or OCCOUS1614818 ly,gv
I �i I ., I . . It Flildage
Y 11'
can. operate 'trainp, WIth -nel td,,k6ep out every
�uredme iof 4 silii6ro"PO
ejauteed whqu �tbrouF_
t� .4 of'
Ck', out,; bothezie�a �- MO,' f to, $16 WE NO'bi'L 33
V free,,
jgm elirst qoae seemed to doxight� a,,mat0r, Of, e be -en. �,to a.. 1pinlraumo� - ' - t
b 0,.. It C Canal,, 4ty,1444
K C61legei 10
AO -fact MOOS h6v 0 �hor,cause, tot tot' do:- mayL 'be treated
i, d Avelo I tile clerical, depa.A-
icili#e& -the- ti In, Tq s� en- rngs;are hot of, syj�teia �ln application PUL-any'.'bland oil,':Vqs rie," qityi�
UR U �cy re oil,:,CaAs
h fewer. -c
d- c tedL'and� lessened
Sep, ar Oil,
t � :r�
�pqigoyeea are required. --thlk cp
ig �z
an at, t6a years. Yet for M4. 00. 't causek Xor.,rd� 001 r
'5They oW I nen, , I t'L - . I : , bange from. gbnormaI;,to,normAJ conditions ine, which- is: iriiq, :kply,to Durton IIP6ddo in� s, in' the la i I C . too � .. ting. Oft 40rs Ireland, oonclu, inIn' trattli
some rcason.or another, the.former 4aieh division, suportatOndPlat W q1 or
ko expenses proportionate �G may,also be, dusted.on, flojl�,
exiii .�q oured. din sections. are. n6t- prodii0ing mules, inietrted to ma, he had to reduce'.40fiPOO or
corn. fitarbb,' For a bUrrl
earnings. When y
g of sa r...e
�6at de:al are OPP
the railwayq_& ever they. Can DO got
-railroad, I. and othotn 4 �jo� Supply the, 'demand and: nutaber'of employees Wherr steam apply 0; WE PAY
Tr rellers, fastinoug, 112YRIE BRO S. he lessens t1no,: It js� no Ar in SALARY
ho rim ola� heir pioduction is deelinini.. Not many along withoAt. tQ1 KldneT 'Ttbiiblcs. 'hey will- a Perman t
',t1V1AM0NV- Him, 9�, longer 'good, P0116Y to attempt to, reduce en PoOfflon,
t years Ago, NO :�cky luad'35,00 lermet thau dismiss employees. 5U4 to, ladii�s�A;bd gen e es.
lign Tattler out, gooa salary. and eXPOns
�hile'ripW thqrq 500.. ment' effects. shorim0n, yardineu. etc, Her ;Heart, I l,X rspold� advancem'. 'business, J
Mel Wr
gre' not more than 2, trench was tbe, beginning Clean, desirable
The e d6clino jA noted I Td* to I "About six Months EL90 prin.g.Mrs-, Jamos!,SrIgloy, rples lsland�.
of almorl. 3iness-of the "five ye . ars Afflicted Nicladis Co.,_ Limited,
Texas, Mis uE
nal traffic. All -P
'�and Tennessee., eatest� possible out., uays: . "I Wag for this, pape.r)
cbuntTY wag pus
Taj� Ru U.94 F ORPS Pouri j,41nary bp
ilied, to t1w boas CoVId wit astipailinn, inari
L The inlle� h4i been the Standard worli UL That qztrac si h 'dyspepsia, -coi
.t,uere uk necesarily a limit prostraI ,t -cured tb9' hbart li, FROM Tilp. CRA-�
D'Al of the 'Southern Statep� for many be kqpt UP. Condi- and nervous 7roth
mr . -colmm
e tha, � r 0;�C Is
)Usiness -any. .ur_.#fqrAho-11dk be grave; for DUSIDPal
irent nere, of ---tfaf- wunt., . I . .
troublw-witb: Dr rt
ifive VqarS' it. *Q0417SIs, Y die' to
back to normal. There 4@� lisa
Units. are 4 1 . mist. and
A I in Q. S - bed: like marrjoag,6 ruade..clear,
oand, c4 hold utter the t %mer�truo; I .
h, tower employees are And the other, ye, send - birth uat6 S
tops the' list wit firs M
hour ed in t Texas msequently .'half im r
Bid a.
ath ssoud, 0quIred on. the r, 41�4roads. 7' GARNOT, BOX;
R!4 With %09,0Q0
ere are five d as.,
-11 Vnnnda.
of, ScotIq Or Of the Inulis In the�.e rorry, Wont c(L
Unc Carnegio-o-s" 0
'42,000. prent va of t
_�7tb� s;Zr1esw�numbcr,'
Osp of
d boaSt$ he
En of Great Britain, TU' iveraje.talud onsd6us, Atipurdity... Whett
Vd Staties'. runs. fr $85. In the Un- We� Oaj AebtA6 th you -find a cough h olding on— It is fact.,no generaly knowit tllat�
o�m $70 to . we -a C
'ited States't e riLiale averaget $10 jilore . . everydity li 6. 11 ryth�'
in. grl. unon-
Df, Ireland, And; of 1144, it Aniarnegib �haB the- drgan play.d.
j� L w4e cie ng'else has. JWled—
n.1 scious" humoiistg 'of
..The creAtion. of',rths, pearL4 of 'E an . d a I 'his 'fifth ayeliile,an-
alue 'than the 'hdrs"72.40. these hii-morists wba. -dili t -
u, -gr 31
t 45, VIIQre pea.
'.sibg whela P
--w�,.brought,46.4w-end -,,w 'WiTma so gtiei�.
k eL IS in
fixerf his adr.van 8
the family� proWitin
th" relitivej Our IS
thiAbk�pf Union etweeA a norW pa e _t a recent. *night.' t
inuiles.RS '16,000, 0 or.eq. . . . . . . 0 of.th iroinnastdir ha nand southeti. 17(17-, VIM% On on's les 0 6 6 0 -of. g!I! the impression that t eir AllI
� � - .11 '. d.. 'he ed. redin. onp an '6burchgqihg Christ' ,inoie e9peoially as� JjaIc 0 JUIPIPL .,and hox FREZ-
I e ers Are use p Ian m ORO ..... thik -11- —1.- vT o..
ges one -I
6 sed-to-h&VO,
erin, 1801, when the'u*11 -7goina toC�,mpany,,f roll
me. Wan end aon, Godichitim i6m. 1; Q to Tho Lung ar6. h1l..'scotch
__74ik nes
]Britain and, Ireland w 4500 in eP are..woi or in bour`-iatb*
id the y r.rotiniljo callgTon d, t5un ay.
time! C 11 in a, t 4 id f -the raii . ba,mlor I eL 'at , of n' Thii, 6lief of the Carnegie scr*lintg'
e me( all peers tiblafi �makeL re t-,piflundr�ssed T
Ahe th iatanteod ,to.
. It is
edoo have, bee thaii the,hoirse ve�.S- Or -mixiI a gre
peir�/,of tobe i d ga at deal: of
-tied gd 'or At Duke"
_.-S, 11- bo N dbe
_nq% y -ie rill'yourmoney;
ira of Ire]aid. fti y__
)n distrit s, ni ma y ope. sw we ork aridjdd to his,being re
mi. the members oithe int�l n _.��Motheir—Wejl, as.soon as you are un -i S. C. WE Carl $ehurzi nei&bor :of
present m6m� are b6W LLS &�CC�' CArriciK
'had "been re -
Q (IV d!'for, th dressed 'enough-, for 11111 $X� L�Roy.'N.Y..TinbutoocQ& rary giver
Pre ind
bi�tier and inbre 0 u ig iY 6 to come, up 'and
orked,� t6` de le L. cuently; The: Bli
hist or d ag_sayil ine 'To
f -you W porte Ilron at I p.m.,
eritarim. ainou The mule, has' advg�ntages'. ove 1r. sL 'ag( -And, the scribe
fi mel-
eir, ded 614601b.19 to ag that, be! had -'ce i igd I to
Or . I ". f It. Carnegie s. ron o
Ett6" aliki A0. !hat is �116 k. twenty. t 7 30 p adays dobil
HiS View 0, ray
6adays, Thur
two-thirds �of,ths` upper. orse. whi6h: have co'me Eto It was SI 8aturday..
about 'I efoui 'to Aseeitaiii, Mr.,
�i6US ProefiVitICS" If PLO w� e c 98,
Grg t oh Work the 9 ien Fall Ila
of the imperial Ieg4iilaturii of ssible� Mr;.Paf
Y Inqu..;w 0 in 111. the Is shier
'be desek St- All Europe, "Hare�no fear. said, th 'a
Z ze negi6, hfingeJV`was.:'a-w
fir place he':piLy.o,the,' re grow—S. wi d, u will,be hung Montrell, 61h: le $T. QO, Ito,
e4er Thiblose 4br .#.
isen ative peers 0 he can'. put on the:mar- aP �Abyssini�t, in SM ne #'Sure he:gots to, 6ur.c lators: , The xeprc t f A said, the 4rivat
h; if- I - � "He's tlirn $12. urn
e. thtbugh ndia�-'and. in -,Nol;tA "Thank, do Lawd,' exq a Or 9, ring. t6:40.
rW, owe. their Ahe,
in: Africa -As rise er, ntreal, $6.50, ret
and ket, rL year td�soon�r. *11 is, not so n *1, 00.
ion tdie' It IAt'113"49 ina, WiIIL
rais L AS ths horse, beculise e4.
expengive-to, Is.' th6:edge of Mexic 0 Pt Low, rates UAN�etori ports.
im who Ian
ne -a
e&.,, gi y-foup he, is in.ciinditiofi, io d& good, worklong Firiihor-inforintotlpid' apply to la- There' Are a h " I"e 0
g, r tian
e I ouse of Lords before 4he horse� can be bro -hat. agents, 6r write.to
y keit to id h ees
t. ha" m 'th t chi her to -ni At'Awo- yeari`61d;- tl muilo,cian be
Wes be'rn See' 1hit 'they hp. kTig IbPiNION
veo been rais6d 0 pui � 'in tfie� field iAnd kept �'ilicrei until
old, age overtak Is bini.
eerage.'. BePidesi ther6 ire five Lords I. �i
w gA
An adv6risi
r1g per dical Breikfagt.�
ou hic I has
The muWis al�so,.'h ilthiei -:ihaw. the Wiiii Klao*t :Anything Ab.. IA6 more firterefft: In, form of'
was in
(?rse. This.�m6rnin ab
And fli
4or, life,
;t mormn
twifntX -r yny lioilf,e and theirs,
lblshop� a g*I
to I E e its, to, its..riblic "Every �co!.�ar stQre� Miisi6le W' b ing
-,Iqnd, who, Whil
hd statemer of. there -
y none, Q. 't 'w6uldj
;sVen 'to,bd M,aited IIpQl1:''r1n.rUS
in.th dtion hea '-More forA e mc
utiful (!so
ly in -.the boa
ph6-law- 1nere Lordd.: Spiritu
I . "L -t'- 3 obtained. -In th� best ddily:rI
ILLM bi 'Uhase ej)1int6ir and:,called out-:
ailioertising. h mey sutnt, anxioush� 11,11Self u
r U94, of. -the latter,,are
tetery Of the town of
grog%t Appleton, Sunday, Sept. s4na Ure -MPERV
V l; as.pecris, eAl a Maifie"C4niAery. gelli6ris an liks
re 'a
-a__d6_1lar`P Worth hed":
unique' IUS NUNN? PER -a liftle4ellow- and lie pirshed
E90Y.-S-1 �qb, L are ankliable, to t ti" y ot, t 64
�,Ideiijt, ang be,:judged -from, the following invi, Oita Intefosed lEk Is clues papeT.s than. in an arld
AiRst te., is I SAO'.,
a -
who rel�
me tatiOuLwhieb_.zwas:._Isent, W-fri.endA of,the
y 'Oil the lungs- of the - great daily iud'6
'b hat-- f blly�
L4' pletoh And t hothi
deceds6d'L residing 'outside 'Ap, -6 t4e- ing-Ifor, f -k
6,d 'Ilollei
S�� 0, wa it
jit& d
Lords, mendation, ingg
vicinity: -Sfoiends'of Mr. W, Very, root or f this, eft4ulry goods huve� rk9 said th'ia
foi: the c
a] 'Jegislative�
UDSU �ody in,thewOrld
lilim K; Sumnei, ar6 invited to" attend: a servi e� re d Alat do KNOW -24 ANYTHINWA -6ANNIOPRI!
in imistece at the present day, a. b tand A
musicalI6, to bi
D giten. in Pine dr6ve Cenie livoodell
itaiii ,Owe It h4rof soap,�a
Qrcat Br the, subject 9 A n,
Appleton, 1e.,, OULILLUAY, Sept '1,1 -
id -i v06�qjor sale everyivhir�e. �ellcd tile 'I rchin. Ilia
.:CbaTta, the. bit'sis Of L the British cofistiT
bltioii,aixd,tha,� foundatiog
19.04, at 2 6 ' 'dl OoCk iM., � in honor. of his MA JOUrna
b6lovd'wife, Carrie.,ptinton-Snyfiner, One,'
THE- 1. B.L. Ebat,tompAly, ALL, CAN
and Xiiig!s Tuesday.
oneoth 'a in �he'
Of, God's, sweetest bers-� Who
iia of its T I*ay8 biiIen in-ev`
-indiloted iheir. sib 6'ana f4j,tJj6Jj Paradise, Sunday, 3.1, .10,03 TLesday has a ent ' fill. tliey.eannot
Wday i
tban-Allose $urnifer,4as a, native and foinier Caue it-ifig Ed d H On W1jhL
'7 rea6h -the seat �of the djoease. cutarth Is a
A of Apoleton' Aft, Sumner
Lereditary d6s6but.. Ex4ttA64 In Trav6liii x83o. order
Sl� lijiny-Riti6nd. liat remed es
but After. their InArriage they- efoi . way. T 1841, liis�IURJ!Bs Y: blood,or colistitutlonal. diseaAe;' and, An.
YiOrlc: Tri une'4
'to cure it, you must tako'haterit
yeirs in Boston W , diinuaiy:25, 6 is � taken internally,
., *herie Mi. u"cle d I830', -:when, the: ra way wa&-bdrn,-'6u `Iuesdiq.,.
for rgency ration' pa'cke In elied liall,s catarrh Cur
An eme
-the blgbd nd mucous, 6111'r
s a man A Is mus er, the bsI a acts' directly on
f promiiiifide. Aipaitinbitt cylindei. Of tiny bet 'd M. r6h 'liall's 4$8
Small. two omn Liverpool.,aild;*11chast baptized; 6A Tues sy tarrh, cure - is u X
fur4isM byL, at. i: . -faces.
th6 memotia service, was d d the., -haversack. of' 'every., s married; on. - uesday, scritied. by one of. thi -
0 the lu 17563 e Wa WqsL pre areweR 1 Opera, Ijouse orchestra' f !appings �hls- ,country. for:'years
he F British oldier. As I a nalpe stigges. . . . . . best physicians in 'I
ember 21, 1871, it was' ound that:,*he 118
Ildekland, the , BOW.# , was MISS D, V� used,. guepit'in cases Lima.b reat AuAIAAL4,as not �6ompleted NOV and'isia.'regulat preqorlptiOu., . ..
ration is not ti 7b, L�"; . . I . . I. Know Ind
hoi'd-; feier; op Tues- 4p6qed,',df ti�e t)edt 'toblea
Lottie,`iMcLAughIin,,,one, of j1d,cklailid's c6ntracted -typ
oilhe'4irest necessity. One_c#mpiartment unta a out � six. years.. a er. had )est, blood acting �dlrectir
PopUlat yoUng' ToelliSt".= periect combillf
aste And the bruaiy 27; 4872 he attended the. With the taleuted, � and. erviiie COUSISted- thtdg, day, Ve f
hooldsif6ur oun�es Of fii'st, the �s on thd Mucos. surfaces., T13LV.
atlon Lot 1h6 twq:Ingredieqts Is witat prodU9.86
�of c6i;i6pritrated public ZhanKsgiviil buLvAut; UL
6thet. a.�siwilar -quantity J ig'ielieh LWay on. Week. Aays and',A*6 I -e Succeed- �such wonderrui resultg: in -,curing Cstdrrh-
trah inuary 22,, )1
f tee.
1 beef. if c6usumed;in small.quantities on Suzid4ys, but'. this - *96wsook, f ouhd 'to 'thronpi; And okc'Tuesday, Jan- Seniffor testimonials
ed to -the
cl maintain strength', f4r; m4py ourb.'. 'b" instifficient.. Aftier.-.1iiiii: Areet PEA.
1902 he
& bo., Props.; TO101 0.
r Prophe uladerwent'in' opera-
Uary 76c,
iai'opeiied there: were sik first Dys,11% ramily Plot
OfhViely fancy' wa bi
Ir tion tidn.-for,, perityp
who kno forleonampe. on.
oilize its' CREATINO -A b.EMAXDI�l class traini and &X's IM13
enough,-,pf:,hWniu IlI to'rev each 1 t4ping- Bleedlnff --by Ku
ti T
h Joumey
an, enume a U 460. d 'WAS" in dePerip on.qn Sundays., :,- e ' ' " 'f ction, V. Q.j`ifth Aug.,.1903'-;
way'-pri week andAwo �of each
oedzy c r'te4ut re,411- 7,
I 'Stanstead Jun
n 'An u '11gh, A—
ies by-:ttie'Aoze With �'a. fidi bliandd,; pol' POrhapP tbe:'� Ati'jugeat. to -hie
Le thirty-one' miles oricupied" -nearly --two CO., A th aui to C AICAARDS troi MESSRS-., C., - ; 'that' perha p's,Ore �i4 s- The V a Page hours, which led, to complaints, that the thO'flow of
W0;V -.miksic can* be li�t is to stop,
114 Li. firs� effort
ed - Gentlemen,
_Old,�3geg so Oe or,
'maeblue -within �%pe was* too' gieut to be plOasaut And M to .1, a, �1!okrnd. Ali Arnly A ''t
To the, same inei fell, ir�m th&tbrldge �leadi
t realized in icach: of the leading
adviartisdinen .,I loaded *car, 'while assist- blo4
the IOW 'Dehfit'7 sliPeriOT, claii6lis itfitibipatiolisby . " d . Use 'ditz* 'On the-'other:,ha' from' a platfor nioMing a;'.Ioa(L of.,grsikiff: The -noticed. that Nv
Mothq Ine.U1912, papers for four, suCcessw d" inesg. nd�. ing mynaen 1n.0 -hen a'uioiinded was
hi �erally, take: the' 'ell. as 'tripes,�,%v idit'gPin. nee
Sunday After. 'sanguine �ex` eetatib)as! ere indulged bridge 'Went dowlt,,-'as 'w. fte load, oil dista'
form of Sundbys,at a coiat of $25,000 p AAA titk4eir-to Ivithin, an h6arink
elids'of the
wfi by no. con�
I&ILIL-413azoa:41% ab U I'la new.% knb. my' back, -'and I struck On the' f
'd that i�a course,bf time the average rate dausing-A sefloug -injury to idy, leg. o
ally, newspllpen,wdre ji�. hpniorrhagI6 '�as Are'41y. reAuc- -
that' nearly' �,000
Isbor,qu and 'very ti6by would have
information' have
Ito tlean clothes lightened lieguldrIp,,"A demaAd' bad to'. be, i Only for its�'belng ed ot .5toped-'.
6f ;'rivelilng:would be at least dii�ble the Ncit6r lie noi othdrs-who
�rciebed,,tliotit,�byprdinat�-cliannols. The used tlib new�p�per. adverd ar -giviftest. ci broken it. In afi,hour c6uld not'walk A st60- ififnied. his obsek U% ordin dp6ed 6f' the v ns co undei
it onve):i
mfed)� und
nj�sent Orit6t - I - C uslak �IINARVS. INIMET coo br'oug
MW L i4, L � ,Ommence&
utes, is sufriclent for a tiabfu lei- kbusl- -4E,
th at this 'phen, ere anceA drawn. -by horses. 'It was. ant' - VOut to ontreal at, d `.h O,%N,
this: pheii6nliepol w"
caler has It.bai't hhh
to, L, J-r - nearly can pro' ucec ' Y.
rease, in bratiob,of th L h it ird day.
some, I avp,. explained by d and th
pAted tbe'general adop itth 'I, b ell, by the use' of. a
C SCHP44 nticipa ii6n of raii- as d � t aly ivilIckv b music
a- .-of A - inefit Cures. bandfulL Wi�§ woul. d, lead to � '!a. vast, de 0 e, an
wiit� us foe die pgthy, is.,simply form' an g d taftnent Ulon diiiefis The an in.ve etate gues - 9-q the, best L
lie COt kTQ 11AMILIC t Yinuri truilyo' causes,,Ahc -p
Mtd -the consumption O�-6ats'aiid el ha�,by the the of
ol steam-engines in leti bf
:TIM Dii�wu It .'�And*sino -his t eficon of,"th,6 heart, is 1so
ongue never ceases and
-he inakea: criptigb C7 Sabba ariam -nd th I pur, I?n 0 e
ig inven ion It, actl;�, b `t' f th goil;�rhich 'd Imbly lbssOned that' the,.f low 0
tteffipts. t6 be fairly �certaifi' of Atum -been a i6duced'.
dg�etio.l, ... , '. has'llitherto blood
ng tildly ol� the truth,7-Lona (Wes
tepusi. Sunday has co, oprEted,
Due esg. CdciliA t 6 future by other d OW-% 66 iiaisulig'Of f6o 'Slili an j-�jPt Directiph ImpoSS"I
-Cecilia.d', MO d li" -
f, cidenburg,. of 'sodh produce, may 6 appr
b W'Oretty, zn�cb�
Em ..on Spectatolir..', in, MadrIC N toys. able :for. 'hum eh' I t* L, I . 11" like. old. sk-an imporiant consweratiolilli -ofAho victimbf nerv,out,
;bed chbonglixg' t 6
11 every docrea, has bee. pubile
-A6''Nvill SO the TA06 0 All; -.and work- t�ttbefit
order Of', thlngLS, Every aoylaw$.
thi�d's, Linhhefit'Cureg 8iinis, etc. ei Nril, E.coUld not' man sat.alone'fti file clt�in, Where iorture a
e t e'04 t
Alold all Social shop, biust close all'day, and orditI4 0 d no one can,
an -in Germany, o tho lland�of woman had bever been kn yvn prostration an een oie e vonver - the
Vill the Od rightly ostfmat
haIt'is h b run,rdmala open after t 4 e a dy'som halito -, T
d ttlump
Ues, in )I Or th, 1 the be allowtdW and dirt reigns is bot: -been tinder
hational 6 so'. I orsdg,* Mstion-turnod Upon COOkit1g.'�"YOAR,". drarwl I I -
-in th ter 'y p r fir h ot.tbes& ie n ess,bumar.
gie, o'clock the old mani .71 got ine onev, them. there ftt6loss. I&
thi, bettex, elasq', who has�� al occn�sloud. ThOusat wunst4 but 1. h6rer could do
The uses Of loids of protests bwe 0 a �10 he, of �Fordwjch� Cut., for four
eesbUllfight, is to be. permittitil',oply job, an ense in s6
de, S S
n ive
Which. e r-.t'e t eookbdd
fa li`qo with- hot watbri - forwarded to., the Government, it," "Whitt was the' t0ouble?" ili To rel(evc'bi beel
how( -is 'deaf to ail, romobstrancies.' The iortuttsively., "Why, every cIrs'ft nervous
ft witli hot W )*,eli ' I asked his visitor i and. in
-fit an R.r, eq, to �be a L(10110, 1 11 be,,=' interestint ond"'to 6 worked'
T6'f i pt qtbttts off with Arileficall, �iis wedding
aexperiment W Expplises. them �bldined, reco,
n oS dford-6�80 yodIr Ol et me
y e
91,dered t st, r
ell Ito, I er.
oy pay� well forL ),is ou cons dered t
inan ge e. with
ick -'red bro%vs and Elie b6t
yspcirAic. f ecling ncKftlI 0 kill N But Profiia!lii�,
To. rc:,jeve a d -:at wevton iiiindai eves e.uralZ!A, Ptp�risiv
in the] 'ig 'hgL'*to b� t lovoman: yvants 4cra Her. at, 0
e e but the dOs U
rj� nothl diink"Of., wateii ex, riene, on a. that er
h any. ages a fib r Aft lhdiana�oli:lnerchAnt has ma e a�
-llidy� to whic ' d'
III of the�� liftle, To (rally from. -A nervous �attack:by a b
-for Labor,ldnio'
n. contract by is ich, 110,has A full �page -of'
n can take excepticoh., The Riample
man wom;%,,I, ho,-Wa Or opo geo , f, .! � ','!! 4j L .
. I I � '
te_ iCh P' y
h the'lirbither- r -
the ted by To polar boilijag,watilt, �Jtfdugh rui
I " L. ' . The hig es eT-4 In v
stalng befol-O.pilitting sOap"Orr. �oo& of 1,6corhotivd'Enginers has long. 'rifida
lent repor.,ti,'is, that the qqpt he, Pay
i held xill be.6hah.ced b� the, 'bn
found, h1,3 �vife Ili .verY Rretfy,and n the, hA.
�: To place 'vefy. hot ater i
as .,not Q61ft � t bag, as. a T me y , or &am�4 or, beei acti
child, who 6' 1 L d' f the which-illis n '"rining tir full-page, spa6'
goeo6ii 6rdor hasJO:eit on the queg.
ti,il of thp., The point
iinerged from* )p6d Shop. _r three months, a' dta tii
dsufa, ofro,,%al life, liney�o'r c1danffig' Small ar- wary. 9w. ee
ITO J�eft gas6
TS My P tame lap at a, fewn't, Yhecting: of,,'thfi -nena in every
ibutic lie' phenoi 1
our 9torc.11
71he faef that -hardly iin�b of"thiS
'et bf hot 6tPheep
re". cL' �o, Ote, wa, I dopIrUne
boiling,- water 1�e of tife f na es NvOre present,
estuff -a budli Tht Spi Aelc�it
te oijy pr�Nei that -her, sec��Miqfi UP ter 146ut.bf ne6bjdo �bf' he gat'Rrhig boin
e 0 eniotormiti on.
an ubie 0
Kgo'lit, htks ben'a, very real one; Vot' easoline,� will a, h
discuPS; the tro s Oft
-firnited by 'tbe schodil�o cleart lacqg sppedly And thoroughly.' but, 'Wps th' athe MahbAttaw el�vatOd 'Aysterd.:Li Th Tedolill"A40 �y Oio'rr.�cdicai pro on -04
'110 of their f6i �bsembldd. %Veto unafi
co 1 .6 OU, of' 1WrideA engincers, A shiquard &gai Rif,tique discaaes.:
told nd se6pe 5o,:13'�bolit Athboriain As"a. Dan'cln M n. i%4g I n th e s e w ( Cb 91 the �tonil d" M' oils In the siak tl�kt hoh-union, me&
dat, ill -built �b6uie n -
§qjI the ii u
vn 1,0 d fi Utl 'a 'e.,
a, Surprise to' t d sturdy toi-work with..non-union.-M Y�'S6,oitfsh, An
ort-�Wo tr:, .11 . I- its e�nugage- titalkll� them
-titat the of 't) hi%t -union nIOn liftv�, 'You* aiiy61ng t
fan"ey.dancl q is an,afeCorriplis 1reing-
t t, .
-for youroelf?" ;aid ther '1341lic, addrdslng�
-W - - , 'j, _V 0
ref r t' r� � __A f �tef An pleaded
o'Shine irf, T It prevents bro6d SOWS rOm Coming hers the! P T id
�vo. years ago,, howelveiri 01113 nion, kly., to iiE�ifig bpn dlqotdor
I guilty
nf& Carte, to.a tat,�ball or tN�d g, L With i�3 'I, , n '.drunk and
r,wlien stayih hg"IrAeps young,. pigs Ood lltAl�ll—ana ..7 ly the 'day rcoontl, and bc�t she �Vai Chaffiberlair thit.ough.farroiIi
qui e., Urd 6-hd I Laal attended a Id. , , I Avoiding 8�sl�olefon. reolltd''tho olIl warrifjr,; "Illrn onq of',' tile cau.iclof th 0 �rnd lr�'qd Atttlitio'n a 4� the, raf�oas 0,1
beball givqn bV then ?hay6r of )3ir, fattens pigs for trimir et quid y? 0 the
I"Ight "Ali VOO'o 8ai4Ktho.)3a1llo.
arceL tttryfarmer. nd stockniati whousts all "ye etj.# 't h I hio, t thd beft
jihkh- the Prinpe conjerred,�n $he-, Chainbei-lairlL d a v Windo* mu5t fbsM that
ptettV,,,-,4irlisb, har I, inchiding
Oral iferri,q, bli, the yrograir. the %uliog I& bmnetu,s. ll&() llll� to Jalf, "th ug ,j waa, ft
a Set of lancei I wor� Phft Of 110 �UVINdrsobf.thg-loAtle
X:�ers! ]ROY&I P t1md'yo
,s y6tir idea in making eu ch
t)ttreordinary 4rnnnd nA that? Ian rs,, but calki'be, fib 'dubt. thr" is w�rth ten time the - �Ost--41ld the
Pt the polka. wife has dark
good "ife willing djd ri�t atterh Thin is pro- .,L�i6n in' thq At& it hair. t
�O�, ind _Ubly Cois snW
Lin ainbdrJaill; bIL.
o On
age. �Itn6ugh,tto-10yo: Around,
�Otterjg�- In Ifinvor ;and Briiiiswlek lumoil
ctiv�-Pvt 1 1) fterlaovv, ll (1, �Oft or, n1f;(I
an, A
a Aen fr6in hereon
ERB P hif bl6m'
1 00
ieMy OF SOA be* she' taula' fb love
u "d Wyi, - , 0 1
IUtifildl Ut6� 806'and Awoolen tliroat�
eIg toal ting. juF;t nOrw how bitterI a sold '60119111k tit, 8aVO �rAo by; the Use.- of one ldtii
of t 9 6fit arm.
it s to swallow, 'when you. reallid,thAt
--Well, 904 ISn't th4t, cli. wurifitod,the-hiat W604&�qi bleatiu,
of being Vic tb� impion beavy*eight
to A4 lit y6uf proper place fit it "Atil,
t a Yotb6
W. .... . ..........