HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-10-06, Page 5r thanwe ileus`:, s.Yea, .;: ,,.. _, .. , e "better �ratues: this .-.. _ _ "_ _ _ � ble �neh• Airs are ..•; ., r ....• ... •_,.. ,._ please: - l�,E:-values i,4 .Alaska~ Via, . � , .. , . ,,. to •' ti r ,.t. <1 .1 • ca•. poet 'sure': �; last and.:.,n,�r� �u„ -� ..:-_. . - - �.. oil: ' �-e�<t�lr, g �' , :. ---ever-slrov >ra� a 1 t �h at ;ruff'' t'o "thW1ci 1 , . m all `.len Yths frop,i.,he- , o •�tr,. W�.,have.'thf� €�� _.:...� . • „tole' or. tie '-''Each piece-fullfui`re i 'on both sides. Thepracee Sale 10;00, 11.00,• 14..00 18:00, $ 0, $22, $25, $35. +:. , � .>., � °� • election,, • .: " • '• • , the' � �trime to malts. your:selection. , . Tne new jacket3..are opened up ,so now is Y to suit all purses.; One of our lea is Plenty here' to choose from with prices • a fine quality black frieze lined throughout. ; Neatly' made and' stylish The -price- is 6';50. *. : Om 07' erS:_. O Our comforters :aro; light, warm, dur- able and cheap. ,Cotton::' filling .with; covering at 1'25, 2.00 2.50., Eider down filling with mersateen cov-. erings .at 5.00;,. A very tempting'`lot of these goods' have ,Just 'been opened :up including some -pretty shades of brown. See. , our specials,in collar tabs'. at"• 1o,15,2e, and 25c.. Special value. in belts at 25 °and Soc•�oc:, Latest 'tansy '.'collars' ,at ,23 ancl • ' 1Ta s , in: h.eY av' Sliouldeir .co , �, dace and sequin--Qn net' at .75c to $2:75. • each Suitin 6 • cheviot sliting 56 in. Extra quality, c � w•id'3'in blue and 'blackponly, price her yd' 75c, Cloaking for Jaen : or W omen -..::- 5G:' inches wide,.good qu ahty. fru-- ry,,-- --,-with-cordectstriperextraleavywel ht navy or black at'75c:a:yd. Wi;apperette .Wrappers.- ,;:... ,.• .A—good assortment of slzes:.in, these,_�- goods, well made and warm m,ateri,,l'' 1 '.1.2 , 1.5o. + larse7 Jackets:. In' h: e; ' tills clot we arsho wing : better • .:,J values than ever at $,16 and 12.50.: o, 0A'1'1L'g,. Darfield, besb ,Dula three yes.ara. and uE' Ivor+l ware Te(1i; ,Toe ;r.'Rgistier4ed;9 in too, ..),•Lion iier4.Ea>.iC-•.-'.Stamey;""S • . Work'454 Son, .. itcPortal(l~ • p 14,111, yeas •01J, vvrtti, pc�c:inree n4l a<' :�e�rlA,b Lull :rtki cli�xee t ,. Reid', dee §teele I31iil elf vwit1i k�cl'►ni(e--�V Worthy Son), I tSp Ecus, ' l' 'Axillar Mrlc eciw riiitilr ped.ifirep-Jee Stee,,' it ', Srith;;W.0Smrtll,. Thorougtrbred (a, tv'.wrtlr',edi�ree=- ;' H Rerd, Jas Steele S 401 Three year Gild cow—, -Jas Seel a, aiid FL: ,W Worth. s•'1'w a year, olcl 1neiter' wtth,ped1,;ree 44. t1 Reid, Thos.7i) ox all, ;.T.as Steele earlitag heifer 10 ?tdr,t�'SteQ1e, R recgm• - Heifer c�1t with pocligree . `W \Vorllij 4 .Son, Tai ties ter' AZ V 11;tillar . , tin:, .{if one :ball. b .r- Iler(ltscplotalsi•. ,•. ' r 1+O.it`t tine; •ear' uld. ;or , v,ei. ,arc u e .r. " r 1 ,1 irGl t :L'ostr..4,yreibire 1.:44w".nith l eciil;iee�`l •1\l Dore Best Jcrse'y cow with pedigree - -Rev •R McLeod. a. 'hrep n- - Outfit. for -:Sale .. 'J•he_tuidersikued hnb-#or Bale : a, •ten., 'horse powerthreslter cotnti?ote including, equahuers: atent:stakers,_ ;;rdn•• cru$hera; trucks, etc, '11 :trade #'o •horses or cattle.. This outfit nt' usi a sofd••as•tt i -r' � y"e $ng. 'For furtherparticu a apply ton 'THOMAS L•ERSOT, L:ucltnow 2 0, . .eeseeaseeeeeee.evs:eeeeeeeo . „ o E HAKE put, into' stock. ,some., extra Values 'in melt's, women's, boys and misses wearing shoes. •They are made of leather only, no shoddy soles, or° counters. They are made to keep. thQ feet dry ¶ ands varin lv:en s calf- grain bal, wide extra value'for X2.50 a pr,, 1�'Ien, s's(�arnless bal', extra value fob• $1,- $6, per p y.es„. +renglhsb. kip bal,the best madfore • $1.90 a:, i, ,I boy's -cot gt4ii i i :r ..pec• `ENomeri's calf ;wool lii3ed' fQr $1":75 a pair,: 'r "' f s ^er. ' � groin, 11 , i'J 1. exti'il.. 00(l ;�'qew.('....: . #1.Z$ . b nd.exour goo:. a�l�. •�� amine • ds • -fore •buy'ang elsewhere; • • •: Ladies.. Misses, Children's J ckets .mareyour selection, ' : • ,. jackets are Opened u •�: so how is;ath.q 'tuns to. • ,, ... , The new bac e�.: p . •. F .: ..' lent • here to choose from. with' prices to suit all persons: '. One of our l eades is p: Y i 11' he ric � d. �nd'st 1s T •t• neatly llo z neap lou a' fine (luality••black freze lined th , .. y And Y is(1:,50. Children's jackets from $2.25 and up ,-children's bearskin -,coats' from $2,25': to 5.00, hoods and tams to match -at '56 to 75c eacl . ues tore the Chiidre .! , i. the. boys and' ' girls ; nothing• ,beats the wo:o. For ..cool weather. headwear fb y8' ,, • we 25,.35' ..ancl 5oe. are 'good nutted toque. ;The; lines .are,slowing at ,g • of ew a. Goo ds ,for T'aists: A hit of the 'latest 'material for waists this week. l ar l Exce txig $aturaa .- Yo0a- at venin �• READ, H Z S. LADIES R Ne send on. it r f ex:conent late curtains` ,e • P. , pair ., ,. ardniJ.'n oi f eb fi•tncbcii w),ide.'•(or•secu_ r, s, . only ,two aubUeriptr(e •. lor' MMCCAcr, •, • ,1l`:(3njtt45 atCabcent$aach.'Thts, ia'a'moat :rt,rnarkable'Off er,but'fs, only.ou,eof 375 offers our rtemium' Catalogue;' Nr that° we' send in.. tree on Itegt}est f '.(hirtaiiii-(11-styles),Ruga,' SilverWare and Taiileware of: every . dnscrip ti:,n' 3ewe1ery'.(Sd1fd Sits r V'atc:h.. Rings';, 'i4i, ms,:l?urtiitt1re •]lr�celets, Gitar(1,Chaio�, ikin's;. 7','ttrea Scarfs; Ceu erltioces,!l,nen Nap, ° ' y ' till our need. Lo of ���ist 33age; ,ovcryY. , P itlieut writing for:,a this •1 e• w paper. usil • lay o811IcGIUt.'s:AlA(1-A0w;aeil Catalogue of Premiums 1' ...'Nu charge for either,.. • Wo: ivnfifyoh ' 't�' e•our lleaut<iftYl`.AYai;an(ito— #li'o • I 7 s verry,beat 'tome •airtl F tshign; bfaga ino-�aii(1 tt; know about'o tk prettuugtA•, '�` `'aCtir► yob, lciitcllyit<ritow�+,.rst}c,,,�, >rsstal card wtil dti.' ; , .r • West 51rft•atreet, 3:t3•lln i1fi ,New Yarit Citq, 1\\e:dosign amd'nrake the. alob.atecl,t1 0911 1'attern'e, . • 'MANY 'CALLS' are received f rdm business'. firms, and' p For :Sal.�"ar Rents. MANY AN are placed fp good positionseach year , famcfuti v . ' by the •- ... • CENTRAL, ttA.T dnmmod otrs 1 u'11din6t ltnhwu nit 'the �lr tirmers li,etel'' in the,'V'illagb•of:Liuok,noW l,ply•tn.1;lIIr'r1 It CORIVIGAN. Roil g,3tatc Agent),'• STRATFORD, CSNT;'�• o1 stands for 'the�hi' This schb ghost and hest in business':edricatio11 in Ca,Herod da • , ' , Many bu ines po11eges,em' to V �. • We loy,,our graduates as teachers. P `have scores of applications; from o.the'r, colleges'.; As1g"to :see, them the day, you enter.. Contmenee rte^ Dares holr.; dalalogue free,' , ' .VIt. J. ELLIOT1'.'Pri, ctPa1 .Ltlhlcnbw r; Farmorga'le- -" C. A. NEWTON, Honor grtdnate in dentistry,, T, ),Ditto, Dental Sur• o Uent n Doctorf 1 Colle e -and Dental �oronto University, A11modern plan College, e •T. o' o(oper t, and carefulness in workmanship •a ion 'Office in Alibi's block, upstairs P,9.- Will visit Ripley every Thtusday:. afternoon.:' : ;:n. • 'y it U. .�'rr_ •�.�. , e, ;, rr e. a E:' Tiighest,• Price -in': a''� 11 rte . gGsh d a1 :fol • °.a d Egg{y,s at theuCIk L\oWi 7i• P t.ODUCI EMr.01..1ibi,•`thl?ee •! `< doors .'east 6f'tthe '•'1'ost e • p �• Ca for -PAiRING.NEATiY OtrOl IOMPTLY DONE. fi ■ e OflIce • • • : a� to ,. 0 .• • e• • LUCKNOW .:e���.eeee°.�ee.oe�eeos-.eoee iyndez�ful. D>scoVery ' gOWN'-S • pELEBRPTED r. ; ROE.. • Physicians, S'cienttsts,•Etc: ,save given 1 herr unqualified testa to the only' lnow'n reniedys wlxiali• •will absolutely lo --what is 'c11timettlar them;, and,. at, the same time may' be relied: upon as' absolutely, 'harml'ess rand . ' eif ective : ' • We do; not claim to ::^grow herr on ; e.• shining; bald lLe'ad «}ierb t;re .toots : of 'tire hair are'Raeo. or' destroyed ana`ne fine• hair'Ieft,:but )('there ,is any, fuse lrar,lb[t t",l can rnal.b tt, ,grotv ut, ,e has 'E. grown lttiii oti:lieads' : that 'iia ti, l been •ba1c1 ter' Vicars alil.L' years ,and 1 there rsnoi:aa caso to,' found rttl ere a yea,ast; mn aor wcimnn who .Ls losing 1 the/i.hatr and becotiirng bald whero our 416bro,tei, hair, growing, rd'inedhes will fail to• ' l�i'otltrce a docs Le • lthy head of'llaii,' >if used according to;'the directions • ' t int 1 0 °``tern as th �► ,°r r '}3.000„ palmitin, of kizttle." ■a• 11111 le" IT 1Vlar'ta a 'Lieense,. W. Comut, Lr. suer of Marriage- .Lie"nses 'Issuer t for Allan Line and Dominfon`J.inae • Agent .. of Steamships • Life and Accident' Assurance.:, dainPfiell St. 'Luckuow. W. DOI, I[. L ' C3eitigemit'h >''1(�f,lot G in the: 14 oiiti•eessio . of1the Towuslti'it of Aa`hfioH,: Soi,tarning .110 acres, • The tam' is situated five • mules: from Ripley: and 'sin, mileH from Yltieknow. , Por 'further particulars apply fa, a\ ' A. 11IcurA1tbtrD Lucknow 1 d., or to ALEX, ROSS, LnckuOw. • roe Sale -Or td hent. On Havelock St. "sit T nelcnow., the larg frame residence oln osite the station., a goo Stable.' Will rout all pr part., r L, .l1fU(ilf�#+Luclznol7i(` This is 'to certify, ths,t 7 ;hay ,used Brown's/eelebi;attidHatt (UxoWver,: aucl it:h•as'htloitrli•for nie'ri'gooti;'fttll head o(luau), i:' rues ” tlito,: bald before°;T YYsed' it •*rnd' 'clow;• X..; ani, 1?ernuthentlq, n e ' lett v 1 c itt llii2 cuet� df baltlnc...i l:' .•-y I.t•1 , Cltt;xttirizff,; J. ,. r 12ated:';itis' 1St' day of°Taeceither- 1.)03 t(lt 'sni,n• BY'C r'. • 1OItn1,ItS t!eceived for tile old;. r¢lialil'e Conitporeial.Vire Inauraheo'Contl.any. Imperial Silverware Oo,411 Good guaranteed Agent fo'i'F runt Trees acid oinamental shrub, „airDecds, K'Vi1ls;; ,Mertgagefr. etc., neatty 'ane promptly executed. 1 , . grouses Town Hall, Lua'know, Tuesdays 'Thursdays add Saturdays. • n • 1•.��,'CtoAtl0tti ZC DEXORAT1N WILL 'PAY YOU TO `: 'qETBENNE .T .., T TO ••YOUR WOOK- pi P iI-NTER • &T.PAPER-HANGER a�NV• Q YY . 4 „7. RELIABLE COODS_, sy. ° F.c•t 41 1 e' ar last. � e : • �•�f� tember sale is, now• iu: ftatll .b y: „roffering. n h><lia- r offerin'm• rear berg sins in all lines of'crockery a d*, ..all and secure, soine rea1 sna s while Our, stock, 4 „ .r.. 1. ou''so e.'of the . Snaps. • :• ..e.. note . P .a. Mete Below W is co 1n Y l . q '1. Pinner' setsa1r- ?er:cent iiSCO ilt: 200: ' � rc Malar rice 2'.50 •for � �;.• Tbll.,t' Sets � 1� '•• a ..>' uce AN lb to "iid� old,'cups. and'saucers• •regular price 1.•00 y; Lt1CKHOI °, .v. G J :�� Ytl LY � • E .t7 fer:85c •-7 , '`or 7 � .• �v it(; cli'�s a'l c saueels re alar ���90a f � , , �, •, ( a ric.c 1.:2o to 1.35 ,,ndw '90C to ul 1 Ater'. sets a SO k� V �•J."`V l�.n "• :'„'r"`--- , S ,2 p er ' cel discount 4 „' r r iaset 7eaier), ti f r.° 1�I1�•sets 20 ;ar:LyZ.per cent discount` riai.q;'. rg a and,, "'h'oot? 4 Pupils pr'etuvra,..frs+? '.( nt Y rya' ni,4 ;< xnntit,: 'Calming '8trpbt.: , • 4, 11;", b• ate <u'ns. ' Sale �v111.last :till Se tel be't 30th.. F .