HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-09-29, Page 4? •_ ._v. rr:k_ilirtit, t e z r!rE r 1'�I+'ea tE3e irB lar • Men's •Frettohi kip Blgcher' int 3.00 ;en.',st 'rwglidi ; kip 3314her. at $2.00:' YtiiiSiyri `Lokkiikt.4ii414 9 • The above HOB' ere kindfoetal', winter wear end . are just • as,aood*a r. "-r-7 hQee' we alta-rtgering eotne..e tae values . All lines of rubber,poode now in 'stock, Repairing • neatly' and premptlydone.:` tt ror ittitliOy tit Mt 1!;4.1r..now, Sours nbor 20th 100* Thoie'.Geneva. profepsorA who have discovered that-, teeth Meq he extraol ed painlessly by ;fretsubjecting . the. patient . fop tine°: minutes tQ' ati etroog;': lilac li bt; wtil,: if their plan works " in practise sdeserr o :a monu.weetrhulk-. feet high;, "There is a coinplaintthat both High:, clad Pu lie Szhool tc. aliora: two rwaree.✓'' That, is the one thing that will bring about 'a remedy foe, the :Inadequate oompeneation of the. teachers, The law w' of ' demand';.and enpply;' will, do • what_r.o makeihift`.pray.isione; can do • ,P'. • viounazidamsnewastazummannammogatorissamma s cz • 7e r# , ys .they`' V. a ImSne eon- µ • the fi bait* 'do; ei linbilli` f ,'. its �ttzttttttt ._.uteri a tt r i 113E00M . IIMU BEiEi Some Furnaces try to heat the whole neighbor Y�ood . by sending 90 per cent. of the heat up 'the ch inney.,; What you 'want is a Furnace' that will heat your whole house, and send only the smoke' up the chimney. nd`''this is just what the Sunshine urnace does. It has more radiating_ surface than any other Furnace made, and all the heat is >; . . .foced' through h.'the:hot-air g n o the smoke'• " 'and, up: the .,; • pipesi:-not tiPe ,.. P... chimney. Pro." 'The most economical the greatest' heat' P lest heater on the market. neer the cleanest and 'simp Sold• by all enterprising :dealers. • Write -for booklet: • r Toronto,ontte l Winnipeg. Vannonver,St. Joiati N. B. KN R -EN 7•. We wish to an:noulice that we have moved to our.tiew stare oit`Cotiphe1l' Street,.. where we will be pleased. to; meet our customers and friends`''ho will now find ius' better prepared to I . 1 display.the most,up-to-date goo,ds.. ? . r N ESP SHOP, . 'NE G� ;GOODS LOW PRICES.'. A y AND J BOMYT we wish to call.'a'ctentic�ni tr, ,ur large and varied stock' of EASEL'S, 'ASL S;.: 1' • ROCKING C ZAITIS,' ARNP CI3AIRS, ` aF: IRON BEDS.. at : PAR'LO SUITS, :, COUCHES, r AND StX13AtMEr.', Ti3L. �rL+.AKDI�1'1�. �N'DF`tt(�AIr It Wt lii.>.d A+l140' its; ' t Nidi#y[ oil• in'V•r ,11^ .. • According to .the new:. postal law, newspaper publishers can hold .• far fraud anyone who takes a paper frolic. the oflice and refuses'., payment;.. and the 4roari who.allows paper., to be unpaid and then orders a postmaster to rearky�it "refused" Jteci sends_a Doti: fication, to,the'publisher, lays himself - le -err A gr9it many farmers and• others. .w.ho have -had« stray..auitnals--Come-on- their'premises, have:under the:'impres. sion that they canclaim costs from' the. time:. the said aninoals'conue Co the' promisee, wheither'. they advertise ,them Or not',this is wrong; they can claim c.xpentes; only°.;fron, the time •.the ire:.advertised. ' A man :up west .had cattle on his premises tvq.montbs before he advertised ;them,' and on claiming, damages *as only allowed• 'by law the :cost of advertising. • The salt eurefor rust is teing ad', vacated is •Dakota Former residents of Wisconsin ,nd other eastern' states assert' that a half bushel to 'a: bushel. of salt an acro ' sowed''°;broad cast on, wheat fields about the time the • grain cornea up will':prove a sure prevents- tive for rust. ,It. is aaid.that.'if a bush el an acre i8. used it ,is' got d .':for , >two years; .The ,remedy`is sug.gested',as being efteive ous'iii•that state; but., it wcul beaTeat ta'sk-to ttei t ;, 'useon:, to. it• on , all' the'` wht a ._fields'"-; it would' be very easy to try this.proven.- ''tative'and we"would ;certainly recom' mead the trial.: If theuse'of,salt wil;' prevent •rust;; farmers should know it •becauseit means:a•great deal to' them" • At the Provincial Fruit, .Flower and Honey Show; to he held in Toronto, November 8th to 12th, special prizes of $20 and $25 will: be awarded to the Agricultural, or i1ortleultural society, .or Frrir Growers'' Association, exhibit - are iu geed of ,!that, necessity ca4ed 'O4U . You, are at; all. ".fillies, in need of°GRO('EI'UES. PRI *MAIN' IC 40 E ort xl • • 'o u`Wi 1tS.ttaalivaggia fit$ l i .t iPtOils 1t3SO6, .lit •ten r'1:;sra9sc„i: feu :K • • I SELL, FIRE, . L1FE, ACCIDENT sad';S1' IC- NLCYf '')cean,'Laks ' RailESSi andOAI,.cidaynt Innuranoe Tick. t I: buy and ee11 E.nlownirent 'P,ilicias,. Renl Estate and businoa, btneka. . ccounta,audited':aii d collettea; .1.. NIUTtC H ISON, .Lucknovv. CUNNtIfek4 ,INSURANCE.: IRE • AND MARINE GUELPH :rC S�C�' r•■:r:r•r'r•r•s;rjr'L:i: Cr:•2rC•:r ■ PTr:Ama N_dc•Gosaow BAaaniveae,SoLrci- tors eta;, i`ilode ieb Ont:' : Dickinson, Chas: Garrow. L.L.B. �A. MALcouso' Soutane,BjunIsyse; SOne, • Conveyancer, etc.,.(late: 'of Cameron L Holt . Cameron Goderieb) . ` Office upstairs in Allin'.Block, Cameron, RMOORR SON BAaiusras;;: SOLICITOR a ' Ooinmisatoner, Notary,'Eto.,,' L:o,aey to Ioan.. Office over Watson's' Earlier ,Shop: MEDICAL, D .McD. Gaitten . M Die M. F T M B' . M 0 P S 0, Physician, Surgeon anis Accoucher. ':Upstairs' in AllinBlock. ,.Reef°= _device Moss street, behind J.. G. Murdoch 111 Co's. store,. . AM: S PENCE,: M.D.. CBM: Residence' v --House of • late Dr. Tennant,' and office, over • Elliott's Grocery. Mala- street, Lncknow. '' a SOCIETIES, nig„the. beat collection of fruit These `"l LD LIOHT Lovas, A.F. exhibits should be placed on the.tdblen V' A. M..G R,C.. meets every Thursday night on or, ;by a. members' of the exhibiting Assoc- beirorethe'tnil moon, in the' ., 'iation.but,wherethis.cannot.be dine' ;'Masonic 11`11, .Havelock street Luckuow. the secretary of the exhibition will,ar H. G.Ansisreona, W.M.''. range to look after the fruit. , This is S. - Da• Beg. a splendid opportunity for Oounties to show.;ttbeircapabilities' al fruit +pro- pacing ' sections:' Transportation •-charges to Toronto, on, all .'•exhibits of fruit will be -paid by.the Ontari' Fruit Groisere' , Association, with the pro• vision. however, that all prize winning packages shall become the property of, the Association.' . ' A11 exhibits. >`for- warded prior to:the` ti:: a of the,exh bi- trazi, should he 'addressed to the Toren, Cold Storage^Cry;, Care of P. wHod- getts. Sueh•packages' will be'•held in, cold storage('fr€e of cbarae' untill` ' re- uuired. Entry fees On all classes are , as, forlows:--1-4..Singke= ntriei . upas -:i, 16- cents; 5 b- Gents;'S e'ntE1'r'les $1 .00; all additional enterics 10 cants.. 'Ltitries':.close'° Oe- tuber 30th, • Further information •con - coring the' a shibition ern' be ,s�etur,ed from . the . Secretary, Cowen pui:tiament' Euildinke, Toronto. �( �vo mow LoDas .A No; 112, • meets ,every Friday 'evening alt's o'clock in, their 'hall, Campbell street All brethren cordially :invited WM. Johnstone T.A.' Reid, ,• I;t appeatts, say.', the'London..',•Ffee ' Prees•;that there are; a ttuiril�ec'of ' pro touters of binder twine' and other pro posed industrial cowponies dole$ b isi nEns.an tktis..di t.i.iot ._arid,. w}nl0....these. . pii�positionaitiiay b.;'all right, it would tie v�e4' if.ficrriiers wl,u are ,approac}it;d • by riser, 'strangers to them, 'kith Yluefsts to, tit u to k Yn tlie.coat n'rna .'won ir l,eciltate;t)efere putting, up their rf,vc,t y ui' t%r;,�.cluivyiirit. In •ae doi'og. .14y xx,iz, ts,ve thetunel Vast ft out loss grad t'r��u ii lett r ' on o:nd itf "ani r rr t t; i I,��tl'4, dt:rtty,':s 'little considera. :errs} ti it'silt' ie S ton , hfi drfz. •.iIJs$.+.')C.t9a't'r,it,ttr work no Barn),. The wo a fu a'. rifi�',r : ` �tti` ' C can en• ,rag ,r, , , t` t�� � ud K ertill.y was►, 1T;tirey arc bona fide, as iaey,� would ' Liot• be lo..akiug kite :o,1!;)y for osit)ti(riberta, rsitiuty; tlstlre ' is Nobly:(;•rand. Record's,: o'oKNVw oil, ' Canadian'' Order. • of Chosen. Friends meets first; and'tliirl Tuesday', evenings •of each, month, in the Olid-. fellow's Hall,Camp- bell street; Luck w Visitors are cordially invltod. • � '�1 Cova'r Sscawoon No.60.' GavRa.•!al a-,Lucl.uo.7'-, meets -:every ilret- Motrday of, every' month in!the Orange Halls, Vi siting bretturen'•are•cordially invited 'N I). McKenzie:' R. GRAfiax, • Chief} Ranger, • • 'Ree Sea. T vaxitow Lone Yx'- L• dependent Order of Foresters 'meets in the. Oddfellow's Hall, on then second and fourtli•Tuee day of each''iponth, ae 7;.20 o'clock. Visiting. brethren are cordially' il'vited . Y., 1: McDonald •T". E. Lawrence; , ., Chief Rangel..., Rec gess. `.�" "1 , :'-' 4.- -. LOJCNOW Lobos o of 'the Ancient' \ \'IIh, • •Or er. o :lYnited. ��,.t` h•, Worknnen, itcecte in \ ,,,.11:: � tine Odiif,eliows shall .. % ._ on' tics 'second and",-- - • ,es ► --. last 'Monday evbin au, Ings Of each month ' - � �. ' at: eight o'clock. • : " •,• 4' •/I/�' 'Visiting broth nil a .`�� cordially invited '1\\ • 1'. 'I`onttxxc�ra jt0,'17GTILN, . ' Mariter. - . ' 'Recorder; • ;�- u...428 MOOS )7S siaijt i U' 4 a • �.J •\wonthly reeetleas is the Ort iKe:li:all, r, au i,bell street, Y,ucknow, on the secoc ''Tuesday evenin of each and every, month,' J)e.q rve night on t e second'Tuo,day bveniott. ;f illo:9+1 ig4 All visiting' brethren. '4urafally, invited to the ieetingi. 1vv li.flur�x, ': VVyf.tt,f,uft:r J.... Secretor • r;" at�u`rkdaz,re `'of 1i,{rt-,(';•• tht, y stoclr, of :'FaII M lhnery ' is now .'.conip`lete, have just.receivel"'a large,' assortment of., . • • READY T'O.WEA? r HATS--; from New Fork . Detroit London and .Toronto• : 1. My. stock Of American` outinghats 'are • a `';'s e a p, f a nr e t e :I have` also a full line of the newest• Plumes, Ospreys,. Pompons,. Wings, i .Hackels.' which are exceptional values. LVRENC 1/ �'`' ilk'Ln ; i h ' rices. ALSO A 'GOOD NOCK' 0 (fl O,UR CNIDERTAE JI 5,. LJP TO DA` E • Catl4 t tl, ,tdnde�l . day t)r nl�'ut,� o croAllsone e ' Dealer' .andt ndhrta'kert t�r>�Ytur 4+++44444 t} Y ••. lar, x t wwww"wwwAhe{rh111VI , •