HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-09-17, Page 4KERNELS FRCM THE SANCTUM MILL
interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges
Cood wishes also come home to roost. 1, he it crease in luipweed crroczetd
YO.ti seldom Ree a water wagon with in the United Staten for 1907 was 801 484
3530Xe than one man on it. cords..
„Toro Eind8 of Headache,
Bilious or sick headache results from
eilnpgieb ltver,aetinn lard constipation end
is quickly overerme by use of Dr.
il7,bese's Kidney Ltver Pills. Nervous
Headache is usually accompanied by
weeknees, eleeplessnees and exhaustion Shingles are naw made under a pat.
d -s d t •d
,system. Thorough onre is ohtained by Portland cement.
building lap the system with Dr. Chase's
Dante Fortvrle does rot smile on ell
men. Sh a just lecke at same and snig•
About 60 per cent of tbe gold pro.
d not of ilia world is handled by Great
sus l ue o a run own nervous elated process from asbestos fibre and
Terve Food, .�
A woman of few words venally bas
the reiteration habit.
The easiest way not to settle a die-
pnte is to go to law about it.
Every man ought to be the sole pro-
prietor of the shoes he wean.
Good for Biliousness
"I took two of Chamberlain's Stom-
ach and Liver Tablets last night, and I
deal fifty per centbetter than I have
for weeks," &aye J J. Firestone of
Allegan, Mich. "They are a find article
for bilinnsnees " For sale by all drug.
gists. Samples free
If a man is really fond of mesio he
seldom tries to sing.
A man inclined to he crooked is apt
to go straight to the bad.
zl. girl oan love almost any man that
;icer parents are willing to object to.
Dr. Chase's Oint
meals a certain
and guaranteed
curet oreach and
every f or m of
itching, bleeding
and protruding
idles. Sero testimonials in the press and ask
onrneighboraaboutit,. You can use it and
your our money back if not satisfied. 60c, at an
ars or EnataxsoN, BAri;s & Co., Toronto..
Never insist on having your own way;
just have it aad say nothieg.
A theory is all right until you attempt
to make itdo a practical stunt.
It's the easiest thing in the world to
call people bard names—at a distance.
Best Treatment for a Burn,
If for no other reason, Chamberlain's
Salve should be kept in every house.
bold on account of its creat value in the
treatment of burns., Is allays the pain
almost instantly, and nukes the .injury
ie a severe one, heals the parte without
leaving s This
g a scar. salve is also nn•
equalled for chapped hands, sore nipples
and eieeaste of the skin. Price, 25
•cents. For sale by all druggists.
'Liverpool makes nearly $800,000 a
Fear by municipal trading. •
Nothing hurts a woman like having
to pay for something she has used.
There is no euro prescribed in the
,doctor books for a mean disposition.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Bigaaturo of
Two hundred Socialists, nearly all
Finns, held a Labor Day parade, and
shade speeches at Port Arthur Monday.
They went through the prinoipal
streets. end carried a red fleet, un-
De Pointe, in a `JO•hot'aepower onto,
tt Minnesota Stats Fair, broke tl;e
world's record for a miler en a circular
track by cove -ring the distance in 51
reconda flat. The fesmer `tocord was
52 seconds, made by Swatter Chaittie
Jaat year on the came track.
If you 'want a sure cure for
hero it is. . : :
The nirgeone membrane being.in an
inflamed co: it ton, c cti. . running at
the 770. -,et; boat cvhr n this t;te»ifr'a ne ds
hhaZi,d the di { C
, tr,,e rca. s.
away effort hoer
la be made to cure
catarrh. 4n ie2rla Catarrh ztarrli of the
'throat, tnntarb or"Bladder, Cotienmp.
Von and !,light N Dis ase
"Oxygenator" of to int it in la
bottles. neer el.i�;. etaS0, and tame .
"Oxygenator'. in Fold by all wholcsalo
and retail druggists.
The oxygenator Company
Toronto, Canada.
Don't be afraid to give Chamberlain
Cough Remedy to your children I
contains no opium or ether harmfn
drug. It always cures, For sale by a
No matter bow well you do a thing
you are sure to hear more complaints
than compliments.
Argentina's area nnder cultivation is
now 36,000,000 acres, comparing with
12,000,000 in 1905.
Only 6 per cent of amputation oases
result fatally at present, owing to the
improvement in antiseptic surgery.
Where the Bile is Needed.
Billioueness=too ranch bile in the
blood. Constipation—too little bile in
the intestines. When the liver is
aweakened to action by Dr. Ohase's
Kidney•livor Pills it filters bile from the
blood and pours it into the intestines.
The result in a cleansing of the system,
purer blood, better appetite, improved
digestion, new vigor and good health,
Myles Parker, serving a term for
horse stealing, managed to seals the
wall of Brat tford jail and escape.
Nearlyall medical men in the West
Indies advise the wearing or thin woolen
and not cotton underwear. Many per-
sons wear "cholera belts" of flannel.
Bears the / The Kind You Have &aye Boug"1
There are many oomplainto at Mont.
real of a lake shipping combine to un.
duly increase rates and discriminate
against the St: Lawrence route.
The New York State Charity As.
sociation, in its campaign against
tuberculosis, is making use of phcno.
graphs to deliver health lectures at
country fairs. •
Fire in the Cowan block at Revel-
stoke, B. C., destroyed the telephone
inst, nments, and Miss Brenton, one of
the operators, was overcome and had to
be sent to the hospital.
Poan's Kidney Pills act on the kid
rive, bladder and urinary organs only.
They mare backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and ail other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
What a crowd there would be in
heaven if people could go on Sunday
Robert Snow, one of the prisoners,
who escaped from Toronto jail in July,
was recaptured in Toronto Sunday
The 16,029 men engaged in the fish•
eries of Nova Scotia in 1000 received
$199,519 in tounties from the Govern-
For a Sprained Ankle,
i A epraiw' d ankle may be cured in
about one-third the time usnalIT requir-
ed, by applying Obamberlafn'e Liniment
' freely, and giving it absolute teat. For
sale by all druggists,
Boats engaged in mackerel fishing off
Milford, England, have landed as many
e,a 30,000 fish, and a hundred fish have
been sola for a shilling.
Two new edeotrtcal journals appeared
recently about the same time bearing
the same name. One comes from New
York and other from. Ci;eago.
Rumania is tho most illiterate country
iu E Trope, The !net census shows that
in a popalatien of aiioat 0,000,000 nearly
4 000,00 neither write nor read,
Mr C B. !easter, District I'G':.9enger
i Agent of the C P.R, at 'Toronto, will
succeed Mr. E, Of. Boyle as Assistant
G; neral Passenger Agent in Vancouver.
' With his serum therapy Prof, Chan.
temeee, of Paris, claims that he has in
1.000 cuses of t
9pPori fever
reduced j
the usual Mortality of 17 per cent, to
only 4.7 per cent.
A terrific rain, thunder, and hall t
sterni swept over part of Raleigh and t
I1arwieli townships, near Lake Erie,
on Wednesday, and uprooted fruit!
Itreed, tore off liraticaee, and unroofed
TUE 11Y1NUlabii, TIMES, SEPTEMBER 17, lift/8
Imoore Thio Blood
Clogs the ]tildneys.
Slowly the Benet
Fags the Thallus,
Weakens £yery pert of the Body Coulee
Organic Diseases.
Jost as strength is the natural out-
come 0 pure blood, act ie debility sad
sickness the result o!' impure hi• od
To know born quickly how surely
Ferrczone cares, to see hew it reenildt
Mud restores, you have only to read
the following letters—read them care,
ulle--see if the symptoms resemble
"C' MC,-' Evelyn M. Gat'tz of Kingston,
writes; • I have had an attaok of blood
disorder which broke out in horrid
looking pimples. Veep were ugly red
disfle:uriag blotches that ruined the
appearance of my face. I tried all sorts
of medicine, but the pimples didn't
leave. I was recommended Ferrozone
and gave it a trial. I noticed an im-
provement after the shooed box. and
kept up the treatmeat which finally
cleared my skin. As the reanit of Fer-
rozone I have; a clear healthy cern
piexion and oan recommend it to all
other g oung women Blmilarly affected."
Another yonng lady well known in
society oirolee of Springfield, who de-
rived exceptionai benefit from Fer•
rozone, says: "I felt it my duty to
make known the value of Ferrczone
My trouble was poor weak blood, and as
a oonsequence my lips were pallid, and
my cheeks had no polar. I wasn't at all
strong, and rs quired a bracing tonio
Ferrozone soon brought color to my
cheeks, improved my appetite and made
me stronger than I had been in years
I favor Feria zone beoanee it is so simple
to take and works so quioklv." -
No blood remedy exists that has the
power to Imre, to heal, to restore like
Ferrozone; try it, 60c per box at any
drug store.
A meeting of creditors is seldom for
the purpose of expressing confidence
in the . man who can't pay ten cents
on the dollar.
A by whose mother woe too poor
to support it was rate: d for at a theatre
in Paris, Kentucky, and has been adopted
by the owner of the winning number.
Germany has 21 universities; France
has 16, Anstria•Hnngary 11, Great
Britain 15, Italy 21, Russia 9, Spain' 9,
Switzerland 7, Belgium 4 and Sweden
has 3.
Few People in Wingham Really
Know How.
Slow eating and regular meals 'is of
great benefit to a wrong aotiug stomach
Those who suffer with indigestion and
weak stomach oan with care and the use
of bdi•o•na stomach tablets restore the
digestion to a healthy condition, so that
they oan eat what they want at any
time without fear of distress or suffer-
After a few day's use of Mi•o na
stomach tablets, the headaches, dizzy
feeling, drowsiness, bad taste in the
month, coated tongue, flatulence, sleep-
lessness, distress after eating—all these
symptoms of a weak stomach—will dis-
appear; and perfect digestion and good
health will be restored.
Walton McKibben has so much con-
fidence in the power of Mi-o•na to cure
indigestion that he guarantees satisfac-
tion or money back, Price 50 oenta.
A chained "Breeches" Bible, bearing
the date of 1583, has been restored to
Loddington Church, near Chester, Eng-.
land, from which congregation it was
sold by the wardens in 1678.
As it is now running between Bark-
ing and Whiteohapel, a train with
nine cars, carrying nearly 1,000 pass-
engers, the London District railway
claims the longest multiple unit elec.
tris train in the world.
Soars the The Kind You Have Always B01411
, of
We regret to announce the death of
›Tr, 3ebn Hage: brother of Messrs James
brei'0hos. L. Hays, which occurred at
the residence of his daughter, Mrs.
Everett, of Seaforth. Ho was born in
Donegal, Ireland, in the year 1823 and
was consequently 85 years of of age.
Women's Ailments
Thera i$ no need whatever f'.r sn t :rite
women to suffer from !rains and weakness,
nervousness and i'veplc:-.;cess, anamiia,
hysteria and melancholia, Lint and dizzy
spells, and the hundred other trouiiks ,
which render the life of too many wo ',eu
a round of sickness ural sutl'eiing.
Have Restored Thousands o"CNoedia;.
Women to Health and Str'erg th
1 tin
girls budding ';aro v:ufiiatrl i. :l
who suffer with pains and headaches, awl
whose face is pa'o anal bl•sod water, o•
women at the chan.:e',f life who are nor-
vons, subject to ILA 3f fiery feeling of pins
and needles, etc., are tided d over them, ray•
ing times by Milburn's Heart and N':rve;
3; awonderful 5 ,r r.
tfnl e,
cot on n
woman. 8 4:F4 e Li 1 ::a,i t pains and Ai hen
vanish, binge! for to the lisle chert s -d
sparkle to tIic ry'*. The old, worn ou+,
tired out, languid feelings give place to
etrengtliand vitality, and life s en:s worth
?rico 60 petits per box, or i loxes for
$1.,i.!0, at all druggists, or mailed direct on
receipt of price by,,
'Thu T. Mummer 1yy0.4 L'ttt., To•.onto, Ont,
I3elgto;n has a Sandal' leetaej i stamp, A Travelling attar's Experience.
ieRned for those who do not n i h to b'iv'
r ail
m delivered liv e
d on Sul day. A!1
mail bearing the Standee, stamp is h. -1d
over by the carriers for dtilvery Men.
The border eont,tiee of Peuusyvartirl
:Thio, and Virgivie, tore stiff •ring from
drouat:t. Cattle are being driven Wailes
to water, and the towns leek the flail.
necessary for domestic and mbuwt'aorue-
ing purposes
Ir is a anrprieing thing to know that
New 'York cite, although not known as
the American Venice, contains more
islands than any city but Venice, for
within its boundaries are 31 separate
and distinct islands
The ,Rev, Dr. Patterson. Pastor of
Bethany Presbyteriau Church, teas
struck with apoplexy Friday afternoon,
while transacting business in the Frank
lin National Bank, Philadelphia. He
was taken to the hospital, where he was
said to be serionely i11, Dr, Patterson
was pastor of Cook's Presbyterian
Church, Toronto, in 1900.
The home of Mre. Jarnes Craieie
Goderioh, was the scene of high festivi-
ty Wednesday, Sept., 9.h, on the co -
erasion of the marriage of her d'iughttr,
Mise Alexins Craigie, to Wm. Parker
Abell of Goderioh. The ceremony was
performed by Rev Jes. A. Anderson,
pastor of Knox church. in the presence
of about nighty -five guoste.
As a spring medicine Burdook Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
A C. P. R. bridge near White River
was burned, and the Atlantic express
ran into the ravine. The passengers,
ail Chinamen, euraped, but Engineer
Nice may not recover from bis injuries,
and Fireman Oliver's leg was broken.
Traffics on the mein lime of the 0. P. R.
will 'be suspended until the brdige is
They have a drastic way of oaring
oarolessneses on the part of railway em-
ployees in Prance. A child of 9, Emile
Remi ly, travelling in a train 'with his
parents, fell from tbe coach, the door of
which had not been prorerly shut at the
last station, St. Cyr, and lost both his
legs. The St. Cyr stationmaster has
been sentenced to two months' im-
prisonment, and the Western Railway
will have to pry 83,000 damages as well
as an annuity of $1,200 to the boy.
One of the early September weddings
was that of Harry Cameron Burgess, of
Toronto, and Miss Florence Agnes
(Etta) Barry, who were united in wed-
lock's bonds at the residenoe of the
bride's father, George Barry, Elgin
Avenue, Goderioh, at 12 30, Wednesday,
Sept. 9th. The bride and groom were
unattended and they stood in front` of
a bank of asters and ferns, as the cere-
mony was performed by Rev. R. W.
Millyard, pastor of Viotoria street
Methodist church, Goderioh.
Sears the The Kind You Haae Always Boa
Signature a/-(
Mrs. Alex. MoKeenan, of Paisley, was
saved from almost certain death in the
General Hospital at Guelph by the
operation of blood infusion. She was
suffering from a blood disease, when tie
a last resort an operation was performed
by whioh the blood of hor hn&band was
infused into her run-down system. A.
large artery was severed in each body
and joined together, the stronger system
gradually forcing blood into the weaker.
The operation was performed soma time
ago, and the patient is now rapidly re-
covering her strength,
rRIs i',Aleiles, r'AVOILITB,
Lasa -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They onre Constipation, Sick
Eleadaohe, B.illiousness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening,
The Ontario Postmasters' Aaeociation,
convening in Toronto, have very
definite complaint to make over the
annual readjustment of their salaries.
Every year . the Department raises or
lowers the salary, according to a per.
centago on outgoing mail.
"This system is radically unjust,"
the members claimed. "The salary of
the rural postmasters, based in the most
eases on the very limited mail which
the farmers send ont, is far too small.
The whole volume of business should
be made a basis, for that constitutes
the work of the office.
The aseooiation, however, has no
hope of the Poetoffee Department eee.
ing things In
this light,
and so sire
content this year to ask for an inoreas.
ed percentego on the outgoing mail,
which is at present 50 per cent, in the
rural oiirces, and 80 per cent, in the
larger communities,
A resolution carried petitioning the
?oetmadter•General to recognize some
officer of the association to appear he•
fore him with individnal complaints,
"I roust tell you my experience on an
. Bt bound O. R. & N. R. R train from
Pendleton to Le Grande, Ore., writes
Sam A. Gerber, a we11•known traveling
marl ' 1 was in the smoking depart.
meat with some other traveling men
when one of th-m went out into the
poach and carne bank and said, ‘There
18 a woman tools unto death iu that oar'
I at era's got up and went out, found
her very ilk with cramp collo; her hands
and arms were 'drawn up so you could
not straighten them, and with a death•
like look on her .face. Two or three
ladies were working with her and giving
her whiskey. I went to my suit case
and ion my bothm;ierlain's
Cutin. Chott'ra andtle DiarrofCbeeaaReme cry
(I i:, -v' r nerved without it), ran to the
water tank plat a double dose of the
medr,'",,, t •caths' glass, poured conte
vr.ttior la:tn tr and stirred it with a pee.
01; ; new, I i,nd quite a time to get the
!edits to ler me give it to her, but I suo•
needed. I could at once see the effedt
and I worked with her, rubbing her
hands, and in twenty minutes I gave
her another dose. By this time we were
almost into Le Grande, where I was to
leave the train. I gave the battle to the
husband to be used in case another dose
be needed, but by rho time the train ran
into Le Grande she was alright, and I
received the thanks of every passenger
in the oar," For sale by all druggists.
Whether a man confides his business
to his wife, depends entirely upon the
wife, Saye Mabel Potter Daggett, in the
Teem are women who arra capable of
sharing responsibilities and wise in dis-
obarging them. There are other women
—dear doll women—who need to have
all the difficulties of existence simplified,
all the little problems of life smoothed
out and solved for them by another.
When they are made that kind, they
are only delightfully decorative bitsin
the soheme of life. So it sometimes
happens that when a man has married a
girl because of the sunshine glint in her
hair, or the shadowy depths in her eyes,
he has not always acquired therewith
the clear brain and the steady hand that
may help ata the helm of his business
affairs, and he cannot now expect his
wife to bare very much the burden of
his responsibilities.
But there' are other marriages more
than beauty deep. Sometimes they are
even those rare iu?ea1 unions that aro
soul deep, They happen semi -occasion-
ally when love Domes to a men and a
woman who are mentally and socially
and every way equals. Then it is the
woman's right to know and the man's
right to share with hor every pulse -beat
of existonoe—even to the annoying de -
details of hie daily business perplexities.
Always she oan help him endure them.
Sometimes she may help him to solve
them. Wherever there is a man's
achievement there is always in the
background feminine inspiration and
feminine sympathy that is the comple-
ment of his strength. Somewhere there
must always be a woman to whom he
can go and say, "I'm tired, dear"; and
when she has answered, "Tell me all
about it," difficulties that have been as
mountains begin to fade away like mist.
For every man who succeeds, this
woman exists. Think about it, oh,
little wife, as you turn the new gold -
band on your finger. Hadn't this wo-
man better be you? Inevitably, when
she is not, she must be the other wo-
Gossips talk about others and bores
talk about themselves,
The amount of money in circulation
per capita in the United States;is a little
over $25.
For Diarrhoea,
Summer Complaints
It has been used in thousands of homes
during the past sixty-two years and has
always given satisfaction.
Every home should have a bottle so as
to be ready in case of emergency.
Price 35 cents at all druggists and
dealers. Do not let some unprincipalled
druggist humbug you into taking so-
called Strawberry Compound. The or-
iginal is DR. FowLEtt's, The rest are sub.
stitu s
tC .
Mrs. G. Bode, Lethbridge, Alta.,
writes , "We have used DPI. Pommies
I TI8ACr OF WILD STItAwnrnu and
found it ,g. great remedy for Diarrhoea,
Summer Complaint and Cramps. We
would not like to be without it in the
Keeping Cut Unemployed,
The R Bteqof rigid inspection eetab.
Veiled by the Immigration Department
this summer along the international
boundary has, s.eys a Globe Ottawa de.
patch, reanited in the turning bank of
hundreds of undesirables from the
United Sratee, who otherwise would
probably have either become a public
oharge or would bare added to the con-
gestion of the Canadian labor market
daring the nha,ira winter. During the
month ut August no less than 198 people
were debarred from entering Canada at
Niagara Falls along. Practically ell of
sheae were ont-of work, end possessed
of no funds. anal if allowed to, enter
would probebly htiv.t been prevented by
the United. Starve authorities from again
crossing the i'ue if the Canadian Im-
migration Department sought to deport
If yon really want to do some good as
a reformer, fiLnre nut how much time
you waste every day, then gs t busy.
There is mese Calarlh iu thin section
of the country than all other disetltere
put together,
s assuntil and
supposed to be ino fable,
For a great ninny years dootors pro.
nouuoed it a local disease and prescribed^
local remedies, and by constantly fail.
jug 10 once with loct,t treatment, pro-
napnceri it incurable, Science bas‘
proven catarrh to he a couetitutional
disease and therefoie requires consti•
tut'onal treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manfaotnred by F. J. Cheney^do
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only oonetitnt
done' cure on the market. It is taken
internally in doses Crow 10 dgopBto a
teaspoonful, 11 note directly on the
bleed and mucous enrfaoes of t
system, They cater one hurdred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
Wren rarsand t.stimouiale,
Address: F ,T. CIIEN$1 & Co„ Toledo,
Ohio, '
Said by all Druggists, 750.
Take Hall's Emily P1118 for con••
A party of inueioians sailed from New*
York recently as part of the govern-
ment's plan to tarnish wholesome
amusement for the thousands of Wren at
work on the Panama canal.
4• -
+ +1
Resnienee Phone No. 55, Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44,' �.
840s•,►0ssarlOo++s00♦e�'s6sa0 bt► ♦♦Ossas0061:0414000ii0004444
180000rl0444,4000eleeine 0000♦♦oOat
We which l a ill0 equal for Also the beet grades of Smi he celebrated SCRANTON
cannel and ,''y
Donnetio Coal, and Wood of all kinds. always on hand.
Wecarry a L .^` LR SHINGLES LATH 1
full stock of ti
(Dressed or Undresdedi 42,
CS"' ll iculieet Price paid tor all kinds of Logs. "Mk *',t I 1 IS It Le nail
Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.
The essential lung -haling principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
'separated and refined into a perfect
oongh medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
;narrates of satisfaction. Price 25
and anyone having live stook cr other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale in the Tains. Our large
circulation tells and it trill he strange indeed if
you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee
that you will sell because you may, ask more
for the article or stook than 1t is worth. Send
your advertisement to the Timms and try this
plan of disposing of your stock and other
Orders for the insertion of advertiserreri4
snch as teachers wanted, business cha:.ices,
mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact
any kind of au advt. in any of the Toy onto or
other city papers, may be left at the Tmzmmm
office, This work wi11 receive prompt attention
and will save people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowe '
rates will he quoted on application. L*.avo
or send:your next work of this kind to the
TIMES OFFICE., Wins, ranz
TI• I1a...J .
640000004 ♦♦s•i00♦00®500000000000.90+1
♦ If a man can write a bettor book, preaoh a better sormon
• or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, though he
• build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
• • path to his door,—Emerson,
2 Get on the path to the door of the
• •
Times Printing Office
e Where mouse traps are not made but
♦ —where—
Good Printing
Is turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date
materials and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printingis done cheap;
where the kind of ,printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beaten path. to your door; where
particu may be had by following
up the path to the office of
or by calling lip 'Phbn•e