HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-09-22, Page 5• h. • A 'wurk.pa XI' work,on streets $21351 3.: Firitil4 lrA•On; ifenderson &' Matheson, w rIc ya 1.4.14d, $1,951d's,wee Gianni, luribeir' $1!02.6'1; Tho.4 Douglass ealelry ea en ginger, .835,40; Isdic Morrison water. ing.etreets $25.00 and teaming 01.69,' J 3. Henderson! do Si*.:tile, 812.40; 11Pa1ter: Bt'alt rt $; Son:: sject'rio: 1ig4. $54'42; Re; J. More work. 05:s5.;: The Re3ve was author'ued to. arrspge at the;Bank for,overdraft until t'axea were,collected ' ..A .gr�.nt of ten tt dollars ; was made �thn Brnee Rifle: Assooiat Couneit then adjourned, • . P - akotrlson. fer;, • We canuo w' ive bur customers.the' very best patterns on,the market at these rices ' . This. should make the "Stand,ard more popularthan ever, ' •• A fi goodAtock of 'them always on, hand. "Fashion' sheets free for',the asking. The Designer 10c per single copy or 80c a year Will, be ''pleased to'receive: your subscription, Women's' black, sateenunderskirts- mercerisedquality, extra full w $th�w tli= fancy frill, The nicest skirt yet'at'$1:00= �-Other lines' at $160 and •$2.00, .`also,` the-ailkette at $2.00:1 VOTERS' LIST 1904. a, .. .. Y . �,�� •• ^�r FOR. _:THE MUNICIPALITY OE a. THEA TOWNSHIP Or' WEST WAWANOSH . .COUNTY OE 1tORON' Noticq'is hereby given tint have transmit- ted or delivered to the, parties mentioned in Sections 5 and fi of the Ontario Voters List Act, 1889 ,all copies,recluired by said section, to be transmitted or delivered of the , Est made pursuant to the said 'Act, of all persons appearing by 'the last revised asseeement''roll, o the said • Municipality at Elections for :.u....„>+. ... a J., • i o -:r Municinal•Elections, .and:. that said list was. fret posted,tup at my office on 1st day,of Sep_ tember:1904,'and remain there for inspection, • t-•r-Electorstare calltd-vpeort'o-examine-the Baia- - list and if any omissions: or any other, errors are found therein, to take immediate Proceed- ings. to have the said errorecorrected accord: in to law W sa4donosPIE, Clerk of West : Wawanosh.' Dated let day 01 September; ••..•.•••.••..•.•..••.•.• • Don't, forgot that we are sole agents . ' for Lucknow for the Famou • ' g s Brown , and Wigle :blankets without a'doubt'•the best blankets: 'on the market . fire wool ;blankets ,6 :pounds size 60•xt` 78 at . $2.75.'' :The Alexandria—7a pure., wool.' ". blank et 7 pound size 64'x 82 at';- $4.00. The Am.:.Saxony=all', pure Saxony wool 7 pound size E4 x 82 at $5 -The special fancy Saxony—Very fine *quality 7 pound size 68 ;x 82 at $7.See our special. Canadian wool blanket: at:.$2.5O. r M,A►TH ESON. • REPAIRING NEATLYANDD PROMPTLY DONE. ' •• OM1 - .. For fall wear wo hare two lines: at, this rice . which are a'r.. is a ribbed cashmere andthe otheris a pure worsted wool sizes •8 to 10 inches. Bennett the painter ellas the latest, ►21a most up-to-date colors for house Ilw 0 When we s. y that we have'the best values and styles-;; in men 's ov�rcoats this year. Wu fir l '4believe thatNyehave,andarewhenyoussure_ you will agree with•. us. For fit. they . can't be beaten and the finish • shows the work" of an artist". • isrew twlied effects for young men, a natty . co:t at $7.00. 'Fine quality dark grey' frieze, .Iatest style at $8. Fine. quality. dark grey with light:' c heck line. A nobbycoat and extra value -at at -`$12.50`' °Men's: `fanc . tweed overcoats at $14.00. ' Men's beavers at $7.50, 10.00 and 12.50...: All sizes ,in our $12.50 raincoat for Saturday. I ADIFS ' 11AD 'THIS • <s ` • We send one'pair of excellent' late curtains til yards tang, 2•feet ti inches ,wide,"` for eeour=„ • lug only two subscriptions for M'oOna e r aciazian at 50 cents; each. This it a'dioat i l• neo 3 ramar)rable offer, but, s, Only on f ?b , o ff ere n our. Premium Catalogue, N, that w Bond Free on Itedueet ; • Curtains (1t styles) Ruge,. Silverware and Tableware• of every. descrip tion, Jewelery,(Solid' Silver Watehee; hinge. ' •llracelets, Guard Chains), Aioam,;'Furniture Sure, Scarfs; Centerpieces, Linen IYapkine, •. Wrist Bags, everything you need, Do ' of lay this paper- aside without 'writing, fqr a ' �t—nt 'f M�nCenr, s. Msan . s a 1 lit Of v Catalogue. of:P. remiunis;N; No,aharyte for either, we wank you to See'our beautiful':Magazine-the. ver best Home,and• fashion' llfagnzinc=-and: to• know about our premiums:., " • ' . - • ; .. ,WilLy.ou. tot_ki'ndly. write us_at. encu.... A„ • postal' card Will dal T y McCAT,), COMPANY,. • 11311$-11.7 Weet.3ilet'atreet, „ • : • New Yorlc•City.w ; we'deeign-amd malas the'cclob,ated' McCal Patterns,^ • F'or Sale :'or Rent, VIM' cotnntodiovs btuil.lfng known as the. ;Farmers Hotel" In the Village of t uoknow' ppiyttY ).''f„;"I'tit COftl#t AN,r Real 1 tat it �s e Agent; YiuoknoW, •MANY •OAL,LS are received.from business firms, and • MANY STUDENTS are placed in good positions each year 'b 7the faiinous_� ._ . Y :- . CENTRAL STRATFORD, ;ONT.: This school stands for,the highest and best in business ,odncatidn in Canada .d 'toay..• • Many business colleges em.' ploy our raduates as teachers. W e have scorasoapplications rom-other col leges Ask -to• ;see- 'them the- day you enter.. Commence,a course now. 'Catalogue free;'.., W.A J. ELLIOTT. Pvino1 al Farm, For :"Sade: Beingeast half of lot A hi the 14 concession of the ownship of Ash'field, containing 100 acres. The farm is situated five miles. froth • liipley' and six miles from Luckaow . For', further particulars apply to A. lieliIARMIDi ueknow 1,', () , or:Tio ALEX. ROSS Lucknow. ' Poi„ Sale or' tn./lent On Havelock' st.• in Lueknow.. the litre m frao'reeidenee'opposite the etation, a>aoo Stable, Will an or,par't. , R. MOORp,,LL11cknow.''' 4 )6: * o or.:'gr do 'i rq H n . a ate n .dentist Toronto . g , Dental College, and:Doctor' of Dental Sur•, gery, Toronto University. All 'modern "plan of operation and 'carefulness in workmanship Office in iiia block, upstairs. , P S. -Will visit', Ripley h a ' 1? ey every T, tired y afternoon:. T P1EWTOtI • :firma e• License. W. CoitrisLt, issuer of 'arra,B a Licenses e t for Al Lina fan _sad Doman 4 ' 1s w _._ Allan i s�. of Steamships.. and ACaiden t Awssu.ra CnONNE nt"Campbell St.,Lucknow. -1iDE1{S reeeiveil.for tie•.ofc1; .reliable N,J ' Commoretal•'Fire Insurance C'empanry. Imperial Silverware y'1o,•A11 Good guaranteed. Agent for Rriilt Trees and ornamrn tat ehrubp sb heeds., wills, nted. 11t'ortg*Rea.� etc., • iiently' And prompt1q exeo. irikfiioaLuokn nwn tial1,..ow; »esdage Thuri lads Odd: .8atardage. ig i es rice in. •ash -paid for Butter c and Eggs at the ,LUCKNOW it PRODUCE EMPORIUM, .three doors east of the ;.Post- Office:•, .> .a•� • :• •• IA. •• L..• UCKNOW ...., ••.•a•iam•lla.omimiei•••.. ' A Wonderful Discovery BROWN'S CELEBRATED R Physicians,, Scientists,: Etc; kavegiven their :Unqualified tests to the only •known remedy's which•'l1: ,olutely do what:is claimed..for•1them, and- at the•same time;may:be relied upon as, absolutely harmless and effective. 'We do' not claim to grow hair shining bald head where theroots of the hair are dead Or destroyed• and no fine hair left, .but' if there ; is. any 'fine, hair left we • canr, make it; grow, we, „have grown hair'onheads thathave; been bald '•for.' years and years "and:: 'there is not a case to• be found inhere: a young man or woman who.is losing'. their hair had -becoming bald. where r growing r edi:es 'our celebrated hair em will fail to produce a. good ;'healthy head of hair ?,if Used,aceording to, the' directions.: This' is to certify, that I hay e., Used- 'Brown's sedBrown's Celebrated/lair Grower,' :and' it has' grown for nae a,,good full head of hair., T was quite bald before,' ) ,used it and. now I am' permanently cured: of baldness,• falling' hair and dandruff , J.„R. ' Johnson, Guelph, Dated this78th day, of December .1 903' •a.FOtr SALE [3Y c' .' .1: T WATSON,": BARBER . .- ...:,' LUCKNOW T. E BROWN & CO. '-duel h 81C•.r TA -UCH -11 lA. �. , Lessons in. V"ooal and •lnstr}uxnenta ] :usio . and '.ffarmtiny are taught; by IVEIRa ecia1 atte t on paid,J to' PAPER . iAN'GING B AND .DEC0=RATI N't T _WILL PAY YOU TO .: _CET ' BENNETT . TO : D YOUR WORK. ►INT•ER PAPER-HA'NGER "TIE STAR-ROCERY FOR RELIABLE COO DS ,tee 4 , Our 'Se teniber sale • now: i;1"full' blest..; We .area. offering great bargains,in all hues ,of crockery and; chin -. ware. Call and secur e solus •real'. snaps whllb our .. :, 1 stock. 1S cor11 lete .Be . P y , elotiv we .quite you some of, the' sna s, •: p Dinner sets , t 'discount 1' . 'i , xJ 1)el cent discount Toil t. Sets regular price' 2.50 for X00. ` • ' White and gold c i s� and saucers it . � � 1? g xe,ulai price• 1.'.00'for„ 85c. , • " . , . Plain white cups and sauceis, regular: lar: 90c.:for' g c` .• W at l„sets regular ��tx�e1A � to 1..�r , ndw 90c to 100. .; .. t- - to F... Salad.bowls,20 li' er sent discount. . Berry ., sets .20 • anti' 25:. er cent discount • Other 'lines sold at or bels ost. 7on't ' Bliss . these argains..'' Sale . will last ti 1. � 111• September 60th,',:' r4,-+++++++4+++++'