HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-09-15, Page 1t •
• 41 •
ItuOurvk Fnsid _ A099.0004044 0
4.17, fitAVY'4.4
• ort. VPx. $i•InsON; President:
i1, ,5..I3IDNDRIN. . RUTSnnoonn.
,; 7.';varisULL , 1ae-P ._aP en.
ons r.. •
TB N, , Ant keen -Man
4 M. �e o.
. t`x .now . , s xanICh.
W u
' T$ANBAOT14D . ,
Farmers' Notes :discounted d'
acOBmado to farmers to food;'
stook. -
at brnking htuitlesr• imus draft*
'troughout Canada and the Un{tod Pate.:
Mahe collections: on faL. pointy includmQ _ ,
:'Western States,; Manitoba! and the North-
and all: collection, :whether..
' meet Territories;
noted oriwcounta :_will°:receivo prowpt"atten
Notes' discounted and lar,ners' isle notes
• 1.1oan to farmer.on double' or single notes
at from one totwelve months', timb, and
'especiallyito farmers deeiving to' feed Battle
over :winter and gram .them during summer/
at low rates '
. neap small or, large amounts onsecond
Mortgagee on ..farms or other.,,, real estate
security' and on first . chattel mortgages, on
implemsnts.and crop .
" f 404:t.•
: aD A SE
' , �'TE1�.BER ot . �.,
Rev. Dia:, 11+1`+ereeon of Toronto; and!
Rev, ;Mr. McLennan at Tiverton were;
.the octets : bf Rev..•Mr. McLennan last•?
week. , .
east% D. A.. 'eaton, Adain Mc-
Queen, and, Roderick Oarnpbell .. have
lsee °vYnitta friendsDt
.. in " -r
ib and,
re . rt'u'ifood is
Air. J, J. Donnelly;,'of Greenoek;'
Qouservatva aauafor South
paate a ;
Bruce; w�e'Ia iuokao>r„ .d6 .,..aesdit, y
n. friends..
,4plliAg-o • ' 4:
Mr: -and,'
ss,:-Glualco of prazil'�►iid M
i f
' Mrss 'McKenzie o Kincardine Were
the gueato:of Mrs. (liev,) McLennan'
at .the,Manse last. week.
Lost Saturday' night on Campbell
Street, nial;, dollars tin•. bills. The
finder will, be-,suitably,ewarded, by,
leabing„ it at the Sentinel office;
UQL No.1596:
Publie- Nodal `
,Mr, Nell 'McKenzie;: has pOoved • his
mor shop Into, the, brick block-, four
doors east, of the pose office ', and liaa,
added tail ring(' shop, e'com,pleto
';line of gent'si.fer iehinga, and wilt",•'be
prepared to supplyhis customers •with•
ion ter d=im Psrlar W
.s;t0x lira 14 '410,
I have: a large amount'' -of -funds to adyapce-
�i'A le NOTIDs boo ht nd 'collected • on -eret mortgageaat lowest rates; ,
B a I represent the
ate .. leadin' 'EoRiieh,wnd 'Cana
''alias �in�sie`a�oe='�o?�'p
a„ -a d can.
effect' insurance onall (lasses b1 property: in
......v ..w..,,,+„al emm�aniea a9� dtlBiretl.
Door r1. :-iissued „pave.ble • at •alt .'the
principal ,points ,in• Canada. .and:.the:
''United States :
ita.of $1 00 and upwards received
and interest allowed at'. current rates from
'date of deposit to date of withdrawal.'
,portionpf the deposit. ,
Iracrest-compounded May 31st and Nov.
)gth each year..
R, MaoLEOD -keg=
010ITICE HOITREI 10 S.M. to 4 p.m
Miss May ,Reicl,is visiting friendS in
Mrs. ,D. Sheriff is visiting friends in
Joyn,t i's friende in
c i
.. 1n . tho Wsspt
v1)fexi a.
' he nun - frl0fida of the fsroil y+�':i.ll
_r n
grato }rn 'of the death of Mrs.
..Treleaven,::'of PiletMoued,,
.Manitoba, and; term -icily Of LucknoW,:
which took• place on e'Saturday last.
Deceased "'asthe mother. of Mrs W..fi
Smith; Of, thio villa ;e;'and • was in, her.
.90th year. Afartht'r reference, will
be printed',next week.•
ooi heeket Dear Editor:
—ripehays, -an : defeet-znyour--eye-•- ' , .._� .
_:.. . Y_... _ _. ._ ... _ .. __ .� .., .; . •; , ... T want" to give bhe.: •readers io, y
t don't fail to,' call, oa. M:r.. T .:1';-, Mr. John N. McKenzie, ,of Langer,
'Bight .. , • . . , . , , . - 'valuable, spot some .information ' of
S�nitli .on Thursday.... September 22nd, ,, the'p puIar a ent for the North Am- P
_" illi T�ah�el�=!n✓e of
g. _
at Cain's Hotel.: 'Examination' Of the ericaa Life Assurance Company was The first eettleiveni,
s Interest to them;.
,eyes free. last week presented with i► beautiful -was',made; es' the' Arnaud ;; eine t,
Ii you want the best value for your gold locket,. suitably engr�►ved, for do .wasabei1 deinen the Emerson .betrict
twines in Boots and:' shoes' go to jog. ahQ largest amauht of .besieess'for,
Tdittlee Shoe Store ow �s , the tore tbe. myth of`JuIIe-'tshe p ati"?� ' e
resent of%the 0: P. R' 'was `built throng it.
._ ., _ .. _ ..�,�.... ,.a This -lin. has ,the prou�Tc �',stinction of
,ion of ho nos. wlkar_e, cv'ri uwptiug Ziac:;
beet} prevalent, .The opening..oni' n-
dews and letting is fresh air,.and the
getting of all the; sunlight possible as?
• they • are "all necessary' to health A
sho,W.er `ands in the audienee of those
Present, ` Was 'in 'favor of baring a
.iartnoh;, _ f'hs-National S
Iathe* work ofthe free hospital, and
the -Reeve: was:asked, to try and in-
•terest•'the '• council, :Mrs.. •I3ryan.,
,o' M:r..=:•MacLennan, iter Mr'T
d eve Allin'all-spolts, anal'_
m}th ao Ibe ,
aftgr a •vote of Shan `lo Re.v Mr '
Parker the meeting 'closed withthe
national anther.:.
•-Letter From Manitoba
Mrs. R. -Lees is _visiting friends in
Read Agar• Jr Earls ad. it may in -
Miss Lila Taylor Is yisiting friends,
in London.
VtTe fit the forin from head to foot
at D. McKenzie's.
McKenzie, the tailor.
For up-Co.date ' tent's furnishings
call On N. D. McKenzie.
Mr, and Mrs. D. R. McIntosh Ate
*rs. Millyard and Mr.' Wiley Mill -
Yard, are .vgiting London.' •
Mrt. Miller andMrs. W. Spindler
ate visiting friendri in Londink.
Miss' Annie.Joynt on • Tuesday
for Alma Ciillege, St. Thothiss:
All kinde of -rubber :foetweir for..
sale cheap 'at.Littles.Shim Store.' '
'spent. a few delta with friends here,-
, 'Mr.-Morley:Davila:A left, on Tiesday
morning -last for Souris,,,Manitoba;,",, '
Agai 4..Earle have cora and, oats
far Bile. It is great feed for hOgs.,
:111essra. J. 11. Cameron and •Walter
Horn are attending.the Western Fair.
.• Mrs. itleCallUint'Of Duluth, ii
.A large nuniber from this seetion
thenth the Treasurer reports a surplus The Teronto Star iisd.anO dittitial;
. Ogillvie's•pure Manitoba fling' is all.. view with Sir •Theintd: ShanghenissY
'right.' It is „used, , by the.4..,,11,Oyal. in which the opinion was , expressed
:Family ,,nd'thby orlye get the • best • thdt.:the C. 'wmild begin, next
obtainable. Use OgillVie's (lent and year to build a lOt Of. branch lines in
you will eat breati thst, Western Ontoria. Among..the rest 'is
eaten by' Royalty.. Agar it 'Earl sell. likely to *branch fel., whieh.
.411-accounts_with.H::G. Armstrong aion'ef parliainent, from 'Hanover to
'not paid by October 1st, 1904, ,wrllhe Lncknowi by way ef Walkerton and
'placed in the other hands for collect-. Teeswater. It was olso suggested
ion. Anyone wishing tri settle condo that the Teeswater branch Would be
se addressing meat Owen Sound, box continued to Kineardine.
917. H. G., Armstrong, Owen Sound,
Buys a 25 year ladies gold
watch; with OniegaL
• This offer is good during:julx,
left on the ManitOba, excursiOn on
'Mrs. 'George Douglas- and Miss
,Arinio Donglas .' are visiting friends
Mr.' and Mrs.-, ,!john Ackert, • of
'Holyrodd, left on Tuesday for: a, 'trip
to Manitoba. .
are now- Kw
lip and passed,into stock:
We haVe bought largely -in
est-Piarkets:,for: f1.41: and
being ,the first in Manitobli, having winter trade .aud would rps-
beeli-built by the goverinent with .the
012ject et making a connection between
:the perildieal rOws between the large.
railway Cempanies,., end. iM use as; a
connecting rails betir'aien.Etnerson .on
the :Canadian side and St. Vincent on
,the American side being torn iip,Land.
the through traffic diverted to, the
*Gretna line2.: But While it flourished
es,a through .line it was: a biisy.. One,'
.7 4h fent 9r, five ,:pasitenger` train's
per day and freight trains innumerable
hauling Into the ' country / men. *and
:Manitoba's greatness:.
imptessed•with,the adVantagee of the'
:Arnaud: district, drepPedeff the train
at this point and set to,'wotk as tillers
of 'the 'soil: Of. ,course ,there were
hardship and dthadvantages, tO be en-.
oountered,:us in all other distriCts, but:
these wete gradually overcoine and at '
the beginning of a town tha:dey at Ar-
noud,, when the boom of 1881' and- .52
• Hew To‘neldp 'Clerk . of Teri:onto, the travelling- secretary of'
• At a; special meeting of the Ashfield tbe Mtiskoka Free. Hospital fot con•
Council last week, Mr. Thomas Allin, siniaption, eye an addre,ss.in- the town
of Dungtinnon, was appointed clerk of hall, Lucknow„ Tuesdiy
the townshii,in the place of 'the late on the '"Fight 'against the dreaded
, who his been passor of one of the
At a: full Meeting 'of the. Connell -nearly 14 years, 'has ,left.bis 1.paitoiate
Enaid of the TOwnship Of Aalifield for 'the purpOie ,of :trying te reuse
heldah: the, tewn, hall on Saturday, publiC sentiment againtit tiibereulosis,
,Septembet Igth, :1904, ,the f011ewing_ and to induce the :Various ..ninnicipali-
council heard herehy desire te piece: Was One of them(iithifectionadiseases-
on record; our heartfelt sentinients of to wbiCh we are subjedt.•. That ,every
aincere'regret,..00rroir _ and irtief, in fourth person .:*ho'' died betwiaen the.
friend satid',..arisiieiste,, :died of .the seven InteCtions diselaSei
Strithers;;',formerly ToinahiP Clerk of” :178 of this number died frOin con -
this Municipality, and'in °;Ifair' Of the suMptiOni,,that:,lia• oirer' three times
still treater lossand affliction :siistain. more than ell .the other ' infectious
od by thobereaved familyi. his. loved diseases. combined. That) 3000 per
Ones,,'who were .nettrest and' dearest to .year.in the Provinee ond over: 13000
him.. !TherefOre be it,. resolVed that ie. pOr year in triei 1::toMinion Secciinibed
coming season. feeling confi-
<lent that you will be pleased.
teith our selection and --that
you: will find our prices •as low
ity goods and fair dealing.
We will at all times
pleased to show you our
goods and give information as
to styles, qualitie,s and prices.
for their horde ,Olds, Alberta, Oh
Tuesday. list: ,
is the Finest of 'Mimi Oslo McDonald,"
:Smith's, Visit to 'Lucknoir, ThUrsday,
hairgaine Agar dr Eight are • offering in
Chased,Mr-Yrecl Grundyq fine brick'
.ElaidoriCe, Laggard Street.'
14r..and Mrs. George" Andrew .and
•Andiew left ',on Tuesday' for a
Ong Id and gold 'filled.
ft $4e50'
is only a jutit tribute to. the ..memory
-to -this dreadful disease 'eVery year,
ef tbe deceased, to say, that in regret- and', ther°.:.wes net. a hospits1 in 'the
mg hie removal from our Midst, we w o e coun r won care or e con
that Worked so,much, harin 'to 'Mani -1
tobe set in; and land :Valties; teats :te
'atatioes. ,.• Several farina Were.sOld,here
tempted by the high prices, to Sell their
holdings Mid nicii.e.further west whete'
honiesteeds could be had-foi. nothing,.
The tilled farms felii,ieto the•hands 'of
procluctionn'and in their . mad. fever.
simply,.. -laid 'Waste. the cOuntrY.
Only remains to; Say that Arnaud being
one of the earliest Settleraents 'that
suffered indre, Severely •.; from 'the
•blighting:effect of -the booni.':
The Arnaud,district ,delta shaped
being botiOded by the Rat and Roseau
'Worthy' Of our most high .reapect, and He8Pital end thie *Os so it" was
'earnest regard. /As a public officer only touching the.fringe of thepdisease,
and•official he was a: mail: of merked The old idett that .consumption. wai
•ability, and in, -his .intereoiirse with .heredititry was abandoned,. ' Xi -is not
and .,gonial disposition, at all. lime's,' enred if tAkon hold of in :the incipient
-Met with, 'and *on the •approhatiOn" Of' Or beginning stages: W.c4- have
, AU a husband and .pa,rent,.' it is tils galore ter ever/ ether kind ef clis7
knoWn that hie life was an exeM- eerie, and yet -no proiision, , Was; Made
JEWitER 84 OP riciAN
plary One; and'most worthy of- for -the worst;.of all -diseases, • ge
tivera; which sesertit miles, eaSb of Ar;
b,oth fall thirty, milee apart. from 'each'
ferms the western, boundari- of the
The etirrent in ,oacli,stroaM, is
tics. 'The past years of,. interceurse r3'ing te get the veri9n9 'towns.. at$1!
with, and the: midden deiniel of ',Our , cities to help in the Inainternince • Of .
,departed,iriend liss. awakened :Within the ''.',1Vilialioka-.11elipital; • So that it
*.hich. shill', be., " our '.endeavor , to ' ever. .itil 'the necessiiies' Of die ''',Pt.oi4nbci.'
cherish. Therefore .,lie, it :resolved; 8verYenc (.?f. the towni which *.3, fitah'
:Sation, -.: With, Which it: '' has., ',pleased. : for their o`iiii"cohShiiPtiv..Q.,-.0-0. L-0.9**!°
*knottier's all thine( for .the best; and Cent hove been cured aS to be , able to
WhOsii chastiseinents are Natick inerci. take up:their duties in life as the in -
ed-te the family .Of. .the deceased ,by e'r uifiOd \ni.uhiqi*Palitiee •pili6-4nP
'the secretary of this tneetilig, and that signs asking people not-tO spit on the
is tower& the northwest,'. and .thdre
,a good .fall 'for drainage; In "gene ral,
tho slope 'of the. country' is . just . what.
found suftiCient 'to carry eff at a' „rapid
spring thawS, or generous june-ritins.:
The present year' hes amply 'proved:
this.as there' Int8 been in, . the, last 'two
°months. are unprecedented, taint ((IL:
Theta is ne iise'talking of . the depth of
,tke,. Oil in thil3 district. one told
the triith he Would be thOughttromane-
_slag .most
some 40 'to '60: feet in nth.. A ter
that cone.trikes gr,a4olly Clay, subsoil
Of Muth, that is iargely.nuttle -tip Of
Cho roudh .viege, table
befOre' be reaches, the gravelly' !sell
Where the water is [mind 60 feet:. deep
Semetimes good wstches misbe-
have -because they can't help it.: •
The don't get the care *they should
:,get, dirt accumulates; the watch:. gets
erratic and .Perhaps ;Stops altogether.,
•-We Can turn a watchlike that into
a nsefill time. piece for very little
and.see us,• if your
pengo M.