HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-08-25, Page 8COW. MOW Osoie tai: A#e:;peed of tho ider- *••e•.tr.•.,�n • •• iig d la t Tillage Of Llieltnow, on • :. sundr►,f 'IPAit rod.muler cow, The • owner iOrnooetod to provepropertlr, • peg cqp.wiee; slid take' her *Way. • , ,; I ennetlt ItsteLeeo. • • • `6 :, i • Mn to hats The Whit ,Star 140.,,:rilsend" the 'a gihoned ito tloderioh, . on Friclsjr ' ltoetbltr 3h,; and make in e:0ur- 1491, 0ei ich to Detroit for $i OQ v ng:M ederi! i 2atvrdsy.at.8 a, m- -ad tG«rti?ii° c.faun,4t.iel•*rt ' *•: iia,• Csnad%a 'Tithe, , on Monday, the • . 1.2t4., end leave Godeiich for Detroit : '' oeMday the 13th for the reterp .trip; • Speolal train from Stratford, Wing.; ' m, ie:t a tutu with a-sp cis! -ex 704lf,'rai44rate. -:. Tho PORE E>teUPsloa The ,old. reliable Oopula�r-', ,exnureioo from icinoardine"to Detroit, ender the uepices of Wingham. L. O... L., will tak•e,placeon Satnrde9, Auga'st ,27th;. Passengers will take. the, early .morn. ing, :train 'from. Kincarcll'ne to, Iyyde Park,; where s:.4peoial wili•be in wait ing to`convey them to Sarnia,, From ar li h eemer' he il( a the passengers to Detroit, arriving there about -'4. p. m. Returning` a special train will leave Sarnia about ltl p.' m.,on Monday, August •'2"9!th: The, usual very .low „rates' . will be ` in force. Soo -bills for-- particulars. -and wait for this poprlar excurzaion. w:' o •• • • ����� fors' �xnheard of i Luckn:oW .and. •V'IN CE For! Salo ,•CheaF:• A'threshing separator in good order. Apply, to J. A'. Mackenzie.::I3ol'yrood. Cott's** Per Sale , For sale :.cheai. , "in thi• village, ; of Lucknow,: the atone eGttag+e' and quer-F tor 'acre los, the property of the late re. Clerk. Clerk. ` Apply. to Mr. S Rob •rt- VOTERS': LIST 1904 FOR THE'-: MUN ECIPALITY ' OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD, COUNTY OF I{LTRON. •oao*s• Yon' should ba thinking :. ,of having ,YQur spfiog • m- prover enta. •0e4e;, and 1' wish to resat ed` you that am stil iia the bueiuessand can-sel•Fe,yQl right, PAPER., °i 4 NO NG •Pzt.Tf6 p , Y X • GLAZING ANII..V.L`KINDS OF DEC PRATING •x kW- S-PE(AALTI1S Give me; a call and be convincer that I- can give•. you.. satisfaction ::'both: • in work., and prices. R. _Snellgrove. • "The underaigued'ha's for sale a ten horse p) *Ter threeh'r co replete, includins • qua] izets stent staled. grain crushers. trucks, tttc; ill trade fur" nnwe or"'tr+cttfe~Thitr-e>rt%t; meet bo sold; aa•the owner hag'given''up arm in'IT or further palticnipre apply to _ Tg0MAS.CEFAO,,N, Luckninw P 0 • T7k'T' firg 4' T Q• ' • • CO2TTI T1 • 4444++++++++1-144:+444N 4 44+ +++++ 1 1 3+4 l., •r • xA lhgillWitYfllll�tlil . 110 Notice is hereby;given'that .I, have', transmittedor delibered. to the parties mentioned;'.in Sections 5,,and'6 of the. Ontario Voters List Aot,_1880, all -cop- ies required by said , section, to be transmitted or delivered, of the lists made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the',last revised assessmentroll„ of :the said' Municipal, ity at ;elections for members of the Legislative: Assembly and all: Munici- pal Elections,-and•tbat Aaid list was 'first postedup in my ,office this 25th° day of August1904,. itnd;reinain �tbere' for inspection Eledters .•are called Upon to examine; the said lists :-and if any,ommissions or other • . errors are found therein;' to take immediate pro aceedings:tohave the said errors, nor.; receed according tq .law. ` , BALL ARE 111VITEDI •• • • • •, 0 • • • • • • • • KN • • •• • • • • o/Ili:•, • '.•••.•• a.••• •••t •••••• 11VA.NYED A man to reptesenc 2 AN,ADA'S Gli;nATn c l� E p "liothe town -o - LU 0 NOW. and iturreCnding country, and orders for OUR:HARDY'.•SPECIALTIES In Fruit Trees, small .Fruits;' ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, arc, Stook' true to•iame and free from San Jose '.Scale. .A--permanent•poaition for the .right man ;.on. either ialaryxor commlesion. " STQTHERS ,: Clerk .ot Aehfi d,, Dated-'this-25th-dag-of August 190¢. L ,' 'MEE' Stone & Wellington, FONTRILL NURSERIES OVER 600 ACRES:' -- Toronto, The annual meeting of the share, ,holders of the Luc'know,-.Elevatoi;*Co. .will take. place ' -in' the Town Ba11. • . Luaknow, on Saturday, August 27th. • 1954, at 2 p m .., By order. • • T •� Hugh Morrison, Secretary. tidati4trstt Birtldday On,Tuesd„y evening,-Au'quat: 16th, 0 • .the sone •andaug)iiters.of Mr. George llaine"e, lot;12, con. 8; Kinloss, gather ered' at the .: 'home.. to ` celebrate' the: sixty-first'bii'rthday of their father. IB' the corse of the evening a;-presenta- tit%' Wad:, made to the father and” bother' and''' a suitableaddress..eras, read by the youngest son and daught or, Songs and• • we're ndulged ,music inland Dr. Taylor, ;a cousin ,froth; Bos,. ton•visiting ab the home, gave fsolOO ,'very fine selections on the violin. The :presents consisted' of a beautiful rolled, ,.gold watch: chain to, the `father and a gilver cakedish to the,. inathe.r:'' ,The family ceeele s of eight childreiie two ma>riedons, John';•andi_ Oeorge, •`two, "Untried/. daughters ;Elizabethand. Sophia, 2 Sans and 2 daughters single•: ftef a sitnnpttiotl8 _repast` find 'enjoy-_ able 'evening under the parental roof,, Mather ;and mother wished their'sofe' and daughters God speed as the "went • to their various homes. . ' Memory developer, a scientific for hull headde,will greatly 'develops .the Imeniery, acres poor inteniOrt. and eh- : sentnitinderiness, Students rend .r studios d ,nitric•prhetice +eaNy, • .� hear en Et . great help to ;public epoaker professional, men, players of soiontlfic games &e.. Bruce $1, sold in.. weir • • now byRoo .Days., •S ` RS' LIST 1904 VOTE FOR THE BVI U N )4GIP.ALIiX OF THE TOWNSJTIP Ql KINLOSS, COUNTY op BRUCE. • "Notice is.hareb9 given that I have' transmit- ted or delivered to the parties. mentioned. in Sections 5, and 6. of the Ontario, Voters. List Act, 1889,all copies regained by. said sectio,!, to bo` tranemltted, or delivered of . the list made pursuant to the Said.' 'Act, ol'all persons appearing by the lust revised assessment roll, of tbe . said :Municipality at Electlens for Menibere of. the LegWative .. llan ly and all • Municipal Elections,.. and that 'said list was;; first poeted up at.my„offge',this Ylth !day • of August 1904, and'reman” there forinspection., Electors ate called upon to examine' the 'seta list and if any omine ons or ' any other orrore ar found therein, to take •immediate Inge to have the Said error_ coir ected accord: ing to laiv. G. G. MOFFATT " y , G7ierk.of.Kiniosa.' Dated iltb div of ugust.1944 • " ` Qnt,: FOR COAL O.R IN a No i tinge. hilt •'eNleaped into popular fav9r, so. ''cluiol ly t.he'L-loupe E'elflfiftlilar Tn • 1 the sho,l t' Gime it 'has' been on the inai'ket it h'i,s ii•alle,ffr; it-: self a name -an:d attained `a slicceSS °which. -stamps • it as too best hinge: manufactured day E7�1J_1EIt?t-7t_t}.I}.lf:�t3} h_tfTlrat�� d ,., t� If �t•i4'�f•tii �t_fit�t_Ihit ali+milt • }_ti ►}• 11:1113irtt It. o:n:u_;} '•11664 161 • • •• .. •• • • • • { , • sips or Sale Bets,ppc�. east half'of lot G•in the i4 iioncese1'oti of the Township of Ashfield, containi9g 100. acres. The farm id situated Ave ' ipilee from itipley and 'eizmiles from ,Gueknow•.` For;. further particulars apply to A MollIAltttf.O.1•ulcknow 1', ALEX. ROSSir Lucliilow. l+br Salo ,or : to Rent, On .Raveloclr Vit, In ,ricknow, thtlerg,i frame" remidence •uppoeite, the static#,, cgood etablo . Will'rent all 'Overt*. •il. M001010L•iicitttetr• • 04. • � FOR ITSELF. •'. SAVES FUEL'AND HELPS PAY pay for a r'ange which ` makes . i is not the price you' t cheap or exP.ensive, but the ` fuel it "it cgpsumes..after, you get . • ClOra ., han a Pan ran .e`w�iich costs �$ ' to .$7;� less. I f you buy a g. 5 ' and it burns a ton or:only half a ,. ton " of coal, more. ind, yeahat •.• ' • ` • lose.'`morie , .besides do. you ,gain ? : Nothing, but you • actually y , Y "ri ptef•ev.'and :extra work putting up with;• all the lnconven>ence ., a with "� �oor ran 'iN1i1C 1�..�19C a .Cel:.t 1 mt ' d,. •. . ,• • �� � l-savrn ; th !day with " ' .her ran e --...hot err 'flues are con-. which are. not l: found on 'an'y of ., g ° sed and. onl 'the .smoke : striacted :. so •that, everystash cif, heat 1S • u • y �• travels e' • all the". treat • "frim the fire -box ops• :u they chlnn y, �.. ,fire . -*box. is cientlficall� .; . . asserts ='under•••ever pot hole, and. the•. .,y �• • ,� .. •. •. ,, • � r e•: oven. • ` � : . �., roport.ioned to the 8126 of , hi . • d -�ol >ygl 1d6 l�l po . -• • . • `rlrli Pe :L.ofr�do y''idr'ontoicor►jreaf i. NV I Br: ` ��arr+coyr+ t.i" S • John, N. S .<•. (., •J.'i a•:.:•,,• • i�•. i••*40 eL •�i M'i.• 6, 64:PO ••• a606,-•�.,+�i�1:'�ssP•t •r: •!ri!yr.•':•�� itL..„,41 • .4 •• • • ;• •, • • •# • • V sh'•'L L1►yW 1174h) OEe . • •