Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-08-25, Page 4•cr11,111
unt atint
„wmiskswa*000401W.IPP:, -4414
:L1a4 Q r, .4usit5t aoth„r
B"1RUCE, COUNTY 4P , 0. T. ' J.
} y j
The• Annual Qplpven;ion. of Bruce
County :W Q:„! . I'. wuis 'held in' tl+p•
;Preaby„turiau church iu,,(argiII. on:1 Ith
and;1.nth tpet.;;, Zit. weAtber` tarn&l
vnt .b autifvlIy brie ht sud .char,,
,alis:A4l�° 4,z?;til.a�urt,;,iy x a.r r
mopt syO*4u1 copvfiotion ,. h.ld 14
'. POOP fig uuma yeare1 :no in autube a,
but ;what las:JU.04g `%-nouabera ;was;
made 'lin.* interest aid, zeal:
The convent ion vtaa'formetly opened
4-3 .). p. nF by-Ehe .county=pros.-.,bra.
Bryan;:• OfLucknov ; ' Alrs; ;C.,” ,%V.
wh;eh ,.161bauld the attention 9
•-ifisiteii•in, a very'. suitable address of
welcome, ,which -:•was ably .seconded
Union, expressing. thanks for. the hos-
..„ A biaaa Meeting of the.. children at
4.3(t, Was' addressed- by, the, president
who, 'gate. them ..i:Vcry• interesting; stn. '
illettr410.4"Vwea,tio0.41kg. 094 .audielice., ,ttio
111004ing in/the eVening and the
programme was 'IrreFolainf.—"Thit
choir gave the opening cbconqi, Rev,
behelf of the village. Rev. A. Shore
on behalf of:the educational interestlf, heinfinfil bright way re
sponded „to the cbobi
MER Gporos a
Iv. 444
0 yvish to aimoupce that 'we, have
moved to our new store CaMPbell
$treet;'. where we -will be pleased to
Meet our custozieis and friends:who.
Will now find us ibetter4reparecl. to
display the most up,46-date' .goods.
e *wish to call attention,to our large
and varfed. stock' of
BEDS .40
PARIPE spins, .,01
COU'CUES, Eye. 40,
the juniion entitled "Wreng—Muit
.90.?,:Was appreciated very unity.. Solos
Nichol' of Cargill, and Miss. JAnston
Of Liicknovi, and a: dnet by. mom
*ere •*ell received.'' The )1issiderit's
theft tespeneihility.
. R. T. Cockburn of Sontliamp..
trai the speaker of, the evening,
f Hilt: si 2haotwi negd .1 iqhno"eiri est h 13. a ,blieciv;or;
try. . Every indwitry stiffetri by reason
of the legalized Bono* traffic.
AluriiilDhp 141011T Olt '
1404AoilloMMAM,0410400,04oftsfp*40414e4N4/4010/4!0.0 .:4/0e#04*
BlUe Ribbon, Salada, Itipioes, Glendon, Rod Rose teas, in packages: Black
gr eon and flyscin teas. Try a pound of our blended teas at 2bc. Black
•ir green. Also an extra fine line of spices for preserving, cooking, ete.
NEfIS '1'01.'01E14
lcein..Lalri, Rail. and- Accident, Insurance
'held in the:SeliOtiooni-,;ef-the.
in'...oci!idudted by
;At. the 'eloifis of the cionieciatien fie*.
•vierf,. oho delegates. met m the body.of
Otiorklime Was given .frir- discussion
Which waif hoiirtily„entered ilia
iced the whole convention and showed
increased interest tsken in; the:
report' on liletlier's Meetings
rind -rerity Wee rem) hp Mrei.W.,'Hab.
Iday; Each „union is .:.,nrged tO hold.
...mother'fi Meetings, this' year. as.lit. is I
The fifiestion':waii asked if. the'unicind
hearty, response wag made .by those
Itepett":of.- Parlay' Meetings:. item:
v104,10.04 bio Mrffi motion
• was' made. "That Lobel Presidents' be
respOusible' for the berrying. on of ..thiS
;Department instead, of ,a• Local' Oupt:
told thar4lieyi,report direct to Provin,
The fiost:ii,entra $1, per hunt
totias and Scientific 'V emperaficiiwqre,
Men tespectivetY:,
0.0iitest Tonle
;toad by gro...1(eatbag„ Supt. of thosti
• Conveyancer etc., (late of amnion
Holt (ft Cameron, GOderich,) Office 111344412
to loan, Oiliwo over Veatson's Earlier Shop,'
deuce Ross street, .behind. 'J. G. Murdoch , &
—House of late 'Dr. Tennant, anti
office over' Ellidt's Grocery., Melo 13trfd•
before the lull moon, inj the, •
every Friday evening
hall Camphell dieet• All brethren' cordially
tyon• Johnstone E:11•14...
014 Canadlin
Order • Of Choion
Friendo, Meets first
and third • Tueiday
,evenings ol each
Month, in the Odd,
bell . street, LUek-
cordially invited. • •
Mettleref every month in the Orange...Hint
Vi 'Wag brethren are nOrdially invited.
v Chief 'Ranger, ;
_uoutow Lona*
.11.4 dependent Order d
Foresters mode the
Oddfellow's Hall, on the
second and fourth Tues-
day pf each. Month, ae
7430 o'clock. Visiting
McDorialdi T. E. ILaatrencio,
of the Ancient •
Order' „"ot United
the Oddfellowa' 401
last Monday even-
' Ingo of *trio month .
at eight o Cloeko:
Bight Prime
Ca1141,--attended day or night. '.
' • Visiting brethren 1./7
pordially Invited
Orange Hallo thoopbell .ttreet,':Guokiio*,
WRAIMAIW.WavivirmiswilwiWeidwimi& •14