HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-08-18, Page 5• • Storms Close at 6 O'clock Sharp; Ezcep ting Mtescleir ani, ' Scturaa? Evenings.. ARGE Crowds are taking advantage of thea 10 prices at this .stere this month ::It you. have not already. taken advantage of this sale now is the,, . . p` time to do so ag the, tnoiith is rapidly passing. If youahave'bedn here o iee- . we know yal _wi1L:rorn. an w.T a haps soraethirigiti this mal interest you .1:Piece light :greyFtriped flannel re- gular 25c for :15c • • 1 Piece heavy;dark, greymilitary, flannel regular,25e for 19c. k 20 ,Pieces print regular,10c and 12e values., your ,choice this week at '7c• per•yard.: Some are 36 inches wide. - 6 Pieces'.wrapperett.e' regular . price 10e for 7e:. 6 Only, raincoats . Engir(lish nuf� c titre, all wool ca.shrner,e coven ng,; rubber. lining. 6 to 60 inches :long regular price 10.00 for 6 00., f 10 Men's rain coats, Orannette; Lat- est style and good quality l tegular,, prim :10.0Q, for $8'during August;' Men's 'heavy: all wool serge' suits, warranted pure: indigo blue and to keep their color. Well made and • dined 'Regular price 12.50,; sale price $10. -' • Vie -have still -all sizes •iii boys suits_ at' 3.90. These suits are made of •extia;good wearing tweeds..Well made and =lined and wo th from $5 to 6 50, sizes' 28 to 33 inches. measur..e. They can't be beat at' the price.• Pieces heavy -Scotch tweed plaid dress goods 54 inches wide Suitable for skirts regular price 2.00 per :•yard- for 1.25 60 Pairs womens. buttoned ,and laced Dongola box calf and patent leather' 'shoes regular prices .were 2:00 to '3x00. Your choice' at 1.50 These' shoes are all extra good value and should be cleared , out quickly at this price Toes are narrow medium and jwide. : All .siz a. es are-reprosented in the -lot. 1' Piecelinoleum,'Nairn's make, 4 yds 'wide. , extra heavy quality and a beautiful pattern, regular price 75c for 62 1-2c a square yard. IC 'W;•ie.th ,time and don't 'forget` to nave',, your BugE ies and Wagons Painted. by Jos. Anderson,', at:tlie old stand over' Moise's Machine Shop. Prices -reasonable. Mr, Noise, eau' do 'any repair= ing.they may need ° For ••Sale ' or Rent: THAT eommbdoue buliding known as ,the t'leri^Hotel"In the Yillage-of Liioknoty' Apply to .PETER t O1titlG•AN, , Real, Eetete• gent, I uckiiew, f. odori; 'Seto 17th,,'Y90 ENTRIES CLOSE' 8TH', SEPTLM$ER • • A NEW$iOOoi,DAIRY BUILDIHOIlnprovements:all alg thelie:, Exhibits unsurpassed.: ATTRACTION8•THE BEST.YETI�itamura's Celebra ted Jap troupe of 10 people, he Flying $anvards and. tho•lest• .clobet"'and other specaItes that money can procure .`, 'Five Evenings of Firework:, concludip each even* wit ? a realistic repreeentaticin'"ot1hev - 1 ' BODI laramcE,t of ! . ort : cef rthur .4• • r #a friend4� at 74negannen. JR$.; :$akar :iw, engaged" for, the•searon, t^ 11431P,:Afi, 4.l ar reahina, y ()erten " .spent't Sunday .at the, b un ;of Ms. pareute,":aa, Whitechurch.' Dios J 00Pleken+: was, :Ifl Ondericb,' 'Qn kriday and Saturday► of .Last week. Miss. May aoffg, and her brother,'; of Grey township, visEtedaat the Mine 'et Mr. °lark recently Op';Swaday; afternoons the barn on the m last'year=; 404434 by. 'Jet. Aitchison'' from Mr.. Wellvrend•. 'wap' strubk; by ,',Che i aru.with'• all coptenta, including, about twenty- five ,tgns of hay and`. some li nplements, was completely tiemtroyed%, - • R..idenwa: 1or The undrreigned :baa nnb;►1n band `four fine frame. residences and •a large,briok atom buildingin the ; Village .of Luck,. aow� The:•=� �pruper.0;es-�are- �ill•�well� iodated and= bstaoldtt a,=biargein, Any, persogs,'wieh ng to' buy will iitt well to call it once, • Geo. `A, 'Riddell. Irarine For Bale • Are you desirous ,of piirohasing a farm: i • if so call andsee' me, 1 have several; fifty; and one hundred acre" farmefor sale in Ashfield, , West Wa , �vanosh, Huron and Kinross''townships. ..Xb'eae farms have all good's', buildings - and irtlt b',etsola.at;-hurgaia<prioes;- • Geo. ;A: Siddall,••Lucknow.' .. • A Wonderful Discovery CELEBRAITED HAIR :�GRO 'ER Physicians, "Scientists, Rtci have,given. their unqualified tests • to -the .only_ ];npw i'emed'ys which Will':absolutely do. what is: claimed. for them; _and at the same time may' he. relied . upon, ;as: absolutely;; harmless and.,'1"effective. We•do not`claim to; grow hair. en a, shining bald', head where.• the roots' of the hair are dead or'destrdged and: i o One hair left, but if there is: an'v fine :hair left we. can: make it ;grow, °' we have -grown hair on; heads" that ,have: been,.baad for years '.and !years and there is riot a care to be ,found , where at big man or woman who is lo their hairand:.beooming; bald •whsingere. 'Our celebrated hair growing remedies. •will fail to produee. a . good healthy head of hair, if used according to the•-. directions.. ; This is ..to cert*fy:'that I Paye used Brown's •Celebrated' Hair; Groweri `'and. it haa'grown for mea good; full head ofhair.. , I was quite/ bald before I. used. it -sand -now` I:, ani permanently - cured: of baldness; falling hair dandruff J R• •3'ohnson, Guelph,. Dated this 18th' day?:of December: 191)3 FOR SALE 8Y. Ts IVATS `BARBER`. LUCKNOW BROWN & COQ; ONT. Guelph IES .REA, THIa ,: We send one.' pair" of exceilent:late onrtainu= 2 yards Lang; 2 feet 5 niches• wide, •i'or°aecur. '.ing' only4=two' enbeoriptione for MoOALr?s Mao/Luna at 50 cents -each: This ie : almost. • remarkable offer, but is •only oneof 375' , offers in our Premium• Catalogue N; that we send Fred 'on . Request , C�J�rtain's (11'stylee) AilRuge; . verware• and.Tableware of:every descrip-, tion, Jewelgry (Solid- .ilverc Watches, Ringe,. Bracelets, Guard Chains); Aioams;Furniture •Burea'•Searfs,Centerpieces, Linen Napkins, •.Wrist Rage, everything you need Do' of lay 'this, paper ;,aside ; without wutmg :for a, copy' f MOCAGL'8 MAG4ZIN&-^and Catalogue .of PremiuihsN. No charge:foreither,.•.We *art, yon to see .our beautiful :Magazine -the vera best Home' and: Fashion 'Magazineand to know about our.prenliums L • ; 3Vi1T you'.not :kindly write;us at. once ?' A postal pard will do . WTi3D 1o0ALL COMPANY;. •. 1�13,11Fi=17:7' West' 31st street, New York City, Wa: design�amd•make theceleb.ated,MeCal Patterns AUCH Lessons in and. instrumento. . Abele and liarniony are taught by, s.. • REPAINNG NEATLY AND PROMPTO-NONE. 33ennett the painter has e,latest most up-toodate colors nee .RATI •-inogiLYONIR WORK. pkgreat preservative Of all perishable food su the -spoiling of toods and retains them in their —natural fresh state till consumed. It is Tasteless,' Odorless %itucl Harmless, does not effect the color, flavor or taste oi appearance of y foods/treated 'with it. — Eggs .111mintIty. Ages iienOher of ann!ilg Street: Distiaes 'Cf the EY0 Ear, and • • It Will keep fruit vegatables, wea,t, milk, cream, , butter, eggs, jams and jellies in a 'prime condition for any 1,ongth- of -time without the use Of- ic • ' and get full directions arid prices.