HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-09-10, Page 7THE WINGH.M TIMES. $I A YEAR 1N Al1YANCli VOL XXXVII.--NO. 1.910. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER i7, 1908. JUST ARRIVED! "THE MERRY WIDOW' The "Merry Widow" Perfume just arrived. Sweet and lasting 1 Come in and sample it. KODAKS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. Walton Mckibbon THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingham, MISS SPARLING Graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Meeting Bowlers. A meeting of the Wingham Bowlers will be held at t club house on the park at 8 o'olook t ie (Thursday) even- ing. A large atte anoe of members is requeated. And Authorized Teacher of the Fletcher Music) Method, Symplex and Kinder- garten (having studied this method with the originator, at the Synthetic School, New York). Pupils prepared for Conservatory ex- aminations, both in Theory and Piano. CLASSES OPEN 4th SEPT. For information regarding tuition, eto., apply at her home, Minnie street. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. Farm Properties Some ,exceptional values in farms. If you want one it will pay you to see us. The good old Province of Ont- ario is all right. Town Properties Highest prioe paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butcher shop. Not Ne t January. A statement h= : been published in a number of daily • moors, giving a list of planes, where loo- option is likely to be submitted next t annary. Mention is made of several unicipalities in Huron county. As far as we are able to learn this statement i not oorrect as far as this county is onoerned, and that in several of the H•• on oounty munioipali- ties no vote will • e taken until January, 1910. At right prices. We have a number of . places admirably suited for retired farmers. No prettier or healthier town in Ontario than Wingham. Property bought here can al- ways be resold. RITCHIE & COSENS Griffin-VanstoneBloch, WINGHAM. Phone 123 Funiehed house to let for the winter months. Apply = t Trans office. C. 0. F. F urch Seryice. The Canadian with members of the Order, will at St. Paul's chur September 20th, The rector of the Jenkins, B. A., B er. Members aro r the hall in the Greg o'olook. Visitors w comed. oreaters of Wingham, eighboring Courts of nd divine service at on Sunday next, at 11 o'clock a. In. church, Rev. 0. E. , will be the preach - nested to meet at ry blook, at 10.30 1 be cordially wel- Disagreeab Weather. The weather for ha past week has been anything but reeable. The air has been full of emo and we have had the warmest spell weather of the season. Bush fires in different parte of Ontario and Michigan are blamed for so much smoke. Rain i badly needed and in some parts of Ont io a water famine is feared. Timothy for fall seeding for sale. GEO E. KING, Pioneer Res Mary J. Holden, W. Scott, of East away on Thursday home of her so Robinson, Victoria was one of the p East Wawanosh, n late husband when til bush. Deceased was and had been ill for The funeral took plan noon to the Bethel Wawanosh, dent Dead. eliot of the late W. Wawanosh, passed evening last at the -in-law, Mr. Jas. street. Mrs. Scott neer residents of ving in with her is district was all in her 80th year my a few days. on Sunday after- emetery in West 1 PHONE 59. Food Purify There's nothing so essential as good, pore, wholesome food. This kind will build up -the system—go further—and in the end cost less. You'll get satisfaction nut of every meal if you just bay the best, and that oan be had Here If yon want a good Dinner Set, Tea Sot or Toilet Set cheap NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY J. Henry Christie Drink Christie's Teals. / A Ten-Innin>s Tie Game. The Blyth and "ingham Lakeside League baseball terms played a game at the former place o• Monday evening, resulting in a tie, . aoh team having snored 6 runs. It as a ten•innings game, and darkness ,.revented the cons tinnance of play. We understand another game will •e played between these teams in the n ar future. NOTICE—Ail accounts do be paid by cash or note o lst of Ootdber. After t accounts will be pia Bring along your .ho::. We do re- pairing and do it ria . . W. J. GREER me are to or before the at date unpaid in other hands for collection. Pay •• ent can be made at the stone block hardware. J. D, BURNS, The Preml Many people fr visit Clinton on week, 23rd inet. Premier, Sir W Premier will be Hon. Geo. P. Railways. The plane in the park 2 o'clock sharp. formed at the s have been enga including the W' Arr angements special train, w ham at 10 o'cl going to Clinto train leaving Cli Quoiting The old game of vived in Wingham players have been sport with the ne Saturday afternoon ers went over to thus: —F. Paterson Vannorman vs D Holmes vs J. Stewa vs Dr. Hamilton. not given out, but t were many shots a game will be played day this week. r at Clinton. m this section will Wednesday of next to hear Canada's lfrid Laurier. The accompanied by the raham, Minister of speaking will take nd will commence at A procession will be ation and five bands ed for the afternoon, gham Citizens' Band. ve been made for a ich will leave Wing - k a. m. and parties can return on regular ton at 6 35 p. m. Matches. noits is being re- d some of the old aving oonsiderable beginners. Last our Wingham play- elgrave and played s Thos. Hill; V. R Geddes; Dudley t; A. M. Crawford e correct score was Wingham players end. The return n Wingham some Bowling Tour ament. Rally D The bowling tonrna •. ent was con- There were ve eluded on Wednesday : •ening of last at the Baptist oh week after the TIDIES ha gone to press, ing and afternoo In the Scotch doubles, • essrs. Dudley their Sunday Soh Holmes and A. M Ora ' ord won first Allen took as his prize and Messrs. 0 Kae •htel and D. T. •'A child left to h Hepburn second. In th singles, Mrto hie mother." Alex. Porter won first an. Mr. W. Allin, importance of the of Luoknow, second. Ti e tournament gentleman pointe was the most successful ever held in nothing attained Wingham and many googames were itself. A field bet played. Tbe final game the doubles bird reverts to ty was a very close and i • teresting one. self will develop At the conoluelon of the egnired num- the good tbat is in ber of ends the score was a tie and on him against evil he Flaying another end the t st prize win- and constant train ners won by one shot. One pleasing life This new hea feature of the tourname t was that the for very early in li prizes were well soatte ed among the training begin dnrin players and the 'visitors ook away the Who is responsibl larger portion of prizes training of the child Primarily the fathe this he should do and prayer, But upon the ohnroh. is the church's resp dnty. All honor to men and women, w of their thought, tim out hope of fee o arduous work I Mr. address by an earnes parents to support th of the Sunday School ing upon their childr dance, orderly bebav tion of the lesson. I open session of the s building being w tendent Cosens interesting addres Peter Fisher an Altogether the profit and the work is very ho If you want a Dopy of the Christmas Globe, leave your order early at the Big Book Store. w Services. y good oongregations roh on Sunday morn- on the 000aeion of of Rally Day. Pastor text, Proverbs 29:15. self courseth shame fter speaking of the obild, the reverened out how in nature erfeotion if left to mes a wilderness, a Man left to him• he evil rather than im. To safeguard needs a new heart g in the religions 5 should be sought e, and the religious the earliest years. for the religions caked the speaker. of the child, and y example, precept e duty also rests he Sunday School nse to this case of the noble band of o cheerfully give and effort with - reward to this Ilen closed his appeal to the willing workers t least by insist - 's regular atten- onr and prepare - the afternoon an hool was held, the 11 filled, Superin- presided and short, es were given by Mr. Mr W. D. Pringle. ay was one of great ntlook for the year's efnl. Naw stook. of the latest patterns in 'Wall Paper at the Big Book Store. The Parish At a well attend evening last week the reorganized for the winter months with officers: —Honorary Pr Chisholm, M. P. and M. P. P ; Presiden Jenkins; lst Pice•Pr Macdonald; 2nd Vice Smith; Seoretary, W. Secretary, A. F. Mill A. Campbell. The a E. A. Hammond and form the Exeonti Various committees w the different departme work and all intereete a very enocessfnl sea The formal opening Friday evening of th good musical program refreshments will young men of the tow requested to attend Friday evening. Club. d meeting one Parish Club was ming fall and the following sidents, Dr. T. H. Musgrove, , Rev. 0 E sident, Dr. P. resident, J. 0 J. Wyles; Fin.- ; Treasurer, W. ove offioere with Benj. Scott will e Committee. e appointed for s of the olerk's are looking for n for the olub. 11 take place on week, when a ill be given and served. The are particularly the meeting on The Local Justice MiI1. Samuel McIiw in appeared before Police Magistrate Morton on Wednes- day morning on a charge of disorderly conduct, It see a that on Tuesday evening the defe dant and Jim Look - ridge, both of wh bore evidence of having imbibed to freely of the intoxi- cating cup, met near the corner of Minnie and Victor a streets, and after a wordy war engage in a fistiouffsan con- test, from whioh the latter emerged considerably batto ed about the face and head—so much e , in fact, that the services of a phys,clan were required to dre ss his wounds( Chief Allen arrested Mellwain, and he was brought up Wednesday morning, and remanded until 4 o'cicck t} a same afternoon for sentence. The "Albert" i the name of the fam- ous shoe for men. New fall lines of this superior make are just to hand. Sam- ples in south window. WILLIE & Co., sole agent for Albert shoes for men and Victoria shoes for women. An Active I The Brucefiel Expositor says the respected p has made a go gration agent, been engaged has not reoeiv his services. out no fewe who are hea parous reside he induced Scotland an of these h them the sage money Government ent of a qu in the Nort behalf of im eo too. - migration Agent. correspondent of Tho Rev. Mr. Sewers, ger of Union ohuroh, d record as an immi- although he has never as suoh officially and d the usual reward for r. Sewers can now point than eighty persons, s of families and pros- ts of this country, whom o leave the old home in emigrate to Canada, and advanced to twelve of ole or part of their pas - Mr. Sowers thinks the should make him a prey er section of good land west for his services in igration, and we think To LET.—On Leopold street, corner Victoria street, three rooms with sum- mer kitohen, cellar, hard and soft water. Apply on premises. TRIES and Weekly Globe to new sub- scribers to January 1st, 1909, for 35 (ante. Town was i Darkness. Wingham was i darkness for three nights last week, t e work at the power plant interfering ith the running of the plant. In but ding the new flume it was found t ht one corner of the foundation of the building was not safe and it was neoess ry to do some repair- ing before the m chinery could be run. Our townspeople) will not care to have another three Nights without lights. Much inconvenience is caused to every light user. When in darkness the town looks like a babkwoods village. The work at the plan is being pushed along rapidly and is now so far advanced that little trouble is being experienced by water. It is not expected that the work will be completed on the let of October as was at first planned. Mrs. Conga eat expeotatio audience with ing manner. tume, arouse Should Mrs. Co with her presen a large audio Opera house, ing, Sept. 25th. bon's drug store vin surpassed our high- s, and captivated the ler rich voice and pleas - Caller Herrin'," in oos- intenee enthusiasm. tts•Bain again favor us e we can assure her of ce,—Barrie Examiner. inghatn, Friday even - Plan of hall at Mol1ib- CHURCH)NOTES. Services in the Lord's Day will pastor, Morning the Sanctuary." "Tbe necessity of body welcome, Al The Bible Class 1St. Andrew's Preab be resumed next commencing at 2 30 people of the congre invited to attend t class. Baptist Chnroh next e conducted by the ubjeot: "Help from Evening subject: the Orem" Every - seats free. in connection with tertian ohnroh will Sunday afternoon, 'clock The young atiou are cordially meetings of this Hagar and Inviotus .Sho:. for ladies and gents. Compare t. •se with any other make. We wo • ask yon to buy —the shoes will do that. W. J. GREER, sole agent. Autumn edding. A very pretty uiet home wedding was solemnized on uesday morning at the home of Mr C. Dallae, Centre street, when his aughter, Miss Jean Dallas, was unite in marriage to Mr. John Ball, a for er well-known resi- dent of Wingha The ceremony was performed by D. Perrie in the presence of the izrlmediate relatives of the contracting p rties. The bride was beautifully gove d in her travelling snit of brown clot , with waist of point d'esprit over whi a silk, trimmed with point lace and insertion, and hat to match. The br e received a number of extremely h ndsome presents, the groom's gift to her being a beautiful pearl brooch w• th diamond settings, Mr, and Mrs. all left on the early morning train '•r Toronto and after spending a few days in that city will leave for the Ok.=.agan Valley in Brit- ish Oolumbia, w ere Mr. Ball will en- gage in fruit fa ••ing. The bride and groom have ala a circle of friends in Wingham, and •hey will carry with them best wish:: for a happy wedded life. Winghrlm's Fall Falr. Thursday and Friday of next week are the days for he Wingham fall fair. The inside exb, bits will be placed in position and jddged on the first day. Not being ablii to secure lights the building will ndt be open for visitors on Thursday eventing. For Friday after- noon there is a?good program of attrac- tions, inoludi • g three horse races and other rapes, . nd Highland dancing. The Wingha.. Citizens' Band and the Luoknow Pi.e Band will furnish the musical prog • : m. The Seoretary has already recei ed a number of entries and this year' fair promisee to surpass those of idrme years, The agricultural hall is being t oroughly remodelled and those attendi • _ the fair will be able to view the exh'•its to better advantage. On Friday : vening a high-class con- cert will be eld in the opera house when the fo owing well-known artists will furnish he program: ----J. H. Cam- eron, hum.. 1st; Mrs. Coutts -Bain, Scottish Voc list and Elocutionist; Mise Maude Bus hiin, violinist, The price of admissio • is only 250. with reeorved seats at 35o. Seoure your seats early at MoKibbon's rug store. Ellis-Hubb An interesting two o'clock Monde Prince Arthur av+ the marriage was Mina A. Hubbard Dr. Leonidas Hu explorer of Labra the late Jas. B Canada, and Mr. the Hon. John E under-secretary of ceremony was pe G. W. McCall, friend of the fami ing-room, whioh palms and flow was unattended grey silk with tr laoe, the gifts o and carried a whioh with a the gifts of the sister of the brid the ceremony, noon, Mr. and York en route future home i travelled in g match. Those Hon. John Edna Miss Emily Ell and the Misses E Mr. and Mrs. J Miss Underhill, Mrs. Ritchie, PI J. Albert Benson H. Cruickshank, Mr. B. Cruicksha shank, (Wingham) J. McRoberts, Toro Roberts (Midland). romantio tinge. M known in the diff teacher, lecturer an man's Way Thron given her a warm pl those interested in 5 While lecturing in E she mot Mr. Ellis thr friend, Mrs. Green, torian. Mr, Ellis is considerable means the Welsh colleries. Saturday, Sunday 19th, 20th and 21s festival services wil S. A. barracks on E barraoke will be t with Sowers, fruit, v harvest produce. St Stratford, will oond All gifts will be the Harvest festival song at Simmons Bros.' pr cerate per sheet. The Annual Hary Services in oonnectio ohuroh will be held 27th. Special music by the ohoir, and ep the Rector. Donatio vegetables, etc., for p ing will be gratefully following Monday, S nasal Harvest Home Particulars later. date for St. Paul's o "Come, ye thankf Raise the song o� rd Wedding. vent took place at afternoon at No. 8 nue, Toronto, when solemnized of Mrs. widow of the late bard, the famous or, and daughter of neon. of Budehly, arold T. Ellis, son of and Ellis, formerly tate for India. The formed by the Rev f Nominee, an old , in the large draw - was decorated with re. The bride, who was attired in soft minge of old Flemish the groom's mother, cquet of white roses, iamon3 bracelet were groom. Mrs. Roberts, , held a reception after nd later in the atter- rs. Ellis left for New for Scotland, and their England. The bride y cloth with hat to present included the d Ellis and Mrs. Ellis, , aunt of the groom, is, the groom's sisters. mes A. Underhill and f Brampton, Mr. and neville, Mr. and Mrs. (Midland), Mrs. W. (sister of the bride), k, Miss G. Cruick- Miss Roberts, Mrs to, Dr. J. J. Breton The affair has a s. Hubbard is well rent capacities of writer, "A Wo - h Labrador" has sin the hearts of frozen Province. gland a year ago, ugh their common idow of the hie - n Englishman of d is a director in Miss Mand 1$ • sohlen, violinist, was the popular fav rite at the concert on Fair night. This is the second appear- ance of this dainty and talented lady before a Harrigan audience, and it is evident she will always be a welcome visitor. — Harriston Review. Opera house, Wingham;, Friday evening, Sept. 25th. Plan of hall at MoKibbon's drug store. . Mr. Mc • enzie's Letter. The following is a copy of the letter sent to the Con= 1 by Mr. McKenzie: — Wi.gham, Sept 8th, 1908 To the Mayor and Councillors:-,- Gentlemen,—M to Bell a roadway Bristol Terrace to This road would b to residents on t river, also to the partioular to our n butchers. As I w than some other: wards buying it. . John MoLean offers rom the terminus of `ater Street for $100. a great convenience e north side of the neral public and in erchants, bakers and nld be more benefited I will give $25 to - Oro. MCKENzIE, Mr. McKenzie i . forms the TIMuS that if this roadway were Opened he would erect one or m. e houses on his pro- perty. The tare on one house would pay for maintain ng this road. Mr. Mo - Kenzie says he an secure tenants for several houses n that locality. Tho roadway would also be a great conven- ience at times hon d'osophine street is closed. Tho + atter should be given careful (onside a manner that interests of the nd Monday, Sept. , special harvest be held in the ward street. The tefnlly decorated etables and other ff Oapt. Hay, of of the services. kfnlly received. heats can be had nting office for 2 st Thanksgiving with St. Paul's n Sunday, Sept. will be rendered tial addresses by s of flowers, fruit, rpose of decorat- received On the 5. 28th, the An- pper will be held 'ndly reserve thie uroh. people. ccme arvest Home." SITUATIONSIIIII with leading business houses await our grsduatea. I LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER and all modern office methods which ensure rapid advance- ment. GREGG SHORTHAND taught by the only teacher in Ontario who attended the Author's School. THREE COURSES. — Stenography, Commercial, Telegraphy. Enter any day. Write for particulars, FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 1st Wingham Business College GEO. SPOT'I ON, PRINCIPAL. NM PUBLIC SCH OL B04RD. A special meetin lio School Board evening. Prinoip his resignation as Wingh Gentlemen.—I resignation as Pr School, to take e present year. In very cordial relai between us for t I must express to� deoeesors in offic for your kindne during that periodof time Singbrely yours, A. H. Musgrove. Theo. Hall, Chairman P. S. Board. of Wingham Pnb as held on Eriday Musgrove tendered ollows: m, Sept. 10th, 1908. herewith tender my ncipal of your Public ect at the end of the thus terminating the one that have existed e past eighteen years yon and to your pre- , my sincere thanks ss and consideration The Board e with Mr. Mu under the Dir tion was acne and Secretary to Mr. Musg Board. After scme oided to adjon when the sit taken into cone reseed regret at parting rove as Principal, but umstanoes, the resigns- ed, and the Chairman ere requested to convey ve the feelings of the iscussion, the Board de- n until the 22nd inst., ation will be further deration. Jackson - The followin Listowel Banner of a niece of Mr town. Mr. and the wedding :—A place at the home don, town line east, at 12.30, the occas riage of her only da ghter, Georgena, to Mr. Herbert Jack on, a prosperous young farmer of G (manage the Rev. Mr. Hardie offloiatin . The bride wore a dainty gown of silk eolienne trimmed with panne velvet a d insertion, and carrying a bequet of cream roses, entered the parlor o the arm of her to the strains of the Wedding March, played by Mrs. John Jackson, of Glen - ellen, After the nup ial knot had been tied all repaired to the dining room, where a sumptuous inner was served. Music was furnishe by Mr, Will Dol- ling, of Monkton nd Miss Gordon, cousin of the bride. After all had par- taken of the delica ies, the Rev. Mr. Hardie proposed a oast to the young couple, Mr. D. M. ordon responding. Only the immediat friends of both parties were prese , from Listowel, Wingham, Monkton Molesworth end Glenallan. The gr om's gift to the bride was a beauti ul Fleur-de-lis set in pearl. The o or presents were numerous and cog n showing the high esteem in which t e young couple are ordon Nuptials. from last week's refers to the marriage D. M. Gordon, of re. Gordon attended ry pretty event took of Mrs George Gor- Tuesday, Sept. 8th, on being the mar - Fine Tailoring We invite the ladies to call and see the new Victoria shoes which we have juet placed into stock. Beautiful goods, and at the same time we guarantee every pair to give perfect satisfaction. Do not forget we aro sole agents in Whagham for Victoria shoes. Wintas Several new fr been appointed and it is propose via the Niagara Ivor looked after. is what you invariably get when you leav e your order for clothing at this store. Clothes bought here are guaranteed to fit well, look well and wear well —and they do. Mr. Justice An it inspectors have of Galt in his ref the Gevernment, Philip Wattle to have shipments from a fall do Provincial o $3,000 in fines illegal liquor se Dr. Ovens. Oculist, Lendon, Surgeon Ege, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at ntion and dealt with in Moliibbon's drug store,Wednesday, Sep - ill be in the very best tember 213rd. Hours: 2 pan , to 8 pan . town, Glasses properly fitted. lin upheld the Mayor sal to sign the power e died near Chatham n stairs. He was 1.01 leials collected about imposed at Cobalt for Men's Furnishings of all kinds Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Underwear, etc. The very newest of new coods are here. Come in and have a look. Holt await MERCHANT TAILOR AND MEN'S FUNISHER The Leadinp,- Shoe Store Facet prett n Thunder Bay district have oatund unienorniond loss of timber W 41 J. Ureer and threatened' several settlements, BEHIND OUR SHOE service stands ihe guarantees of both til0 Rinker and oirselve54 We it. viand and ebtain from the malo r only Shoes that will Wear as Well as They look Inspection of our stock Will prove their at- tractiveness in every detail of appearance. Time will prove their wearability as gtarieo shows their beauty. The m,,re yeu 13ettt around, the 1501'0 you irost .tleeitle kx,r Shoes are tho hotter worth purchasOog •