HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-08-11, Page 4• tit now a Sti. The exateiners at the . Ai ii►><i' . School repori,that'tsare *MIA.) a.Icre+ alaagbteriq•A i.i lodWate thio ),eor in '0410 04 iso1or'leeVi,ali.''Dlt1X abiiut 50•,per cent ; will gib their 406;1, t►ttd iii' 06'at Je itit 06 F' ;OOP' or ilia a hu.;wrote.,Ab the b�tG 4D4AXill.i" �L, ..._.➢ pie;ci .....i 't '.11•Has' ' p111.11."7" The;Frenali.'. paper to. alleged lisve,bte an'uniaeuonable°one. the Ontario.CroW'n ndr D,+ rt- Baa h eti; t�ecelved aw r Wf L +howling i lfnouut ® 94. cit ar• alb". ,tenter on the landi 4 cett1ere" in, the Smitigtmning diattigt. Among tile, three khundwred eettler4. ;.a4• ,leas than $232,788 wigs dlrided, the puiohrlaers 1144 the.big, Iuinber. tam - 4t result - cry eatisfae.. ► settlors aand`giies practical: encs of the value of thin new coon • • 4 .Y aburns • coal, coke or' wood with''equal f ; rs rsr nes sates • re- : t::and •feed�po specially constructed to burst slip kind of'. fuel, a special 'wood..grate is' always :supplied. sold by all antsrpriaog d Mira. 'Wats . for; hoc 1sI x ,.. • _ l .SJR - ._ .. , 9KE&T >01AWl112C0SR„ !oucci l met according to° adjourn i ent, .-n embers-p!rekr4t. ,Reeve -,W04111141* lntho- chair., . 4aajtozioating-A:trokttf',4tnif).congrwed. +awfwd: do Bic i 'p eeetltrrd'^petition it in Duuganaon Te cement eiddwaiks.. tr't upuil rg4erd t!) '14Y 40 percept of chi}+ ausG of walks - ` he o to ing ellc'c;LB,were issued J +use. r:.gsavel;. 5.60, W S McCroetie ,gravel,32 20; M ,rrieon advice 3 09,' election •ex +n itis 24.00; "T Henri grayeliog 34.'.. ); T'McDonal'd gravel, cul.' -13°00 'Wag ,Wilson gra.velliog 7.49; . D. row- ler.. ehevelling• gravel 3 25; "TAgee M ga.va .19 2d and gravel_Recount 5,80; - T Tayl?r •poste•• 2.50; M Olac')W rh=n:r .ening gravel '1.50;• J ,Whytird• -tape. line :1.40;•Di:MeDvndld'sal of •work on, grader: 22:70; •A E Jobnaton''team. on- grader 178.42; 'E Craig plank 1,50 0 �McRobS,rieplaok 50e; J Cameron picking,atonee:.35c, • . Cuunci4 adjourned.lo'mout'ou Wed lap August 34th ie Clerk. • ... _ PmiiRlAliF,�'IRiQIS Wo have a large•stool to choose from, see thein. 'e O:1rt1 ill'-st4r(k` a cic cl, l'1 ilk' a�l. l�jI1t1S tai grocer e,�, ' ",'all a,�d get aur •int i(l .. Ippth:'foreign and domestic; fruits 'always kept n, "k, rf • A. choice line to ..s_eleGihfrgin, male by `ti a veFy best houses lie the and 'whale okne, Some fine ine3 to OhQoge from and: vee are` selling them cheap. • e wish to announce that we have moved to our new•store on Campbell. Street, Where we will; be pleased to meet astir'cuiatomera and friends who .will now find us better •prepared to '.display the most' up-to-date{ goo4s NEW SHOP, .ANEW GOODS, • LOW PfICRS AND .PROMPT ,ATTENTIOI .' e wish to Bail attention to our large and varied stock of PICTttRE' ,FRAMES. EASELS, Tti`B1 E : . . ROCKING CHOIRS. IRON ' BEDS . ,lrt .la BED R001/1 SUITS,' PARLOR SUITS, ;i►, COUCIIES, :ETC. 40' ni "CrIS . :TatLEADyNti. TJNDER,TAKER1 AND EMA3 'LME41. , 't'i'ttAi'rrriwnim .ta N1 (ityr O1 bAY.' . . 061itlldtlw11ws0.4 ► KINLOaS CO,UIYCJ Colleen',Oat as, p it adjuurnme .t, all membe'ra;presrnt.: The minutes of the lees meeting : having been• ;read and 'signed;. `the following bueine.e wee. transacted Checks Were issued for. the ',following ;- Win,-Hetheriniton gravel 16.80; 'Wm McBurney gray. -1 11;28; . Parves grovel 2:;16; Gl 11l,lcalin gravel 14.34; OW/. Moffatt .'gravel ;.60; Win Titin build'bridge 16.00; ;.R:, ;Richards. per of On -wire fence 5.0,0.; :D; Kennedy "001 4.50;.- J Oranb'-:lumber 17.62; T.Agnew gravel:• 4.00; 0 Tien gravelling 30.00; !no Lookbart gravel 3.18: Mrs. McKay .gravel 96e; D 01. ) gravel 3.30; D McIntyre bridge g0 00; 0 Ferries cov bridge 2.50; D McK.tiy. 2 ails 5.00; • D D .Gillis cul 4.00; 4 A McIntyre work with team 2. A• McKinnon • vie*: 2.00. R . D Anderiou bridge 42.60;E Stanley Anne:5.00k "J Miller: ditelling 2.00;':W Kask®dub 3.00; M Smith gravel 8,,50 -Q Murray-gravel,'4 80; l .111<eKenzie gravel;17.58; J Roie'"rep out; 2.50; ` R Baia grevel, 6.96; J Miller gravel 3.00 Jai' Webster eel 3.00; 8.:•Congram. . gravel• 7.00; Thos Millie 'gravel 3.48; • D Kennedy "work 3 00;. J Game lnm- ber ete., 16.00;: J 'killer grading ,110. 00 Y M catotall- cul 5;.00;' W `Thomp- ,son cal 1400, Jas Biryan :printing :25 ► i 00; C. Ellis gravel 1400,-5 MCO.ruth ars grava196e;'R.Corrigan'poste 3,70; T Rollinson 3 Mil 11.00; .John., Miiler rail'un bridge 2.50; 1.Mogenzie. gra- vel 3`.90; 0 Haines gloval 12,00;, 8' •McLean gravel 1.:2(4..p Elie greve`r1:7. A By-law' : was passed levying the following rats: -=For. county purposes 1.�7'r 1'0 mills on'the"dollar,: Or. specie school purpotea 1 210, and for. town ship purposes 1' 8110 6111d�''en 'the'•+dol ar. John Verdi was appointed col lector;' Council -adjourned- tilFM0n day September 19th. • 'Geo.'0. Moffitt, Glleir k ri f tt tom- % •f•i �.Ei ttd �Fs4 {fi �'�1f�grdfs�Cit'%'fulls x Sti:if' SELL' and SlCIE4. • lcealk take; Itur' acid .Ccidriit, lnb>rruuctl;, Tickets.• I buy,'and .e, 11 1: �I ,w'un sail Policies, Rent Estate and bgeim '. :grades. • Aecounts:'auditeil u..1 collrctd, .1<. M13110H15UN, Lueknow ,3ERT CUNNIN411A IIHSURANCE. -� F1RE AND MAIWIE' �. GUELPH LEGAL , . D10[1ABON tcasai10w B tRRIBTaatl,:ioi.iOI torr etc„ QoderI h a Garrow�, L, ..B: P£.'MALooi[Box, BAnBIBTss,So o1Ton; e Cnnveyaneer, etc.;.:(late of . Uaneer:n Holt .0 Caweruu, (s..dertch:) Office unseals in AUln Blpok. l.iyskuocr ' U. ". MoaaIsoN Bsaaiersa - .RoLIi 'stun; ,• . Commissioner Notary, Etc. Money ,to' loan. • Offioeover *atson'e :Barber Shop.. Mie/111dAAAMovvevvv litA AN kA IAO . ,• • '1 7 3' • ' MEDICAL" •MoD..Goanolr:. M•D; C>111 F T `M 8 D . M C P i3.0.1.'hysicisn Surgeon an A000ncher: Upstairs in Ailin look. , Resi- dence Rose street; behind .i :(1, Murdoch & yLAbitl1len ° M[isies McIntyre . and bieDoneld are leaving this week .fair• Nairn odd their lgties .as teachers, after i iaig, ;the holidays at their bonier. ' Misses Lilly iwndIiie Boyd and R: itiol4eati; *lie' have been' 'ill Detroit for soave time, have :returned aeoom- nailedby mise WVat#oti, Detroit. Ne -Kilts MacGregor wast tho guest M. SPENCE, H.D.. C.M: Residence • —House of late Dr:'•Tennant, awl office over Elliott's t4rocerh, $uokaow:; _ • om:e elegant laces and spell qua far ° g SOCIEiriE$ o n LIGHT Longs; A Fi. .ever, ;Thursday night on or , before the hill moon, in the • farmwife; Hall, Havelock sireet.Luekaow, . • II. G. Asmatani O, W.M. H. Dave, Dec.' t Mrs, Smiths Lovel Creations ii Just -received a 'kI ... y r� AA t7. I jI LiI�i number: , • f` veryattractiv( o�• Ready-to-wear hats: can b found in the show room. TROUBLE' .TO DISPLAY=":GOODS. • LUCZNON LODGE — r' No. 112, meets � every, Friday evening at 8 o'clock, in their,= hall, Campbell street. 'All brethren cordially, Invited , Mm. d'ohnetone = T Reid, ,Noble Grand. • Recorder. trcimew .Cotta Canadian Order of Chosen Friend., meets fist and third Tuesday, evenings of ,sac month, in. the Odd- fellow's Hsll,Campr bell ,street,'Luck* now. Visitors are cordially livit.d. iV'.PiTla':':C cemexcataccezezenatexaciexceat LAWRENCE, & •' JOHNSYO • • C,(� G1 CooiiT SnsnwooD No. 50. �- a Luckaow, meets every. drat -Monday-of -every month in theOrange Hall. ;Vi',iting brethren are cordially,invited. 'N, D. MoKrszis, , . • . It. oamtAtt, r ;. , Chief Ranger, • Rea -Sec, iUCKNow •Lonos.IN• J:J depaadent Orderof . Forester's pilots in .the CAd(ellow' i Hall., op the second And fourth Tae.= dayy of each ,month,'. re 7130`o'clock.' .:�iritina brethren "are cordially invited: McDonald • T. E. Lawrence, •. • 'Chief Ranger. • Reo Sou. —uasm0w' •dnaL.' _. ,j of the Anolont6fl) Order • • of 'United �� k \U4� lIr> Workmen ' allele in - . '"' 71. tthe;Oddfefloiva' heli;" ..nines.„!leeo(-sad last Mendey evon- lags of each ` mouth . at eight o'clock. Visiting brethren coralsuin y .ited P. Toslt*ser. Maatar.. • eight PrscoB. ALSO A' COOD' - STOCK OF' • IS UP-TOMATE Calf . attended dayarFt night. Goo. POTTER, Recorder, s�^� No. 428 iiotrie tie • submit '•.Lye .taenth(y meeting's in the tori ngr Hall Campbell. street, Luckuaw, 94 the i►econd.Taesda evening of each and every Month. Deggree night On the second Tuesday evening' folletelag.: All visiting brethren .ordiaiiy invited to the me tlags. . W. 11. Ctigito , Wu. MIL1.li'lll. WV,M►` 6ebretary, awro cc olinestone Furniture Dealere an . D`ndertatkers.'. 44++:1 . • tiumuipVir