HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-09-10, Page 6G. Ed KING. CHEAP PRICES lemstrasnomazeasesitualriaff TELE. W111%./.11A,M TIMES, $ PIVII)) R 10, 1908 MINOR LOCALS, —The Beeretary will be pleased to *Ye Your eutries early for the Wing. Iola fail Asir. —lite. Alex. Fraser, Grand Chief of Oa wens of Scotland, is seriously 111 at Ida home in Toronto, - apt. James C. Parsons, a well- licrtown lake mariner, died athis home Goderich on Monday. —The G. T. It, station at Lucknow was burglarized one morning last week, Int nothing of value was taken. +—Mr, A. M. Crawford has wonder- fully improved his front street property hypntting on a fresh coat of paint. - Mr, H Stookey offers his 260 sore Sum, in Culross, for sale, Particulars )easy be found in our advertising col. amnia --Mr. Thos. Field is having a fresh :Host of paint put on the front of the Shaw block. This improves the pro• perty. —The any friends of Mise May Fattison will be sorry to hear of her ^critical illness and will all join with the TIMM in wishing her a speedy recovery. —Mr. Thos. Bowers has made a re• cord with hie purebred Games in the poultry department at the Toronto Fair, Mr, Bow-rs made thirteen entries and won twelve first prizes. Znoknow and Wingham baseball aloha played a league game here on Thursday afternoon last. The attend- swoe was small and a win was recorded dor the looal players by a snore of 9 to 2. —The Blyth Standard last week cele• dirated it's 21st birthday. Mr. J. Leslie Kerr has made it a bright paper since he took charge and he has the best wishes of the TIDIES for continued :success.. -e-Mr. David Clow, of East Wawa - nosh, near Whiteohnrch, will hold a teleating auction sale of thoroughbred »horthorn cattle on Tuesday, October 20th. Wetoh for bills giving full par- ticulars. Mr, Jas. Hamilton has taken a posi- tion in the Bell furniture factory at Southampton. Mr. light. Arbuckle, of Winnipeg, is visiting with relatives in Wingham and East Wawenosh, Mr. D B. Bartlett, brother of Mrs. (Rev) Allen, spent Labor Day visiting Mrs. .Allen in town. Mr, And Mrs. 11. 0. Bell, of South- ampton, spent a few days visiting with Wingham relatives. Mr. and. Mrs, L. Harold, of Brant• ford, were visiting fora few days with old friends in Wingham, Mr. John Mcllroy, of Ottawa was visiting for a few days at the home of his uncle, Mr. L McLean. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Roes, .of Clinton, were `isitore with Wingham and Turn berry relatives during the week. Mr. and Mre. Geo. Sadler, of Detroit, were visiting for a few days with rela• tives and old friends in Wingham. Misses Viola and Mabel Isard have returned from a few weeks visit with relatives at Paisley and Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Neil are spending this week with relatives and friends in Toronto, Hamilton and Orangeville. Miss Jennie Struthers hell, returned home after a very pleasant few weeks holidays with relatives near Wiarton. Mise Olive Gardiner returned to Wingham on Tuesday to complete her oonrse in the Wingham Oollege.—Lnok- now Sentinel. Mr. Geo. Ansley, of Winnipeg, has been spending his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ansley, Lower Wingham. Rev. E, R. Fitch, of Toronto, formerly of Wingham, was injured on Friday last at Toronto in being struck by a falling piece of timber from the roof of a house. Several stitches were pot in to close the wound in Ms head and Mr. Fitch will have to take a rest for a few weeks. —The Wingham branch of the Women's Institute will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs E. Bosman, Diagonal Road, Sept. 17th, at 2 30 p. m. Subject for discussion: a.Inventiona to save work in the home." *very member is requested to bring something on the subject. Members will please notice charge of day of 9neeting. BING'S FOR BARGAINS l 1 WE WANT YOUR TRADE New Fall Goods As the time is now approaching when you will be leaking your Fall purchases, it will pay you to come to this store to do your buying. We have the newest and best goods that money can buy, and OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. DRESS GOODS— Venetians, Broadcloths, Worsteds, Sergee, Panama, eto., in all the leading shades. 19IANI LES - We have them trona the cheap ones to the best. STAPLES - These'goods are BOUGHT RIGHT, hence we can afford to sell them right. Our stock of Ready-made Clothing, Underwear, Hosiery and all lines essential for the Fall trade is complete. TEE BUTTER 22e. EGGS 20c. GOOD GOODS Mr, and Mre. John Harrison, of Owen Sound, spent a few days of the past w eek at the home of Mr. Theo. Hall. Mrs, Harrison is a sister to Mrs. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Graham and two children, of Mitchell, and Mre, Geo. Mnrdie, of Seaforth, were visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Malcolm, Mr. Harry Ansley, of Winnipeg, is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ansley, Lower Wingham. Mr. Ansley's many friends here will be pleased to hear that he is now recover- ing nicely after his repent severe illness Mr. Arch. Hislop, Liberal candidate for East Huron for the Commone,wae in t own for two days last week, calling on his numerous friends. Mr. Hislop is a good candidate, has a Olean record as a public man and if he receives the hearty s uppoit of the Liberals of East Huron, and we expect he will, he will be East Huron's next representative. —It is sufficient for sompeople that they drink anything call: tea. Others prefer a standard bran. like "Salads," n t • being has a rope ado for e g good. The latter get ore enjoyment out of life. In buying e ' or the satisfaction you expect to ge from its use, it will pay to purchase "Salads." Avoid any- thing nything "just as good." Imitations are Invariably of poor quality. PERSONAL. Mies Pearl Duncan is spending two months with relatives in Ottawa. Mr. A. F. Minor was visiting for over Sunday withhis parents at Preston. Mr. E. Baer, of Southampton, was in town for a few days of the past week. Mr. E. N. Lewis, M. P. for West Huron, was in town on Thursday last. Mr. John A. Mowat, of Acton, visited with Wingham relatives for a few days. Bev. James Livingetone, of Mitchell, visit with Wingham friends on Mon• a�.y. Mre, Shier, of Kincardine Ilan taken a position as head milliner with Miss Boyd, Mise Annie Cummings is spending pact of hor holidays with friends in Milton. Mrs. Weatherwax, of Tillsonburg was visiting for a few days with Mrs. J. W. Hewer. 1 CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, o. 434 Meets in ta p. in. in Chisholm Block. lide for cheap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to Ladies our at same rate as men officers. 'try. T. S. BOYLE, T. E. Rommel:I, Leader. Recording Secretary W. J. WY LES. Financial becretary. FARM F R SALE. The undersigned off farm, being lot 2, con, 212 miles from Wroxe ham, and is a firs good condition. The best. Get terms and miles, or address BORN. PAT7.ISON.—In Port Elgin, on Sept. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pattison ; a daughter. FLOonY.—In Londesboro, on August, to Mr. and Mrs. David Floody, of Blyth ; a son. LAwExe CE: In Lucknow, on August 23th, to Mr and Mrs. D N. Lawrence; a son. MARRIED SHAnPE—WELsxt.—At Winnipeg, Man., on Aug. 2ith, by Rev. J. W. Sperling, D. D., Mr. R. J. Sharpe, of Crystal City, Man., to Mas Emmeline Welsh, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Welsh, of Grey. WELLWOOD— WELL -WOOD —On September 8th, at the Methodist parsonage, Wingham, by the Rev. W. G. Howson, Miss Amy Beatrice Wellwood, daughter of Mr. Joseph Wellwood, to Mr. William Garnet Wellwood, of the township of Sinless. JERnYN—HOWSON.—At the Methodist par- sonage, Wingham, on September 0th, by the Rev. David Rogers, of Seaforth, Mr. Victor A. Jermyn, of Morris township, to Miss Lillian torte Howson, daughter of the Rev, and Mrs. W. G. Howson, of this town. HARuxson—FRALIcIc.—On September 2nd, at Niagara Falls, Ont., by the Rev. E. A. Moir, Mr. John Harrison, of Owen bound, to Mrs. Eliza Fralick, of Minneapolis, Minn. DIED GRACEY.—In Wingham, on September 2nd, R atie Buie, wife of Mr. S. Gracey, in her 52nd year. MclvTo.sit —In Huron Tp., on August 29th, R obert McIntosh, aged 81 years. HuTII.—In Howick, on August 81st, William Huth, aged 85 years. CASE.mORE.—In London, on September 3rd, Wiliiam James Casernore, son of Mr. James C asemore, of the 1st line of Morris, aged 29 years, BLOOR—III Blyth, on August 39th, Edna Valentine, youngest daughter of John and Mrs. Bloor, aged a months and 16 days. sfor sale his 10e -acre Turnberry. The farm er, and 7 from Wing -class one and is in auildings are of the very articulars on the pre - JOHN Wrosetei P. O. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that my wife having' left my bed and board without cause, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her after this date, without a written order from me. Dated thin 25th day of August. 1908. PETER TERRIFF. VOTERS' IST, 1908 MUNICIPS ITY OF THE TOWN O WINCHAM IN THE COU t Y OF HURON Notice is hereby giv n that I have trans- mitted or delivered to he persons mentioned in Sections 8 and 9 of t , e Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies req uir d by said sections to be so transmitted or dell pursuant to said act. by the last revised as Municipality to be e Municipality at Elec Legislative Assembl tions ; and that the e at my office in the T 28th day of August, 1 inspection. Electors are calie list, and if any omis are found therein, t ings to have the ski ing to law. ered of the list, made f all persons appearin • ssment roll of the said itled to vote in the said one for members of the and at Municipal Blee- d list was first posted up wn of Wingham on the 108, and remains there for upon to examine the said ions or any other errors take immediate proceed - errors corrected accord - 3. B. FERGUSON, Clerk Town of Wingham. Dated August 28'h,1908. TOWNSHIP Notice is hereb will be held, per Voters' List Act, Judge of the Conn of Huron, at the Village of Blneval F TURNBERRY given that a Court ant to The Ontario by His Honour the Court of the County resters' Hall at the on Tuesday, the 2 1903, at 10 o'clock termine complaint cions in the Voters pality of Turnberry Dated at Blneval Govmnn.—In Hallett, on August 29, John H. a August, 1908. Govier, aged 71 gears, months and o days, HATST.—•Iu B: ussels, on Aug.2th, Sarah f Clerk of the Manic Jane, only daughter of David end Martha Heist 'u .• 1 W years, 10 months ani:: days. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Xotioe is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. Mrs. M. H, Elliott, of Clinton, was etc ;s�, that all per onw having ciaim:� a^sin,•, thr; Estatt+ r.f Aiexleder *lifting with relatives in Wingham and laze of the Town of Wingham in the county 'Q'i0lnitr, of Huron, hots 1I t eper, de teased, who died an or about the '2nd day o July, A.D.1tr5w, are rr tuirq•rl to send n.,a r a d e •isn 1 Listowel,sr.ent a few days with relatives ?;r,r for the Bair nistratrrs, on or befe,rc+ the First clay of getober, A. D. 190‘q, their names, In town. a.1i1re rw r 'r1 descriptions, and a full state - men:: � err : �r v eu of i i : 1.. s of t iq,r claim and the M S Geo. Stewart, of Strathroy, wa6 nature of the security tit anyi held by them + duly' c e turf. 1, and that atter the said day the 1 '9"tdltiY;g fLr a few 'nay's with Mire. C. Adinini zte.�a win Term ted to ta+ytrii ute the r aeeetw 4,f all 1e cenwe d among the parties c•n• t >li':i1.:S Mule titled _thereto, having regard only to the calms , Miss At. Lillian Moffatt was visiting G Liatr i tu.�fedifitiylof ietP'f.'F rree.A. D. T. with her friend, Miss Nettie bioixatt, of it. VANSTONE.Wingham P. [7. 1 t i.eE5wat6'. .Solicitor for the Adruinistrators. 1, Mrs. Robert Afthins, of Toronto, was visiting for a• few days with old friends in 'Wing --tam. r i cr to p p a Cummings, 0f Mr. and Mrs. Jame Z3 , iq•hv r to It S hustog, Wrny7 r P () , i-'.ol nd of September . m., to hear and de - of errors and (amia• ist of the 14iunioi- for the year 1908. this 26th day of HN BURGESS, ality of Turnberry. TAKE NOTICE. FARM FOR SALE. ! t'fn_ 4tingof.,I)acreA Lttg21.. 4, and da- on ill' lot i Ci.nc. s�.oa and Lo ':4 t,S tine f'tt •P iklr. dc6. ,"saint, of tillanobarg, was stent, a t f Cuir+su S s lta noriCYi a, 4t 'fieitnt with old frionda in Wingham west of Terraeratc r- About ut 8•ii acres e' are d arid ti‘o halaueea in bu Il and pa ur lands 101' a few days. Tiliq Limn iw in a high g oto of a� a�}' vntiau • w,•31 fenced. and has a tri goof l,+le ding• LLll " Mt. lv. J. Plenty, of the aouthasopton, targe ..auk orn Gi+ ifat, ermoVioorc, state' ling for G0 lo ad of cattIr+ au.11:e ICr,r yq s ri and 18e oc,18 Visatln[ for a fey*t days as tho ' shep pen.,, hi ti louse, driving; and Mirth :nerd ner' ,''-,', parental Banat. Gheae tee t r; ,,. T e hone' ie storeys and is i in flat cissa shape In de roams; ea filar in ; l fes 11 C Ifo Elliott :eft this week to throe La rgo f n `i apartments 're ilei of i bsivi riniusea R 7 accept 0t position as 11ca3 111111lner ilia the li tt t12 r f emits This tT tori �:u i,enonend `ofr 4 stars At Untimely'. grain,lav root and turn rasing ennnot IA.. ,,, tentern '.ii .• snow well i o said en c say t.•rmq, .y qtr. Its. McMielraeit of weaferth Was and pe c ,,:c ^i arrangeti to suit Wrcassor. 'slotting for i few days at the Boma of ,Atnd• 1 er t n r Qtuirin;; a first•els s *inn n 'p / + Air. tttt 1 3[rer. D. M. Gordon wrerr3 • er whoa any other n ormatir n re - 1 1 on hreiiil L,.i,vu evil ba r triattsilpf for * few days this week with s i $ PHONE G4 4' That J. S, Jerome, Dentist is making beautiful sets of teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airchambeg. All work guaranteed, Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep �for service on his Road) a thoroughbred Yorn. kshire BoarBluevale Terms -41, to be paid at time of service. T. M. HENDERSON, Wingham, P. U. LOWEST RATES to the NORTH-WEST by any route, are those on 0. P R. Homeseekers' Excursions, which are now run via new Muskoka line. Hours saved on old schedule. 60•dey return tickets to all North-West points, at rates ranging from Winnipeg return, $32.00 Edmonton return, $42.50 LEAVING DATES: July 7, 21. Aug. 4, 18. Sept. 1, I5, 20 Comfortable berths in tourist sleeping cars at small extra cost. Apply early for accommodation. A TRIP TO MUSKOKA To Parry Sound or to any of the delightful Georg: an Bay resorts is most comfortably and quickly made by taking the C.P.R. Fast trains over new direct line—service, time and equipment without equal. For any information see Agent or write C. B. Foster, Dis. Pass. Agent, Toronto. VTV,,VV-VVY r'.sVYYTYYTYYTTY, ***+N0.40.1.....t.***o*`*••••• yYVryYYYRTIiYYTVYVYYYVY'! 1 The Little Eaton August 10 Days' $'s and c's Dress Goods and a Clothing Salo Going CostI,p • •i• A beautiful display of .: Dinner and Tea Sets 4 Toilet Sets and t Fancy China going at cost while they last. We must make room for the Xrna3 goods. 2 We also handle the best Teas and Coffee in tile market. Fresh grocer. 2 fes always on band, Highest prices for produce •"n • ft to elicit, at vantage t, c -a11 and ae a this. ; •ted•• 4. Mr. F. G..c}perytllg, %or further p rt.eulara apply to tho oivnc r an enrol, or addr, s.4 all colon urit•at., ns tri Teeq• 1 'P .rt P.O., h tI information 'I' u ft. H'1( (:1881% ClW).1 tl, y lr tintiv'es and old friends at Listowel, *..* 3;3 4;1,! • • • +♦ • • • • • • ♦ • • •• •2 i ♦♦ O ••• • • • • • • ♦ •46+ • • • • • • • •♦ • • •• ••f ••C ► ► C 18 18 WESTERN EXCURSIONS SEPT- 17, 181 19 Return fares from Wingham DF•TR VIT 86.00 SAGINAW 87.10 BAY CITY 57.50 GRAND) ILAYIDS 89.33 CLEVELANIAD via Buffalo 88.55 CLEY)ILANJ) via Detroit 89.10 CHICAGO 812.40 St. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS 828.40 831.00 all rail route via lake route Final return limit Oct, 5, 1908 Unequalled Traln Service For Tickets and fall information see J. H. Beemer, Agent, Wingham. _� ��tt nn eeft {{((II'AII WAV U ® 'f.R1�* RUII I,1 SYSTEM Western Fair London $2.25 from Wingham, good go- ing Sept. 12. 13, 14, 16, and 18th, Special excursion rate $1.75, good going Sept. 15th and 171b. Return limit on all tickets Sept. 21st, • Special train will leave Wingham 6.30 a, m. going and returning leave London 10.150 p. m., Sept. Ieth, 16th and 17th. tow Rate Western Excursions Going Sept 17, 18 and 19, from Wingham. Port Heron - • $4.10 Detroit • • $5.05 Chicago • • $11.50 Bay City • • $0.50 Grand Rapids . $8.35 Saginaw• $0.40 Minneapolis . • $28.40 St. Paul • • $28.40 Cleveland via Buffalo and 0. & 13. Steamer • $8.15 Cleveland via Detroit and D. & 0. Steamers • $8.35 Return limit Monday. Oct, 8th, 1008. W. Henry, Repot Agent, or J. D. McDonald, 1) P,A., Toronto, Ont. 10 DAYS SALE I AUGUST 20 TO 31 $4,000 Dress Goods. .. , . $5,000 Men's and Boys' Clothing. Will be slaughtered regardless of cost. The G-REATEST OPPORTUNITY the purchas- ers of Wingham and vicinity have had for years ---no old stock ---all new up-to- date goods= -your opportunity -- bring your cash or trade. LADIES Your chance to get new Fall Dress Goods at cost and below. GENTS Your new Fall Suit or Overcoat at the prices of almost the material. We invite you all to inspect our bargains; come early Thursday ; it will pay you ; a rare chance ; can you afford to miss it ? We save you $ $ $ when others only save you ccc. We Sall lVIcCalVs Patterns Which are by far the best. A trial solicited. ANNA BROS. WINGHAM. 1 4 41 4, 4, 4 4 .4 1 1 4, a 4t 4 a �l • • 43. b• O• • • • e.• 401 w♦i• • 4 •••• o- ♦ ♦ 4- 41- 4e. - 4 7i tAaA 11LUAANAWAvA routjai 1i M A► tls14i