HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-08-04, Page 24� 71� -4"- rs, 4. 0 . . . . ....... ip MOO W dour X4, e!" 8111**_-PftJX1,W,1q,1* 1 eo, RTA 311 MVVI -OF. W lot- VW0 Alit!"00*4 k:: tk AL,"ES t he, Jig, C*Awl 4� tho. 14*1 A* �$%Qko, ft*w w4d. Pl* WAIIi , hrtateiieo�V Arrest. TO" AM E UP A 4, ,R N CAP j§44 say Voirt ol, that W Q �1 m t,0� it: 0.4 oo a Udy . -4, t4e, I . 'd,� d Ali: 00'I �* -0V I b were, to Opp ql� $b Th6o, on i"At ho'! 'ired U,'S,,, 0-1 'M 7�pv _rf otiI. port Y 0, of"40 '9. a ,give 'T �Au�se, pptoitod 4gailitst thie( tb%t,� he' vaq 0 4 �Otirgets, of tl Y Th66 -.0 04.6.1, a " uto6m,&' bo,� Rol Coon* we- 'JimnSe, Clqta 4r4" terio i6:SU4de)h, ans 00*4 "00, ibe'4404pqso� rogipw tbr4* _ttpod� Withl,id, Mirt th *nlpl rromryiI %!ue�3* ed OV At M M Is 4,1 West a tliI 10.4w w" The, faulty., 1 cx 14 7,�Va o'b#4 Woo - 1rQ 66,66`66 T 00,:, A 8,t' t, t og�, teel, - iwg% 0 4--, PONC, fiit!; itis, *oq 1048; Emil Phd frt,�S- Adth 0#' if ib RA avgi,,AttAdFQA'-AA1Yd4 b q mplo. of IR, p4o.1,4 Tbey;,- say Oialf,. Or Y A All "%he ere � �)l Pqrt, :41, W40 0, goirt Imps IT giegq,1bdSl the, Japilinos.o-IllOI ss b6lpt: or V1, 4�_' �Vurseri,�. e hatch- -Mal. C�4 li"�, t et been '�,e­:; M4 gg 060�- i a n e th ve04'0.,0rderly, and the, .9964, d' IN Wtla 'k 4 K40k V6T, De d, 104000*,.�brl R, U so fic gI boolswg. st ou -ill of tygI Vqdg1e,.jUoug1(�-tAoyl, not .V ened. Armed- gUar4a Or M, ,.k �t e5, qrbt,4)ft.,, pri � 4 Pro g ii4fd'by L�ollt the,�*�ptqliniI ',V treet glp�. , im ate "Alai -SI -jp� Goes., r 6. 111 o_b _A_Ad-� eo TO eive i el. if nog6tiAtiq T, T, I oar the �---raa' ti 390,411, the as ic b Tiff ere, Sek on. Path sides la in t c A d lea nk in- ;The ropor.1 0� p §aeprq v�ud tbI b i IpI becous6-in War etif WeenL the, tw ATPQ)tT terept, i tuxf, e. it e Y giecil lice of Br$I maipufac. t I' &�q,tbq &vi4e eye, eight s,v'PrY, but, yesteirday A thg� atd. to he �,notifiegl,:thdt hr, cin tuires; the evidt at tthey & blit Oat UI itea e.tthe Un.-�, v1drK navy.", CO Thoi ]WAUpw Has Not.- as Yet $ailed, for Tpepapef- States, industrial par aallelles t teaall tries, tbq OrgaI 0 "O'cl so'. '.tbby A. 4 ron As re , , a At . drtL has q�reagly�liteu made w, tU and tq9I in 5 conto. 4CCQ046 of tb§:;[4pAn0#eV ug new, , will a ly closeT, .4th lisi . �'; � '.,� allitary- w mareS. ing_9f, 'Qernian, Karte T1 1;,�,#r ment-"will -be: 9' Port $ald 'cabld- It -is aid, that' 4ie4 tfon ork .. adduced s co, etc. gU the amount Of. stati ti, b v valted and; rest. Strike. 'to 6ta The'd -estondent-.4Vers: ibaf� alis n seem. 1 in,ormA chorf thb rainy sq.;I b hell tinio iniqAr-f0f b�ttlesblpo� al;leca bad been iI A Pkrlsian�rage Y. 0) Paris of m t1lematigial inte by: this Russi, f , a Trying� to S4010 But V July -c from. Antwerp that, she' was Carry- 'a Ar off r,.., e a' retlire Ainerl'a' Pat rI rgrfl: H '-400 for, `-a tion rS, 0.1 0 they, #oula old'an- .aring, far k t ,re i WOUND)ED,. *tlon:.and r W 14 '2 1 other onferenge. M -re 'rations �rd:'belfte -me ',14pah., �hci:- w4 d I , , q M On I 1slarreste Mile, harlotte Mu �.A S"Q .. 0 * , ,, "(0th. -prei6ritiII of fired o - Col. milson' inWo ng q it g I diprifig,'the. mQ iiing of I tor the -strike -of 11r" cbI And oil T te e.,xiles"s6uth. Sha, relative 1miles off,GreAt1J1AZIish through-. the lie d d I d whilt be,-' thg-butchdrs' workmeh,, The requtstlor,' n it t te d the sed, is now. $9. 1,0141 near Jebel :Zxik0xir,*.in spite,. I ItIng,vAs submitted lAst'lliglit ingtakim to W. 10S I I$, It Spell a mee ca, The.' losses of the ;6lid6utio 'bl or da ptain's; piotest'-tbat'the, am. Iml-, 1%11!P. Alurmamil's AVpun s 19 the' packin"lauto 'et tussiaw,im otleil tion -on board Q . r t d t t"ap rellensiont. tb iiie t ---th-e' -un-00-a-liaers Of U iler tlowi is intended f hqrse;K With at bew. 0 yap 10 e ue. des I told this, Mor.mns _P O -Wei e 0 109m , , iae41 'it - I d 310� Kong. The, Itild be, madel; v VA . the as T OY, x4lont Abdu .00,deadL 1"Sione; ',fOlm of ille Mi x for last tivd carsi all 1 �&d �i were, Ciza t c t t t pe 9i ,- 9FI. was rd - ti' I 'It "is' bolin w0imdp4­oiIiI fIeIdj,;'ar4 -12 kept-undek s Treat and here that he reply. wo met fill," li e ot t4e� prisoniirs.,�, Thq_ ISO e oma par,icipa e. I a U TO a uez Ik a join meet -AnI tegl�tgI werer not, allowed a comunicate Iv.Atn wr oift Parnasse.wi qd� ter AS �'at, down, Julx� 10 'the Joliu volunteei Ing in.the Qua tira'dds. in, aiplayera aiigl� 41 t, per �Mistre Qticod that she' answerp lof ou�4ilffir. rivest,41'. the. Asi WAVII SIQ 11 ested. The butchers promptly a, wei e 11 WaO boing'follgiv6d by, WMQn, a. Alextuiagir re%the Oth, 54 4 R Port Sd at, da vn to -'day -And sked -eo.dy �dI into the, tom - r d" Alexis atI il�' nd., �Oth be, hit they wero r one,. 9 fhq photh: ��'Tliq Malacca Arrived a gEukapp. dj.,#qsh w u &�yxng ny scrup Mkh0g3Atbh�;V ylV dsib-,�spedistl 6Tdirs4zwI4eh`rOcently; arrived from, for 00 jonj Of dd&IL 926'.tonis,� 1tho' t 'd dill I aii ass., and -414 Imra­ . ..... rulpfl, 1 t . They: lay� concealed hi, the t all tiComo "Of 014 0'em eie lid -,,r0hrrP4: -EgyPtitiri x4f cominiision on The in file Mi6ehitical depitrt Goy6rnment,. i .2 .—The regoT.t of Jos, e am shinwkwdil, state4 5 sters. and. Stationary- fire- r -e firstA London, J61i e t bding th at 'fb J4 nese 'attacked he Rug prize. fiad'�:IiOen Chimberlain'd tariff ommissioh: On the at e puking, houi e' 'Id �remain' repord tbat_1 wey ou taken. thII the, It a arrives a.t t e do oi� surancep AtJ.iappens th last P on', t In Vgbong, �.boltl, hours. -The At t� "Mal. Val t lisis '04 "ed' 6;way 400- waltind 'd -the Aeoline -o`th� i6y)ewed -to resild Rd.."Piliel irAde§ i e MpatbetiOitrikes (-4t­fJ' Win *&Vola faiII in t 0 Prep 40 elusion that British en Pon' tussians carri 0 t., 1 41 1 ' baLalready d i�_Auitry -is Aue,. ane y con- 10TY, a, �,Jii` Vi "Januavy, is, thotities iI an 'Was 14 JI 9 Jptir� iavc, ese. Th- R d, e itd 6( steel On all sort i�ere usslans, reAt !need of water or Amor- n0lij- of the�.bntbh&i;, IN) 'that,, thi.! iafiufilcturg�is of oyprnmen '§e.Against4he. eicteno" W, o. f V Chwalig. e,� powe is i es on lThe might., hae i6a anI Geimailly,,.have., secured I , , d �prqpariiig their houses ,to' riI 'the pirovisioni'.. r0bre "site .4.inuedo ady, pyc8prl control r1cl dn'" boUan, �eveyy f t Ain trugg apa soiled 16fthwi Ida owe_ma­rlcets4y:­we p 0sary , will � '1141, �. urg u--complix MAP zv sraw eir.�xport,trade, t at e . .... Up. at ei 111,41 YX,� ir I -Vrfces Tf y nec !he pri;c�rs of. meat hak, timp eir. A. ir 0. ; qOT, due. Pet glailitibliShes all edit bills a(. fargli! id 03� Ine di 6rial'stAteient of a.p6sitiolit to .d ' tb oa\gI town 'T t i e_ip,shfisfactory and, gdariliIiI �Xourteea. Europiban attaches, left To- he' British a -10. per riditive 'to the,stoPpinlf 'ducs on 1 r. It r - t� 1 01 A cent..or raofe, is 6 t 'i AM froiI TI re- a byy s -sq I hi#I6,beexi jralged� of Volalitte' fie e. 9' f, ;45 t POS ce iv, ed a I al,� ex, duhiI 'could 'not be, 'barrie' 0 action as'thken 'at: jTI of the, ithusiistic sengl�off. ]it, Wit a i I c 6 'w A t 154 am of neutral Ships- in th6'-Red Sd a n at )I 1104V�,Gt64t kio To-nig I �kef"rrcIIipeiiti f ic�cpde-j A r et. ., Thete iA'givixt', inJ' a rbsult-of-'tbe-sto&�yiqds� rik Th �o to e 7 e �Ur­ q3!� "j 0 U3. A lip e� gI for 60 Biritiih 9�stelu o, ir�� im" Association.' lt teieA in'tfi6 sta-toment$ because it is b a0 Suffer tho'cops' -For this �Ifeved -to' ipfl6!� -directly. thi- yiews� -of 'pgirts.' The I in OFP ess6s''Ahe While pply T DRAW TOG committee �ex 'if q on-dil e.. t1i, With- �,q of rneat: Sul icie n f, It f ' 'nit for one mP 'rcaspll It fo lows. "opinion that the' Sit ose VQfeikn'.6ffi6e., ­ I nt:Veltipusbotweeia the tiati' coilintris nla� .1nildly ''d6dribe ation's of"the converted cruis-, wqdld by a sytem-of tkrjffs,�r tion, tbey",raised nly t, rd Th6' bpez t re out �Xce fit 11�1,4%D -P the, Raid -a .,L ". . . . .1� . ,4 ers-,i5molensk, and St It largest i hiii �ben made in ,o etqr�burg ;t, are. ObI P, ed I 2ml emen in OfL t OL 21 (A) A" 06-6 tiff Wnsisting ofa, ta; p6rterr 10 � S, qqu the price It expensive ca t r P re-beind: asked lai2d.'.',QiI�sMovs ai in, or-,. or f w �aie' a 'Voi 300,. glitioted a ia,,prb. 0 t 1gI .�'itdmltting British wares. fair -'b ngin4-43-25.. n -pose Iila it ri ft-Neter.4 itirg"' ca le':� Ej themewspitlibe; #re,appgling t ably it the, iblic; And there. is'a panic, among $2.75�,Ofi Satu y,l ow Of, Adbidral DezRII 1%uriound .Ja�anese this: 4.58 "'Imot, TO Able Cut lotilS I . I . � fff, I�,ith,the-Vladi-.,40�t66k',fle6t 'to rdidT shipoWherA. .'Tbe're 'is a;`gUod d -&d. .0 t 'A Tfie, price' of esit -Ir -otedii*' tariff, -lower b as: jumped m ko''20 cen 13. -0, B) pi Left Wing -L.' rije�_ talk b'ecaiise -of S'elz-. 6f- J, of the c0st. mail . U than the general tarif correspo.n raise in'the-pride 'of, medi,_. -a naval ddxi ;Gen. ;F ke, d itirokii' "ditantntin, dbilIstratiOn title R��Alltu . s . re' Is ding giv, grad! falls beavily'6 the boarding - an, t�.e npra VA -t: t W d um U10 ff Y hama� rich; but d b e-frarned It ' w6At,.nbisq the tte.,piefdreiJee td British e idn �JV&As Wt pultioft'xii-�,oidet to id' sedure liqni6 and thei fa.milies."Th'i �AYA Px agi imI the V, by. tl "' tbers ac uT.ers,ai on ba 0 9�, kL , L , 'Be made organs, it, a e lVish:13-Impire. oLhaw And ba A 8 eer, t add withiif th -s, was-, Aglriiirali Togo. to. TO tilpt thA so os, fieatinI nnatter�coolly. H iis�' Of toeL'Aito 041 1. Bear' ce pity, Admiral display' It eu agd 59 �uich killoUatid -15, �offlc, murn, andthus, weak it th the English d6 n*,5i,' t e. �ame Petereibuik, fitil to pyb_91ily reason p a S a '-V N'R ArDhur,� ii e mers g. iw '241 'lneh`� 6�uUgl. In, 6 el,� oil, Aleet a talmness. tire' 091719,110 op orfunity totheir is, 'h Fjetve o., in- foeg. --easyl, tq' , understand tbat 66 for t e,-selzur 111119, 01p, �4�fiibclii Vere.": ei-ther, eL o"the iil6a� AdMir-i �dtabnlozf V hat different, btack large p6ri; bf is thes�� ic- The The Japanese. their rd fr, seem to be moIng 'The efienly Jotted the -oil posts in 0 'h vdr,.ijected,,:o, w,ould eieriqusyl4a' th Jj5h - t6 the 4s.a kemilt,.of,thel C. Voinpally a re, gl; t t 6C Japan Is, Owe' f, 'the ixotieri Pass f Inayan 'ifid Simauebeit. Yr ines I t' "' a— was qarri�g. Hi IS Oppling-Lul f] -,danger - ro=-� t rou, fis- trgband in the A ajid,�Sborc. batteries of'. ­thd cIai mules dild'.'ammu' itio Are 'be to' surround the ish 'I 'V 1 0. sI eitbe;ii� 3 gAve, upt,.tra war thai thie: ritish Go it-, P dailyL -an sent to Of, was on t A repor, � is cuFreiit, that.,,t a iaA*v points )so eft wh by"' t �Vhig rul- ( � a, 15 U d ere ills qg. 'or T$ilu� . , porthig,:contrabang]. or continue attheir, piosives on board"were ti in: the faco'bf gjeai, odds stack Squadron -is liontIefttd bound, nn­� me iAk.'_an& peril in time Q. b nt; stores coxisdgpM to tl�6'liitval c " JOAtiete''expect to giie', battle." om� der orders o effecit j, Iiiinctitris with.thii Own r ... he moVement,nort wastmard"I'd cox� e. 6. PAIA., 1131 e pirac force(! :6-4 tiri 'Cithers ate b d at'41ong Ti thI or ;*fL Rcar'L Jtojesti tween., ti e k�s-: first IvAnAk! it er-liorc or ess.,-a Imposal,, es-, where Ile ravity aakc I is rpa y e vdieli'- Vid� sians' iuntil' r61nVirccMeftt$' arrived., vensky's:0 Itic, aqua ron, w d Thei Japan6so,ilid not ptin4e th n Admiral to f f d At And 'Gaitziatum J -he a�to ch4k 'ontrabaild of tbe� Situation ig.alreddy. fully., iI Bait' " . 1* q, , th, ginmer apallpse, ZO. thout O'ctilt oil Oria at Pf fij6 �ana the The, atteinpV to. ictake the pass was- 'a e ��W seat&,, R shelled' ..the J 'hey ]a I , . a' ft f] -, arn n di lot engageliI -egar to. 'the PriiIiI Ing 6.0itement y. 1her n r t �.`In 'the cowiti -dr�Vd -troops Out. ut in a t war ivs, to; f norL' was I Order. ."any ;�Vbrt killekorL�Woun­_ pon,o I _PiI N gletai s lia no. q. �K; ny, There, A series ri� L � -ge dig 11LI 0H.Upp leg w 16. abinglon Ve i is no fikielfficiod, hqwei Cotopr6hensive, 18 off pointed, An ite; Japaueise� party wits s r r se Weyer, of hA A eL apanese BRITAIN 1$ P116TEST. Tit J gjj�sioa :of �ihis- indi en is, .1herefore ouf that: the, very fall, EM. itifoiniition GRAYE �PR B a guarded �t toir about .5, gat nil Tu'chcnia' the GcVern� but be pOlitled 6ut' must �be -6b before'�L t ' t.'.' These men marching in the-monitain-defil 0111I y on,ou pas nV t . , . , . i Are FirlilY outspok!e� A`.Vek�'�61iotiI Situi,tiOn' InVOI It the offi6iaj c riespondence a a b rnent 'the, RUSSiali' . '-Vd 7, -The','Riissi a(varce wo,rdilei fd- a-ieiv ..bein- the ornly! heaited- he Itirrivil-of-,rein- if the fact'Ahatit ale4 d and wv� Ail Prinz, Heirtrich Ja afest.. navai t d St.. rcate by the u 'A -ttir" 6, pdSl ion evac a editor., arle' cbns (qY y occupyine p I b hen' th akile-L -Sir' Ch �o �eplorts-igbe rftaiii, o 'hig hdm ti ' iey Petersbu s �u "Wits Great' -W caliot ff6rgl't it ials livinte hgI %'Thotu i6inea iA, the goileral'atta6k. h mbassitdbr jo 0. Oyt�' '11le. 0 ire., ­0 ',c� hetfier precc ent, fo infernati6nafusag'ej `U4, fulleft"dogree thd, graVO -statione d a 'j� jigi selzi t I The cbrrespahilent w 'it t notj­'ffie.:6rr Russiit, P bsp I I - I " ii n1favorably 6C�t ld -so p6wAt,�qhme a Or li&ea iter p IiII in' yor tl , the rob em raise �y. e e. Pro liet-self It line, and. -found the M60d. They wbm giving a c6iieert, 4i fiing held their pogition all. i ay., V�was' t "re-Ablited ., a,, at 119' beL 'inSildet�a,tof Mdrmille thli fact.' InAlie, wta, the. overmnoti , p , is' Itite elrldn Y." and tqjt.t6 Russia itgidTMI a izure iw there Is,,dfi in'sight-.of the Japapese oil. Th4y discuss. e the y of LgI every afial 'nonco imi is'Ad f the Fell- stiA - '40WI 0 Ito `hether bluster ',b 0 t tbd'LR�d 9epL A oeii T46�d t ie-.ques ion, pLa Nl� denele 'of a'.tonlraention" of. ndrtralit�L Tfie Stirion, di 116igh am ,Vvi- as a maj r- led in, by.4be,kala'ca hld-Ahe nAglinip ion cslstgatner falacca, e Sfa:tiaard. 'SaYSL ..we ere justifi c with ttenclim llt�looks as it the'Japan. f cdt. L , t 'to -for notidious trea w -cal ealf e it, -, - h vry* three hundred 461W 10TS .. , "on Mdticni �ng l­,i%�abips At- 11he Rilkslail G 0116iriltrI "Of"filll TO - ese or pr6l�,Itre Wbio fens '79 t unteer 'tit' tie I is no 013 the rhorifirij. �Atish dovernment stores . fOr the Dai-diiiiI kponsiAility for' ille', -of I atiggialfq a asA-Vogai* ��t -3 a block J� 6f.] toi-thdy ad. passegl'tb6 attac it". ca'I 'The�,Iinssians engaged tilo'o,itt, ngyal establishment at Hong _t.hOy May 106yi; ce,weri 1 0 On burg .06 %eL -y.� p6i; c bither, 10 bl I , -explAnitions. prdso �li G6vorn-wei lriglco was marked Nvith., er poin slor per The Japi�nI artillei gl� oil the, EVdr...j,gOV0JjinejJ , t: 114j. a �jjght plAined �cait fdr t it. is � ex, Pit ,,and'Russ'au the-n�iI 4�Wft-Tlfig- ment a a un err" 'St Qth vLddA g� I'tial Thi �manderII the: Smolensk aiia the sakd Of. posts,�and un(Jer the' colonic is Is d a fit Japatiege the B is the Govern' its! n66 litiesits bireakiii;#j plain ;tdbr -them abroad bity them �fjom�thd�� f�irci(fii -'aff, ; "his displayell rid'indi d or Ice,. regdr diplomacy 1. oenand i& The' mbbisgoddr also presented' �la FIT- STIMl. AC0_N4—Jl tiall, to gbLt 1. t -t'�p � ' $, . I L , '' , * already buiit;l­ahA,� fin4lly to c(5livert t 6 of 041� chargeii lie, actioti of, near ' a i 4hpnei;e �utpo'�ts'1'6tj*ie.tl,90itdually- d"ra l. �rotegt dgaiAs� C t Y I nerebant lvet�idlt, seized l�,siih4equont' 'T�e Vie* II . $a g uei,03gn� valtI ket' Steamer's in er its very i I Tf Option . Re 'On Ali Ilit6restinj, Qerentohy T 6k' Plate at v6lunte -on sla's ie- �Jong "ifie � Vid. d moeit; iie Alti4slai bavftlrl� gallooe the Regi Sex.­ TiI ;diffieuW an y *ill,depen I d ilus be ge And deployed; A rdeentii�i'riiit eon 'WO b intended, to. be. eonveitgia "into a ply- tbereto., Suds 0 ''In of, V14 -talk, of �,poljcing, the Rea Sea, by L het hoi(irs later Xi. fle0i nOn" tb ralsegl:'with- -,every ciretimstAnde- NNY tit RELEASE D. ti - The natioWinuit, w, r ligh should feel: in6enied lit L of f, ia 60ro, JapaliI 41 britiShi WaisI weetSL with Slip% Lord . Stratticofizi M 61innee"llor,of A OnS'provoca ion 6rigaged, The,itussI ��,ex-6 orlsthntly "The nig I ic riposd erc,, i is eep, , niversity;'o6rred , t, A,, receiving r0ififorcenich and' 1ilI -of the St. Peter burg outi - hat, of it was tI.Ltitle 4T�dp Cerinid tirci -,Of'­Lan046Wlie-s be j10 ania its;'� Proiiipt Action U13rit4in bs. over ifit iiIased9b inliad foor,reginiciltei I through the rge- con'Tan,, In the X uis C04 and 8rnoleifsk. p rAh� would,har.e to sitiAt d' The 31oTliI Post declareli'thit'.L-Rus�l wa hmt UI in' de" P on.,Q, .' )�ffc lic at Constantinople' outnumI the apahcs, -The V. thii 6rchant, 0 11 Air.1119, maging �9'kitlsfv 8 A. London,' III it - do The Rusehins Made, vain. enaeav�ars table of'late gailtd says pr4 MAN, ov- was not' contravening Gilt To- Lord ateet jb 'the Tur 0' in--tilat Great' ritain, litter - f lect ato dnvetlip tho. left. - At Thd­anuounceluellt "of the' ftni e I Sit I hicipalityp pf(ifosgors, and' officiids' of �eft eve, ifli : point-th6 U�aiiese occi!pilcd the sum- his prot6 Against the Seizure. vessel, -pagggis the, Straits. "Maty MY then th6ro'uollia be 1)) ilial Salitiallid., of. "Viriditate drey a tbpy TO. Malacca ha6 the greatest, satis� . years these protdat� IiI entire- nJ�ree III. int Pgirll mit NfAigin; niblrI and, no: necessity for 'Protecting the, ship., It, n esd undet t it L go factory aSgUf­ Iti,teitis' hitro- tart , Wouta no'i to When� the. Igleed, 'it, may be sidd, that' any, Idot'111eir 'importance, Before the AjrA i ' D)rd Btratlidona,'eI III desp'6rabbly: 'the' Offofts ' of Jhe t.AOtiouJhrdngbquLt �66 tounirk, 'U' iy gliqregaided be Aid'. not Tedcivi,'eatiii gilhidtitites. Lord "ator. Vol'i 6L right to con by that' hit ey -worb: pramtbf less cilly passe gple was, a.,, lollg4 ever the have require -to d 16d meai;�re oW.-the the' Daig]Miellgig`�wefe'ir�eat d word 'r in Y'� d lid" annii*lko "V' c nd Nthat to Government , wo 'lized i�iirlgi. Lord Strdt�_ MIS w) do in 04p A ease# ird 3apa UIA Jaavc, by volunt0er - ships On th�, "Th'e'-editorials continue- to, be'. heated Of �the by, hese, "PiOrt 'of ... the all Way to the' made otb II of The thronioleL says that' UI Witold' :been; -wet Ivith" L. papil 'Var 19ast, 06' wAh 'troops, tMA and and it is openty 'fly co"A 14ter tSeven, batthli6ng of t io enew hat ressing, Mubj ry'.-sorioei 'slid way �ea!I III 6id diat f tlind-waIg',to toke 'bOt is VC: C, - di a a it '19 .�46dnfiw odstica t lialt orl.,thd b of aiid 'In ighation ail 6eb - poisible c ion was premedititUd.' n'L ge� ' . I I , War Pa�' 'ith, lour guns ibe� c det4v hoped,. aid in some:q6'rt�ft if lead If - tbe 'Porte� the 'WiAr, it 0 j'ble in the race for eommercial's,uproyi), o'T14 -Gh7ett6-'9 RYO has ad gillitL46ed. nT antser sol- lei tirihesitntip�ly �y 'he' bet, kee lan, vessel token, for. granted, tht' is and er' i Ii , Itussl �O ',which -ersiti mus tuit. there Us betn'.no elian curiistAnces bd concbived� in in 'Straits 4- bits, oSe It:w -ecorin6iteritig from . 11ft-Ling theI d6matia. for 66 of th6� as result 'a RusgiA, I mI ' it' glipp dA a rea 1w times. W' 'Sand go as t6 di erg ., ) I I to countered angi, ehgaged " thice tattal- steamer � Will be cathpWil %vi ithout, ht untij TO L deky. n 'with Jap n. nedtgsaiI to widen, the i Jorit Of nits * fou� any OF thd 141111 the St, Petersblutg arid'Siii6-- did, dbfgI at: the lianid'i at 66 o� - LUXI) 6XV1140N. The f Hons Mail?, 1%, Ljof the 'idea that 1 '9 whett this 00vlerntilielilt, -'W6iill Jd"5 paged' through PtjafteiL (I Allow, laussia, ov� power, a'Infore eM:itt pffsgi6ii' of tht, lifibr *and. tfike, lie 6# It keep - pose -the. mdrd tin was The Wettmingic, Gazette sllgjoAfA� 1160ly I eo t o Freedon -hei uAdbr flag,, �paif;,, b- I 1 11 1 joining, e that :1y' *giV6: 1 the N;r , "., ­ ­;- - ' " " I I . I., tn'of tde�_ 08 c:11id BrJtIgh pal -1Df 0OV43t C' dddlaire& in -clear 'raitat-ingi-thr6iiiih Ils, 'upon into u 'Reg it on, J1111i of il gh : CO3 gat ��Ol of 101ldon 'The dtfAc t1i A PI t, t fitr"c low w6im A tundante bliilld,'�irom Ainerid to Japitil. t gold casket Ing Lid. c ia I n a a, e en e( Q'. Squadron be berayal '611etoN fral f Id v Bri and lydftld laiv. a erg *SStANS, AtTiVi leittVal Putigig 'W'* Attiftbt to Out lier P . ill,noLt Of iii".out 10.6 0 ur. 'cruisers. pany,.oln Oil pliatitsO. Xept Y! the, G6vdrihment a of. itext AAre Tto' toillifeitterniantg until t key we wo4lild utoi of- 'flid, 'abi frd. ClAty ts �tfi o" iubj 'ting o, :eontr&b�ngl' 'ot thel!64 Out ftble 61110)i4ttail'on, , N.Uld of tile a h�Japqncse r6- c oIn tAs f nOr othicers Ttt, 1�- spcoch a to Tilibet.. a, 40grftPh4 01 All tllcl *4111 r6h Th6, Ag cirited On"zon Marc ly' Te n g ence to' the rold"d 0 rsVe W4 the''TbbetaligO'llitsitItg do'�Igl P66 eandb�jlda In response to thd" pr6t! t i i. �11y;; ioliger It �d `thi�j POA6, and then NIAM 011.1 The till, I , f4tebeg,''Obin touthOn. portion,; of the be borne. Was, WAj ent,tgi on bctwa6 now Meqoely regjag: Witong, O:t le Mich prdMur6 Vct,4-,beoug1I't Cho 'P.0,44 SWilg6t,ftle, nirl mugb b tak4' Th(Q'� 0 co received, ilant and he, srestraint in to e6m. -afibe pagsikge of the a"MoA ft Imel Jzati'n of bf' 0 1166%, j'�JJJ t6tn�A, nice 6 T!lid , of with ail of �ft 68 rd' 0 � f Sne�lro(L -ILh -,6.nly�p int re- All -ii infaiitfJ mid n, Wily "61 tavitlr,�. �Rggjitvrtto the Situation. -tit 4 t rest �Mid I higbet thaik the UlTo�t, cear, hrid, that bnI,1I1b1Ii6!Is� 1, ik� it rtiptnre itttablea the pa4tiOlft At Choi- hodof all call tl ot(XiIs rddleiYed trolit Oort, SiM to -da Y01 1. ho�rd toii,, The JPabb.861 uln, 6, and T)Abot woill(l resctt �'; I d, il I 61ifit Colhiiaxty�0 have �tjle to fW1 'eh+vas dedifto-4, 61isol0k 4Y, it 060i- 1110' om-minti 11fices al1v be, but q. 11 the 6 f, 41 11 1 , 'JL�0-':Jt0jJ 'Jolt courqo 0 Of VIT , . `�J f1ld �t�lded' 1�L 894&111 " hfle Y 6dd � Y01"I - PJ ed o01I hd qattAllet, on't1lis 'fo bW1h6n:tJ'On 'to T. 1" U " . WAR N CE� N MA no rtte obi 7 ... . . .....