HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-07-14, Page 54 • tare opeu Tuesday ass at ,relay evenings. 4L 01050 other eve songs at . •C" • y; attending: tike :aieetio of < tile . High.: S ltiltt Q S? . 'a�. n ao ►4ito. Ile -67 ro tq having a pleasant, and profitab1e: '4',' .. •q • IF. A relttell football match was played betireen kir. Helens ;and 11nt gannon, at;tbe1atter place• 1ast- week,. resulting in'the St. Helene team: 1o11i4 by a: score o f 2 to 0, +• A uooion school pl(+uic ivas''Oeld in Mr, Mor.ton's' rove ,ob the 1st; of •tidy !'here was a.large attendance'` and the: races and; football came. off well, TIie boys' of;ot ,St. Helens and No.:' 14 had, t football match but titers whi no: 'score on:elther'ysiile, anteit Smart 'healthy: girl to do: general house work and' help, take care of ._ a, child, :.Apply to Mrs. R. Illi. Lipse9 ,•$ox 205; St; Th'otnas, Ont.,. : :oys : Sweaters Nothing ;handier. fora"bo Tier theY ;: sulnn'er than a sweater, nothing more eon) oi-ta.le. , new'lot of t Beni have just dome, .to Band this --week-, for bov s ,from three years, • upwards. _ They are oodall wool s►vsa.ters with stripe ccllax..bands Prices', ii3c, 75c, 1.00 each. :en's Trousers, 2 Extra special., values this 'week in,: et1's :Trouser Neat ` attetn e. p and good'vearers, extra well made �.a• d 11•' '`" a slz e at25 � , 0each hirt 1Sp13 ial, 90 II w Men's . fine ii uali\ty striped ging '' ham .shirts,• eoft fonts, starched collar . bands to .beworii with : a ,. white collar. Good patterns, goods :wearers, '• good .. washers Well worth .75e Our price while they last will be ;-39c See window -of'. `them' on Saturda}T, • • ens -Colored -Fedoras Some natty shapes in Men's gored Fedora Felt .fiats;.:. English makes. Price, each, $2.25. ens Cashmere Socks Special valnes in Men's Cashmere ; Socks _sea ess and extra' . '• .uali- cnl�,•q • tie : s, atZ5-C3�c and 50e -ver pair. ress O o fou will . . find here the correct materials:for dresses, shirt waists 'suits, waists and 'separate skirts. A beautiful material for'summer is a Batiste cloth all wool, • sino,oth; finish, . serviceable -'and.. stylish. . Theprice ce is only60cperer y c p yard, Cblors,'black, pearl, ;.cham- pg; ane,'castor and reseda,• shite Under.skir. s "; Quick s®l1 Qu i . ers� at 75e $1.00; .1;25.` and,$1.50. rhite\Kid Gloves A new stock of White Kid Gloves just • arrived; T -sizes 54 to 7. u• Ina" • Pauline at.$1.00er-piar , and the '. p , "Waldie," , a •washablelove, at ' $1.00. ' tintsfour-Stacnd d : Patterns. in stocks. • atterns kepi ashion : Sheets .Free Wool Wanted Parties'baving wool to dispose of will find it to'their advantage to take' it to the Luoknow 'Woollen' Mille, where—the:-.highest pekein wash 'or trade will be given, , Wool Wanted • 10,000 pounds':wool wanted. D. Sheriff, grain .dealer: is prepared,._to _ pay, the, highest cash: price: for wool., Store -room next door to D. Mallough's grocery., -Renlicianoen Fop bale • The unaaoreigned•has on hand four. ;fine frame-readencea anda large brick store to"u'lla iFfn the V idose. of . ak pow.. The properties. are ; all , ,well' located and will be sold at a bargain. Any persona' wishing ' to buy will .-'do well to call at once.;; ' :Geo,.A, Biddall. • Famine For ,Sale Are you desirous of purchasing ,a farm R If so call andsee me. I have several fifty,' and one hundred acre; ,farms for sale in:Ashfield, West We wanosh, Huron and Kinloss 'townships. . These farms have • all good .buildings. • and will be sold at bargain' prices. Geo. A. Siddall, Lucknow W,anderfu1 Discover B'ROWN'S • •CEIEBR4TEU IR GRO • Physicians,, Scientists, Etc, have, given their unqualified tests to 'the,only' known remedys:which will absolutely do what ,is claimed for: them,;' and at the same time may be. relied" .:upon its absolutely harmless and .effective.' We do not. claim to grow hair on a shining bald head where the 'roots of the hair are dead or destroyed and .no fine••hoitleft,, but inhere isenv fine hair bit we can make it grow, i,we. have grown hair on heads that haven -been' bald. for years and years • and there is not' a catse'to.„ benfound where a' young man or woman who'is losing their -hair and ,becoming bald' where our •celebrated hair growing -remedies wl1 fail to -'.produce a good healthy head of hair, if used according to the directions •'\ his is -_to certify tbab y I bays used. Brown's Celebrated. Hair Grower, and it has grown for me'a good ,full ,` head ; of hair. 1 was quite bald before I: used it:and now, 3.• am permanently cured .of ,baldness, falling hair and. dandruff. ; J. R. Johnson, , Guelph. Rated this 18th day of December 1803 FOR SALE ' BV s . .P)►VE just opened :out's .number of in f'�}%ala itliVEJA6.8 a d( 92Y � 1 ofMontreal.„ They are as efollow8 Children`s tan bat, sizes 8 , 101 at $1.211 q, per pair. These,are the very latest in color and share., Children's tan bale,: wit ankles, sizes 5 to•7, ,sl per 1r. rL Children's' black Dongol with velvet facing, some thing new, sizes 3 to 7,. $1 p r. pair. p; Children's'Dongola butt -n patent. „v• amp, :sizes.1 '. to 7 at 85c per pair. Child's tan Dongola: slipper, new style at 90c per pair. Wa have a full supply for.menr w omen and children something .to suit you or:` our' -friend It. Will pay' to•ex�u>ng our before •.bu lne • elsewhere, • J• . F'. 71,01R. 0 .S .H• REPAIRING.,.NEATLY AND.. PROMPTLY; DONE. T k i Te. WATSON g BARBER LUCKNOWT BROWN &, CO., Guelph. nDllc JDtGc Uw is 'the. tI111O' and,. 'don't forget ' '.to . 'neve 'your .].uggies:and '..'Wagons l'll itod ''by Jos. A lderson ,pit tlity:old s e stand:over •Al.t,l.d,w Shop• ..i�1'iet�:i'l`c'!ttS(litit1)1(; i ]l r. M iso MI, fill' tills g 41't�, titl.lt`' • lin the ,11111.Y "Tor o. o r Ront1 THAI' comrno,tienettslt+tiug known As Mo., "Farmer* Hotel" in •ttro'• Villa' i. of lluokuo�' ,.11,pplyt4 lyl�'i'i'a k'OI lil(iAN. 11e,►t hi'ti►io ,1, .rift; • l'irokilowr. NOW IS S TNE0000000 .T�`: V.'011' be thinking g: of having your spring - im. provenients, done, 'and' 1 wish` to .remind .y.ou:;that 'I am still in the business and. .can Serveou 'y r• h y.. Itis t, . PAl'Llt RANGING , PAINTI Nr# GIIIAININTO, 1►ri �I DS 01.' P1:OOIlATING' ,. Alli: i v SPECIALTIES., (livri rime a call and be ('ollvincod tllat"1 can ',ive yStix'satisfaction. bothin work_ and prices., R. 'Snellrove R. C•. P., London, •En land. • Graduate •of Londono New' York' ana Chicago: ' Diseases of the Eye, Ear, lose and Throat:• BE At CAIN:HOOSE •LlIN .OW ... KN •Wednesday April 21th, 1904.; Hours 9 a, :m," to 9 p m.• MUSIC =`. TAUGN LADIES' REAP TRIa' We send bee pair: of excellent, late curtains 21 yards fang, 2 feet 5 inches Wide, .for seour- ing only .two•'nubscriptions 'for MoCat,L'e ennett the painter has the .latec1 most up-to-date cora-re , . � t ata for . lions dating f 1' Q al ]cin. d a special attention paid to IT WILL PAY YOU TO CET.:.. BENN .... ET'% TO DO YOU1t;WORK. 3HT"'T. SINTER`' & PAPE HANG: a.. "THE ST :R GROCERY " FOR RELIABLE COOD;S B°I BBYS. Eidahz vLb t 50 cbnteeach.. sh T his is most re nFarkable offer, but on1y oreef 37ti offers` in our Premium Catalbgu�e, IsT, that we' 'send{ Free on Request'; Curtains (ti styles) Rugs; Silverware and Tableware of every descrip- bion; Jewelery(gelid 911 er;��'stcheg, Rings;:. Bracelets,.Guard Chains), Aio`.nns, 'Furniture Rarest Boarfet Centerpieces*, Lin n Napkins, Wrist Rage, 'everything you need\ Do ' ot. lay this; paper aside without. wtiti� for a. copy of McCett',s MAPAzisc--and 0.24l.PSie of Premiums N:••, No charas for either, M'e 'west you to see our beautiful "Magazine—the very best lone' and fashion 'Magazine—ands to know about our premiums.. Will you not kindly write'us at.' once ? A• 'postal card.will 41413.C1;TR} 11IcCAL1,. COMPANY, py. 11 -115.117, �1f kat Rtreet, est sae ia. 9EttaLtillitStrUtiXOntir 1010 and' $artaony .1.{...��• ; .atetaught by�K"-., ., Teacher of • Piallai"Organ' darn Tieory P'a lie 'r ared fo C . l? 1 p ep # . , onxerv�atory• .�:aurin aliens. canning Street, • We design *bid make' the,celebcated bicCa►l 'Patterns. - . 110RSE§' ESTRAY. Strayedfrom tie premi,os, of;the, uppaert.' signed Colborne ,Township, two miles , south- west of Nile post office, on about .the .6th of Mar. two horses cite a yearling black with two, white hind feet and halter on; the other Ike 'bright' bay with whit's f ace •; and ,white hind lege and blipped ma• ane, 1 year• old broncho, Anyone giving information of their Whereoboute will bo euitahly rewarded • llifain '&4nley, Nilo P.,0.. irk • EAM EOVIVALE E ;BEST,OF ALL CALFS FOODS This food is made by Bibby & Sons,. of Liverpool Eng., and they agree to return in full the .money to any- one who gives their meal a fair trial and ' • " satisfied � net s a<fi, with the e results, •, It has the =largest sale in the world and this ,fact alone points out its superiority Over all of her foods, .Their.'dail output is over 1000 Y p tons, conseq . uently.a great man ,. eo_,.le'must feed: it. Y P p IT' • STANDS 'IN:, A , ,: �,CLASS BY ITSELF. Beitaltogether � bunlike 'any, other .stock foods manufactured here and advertised ; as being good for calves, and,whic a a ,. ici .. this , x a meaicine ; and tonic • ' this is a food. It is Used to substitute a colts milk where ,milk is scarce' or for using' with skimmed. or..separated 'out any milk' whatever. 'theta for\It'is the cheapest because it ives the best results te--mo lie _ OE USED ALWAYS USED,1 Give axial aIId de ,c onvincec;.Agar Earls sell it ad hav� recommends from all Who have used it. gid.